Dried lemons benefits and harms. Kumquat what kind of fruit, useful properties, calorie content of dried and fresh fruit

The kumquat is a small orange or orange-pink exotic fruit native to the southern regions of China. In appearance, the fruit resembles a small orange.

The calorie content of fresh kumquat per 100 grams is 71.4 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 1.92 g protein;
  • 0.95 g fat;
  • 15.97 g of carbohydrates.

The vitamin and mineral composition of kumquat is represented by B vitamins (B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9), A, E, PP, C, minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus, sodium, zinc.

The calorie content of dried kumquat per 100 grams is 285 kcal. In a 100-gram serving of dried fruit:

  • 3.8 g protein;
  • 0 g fat;
  • 80 g of carbohydrates.

Dried kumquat is saturated with vitamins B, P, C, minerals calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron, manganese, copper. The product contains a lot of useful essential oils, pectin.

Calorie content of kumquat in sugar per 100 grams

The calorie content of candied kumquat per 100 grams (meaning candied dried fruit) is more than 250 kcal. Such sweets should be discarded with exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as with excess weight.

Delicious fresh kumquat jam. For its preparation it is necessary:

  • Rinse 1 kg of fruit thoroughly, the fruits are pierced with a fork and boiled for 10 minutes;
  • boiled kumquat is cooled with cold water;
  • dissolve 0.5 kg of sugar in a glass of water;
  • syrup is poured into boiled kumquat, the resulting mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for 7 minutes;
  • fruits are cooled, another 0.5 kg of sugar is added to them, the mixture is boiled for another 5 minutes;
  • jam is cooked until done. An indicator of readiness are translucent fruits;
  • pour the juice of 1 lemon into an almost ready jam;
  • hot jam is poured into sterile jars and screwed with lids.

The benefits of kumquat

Useful properties of kumquat are:

  • the product is saturated with vitamin C, which is necessary for strengthening the immune system, normalizing hematopoietic processes;
  • the fruit is characterized by pronounced antioxidant properties, is actively used for the prevention of oncology, skin and eye diseases;
  • vitamins and minerals of kumquat normalize the functioning of the nervous system, maintain the body's water-salt balance, ensure the health of cartilage and bone tissue;
  • due to the saturation with dietary fiber, the fruit accelerates metabolic processes in the body, provides accelerated cleansing of toxins and toxins;
  • with regular use of the product, the level of bad cholesterol in the blood decreases, the likelihood of developing arthritis, arthrosis decreases, and normal blood pressure is restored;
  • kumquat provides prevention of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

Harm kumquat

Contraindications to the use of kumquat are:

  • allergic reactions to fruit;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • inflammation of the kidneys;
  • exacerbation of cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children's age up to 3 years;
  • diabetes (the product can provoke an increase in blood sugar).

" Garden

For the first time, an unusual fruit for Europeans is mentioned in Chinese chronicles of the 11th century. Portuguese sailors brought an outlandish citrus, which was described by a Scottish botanist only in the middle of the 19th century. His name served as the name of a whole family of tropical plants - Fortunella, officially recognized by botanists only at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Native to Indo-China, the kumquat (Golden Orange in Cantonese) differs from oranges in more than just its appearance — the sweet skin hides a sour-tasting core.

This is a low tree or shrub with a spherical crown. Can grow up to 3-4 meters tall. It does not apply to centenarians - life expectancy is not more than 40 years. The plant loves bright diffused light. Prefers fertile sandy soil. Like all citrus fruits, it can grow in fairly dry areas - the need for water is quite moderate.

Propagated by both seeds and vegetatively - cuttings, grafting, layering. Nowadays, this miracle of nature grows only in Indochina and Japan - its industrial plantings are developing the Middle East, Florida, and the Mediterranean. Humid subtropics are the favorite climate of this fruit.

Temperature 25-30 o C, together with high humidity, is the most comfortable for him. With a lack of water and at higher thermometer readings, the kumquat throws off its leaves. Often grown as an ornamental plant in open ground and indoor.

It grows as a very decorative evergreen shrub or tree, first with fragrant large flowers, and then strewn with oval fruits. Up to 5 cm long, they look like miniature oranges.

Unlike its namesake, the "golden orange" has only 4-7 slices. Sweet and sour pulp contains approximately 5 seeds (according to the number of slices). The main difference from all citrus fruits is that it is eaten with the skin, it is thin, sweet in taste.

It turns out that the sweetest skin of a wild-growing kumquat comes from Hong Kong.

Its fruits ripen for the New Year holidays, like all citrus fruits of our hemisphere. All varieties have a bountiful harvest.

It has already been said that the kumquat is a resident of the subtropics and tropics. Attempts to forcibly relocate him to the north failed. It turned out that his cuttings took root on the deciduous semi-shrub "poncirus". On such a rootstock, a kumquat can endure frost down to -10-15 ° C..

The fruits of such a plant are no longer as sweet as in their homeland in the tropics, but this does not stop gardeners - the work of breeders has not yet ended.

Calorie content and composition

Given the high percentage concentration of water (up to 80), kumquat has a very low calorie content - 71 kcal / 100 grams. However, when drying, the calorie content increases to 250 kcal / 100g.

The list of vitamins present is headed by ascorbic acid. In addition to vitamin C, kinkan is rich in vitamins A, E, B3 and B5.

Recommendations to use the fruits along with the peel did not appear out of the blue - it is the thin delicate skin that is rich in trace elements and minerals. The composition of the fruits is characterized by a high content of potassium (regulates the heart rhythm), calcium, sodium, magnesium, microdoses of zinc and iron. Essential oils, monosaccharides and polyunsaturated fatty acids add popularity to kumquat as a valuable dietary product.

Kumquat fruits are very useful, as they absolutely do not absorb nitrates from the soil. This is a completely unique property for the current environmental situation is very important.

Useful properties of this fruit and harm to the human body

Chinese traditional medicine has long used the bactericidal properties of kumquat. Even now, the juice of these fruits suppress the development of internal and external infections, respiratory diseases. Inhalation with kumquat oils is one of the best ways to prevent this disease during an influenza epidemic, alleviate the condition with a dry, painful cough, chronic runny nose.

The unusually high content of ascorbic acid brings the body out of a hangover, fresh consumption of several fruits helps to quickly get out of the state of withdrawal. It is enough just to chew a few dried fruits - the effect is noticeable after a few minutes.

Regular consumption of "golden orange" normalizes immunity, although this property is inherent in all citrus fruits. In the treatment of skin diseases, kumquat essential oil is often used.. Its composition has a tonic effect on the human as a whole, and especially on the liver and gallbladder - it helps to break down fats.

Kinkan oil is successfully used in cosmetology for spa treatments., and in combination with oils of other plants successfully treat problem skin. Interestingly, regular procedures with the oil of this fruit relieve postpartum stretch marks, as well as cellulite.

In aromatherapy The essential oil of this citrus is used to treat stress, as well as sleep disorders.. Instead of an aroma lamp, you can spread the pieces of peel on thermal radiators - ensure a healthy sleep and disinfect the room.

From traditional Chinese medicine, it has become common practice application of kinkan tincture with honey, which quickly reduces the level of bad cholesterol, normalizes the heart rhythm.

How low-calorie kumquat found its way into weight management diets. But this applies only to fresh fruits - the calorie content of fruits increases many times during processing and drying.

Contraindications for use

We figured out the benefits that this fruit can bring to human health, now let's talk about the possible harm. Unfortunately, citrus intolerance is quite common. If you are prone to various allergies, you should not risk eating more than two fruits at a time.

If you are trying a new fruit for the first time, limit the first time to half. Follow the state of the body. The portion can be increased if unpleasant consequences are not observed.

Kumquat is not prohibited for pregnant women at all, only the special susceptibility of the woman's body and the fetus to a possible change in diet should be taken into account. Practice shows that this citrus copes well with early toxicosis. Doctors usually confine themselves to general recommendations - “do not abuse”.

It is clear that due to the high content of organic acids, this citrus is not recommended for gastroenterologist patients. Contraindications are also diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs.. Regarding patients with diabetes, they should also be careful to consume fruit only fresh with constant monitoring of sugar levels.

Kumquat Recipes

The use of kumquat is completely versatile:

  • they are eaten fresh (along with the skin),
  • in medical advice
  • in cosmetology,
  • in cooking.

In cooking alone, its use is not limited to the preparation of refreshing drinks - both non-alcoholic and alcoholic. As an ingredient, kumquats are often added to meat, sauces and various salads..

Often it is added to dairy products - curd mass, yogurt.

However The main use of the fruit is for the preparation of desserts and sweets.. From these fruits, blanks are obtained that are perfectly stored all winter - candied fruits. confitures, jam, marshmallow.

In fresh and dried form, kumquat is added to the recipe composition of rich pastries.

It will take:

  • fresh fruits - 1 kilogram,
  • granulated sugar - 1 kilogram,
  • juice of 1 lemon


  1. Having slightly cut the fruits, blanch them in three waters.
  2. From a glass of the last broth, boil the syrup from all the sugar.
  3. Place kumquats in hot syrup and boil until thickened.
  4. Shortly before cooking, add lemon juice.
  5. After cooling, transfer the jam to sterile jars.

Fresh kumquat jam

It will take:

  • kumquat fruits - 1 kilogram,
  • granulated sugar 1-1.2 kilograms,
  • juice of 1 lemon,
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.


  1. Prick the washed fruits (for example, with a fork) and boil for 10 minutes, cool with cold water.
  2. In a glass of water (remaining from blanching) dissolve half of all sugar.
  3. Fruits are placed in this syrup, brought to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes.
  4. When the semi-finished product has cooled down, add some more sugar and boil again for several minutes.
  5. For the third time, add the remaining sugar and bring to readiness - the fruits should become translucent.
  6. Just before the end, add lemon juice and vanilla sugar.
  7. Lay hot in sterile jars and screw on the lids.

Dried fruits: candied fruit

If you cook jam without pre-boiling, the fruits will not boil soft and will be strong. After cooking, put everything in a colander and spread it out in a single layer on a flat dish to dry.


Here is such a “golden orange” from Indochina, which Europe learned about not so long ago. And now his landings have already conquered the Middle East, the Mediterranean coast and California. In tub culture, kumquat grows not only in winter gardens and greenhouses, but also in a city apartment.. A low evergreen tree with fragrant flowers and elegant fruits is a living corner of the subtropics within the walls of a high-rise building ...

Useful properties of dried kumquat

I can’t help but share my discovery of kumquat. I somehow always avoided it and passed by, thinking why I need it, extra calories, etc. Once my daughter asked me to buy it to taste it. since the dried apricots for porridge are over, let me think I’ll try to add a couple. Well, of course, there is only raw kumquat in the MZR database, I started scouring the Internet.
I found an interesting site where there is a complete chem. compound. It turns out that it is so useful. I learned a lot about it. And by the way, porridge acquired a new taste and I did not regret that I added it!
Useful properties of dried kumquat
determined by its rich composition, which contains a variety of
vitamins (especially P and C), minerals (Mg, Ca, K, Na, P) and trace elements
(Cu, Mn, Fe, Zn), as well as essential oils, enzymes and pectins.
Thanks to this, it compensates for the lack of vitamins in the body.
human, normalizes digestion, improves immunity and effectively
fights infectious diseases. Also, dried kumquat is considered a dietary product, even though it has an increased carbohydrate content and, accordingly, caloric content compared to a fresh fruit. The fact is that there are also more pectins and polysaccharides in it, thanks to which it more effectively normalizes metabolic processes in the body, and weight is reduced.
BUT: there are also contraindications - from kumquat, both fresh and dried, should be abandoned to allergy sufferers and mothers, future and lactating, since some substances in its composition are strong allergens and can harm the child or provoke an attack.
Despite this, dried kumquat is a very healthy product that should be looked at.

Among the numerous dried fruits, you can find orange candied fruits with the exotic name kumquat. What is the use of such candied fruit? How to choose and use it correctly? Look for answers to all questions in our material.

What it is?

Dried kumquat is a popular dried fruit that is made from smaller fruits. The fruit itself is citrus. This is a small fruit of an elongated shape, which is somewhat reminiscent of a plum familiar to everyone. Such dried fruit can often be found under a different name. For example, "Chinese mandarin", "kinkan", "fortunella" or "Japanese orange". The fruit is very common in China, Japan, Australia, South America and many countries in Southeast Asia.

The ripe fruit has a thick peel of bright orange color. But he has very little pulp. The aroma of the fruit resembles lime, and the taste is a bit like tangerine. The peel of this fruit is pleasant to the taste, sweet, but the pulp has a slight sourness or bitterness. For this reason, it is customary to eat the whole fruit, along with the peel. An interesting fact is that this is practically the only citrus fruit in which the peel is edible. Kumquat is eaten fresh, used in the preparation of various dishes and drinks, and candied fruits are made.

Candied fruits are made from the whole fruit, that is, the whole fruit is dried along with the peel. Often you can find all kinds of hybrids. This is a kumquat crossed with a lime, orange, tangerine or other citrus fruit. Such hybrids differ in taste and skin color. As a rule, these candied fruits are made from the whole fruit, but it happens that it is cut into slices before drying.

Candied fruits are made in the following way - the fruits are boiled in a pre-prepared syrup, and then dried. Often a small amount of baking soda is added to such a syrup. In the event that manufacturers comply with a certain technology, do not violate the drying rules, then candied fruits retain almost all of their vitamins and beneficial properties. Infrared drying of fruits is considered the best.

Why different colors?

Today in stores you can find not only orange or yellow kumquat, but also red and even green. When choosing quality dried fruits, be sure to pay attention to their color. In nature, there are no fruits of bright red or green color. Therefore, real candied fruits should be orange, yellow or pale red. In other versions, this suggests that during the production of dried fruits, various kinds of dyes were added, due to which bright candied fruits of various colors are obtained.

Choosing a kumquat in the form of candied fruits, do not take dried fruits of too bright colors, even orange. The natural color of such a product should have a paler tint. In the event that there are white dots or stripes on the surface of candied fruits, this indicates that the fruits were treated with some kind of harmful substance during drying.

A good dried candied fruit has a delicate citrus aroma, and if there is a chemical smell, then it is better to refuse such a purchase.

Composition and calories

Like most citrus fruits, kumquats are low-calorie foods. Fresh fruit has only 70 kilocalories per 100 grams. But only a fresh fruit can boast of such a low calorie content. Dried fruits and candied fruits are high in calories. There are more than 280 kilocalories per 100 grams of product in candied sun fruit. As for the BJU of this dried citrus fruit, it contains 9.4 grams of carbohydrates, 1.88 grams of proteins, and 1.86 grams of fat.

As part of this dried fruit, a huge amount of various vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. For example, these candied fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C. There are also vitamins A, groups B, E and PP. In addition, kumquat contains potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, various antioxidants, pectin, essential oils and other useful substances.


Good quality candied fruits, which were prepared from fresh and ripe fruits, without the use of dyes and other harmful substances, are beneficial. What are the beneficial properties of dried citrus fruit? Thanks to the numerous vitamins and minerals that candied fruits contain, this product is able to enrich the body with various useful substances, helping to fight beriberi.

Since this dried fruit contains a large amount of ascorbic acid (many times more than in an ordinary lemon), its regular use helps to strengthen the immune system and is an excellent prophylactic against seasonal colds. The fruit also contains other useful substances that help not only strengthen the immune system, but also fight inflammation in the body, and also contribute to a speedy recovery during viral diseases.

In addition, this dried fruit has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, normalizing many processes in the body. Regular consumption of kumquat improves the secretion of gastric juice and is an excellent prophylactic against gastritis and ulcers.

Thanks to this dried fruit, bowel function improves, problems such as constipation disappear. The body is cleansed of harmful toxins and toxins. It also speeds up and normalizes the metabolism in the body. And all this, due to the fact that kumquat contains a large amount of dietary fiber.

Thanks to some vitamins, namely group B, the use of kumquat has a positive effect on the functioning of our nervous system. Candied fruits help fight stress, have a calming effect on the body, relieve excessive excitability and irritability, help control aggression and not get depressed. Eating candied fruits is recommended for those who have recently experienced a stressful situation. Useful elements of the dried fruit will help overcome a bad mood and save you from the harmful effects of stress.

Bright and tasty dried fruit has another amazing ability - it removes heavy metal salts, various toxins from the body and reduces the level of bad cholesterol. For this reason, the kumquat is indicated for those who live in an ecologically unfavorable area and whose lifestyle is not healthy. Ridding the body of everything bad, kumquat also saturates it with useful vitamins, helping it to get healthier. And thanks to potassium, this type of candied fruit has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, preventing the occurrence of many diseases. The product is an excellent prophylactic against atherosclerosis.


Any dried fruits have some contraindications that you should definitely consider. Since the kumquat is a citrus fruit, an allergic reaction may occur after eating it. In no case should such candied fruits be eaten by those who have an allergy to citrus fruits or an individual intolerance to the product.

You can not eat such dried fruits during pregnancy. Do not eat them while breastfeeding, as this can cause allergies in a newborn baby. Children under three years of age are also not recommended to use such a product. In case of severe diseases of the stomach and kidneys, such candied fruits should not be included in your diet. In addition, people suffering from obesity and diabetes should not eat these fruits in dried form.

It is also not worth abusing candied fruits. Firstly, it can cause some disturbances in the work of the intestines and not only. Secondly, since dried kumquat is very high in calories, this will adversely affect your harmony and overall health. Remember that the recommended amount is seven to eight dried fruits per day.

Dried exotic kumquat can be consumed on its own, as it is rich in vitamins and other useful elements. But if it is eaten with other dried fruits, then the benefits will increase several times. For example, these candied fruits are recommended to be consumed with dried apricots or prunes. This combination of dried fruits helps to activate the work of our brain, increases concentration and attention, improves memory. This combination of products is recommended for use by schoolchildren, students and knowledge workers.

It is also recommended to use these candied fruits along with honey. To do this, you can make your own honey mixture with kumquat at home and use it in the winter as a prophylactic against colds and strengthen the immune system. Take literally ten dried fruits and make cross cuts on them. Put candied fruit in a glass container. There also add the ginger root cut into circles, previously peeled. It will need literally thirty grams. From above, everything must be poured with liquid honey. For this proportion, four hundred milligrams will be enough. We close the container with a tight lid, shake it and put it in the refrigerator for two months.

If you have spent several hours in a row at the computer and experience severe eye fatigue, discomfort, etc., then it will be enough to eat three or four dried kumquats - you will feel better in an hour. Dried exotic fruits can be safely added to various pastries, curd masses or homemade yoghurts. For example, very tasty pumpkin muffins with such candied citrus fruits are obtained. You can cook compote from kumquat or make a spicy sauce for fish. You can also add a few dried fruits while brewing tea to get a delicious and aromatic drink.

Candied fruits are also used in cosmetology. For example, if you pour fruits with warm water and let them brew for two hours, you will end up with an excellent tonic tincture. This liquid can be used to wipe the face, which will help improve its color and restore skin elasticity.

In the next video, Elena Malysheva will tell you about the benefits of candied fruits.

Most often, the word "citrus" is associated with orange and lemon. However, this genus is much more extensive and includes many interesting fruits. One of them, the kumquat, is still known to a few. This is a very useful tropical fruit that appeared on domestic shelves relatively recently. This article will discuss the beneficial properties of kumquat, its chemical composition, recommendations for use and possible contraindications.

What is kumquat

This is a bright orange tropical fruit 3 to 5 cm long and weighing approximately 30 g. Other names for the fruit are fortunella, kinkan. Outwardly, it looks like a tiny elongated orange. Kumquat grows on trees.

Important! If the color of the dried kumquat that you purchased in the store is rich and bright, and the smell has a chemical tint- before you low-quality, artificially tinted products. Natural dried kumquat has a pale orange color and is not very presentable.

The natural habitat covers all of East Asia, southern Europe, California in the USA and China. This citrus tastes like sweet and sour tangerine. You can eat the whole fruit, including the peel.

Video: all about kumquat fruit


Depending on the method of harvesting this citrus fruit, its calorie content varies somewhat.

Dried and cured varieties of kumquat have a lower calorie content than fruits in sugar, but exceed the nutritional value of raw fruits. The following values ​​are based on 100 grams of product.


Beneficial features

The effect of a dried or candied fruit on the body is different from that which a raw kumquat can have.


Raw kumquat is the most useful for a person. It contains all the substances that will be destroyed after intense heat treatment. Before eating a raw kumquat, wash it thoroughly.

Important! When choosing a raw kumquat in the store, pay attention to its peel. It should be smooth, with fine pores and firm to the touch. A high-quality fruit should not have dark or yellow spots, dents and traces of decay near the “butt”.

  1. Kumquat is a rich source of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is involved in oxidative processes, strengthens the immune system, promotes better absorption of iron. It stimulates hematopoietic function and maintains vascular tone.
  2. B vitamins support the synthesis of amino acids in the body and the absorption of substances from food. It is especially necessary to highlight riboflavin, which strengthens vision, is responsible for the health and youth of the skin, and accelerates the regeneration of soft and bone tissues.
  3. The high content of magnesium makes kinkan a valuable prophylactic against diseases of the cardiovascular system. This element takes part in the transmission of nerve impulses and maintaining the water-salt balance.
  4. A special substance furakumarin inhibits inflammatory processes, has an antibacterial effect.
  5. The essential oils that make up this fruit have antifungal and disinfectant properties.


This fruit is much more saturated with useful substances than fresh, as they have been concentrated due to the evaporation of moisture. True, some of the vitamins in the dried fruit are destroyed after heat treatment.

  1. The dense peel and pulp of dried kinkan have antibacterial properties.
  2. It is recommended to use it for atherosclerosis, as dried kumquat cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol plaques and removes "bad" cholesterol from the body.
  3. Vitamin A, which tolerates heat well, helps to strengthen the retina, preventing age-related degradation of vision.
  4. Vitamin E is the strongest antioxidant, so it has a rejuvenating effect on the skin and the body as a whole, binds free radicals, and stimulates sexual function.
  5. Fiber, represented by pectin, improves bowel function, cleanses it of toxins and helps with disorders of a different nature.


The properties of dried fruit are similar to those of dried fruit.

Did you know? This fruit belongs to the rue family, which includes all citrus fruits and some floral herbs such as rue and ash. In the official biological classification, the kumquat first appeared in 1915 thanks to the American botanist Walter Swingle. Then the fruit got its modern name.

The taste of dried kumquat is less intense, as drying is an aggressive process that destroys a lot of aromatics.

  1. This product is often used as a remedy for colds and infectious diseases. To do this, kinkan is consumed together with the peel or added to hot tea in crushed form.
  2. It stimulates digestion, enhances the secretion of gastric enzymes and normalizes intestinal peristalsis. With peptic ulcers, it is better not to use it, but with congestion in the intestines, kumquat will come in handy.
  3. This fruit is used in therapeutic diets for people with oncology. It inhibits abnormal cells and prevents their development.

Candied fruit

Due to the saturation of candied fruits with sugar, their benefits practically do not compensate for the harm caused to the body.

  1. Candied kumquat is a high-calorie dried fruit that can provide a person with energy and cheer him up.
  2. The abundance of pectin in candied fruits has a beneficial effect on digestion.
  3. B vitamins help get rid of apathy, chronic fatigue syndrome and nervous exhaustion.

Is it possible to eat kumquat

In addition to valuable properties, this citrus fruit also has certain contraindications.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Expectant mother kumquat will be useful. It should be eaten in moderation (no more than 250 g per day), and if this fruit has not been consumed before, then it should be introduced into the diet gradually.
You will have to give up kumquat in case of individual intolerance and for the period of breastfeeding - a baby's fragile body can respond to a tropical fruit with a strong allergy.

When losing weight

Since this citrus fruit stimulates digestion and speeds up metabolism, it will fit well into a dietary diet. Please note that in the course of weight loss, you can only eat raw kumquat. Dried fruits contain too many calories.

Did you know? Fortunella was brought to the European continent from China in 1864 with the light hand of the English gardener-collector Robert Fortune. She received the name "fortunella" in his honor. The name "kumquat"» was given to the fetus a little later by analogy with its Cantonese name, which literally translated as"golden orange". As for the word "kinkan", it began to be used due to the consonant name from the Japanese language.

For diabetes

Kumquat has a high glycemic index, causes a sharp increase in blood glucose levels, therefore people with diabetes should not eat it.

How it is eaten

Before use, the fruits must be thoroughly washed. It will be correct to eat them, biting off the whole fruit or pre-cutting it into slices. Since the flesh of the kinkan is sour, and the skin is sweet and edible, it is not required to peel it.

Contraindications and harm

Kumquat has a specific chemical composition, so not all people can eat these fruits.

  1. Excessive consumption of candied fruits or dried dried fruits provokes weight gain.
  2. It is contraindicated for people with high acidity and peptic ulcers, as it exacerbates both of these conditions. Those who suffer from urolithiasis or kidney problems should also not consume this fruit.
  3. Kinkan is strictly forbidden for use in diabetes mellitus, especially in the form of candied fruit.
  4. Like all other citrus fruits, it is a strong allergen, so it should be introduced gradually into the diet of a person sensitive to food.

Kumquat is an extraordinary tropical fruit, the benefits of which are known to few. It saturates the body with useful substances and vitamins, stimulates its immunity, normalizes the cardiovascular system and digestion.

Important! The daily norm of raw kumquat for an adult is 300 g per day, dry - 200 g, candied fruits- 120 g. Excessive consumption of this fruit will harm even a healthy person.

Kumquats are sold in the form of candied fruits, dried fruits and raw fruits. Raw fruits have a minimum number of contraindications and are of the greatest benefit to humans. Regular moderate consumption of these fruits can improve the body and strengthen its protective functions.