Dried figs what to do with it. Useful properties of dried figs

Fig is a valuable plant that is grown on the Mediterranean coast, in the countries of Asia Minor, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea. It is also grown in the south of Russia. Northern regions familiar with it in dried form. Figs are known as fig trees, fig trees, figs, the harvest is abundant, the fruits are pear-shaped, sweet, with many seeds inside the fruit.

Beneficial features

Dried figs contain a large number of valuable substances useful for human body... Its regular use will strengthen and heal the systems:

  • cardiovascular;
  • nervous;
  • muscular;
  • digestive.

With diseases respiratory tract dried figs have a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, therefore it is used in the treatment of cough, bronchitis, tracheitis.

A huge amount of fig tree fiber gives a feeling of satiety, has a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive system. Dried fruits can improve mood, mental performance, physical activity... Others beneficial features dried figs:

  • high content pectin promotes wound healing;
  • rutin strengthens the walls of the capillaries, helps the absorption of vitamin C;
  • increases the antioxidant activity of blood plasma;
  • has an excellent laxative effect.
  • ficin reduces blood clotting;
  • considered an aphrodisiac;
  • used as a hangover remedy.

Medicine uses for production medicinal product"Psoberan" fig leaves. The drug is used to treat vitiligo, baldness. Healing properties syrup from figs also has:

  • increases appetite;
  • acts as a pain reliever for muscular rheumatism;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  • used in the treatment of the common cold of the female genital organs.

The benefits of the plant in the treatment of many diseases are invaluable. Figs are so rich in beneficial properties that it forces our body to work on updating all systems.

Harm and contraindications

Not everyone may benefit from this product, so you should consult your healthcare professional before using figs. Fig is contraindicated for people who are diagnosed with:

  • diabetes mellitus (sap is high in calories);
  • obesity (figs increase body weight);
  • acute diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • diarrhea;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gout.

Dried figs should not be consumed by people who are allergic to its individual components.

  • before the trip (has a strong laxative effect);
  • lactating mothers (causes diarrhea and bloating in the baby);
  • pregnant women suffering from gestational diabetes mellitus.

It is undesirable to combine figs with other sweet dried fruits, this increases gas formation.

Composition (vitamins and minerals)

Dried figs does not lose its properties, its benefits are in abundance in its composition of elements that the body needs.

The product contains antioxidants: polyphenols and flavonoids, which protect the cell from free radicals, cleanse blood vessels, and prevent the body from aging.

Catechins and epicatechins help fight cancer.

How and what to cook

Dried figs can be eaten raw, boiled, infused, steamed, combined with various products.

Dried figs and fresh product prepare:

  • jam;
  • jams;
  • syrups;
  • tinctures;
  • desserts.

IN medicinal purposes prepare:

  1. Decoctions in milk and water (2 fruits per 1 glass of milk or water), which are used for inflammation of the respiratory tract, inflammation of the gums, and angina.
  2. Dried berries are soaked and used externally for abscesses.
  3. Fig tree fruit tincture is used as a diuretic and laxative, removes toxins from the body, harmful substances, relieves vascular tension, relieves heartbeat.
  4. Although figs are high in calories, they are used for weight loss.
  5. Fig - effective remedy to enhance sex drive, 5 dried fruit soaked in milk overnight, eaten in the morning before meals.

If you want to experiment, prepare original dessert or another dish of dried figs, combining with meat, vegetable products.

Selection and storage rules

In order for a fig to be beneficial, you need to know the rules for choosing it when buying. If a dried product transported, it must be treated with chemistry. Therefore, pay attention to:

  • the beauty of the berry: what prettier berry, the more chemistry is in it;
  • the color should be light beige or light brown;
  • berries should be the same size;
  • figs are soft to the touch, which means they are not overdried
  • a whitish bloom on the peel of the fruit is allowed - this is the output of glucose, the taste is sweet, there should be no foreign taste, there should be no mustiness;
  • the aroma is pleasant.

To preserve the beneficial properties of figs, you must transfer it to a dry container and close it tightly with a lid. It is good to store the product in a cloth bag, which is moved to glass containers... Moisture and direct sunlight should be kept away from dried fruit.

The ripe fruits of the Fig tree are delicious and produce undeniable benefit, but transporting without damaging it is very problematic. In order for the fruits to reach the shops looking ripe, they are plucked while still green, so their composition is not so rich. Dried figs are more transportable, the benefits and harms of which are preserved, as in the freshly picked fruit. It can be transported over long distances, stored for a long time and eaten at any time of the year.

Dried Fruit Contents

Even after drying, all the benefits are preserved, dried figs are one of the products that is still worth eating even after such processing. After drying, we can state the following amounts of vitamins and minerals in the product:

  • 35 mg calcium.
  • 232 mg of potassium.
  • 1 milligram sodium.
  • Zinc, selenium, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron - 0.2 - 0.35 milligrams.

Also, the product contains many vitamin complexes. The variety of vitamins is really surprising:

  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamins C, E, K.
  • Riboflavin.
  • Pyridoxine.
  • Pantothenic Acid.
  • Folates.
  • Niacin.
  • Thiamin.

Flavonoids, together with polyphenols, are powerful antioxidants, they are able to protect the cells of our body from unstable particles, protect the body from aging. Other components of catechins reduce the risk of cancer.

For good health

Looking at the table of the composition of vitamins and minerals, the question of how useful dried figs are practically disappears. The product has the most beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, muscular, nervous and digestive systems of the human body.

With seasonal illnesses such as influenza, bronchitis, tracheitis or a simple cough, the benefits of dried figs will have antipyretic effects and also provoke sweating. A large amount of fiber in the product has a beneficial effect on digestive system. Dried figs will improve your mood, stimulate mental and physical activity. Other useful qualities of dried figs:

  • Improved wound healing is possible due to the high pectin content.
  • Everyone knows the benefits of vitamin C, but rutin helps this vitamin to be absorbed efficiently.
  • Blood clotting decreases due to ficin.
  • The product has a laxative effect.

Also dried figs and their beneficial properties are used to relieve hangover syndrome, moreover, it is believed to have the qualities of an aphrodisiac. The leaves of the Fig tree are used in the manufacture of some medicines.

Such drugs are used for disorders of skin pigmentation, treatment of baldness and bald patches. Others can increase appetite, remove pain in rheumatism, improve the condition skin... The invaluable possibilities of the plant are unlimited; physicians often find a new place for it in medicine.

The benefits of dried figs for women

The widespread popularity of the product has raised the question of why dried figs are useful for women, because many mothers buy fruits for their children. Thanks to the presence folic acid the product is often recommended when planning a pregnancy. Favorably affects the preservation of the placenta.

Useful fruit fig tree will be during menstruation, it will help relieve pain, improve mood and concentrate brain activity. Minerals will be a good protector of hair and nails from external factors of influence, they are used in cosmetic products.

Why dried figs are useful for men

The use of the fruit of the fig tree by men is associated with its positive effect on potency and auxiliary qualities in the fight against prostatitis and other sexual diseases. There are a number of other favorable qualities for men:

  • Improving reproductive health.
  • Acceleration of blood circulation.
  • Helps lower cholesterol levels.
  • Stimulates the burning of belly fat.

Contraindications and dangers

First of all, before using the product in the treatment or prevention of any disease, we advise you to consult a doctor. The properties of dried figs will negatively affect people with such diseases:

  • Obesity.
  • Gout.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Diabetes.
  • Gastritis, ulcers and other acute gastrointestinal diseases.

The influence of the product on gas formation is known, so we do not recommend eating it before a long trip, also for pregnant and lactating mothers. It is not advised to combine dried figs with other dried fruits, this will further provoke gas formation and bloating.

Folk recipes

Dried fig fruits are used to make jam, decoctions, syrups, tinctures, combining with various other products. There are several recipes for traditional medicine:

  1. Prescription for inflammation of the gums, respiratory tract, tonsillitis. Boil two pieces of fruit in a glass of milk with water (50/50).
  2. When external damage skin (wounds, scratches, etc.). Soak the dried berry in water and apply it to the sore spot.
  3. To enhance potency. Soak 5-7 fig berries overnight in milk, eat them in the morning before breakfast. Continue the procedure every day with short breaks.

Now you know how to use figs correctly, the benefits and harms to the body, as well as all the contraindications. Use this miracle of nature for health.

One of the most healthy fruits is a fig (fig, fig, fig). This juicy sweet fruit contains a huge amount useful vitamins and minerals. So that the fruit does not harm the body, it is necessary to choose the right fig, as well as to know the medicinal properties of figs and contraindications. Dried figs have a viscous, tart-sweet taste.

Usually people consume figs in fresh, but it is the dried fruit that has a wide range of useful properties, since the concentration of minerals and vitamins in it is much higher.

Fig is a sweet fruit, very soft and juicy when ripe. The history of this culture goes back to antiquity. The first mentions of the beneficial properties of this fruit are found in Egyptian civilization. Figs are rarely larger than large plums or apricots. From above, the fruit is covered with a thin skin, differs high content seeds, seeds are small and soft. Figs have many names: fig tree, fig, fig, wine berry and, in fact, figs. The fruits grow on a tree whose trunk can reach up to twenty meters in height. Such a tree lives up to five hundred years and is capable of producing a harvest every year. Only fruits are eaten. The benefits of figs for the body are very large. In medicine, both the leaves and the bark of the tree are widely used.

Species and places of growth

The main suppliers of fig tree fruits to our country, including dried ones, are Uzbekistan, Armenia, Turkey and China. In general, a representative of the Ficus family grows wherever a subtropical climate reigns. This culture has a very spreading crown and an impressive height (up to 12 m). The trunk of the tree is covered with smooth light gray bark, the leaves are finger-shaped and large in size. Inside the vegetative organs of the exotic there is a milky juice. Fig fruits are famous for their sweet taste and juiciness. From above, they are dressed in a thin skin that is easy to damage.

The ancient peoples knew about the benefits of figs. So, in Ancient Greece the delicious fruits were so prized that the smugglers faced severe punishment in the form of lengthy imprisonment. Later in the East, a famous physician and philosopher of his time named Avicenna fought, adopting juicy fruits, with a variety of physical ailments, among which were leprosy, malaria, peptic ulcer, measles, fever and even cancers. Nowadays healing power figs are proven by scientists.

Some species of this tree, distinguished by frost resistance, grow in Russia, but only in the south of the country. There are over four hundred varieties of figs. They differ in fruit size, shape and color, pulp taste, tree height, ripening rate. Some varieties produce crops several times a year.

Fig composition

Perhaps dried figs are not the record holder for the content of vitamins, but it contains a huge amount of all kinds mineral substances... So, for example, in terms of the amount of potassium, it overtakes dried apricots and raisins. There is also a high concentration of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and iron in dried figs. However, do not think that minerals are the only useful components this dried fruit. What is the use of dried figs yet? In addition to minerals, it also contains vitamins, in particular, groups B (B1, B2 and B6), C and PP. Scientists have proven that by eating only 2 dried figs a day, you can normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Especially it should be emphasized the properties of other components that are also part of the fig:

  • Fitsin. This substance effectively cleans the walls blood vessels by preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • Iron. Dried figs are one of the sources of iron, so they should be eaten by people prone to anemia;
  • Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They are rarely found in fruits and vegetables. Normalize cholesterol levels and work of cardio-vascular system;
  • Cellulose. Due to the almost complete absence of moisture, figs contain a high concentration of plant fibers, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Gallic and syringic acids. They have a bactericidal effect on the body, normalize the intestinal microflora.

Due to the high content of vitamins and minerals, dried figs, when consumed regularly, help to increase the body's defenses and strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Another quality that dried figs are useful for: it brings quick saturation, which makes it irreplaceable product for losing weight.

100 grams of dried figs contains:

The beneficial properties of dried figs are successfully used to treat ailments and general health of the body. Regular use helps against cough, obesity, reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, vascular disease. Figs have contraindications that you need to know in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Fact: when dried, the value and calorie content of the fruit only increases. If the calorie content fresh figs is 74 kcal per 100 g, then dried has nutritional value 257 kcal.

Useful properties of dried figs

The fig has a bright amazing taste... Green figs are difficult to transport and store, so they are often sold dried. Moreover, the usefulness of such a product is not inferior fresh fruit... Many people are often interested in the question, what is dried fig - its benefits and harms for the body? Such a product can improve your mood.

The dried black fruit of the fig tree holds the record for fiber content, so the consumption of such dried fruit improves the functioning of the digestive tract and guarantees a long feeling of satiety. In addition, the benefit of dried figs lies in the content huge amount vitamins and minerals necessary for joints. Dried fruits have the following properties:

  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • help with constipation (photos of figs can often be found on laxatives);
  • are a prophylactic agent for colds;
  • normalize lung function;
  • protect the body from fatigue and stress;
  • are a good expectorant;
  • help with anemia;
  • due to the content of pectin, they contribute to the rapid healing of wounds;
  • remove toxins;
  • get rid of bad smell from mouth;
  • render beneficial effect the work of the kidneys and genitourinary system;
  • affect the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • help reduce the risk of chronic cardiovascular disease;
  • prevent the occurrence of arterial hypertension.

Why figs are good for the stomach

The beneficial properties of dried figs are widely used in traditional medicine. Often doctors prescribe it for digestive problems. What are the benefits of dried figs for the gastrointestinal tract? First, the fruit improves intestinal permeability, eliminating constipation. And, secondly, it improves the condition of patients with gastritis, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Dried figs are especially useful in case of poisoning: enzymes in its composition are quickly removed from the body toxic substances and normalize the intestinal microflora.

Cough figs

Dried figs boiled in milk - excellent remedy from cough, it is used for many respiratory diseases accompanied by cough: whooping cough, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia. Also, this broth is used as a diaphoretic and antipyretic agent for these diseases.

Good for the heart

The high concentration of potassium allows to solve numerous problems associated with the work of the cardiovascular system. Due to the lack of this component, the functions of the heart muscle are often disrupted, which can lead to the development of life-threatening diseases. Doctors also strongly recommend using figs for tachycardia. The substance ficin thins the blood, promoting the resorption of blood clots and plaques. Regular consumption of dried figs will help avoid hypertension, atherosclerosis and venous insufficiency.

Figs will improve brain function

Dried fruit improves mental performance, so it is useful for people of creative professions and intellectual work to introduce figs into their diet.

Why dried figs are useful for women

Eating the fruit of the fig tree has great importance for female body... Scientists claim that the health benefits of dried figs help women look good. Thanks to the pain high calcium content, you can forget about the poor condition of the nails and hair loss. The medicinal substances contained in figs have a beneficial effect on health during menstruation. The fig helps to overcome emotional outbursts and relieve pain. In addition, the following useful properties of dried figs for women are distinguished:

  • due to the high content of folic acid, dried fruit is often prescribed when planning pregnancy;
  • eliminates the inflammatory process in diseases of the genital organs;
  • regular use of figs at home helps to reduce the risk of varicose veins;
  • favors the preservation of the placenta, without harm to the child;
  • helps fight anemia.

Dried figs during pregnancy

Many women often wonder why dried figs are good for pregnancy? The dried fig fruit contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients necessary expectant mother... At the same time, you should eat this fruit correctly so as not to harm your child. In addition, pregnant women with diabetes should be wary of eating a fig, because dried fruit contains a lot of sugar. The benefits of dried figs during pregnancy:

  • helps to get rid of cough without the use of drugs;
  • maintains the required level of vitamins;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • improves blood condition;
  • helps to quickly cope with a cold;
  • eliminates digestive problems (disorders, constipation).

Dried figs while breastfeeding

During lactation, doctors can advise patients who follow the figure to include in their diet the fruits of the fig tree, which will be an excellent addition to the diet. Regular consumption of dried figs when breastfeeding normalizes stool, regulates salt balance in organism. In addition, new moms who have difficulty defecating can eat this instead of laxatives. natural product... Useful properties of figs for nursing women:

  • improves blood circulation,
  • increases vascular tone;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • regular consumption of fig fruits helps to avoid the development of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, hypertension;
  • forms immune system baby;
  • improves the quality of milk;
  • eliminates swelling.

Why dried figs are useful for men

Men are also interested in eating the fruit of the fig tree, because the main benefit of dried figs is that it enhances male potency, prevents prostatitis and helps to forget about the ailments associated with the genitals. In addition, the benefits of dried figs for men are as follows:

  • accelerates blood circulation;
  • helps to reduce belly fat;
  • improves reproductive health;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • prevents the development of rectal cancer.

Figs in dietetics

The components contained in fig fruits, multiplied during the drying process, increase its nutritional and biological value... A more significant quantitative indicator of fiber and dietary fiber, characterizing the laxative effect of dried fruit, causes intensive elimination of toxins, excess fluid and cleansing the intestines from toxins. The body receives much more energy due to its high protein and carbohydrate content, which is ideal for a vegetarian menu.

Dried fruits are five times more caloric than fresh ones, which makes it necessary to introduce them with caution into the diet. Regular daily consumption of figs will entail gaining excess weight, therefore, instead of a mono-diet, it is more effective to add dried berries to the unloading menu, combining them with fruits and vegetables. The ballast substances contained in the fruits reduce the feeling of hunger, but it is best to eat dried fruits in the morning. Figs go well with various foods:

  • all cereals;
  • kefir, sour cream, yogurt and cottage cheese;
  • poultry, fish and veal;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • some fruits;
  • nuts;
  • cheese;
  • eggs;
  • honey;
  • sweet spices.

Some healthy recipes

Dried figs are an excellent component additive to cereal dishes and fermented milk products for a full hearty breakfast, able to keep the feeling of fullness for a long time and charge with energy and vigor. Finely chopped dried fruits added to oatmeal cookies and diet muffins, gingerbread, puddings and jams along with nuts, fruits and berries. Figs are included in recipes for salads, main courses, pastries and drinks. Stewed with spices (anise and fennel), the fruit is an independent diet dish... Figs can be interesting flavoring for such familiar dishes like omelet, stew, entrecote, casserole. Dried berries are not combined with other dried fruits except prunes, due to increased gas formation in the intestines. Eating figs with a bite of bread is also not recommended, just cereal toast is allowed.

You can eat dried figs with the aim of losing weight as it is, that is, in pure form... In addition, it is allowed to add nutritious product in vegetable and fruit salads... For example, a dish prepared according to the recipe below is very effective.

Take 150 g of prunes and double the amount of dried figs. Wash the fruit, pat dry and slice thinly. Grind almond nuts(3 tablespoons). Connect the listed components, add orange peel and 200 ml of acidophilus. Delicious salad for weight loss is ready!

Dried figs - great alternative sweets, because in addition to sweetness, it contains vitamin B6, which is responsible for the production of the "happiness hormone" serotonin. This means there will be no depression. No less valuable in their qualities and various berries, which you can read about with us, for example, about medicinal properties and contraindications for lingonberries or cranberries.


So now we know if figs are good for you. But it is not only useful food product, but also drug, which has found application in folk medicine:

When figs can hurt

No matter how useful dried figs are, in some cases it should be discarded. First of all, this concerns patients with diabetes mellitus due to the fact that there are a lot of sugars in figs. Due to its high content of oxalic acid, it is not recommended for those suffering from gout. The presence of fiber requires excluding figs from the diet during an exacerbation various diseases gastrointestinal tract.

Since the fig fruits are high in calories, it is recommended to use them with extreme caution for overweight people, as they can aggravate the problem. A temporary contraindication is the use of figs before long trips. This is due to its laxative effect. Although much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

When eating figs for the first time, special vigilance should be shown to people who suffer from asthma. The fact is that before transportation, figs are treated with sulfites in order for them to be well stored, but asthmatics are especially sensitive to this chemical and its ingestion can cause irreparable harm.

Calorie content of the product

The use of dried figs is also in the fact that it causes a quick saturation of the body, and also supplies it with all the necessary nutrients. It is for this reason that it is prescribed even to pregnant women who suffer from toxicosis. The calorie content of dried figs is 214 kcal per 100 grams of fruit.

Choosing figs

In most cases, dried fruits are processed chemicals so that they are not damaged during long-term transportation and stored longer, therefore appearance- not the best indicator of quality. However, the fruit should be light beige or brownish in color. They should be approximately the same size and soft to the touch.

The flattened shape is one of the indicators of what you see quality product... If there is a light white bloom on it, then this is glucose, thanks to which the fruits become especially sweet, so you should not pass them by. If possible, then you need to taste it. The presence of a sour-salty taste, as well as a rough peel, indicate that the shelf life of such fruits has already passed and it is not worth buying them.

How to store figs

When it comes to storage, like most dried fruits, figs need to be stored in a dark and cool place. A refrigerator is suitable for this. But in order to extend the shelf life of the fruits, they must be protected from air access. Therefore, it is ideal for him glass jar with a tight lid - in it it will not dry out and will be protected from insects.

Dried figs are an excellent representative of dried fruits with bright taste and an excellent effect on the body. But it also has a number of contraindications and a high energy value, which makes its use inaccessible to people suffering from obesity, diabetes and a terrible sweet tooth who cannot control themselves.

Who shouldn't eat the berry

The health benefits of figs are not always beneficial. The berry has contraindications for use - it cannot be eaten by people who have:

  • diabetes mellitus - dried figs have high calorie content;
  • obesity, obesity - the calorie content of the product is high, contributes to an increase in body weight, especially in women;
  • acute gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diarrhea;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gout.

Persons with allergies to the components of dried figs should not eat this product.

It is not recommended to eat dried figs before a long trip, as the product is a strong laxative.

For the same reason, it is undesirable to eat dried or fresh fruit nursing mothers - diarrhea and bloating in the baby are likely.

The benefits of dried figs for the body are due to their rich composition. Regular use is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, tones the body and restores its normal functions. For proper recovery, it is important to take into account the contraindications and the dose.

Adults and children alike love to be pampered with sweet treats. But on the wave of popularity proper nutrition and healthy way life, most of them are increasingly abandoning the usual sweets and chocolates in favor of less harmful analogs. Dried figs will be an excellent alternative to sweets, the benefits and harms of which, we will consider in more detail.

What do we know about figs?

For figs to grow juicy and sweet, they need a hot, humid climate. That is why the Black Sea coast is famous for such fruits: Turkey and Crimea, as well as Greece.

Figs are also called fig tree or fig tree. Its fruits are extremely tender and soft. They are very sensitive to damage of any kind.

The most delicious figs are only plucked from a tree, because they can be stored for a very short time. A slight damage to the delicate skin of the fruit reduces its shelf life to several hours.

That is why dried figs have become very popular. The benefits and harms of fruits will be discussed in detail below. In this form, the dried product is absolutely not inferior to fresh fruit, but it can be stored much longer. Therefore, if you did not manage to eat enough figs while relaxing on the Black Sea coast, stock up on dried figs and enjoy their taste all winter long!

Fresh or Dried?

Those who are intimately unfamiliar with fig fruits often hesitate to include dried figs in their diet. The benefits and harms of such fruits can be controversial, but they are completely unfounded.

Dried figs retain their full vitamin and trace element composition. Moreover, absolutely no preservatives are used to obtain such dried fruits. This means that dried figs are certainly good for the body.

It is worth considering only that when dried in fruits, the concentration of constituent substances noticeably increases, as well as energy value... So, if for 100 grams fresh fruits figs account for up to 50 kcal, then the same weight of dried fruit will "bring" up to 300 kcal! This factor should be taken into account when considering the benefits and harms of dried figs: calorie content is an important aspect, especially for women.

A treasure trove of vitamins and minerals

Many do not even suspect how rich the composition of the fig fruit is. In terms of iron content, figs surpass even an apple, which is known to everyone as a storehouse of this element. And try replacing the usual pharmacy vitamins with dried figs: the benefits and harm to the body will be incomparable. By including this product in your diet, a person will daily replenish his body with natural vitamins and other useful substances that are devoid of any chemical additives.

You can compare the composition of pharmacy vitamins indicated on the package with those trace elements that are included in figs. You will be pleasantly surprised. The fruits of the fig tree contain:

  • minerals: iron, sodium, calcium, potassium, zinc, manganese and magnesium;
  • vitamins: ascorbic acid, vitamin A, B vitamins;
  • organic acids: malic, aspartic, glyceric;
  • pectin;
  • lysine;
  • cellulose;
  • sugars: glucose, fructose and sucrose.

Thanks to natural composition, everything useful material perfectly absorbed, do not give allergic reactions and side effects... There is controversy surrounding the benefits and harms of dried figs, but what really raises no doubts is its richness. vitamin composition... This magical fruit simply must be a regular guest in every kitchen.

What about the diet?

Often people who are struggling with overweight, try to give up eating sweets, but cannot do it Then they resort to tricks: they replace chocolates and cakes with dried fruits and candied fruits. In this article, we will study in detail the photos, the benefits and harms of dried figs, we will find out if it is possible to eat it while on a diet.

The answer is quite simple: such fruits are definitely better than any store-bought sweets. Despite the rather high calorie content, this product does not contain a lot of fat, unlike any cakes and cookies.

Yes, dried figs are rich in sugars, but this only means that you should not overuse them. You can safely eat 3-4 fruits a day without harming your figure. So don't be afraid to pamper yourself with dried figs during your diet. The benefits and harms of this product cannot be compared. The fruit contains much more useful qualities than harmful. If consumed in moderation, it will fit perfectly into dietary menu when losing weight.

Figs as medicine

The rich composition of figs has been widely used in folk medicine for many years to treat a wide variety of diseases.

Fig fruits have a pronounced laxative effect, so they will become an effective and tasty helper for people suffering from constipation.

This product will relieve soreness and severity of symptoms in the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • digestive disorders of various origins;
  • urolithiasis and cystitis;
  • liver damage, intoxication;
  • vascular and heart disease;
  • bronchitis, lingering cough, tonsillitis;
  • soft tissue injuries, poorly healing wounds.

The properties of dried figs make it possible to forget about many health problems without resorting to complex drug therapy or combining it with a sweet treat. For treatment, it is necessary to use tinctures and decoctions from the fruits of the fig tree, the recipes for which we will consider below. But for prevention, it is enough just to include figs in your daily diet.

Delicious prevention

Regular consumption of fig fruits, fresh or dried, saturates the body useful elements in such an amount that it becomes enough for the prevention of various diseases.

A large amount of vitamin C makes figs an indispensable product in the period of viral and colds.

An excellent effect on the tone of blood vessels and heart muscle helps prevent the development of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and coronary heart disease.

Fig serves an excellent remedy maintenance of hemoglobin on high level, and hence the prevention of anemia. Its effect on the properties of blood can reduce the risk of blood clots and cholesterol plaques on blood vessels.

You do not need to buy a large amount of vitamin and immunomodulatory drugs: it is enough to eat dried figs every day, because this is a tasty and effective prevention of many diseases.

Healing decoctions

It is not at all difficult to make a medicinal infusion or decoction on your own. It is enough to put 40-50 grams of dried figs in a clean glass dish. Pour 200 ml of dried fruit on top boiled water or milk, the temperature of which should be about 60-80 degrees. The broth should be infused for at least 6 hours, and stored for no longer than a day. Therefore, it is most convenient to pour in figs at night, and in the morning to drink the resulting infusion in small sips during the day.

You can make dried fig compote. The benefit or harm will be from this drink, depending on the presence of contraindications. If none of your loved ones have had negative reactions to the product, you can safely include it in the diet. Such compote will become not only tasty, but also useful addition for family meals.

Exercise caution!

Like any food with a rich composition, the fruits of the fig tree in rare cases can provide and negative impact... The harm of dried figs is purely individual and can occur only in specific cases.

Due to the oxalic acid present in the composition, the fruits are contraindicated for people suffering from gout. Figs can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Dried figs are high in sugars and should not be consumed by people with diabetes.

Also, dried figs are excluded from the diet of pregnant women who are prone to overweight. Despite the composition rich in vitamins, it is better to refuse to eat fruits with late toxicosis and breastfeeding.

Otherwise, no negative consequences from eating figs were recorded. Therefore, if you do not suffer from the ailments listed above, eat it boldly, but in moderation!

Tasteful benefits!

Now that you know about the wonderful properties of thermophilic figs, you will undoubtedly want to include it in your family's diet. This is a great alternative to candy. Slowly replace all the sweets in the house with dried fruits, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the changes in the health of your loved ones.

Cook compotes from figs, jam, add to baked goods. The taste of this fruit is completely unique, and the health benefits are invaluable.

But always remember about moderation: in reasonable quantities, figs will irreplaceable assistant and a storehouse of vitamins, but with abuse it can become a source extra pounds! Eat right and stay healthy!

Fig is the first plant named in the Bible and is probably the oldest cultivated plant in the world.

Figs have several common names.

Figs have been known since ancient times

This is a fig, this is a fig tree, you can also hear the name "wine berry" and a fig tree.

Where grows

The fig tree has been known since ancient times. The mention of the fig tree began with the Bible and the Old and New Testaments. In Italy, there are legends about this unique tree and its delicious fruits.

In the Middle East and in Arabian tales, it is unthinkable not to meet any interesting fact or a legend associated with this ancient plant.

Figs grow in subtropical conditions. It is often found in the Mediterranean countries, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, Central Asia.
Figs grow in the subtropics

There are two varieties of figs: early (white) and blue (purple), which ripen two months after the harvest of white fruits.

Processing types

With such a wide popularity and gastronomic attractiveness of this plant, it is still better to know what figs are useful for and how to use them in different forms.

It is used fresh, like berries, as a delicacy, dessert.

Also, the fruits are dried, dried and already in dried fruits they also use the beneficial properties of figs. Dried fruits (in 100 g of product) contain about 250 - 258 kcal, while fresh ones only 50 kcal.

Jams and jams are often made from the fig tree.

Fig composition

Fig fruits contain almost all substances and microelements necessary for the health of the human body.
These are, the main ones, in mg (per 100 g of product):

  • Calcium - 162;
  • Sodium - 10;
  • Phosphorus - 67;
  • Potassium - 680;
  • Iron - 2.03;
  • Magnesium - 68;
  • Zinc - 0.55;
  • Copper - 0.287;
  • Manganese, Selenium, etc.

Dried figs retain all the beneficial properties


  • Retinol (vitamin A);
  • Betaine;
  • Thiamine;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Niacin;
  • Pantothenic acid;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Folic acid, etc.

The composition of these fruits also includes fats, carbohydrates, vegetable fibers(fiber), starch, proteins and sugars.
That is why the beneficial properties of fresh figs are valuable for both women and men.

Dried figs retain all their beneficial properties in full.

Because this method is nothing more than getting rid of moisture in the fruits, while preserving all vitamins and nutrients.


What are the benefits of fig fruits and whether they are harmful:

Contraindications and harm

The useful properties of figs are obvious, but what are the contraindications and are there any?
Fig tree fruit is not desirable for people with disabilities digestive tract and intestines.

The fig tree is one of the few fruits that contains oxalates, a special substance found in some plants.

When these compounds become too abundant in body fluids, the process can lead to problems with kidney or gallbladder stones.

The high concentration of dietary fiber in figs can lead to excessive bowel movements, which can lead to abdominal cramps and loose stools. Also, the fruits of figs can bring harm to the body of those who are obese instead of benefit.

You will learn all the details about the benefits and dangers of figs from the video:


Since freshly harvested fig fruits can be stored for a very short time, about three days, and in a hermetically sealed container for about a week, figs are often dried or dried for future use.
What is the difference between the properties of dried figs, what are its benefits and harms, in contrast to the beneficial qualities of fresh fruits?

Dried fruits contain many times more sugar than fresh ones. The shelf life is significantly increased due to the lack of moisture in the pulp.

Once dried or dried, figs become rather coarse food. Dried figs are eaten like raisins or regular dried fruits, but pre-soaking in boiling water or cool water is also possible.

The benefits and harms of dried figs

The most important property of dried figs for the body is the benefits that can be obtained throughout the year, regardless of the harvest season.
The fact that dried figs are useful for women is, among other things, also effective prevention of varicose veins. A few fruits in the daily diet are enough to keep the veins of the legs in good shape.

Fig tones the veins of the legs
Figs are known as Cleopatra's favorite fruit. Figs have beneficial properties for women in general for health and, in particular, for weight loss.

Dried fruits are divided into carbohydrate and lipid properties.
Dried fruits of the carbohydrate spectrum, these are figs, prunes, dates, apricots, etc. They consist of dried or candied fruits and are high in sugar and vitamins (especially A and E), but low in protein and lipids.

Dried fruits of the lipid (or oil) spectrum include fruits, seeds, or toasted legumes, including walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios and almonds. They are low in sugar, but high in protein and lipids, although these are mostly "good" fats: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (Omega 9), which help fight cholesterol. They are also rich in vitamins A, E, calcium and potassium. The calorie content of oily dried fruits is about 600 kcal per 100 grams.

The top 10 aphrodisiac foods include dried figs, so it's good for men too. special properties... It was not for nothing that the ancient Greeks regularly consumed figs during sexual rituals when they celebrated the harvest of the year.

During pregnancy, figs undoubtedly bring more use rather than harm if you are overly enthusiastic about it.
You will learn all the details from the video:

So, the harm of dried figs is minimal. It can only be applied if it is used by a person with an unhealthy gastrointestinal tract, or when overeating.

How to choose

It's good when the fig tree grows in own garden or in the region where the consumer lives.

But having come to a store in the Urals, in Siberia, or, for example, in Middle lane Russia needs to know how to choose dried figs so as not to waste money.

Dried figs are best chosen for the following visible properties:

  • color from beige to light gray;
  • the surface should be matte;
  • a light layer of whitish color (protruding glucose);
  • no brown dents or damage.

Attention! If the surface is glossy, then the fruits are treated with sulfuric waste.
Observing these few conditions, the purchased dried figs will only benefit, and not harm the buyer's body.

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