Shooting drinks. How to drink shots

Surely you want to advance a little in your art of making alcoholic cocktails. The time has come to learn how to masterfully prepare burning, fiery drinks. Here we will look at several ways to prepare drinks, and also try to understand the reasons why fire cocktails are so popular. The basic rule that you must strictly follow, no matter what cocktail you decide to create, is safety. Always think carefully before you start all these games with fire, the danger of which has not been canceled. If you are already in a state where any drink, not even a fiery one, would be superfluous, you have drunk enough - it is better not to flaunt your bartending skills, but go home.

What is the appeal of fiery drinks?


Burning reduces the liquid content of the drink, making its taste richer and deeper. For example, below we will describe a recipe for making flaming Doctor Pepper, in which caramel amaretto gives the drink a unique taste.


If you set fire to a drink, its temperature rises, doesn't it? If you want to make a fiery cocktail and then drink it separately, without mixing it with anything else, then experiment. If dinner has already passed, then it is better to follow the example of the Italians and light sambuca for a few seconds, which will be a wonderful ending Italian dinner with carbonara pasta, because the taste of the drink will noticeably improve. Be sure to turn off the flame before drinking.

This is extremely important. Today, it is very important to prepare fire cocktails, and the point is not even that fire improves the taste, aroma and increases the temperature of the drink. It's all about the show. Fire is a wonderful ally if we're talking about about an incendiary party. And then, a flaming drink is quite romantic.

How to light a drink

Alcohol itself is flammable, so any alcoholic drink will burn. In the art of preparing fiery cocktails, it is important to take drinks of 80 degrees or higher as a basis. Some drinks have a lower strength, but components such as sugar play a vital role. Try experimenting with lower strength drinks using the methods described below.

Burning cocktail Floater

To prepare it, you will need a high-strength drink (for example, Bacardi 151 rum) and liqueur, for example Chartreuse.

  • A drink of higher strength will always “lie” on top of one with a lower strength. Therefore, almost any other alcohol can be used with Bacardi 151 rum.
  • To avoid unwanted mixing, pour it into the glass very carefully. It is best to pour rum over the handle of a spoon.
  • Pour in the rum in a thin stream until it forms a second layer over the base.
  • Before setting a drink on fire, be sure to wipe up any alcohol from anywhere in case you accidentally drip or spill it somewhere. The rum can be put back.
  • Place the flame against the rum. It is recommended to take long matches. If you use short ones, keep your fingers away from the fire, because when you were preparing the drink, you might accidentally drip on your hands.
  • Alcohol burns with a blue flame, which is especially noticeable in the dark. If you don't see the flame right away, it doesn't mean you didn't set the drink on fire. If you are a beginner, you can turn on the light - you will feel more confident.
  • The base drink itself will not burn, the rum will do that for it, and you can easily demonstrate such a small show to your friends, using any alcohol that they like as a base.

Flaming Doctor Pepper

Ingredients: beer (amber is best, but in the absence of it, Any will do other), strong rum, Amaretto, large glass, shot glass.

  • Fill the glass ½ or ¾ full with beer;
  • Fill the shot glass ¾ full with Amaretto;
  • Pour a layer of rum over the Amaretto;
  • Light the rum and leave the drink burning for a few seconds;
  • Tip the burning shot glass into the beer and quickly drink the contents;
  • Before placing the contents of the shot glass into the glass, you can extinguish the flame.

Burning stack

Most recipes suggest using medium strength alcohol. Since drinks such as Bacardi 151 and the like will burn even when room temperature, less strong alcoholic drinks require its increase. In order to easily ignite them, we suggest first reducing the dose of the drink - that is, using a shot glass.

  • If you want a simple burning drink, you can place a lit match in the shot glass for a few seconds.
  • The flame will heat it up, and after a while the drink will ignite. This is the easiest way.
  • To make the drink ignite faster, fill the glass almost to the brim with it and pour a little into a spoon. Light the drink in a spoon and plunge it into the shot glass - this will ignite the drink faster.
  • Surely you know about basic safety rules, but we will remind you of them again: always extinguish the flame before drinking. Avoid underfilling the shot glass - clean glass that does not come into contact with alcohol may crack when exposed to fire. But you shouldn’t overfill the drink, filling it almost to the brim either - you will then put out the flame, and you need to think about how you will do this. You won’t blow a burning layer of alcohol onto the table!

Burning B-52

The drink did not get its name from the pop group. The name was given to it by an American bomber, hence the craving for fire of this puff cocktail.

  • Ingredients: 1/3 Kahlua, 1/3 Bayleys, 1/3 Grand Manie.
  • Pour Kahlua liqueur into shot glass;
  • Add a layer of Bayleys;
  • On top is a layer of Grand Manier;
  • Set the drink on fire

Cocktail Backdraft

Preparing this cocktail is not very difficult; rather, it requires special care, but the result is worth it.

  • Place a glass of Sambuca on a saucer.
  • Pour some into a large glass Cointreau liqueur and rotate the glass so that the drink envelops the walls.
  • Light the liqueur and keep it burning until it is hot enough to handle.
  • Pour the flaming drink into the Sambuca glass, setting it on fire.
  • Sprinkle cinnamon on top of the burning cocktail and hold another glass upside down over it, catching the vapors. Soon the flame will go out.
  • Then, traditionally, an empty glass with alcoholic fumes is clamped with the palm of your hand, a straw is inserted into it, and these fumes are sucked out. In general, this is everyone’s business, but we warn you that consuming alcohol vapors in this way is dangerous and is not recommended.

If you followed all the recommendations outlined above and did not neglect safety precautions, you can consider yourself a master in preparing flaming drinks. Surprise your friends - stand at the bar and tell them that an enchanting performance with fiery drinks is about to begin. With a little practice, you will no doubt become indispensable at any party.

Surprisingly, there is not just one, but several correct methods how to drink absinthe at home. All of them have been repeatedly tested by discerning drink connoisseurs and real gourmets. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to get to know some of them better.

Classic or French

For classical method To drink absinthe, you will need a special glass, a piece of refined sugar, ideally pressed, and a special spoon with slots.

  • Pour exactly thirty milliliters of absinthe into the container.
  • Place a spoon on top of the stack and place a piece of refined sugar on it.
  • Pour over the sugar in a very thin stream. ice water in the amount of ninety milliliters.

As you add water in which the sugar has dissolved, the drink will begin to become cloudy (Louche), as the essential oils from absinthe create an emulsion with the liquid. You need to drink in small sips and not snack on anything. This method is recommended as an aperitif, about an hour before meals.

Crystal or Czech

This method of drinking absinthe is the most extreme, because here it will be drunk in pure form, absolutely undiluted.

  • Pour the drink into a glass or a special glass for absinthe, about one sip (20-30 milliliters).
  • Light the liquid with a match or lighter.
  • Wait until it burns a little.
  • Extinguish quickly and drink immediately in one gulp.

It is not customary to drink alcohol with this method of consumption, nor do you have a snack. If it’s too bitter for you, chew a piece of lemon zest with salt, it should add discomfort and vomiting.

Czech fiery

This method of drinking absinthe also implies the presence of a special glass that is not afraid of temperature changes, a special spoon and a piece of sugar.

The creation of the drink looks like real magic, and it’s interesting to drink. He gives unusual sensations, both in terms of taste and aromatic.

This is how it is customary to drink green absinthe.

  • Place a slotted spoon on the edges of the stack.
  • Carefully, drop by drop through the sugar, pour in thirty milligrams of absinthe.
  • Set fire to the alcohol-soaked refined sugar.
  • Wait until it burns and melts and drips into the drink.
  • Slowly inject ninety milligrams cold water and drink right away.

This method, favored by bartenders and the most effective, is dangerous because the liquid can catch fire from dripping sugar. Many simply consider this a signal to start diluting with water, because the rapidly falling temperature will itself extinguish the absinthe.

You can snack on a piece of dark chocolate, but it’s better to limit yourself to a slice of lemon or not eat anything at all.


Don't be surprised, there is such a method. Let's find out what our people drink green absinthe with abroad or at home.

  • Do sugar syrup from cold water and a piece of refined sugar. You can take simple sugar, heat it with water, and then cool until desired temperature, this is quite acceptable.
  • Mix one part absinthe and three parts syrup.

There is no need to snack on such a drink; this method will perfectly soften the bitterness of absinthe and give only positive impressions.

"Two glasses"

Another extremely favorite method of serving absinthe among bartenders, which can be replicated at home. True, you should be extremely careful, since here too you will need to set the drink on fire. This method is also sometimes called Russian, because our stern and strong men liked it.

  • Dissolve a cube of refined sugar in ninety milligrams of cold water.
  • Gently pour the syrup into the absinthe (30 milligrams).
  • Set the drink on fire.
  • After waiting a few seconds, cover with a second glass. After this, without access to oxygen, the flame will immediately go out.
  • Pour the absinthe into a second glass without separating the containers from each other.
  • Drink the liquid, and quickly cover the second glass with a napkin and turn it upside down.
  • Slide a cocktail straw under it and inhale the vapors of the alcohol that has just burned.

Here you should be extremely careful, since you need to act very quickly, almost instantly. You need to choose special glasses that are resistant to temperature changes, and the straw must be of high quality so that it does not deform from hot combustion products.

It's up to you to decide exactly what to do.

Method Instructions: How to Drink Absinthe at Home

There are not one or two, but several dozen simple and not so simple methods on how to drink and what to eat absinthe at home. They all vary, but mostly revolve around exactly how to dissolve the sugar, light it, and dilute the drink with water.

It’s impossible to fit them all into one article. If you want to know more, watch the video below.

The main thing is to be extremely careful when handling fire, and not to overdo it with the amount of alcohol “taken on the chest.” Indeed, in addition to excessive strength, which is what almost all types of such alcohol are famous for, it contains a simply “killer” set of herbal essences that are toxic.

There are many ways to remember a party for a long time. One of them is to prefer it to regular alcohol. A hundred years ago the cocktail was sweet dessert drink, today it is used to whet the appetite, to facilitate social contacts, and to turn ordinary visits to a restaurant or bar into an unforgettable event. Traditional events with classic drinks many are already tired of it, but unusual cocktails turn the holiday into an incendiary show. Nowadays, with the help of a cocktail you can not only relax, but also tickle your nerves and get a lot of unforgettable impressions.

For diversity in alcoholic drinks bartenders all over the world have to thank Jerry Thomas nicknamed "Professor", but, unfortunately, not many people know about him. In fact, almost nothing is known about Jerry. Jerry Thomas is considered the "father of cocktails." It cannot be said that he invented cocktails, but he put enormous effort into popularizing them and greatly developed cocktail culture. A bartender by profession and a showman by reputation, he published the book Bartenders Guide, which included 236 recipes for alcoholic drinks. Jerry Thomas' book also included recipes for ten cocktails that belong to a special category of drinks. These are flaming cocktails.

Last minute cocktails became a completely new phenomenon, their invention brought special fame to Jerry Thomas. Spectacular cooking drink, bright work with fire - this is how the now so popular was born.

"Professor" overflowed burning drink from one glass to another in a long flaming stream, which made an indelible impression. Since then, “fiery” drinks have taken a strong place in the entertainment program of many bars.

Safety rules for preparing and consuming fiery cocktails and drinks

Best to enjoy dangerous drinks in the company of friends in a dimly lit room. It must be remembered that flaming cocktails are a spectacular sight and a great treat, but they are dangerous not only to prepare, but also to consume. Playing with fire must be conducted according to strict rules. safety rules.

  • It is very important to heat the containers in which liquids will burn so that they do not burst due to a sudden change in temperature. The glass itself should be quite thick.
  • When heating glass, do not use open fire– the glass may darken.
  • First, light the alcohol in a spoon, and then carefully pour it into the cocktail. If everything is done correctly, the fire will spread to the entire drink.
  • If a bar serves flaming cocktails, the required licenses and permits must be obtained.
  • When setting fire, you need to keep in mind that the flame spreads very quickly. Do not lean over the drink, keep it near your hair, flammable clothing, etc.
  • After setting fire, you should not carry the glass everywhere, especially while intoxicated. It is necessary that all those present are aware of the intention to set fire to any drink and are not against it.
  • Burning objects should be kept away from alcohol bottles, which should be capped or capped.
  • Once a drink has caught fire, do not add alcohol to it, as this can be dangerous.
  • The drink must be put out before drinking. This can be done simply and safely by covering the glass tightly with something, such as a saucer. After the drink has been put out, you need to let the edges of the glass cool.

Burning does not greatly affect the taste of drinks, but many believe that after heating they become softer and more pleasant to taste. Majority strong alcoholic drinks can be set on fire, but some of them have firmly established themselves as real Hot Stuff.

Grog "Fantasy"


  • 60 g cognac;
  • 25 g liqueur;
  • 5 g sugar;
  • 10 g powdered sugar;
  • 1 lemon.


Pour into a heated grog glass powdered sugar, pour in cognac, liqueur, put a slice of lemon and pour boiling water into this glass. Place a small piece of sugar in a teaspoon placed on a glass, pour cognac over it, light it and serve grog "Fantasy" burning.

Cocktail “B-52”

If you look at a glass of professionally prepared "B-52", an association immediately comes to mind with a thermonuclear bomb exploding somewhere in the distance, for which the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress bomber was originally designed to deliver.


IN equal shares Layers of Kahlua café coffee liqueur, Baileys cream liqueur and Marie Blizzard Grand Orange liqueur are poured into a liqueur shot glass or shell glass.

To get even, uneven layers, first pour the coffee liqueur into the glass. Then, using the back of a spoon, slowly and carefully pour the Baileys over the top. coffee liqueur. Pour the orange Café over the Baileys in the same manner. As a result, you will get a three-layer “battery” - cocktail "B-52".

"Burning Punch"

Ingredients for 6-8 servings:

  • 1 liter of strong tea;
  • 1 small sugar loaf;
  • 1 small bottle of strong rum;
  • 2 bottles of dry white wine;
  • juice of one orange and one lemon.


Prepare strong tea. Place the tongs with the sugar loaf on the kettle, soak the sugar loaf with rum (use a pouring spoon, do not pour from the bottle), set it on fire and wait until all the sugar flows into the kettle, adding rum all the time. Heat white wine with tea, orange and lemon juice, but do not bring to a boil. Pour everything into the punch pot, stir and serve hot.

"Burning Fruit Mix"


  • 300 g rose hips;
  • 200 g cherries;
  • 300 g fresh pineapple;
  • 1 large peach;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1/2 cup apple juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 80 g cherry liqueur.


Remove seeds from berries. Cut the pineapple into slices and then into cubes. Blanch the peach and slice thin pieces. Mix fruit with sugar, pour apple juice, Cook over low heat for 10 minutes, then drain the syrup. Measure out 4 tbsp. l. Melt the butter, add sugar and melt it until it becomes caramel. Heat the fruit in liquid caramel. Mix wine, liqueur and syrup, heat the candles on a flame, pour over the fruit and set it on fire. You can serve vanilla ice cream and cream with the fruit.

Cocktail "Hiroshima"

Another burning extreme cocktail. Prepared in two glasses - a martini glass and a shot glass.


Equal parts of Bacardi (preferably white) and sambuca are poured into a martini glass, and layers of Blue Curaçao and cream are poured into a shot. Sambuca with Bacardi is set on fire, the straw must be lowered to the bottom of the glass and drunk quickly. When more than half the glass has been drunk, Curaçao with cream from the shot is poured into it.

People always want bread and circuses. One of such spectacles is burning cocktails. The very process of preparing such extreme drinks fascinates and wildly delights everyone watching, although the entertainment mainly depends on the level of skill of the bartender.

A striking characteristic of fire cocktails is their strength, which is why they are popular mostly among men. The fair half of humanity is also not averse to watching such “performances”, because burning alcoholic cocktails- a whole art.

The first association that comes to mind when you see this cocktail is a burning iceberg. Or “A Song of Ice and Fire.” The drink contains gin, Jägermeister liqueur and Limoncello. There are two cooking options " fire ice": in the first case, all components are poured in layers, starting with Limoncello, and in the second, the sequence is unimportant - three types of alcohol are simply mixed in a shaker. But one thing remains the same: the cocktail must be set on fire before drinking.

9. Burning Jaeger

Dark beer and Jägermeister liqueur at first glance seem not the most traditional and, frankly speaking, not the most the best combination. But in certain circles it is a classic. This composition is found in many cocktail menus. In combination with Jaeger, the beer acquires a noble pine aftertaste. The specificity of the cocktail lies in its preparation: the ingredients are not mixed in advance - a shot glass with burning liquor is lowered into a mug filled with beer.

8. Cherry nipples (Slippery nipple)

Perhaps the most “feminine” cocktail in our rating. Baileys liqueur gives the drink a distinct sweetness that will appeal to beautiful ladies. In addition, the drink contains Sambuca (in proportions of 50 to 50 with Baileys). The ingredients are poured into the stack in layers, starting with Sambuca. Traditionally, the cocktail is decorated with a large drop of cherry syrup on top, which, passing through the layer cream liqueur, resembles a ripe cherry.

7. Area 51

The basis of this cocktail is the famous Japanese melon liqueur Midori. It gives the drink not only a rich spicy aroma and taste, but also a beautiful light green hue. The recipe is very simple: light rum and Jägermeister liqueur are poured into a glass with Midori.

6. Chariot of Fire

Sambuca and vodka - it would seem that with such a composition it is impossible to make a mistake and do something wrong. But preparing this cocktail requires special care: you need to pour the vodka into the sambuca so carefully that the layers do not mix. Otherwise, all the flavor of the drink is lost. The ingredients are taken in a ratio of 50 to 50 (25 grams of each).

5. Green 52 (Mexican)

Green variation of the famous B-52 shot. The color of the drink is ensured by everyone's favorite green absinthe. In addition to it, the composition contains Baileys and Kahlua liqueur. The ingredients are poured in layers: starting with Kahlua and ending with absinthe. However, the order in which liqueurs are added is not important. It is recommended to drink the cocktail through a straw, but you can blow out the fire and quickly drink it in one gulp.

4. Bomb

The name of this cocktail was not taken out of thin air, but is completely justified and deserved. Its concept becomes clear once the drink is prepared. First of all, light beer is poured into a large glass, into which a shot of tequila is placed using tongs, and then Blue Curacao syrup and Strawberry and Cointreau liqueurs are poured into the glass along the walls. But there is a more extreme version of making a cocktail: first, liqueurs are poured into the beer, and at the end a burning glass of Blue Curacao is tipped into it. Everything in the glass begins to hiss and explode. Not a cocktail, but a real show.

3. B-52

The most popular hot shot in the whole world. It can be found on the menu of almost every club, bar and restaurant. It's all due to the bright combination of sweet, creamy coffee liqueur with fresh orange note, which is donated by Cointreau. B-52 is also poured in layers, starting with the most “thoroughbred” - coffee, ending with the freshest - orange liqueur. The mediator between these two extremes is creamy Baileys.

2. Sambuca

The most laconic drink in our rating. It contains only sambuca (and a hint of coffee beans). But everything is not as simple as it seems. Properly lighting and drinking sambuca is an art. This will require one glass, one glass and a straw. And also a video tutorial on making Sambuca. Don't forget to crack the coffee beans at the very end.

1. Absinthe

First you need to set fire to ice-cold absinthe. Then put a piece of sugar on a special spoon and hold it over the burning alcohol. The sugar will begin to melt and drip into the glass, crystallizing at the bottom. When the number of round brown crystals fills the remaining fifth of the glass, remove the spoon with sugar. Prepare a cocktail tube.

Blow out the flame and immediately, lowering the straw into the glass, without stopping, drink through it all the liquid contents of the glass in a few quick large sips, making sure to pass it all over your tongue in order to feel the taste more deeply. If everything is done quickly and correctly, the sharp transition from the scaldingly icy absinthe at the bottom to the unbearably hot on the surface, accompanied by a pleasant sweetish aftertaste, will become one of the most unforgettable sensations that you will want to experience again and again.

Undoubtedly, burning cocktails are an exciting and aesthetically pleasing sight. But the first and most important thing to always remember is safety precautions. It’s not for nothing that there is an expression: “If you like to drink absinthe, you also like to wear wigs.”

Sambuca is a famous national Italian drink. This liqueur has a specific aroma of star anise, or as it is also called, star anise. It is precisely because of the unique aniseed taste that one cannot remain indifferent to sambuca. Either they love her or they can’t stand her. Many have a peculiar spicy taste Sambuca evokes associations with medical syrup. But still, there are many more admirers of this drink than those who did not like it.

What is Sambuca?

It is worth noting that this is a fairly strong alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of 38 to 42%. It is often transparent, but sometimes it can be colored with natural dyes in black, red and even blue.

What taste, besides anise, does sambuca have? The anatomy of the drink is quite complex and consists of extracts aromatic herbs, berries, flowers. Another well-known ingredient of sambuca is elderberry flowers, but still no one knows the exact recipe of the drink. Manufacturers carefully hide the full composition of anise liqueur from the general public.

Origin story

Many admirers of this liqueur ask the question: “Sambuca - what is it? amazing drink, and how was it invented?" In fact, the history of the invention of this liqueur is very formulaic and typical of many alcoholic drinks. It all started with a simple experiment when someone decided to add a spicy spice to wheat alcohol - star anise(star anise). The result of the experiment was so amazing that after many years you and I can enjoy aromatic, invigorating sambuca. But then this drink was nicknamed “zammut” and was considered medicine, although sometimes they used it simply for their own pleasure.

Naturally, sambuca is not only wheat alcohol and anise. Its composition has been enriched for many years, and the recipe has been improved. 1945 was the year of the official birth of this alcohol. It was then that the Italian winemaker Angelo Molinari improved the recipe, adding extracts from plants only known to him, and gave spicy liqueur name of sambuca. He did not yet know that this creation would bring him fame and become a generally recognized alcoholic drink.

Now the most popular and widespread brand of sambuca bears the name of its creator - Molinari Sambuca Extra.

Origin of the name "sambuca"

Let's look at the origin of the name "sambuca". What is this word and where did it come from?

There are several options for the origin of this drink name.

The first option is the name of the elderberry Sambucus nigra, the flowers of which are added when making liqueur. There is also an Arabic version of the appearance of the name. It says that sambuca received this name due to the name of the Arab ships that transported it between continents. Some are of the opinion that the name comes from a similar name of a city in the Tuscan province.

Still, the most historically substantiated opinion is that the name of the drink was given by the name of its main component - anise (translated from Arabic). Zammut was the name of the progenitor drink of sambuca, which was produced and consumed in the Middle Ages.

Ways to use sambuca

Simply amazing great amount methods (you can call them rituals) for consuming sambuca. How to drink sambuca? 6 the right ways we'll look at it next.

1. Sambuca is rarely drunk in its pure form and in very small doses. It is often used as a digestif after a heavy meal. The Romans slightly modified this method of making anise liqueur. Traditionally, they fill a special glass with sambuca and throw in a couple of coffee beans, warm it up and drink it in one gulp.

2. Perhaps the most known method usage - “sambuca with flies” - also comes from Italy. Present here too coffee beans. According to ancient legend, there should be three of them. Each grain thrown into a glass of liqueur is the personification of human good: eternal health, boundless happiness and prosperity.

3. “Props” for implementing the following method - “ fiery sambuca"- a special glass made of thickened glass will serve. Liquor is poured into this glass, set on fire and wait until the flame goes out on its own. Afterwards, the contents of the glass should be drunk in one gulp, without snacking. Here it is important to feel and enjoy the spicy aftertaste of the drink.

4. The next way to use sambuca can be compared to a real performance. This is perhaps the most extreme method. Sambuca is put into the mouth; for safety reasons, you need to blot your lips with a napkin, then tilt your head back and open your mouth. The show begins when the waiter sets fire to the drink in his mouth. It should be swallowed as soon as the heat begins to be felt.

5. The next method, although associated with flame, is not as dangerous as the previous one. You need to take two glasses, pour sambuca into one of them and set it on fire. After a few seconds, pour the burning sambuca into another glass, and turn the empty one over or cover it with a napkin. The burning sambuca is drunk in one gulp, after which the vapor from the first glass is inhaled through a straw. All this can be eaten with coffee beans.

6. Sambuca with ice. Italians like to drink sambuca on hot days, putting a few ice cubes in a glass or pre-freezing the drink. One variation of this method is to dilute the anise liqueur with ice mineral water. If ice is thrown into the sambuca or water is added, the presence essential oils the composition makes the drink cloudy.

What do you drink sambuca with and what do you eat it with?

Sambuca - what is it and what do you drink it with? Not all questions were answered. As you noticed, there are many different interesting ways absorption of this liquor, but what can complement it? What products are best combined with sambuca?

Extreme sports enthusiasts and those with strong stomachs wash down this alcoholic drink with milk. You should immediately warn that not everyone will like this connection. Sambuca combines much more harmoniously with coffee (strong espresso) or tea.

Sambuca makes the best duo with dishes Italian cuisine. It will also be appropriate in combination with traditional Japanese dishes.

It is advisable to serve salty, light foods as an appetizer for sambuca - cheeses, feta cheese, cold meat snacks, olives. For those with a sweet tooth, we can recommend marmalade and a variety of desserts containing peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts and other nuts. Good combination Fruits for this liqueur: grapes, orange, lemon, apples.

Sambuca liqueur: calorie content, beneficial properties drink

Like any strong alcoholic drink, sambuca is large quantities can have a detrimental effect on the body. But correct, dosed use of anise liqueur will not cause any harm. Or maybe even vice versa.

Since ancient times, sambuca has been served after meals and played the role of a digestif. Its purpose is to help digest food. In addition, alcohol, which is consumed on a full stomach, brings much more less harm body.

Ingredients such as anise and elderberry give this liqueur a whole range of useful properties. It improves digestion, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves coughs, strengthens the immune system and promotes speedy recovery from colds.

Sambuca contains vitamins B6 and PP, calcium, potassium, and sodium. The calorie content of this liqueur is 240 kcal per 100 ml.

Cocktails with sambuca

We learned that there are many ways to drink pure Sambuca, but there is also a huge variety of cocktails where this liqueur is combined with other alcoholic and soft drinks, creating unique notes of taste.

The choice of how to consume this drink is yours. Some people like to feel the clean, refined aftertaste of sambuca, while others like to dilute its taste with other components, alcoholic and not only.

Admirers anise drink will not remain indifferent to cocktails that contain sambuca. What kind of recipes these are is to be found out further.

Cocktail recipes with the addition of sambuca

Cocktail “Poisonous mint”

Mix in a cocktail glass mint syrup and sambuca until smooth. Carefully pour in the absinthe to form a layer. Set the absinthe on fire. Drink through a straw as quickly as possible.

Cocktail “Four Horsemen”

Four ingredients are used in equal parts: tequila, sambuca, rum, Jagermeister (fruit-herbal liqueur). Mix everything in a whiskey glass. Drink very carefully and little by little.

Cocktail “Red Dog”

  • Sambuca - 30ml.
  • White tequila - 30 ml.
  • Hot Tabasco sauce.

Fill the shot glass halfway with sambuca, carefully pour it on top white tequila. In appearance, the cocktail will be monochromatic, but due to the difference in the density of sambuca and tequila, it will be two-layer. When you add a couple of drops of Tabasco sauce, it will lie on the border between the two liquids, in the middle. The cocktail produces an invigorating effect. You need to drink it in one gulp.

Sambuca in cooking

Earlier, we learned what an amazing drink is sambuca, everything about sambuca, liqueurs with sambuca, cocktails with sambuca, but few people know that this strong alcoholic liqueur can add piquancy to culinary masterpieces.

But this drink can be used not only for sweet dishes. Cooks often experiment by adding sambuca to sauces for meat and fish dishes. Sambuca is a favorite ingredient for “adult desserts.” Ice cream, jelly, and creamy panna cotta will take on a new meaning if sambuca is present in the composition. Anise liqueur can transform the taste of almost any sweet dessert.