Brie cheese: benefits and harm to human health. Brie cheese - benefits and harms, calorie content of soft French cheese with white mold; description of its production

Any cheese, like fermented milk products, is certainly beneficial for humans. But there are varieties that are more than beneficial for the body, since they contain elements that are not only important, but also medicinal. One of these products is brie cheese, covered with a white coating, from which the antibiotic penicillin has been isolated.

Composition of brie cheese

Brie cheese contains essential amino acids. They are so called because they are not synthesized inside the body and are not replaced by anything else.

Amino acids in brie cheese and their role in the human body:

  • Tyrosine – participates in the synthesis of important hormones: adrenaline, melanin and dopamine;
  • Tryptophan – ensures the production of serotonin, an anti-stress hormone;
  • Methionine is part of liver enzymes responsible for neutralizing toxic substances.

Due to high content These amino acids improve mood without additional doping, although gourmets recommend consuming brie cheese with Champagne. How can cheese improve your mood?

Elementary. Adrenaline raises your tone because it speeds up all vital processes. Dopamine acts directly on the pleasure center, which is located in the cerebral cortex. At the same time, melanin smoothes out the effect of adrenaline, eliminating unnecessary effects in the form of increased blood pressure. Serotonin adjusts digestive system for calm digestion of food, excluding stress factors that contribute to the development of stomach and duodenal ulcers. Finally, methionine provides positive emotions from the process itself - eating brie cheese.

Cheese contains a sufficient amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are involved in the production of steroid hormones, including sex hormones. Acids are called fatty acids only because chemical formula– it is impossible to gain weight by eating brie cheese, whose calorie content is about 300 kcal. According to the calculations of people who are keen on diets, this number of kilocalories corresponds to one glass of sweet iced tea.

The most important microelement is calcium, due to its sufficient content the functioning of the following organs and systems is ensured:

  • Neuromuscular Transmission: Conscious movement, including use of fine motor skills. In “jewelry work”, for example;
  • Automaticity and contractility of the heart muscle;
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels to prevent varicose veins and hemorrhoids;
  • Prevention of destruction of tooth enamel with the development of caries;
  • Strengthening bone tissue is especially important for older people and athletes.

Finally, about the important element brie cheese, which is present only in its composition, unlike other cheeses. This is a white coating called mold. And this name is more microbiological than colloquial. The delicate and thin white film on the surface of the cheese is not fungal mold growing on damp walls, but a very thin structure within which small mycelia ripen. They are the precursors of penicillin. pharmachologic effect mold film is significantly lower than that of penicillin solutions and tablets, but it is enough to suppress the activity of Staphylococcus aureus that accidentally got into food.

Brie cheese: recipes

Brie cheese recipes developed in province of the same name France during the Louis dynasty. Today, using similar technology soft cheese brie is also prepared in other European countries and even in the United States of America. Americans, as is typical for them, use all sorts of improvements and modifications: they add mushrooms, nuts, herbs. However, according to this recipe, brie cheese is made only in France.

All brie cheese recipes are not trade secrets, but repeating them exactly does not give the same taste and beneficial properties. The fact is that this product is prepared manually from raw materials ( cow's milk), received in France. An American or Kholmogory cow produces milk of the same composition, but not the same quality. Grass in other places globe somewhat different. In addition, after separating the whey, it is salted and placed in special cellars. They contain the necessary fungi, which turn into a white film on the surface of the cheese.

The finished product is stored in refrigerators, and before use, be sure to allow time to warm up to room temperature. Only after this the product acquires unique taste, resembling a nut. These are the recipes for brie cheese, a product that is not only exotic, but also extremely healthy.

Additional properties of soft brie cheese

Brie cheese is healthy not only for the important substances it contains, but also for the absence of components that are harmful or potentially hazardous to health. So, soft brie cheese does not contain glucose, which allows diabetics to eat it. Also, due to the action of the mold film, the main element of dairy products - lactose - enters the human body in a bound state. This fact cannot go unnoticed by people who cannot tolerate milk and slightly acidic dairy products.

Everything is good in moderation

Relatively low calorie content There is not enough brie cheese to limit yourself to one piece for the whole day. However, increasing the dose does not cover energy costs; on the contrary, it increases the load on the body.

For people suffering from dysbacteriosis, blue cheese is also contraindicated. Additional intake of an antibiotic, even its predecessor, aggravates the course of the disease. The normal intestinal microflora dies, and opportunistic bacteria multiply due to active division. However, dysbiosis is a temporary condition. After its treatment, contraindications for eating mold cheese are removed.

Delicious soft brie cheese is recommended for people exposed to sunlight: on beaches. Accelerated production of melatonin protects the skin from sunburn. The person rests, the tan spreads evenly, the mood remains elevated, because something as small as eating brie cheese solves the problem of purchasing sunscreen and the consequences of sunburn. In the same time, overuse blue cheese leads to intestinal disorders due to exposure noble mold containing a penicillin precursor.

Brie cheese, exotic or everyday?

Delicious blue cheese brie was a favorite delicacy of the French kings, who respected it and consumed it on holidays. Today we have the opportunity to submit royal dish to the table, both for a big celebration and as an ordinary breakfast. The high price compensates for the pleasures guaranteed by brie cheese, the caloric content of which does not cause concern for the safety of the figure. But still, mold cheese– not simple fermented milk product, but a kind of medicine, and it is not recommended to exceed its dosage.

Brie and Camembert cheese - what is the difference between them? What is best to combine them with? You will learn about this by reading our article.

A well-known dairy product that captivates with its varied flavors is cheese. Each variety has its own creation story. Most people cannot imagine their meal without this delicacy. It is made not only from cow's milk, but also goat's, sheep's and even added to cheeses.

Main types

Main types of cheeses:

  • hard;
  • semi-solid;
  • soft;
  • fused.

I would especially like to pay attention to brie and camembert cheeses. These are delicious types of cheese and the most popular taste qualities.

Bree. Description

Bree is He's being released from various additives. If it is made according to all the rules, it is considered a standard of quality. It is named after a small province located near Paris. They began to produce it in ancient times, but the recipe is valued at the present time.

The cheese has a round shape, reminiscent of a flatbread. It has a slightly grayish tint in color. The surface of real cheese is covered with white mold. It is covered with an edible crust coated with mold. It is produced weighing about three kilograms and 3-5 centimeters high, has the shape of a cylinder, and its head is up to sixty centimeters in diameter.

This cheese goes well with fruits: melon, green apple, pear. It goes well with meat of any fat content and vegetables. Nuts and berries that go with brie: grapes, walnuts, strawberry. Ideal with red and white wine. It is in great demand in restaurants, this is due to the serving of grape drink.

Benefits of brie

It has a positive effect on the digestive system and intestines, contains many beneficial microorganisms and bacteria. The mold that is included in the composition produces a special substance - melanin. And this is the first protector against sunburn in the hot season. It has been proven that this particular variety prevents the occurrence of caries in humans.

Brie has a short shelf life; if you cut a piece of it, you should eat it within two days. IN whole it can be stored for up to six months in the refrigerator at minus four degrees.

Camembert cheese

This product is produced in France. This soft cheese is moldy and can be confused with brie. But the difference is the higher fat content of the product. It has very ancient origins; it was first made in 1791 by an ordinary peasant woman. Prepared from whole milk. The main point is that the milk should be High Quality. And for this, cows are grazed on special pastures and their nutrition is carefully and very carefully controlled, enriching the food with useful minerals.

The color of Camembert is close to beige. In rare cases, it may be dark brown. The cheese is spicy, with mushroom, garlic or other flavors, depending on the manufacturer. Camembert is a soft cheese.

The benefits of Camembert

Contains beneficial bacteria, they improve our digestion. Camembert and brie contain mold. They protect our skin from sunburn. Camembert contains potassium. And it helps prevent heart disease. Doctors recommend it for serious diseases such as tuberculosis, oncology and even AIDS. Frequent use This type of cheese has a positive effect on the condition of teeth. Also, its inclusion in food is a kind of caries prevention.

Contraindicated for pregnant women and children preschool age, since the milk does not undergo special pasteurization treatment. Due to its high fat content, it is not recommended for people with high cholesterol and excess weight, due to its high calorie content.

A norm for Camembert consumption has been developed; no more than fifty grams should be consumed per day.

Camembert and brie cheese. Difference in storage conditions

Camembert has a short shelf life. If we talk about the difference between brie and camembert, it can be seen in storage conditions. Camembert is not recommended to be stored in the refrigerator. Because it loses its taste and becomes dense, like butter. At the same time, brie can be safely stored in the refrigerator, and it will not lose its taste.

Camembert. How to submit? Where is it used?

It is better to serve this cheese to the table warm; when cut, the middle flows out of it, and it looks very appetizing and very aromatic. The mold crust should tightly hold the shape of the Camembert. This is considered the standard of quality. This cheese is served with soups and various sauces. In addition, people like to add this product to pizza and pie. In France original dish considered baked Camembert.

So, Brie and Camembert cheeses - what's the difference? Having studied both types, some differences can be identified. Firstly, it's fatty. In Camembert it is high. Secondly, color and aroma. They differ in taste. Experienced gourmets know a lot about this and will immediately recognize the difference between these cheeses.

Important factors when choosing a product

When buying cheese you should pay attention to:

  1. Integrity of form. There should be no cracks or stains on the crust.
  2. Elasticity of packaging. It should be springy and not sag too much when pressed.
  3. Product color. It must meet all standards, but for an ignorant person this is difficult to determine. Therefore, many spots and discoloration are unacceptable conditions for purchasing cheese.

Nowadays, it has become popular to drink wine with delicious brie and camembert cheeses. After all, these products are not only tasty, but also healthy. They will decorate the table for any celebration and will pleasantly surprise guests.

Cheeses and wines

Not all wines are ideal with brie and camembert. It is recommended to choose fruit wines that are not too strong. Red wines are ideal for Camembert, while white wines are better for Brie.

In general, cheeses are necessary for consumption. They are irreplaceable products food and always remain in demand.

Brie and Camembert cheese - what's the difference?

To summarize, it should be said that these cheeses are very similar in composition and appearance. But if you look deeper, you can find many discrepancies both in manufacturing and in appearance. Camembert cheese has a higher fat content than brie. This is worth knowing for those who watch their figure. What is the difference between brie and camembert? Let's figure it out now. Camembert should not be eaten in large quantities, and brie is quite acceptable. Also, storage conditions, as you remember, differ between cheeses.

Brie and Camembert cheese - how do these varieties differ? The smell. Bree smells forest mushrooms. Camembert has a slight garlic scent.

Now you know what Brie and Camembert cheeses are, we have indicated what the difference between them is. We also talked about what this or that variety goes best with. We hope that this information was interesting and useful to you.

Having the same name as an old French province. Its light or grayish flesh is covered with a white crust, which can also be eaten. The better the brie has matured, the less soft its crust becomes, and the specific aroma and spicy taste are intensifying. This delicious cheese can be eaten on its own or used as an ingredient.

Eating Brie correctly

At a banquet or party, this type of cheese is usually served in slices, along with the crust. If you don't like to eat it or don't even want to try it (and it's completely in vain!), just separate it from a piece of cheese with a knife. This delicious dish can be eaten on its own, but it’s even better to complement its delicious taste:

  • white crackers,
  • French bread,
  • pears, apples or other fruits,
  • candied walnuts or almonds,
  • honey, cherry or fig jam.

Brie also goes well with many drinks that highlight its juiciness and softness:

  • Stout and some dark beers.
  • Vignon, Marsanne, Riesling and other dry wines.
  • Light red wines such as Pinot Noir.
  • Fresh juices, apple cider.

How to determine the freshness of cheese?

The crust should be dense and the inside should be elastic. Unripe cheese is too hard, while overripe cheese is runny and soft. Until the cheese wheel is cut, the cheese continues to ripen. As soon as they cut him off even small piece, maturation stops. Cut brie can be stored in the refrigerator for two days. After this you can throw it away. If cheese is stored incorrectly, brown spots, “bruises” and an unhealthy ammonia smell appear on it.

How to serve?

In order for the flavor of the cheese to fully develop, it must be brought to room temperature. This can be done naturally, as well as in the oven or microwave (literally a few seconds!).

The cheese wheel, cut into wedges, is placed on a platter, surrounded by white crackers and French bread, grapes (sliced ​​apples, pears and other fruits) and nuts. Don't forget to provide a knife for each guest, and if necessary, demonstrate how to use it to cut small pieces or cut off the crust from the brie.

Dishes with Brie

Baked Brie . There are a lot of recipes. One of the best - incredible delicious dessert of brie baked with cranberries.
Brie with crust. A small circle of cheese is wrapped in puff pastry, coated with egg on top and baked in the oven. There are thousands of possibilities to diversify this simple dish: add nuts, raspberry jam and etc.

Stuffed salmon with Brie. This cheese is equally good not only in sweets, but also in spicy dishes. Bake the salmon, first stuffing it with brie mixed with crispy pine nuts, onions and peppers.

Cheese sauce or pesto. An excellent addition to many dishes.

Sandwiches with Brie cheese. Cooking them is fun, and excellent results are guaranteed - because brie goes well with almost any food. Mushrooms, cranberries, basil, marinara sauce, mustard, ham, avocado, bacon or whatever.

A recipe created by you personally. This fantastic product opens up endless scope for imagination.

  • The French do not heat this type of cheese before eating it. It's good in any form.
  • The flavor comes out better with bread than without it.
  • It is better to cut from the edge to the center so as not to squeeze out the soft inside.
  • Texture young cheese softer, and the ripe one becomes slightly brittle, but acquires a stronger taste and aroma.
  • Brie can be reheated in the oven (in foil) before serving - this way it can be spread on toast and crackers.
  • Eat soft cheese with the crust. Despite the slight bitterness, the crust has a delicious taste.

One of the most gourmet cheeses French recipe, Brie cheese has earned worldwide fame thanks to its multifaceted taste and rich aroma, combining light notes hazelnut, mushrooms, milk and a spicy tangy flavor, framed in the delicate velvet of white mold.

Like any delicacy, you need to consume Brie cheese “according to science”, carefully choosing your “neighbors” in order to appreciate all its taste qualities.

Different Brie - choose your shape

Today Russian manufacturer is pleased to offer Brie cheese in the most different options so you can choose what you like best:

Brie can be different, but it is always an exquisite and unique delicacy.

What do you eat Brie with?

Before trying this special delicacy, you need to take it out of the refrigerator so that the Brie rests a little warm (at room temperature) - then the cheese will become softer in taste and touch.

Brie cheese can be consumed in the following forms:

  • on one's own;
  • with snacks;
  • with drinks.

Russian Brie cheese is that rare case when the product is tasty and self-sufficient in itself. That is, no additional products are not needed to enjoy the bouquet of flavors and aromas of Brie. Brie is eaten in slices without peeling off the silky or crumbly crust of mold (depending on the stage of ripening).

However, according to French tradition, Brie cheese is most often consumed with fresh baked goods, such as a crispy baguette or plain croissant. It's magical hearty breakfast or a snack.

Brie cheese with vegetables also combines very harmoniously - it all depends on personal preferences. Arugula or cherry tomatoes will perfectly complement the flavor bouquet of Brie. For those with a sweet tooth, combinations of Brie with grapes, strawberries and other berries are suitable. Nuts, apples, pears, fig jam, honey, cherries - all this goes well with Brie.

Cooks all over the world use Brie to cook excellent snacks. Cheese is also great for fresh, but hearty salads, and for hot snacks from the oven (for example, baked champignons with cheese).

If you take beverages, then a good red or white wine would be an excellent accompaniment to Brie. Among dry wines, Viognier, Marsanne, and Riesling are ideal for Brie. If you don't want to wash down Brie with alcohol, apple cider, juice or unsweetened cherry compote are a great alternative.

The main rule of Brie cheese- this means choosing light, refreshing combinations, not tart or harsh. And then delicious cheese Brie will “reveal” all its taste qualities to you.

Brie is a soft cheese of French origin, made from cow's milk. In shape it is a flat circle with a diameter of 30-60 cm and a height of 3-5 cm. Higher heads are not very good quality As a rule, they are unripe on the inside and overripe on the edges. The surface of real brie is covered with a white velvety mold. Sometimes you can see red or brown streaks on the crust. The crust is edible, but practically tasteless. The pulp of the cheese is a flowing mass of pale yellow, almost straw color. Bree has the most tender creamy taste with a subtle mushroom or nutty aroma that fully develops in maturity, when it acquires additional pungent notes. By the way, the sharpness of the cheese can be judged by the thickness of the heads - the thinner they are, the sharper the taste.

Warranty marking

In 1980, Brie was given its original controlled name, A.O.S. Officially, only two varieties of brie are given the honor of being a legally protected product - Brie de Meaux and Brie de Melun; the cheeses are named after the cities in which they are produced. Actually there is a large number of variations on the theme of brie, with various additives (spices, herbs, nuts, mushrooms, etc.), from different types milk, not just cow's milk. The technology for producing brie has been mastered not only in France, but also in some other countries, including the USA, but all these cheeses are only copies, and the best remains, of course, only the original.

Culinary use and storage

Brie is an excellent table cheese that will enhance any dish; even sandwiches spread with this cheese will become a royal delicacy. The rich, fruity aroma of brie cheese is ideal for fondues and sauces. Fruits (green apples, pears, melon), berries and nuts (grapes, strawberries, walnuts), vegetables and meat go well with cheese. Brie should be served at room temperature, keeping it warm for a while to allow the cheese to fully release its flavor. The pulp of the cheese is eaten either together with the rind or separately, trimming it from chilled cheese or removing it with a spoon from cheese at room temperature. Be careful not to purchase overripe heads of cheese: they are easy to recognize if you lightly press on the surface - the overripe cheese will immediately press through. In addition, overripe brie has a brown, sticky crust and emits an ammonia smell.

Brie cheese has a fairly short shelf life once you've already cut a piece from it. whole head. In this form it does not lend itself long-term storage, so it should be eaten within a few days. Brie stops ripening immediately after even a small part of it is cut off. But you can store it whole for up to six months in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2-4C. It will not deteriorate, since at this time it will still undergo the ripening process. If necessary, brie can be replaced with camembert or reblochon.

Cheese and wine

Both white and red wines, such as Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Chateau Clarcke, will go well with brie. They can keep him company sparkling wine, for example, champagne.

Cheese production

Brie can be made from whole or semi-skimmed cow's milk, to which is added rennet extract and heats up to a maximum temperature of 37C. Then the cheese is laid out in marble molds using a special perforated ladle, in French it is called a “brie scoop” (pelle à brie). The cheese is left for 18 hours, after which it is removed from the molds, salted and the mold Penicillium candidum is introduced. It is thanks to this fungus that the cheese acquires a special consistency: the bacteria first “work” to create a light crust, and then go deeper towards the center of the cheese, simultaneously softening its structure. The cheese matures in cellars from 4 weeks to 2 months. A 35 cm circle of brie contains approximately 20 liters of milk.

Origin story

Brie originates from the region of the same name near Paris. The first mention of brie cheese was captured in the exclamation of delight of Charlemagne, who in 774 exclaimed: “I have just tasted one of the most gourmet dishes" In addition, there is a legend that the Frankish Emperor Charlemagne, having tasted Brie in one of the monasteries of the Brie region, fell in love with the taste of this cheese forever. And most likely, this is true, because history does not know the names of those who would not be captivated by its taste and aroma. Passion for brie played a fatal role in fate French king Louis XVI - fleeing from the revolutionaries, the king stayed in the town of Varennes near the town of Meaux, where they made best brie, tasting and was captured. It’s not for nothing that Brie is called “the cheese of kings”; that’s exactly what it was until the French Revolution. Brie was considered one of the best and most expensive gifts, which was given to those close to kings on special occasions. Among the big fans of this cheese are King Philip Augustus, Henry IV and Queen Margot. In the 19th century, brie was considered the best cheese in the world, and all thanks to the French diplomat Charles Maurice Talleyrand, who introduced the famous cheese to Europe. After the Great French Revolution, brie, as they say, “went to the people,” who proclaimed it “the king of cheeses.”