Protein powder how to dilute proportions. How to use dried egg white

Why do we need it, how to work with it, and why is it better than its analogue - fresh egg white.

First of all, let's look at the origin of the product: albumin, or dried egg white, is, as the name implies, dehydrated chicken egg white. During processing, all the nutrients and beneficial substances of the raw protein are preserved, but the risk of infection with salmonellosis and other diseases is eliminated. Albumin is a cream-colored powder, practically tasteless and odorless.

Why do you need dry protein?

Firstly, the shelf life of albumin is many times longer than the shelf life of fresh eggs, and even more so of already separated egg whites. An opened package of albumin can be stored in a dry and dark place at room temperature for a year. Closed packaging can be stored for several years completely undisturbed.

Secondly, as mentioned above, it is safe to use in its thermally untreated form. When preparing icing or French meringue, you do not have to worry about potentially dangerous microorganisms getting from the eggshell into the final product, since the albumin manufacturing process eliminates the presence of such microorganisms.

Thirdly, ease of storage, transportation and use (there is no need to store fresh eggs in the refrigerator, take into account the fragility of the shell, separate the white from the yolk before use, and so on), cost-effectiveness (you don’t need to think about where to use the remaining yolks, you weigh out exactly that much , as much as necessary).

Use of dry egg white

Albumin can be used in the same recipes that use raw protein. In the food industry, dry protein is widely used in bakery production, for making sauces, cocktails and desserts.

From a confectionery point of view, the use of dry protein is preferable when preparing air masses, since a more stable result is obtained than when using fresh protein. So, it is used to prepare mousses, meringues, soufflés, and so on.

A small lyrical digression to the word about the stability of meringue made from dry protein: once I set out two baking sheets of meringue for baking, but only put one in the oven (I happily forgot about the second one for an hour and a half of baking the first one). And at the same time, over the intervening time, the meringues from the second baking sheet have not changed at all; they were sent for baking immediately after the first batch and came out no worse than the first ones.

In modern molecular cooking, albumin is used to prepare foams, gels and decorative elements.

There are two possible ways to use dried egg whites: in powder form and in diluted gel form. To dilute dry protein and get the equivalent of raw protein, you need to add liquid in a ratio of 1:8-10. That is, the liquid should be 8-10 times greater in weight than dry protein. Many people advise diluting dry protein in liquid 10-15 minutes before cooking to better absorb moisture into the powder, but in practice I did not notice a difference in using freshly diluted protein or “settled” protein. I also don’t recommend using a blender to punch a mixture of dry protein and liquid: we don’t need extra air bubbles, but you can stir thoroughly with a spoon or spatula.

Recipe for fruit meringue on albumen

An example of using albumin is my favorite simple fruit meringues. They can be used as an independent dessert or as decoration.

To prepare we will need:

  • 12 g albumin
  • 110 g fruit puree (I used strawberry and passion fruit, 50/50)
  • 110 g sugar

Place all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl, start stirring with a whisk first at low speed (to combine the products so that the albumin does not fly out of the bowl), then start whisking at medium or medium-high speed until a dense airy mass is obtained.

Place the resulting meringue into a pastry bag with the required amount for your purpose.

Egg white powder has 2 main uses: in sports nutrition - to enrich the diet of athletes with protein, and in cooking, for the same purposes where regular chicken protein is used.

Of course, we are primarily interested in the culinary sphere. This is where dry protein can come in very handy. First of all, for preparing meringue and desserts based on it. Here, dry egg whites have a number of advantages over liquid ones.

Firstly, when you don't have to worry about what to do with the yolks left over from separating fresh eggs, and also about how to get the exact amount of protein from whole chicken eggs (for example, a recipe calls for 55g of protein, and in one egg it on average 35-40g).

Secondly, some desserts based on French meringue are prepared without heat treatment. This scares many people because fresh eggs can become a source of salmonellosis. Dried egg white does not pose such a threat; it can be consumed without fear.

Thirdly, in some cases, to obtain a good stable meringue, it is recommended to “age” egg whites, for which purpose separate them in advance and keep them for a day at room temperature and then in the refrigerator. This is done to remove some of the moisture from the egg white. But if you use dry protein, you can simply increase the protein concentration a little and you will get an excellent mixture for whipping.

Well, besides everything, there is no risk of the yolk getting into the white, which also simplifies the matter. And if you want to prepare a diet meal that is low in fat and carbohydrates and rich in protein, using protein powder will give you additional options.
Also, to prepare the same macarons, you can simply add a little dry egg white to fresh egg white to avoid excess moisture and get the desired dough consistency.

Dry protein is usually not sold in stores. It can be found in specialty stores: either sports stores or bakery stores. Athletes' protein is not always suitable for use in confectionery purposes because it can come with various additives, but pure egg white can be used.

Just in case, I decided to conduct an experiment and prepare macarons using dry protein for various purposes. I had 2 packages of protein: one confectionery (1), one sports (2).

The confectionery was loose, without the original packaging of the manufacturer, and the sports one was like this:

I diluted both proteins in the same amount of water (20g protein per 120 ml of water).

Both types of protein do not dissolve in water immediately, first forming sticky lumps.

This is loose protein.

This is a can from Now foods

After thorough mixing, both proteins dissolved in water, but the solutions looked slightly different.

The unnamed protein gave a pale, cloudy solution.

Now foods protein is yellowish, almost transparent and foams more than the previous one.

I used both types of protein to make Italian meringue for macarons. I’ll say right away that it turned out great in both cases, although, as it seemed to me, in the end the macaron dough from the first egg white turned out more moist.

Italian egg white meringue (1)

Italian egg white meringue (2) with coloring

In general, if you decide to buy yourself an egg white for culinary purposes, then both regular dry protein and protein for athletes (specifically the one described in the post) are suitable. But, all other things being equal, I would prefer a sports one, for the following reasons:

1) Sealed packaging and a proven, well-known manufacturer insure against misunderstandings and the purchase of a low-quality or expired product.

2) The finished protein has a pleasant consistency and good foaming ability.
3) Price: a can of protein weighing 544 g costs about 700 rubles, and the same amount of confectionery protein will cost about 1000 rubles.

In general, in terms of price-quality ratio, Eggwhite protein from Now Foods definitely wins. Moreover, it also outperforms other types of dried egg whites presented on

Egg protein is a storehouse of all amino acids necessary for humans. It has high biological value and is excellent for athletes who are allergic to lactose. If the body does not absorb milk-based sports nutrition and it is contraindicated to take whey and casein protein, egg white will be the product that will effectively replace them. It is easily digestible and quickly broken down in the stomach into amino acids, which are sent through the blood to the muscles, where they participate in the synthesis of fibers. It is worth saying that in addition to them, they contain many minerals and vitamins that affect the proper development of metabolism, muscle tissue and energy metabolism.

Protein synthesis in muscle mass is regulated by leucine. This amino acid is contained with a component of 9%. It is considered very important in building muscle, because without it, other acids do not enter into the full process of muscle mass formation.

How is albumin obtained?

The enormous value of protein lies in its digestibility by the body. Those who want to build muscle or lose weight use this component in their diet. It is known that an egg contains 85% water, about 11% is fat, and less than 1% carbohydrates. The protein we are interested in contains many useful substances, such as: ovalbumin, conalbumin, lysozyme, ovomucine. To receive the correct amount of the component daily, it is advisable to drink special cocktails that are produced in factories. The protein is ground, dried and converted into powder.

There are two types - with the addition of yolk and albumin. The latter lacks all fats. During production, the component is exposed to high temperatures that kill microorganisms, but the protein remains active. The daily norm for each person is calculated individually. It all depends on the needs and the result that is being pursued.

Egg protein: how to take

A common misconception is to eat protein raw. Of course, the composition there is the most correct, but in order to get a certain dose, you will have to consume a large amount of the product, which can have a detrimental effect on the body. Why? There is a risk of developing allergic reactions. In addition, you can get salmonellosis. When consuming one egg, the percentage of danger is minimal, but systematic consumption of large amounts of raw protein can increase it.

Another misconception is buying village eggs. It is believed that they are environmentally friendly, saturated with a large number of useful substances. Perhaps, but there is no certainty that the product is completely safe. Farmers do not treat it with antiseptics or wash it, which means that the possibility of contracting salmonellosis is high.

For those who like the supplement in its raw form, we recommend using an air fryer. If you heat it up to 280 degrees, then the infection on the shell will be destroyed very quickly, and the protein will not be baked. An equally common method is cooking. There is no protein destruction here, and the beneficial properties are preserved. The main thing is to adhere to the time frame, which should be within 1-2 minutes.

The protein drink is consumed throughout the day, the time is not limited, but for athletes it is important that the protein gets into the muscles. For this purpose, it is recommended to drink cocktails before or after training. You should take into account the dose based on your weight and diet. For women, one gram per kilogram of body weight is calculated; for men, the dose is doubled.

Protein perfectly reduces appetite and satisfies hunger, so it is included in diets designed for weight loss. The supplement should also be used for weight gain. Scientists have proven that even 5 g of protein eaten after a workout helps restore and build muscles, but it is advisable to take a serving of 30-40 g.

Egg protein - pros and cons

Let's talk about the benefits so that everyone can understand whether they should take it and include it in their diet or not.

Positive traits:

  • Gives a powerful anabolic response.
  • Contains the largest percentage of amino acids.
  • Prevents muscle breakdown by supporting fibers.
  • Does not contain lactose or fat.
  • Contains vitamins B, E, D.
  • Provides 100% digestibility.
  • Nourishes the body throughout the day
  • Does not burden the kidneys.
  • Does not threaten severe gastrointestinal consequences in case of overdose.

Unfortunately, there are also negative aspects, which we will also consider.

Negative facts:

  • Causes bloating, gas, constipation.
  • May cause an allergic reaction.
  • It has a specific taste and bitterness.
  • When preparing a drink, the protein produces strong foam, causing discomfort.
  • Low absorption rate, which does not allow closing the protein window immediately after training.
  • High price.

Despite the fact that the price is indeed higher than others, many athletes choose egg whites.

If we say that bodybuilding only uses dried egg whites, then this is not true. Many professionals and amateurs consume albumin in this form for a number of benefits. First of all, there is no excess water or fat in the composition. In this form, pure protein is present. In addition, there is no danger of contracting salmonellosis or other diseases due to proper processing in the laboratory. Another plus is that you don’t need to throw away the yolk and regret wasting the product. It is much easier to store a dry preparation. Its shelf life is longer than that of raw eggs. When opened, it can retain its beneficial properties for almost a year. It is easy to use: you can steam it, add it to food, or make cocktails. Simply add water and drink the intended portion. Its versatility has a beneficial effect on the diet.

Protein powder can be made at home, but you will need several trays of eggs. Get ready to blend 25-30 pieces without yolk in a blender to ultimately get 300 g of dry matter. After a thick head has been obtained, it should be poured onto a flat tray in a thin layer and placed in a drying cabinet. As soon as the foam dries and turns into flakes, they need to be collected and crushed. That's it, now you can take homemade albumin.

If you don’t want to experiment and consider buying a branded protein safer, then be prepared to pay a higher price than for casein protein. In any case, professional developments are of higher quality, safer and more effective, so it is better not to experiment, but to select your favorite manufacturer and use their products.

Everyone knows the beneficial properties of egg white, or egg albumin. It is an excellent source of protein, which, unlike yolk, contains very little cholesterol and fatty acids. Liquid is used as a food additive.

Egg whites protect the developing chick, but their main role is to provide nutrients to the embryo. It is for this reason that egg whites are so rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.

Egg white contains over 40 types of protein molecules.

Egg white proteins

Although egg whites contain many types of proteins, some of them have greater biological value. Approximately half (54%) of egg white albumin is ovalbumin, which is a nutrient substrate and binds digestive enzymes. Ovotransferrin (12%), ovomucoid (11%) and ovoglobulin (8%) are three other proteins widely present in egg whites. Each of these protein molecules performs its own function, and together these proteins are involved in the digestion of food, bind to cellular receptors, stimulate the immune system, or solve all of the above tasks.

Nutritional composition of egg albumin

Egg white accounts for more than half the weight of one egg, and the white itself is mostly water. If we study the remainder, we will find in it a set of nutritional elements, of which the lion’s share falls on the above-mentioned egg protein. In addition, egg whites contain magnesium, potassium, sodium and.

Unlike other products, egg white practically does not lose its nutritional properties during heat treatment, and as for its energy value, the white of a large chicken egg contains only 17 calories.

The white of a large chicken egg contains only 17 calories.

Methods for preparing eggs and egg albumin

There are a lot of options for preparing eggs. They can be fried, you can shake them and make an omelette, or you can make a fried egg and eat them with or without the yolk. If you only need the whites, boil the eggs hard or soft-boiled - separating and removing the yolk from boiled eggs is not difficult.

Many family recipes call for the use of egg whites. Homemade baked goods (pies, muffins, or cookies) contain egg whites or whole eggs. Don't forget egg-based cocktails - make eggnog or healthy non-alcoholic eggnog from egg whites according to your own recipe!

Some people are accustomed to drinking raw eggs or liquid albumin, produced industrially from raw eggs. Note that although raw eggs are a valuable nutritional product, they may contain the pathogenic bacterium salmonella.

Therefore, a more reasonable solution is packaged liquid albumin. In terms of nutritional value, it does not differ from raw eggs, but at the same time, liquid albumin is subjected to pasteurization - heat treatment - during which salmonella die. Liquid egg albumin can be drunk in its pure form, or you can prepare aromatic cocktails from it by mixing the egg white with chocolate syrup.

Egg Albumin Powder

An alternative source of egg albumin is the powder form. Technologists have long found a way to remove water from egg whites and obtain a dry white powder as a result. Why is this necessary? The powder form has a number of undeniable advantages.

For example, if you use the powdered form of egg white rather than raw egg white, you don't have to worry about salmonella and other pathogenic bacteria, since all microorganisms are killed during the dehydration process. Plus, if you only need egg whites, using the powder form won't leave you feeling bad about the discarded yolk—it simply isn't there.

The shelf life of dried egg albumin is significantly longer than that of raw egg white. Even after opening the package, the powder can be stored on a regular shelf at room temperature for a year. And in a sealed box, albumin retains its properties for five to ten years.

You can use the powder form in the same way as fresh egg white. Protein shakes can be prepared using egg albumin, it can be added to dishes, or it can be steamed and eaten. Making egg albumen is very easy - just add water!

Egg albumin and allergic reactions

Persons who are allergic to chicken protein (including eggs and egg whites) should not take egg albumin. Manifestations of an allergy to chicken protein may include nasal congestion and difficulty in nasal breathing, allergic asthma, nausea, vomiting and stomach cramps.

In some people, the allergy manifests itself in a very severe form, up to anaphylactic shock, in which the person cannot breathe. Treatment of anaphylaxis requires hospitalization of the patient in a medical facility, and emergency care at the prehospital stage is an injection of adrenaline. If these recommendations are not followed, anaphylactic shock is fatal.

However, there is a possibility that the cause of egg allergy is sensitization to only the white or only the yolk. If a person has an allergic reaction only to the components of the yolk, he can consume egg albumin.

In addition to allergies, there is another problem - egg albumin intolerance. The symptoms are similar to those of an allergy, but they only appear if a person eats improperly prepared egg whites. For example, a person eats a pie without problems because the egg white is baked, but fried eggs cause intolerance symptoms in him.

Egg albumin: possible health risks

Although egg albumin contains many nutritional components, eating it in very large quantities has a negative impact on our health. Excessive consumption of egg whites lowers the level in the blood, and this can lead to skin rashes, acute conjunctivitis, hair loss, hallucinations and other neurological disorders.

Too high doses of albumin provoke increased gas formation and lead to constipation. If you are on a salt-free diet, you should not eat a lot of egg whites, as one egg white contains 400 mg of sodium.

Eggs can be contaminated with salmonella. Bacteria are killed by careful heat treatment, but you should be careful during the cooking process to prevent the protein from spreading. The latter can lead to salmonella contamination of other foods and kitchen utensils.

Cooking and eating egg albumin may pose some risks, but if handled properly and consumed in moderation, there should be no problems. The good news is that egg white is an FDA-regulated product, and you can be absolutely sure of its quality.

Possible side effects

  • Allergic reaction
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Flatulence
  • Hair loss
  • Neurological disorders

Synonyms and analogues

Milk casein hydrolysate, C12, C12 peptide, calcium caseinate, casein decapeptide, casein hydrolysate, casein peptide, casein phosphopeptide, casein protein extract, casein protein hydrolysate, casein tripeptide, tryptic casein hydrolysate, caseinate, milk cysteine ​​peptide, hydrolyzed casein, hydro lysed concentrate casein, hydrolyzed lactalbumin, antihypertensive peptide, isoleucine-prolyl-proline, lactalbumin hydrolysate, lactalbumin hydrolyzate, lactotripeptide, milk protein extract, milk protein hydrolysate, C12 peptide, potassium caseinate, sodium caseinate, fermented milk extract, fermented milk peptide, casein tripeptide, valine prolyl-proline


Despite some medical cautions, egg albumin is one of the best sources of complete protein. Albumin is not only nutritious, but also a very versatile product - you can make and eat a smoothie for breakfast, or you can pour it into a bottle and drink it throughout the day.

Protein is one of the main components of the human body. Human muscles, bones and internal organs receive protein from food, which is sufficient for the normal functioning of the body. But people who lead an active lifestyle and engage in strength sports need to consume much larger amounts of protein elements.

Athletes get extra protein through protein supplements.

One of the best protein complexes is egg protein.

Egg protein production

Egg protein is created on the basis of chicken eggs. It is difficult to find a more natural product than this. To obtain powdered egg white, it is isolated and dried. Then, the egg white goes through a filtration process, after which it takes the form of a powder and produces egg albumin.

Egg protein: benefit or harm

For many decades, experts argued about the benefits of egg whites until they came to a consensus - egg whites have a beneficial effect on the human body.


  1. Contains an excellent balance of essential amino acids.
  2. Egg albumin contains a large amount of leucine (BCAA amino acid).
  3. Egg white is characterized by the absence of fat or its minimal amount.
  4. It contains a large number of vitamins, microelements and minerals.
  5. Increases hemoglobin and testosterone levels.


Egg albumin can only be harmful if you have:

  • egg allergy
  • flatulence
  • gastrointestinal disorder
  • bloating

If you experience these symptoms, then it is better to stop using egg albumin, because in this case it will only worsen your health condition.

If you do not suffer from the diseases listed above, you can safely consume egg whites.

Egg protein is especially popular among bodybuilders, who take it due to the properties of egg white.


  • completely absorbed by the human body
  • acts as the main material for muscle growth
  • satisfies hunger
  • increases the athlete's strength capabilities
  • quickly restores the athlete after training

Think egg whites are only good for gaining muscle mass? You are wrong!

Egg albumin is an excellent aid in losing weight.

Egg protein for weight loss

Experts say that for drying the body or burning extra pounds, the ideal protein is one that contains a minimum amount of fat and carbohydrates. Egg protein is what you need! It contains no fats or carbohydrates.

In addition, egg albumin regulates blood cholesterol levels and also contains many vitamins and minerals.

The only drawback of egg white is the high cost of such protein. But believe me, it's worth it.

It is egg white that perfectly helps burn fat if combined with proper protein nutrition and regular exercise. We would like to note right away that you do not need to eat a lot of boiled chicken eggs. Remember that it is not recommended to eat egg yolks or raw eggs.

For people who want to reduce the amount of fat in their body, they need to take protein between meals, or replace breakfast or dinner with an egg protein shake.

  • To prepare the drink, use a shaker to mix 1 scoop of protein powder with liquid (water, juice, skim milk). Adjust the amount of liquid according to your taste preferences.

Rules for eating egg white

It is very important to take egg protein correctly, because if you increase or decrease the dosage, there will be no effect. We will give recommendations on the correct use of egg white:

  1. How much protein should you eat? It depends on your weight and diet. So, for a person, it is necessary to consume 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight. Also, consider how much protein you get from food. As a rule, a person receives half of the required amount of protein elements through food. The rest of the amount of protein a person receives through protein intake.
  2. Dosage. Do not take more than 30 grams of pure protein, because the human body simply cannot absorb more. Excess protein will leave the body in urine.
  3. Let's prepare the drink. Mix one scoop of protein with 150-200 ml of water or milk. The amount of liquid can be adjusted depending on your preference.
  4. Time of receipt. The daily dose is 2-3 times. Be sure to drink a protein shake an hour before training and 30-40 minutes later. after its completion. You can also drink a protein drink in the morning or at night.
  5. Trainers often recommend mixing egg protein with whey protein so that the two types of protein can complement and enhance each other's actions.

Egg protein is an excellent product not only for gaining lean muscle mass, but also for losing extra pounds.

There are virtually no downsides to egg albumin, and side effects are extremely rare. The only serious disadvantage is the high price of egg white, but the effect is mesmerizing.

Take egg protein the right way and achieve maximum results with it.