Sambuca is an anise liqueur from Italy. Learning to drink sambuca liqueur

Sambuca is a fairly well-known drink that has gained particular popularity due to club culture, but many bartenders, working at the counter, note that not everyone knows how to drink sambuca correctly.

This drink can be ranked as an elite alcohol, in this respect sambuca occupies a worthy place next to absinthe and tequila. The process of consuming sambuca in clubs, as a rule, looks quite exciting and enchanting.

However, not everyone shares the delights of club life, and the alcoholic drink has ceased to be an exclusive club. Nowadays, it can be found in almost all stores, and the prices are not as high as in club bars. However, few people know about the culture of drinking the drink. Therefore, in the article we will tell you how to drink sambuca correctly.

Description of the drink

The external data of the sambuca are different: it can be either transparent or colored (black and red). The color is determined by additives in the composition of herbs and spices. This makes the drink more varied and more palatable when the liqueur sweetness of anise is mixed with other notes.

The standard strength of alcohol is 38 - 42 degrees, but this does not interfere with making it delicate and delicate in taste. The aftertaste of sambuca is usually long and rich.

  1. In the 19th century, she served as a medicine, healing properties which have survived to this day.
  2. Sambuca improves digestion, strengthens immune system, cures cough and reduces symptoms of colds.
  3. It has anti-inflammatory properties and improves vitality.

Now sambuca is an indispensable attribute of bars, where it is served both in pure form and in cocktails. However, the drink can also be found on store shelves. However, do not be alarmed to see that all labels are different. Sambuca does not have standard labels, but on them you should find classic records, such as strength, bottle volume, country that produced the alcohol, manufacturer's addresses, etc.

If the alcohol you purchased is not fake, then it will have sweet taste(without sugary and alcoholic taste) with a light anise and lemon aroma, strong aftertaste. The drink should not be too viscous and not completely liquid, and simply must invigorate.

Sambuca is a drink that came to us from Rome. IN modern Italy this word is called anise liqueur... But other countries can boast of its analogue: Greece - "ouzo", France - "pastis" and "anisett", Turkey - "crayfish", Bulgaria - "mastic". In fact, they are all based on anise tincture.

The first batch of this liqueur was made back in 1851 by the then famous winemaker of the city of Civitavecchia Luigi Manzi. The drink was named Sambuca MANZI di Civitavecchia - this liqueur is still produced, but sambuca made by the winemaker Molinari gained great popularity.

1945 based on anise, wheat alcohol and various fragrant herbs Angelo Molinari from the same town of Civitavecchia invented new recipe of this alcoholic drink and named it Sambuca Extra.

Currently, it is this liqueur that can most often be found on the shelves of specialized stores.

The best are already considered famous brands sunny Italy- Molinari and Ramazzotti, Luxardo and Barbero, Pallini and Manzi.

In Italy, traditionally, this liqueur is consumed in its pure form, adding only three coffee beans to the bottom of the glass, which symbolize happiness, wealth and health. However, most often this drink is used as part of various cocktails. Since the liqueur is quite sweet and very aromatic, they add to sambuca cocktails strong alcohol such as rum or vodka.

  • Sambuca-based cocktails are not only delicious, but also healthy.
  • Sambuca, served as an aperitif, stimulates the appetite and enhances the secretion of the digestive glands.
  • Liqueur served as a djestif promotes better digestion.
  • All types of sambuca help to cope with colds, thanks to the vapor of anise, the liqueur has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps with coughs.

However, it should be remembered that the beneficial properties of this drink are manifested only with moderate and correct use.

Italian sambuca liqueur - the essence of the drink

So, sambuca is an Italian liqueur with a pronounced taste of anise. This is not anise vodka, as some sources like to write - anise is something completely different. In addition, sambuca is not a liquor in the usual sense of the word, that is, not sweet drink small fortress. It is rather a bitter tincture with added sugar.

The process of its production is similar to the manufacture of absinthe, that is, first an infusion is made, and only then it is distilled - you can read more about making homemade sambuca in this article. The alcohol content in sambuca is about 38-42%. She insists on stars of anise and various aromatic herbs; the recipe is kept secret by each manufacturer.

  1. The drink is credited with a number of useful properties, which, however, explains its pharmacy taste - many identify sambuca with children's cold medicine, pectusin.
  2. A well-warmed sambuca helps with colds, relieves coughs, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. It is also believed that it strengthens the immune system.
  4. It is reliably known that the drink stimulates digestive activity: as an aperitif it stimulates the appetite, and as a digestive it improves digestion.

Why does sambuca burn? The question is reasonable, because the strength in it is the same as in vodka, but the density is much higher due to the high sugar content. Fusel oils are burning, which have low temperature burning - the flame is bright blue. This means that sambuca should be consumed in small quantities, since various impurities hit the body hard and after heavy libations, a hangover is almost impossible to avoid.

As for the post-Soviet space, our drink has become quite widespread - it is an essential attribute of any bar, restaurant, and even more so a nightclub.

In the domestic market, the drink is represented by several popular brands: Molinari, Itaka, Pallini. Rarer brands can also be found: Sambuca Dei Cesari Luxardo, Ramazzotti, Lazzaroni 1851, Casoni and Vaccari. However, they rarely drink this drink correctly. Let's fix this.

What delicacy is made of

Sambuca manufacturing technologists, its recipe and true composition are kept in a real secret. Only the main components are known: alcohol obtained from wheat, sugar, anise (star and regular), an extract from elderberries and a secret composition of herbs ..

  • Herbs and spices in the composition vary and give the drink "color".
  • If in the classic transparent (white) sambuca only the above-mentioned composition can be found in the ingredients, then licorice, licorice and spices are added to alcohol in black.
  • This alcohol looks more spectacular than the traditional colorless and has in fact not black, but a dark blue tint. For this she is often called "Black Passion".
  • The red color of sambuca is given by the berries, making the drink bright and very original.

However, regardless of the color and composition, sambuca was liked by both men (for its strength) and women (for its sweetness and ease of drinking).

Cooking process

Sambuca is prepared by mixing alcohol with sugar syrup and essential oils. The main flavoring agent in the liqueur is anise essential oil, which gives the drink a special, delicate aroma licorice. Other additives include star anise or elderberry essential oil.

The resulting liquor is generally stringy and clear, but you can buy blue and black, as well as red and green sambuca. The bright color of the drink in these cases is due only to food dyes, and not to the interaction of any substances. The strength of the liquor is 42%.

Other well-known liquor-flavored alcoholic beverages are Greek ouzo, Turkish brandy, French pastis.

Sambuca is a strong alcoholic beverage, approximately 38-42 degrees. A large number of people are sure that sambuca is a special kind of vodka. However, this is completely wrong, sambuca is classic liqueur, originally from Italy.

There are many ways to consume sambuca. Consider in this article the most popular and well-known ways of using of this drink... It is worth noting that some options are ideal for home use, however, if and extreme methods, which I most often use in nightclubs. And they should never be tried at home.

The most common club variant of sambuca consumption is called "Two Glasses", which is very popular when cooked at home.

  • 50-70 milliliters of liqueur is poured into the snifter, pre-warmed from the inside with a match or a lighter. After that, the drink is ignited and burned for 10-20 seconds.
  • During combustion, it is advisable to rotate the glass slowly around its axis so that it does not burst due to overheating. Further, the burning liquor is poured into old fashion and covered with the previous one.
  • When the fire deprived of air goes out, the upper glass in the same position is moved to a saucer prepared in advance, covered with a napkin with a short end of a cocktail tube threaded into it.

In conclusion, you need to drink the heated sambuca in one gulp and inhale the pairs accumulated under the first of the glasses several times through the tube.

An optional addition to the drink can be the canonical Italian coffee beans, which should be chewed before inhaling the vapor. You can also add a pinch of cinnamon to an already poured, but still burning sambuca.

A more extreme modification of this method is to set fire to the drink directly in the mouth. Sambuca is recruited into oral cavity, then the lips are carefully wiped, the head is thrown back and the mouth is opened, the bartender who has filled his hand sets fire to the drink, after which you should wait for a slight sensation of warmth, close your mouth and swallow the liquor.

And the most unassuming fire method is the Burning Stack. Sambuca is set on fire in a glass, burns for up to 10 seconds, then the flame is blown out with a strong exhalation, and the liquor is drunk in one gulp.

Let's move on to the fun part. The culture of using sambuca was largely formed due to its properties to burn well. This is successfully used by bartenders, inviting their guests not only to drink, but also to have fun.

Before eating

Sambuca greatly enhances the appetite, therefore ideal option is to use it before meals. To awaken your appetite, just drink 50 milliliters of sambuca.

However, do not forget that this liqueur has a strength of approximately 40 degrees, so you should not get carried away with the use of this alcoholic drink, because you can get drunk very quickly.

You can dilute sambuca with water or ice. Drinking sambuca with ice is great for refreshing and removing thirst. Water contributes to the full disclosure of the taste of this drink. You should be aware that when you add water to sambuca, it starts to turn cloudy - this is a normal reaction. Indeed, the composition of the Italian liqueur contains essential oils. The amount of ice or water should be chosen primarily based on your personal preference.


A fairly popular option for drinking sambuca is to consume it chilled. To do this, you need to put a bottle of sambuca in the freezer for several hours. The end result is a great soft drink that will be very refreshing. You can also add lime or lemon to the sambuca, according to your preference.


This method is probably one of the most famous in Russia. And many are sure that this is the only one the right way drinking this drink. Of course it comes about hot sambuca. It is not only very spectacular, but also great for medicinal purposes. To do this, you need to set fire to the sambuca and let it go out.

  1. This drink should be consumed warm.
  2. I would also like to note that this option is quite dangerous and for it it is necessary to use dishes with thick walls, and be very careful.
  3. After all, this drink is very flammable and you can get serious burns.

By the way, interesting fact it will be that in Italy they drink sambuca traditional ways and they never set it on fire, as the Italians find it very strange.

With grains

Coffee sambuca. For this method, you need to put a few coffee beans in the glass. Usually no more than three grains are used. In many countries, after that, it is customary to set fire to sambuca. But Italians do not set it on fire, and they add coffee beans exclusively to reveal the taste of this drink. After drinking the drink, you can use the coffee beans as a snack.

With coffee

There is another coffee way to drink sambuca. It is very popular in Italy, because in this country there is a certain cult of coffee. Its essence lies in the fact that instead of sugar, nothing other than sambuca is added to coffee.

In the classic version, 10 ml of sambuca is used for 30 ml, however, for more piquancy, the amount of sambuca can be increased to 15 ml. Also, some people drink coffee and wash it down with pure sambuca. It is worth trying these options for using sambuca, it's not for nothing that Italians admire them so much.

How to drink a burning sambuca

In addition to classic ways the use of this drink, there are also very extreme ones. This way of eating sambuca is most often seen in nightclubs. Sambuca is poured into the mouth and burned right in the mouth. When the client begins to feel a slight warmth, he needs to swallow the drink.

This method looks very spectacular and dangerous. However, in most cases it is perfectly safe. But it's worth saying that there is no need to experiment and try to repeat this way at home, as this can lead to very sad consequences.

  • There is another extreme way to consume sambuca.
  • It is set on fire and poured into the mouth already burning.
  • This method requires skill, so in no case can you repeat it yourself at home.
  • The main rule here is not to close your mouth, for additional safety, you can pre-lubricate the lip area with water.

There is a very strange way of using sambuca, but it also has a place to be. To do this, pour water into the kettle and boil it, then drain the water and pour 50 milliliters of sambuca into the kettle, after which the kettle should be shaken and its contents drunk.

This method is great for eating sambuca at home. But before drinking this drink, you must inhale the smell through the spout of the teapot. This method is very peculiar.

In cocktails

Of course, sambuca can be used as part of various cocktails, and, perhaps, this method is one of the most common.

  • Because it is delicious and safe, sambuca can be a great base for a wide variety of cocktails. Starting from delicious Malibu and ending with rum.
  • Since sambuca has a high density and transparency, any cocktails with it turn out to be not only tasty, but also very effective in appearance.

There is another very strange way of drinking an Italian drink. This is sambuca with milk, of course from the outside, this option seems crazy, however, many note that it is very interesting flavor combinations... Therefore, you should try this option at least once. But the ingredients do not need to be mixed, but it is necessary to wash down the Italian liqueur with milk.

You should definitely try this variant of the use of sambuca, as it is very popular.

So we have considered different ways how to drink sambuca. Starting from the classic, ending with very strange and unusual, as well as extreme versions of the use of sambuca. Now you know the most common uses for this drink. And you can safely experiment and surprise your friends, however, it is worth remembering the precautions.

As mentioned earlier, sambuca is both a good aperitif and an excellent digestif. Therefore, it can be drunk in its pure form before and after meals. Enough 40-50 ml to whet appetite or improve digestion.

Sambuca con mosca

3 whole beans of coffee are placed in a glass with sambuca, which symbolize health, wealth and happiness. In many sources, this method is accompanied by setting fire to the drink, but in Italy, as noted above, the drink is not set on fire - the grains act as a snack and give sambuca a spicy taste.

Сaffe corretto

A very popular drink in Italy, where coffee is treated with great respect.

  1. Sambuca is added to coffee instead of sugar.
  2. Most often, 1 part anise liqueur is enough to add 4 parts of espresso.
  3. The amount can be increased to 2 parts (i.e. 30 ml of espresso and 15 ml of sambuca).

You can also serve liqueur separately - drink it in small sips and wash it down aromatic coffee deep fried, which is so fond of the hot-tempered indigenous people of Italy.

It is also sometimes called the "powerful effect method." Most often, sambuca is drunk in this way in nightclubs. We need a cognac (snifter), a rock (a glass with wide straight walls), a napkin, a tube, a saucer, a lighter, 3 coffee beans and sambuca (25-50 ml). The grains in this case are a tribute to the classic Italian recipe - they need to be put in brandy, and sambuca must be added there.

Before igniting, prepare a “platform” for vapors: put a napkin with a hole in the middle on a saucer, where you pass the short part of the tube.

  • Put the cognac on a rock, slightly warm it up with a lighter and set fire to the contents.
  • Then rotate the burning glass by the leg around its axis for 10-60 seconds, depending on your preference (whether you like hot or slightly warmed sambuca).
  • Then pour the burning sambuca into the rock and cover it with cognac on top - the flame will go out. Transfer the inverted cognac to a saucer.
  • Drink sambuca and breathe through a tube of cognac vapors, chew the grains.

The order can be changed: first breathe in pairs, and then drink a drink. To heighten the effect, you can drip the rest of the drink onto the bottom of an inverted brandy and inhale them through a short tube through your nose. We called it "sambuca with cocaine."

Important! Take lightly roasted coffee beans - parched coffee will give an unpleasant bitter taste!

At home

Take a ceramic teapot and fill it with boiling water. Then drain the water from the kettle and immediately add 50 ml of sambuca. Shake the contents and drink, but before doing so, exhale deeply and inhale the vapors of the drink through the spout of the kettle.

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So, since sambuca is a fairly strong alcoholic drink, and its strength varies from 38 to 42 degrees, it must be eaten, otherwise you can get drunk very quickly. Consider what snacks are ideal for Italian liqueur.

  1. So, classic version the snack for sambuca is coffee. This appetizer is most often used by Italians. You can use both coffee beans and combine sambuca with espresso.
  2. One more perfect snack for sambuca cheese is. It goes well with this drink.
  3. Also, given the fact that sambuca is an excellent aperitif, then meat and fish snacks, which, moreover, will not give intoxicated, with moderate use of this drink.
  4. Italians also use olives as a snack, they are ideally combined with liqueur, and, therefore, are suitable for sambuca.

Of course, various sweets are great as an appetizer to the Italian liqueur. It can be chocolate, marmalade, various cakes and pastries, of course ice cream. Sweets should be chosen according to your taste, but the most ideal option would be sweets that contain various nuts, namely: almonds, peanuts or hazelnuts.

Since sambuca is, first of all, a liqueur, although many people confuse it with vodka. Any products that we are used to eating with liqueurs are suitable as a snack. It can be various sandwiches (for example, with caviar), seafood tartlets are perfect, they perfectly reveal the taste of sambuca.

So, we've looked at snacks that go perfectly with sambuca. It is better to always have a snack on strong alcoholic drinks, since any alcohol is better absorbed with the use of any food.

So, in this part of the article, the most popular, unusual and extreme ways of drinking a strong alcoholic drink were considered, or more precisely, we are talking about sambuca.

According to the rules of the liqueur table, sambuca is served at the end of lunch or dinner, i.e. there is no such thing as a snack. After all, sambuca has a wonderful anise aroma, a taste that lasts for a long time, therefore, interrupting it, there is no point in using this fiery drink at all.

Are there special glasses

Yes, of course, there are some, they look like slightly elongated piles, but in many establishments there is none, so ordinary cognac glasses are used. This serving of sambuca in a cognac glass will not be considered a mistake or not a noble approach to proper use.

  • Today, there are a large number of cocktails that include sambuca, not excluding the institution's branded alcoholic drinks.
  • Almost all cocktails, which include sambuca liqueur, add ice cream (cream) and, of course, some extracts or fruit syrups.
  • It is impossible to re-read these recipes, because even the very name of the cocktail carries with it a juxtaposition different ingredients most loved by the connoisseur of sambuca liqueur.

Sambuca has an excellent warming effect, which not only invigorates, but also improves your mood remarkably without negative consequences.

Sambuca in mixes and cocktails

A classic mix is ​​sambuca with cold water, plain or mineral, in proportions 1: 1 or 1: 2. In this case, one should not pay attention to the turbidity of the resulting drink. She is not called poor quality liquor, and the abundance in it all the same essential oils.

Sambuca with champagne (1: 5 ratio) is also somewhat popular. The ignited liquor is poured into a glass of champagne, after which the formed vapors should be inhaled, and then the resulting substance should be drunk.

Popular cocktails

As for cocktails with sambuca, layered drinks prevail here. Among the most popular cocktails mention should be made of Fiery, Hiroshima, Kazantip.

Sambuca tastes like aniseed aroma with lemon notes, not sugary mild sweetness. The taste of alcohol is not felt in the mail.

Italians prescribe to their liquor amazing properties They are sure that sambuca increases potency, raises immunity, relieves coughs and colds.

Thanks to the special drinking ritual, sambuca has become an indispensable attribute of all youth parties. Drinking this burning Italian liqueur is now fashionable entertainment. In addition to the aniseed flavor, sambuca has another advantage - a great combination with other drinks.

Features of cocktails with sambuca:

  1. aniseed aroma with lemon notes;
  2. no aftertaste of alcohol;
  3. moderate sweetness (they are not sugary);
  4. cause a surge of energy.

Despite the formidable name, it is a very “peaceful” cocktail with a sweet taste and moderate strength.


  • sambuca - 80 ml;
  • coconut milk- 60 ml;
  • creamy ice cream - 100 g.


  1. Melt ice cream and pour into a shaker. Add sambuca and coconut milk to this. Mix thoroughly and pour the cocktail into a tall glass.
  2. Put the drink in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Garnish with a pineapple wedge or cocktail cherry.

Black Jack

An unusual combination of sambuca and Jack Daniels whiskey. A simple but very strong cocktail.


  • black sambuca - 25 ml;
  • whiskey - 25 ml


Pour sambuca and whiskey into the glass. Set fire, wait until it stops burning. Drink in one gulp.

This cherry-milk-flavored cocktail is more like female drink with a strength of 25 degrees.


  • vodka - 30 ml;
  • sambuca - 60 ml;
  • milk - 70 ml;
  • cherry syrup - 20 ml


Mix all ingredients in a shaker and pour into a martini glass. You can garnish the cocktail with cherries or a spiral of lemon peel.

Refreshing cocktail with original taste.


  • sambuca - 30 ml;
  • absinthe - 30 ml;
  • gin - 50 ml;
  • lemon juice- 20 ml;
  • sprite - 150 ml;
  • sugar syrup - 20 ml;
  • ice cubes


  1. Fill the glass 3/4 full with ice cubes. Add gin, sambuca, absinthe.
  2. Mix lemon juice and syrup in a shaker, pour the mixture into a glass.
  3. Add a sprite.

Other popular recipes

Liqueur can be of three types, each of which has an alcohol content of 38-42%, while it may differ in color. White sambuca is a transparent liquid, which is considered traditional.

Black has dark Blue colour... This type of liqueur looks more impressive, which is why it is often included in cocktails made from sambuca and other drinks.
Red - a liquid of bright red color, which is achieved thanks to a special technology of extract from berries.


  • Sambuca - 20 ml
  • Baileys - 20 ml
  • Absinthe - 20 ml
  • Grenadine - 5 ml

Absinthe and sambuca cocktails are prepared in layers. To do this, you need to prepare a bar spoon, with which you can gently pour drinks so that they do not mix with each other. Pour 20 ml of sambuca into a glass or shot. Pour the baileys in the second layer - use a bar spoon and pour very slowly.

Pour absinthe on top - pour in the same carefully using a spoon. To top it off, a few drops of grenadine are added and the sambuca-absinthe cocktail can be served.

It is customary to drink this cocktail after warming up the top layer, for which you will need to light it with a lighter and warm it up for 25-30 seconds. Serve with a straw. If you do not heat the cocktail, then you can drink it immediately, in one gulp.

A fun way to consume this iced cocktail. The cocktail will need to be set on fire, allowed to warm up and immediately cooled by adding a few ice cubes to it.

Russian roulette

  • Vodka - 15 ml
  • Coffee liqueur - 15 ml
  • Sambuca - 30 ml
  • Orange or lemon slice - 1 pc

Russian roulette - a cocktail of vodka and sambuca. Preparing this drink is quite simple. You need to pour vodka into the glass and coffee liqueur, top on top with a circle of orange.

Sambuca is poured into a wine glass and set on fire. Pour the burning sambuca over the orange, let it warm up a little and simmer, covering with a saucer or other glass on top. You need to drink Russian roulette in one gulp, eating a slice of orange. You can replace a slice of orange with a lemon wedge.

Sweet life

  • Sambuca - 45 ml
  • Light rum - 15 ml
  • Creamy liqueur - 15 ml
  • Cherries - for decoration

This rum and sambuca cocktail is loved by women. The drink has a creamy taste and aniseed aroma, while notes of light rum add a special piquancy. Mix cream or milk liqueur with sambuca, pour light rum on top and mix well in a shaker.

You can add a little cold milk, then the cocktail will not be as strong. You need to mix the ingredients carefully so that the cocktail does not foam.

Serve well chilled; for decoration, you can use a cherry or other berry - raspberries or strawberries.

  • Sambuca - 50 ml
  • Coffee beans - 3 pieces

IN classic recipe sambuca cocktail includes only sambuca and three coffee beans. This cocktail is often called "With flies" or "Flaming" - this is due to the peculiarity of its preparation.

Flies, three coffee beans that symbolize wealth, happiness and health, are added to sambuca. The glass should be put on a slope and the sambuca should be lit with a lighter. The cocktail should burn for a few seconds, after which it can be poured into a cocktail glass.

Prepare a napkin, straw, matches or lighter, classic glass and wine glass. Put a tube on the table and cover it with a napkin, making a small hole so that part of the tube protrudes vertically above the table.

Put coffee beans in a classic thick-walled glass, pour sambuca into a cognac or wine glass. Put the sambuca glass on the glass and light the drink with matches or a lighter.

A glass with a burning sambuca will need to be slowly twisted clockwise so that the drink warms up well for 25-30 seconds. Pour the sambuca over the coffee beans, immediately extinguish the fire with a glass, then place it on top of the straw.

Drink sambuca right away. Do not inhale the vapors of the sambuca, just draw in some air through the tube. Coffee beans go as a snack. You can substitute a few drops of coffee liqueur for the beans.


  • 35 ml sambuca
  • 15 ml Bianco vermouth
  • 50 g creamy ice cream
  • 50 ml coconut milk
  • slice of lime
  • pineapple slice
  • cherry

With a pronounced taste of anise, coconut and cream, the cocktail will not leave you indifferent. In addition, the strength of the drink is only 7 degrees, which makes it good option to quench thirst and get mild euphoria.

So, first of all, melt the ice cream and add it to the shaker.

  1. Then add sambuca, vermouth and coconut milk there.
  2. Mix these ingredients for 10-12 seconds and pour into a glass.
  3. If you go to get a cold cocktail, then you can add 2-3 ice cubes, but no more. Otherwise, the taste of the drink will be less intense.

Now it remains to decorate the glass. To do this, cut off a small slice of lime and pineapple, and also take a red cherry. We put it all in a glass and add a sprig of any greenery.


  • 50 ml sambuca
  • 25 ml cream liqueur
  • 25 ml banana syrup
  • 100 ml milk
  • half a banana
  • chocolate chips

It's a warm time, so I consider it advisable to offer a recipe original cocktail with sambuca, which is very popular among fans of club and beach holidays.

This drink has pronounced flavors of anise, banana and cream, and a creamy liqueur adds pleasant aroma and an amazing aftertaste. We will prepare a cocktail as follows.

  1. We take a shaker and pour sambuca, cream liqueur into it, banana syrup and milk.
  2. It is not worth adding ice, as this will only weaken the taste and dilute the strength, which is unacceptable for this drink.

We close the lid and start shaking. We do this for 15-20 seconds, after which we pour the contents into a glass, add pre-cut banana pieces and sprinkle the cocktail with fine chocolate chips.

A distinctive and very original feature of this drink is that before serving, a thick straw is inserted into it, through which it is actually necessary to sip the cocktail.


  • 45 ml sambuca
  • 15 ml light rum
  • 15 ml cream liqueur
  • 200 ml milk
  • 15 ml cherry jam
  • cherry

The cocktail tastes quite creamy, with a pronounced hint of anise and a slight aftertaste of light rum. Cherry jam rather serves as a visual decoration of the drink than creates any kind of note. Although, at the initial stage, it is also slightly felt.

So, we take cold milk and add it to the shaker along with sambuca, light rum and cream liqueur... Since the cocktail is milky, and its volume is quite large, it is necessary to mix it with light movements, without foaming the contents.

Once the ingredients have been mixed, take a small amount of cherry jam and draw stripes with it inside the glass to about the middle of it. Next, pour the finished cocktail from the shaker into the glass and decorate the drink with a cherry.


  • 40 ml sambuca
  • 10 ml light rum
  • 20 ml kiwi syrup
  • 30 ml milk
  • kiwi circle

This cocktail is perfect for lovers of moderately strong sambuca-based shot drinks. Light rum gives it a peculiar light taste, and milk adds creamy note... To prepare a drink, take a shaker and fill it with the required amount of ingredients, depending on the number of portions needed.

As a rule, such cocktails are prepared in several pieces at once in order to get the desired effect. After mixing, pour the finished cocktail into a glass and decorate it with a kiwi circle.

However, this circle can also be used as a snack, and not just as a visual decoration.


  • 45 ml sambuca
  • 20 ml silver tequila
  • 25 ml apricot syrup
  • 80 ml green grape juice
  • 2 ice cubes

The cocktail not only tastes amazing, but it is also prepared very easily and quickly from very affordable ingredients.

You can mix them in several ways, but, in my opinion, the most optimal would be to mix in a shaker apricot syrup and grape juice, and add the alcoholic component directly to the glass, then mix everything well with a cocktail stick.

Finally, be sure to throw in two ice cubes, which will not only cool the cocktail, but also thin it slightly, making it less strong.

Many connoisseurs of high-quality alcohol often have questions about sambuca: what kind of drink it is, what are its beneficial properties and how, according to the rules of drinking culture, it should be consumed.

To understand them, you should study the information on the composition of sambuca and its varieties, as well as familiarize yourself with the recommendations for its use.

What is sambuca?

The drink belongs to high strength Italian liqueurs. Its recipe was developed in the middle of the 20th century. If you are interested in what sambuca is made of, you need to consider the main ingredients that make up it:

  • spring water;
  • drinking alcohol made from wheat grains;
  • sugar;
  • black elderberry berry extract;
  • ordinary and star anise;
  • fennel;
  • spices;
  • essential oils.

Manufacturers do not disclose the exact recipe, and the manufacturing technology is a trade secret.

If you do not know how many degrees are in sambuca, carefully read the numbers on the label. The strength can vary between 38-42% and depends on the degree of dilution of alcohol and the proportions of the components taken. Sambuca, the degrees of which are quite high, has a low calorie content: 240 kcal per 100 g of product.

Varieties of drink

Liqueur is classified by color, it is customary to distinguish the following types:

  1. White sambuca. Traditional view The drink is a clear liquid with a rich sweet taste and a specific lemon-aniseed aroma. In addition to the main ingredients, the composition contains coriander, iris inflorescences, and orange. The classic alcoholic product is characterized by a long, light aftertaste. In drinking establishments, it is customary to serve such a sambuca with coffee beans thrown into a glass. They are believed to be symbols of wealth, happiness and health.
  2. Black sambuca. This view the drink is considered elite and has a dark blue color. It is obtained by adding licorice root to the composition. Thanks to licorice and other spices and herbal ingredients, the dark liqueur acquires a special exquisite freshness of taste and an unsurpassed refined aroma.
  3. Red sambuca. This dessert type is characterized by a rich red or crimson color, which is obtained by adding to traditional ingredients various fruit and berry extracts. The drink has a sweet taste and intense aroma, moderate viscosity and a pleasant fruity aftertaste. Due to the complexity of production, only a few manufacturers release fruit liqueur for sale.

In addition, in some stores you can find a coffee version of the drink. For the manufacture of such a liquid, grains are used different varieties coffee. There is also chocolate sambuca, which is characterized by increased sweetness and strong viscosity. However, these species are not included in the generally accepted classification.

Useful properties and application

Thanks to the herbal extracts and essential oils included in the composition, anise liqueur is often used in medical purposes... If consumed hot, the drink cures colds and coughs well, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the liquid has the following beneficial properties:

  • improves digestion;
  • acts as an antidepressant, improves sleep, improves mood;
  • increases appetite.

Drinking liquor in not large quantities strengthens the immune system and cleanses the body of harmful substances.

In cooking, aniseed drink is used both in pure form and in composition. In addition, it can be added to black coffee, mixed with mineral water, serve frozen. Sambuca goes well with milk, but in this case, the liquids are drunk separately.

There are many ways to serve your drink. The most popular, spectacular and original is the setting on fire. Sambuca burns with a bright blue flame for 5-10 seconds. This property of the liquid is often used by bartenders: they allow it to completely burn out, while constantly scrolling the glass, after which the drink can be drunk.

Top brands

Among the most popular brands under which anise liqueur is produced, Italian ones prevail. There are also famous producers from other countries, whose drinks comply with the accepted norms and regulations, have good taste characteristics and are in demand in the market.

TO best brands relate:

  1. Sambuca Molinari Extra. The most popular Italian brand, has been awarded the distinction and status of the national alcoholic beverage. Has a sweet taste and aroma Italian herbs... The alcohol content is 42%. It is customary to use the liquid chilled, served in a special sambuca glass.
  2. Sambuca Ramazotti. Under this brand, the production of black and white sambuca has been established. The dark liqueur is made according to the traditional recipe, the white liqueur with the addition of vanilla and violets. Fortress 38%.
  3. Sambuca Luxardo. This manufacturer specializes in fruit sambuca, which contains various spices: cinnamon, chili, anise. In addition, the company's lineup includes white view drink.
  4. Sambuca Di Amore. Thanks to the addition lemon peel the sambuca of this brand has a moderate sweetness. Contains 42% alcohol.
  5. Sambuca Antica. Many varieties of anise liqueur are produced under this brand. The composition of alcoholic products contains mango extract, rose, iris, coriander, apple and orange.
  6. Sambuca Borghetti. Crystal clear drink with a strength of 38%. Has aniseed flavor and magnolia aroma.
  7. Sambuca Vaccari. A Dutch brand that produces white and black drinks. The taste of sambuca of this brand is distinguished by notes of vanilla and licorice, a long soft aftertaste.

Other popular brands of anise liqueur: Sambuca Villa Viola, Sambuca Cesare, Sambuca Bianko Cellini, Sambuca Vecchia Sarandrea, Sambuca Stella d'Italia, etc.

How to drink properly?

Many connoisseurs of alcohol are interested in what to use sambuca with, how to drink this liqueur correctly and which serving method is better to choose. Undiluted chilled beverage can serve as a pre-meal aperitif or an after-meal digestif. The liquid should be served in elongated glasses or cognac glasses. Add coffee beans, water, ice, champagne to sambuca. These components will reveal the taste of the drink and give it a new aroma.

When wondering how to set fire to sambuca, remember that it is better to entrust it to professionals. There are several ways to light a drink:

  1. In glassware. The liquid should be poured into a glass or glass to the brim, carefully set on fire with a long match, let it burn out, extinguish the flame and drink in one gulp.
  2. In 2 glasses. In the first, you need to pour alcohol, set fire to and, rotating the glass, warm up the drink. Then the liquid is poured into a second glass, the flame dies out, and the sambuca can be drunk.
  3. Extreme option. In this case, the bartender sets fire to the anise liqueur in the customer's mouth. This trick is best not done at home.

If you do not know what to eat sambuca, give preference to cheese and fruit cuts, olives, meat and fish dishes, various sweet desserts, nuts, ice cream.

Sambuca, which came to us from Italy, is an anise liqueur, to which spices, elderberry extracts and aromatic herbs are added. She is 35-42% of the fortress. Depending on the components included in it, it can have a transparent, brown or red color and even black. At the same time, black sambuca has a rich dark color due to the addition of licorice and licorice extract, and its taste is somewhat different.

There are many ways to do it, consider some of them.

1. Con mosca (traditional Italian way). The drink is consumed in its pure form as an aperitif. At the same time, three are added to it, symbolizing wealth, health and happiness, which are gnawed after the drink is drunk. It should be remembered that the drink is strong enough.

2. Sambuca with champagne (1: 3). A lit sambuca is added to the heated champagne. The person inhales and drinks it with the resulting mixture.

3. How to drink sambuca "Extreme". Liquor is taken into the mouth, but not swallowed, while the lips are wiped dry. The head must be thrown back, open your mouth and bring a lighted match to it. When a fever is felt, the mouth is closed and the drink is swallowed.

4. Cocktail "Fire". Several alcoholic beverages are poured into the glass in layers in ascending order of their strength: liqueur, then champagne, then sambuca, vodka and absinthe. Everything is set on fire and consumed through a straw. Before drinking sambuca, you need to stock up on lemon juice.

5. Sambuca with a strong effect. To prepare it, you will need two glasses. Thirty grams of sambuca is poured into one of them, set on fire and rotated along the axis so that the glass does not burst. Then the drink is poured into another glass, and the first one is turned over and placed on a napkin through which a tube is inserted. Sambuca is drunk and its vapors are inhaled through a tube from the second glass.

6. How to drink sambuca at home. Heat a little with boiling water and immediately pour in fifty grams of sambuca. Shake, pour into a glass and drink. In this case, it is necessary to exhale the air and inhale through the spout of the teapot where the drink was.

7. Cocktail "Hiroshima". To prepare it, you need to take twenty grams of sambuca, baileys, absinthe and five grams of grenadine and carefully pour into the glass in layers. Then upper layer set on fire, heated for half a minute and drunk with a straw, starting from the bottom layer.

8. How to drink sambuca frozen. The bottle with the drink should be frozen until ice forms and served with orange or lemon wedges.

In addition to the above methods of using this liqueur, there are some more. For example, sambuca can be drunk by diluting ice water... In this case, it will become cloudy, since it contains insoluble essential oils, or with milk (drinking, not mixing).

Sambuca can also be set on fire in a glass, put out after a while and immediately drunk while it is still warm, or you can add it instead of sugar to coffee. Interestingly, sambuca goes well with coffee. The latter sets off and softens its taste and aroma. Therefore, on the shelves of shops you can find liqueur infused with coffee beans. At home, you can use instead of coffee beans, which is poured into a glass before the burnt sambuca is poured.

Thus, now you know how to drink sambuca correctly and with what. It is only necessary to adhere to a few recommendations. For example, you cannot drink liquor on an empty stomach, as it is strong enough. You should not drink a burning sambuca and you should carefully inhale its vapors so as not to get burned. And the most important thing is to know when to stop, because only then can you enjoy this magnificent drink with a sweet taste, which has a delicate and light aroma giving off a lemon.

Sambuca is a famous national Italian drink. This liqueur has a specific aroma of star anise, or as it is also called - star anise. It is because of the unique aniseed taste that one cannot remain indifferent to sambuca. She is either loved or cannot be tolerated by the spirit. For many, the peculiar spicy taste of sambuca evokes associations with medicinal syrup. But still, there are much more admirers of this drink than those who did not like it.

What is sambuca?

It should be noted that this is a fairly strong alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of 38 to 42%. It is often transparent, but sometimes it is also colored with natural dyes in black, red and even blue.

What taste, besides anise, does sambuca have? The anatomy of the drink is quite complex and consists of extracts of aromatic herbs, berries, flowers. Another well-known sambuca ingredient is elderberry flowers, but the exact recipe of the drink is not known to anyone. Manufacturers carefully hide the full composition of aniseed liqueur from the masses.

Origin story

Many admirers of this liqueur ask the question: "Sambuca - what is this amazing drink, and how was it invented?" In fact, the history of the invention of this liqueur is very stereotyped and characteristic of many alcoholic beverages. It all started with an ordinary experiment, when someone decided to add a spicy spice to wheat alcohol - star anise (star anise). The result of the experiment was so amazing that many years later you and I can enjoy fragrant invigorating sambuca. But then this drink was nicknamed "zammut" and was considered drug, although sometimes they just used it for their own pleasure.

Naturally, sambuca is not only wheat alcohol and anise. Its composition was enriched for many years, and the recipe was improved. 1945 was the year of the official birth of this alcohol. It was then that the Italian winemaker Angelo Molinari perfected the recipe, adding extracts from plants only known to him, and gave the spicy liqueur the name sambuca. That this creation would bring him fame and become a generally recognized alcoholic drink, he did not know then.

Now the most popular and widespread sambuca brand bears the name of its creator - Molinari Sambuca Extra.

The origin of the name "sambuca"

Let's look at the origin of the name "sambuca". What is this word, and where did it come from?

There are several options for the emergence of such a name for the drink.

The first option is the name of the elderberry Sambucus nigra, the flowers of which are added to make liqueur. There is also an Arabic version of the appearance of the name. It says that the sambuca got such a name thanks to the name of the Arab ships that transported it between the continents. Some are of the opinion that the name comes from a similar name for a city in the Tuscan province.

Still, the most historically justified opinion is that the name of the drink gave the name of its main component - anise (translated from Arabic). Zammut - this was the name of the drink-progenitor of sambuca, which was made and consumed in the Middle Ages.

Ways to use sambuca

The huge number of methods (you can call them rituals) for using sambuca is simply surprising. How to drink sambuca? 6 the right ways we will consider further.

1. Pure sambuca is rarely drunk in very small doses. It is more often used as a digestive after a heavy meal. The Romans slightly modified this way of taking anise liqueur. Traditionally, they fill a special glass with sambuca, throw in a couple of coffee beans, warm it up and drink it in one gulp.

2. Perhaps the most known way use - "sambuca with flies" - also comes from Italy. There are also coffee beans... According to an ancient legend, there should be three of them. Each grain thrown into a glass of liquor is the personification of human good: eternal health, boundless happiness and prosperity.

3. The "requisite" for the implementation of the next method - "fiery sambuca" - will be a special glass made of thickened glass. Liquor is poured into this glass, set on fire and wait until the flame goes out by itself. After the contents of the glass should be drunk in one gulp, without eating. Here it is important to feel and enjoy the spicy aftertaste of the drink.

4. Another way of using sambuca can be compared to a real show. This is perhaps the most extreme method. Sambuca is put into the mouth, for safety reasons, you need to get your lips wet with a napkin, then throw your head back and open your mouth. The show begins when the waiter sets fire to the drink in his mouth. It should be swallowed as soon as fever begins to be felt.

5. The next method, although associated with a flame, is not as dangerous as the previous one. You need to take two glasses, pour sambuca into one of which and set it on fire. After a few seconds, pour the burning sambuca into another glass, and turn the empty one over or cover with a napkin. The burning sambuca is drunk in one gulp, after which the vapors from the first glass are inhaled through the straw. All this can be eaten with coffee beans.

6. Sambuca with ice. Italians love to consume sambuca on hot days by putting a few ice cubes in a glass or freezing the drink beforehand. One of the variations of this method is to dilute the anise liqueur with ice-cold mineral water. If ice is thrown into the sambuca or water is added, the presence of essential oils in the composition makes the drink cloudy.

What do they drink sambuca with and what do they eat it with?

Sambuca - what is it and what do they drink it with? Not all questions were answered. As you noticed, there are many different interesting ways absorption of this liqueur, but what can add to it? What foods are best to pair with sambuca?

Fans of extreme sports and those with strong stomachs wash down this alcoholic drink with milk. You should immediately warn that not everyone will like such a connection. Sambuca is much more harmoniously combined with coffee (strong espresso) or tea.

The best duo forms sambuca with Italian cuisine. It will also be appropriate in combination with traditional Japanese dishes.

It is advisable to serve salty, light meals as an appetizer for sambuca - cheeses, feta cheese, cold meat snacks, olives. For lovers of sweets, you can recommend marmalade and a variety of desserts containing peanuts, almonds, hazelnuts and other nuts. A good combination for this liqueur there will be fruits: grapes, orange, lemon, apples.

Liqueur Sambuca: calorie content, beneficial properties drink

Like any strong alcoholic drink, sambuca in large quantities can have a detrimental effect on the body. But the correct, dosed use of anise liqueur will not bring any harm. Or maybe even vice versa.

Since ancient times, sambuca was served after meals and played the role of a digestif. Its purpose is to aid in the digestion of food. In addition, alcohol consumed on a full stomach brings much less harm the body.

Ingredients such as anise and elderberry give this liqueur a whole list of beneficial properties. It improves digestion, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves coughs, strengthens the immune system and promotes a speedy recovery from colds.

The composition of sambuca contains vitamins B6 and PP, calcium, potassium, sodium. The calorie content of this liqueur is 240 kcal per 100 ml.

Sambuca cocktails

We learned that there are many ways to consume pure sambuca, but there is also a huge variety of cocktails where this liqueur is combined with other alcoholic and soft drinks creating unique flavors.

How to use this drink - the choice is yours. Someone likes to feel the pure, refined aftertaste of sambuca, while someone likes to dilute its taste with other, alcoholic and other components.

Admirers of the aniseed drink will not remain indifferent to cocktails that include sambuca. What are these recipes, you will find out further.

Sambuca cocktail recipes

Cocktail "Poisonous mint"

Mix the mint syrup and sambuca in a cocktail glass until smooth. Carefully pour in the absinthe to form a layer. Set fire to absinthe. Drink through a straw as quickly as possible.

Cocktail "Four Horsemen"

Four ingredients are used in equal parts: tequila, sambuca, rum, Jagermeister (fruit and herbal liqueur). Mix everything in a whiskey glass. Drink very carefully and little by little.

Cocktail "Red Dog"

  • Sambuca - 30ml.
  • White tequila - 30 ml.
  • Hot Tabasco sauce.

Half-fill the shot glass with sambuca, carefully pour on top white tequila... In appearance, the cocktail will be monochromatic, but due to the difference in density of sambuca and tequila, it will be two-layer. When you drop a couple of drops of Tabasco sauce, it will lie on the border between the two liquids, in the middle. The cocktail has an invigorating effect. You need to drink it in one gulp.

Sambuca in cooking

Earlier, we learned what an amazing drink - sambuca, everything about sambuca, sambuca liqueurs, sambuca cocktails, but few people know that this is strong alcoholic liqueur able to add spice to culinary masterpieces.

But this drink can be used not only for sweet dishes. Culinary experts often experiment by adding sambuca to sauces for meat and fish dishes. Sambuca is a favorite ingredient in adult desserts. Ice cream, jelly, creamy panna cotta will acquire a new sound if sambuca is present in the composition. Anise liqueur can transform the taste of almost any sweet dessert.

Alcoholic drink with interesting name Sambuca came to us from Italy. It is a strong liquor that has a clear color and bright aroma... It is made from elderberry, sweetened with sugar and enhances the flavor. natural herbs and spices, the liquor tastes like licorice. It is less sweet than other liqueurs and less stringy. How to use it and what drinks to combine?

The name "sambuca" originates from the scientific name of the black elderberry. In addition to elderberry, the composition contains anise, which is also used to make absinthe, Galliano. If Sambuca is not at hand, you can replace it with Pernod, Ouzo, Anisette.

The liqueur has a rich taste, since in addition to anise and elderberry, it contains many various ingredients- fruits, herbs, spices, flowers, seeds, nuts, plant roots. It was first produced in Italy in the 1800s, in the city of Civitavecchia.

How much alcohol is in Sambuca? The percentage of alcohol can vary, the minimum is 38 degrees, the maximum is 42 degrees. On sale you will find both transparent sambuca and painted in various colors.

How to drink sambuca at home? For many, liqueur is associated with a blue flame, as it is set on fire in bars. The flame is extinguished very simply by placing a palm over the top of the glass. The most common ways to consume sambuca are:

In pure form- served after a meal, the drink has room temperature... One serving is 20-30 ml of beverage.

Chilled- add a few ice cubes or crushed ice to the liquor. When adding ice, you will see the liqueur go from clear to cloudy, this is a normal reaction. Add a few drops of lemon or orange juice if desired.

With coffee - just add 1-2 tsp to freshly brewed coffee. liquor to sweeten it and give it an original taste;

With coffee beans... Traditionally, just put 3-4 coffee beans in the liquor, which will float on the surface. Then the liqueur is set on fire, the beans are "roasted" and the liqueur with a coffee aroma is added.

Drink with milk. Very unusual way, but we are sure that you will like it. First take a sip of liqueur, then cold milk. So what do you think?

Dilute with cold mineral water- if there is no ice on hand, add a little mineral water to the glass with liqueur. The amount of mineral water depends on your preference.

Using a teapot. This method is most convenient to implement at home. Pour boiling water into a ceramic teapot, pour it out after 10-20 seconds and pour 50 ml sambuca here. Shake the container well, exhale the air and inhale the vapors that come from the spout of the kettle. Then we drink warm sambuca.

How to set fire to sambuca? You can burn it even at home, on your own, and for this you do not need to have bartender skills. Pour 50 ml of Sambuca into a glass and set it on fire. We are waiting for it to stop burning and drink hot or warm.

Don't drink sambuca on an empty stomach!

You can drink liquor just like that or have a snack. Low-fat, semi-hard cheese varieties are suitable as an appetizer, cold cuts, olives, nuts, fruits (especially citrus fruits).

Sambuca cocktails

Liquor can be used to make various cocktails, the recipes for which we present below.

Toxic mint

Mix 50 ml of liquor and 1 tsp. mint syrup, mix well and pour into a glass. Add absinthe on top, you will see how a layer is formed on top. We set it on fire, when the fire goes out, we drink through a straw.

"4 horsemen"

We need 25 ml of tequila, the same amount of sambuca, rum and herbal fruit liqueur. Mix all 4 drinks and serve in a whiskey glass.


A strong cocktail not for weaklings! To prepare it, you need to take 20 ml of sambuca, 20 ml of silver tequila, 10 ml of absinthe, 5 ml of Blue Curacao and the same amount of Baileys. The bottom layer is sambuca, then tequila, Baileys and Curacao. Add absinthe on top with a spoon and set it on fire.

When consumed in moderation, sambuca can help cure colds and improve overall well-being. You should not use it if you are taking any medications.