Make tartlets without molds at home. What types of tartlets are there?

Exists great amount recipes for snacks with tartlets. Basically it's just a bunch of ways to prepare the filling for them. Baking the tartlets themselves is not like that difficult process, as it may seem. There is a very simple recipe for this snack from shortcrust pastry. This base can be filled with any fillings and the result will be: cold snack, and dessert. The process of making tartlets begins with preparing all necessary ingredients. To do this you will need flour, water, butter and salt. There is no need to remind once again that all products must be fresh. Do not use spoiled food for cooking, expired suitability.

To prepare the tartlet dough you need to pour required amount flour into a clean dry bowl. By this point, the flour should already be sifted so that there are no lumps or other impurities in it. After this, you should add regular raw flour to the flour. cold water and stir the contents of the bowl. Next you need to salt the dough. The amount of salt added is determined taste preferences and the purpose of the tartlets, namely, what filling they are supposed to fill before serving. For example, tartlets for a future dessert should not be too salty. On the other hand, salt will add additional piquancy to an appetizer with cheese, tomato and herbs. However, few people like too salty dishes, and this should not be forgotten.

Next, add butter to a bowl with flour, water and salt. It should be very soft, so it should be removed from the refrigerator before making tartlets. Let the oil sit for a while in a warm place, and only then you can add it to the dough. The oil can be grated on a coarse grater and then left for a while. It will melt faster, so it will be more convenient to mix it in the total mass. Another option is already soft butter mash with a fork and lower into the dough. The contents of the bowl now need to be mixed as thoroughly as possible. You can use a fork for this. Thus, it will be visible when the flour, water, oil and salt turn into a homogeneous mass, which is a large number of small particles of the same consistency and color.

After this, you can start kneading the dough with your hands. This must be done until the dough turns into that same familiar lump that does not stick to your hands. For convenience, it is recommended to sprinkle the table with flour and knead the dough on the table, not in a bowl. The resulting lump of dough is then wrapped in plastic bag or cling film and place in the refrigerator. It is enough for the dough to stand in the cold for about 30 minutes. During this time, it will freeze enough to make it easier to roll out and cut. Otherwise not firm enough shortbread dough It will simply crumble under the rolling pin and stick to both the table and your hands. Besides, it's too soft dough It is difficult to give the desired shape.

When the time comes, take the dough out of the refrigerator, place it on a clean, dry table surface and roll it out into a thin flat cake. The thickness of the finished rolled out juice should be no more than 0.5 cm. To keep the dough temperature low, you can use a bottle with cold water. This way, the rolled out dough will still be cold enough that when you shape it, it will be “obedient” and will not stick to your hands. This is especially important in this case, since this method preparing tartlets involves the absence special forms glasses, and the use of improvised means. Two glasses will serve as improvised means: one with a large diameter, the other smaller, with sharp edges.

This is the most interesting stage. Let's see how to make tartlets without molds and give them the desired shape. To do this, use a glass with a large diameter to cut out circles from the rolled out layer of dough. Then place a glass of smaller diameter on each resulting circle and form a so-called “plate” around its bottom. This is what the finished tartlets will look like. To prevent them from losing their shape during baking, you should make several punctures in their bottoms with a toothpick. So, through the hole it will pass hot air, and the dough itself will not swell. Before baking, you can place the tartlets in the refrigerator for another 10-15 minutes, this will help them retain their shape better. Then you can start baking. Cooking tartlets in an oven preheated to 200 degrees will take 20 minutes. You can fill them with filling after they have cooled.

Today's menu includes tartlets from puff pastry in molds! Yes, yes, exactly the tartlets themselves. As it is now fashionable to say - without anything. That is, the blanks themselves.

Someone will say: is it great wisdom to bake tartlets from ready dough? Not that big, if you know how! 😀 But there are cooking secrets, and I will be happy to share them with you! 😉

Let me start by saying that I love this type of snack, which can easily be turned into a dessert. After all, a lot depends on the filling. So far I have shared with you only sweet options - and.

In both versions, I kneaded the dough myself. And it was sandy. Today it’s puff pastry. Can also be used homemade. But more often than not, in such cases, purchased ones are used. As you know, it itself has a neutral taste, so you can really choose any filling. And at the end of the recipe I will present you with several options to choose from 😉

You can make tartlets from puff pastry without using molds, but more on that another time. And today we’ll talk about how to bake them in a mold. Which one exactly? I have it specially for tartlets - I saw it on the Internet 1.5 years ago and immediately ordered it!

Now I regret that I took only one. Because, in one go, 6 tartlets are baked. And if you want to prepare more snacks/desserts, then it takes time. But it’s okay, you can survive it 😉

So, if you don’t have such a special mold, then you can bake in regular silicone cupcake molds. True, the tartlets will turn out smaller. Similar to those sold for caviar and other delicacies. In this case, it is desirable that these molds be of the simplest shape with a round bottom, and that this bottom should be as large in diameter as possible.

Well, now everything is with photographs and in order.

To prepare the tartlets I used:

  • puff pastry without yeast - 500 g
  • premium wheat flour - a little for cutting the dough

Process in action:

So, first, as always with , I let it defrost. Namely, I took it out of the freezer, took it out of the packaging, and immediately separated the layers (if they thaw together, they will stick together). Placed it on the board, covered with a clean, dry towel. Usually after 40 minutes you can start cutting.

Then I took the first layer of dough and rolled it out on a floured board.

I chose a cup to match my shape, which I always use to cut out circles from dough. Diameter - 9 cm. This is just for the bottom and sides of the tartlets.

I cut out 6 such blanks from the rolled out sheet.

Secret one- poked the dough circles with a fork. This is necessary to prevent the dough from puffing up and then being baked.

The form was moistened with cold water. If you grease your pans before baking, do the same now.
Carefully pour the dough into the cells of the mold.

I cut the baking foil into squares of suitable size. I lined the tartlets with them. Beans were poured onto the foil. This - second secret.
The beans act as a weight here to prevent the bottom of the tartlets from swelling. Sometimes I use peas. Both he and my beans are poured into individual jars just in case of baking tartlets or. They are reusable. True, after they are fried during baking, they become a little lighter. Therefore, you need to either add a little more, or replace the beans/peas with new ones over time.

I put it in the oven and baked it for 10 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.
Then she took it out. I removed the beans from the preparations - thanks to the foil, this is convenient to do - you just need to carefully grab the foil by the free ends.
And now in this form, already without a load, I returned the tartlets to the oven to finish baking. Double baking - first with a load, then without it - this is third important point preparations.

After 10-12 minutes of baking at the same 200-220 degree temperature, I removed the pan from the oven. I took out the tartlets and let them cool.
I also cut out 6 circles of dough from the second 250-gram layer. And the scraps from two layers were enough for 6 more blanks. Total - 18 tartlets from 500 grams of puff pastry!

That's it - the base is ready! Now you can stuff it with anything! I bring to your attention 5 unsweetened lean fillings:

1. Tartlets with mushroom filling

Fry mushrooms with onions until ready. Cool. Blend with a blender until smooth. Place in tartlets and top with parsley and dill.

2. Tartlets with pickled mushrooms

Cut the marinated mushrooms into small cubes. Chop green onions and herbs with them. Season (moderately) sunflower oil. Mix thoroughly and spread the filling among the tartlets.

3. Tartlets with vegetable filling

Fry on vegetable oil onion With grated carrots. Add diced zucchini (without skin and seeds). Fry for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly. 2 minutes before readiness, add any tomato sauce or tomato paste, add salt and mix. Send all this frying to a blender, if desired, throw in the garlic. Whisk into a homogeneous mass and place into tartlets when cooled.

4. Tartlets with beetroot filling

Grate the boiled or baked beets on a fine or medium grater. Mix with pressed or grated garlic. Add salt, spices, herbs, and, if desired, olives, cut into small cubes or slices. Season with a small amount of vegetable oil/mayonnaise. Spread out the filling.

5. Tartlets with vegetables and nuts

Connect together Korean carrots, finely chopped Chinese cabbage and meaty, tight pmoidor, cut into small cubes. Stir the mixture and, if desired, season with olive or sunflower oil or sprinkle with lemon juice. Divide among tartlets. Sprinkle with finely chopped walnuts.

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And see on your menu only elegant snacks and healthy desserts. It's time to remember about tartlets: they can become great breakfast, a light lunch or dinner, and they are also convenient to take with you to work or on a picnic. About the most delicious fillings, as well as how to bake the bases for tartlets yourself - you will learn from the article.

France is considered to be the birthplace of tartlets. But there is an assumption that their history began in ancient Rome, when tartlets were intended for beautiful presentation side dish or pieces of food. Today this dish is especially popular at buffets and parties. The reason is the beauty, hygiene of the snack and the variety of its recipes: tartlets can be hot and cold, simple and complex, sweet and salty. Even novice housewives can fantasize in the company of tartlets.

Dough for tartlets

The easiest way, of course, is to buy ready-made tartlet bases in the store - they come in the form of baskets, spoons, etc. You may be lucky: sometimes you come across quite edible specimens. But it’s better not to take risks, but to bake the tartlets yourself - it won’t take that much time. Classic base tartlets are made from shortcrust pastry. But it is quite possible to make puff tartlets from dough made with sour cream, curd or cheese. But first, we suggest you take note basic recipe shortcrust pastry.

Recipe. Dough for tartlets

Ingredients: 1 cup flour, 100 g or butter, 1 egg yolk, 1-2 tablespoons of water, a pinch of salt.

Preparation. Mix salt with flour, beat the yolk and chop the butter. Combine the ingredients and knead the dough, adding water little by little. Be sure to put the dough in the refrigerator for half an hour. Roll out the chilled dough into a layer no more than 3 mm thick. Place the tartlet tins next to each other, cover with a layer of dough and press down with a rolling pin, then remove any excess dough. Leave the tartlet molds in the refrigerator for another half hour. Before baking, prick the dough with a fork in several places. Bake at 200-220 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Ready tartlets fill with delicious filling.

Adviсe. To prevent the tartlet dough from swelling in the molds, you can place beans or peas on the bottom of the molds. The finished warm tartlet base can be lightly brushed with beaten egg - it will fill all possible “pores” on the surface of the dough and prevent the filling from seeping through, and also keep the base crispy. For sweet tartlets, you can add a little sugar or powdered sugar. Ready dough Can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Snacks in tartlets

Snack tartlets with simple fillings - various salads and pates. Just fill it with your favorite Olivier or liver pate sand bases- and the appetizer is ready.

In other, “complicated” cases, the tartlet base is baked along with the filling. Such tartlets often turn out to be quite filling and can easily serve as a second course. Sometimes you don’t even need to make dough to prepare them - the basis can be, for example, potatoes grated on a medium grater.

Recipe. Potato tartlets with chicken fillet

Ingredients: 800 g chicken fillet, 6-8 large potatoes, 200 g mayonnaise, 3 cloves garlic, 100-200 g cheese, salt, green onions.

Preparation. Cut the fillet into medium-sized cubes. Pour water (about a glass) into the pan, add mayonnaise and chicken fillet, salt. Simmer covered until tender, add chopped garlic. Grate the peeled potatoes and add salt. Grease the molds with sunflower oil. Distribute grated mixture into molds raw potatoes so that you get baskets. Place the filling in the center and bake for 20-25 minutes in the oven at 240 degrees. Grate the cheese onto fine grater, chop green onions, mix cheese and onions. After 20-25 minutes, remove the tartlets and sprinkle them with cheese and onions. Place back in the oven for 5-10 minutes.

Recipe. Tartlets with salmon and cheese

Ingredients: 300 g of ready-made puff pastry, 250 g of fresh or lightly salted salmon, 200 g of creamy processed cheese, 100 g of 1 egg, 50 g of green onions, salt, spices.

Preparation. Coarsely chop the walnuts, first set 8 halves aside. Finely chop the fish and herbs, add processed cheese(crush or grate). Mix everything, add salt and pepper. Roll out the dough. Cut out 8 large and 8 small (for the lid) circles. Place large circles into baking pans, distribute among the pans, and fill with filling. Cover the filling with small circles and pinch the edges. Draw a light mesh pattern on the lids with a knife, brush with beaten egg, decorate the center with half walnut and bake for 20-25 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Sweet tartlets

Plain dessert tartlets filled with fresh or canned fruit and berries, will become a real decoration of the table; both adults and children will enjoy them with pleasure. You can decorate the tartlets with caramel, whipped cream, chocolate chips, nuts.

Tartlets are ideal basis for preparing not only appetizers, but also desserts. They are some kind of edible and small plates in which they put various salads, fruits, creams, etc.

This dish is ideal for holidays and buffets. Tartlets can be prepared from different types dough and even cheese. We offer you to consider several recipes that everyone can master.

Shortcrust pastry tartlets recipe

Such baked goods turn out crumbly, and they also do not get soggy if the filling and sauces are used. You can make “edible” plates different sizes, as well as sweet and salty. It is important to have either special forms, or at least heat-resistant bowls. The prepared ingredients are enough for 20-30 pcs.

To the recipe sand version includes such products: 200 g butter, 275 g flour, 85 g sugar and egg. You can increase the amount of sugar if you want to make dessert.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour pre-sifted flour into chopped softened butter. After this, grind everything with your hands to get a homogeneous mass with small grains. Separately, beat the egg well, and then add sugar and salt to it. Beat everything with a mixer until foam appears;
  2. Combine the egg mixture with the flour, and then mix everything well to make a soft but dense dough. Roll it up, wrap it up cling film and leave in the refrigerator for half an hour. After time, separate the pieces, place them in greased molds and smooth them out with your hands. Place everything in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and cook until golden. It is important to ensure that nothing burns, since everything cooks very quickly.

Puff pastry tartlets

Many people prefer this option because it does not require special forms. In addition, tartlets can be made different shapes, for example, cutting out shells, leaves and other figures. They most often contain red fish and caviar.

For this tartlet dough recipe you should prepare the following products:: 535 g flour, 225 g margarine, 2 eggs, salt, 4 grains of citric acid and 235 ml water. There are more difficult option preparing puff pastry, but we suggest sticking with the simple version.

Cooking steps:

  1. take a deep bowl and pour cold water into it and add citric acid. Stir and beat the egg. After this, add flour portionwise, leaving about 10%, and knead the dough. Knead for approximately 15 minutes. Form a ball and leave it for half an hour. Combine the remaining flour with softened margarine and grind everything thoroughly, and then form a rectangle;
  2. Roll out the cooled ball to form a rectangle, in the center of which place the prepared margarine. Fold the edges of the layer to make an envelope with margarine inside. After this, you need to roll everything out and leave for 5 minutes. in the freezer. In general, the procedure must be repeated 2 more times;
  3. the next step is to roll out the layer so that its thickness is approximately 1 cm. Cut it into squares of the desired size for the edible base. After this, you need to cut out a smaller square in each piece, but just don’t cut it all the way. Take a baking sheet, cover it with parchment and lay out the future tartlets. Place in a preheated oven and cook until golden crust. After this, bring out small squares that can be used as lids. Cool the “edible” plates and fill them with filling.

Recipe for choux pastry for tartlets at home

Easier cooking option delicious tartlets, which are suitable for both savory and sweet snacks. Everything is prepared extremely quickly, which comes in handy when you don’t have time to cook something more complex.

Prepare these foods: 0.5 kg flour, 8 eggs, 700 ml water, 250 g butter and a couple of pinches of salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. Take a pan, pour water into it, put pieces of butter and salt. Place on the stove and bring to a boil. Stir until everything is dissolved, and then quickly add the flour, stirring so that there are no lumps. Cook for 3 minutes;
  2. The resulting mass should be cooled, and then, one by one, beat in the eggs, kneading everything thoroughly. The result should be a homogeneous and soft mass that needs to be rolled out into a thin layer. Using molds, cut out circles and place them in the oven, which must be preheated to 200 degrees. Baking time – 15 minutes.

Recipe for unleavened tartlet dough for silicone molds

This option is considered more ancient, which was eventually replaced by yeast. He has one very important advantage– you don’t have to spend a lot of time preparing tartlets, since everything is prepared very quickly. In addition, it is worth noting the use small quantity ingredients.

Prepare these foods: 300 g flour, 215 g butter and 3 yolks.

Cooking steps:

  1. First, sift the flour to saturate it with oxygen. Add softened butter to it and mix everything thoroughly until individual grains appear. After this, add the yolks and knead the mass with your hands, which should be both dense and elastic. Form a bun, wrap it in film and leave in the refrigerator for 35 minutes;
  2. The next step is to roll out the bun into a thin layer and cut out circles from it for the molds, which must first be greased with oil. Place them on a baking sheet and place them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Cooking time – 15 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the molds and cool.

Curd dough for tartlets

Now let's consider sweet option, for preparing various desserts. It can be prepared for a holiday, or just for tea at home, since the process is quite simple.

For this recipe at home you should take the following products:: 225 g each of flour, butter and low-fat cottage cheese.

Cooking steps:

  1. Take out the butter in advance, which should become soft. It needs to be chopped with a knife small pieces. To it you need to add cottage cheese, rubbed through a fine sieve, and then pre-sifted flour. Knead a homogeneous dough, roll it into a ball, wrap it in film and leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  2. After the time has passed, take out the mixture, separate small pieces and distribute them into the molds with your hands. Place in a preheated oven and cook until golden. Keep in mind that everything cooks quickly, so make sure that the tartlets do not burn.

Dough recipe for coffee tartlets

Another option for preparing delicious and original desserts. You can make different pastries with fillings. Be sure to prepare this dessert for your family.