Mushroom soup made from fresh mushrooms. Fresh mushroom soup

Preparing mushroom soup involves several steps, especially if you plan to make pureed mushroom soup. This mushroom soup recipe strives to ensure that the soup has a pleasant, distinctive taste that cannot be confused with any other. We will tell you how to cook mushroom soup, and this original first course will surely become your calling card.

How to cook mushroom soup? is a question that worries many. You can cook lean mushroom soup, you can cook mushroom soup with chicken broth or mushroom soup with meat broth, and in addition – mushroom soup with processed cheese or mushroom soup with cream. So it's a matter of taste and your choice of caloric content of the dish. In addition to mushrooms, various ingredients are added to this soup, for example, they prepare mushroom soup with meat, mushroom soup with chicken, mushroom soup with noodles, mushroom soup with noodles, mushroom soup with barley. If we talk about the types of mushrooms, then it should be said that you can cook mushroom and champignon soup, mushroom soup from chanterelles, mushroom soup from porcini mushrooms, mushroom soup from oyster mushrooms, mushroom soup from boletus, mushroom soup from honey mushrooms.

To know how to prepare mushroom soup, first of all, you should choose which mushrooms it will be prepared from, because mushroom soup is prepared from fresh mushrooms, mushroom soup from dried mushrooms, and even mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms, for example, mushroom soup from frozen champignons . Let's start with how to prepare mushroom soup from dried mushrooms. Mushroom soup made from dried mushrooms can please you all year round, you just have to stock up on dried mushrooms. Dry mushrooms should be pre-soaked for several hours in water, and only then cooked.

Cheese and mushroom soup has a unique aroma; mushroom soup with cheese is often prepared in the form of a puree soup. It will also be useful for you to learn how to prepare cream of mushroom soup. To do this, mushrooms are first stewed in butter and flour, cream and milk are added, then they are crushed in a blender and poured with broth. In this way you can prepare cream of mushroom soup from champignons, cream of mushroom soup with cream. If you decide to make mushroom cream soup from champignons, boil several small mushrooms whole, cut them thinly across and put them in a plate, you will get not only a tasty mushroom cream soup, but also a beautiful one. The recipe for mushroom soup from champignons can generally be considered one of the most popular, due to the fact that champignons are one of the most accessible mushrooms. A similar recipe is used to prepare mushroom cream soup, creamy mushroom soup recipe, creamy mushroom soup recipe with cream, or some other thick mushroom soup. You can find the recipe with photos of all the operations of preparing mushroom soup on our website.

Mushroom soup is called differently in different places: mycelium, mycelium, mycelium. The recipe also varies from region to region. However, its essence remains the same: a thick, tasty, rich dish with an unforgettable forest aroma. In the fall, when it’s time to go on a “quiet hunt,” the mycelium will become the most frequent guest on the table for some time. And at the same time it will serve as a reason to dry up your reserves - so that in winter you can treat yourself to this wonderful soup again.

Ural approach

Siberians believe that forest gifts are practically everything that the mycelium should contain. The recipe (the photo clearly shows how appetizing its implementation is) allows only an unobtrusive “accompaniment” to be added to them. Those who want to check the opinion of Siberians should do the following. The collected mushrooms are sorted, cleaned, washed, and suspicious areas are removed. You can take any variety, either individually or in a common pile. Mushrooms are finely chopped and poured into boiling water. There should be a little water, just enough to cover the sprinkled prey. It will produce a lot of its own juice, which will supplement the fluid level. Cook the mushrooms for a long time to get a thick mycelium - the recipe allows about half an hour for this stage. At the same time, frying is done (only from onions, without carrots) and added when the soup acquires the consistency of jelly. A bay leaf, a couple of peppercorns - and after a couple of minutes it’s time to remove. A lot of chopped spicy herbs are poured into the pan, covered with a lid and left to steep for half an hour.

Soul mycelium

Not everyone agrees to make do with such a meager range of ingredients (although perhaps in vain). For lovers of rich taste - a mycelium made from fresh mushrooms, the recipe of which includes components that have become mandatory for us. A kilogram of wild mushrooms is cut, placed in cold water this time and boiled for an hour (the first broth must be drained). In a saucepan, chopped onions and grated carrots are fried. It is introduced into the soup simultaneously with cubes of one or two potatoes. When the tubers are cooked, pour two beaten eggs into the pan with vigorous stirring so that they dissolve throughout. Pepper, herbs, salt - and we invite the family to the table.

"Fed Dad"

Mycelium made from fresh mushrooms, the recipe of which is supplemented with millet, is even more satisfying. This time they are cut into medium-sized slices, the grain is taken in about half the amount and washed. Both are placed in boiling water at the same time and cooked for half an hour. About ten minutes before the end of cooking, add potatoes and onions stewed in butter. If you want, you can do without potatoes, but the author of the recipe advises cooking with them. The soup, already poured into bowls, is flavored with a sprig of parsley and a spoonful of sour cream.

Dense mycelium: recipe with photo

It should combine both forest and “domestic” mushrooms. The suggested ratio is approximately this: for 100 grams of boletus mushrooms - 400 honey mushrooms and 150 champignons. They say it turns out to be simply amazing mycelium. The recipe advises using small mushrooms whole, and cutting large caps. Prepared mushrooms and half a glass of washed barley are loaded into 3 liters of water. As soon as it boils, the scale is removed, after which it is timed for 20 minutes. Potato cubes are added next. Take it at your own discretion. After about ten minutes, frying is introduced, for which both the carrot and the onion should be finely chopped; there is no need to grate the root vegetable. 100 grams of processed cheese is grated and added at the very end, with pepper and soy sauce. When it melts, the soup is ready to eat. Chopped herbs and sour cream are served on the table with it.

Winter mycelium

If you have taken care of your future since the fall, in the cold weather you will still have access to tasty and fragrant mycelium. The recipe involves the use of dried porcini mushrooms, but does not prohibit the use of any others. Since frosts require increased nutrition, it would be wise to cook broth from half a kilogram of beef for the mycelium. The bones are then removed, and the meat is cut and returned. A glass of mushrooms is poured with boiling water for ten minutes, strained and passed through a meat grinder. Four potatoes, cut into cubes, are placed in the broth; While it is cooking, a chopped onion is sautéed in a frying pan, followed by mushroom pulp, and then grated carrots. When everything is thoroughly fried, pour it into the pan. After mixing, half a glass of rolled oats is added there. After 10 minutes, the soup is seasoned with a mixture of different types of pepper and laurel.

Mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms, the recipe for which many current housewives know, is an excellent first course, satisfying, appetizing and healthy. And all this thanks to the main ingredient - mushrooms, which make the broth especially rich and pleasant to the taste. How to cook mycelium and what mushrooms to use when cooking? Experienced chefs claim that the most delicious are those endowed with a special taste and aroma. However, frozen or dried product also makes an excellent dish, although in this case, when preparing, you need to follow the tips to make the soup taste great.

Usually the mycelium, the recipe for which varies depending on the required products, is prepared in different ways: some put cream in the dish, some add cheese, and some add more fresh vegetables. In any case, the soup turns out very rich and tasty.

The most commonly prepared mycelium is made from frozen mushrooms, which include:

  • Champignon;
  • White mushrooms;
  • honey mushrooms;
  • boletus;
  • oyster mushrooms

The most useful and nutritious mushroom mushroom is made from champignons: these mushrooms are endowed with a lot of microelements that are important for human health. Champignons are also considered the most famous and widespread product, which is not difficult to find in the store (both fresh and frozen).

But bluelegs or chanterelles should not be added to the soup, as they will not add richness to the broth, and will also become soft, which will spoil the taste of the mycelium.

Vegetables give the dish good taste, which should not be ignored when preparing soup. For example, these include onions and carrots, which make excellent fried foods. Spices and herbs also play an important role, emphasizing the taste of mushrooms and complementing it with their “taste notes.”

A mushroom pot made from fresh mushrooms, the recipe of which may differ in the main components, is prepared according to the same principle as from frozen ones. If you decide to use fresh wild mushrooms, you should clean them well and then quickly boil them for 5 minutes. Frozen mushrooms must first be thawed and washed, then allowed to stand and dry. Dry mushrooms should be filled with water in advance, since otherwise the soup will take a very long time to cook, then they will lose all their beneficial qualities and become very soft. It is advisable to pour the dry component overnight so that it has time to be well saturated with water.

Mushroom bowl made from fresh mushrooms is a tasty and healthy dish. However, if it is not possible to collect or buy them, you can use a frozen product (it is also actively used for making soup in the cold season).

In order for the mushroom picker recipe to be to your taste, and for the dish to be healthy and appetizing, you must follow the recommendations of experienced chefs. In this case, the soup can safely be called professionally prepared.

  1. Frozen mushrooms can greatly lose their taste, which will certainly affect the finished soup. Therefore, if possible, it is better to freeze the product yourself.
  2. You should buy frozen champignons in the store, as they have a special taste and are also immediately cut into small pieces.
  3. To make the broth clear and rich, you first need to boil the champignons in slightly salted water until it boils, then drain the liquid and replace it with a new one.
  4. It is better to use boiled water.
  5. Onions and carrots should be added to the soup as much as possible, because they give an excellent richness to the broth, making it golden and pleasant to the taste.
  6. It is necessary to use mild spices, as they will not interrupt the taste of the mycelium. The best option is black pepper, Provençal herbs and suneli hops.

Cooking mycelium is quite simple, so any housewife can easily cope with this preparation.

Step-by-step cooking process

If you don’t know how to cook mycelium, pay attention to this recipe, which is considered traditional. It is easy and quick to make, and the prepared soup will certainly be appreciated by lovers of mushrooms or homemade food.

Required ingredients:

  • 300 grams of frozen champignons (you can use another mushroom),
  • 3 potatoes,
  • carrot,
  • 2 onions,
  • 2 liters of water,
  • a little oil for frying,
  • pepper,
  • salt and bay leaf.

The first step is to prepare the mushrooms. To do this, take them out of the pack and put them in a colander. Now rinse with lukewarm water until the champignons are completely defrosted. If necessary, chop them.

Pour water into a saucepan, put champignons in it and put on fire. After boiling, cook them for 10 minutes, after which we add pre-cut potatoes to the broth.

While the soup is cooking, peel the onions and carrots. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots. Fry the vegetables in oil for 5 minutes; as a result, the frying should change color. Then put it in a saucepan, add spices and salt.

Cook the mycelium until the potatoes are cooked. The finished soup is sprinkled with herbs. After cooking, the dish needs to stand for 20 minutes under a warm blanket.

Preparing mushroom soup involves several steps, especially if you plan to make pureed mushroom soup. This mushroom soup recipe strives to ensure that the soup has a pleasant, distinctive taste that cannot be confused with any other. We will tell you how to cook mushroom soup, and this original first course will surely become your calling card.

How to cook mushroom soup? is a question that worries many. You can cook lean mushroom soup, you can cook mushroom soup with chicken broth or mushroom soup with meat broth, and in addition – mushroom soup with processed cheese or mushroom soup with cream. So it's a matter of taste and your choice of caloric content of the dish. In addition to mushrooms, various ingredients are added to this soup, for example, they prepare mushroom soup with meat, mushroom soup with chicken, mushroom soup with noodles, mushroom soup with noodles, mushroom soup with barley. If we talk about the types of mushrooms, then it should be said that you can cook mushroom and champignon soup, mushroom soup from chanterelles, mushroom soup from porcini mushrooms, mushroom soup from oyster mushrooms, mushroom soup from boletus, mushroom soup from honey mushrooms.

To know how to prepare mushroom soup, first of all, you should choose which mushrooms it will be prepared from, because mushroom soup is prepared from fresh mushrooms, mushroom soup from dried mushrooms, and even mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms, for example, mushroom soup from frozen champignons . Let's start with how to prepare mushroom soup from dried mushrooms. Mushroom soup made from dried mushrooms can please you all year round, you just have to stock up on dried mushrooms. Dry mushrooms should be pre-soaked for several hours in water, and only then cooked.

Cheese and mushroom soup has a unique aroma; mushroom soup with cheese is often prepared in the form of a puree soup. It will also be useful for you to learn how to prepare cream of mushroom soup. To do this, mushrooms are first stewed in butter and flour, cream and milk are added, then they are crushed in a blender and poured with broth. In this way you can prepare cream of mushroom soup from champignons, cream of mushroom soup with cream. If you decide to make mushroom cream soup from champignons, boil several small mushrooms whole, cut them thinly across and put them in a plate, you will get not only a tasty mushroom cream soup, but also a beautiful one. The recipe for mushroom soup from champignons can generally be considered one of the most popular, due to the fact that champignons are one of the most accessible mushrooms. A similar recipe is used to prepare mushroom cream soup, creamy mushroom soup recipe, creamy mushroom soup recipe with cream, or some other thick mushroom soup. You can find the recipe with photos of all the operations of preparing mushroom soup on our website.

Mushroom soups (colloquially called “mycelium”) are a fairly common dish loved by many. It has no nationality, since no one can accurately determine in which region it originated. It is brewed everywhere, in different parts of our vast land.

The most rich and nutritious soups are made from saffron milk caps and porcini mushrooms, while the most aromatic and piquant ones are made from honey mushrooms and moss mushrooms. But from cultivated mushrooms (oyster mushrooms, champignons), according to some culinary specialists, the mycelium turns out bland and less satisfying. Although true gourmets can argue with this opinion.

Our article will describe how to cook mycelium from edible mushrooms with the addition of various ingredients and without the use of harmful flavors. By the way, the first dish can be eaten during Lent.

Dietary mycelium soup from porcini mushrooms

The classic recipe involves preparing soup only from dried porcini mushrooms. For a lean dish we will need the following set of ingredients: one hundred grams of porcini mushrooms, onions, two carrots, four potatoes. Seasonings: bay leaf, garlic, black pepper and dill.

Step-by-step technology

Rinse the dried mushrooms, cover with running water and leave for an hour. After the specified time, filter the liquid in which the mushrooms were, dilute with a glass of water and set to boil on the stove. Throw in the chopped potatoes and cook for 15 minutes.

Pour sunflower oil into a saucepan, add finely chopped onion, sauté until golden brown and add grated carrots and porcini mushrooms. Fry the mixture and transfer it to the potato broth. Boil for 10 minutes. A minute before turning off the burner, add all the spices and serve with sour cream. Now we’ll tell you how to cook mycelium with milk - write down the recipe.

Creamy soup

Ingredients: five hundred grams of heavy cream 33%, a liter of milk, dried porcini mushrooms (half a kilogram), onion, butter (one hundred grams), flour (30 g), salt.

How to cook mycelium - step-by-step recipe

Place the mushrooms in boiling water and let them sit for half an hour (do not pour out the infusion). Heat a piece of butter in a frying pan, add chopped onion and lightly fry. Cut the mushrooms into small cubes or strips and combine with onions - simmer for 10 minutes and add flour.

Heat the liquid from the mushrooms and put the roast in it. Then pour in the milk and cream and mix with a whisk - simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. Mycelium soup is served with fresh herbs. You can garnish with fried mushroom slices.

Honey mushroom soup puree

Ingredients for a dish for three liters of chicken broth: potatoes (three root vegetables), carrots, onions and leeks, a glass of frozen honey mushrooms, 150 ml of cream, grated cheese (50 g), a little salt, a clove of garlic, nutmeg.

Before cooking the mycelium, you need to boil the chicken broth. If you wish, you can leave the meat - it will be more satisfying. Thaw the mushrooms and pour boiling water over them. Place chopped potatoes with honey mushrooms into the broth.

Fry two types of onions with grated carrots in sunflower oil and add to the soup. Puree the finished products using a blender, heat, add nutmeg, grated cheese, cream, garlic. garnish with dill. An extraordinary delicacy will satisfy the needs of the most demanding gourmet.

Recipe with ham and salted mushrooms

What you will need: one hundred grams of smoked ham or brisket, salted honey mushrooms (a glass), celery (two sprigs), bay leaves, potatoes (two root vegetables), onions, tomato paste (a large spoon), sour cream (50 ml) and a leaf of Chinese lettuce. Spices: garlic, salt, pepper.

How to prepare mycelium with salted mushrooms? You can pickle honey mushrooms yourself or purchase ready-made ones. Sauté onions with ham, mushrooms and tomato paste. Add pepper, garlic and salt to the roast.

Boil two liters of water or meat broth in advance and transfer the mixture there along with the potatoes. Cover the pan with a lid and leave to cook for 15 minutes. Pour the soup into portions, add sour cream, chopped celery and lettuce to each person. This dish is indispensable on fasting days and during Lent; it is low in calories, healthy and nutritious.

And finally, we will surprise you with a spicy assorted mushroom soup. What to take: half a kilogram of mushroom mixture from champignons, honey mushrooms, chanterelles and oyster mushrooms (you can take any - to your taste), fresh zucchini (2 pcs.), carrots, red onion, two potatoes, cilantro, celery, salt.

Chop the red onion into cubes and place in a saucepan with butter. As soon as the vegetable acquires a golden hue, add assorted mushrooms and fry. Boil the potatoes, add carrots, cut into slices, and zucchini to the root vegetables. Then add the mushroom mixture and spices. Simmer the dish for 7 minutes. At the end of cooking, chop the cilantro. Serve with sour cream and bread. And for those who prefer puree soups, we suggest blending the ingredients in a blender.

So we told you how to cook mycelium in different interpretations. Have fun creating, get creative with your products and share your impressions.