Method for making peanut butter. Homemade Peanut Butter - One Ingredient Recipe

Peanut butter, the recipe for which will be discussed below, is not only tasty, but also healthy. Moreover, you don’t have to buy it in a store. You can make your own peanut butter.

What nut should I use to make this delicacy? Peanuts for homemade pasta can be taken in two different types: shelled and roasted or raw and unshelled.

The color and taste of the finished product will vary depending on the raw materials. It should be especially noted that it is much easier to prepare a delicacy from roasted and peeled peanuts.

Peanut butter: recipe

To make the product quickly and tasty, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • fresh peanuts - approximately 200 g;
  • sea ​​salt - about 1/3 dessert spoon;
  • fresh honey - from ½ to 3 large spoons (use to taste);
  • vegetable oil without aroma - about three to five large spoons.

Nut processing (roasting, grinding)

How is peanut butter made? The recipe for such a product requires careful processing of nuts. Place raw and unpeeled peanuts in an even layer on a dry baking sheet and immediately place in the oven. In this form, it is baked at a temperature of 180 degrees for twelve to fifteen minutes.

As soon as the nuts darken, place them in a blender bowl and grind until very fine crumbs.

By the way, you can bake peanuts less. The degree of roasting depends on your personal preference. The cleaned and already fried product should not be subjected to any manipulation.

Making peanut butter

All housewives should know a step-by-step peanut butter recipe that can be implemented at home. After all, such a product is ideal for various desserts, pastries or regular sweet sandwiches.

After the baked nuts are crushed into fine crumbs, sea salt, vegetable oil and fresh honey are added to them. If you don't like the taste of the latter product, you can replace it with maple syrup, agave syrup and the like.

Grind all the ingredients again with a blender, you should get a homogeneous smooth paste. Its thickness can be adjusted. If you want a more liquid product, add more oil to it.

How and where to store?

Homemade peanut butter, the recipe for which we reviewed above, should be stored in small glass jars. Place all the delicacies into prepared containers and cover with lids. In this form, the paste can be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator (the latter option is preferable).

If the peanuts are baked in the oven for a very long time, the finished product will turn out to be dark in color. If you used gentle heat treatment or did not roast the nuts at all, the paste will be light.

Chocolate-peanut butter: recipe

Chocolate peanut butter is an excellent alternative to store-bought Nutella. This product can be served along with slices of white bread, cookies or pie, and can also be used as a cream for pastries and pies.

After preparation, the homemade delicacy is transferred to a jar or container, then tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator for about one week.

Making delicious baked goods using peanut butter

How to make peanut butter cookies? The recipe for such a delicacy does not require the use of a large set of ingredients. Such pastries came to us from American cuisine. To prepare it at home, we will need the following components:

  • homemade peanut butter - about 150 g;
  • soft butter - 110 g;
  • fine sugar - about 200 g;
  • large egg - 1 pc.;
  • light flour - no more than 200 g;
  • baking powder - about ½ dessert spoon;
  • table soda - 1 pinch;
  • table salt - 1 pinch.

Preparing the dough

To bake a homemade dessert with peanut butter, add baking powder and soda to a container with sifted flour, then add salt and mix well. After this, place the prepared peanut butter in another container and beat using a mixer. Gradually add fine sugar to it. After stirring both ingredients until light, add a chicken egg and beat again.

After all the products form a thick mass, sifted flour with salt, baking powder and soda are added to them. The end result is dough that does not stick to your hands.

Cookie formation process

After preparing the base, pinch off a small piece from it (about the size of a walnut), roll it into a ball and place it on a baking sheet, where parchment paper has been laid in advance. Next, all products are lightly pressed with the base of the glass, and then the design is applied using a fork. The thickness of the finished cake should be about five to seven millimeters.

How to bake and serve?

After all the semi-finished products are formed, they are baked in the oven for about 10-16 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees. The readiness of the cookies can be determined by the browned edges.

After heat treatment, the dessert becomes hard. It is removed from the baking sheet, placed on a beautiful plate and presented to family members along with a cup of tea.

Making Peanut Butter Cupcakes

Now you have a basic understanding of how to bake with peanut butter. Recipes for such sweet dishes can include absolutely any product. We talked above about how cookies are made. If you want to pamper your loved ones with another dessert, we suggest making delicious cupcakes. For this we need:

Knead the dough

To make homemade muffins, soft margarine is creamed together with sugar and then peanut butter is added. After mixing all the ingredients with a fork, add a chicken egg and beat with a whisk. After this, baking powder and white wheat flour are added to the products. The result is not very thick, but not liquid dough either.

How to shape and bake in the oven?

Homemade peanut butter muffins should be baked in special molds. They can be silicone, paper or aluminum. In any case, they need to be lubricated with a small amount of oil. After this, the previously kneaded dough is placed into the molds and sent to the oven.

It is recommended to bake homemade muffins at a temperature of 190 degrees for ten to thirteen minutes.

At the end of the heat treatment, baked goods with peanut butter should become fluffy, golden brown and very tasty. It should be served with a cup of tea or coffee.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how peanut butter is prepared. You are unlikely to find a dietary recipe, since absolutely all nuts have a high fat content and calorie content. Moreover, peanut butter almost always includes sugar, powder, honey, syrups, etc. And, as you know, such ingredients (especially in combination with fats) contribute to fairly rapid weight gain.

What do you like to make sandwiches with? With butter? With sausage and cheese? We don’t argue, it’s delicious, but it’s mostly useless. But a sandwich with peanut butter is just an energy bomb that charges you with positivity for the whole day, and also makes you happy with its taste. In addition, it can also be combined with almost all products. But the product is a little expensive! What to do? Cook it yourself. So, how to make peanut butter at home? Are you able to prepare a store-bought quality product that is better?

Her story

It turns out that the ancient Aztecs were the first to learn how to make peanut butter at home. True, their process was labor-intensive and consisted of grinding the nut between stone millstones. However, the product was not particularly popular at that time; it became widespread only in the 19th century, when expensive boarding houses began preparing this high-protein food that did not require chewing.

What caused the spread of peanuts? Then the cotton plantations were devastated by the weevil pest, and farmers found an alternative crop. The choice was economically correct, because the demand for peanut butter was growing.


Unique peanut grinding equipment commissioned by George Bayle was made by John Crumpner in 1984. That’s when they started selling “snack food.”

Two “whales” appeared in production - the Beech-Nut and Heinz brands. By 1907, they had increased their peanut butter production to 34 million pounds annually.

At the end of the 20s, there were already three more major brands - “Jif”, “Skippy” and “Peter Pan”. Then sales exceeded those of the classic.

Today's realities

You can find delicious peanut butter in any large supermarket, but the price is, to put it mildly, steep. And at the same time, the composition of the product does not always meet the stated standards. So it's logical to figure out how to make peanut butter at home. The process is energy-consuming, but you will know exactly what you are eating.

Choose quality raw peanuts. About 800 grams. For this amount you will need 4 tablespoons of sugar, a teaspoon of salt, 12 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 8 teaspoons of honey. This is the required minimum for preparing the classic version of the product.

Get to work!

So, let’s find out in practice how to make peanut butter at home. A recipe with a photo is worth keeping in your personal cookbook. Let your family then try to repeat such a culinary triumph, but this delicious protein product won’t survive in the refrigerator.

So, the ingredients are there, but they need to be prepared for actual cooking. Dry peanuts should be placed on a baking sheet in an even layer and placed in the oven. Fry it for the next 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally. It would be nice to have a home mill, but, in principle, a strong mixer will also work, with which you grind the sugar to a powder state. Peel the cooled peanuts and also grind until smooth, but before that combine with powdered sugar, salt and vegetable oil. As a result of mixing, a kind of intermediate product is obtained, which, by the way, is the most harmless. If you are allergic to honey, then you do not need further action. Use this paste. If you don’t have allergies, then continue working. Melt honey in the microwave. This will take approximately 20 seconds. There is no need to overheat the product - it is harmful. And now combine the liquid honey with the rest of the paste, knead until smooth and place in jars. Now you know how to make peanut butter at home. Naturally, this is a product of the highest quality, but it has a limited shelf life. You need to eat pasta no more than a calendar month in advance. So you shouldn't cook on an industrial scale.

Say a word about the benefits...

Many housewives are thinking about how to make peanut butter at home. This is an indispensable product for those who need a sufficient amount of protein. It is logical that such pasta is included in the food of athletes, military personnel, astronauts and schoolchildren. According to statistics, 70% of American families eat peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast. But the product is quite high in calories, and therefore, it needs to be consumed in doses. Of course, it all depends on what you eat the pasta with. Most often, it is spread in a thick layer on white bread or toast, and then jam, raisins or bananas are added on top. In the assortment of stores you can find crunch - an analogue of pasta with pieces of peanuts.

By the way, Elvis Presley really liked white bread sandwiches with blueberry jam, bananas, peanut butter and bacon.

Pasta in everyday use

If you are always on a diet, then most likely you have long lost the habit of eating sandwiches with butter. It will be all the more useful for you to learn how to make peanut butter at home. The recipe will allow you to always have an alternative to high-calorie foods on hand. Preparing pasta is not so difficult, but in Russia analogues based on sugar, butter and nuts are mainly sold. Peanuts are also called "ground nuts". It contains about 50% non-drying oils and is completely cholesterol-free. In addition, peanuts contain protein, starch, sugar and saponin.

If you are wondering how to make peanut butter at home deliciously and quickly, then the classic recipe will come in handy. But when you are in the mood to experiment, you can slightly supplement the list of ingredients. In any case, such a product will come in handy in your kitchen. After all, it contains a lot of vitamins B, E and D. And homemade peanut butter is an excellent antioxidant that protects the cardiovascular system from pathologies. In fact, it is comparable to red wine, pomegranate, blackberries and strawberries.

For the sake of experiment

How to make original peanut butter at home? The recipe for making a peanut-almond analogue will appeal to all lovers of sweets. To prepare, you will need 150 grams of peanuts and almonds, as well as 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, approximately 170 grams of fructose and a pinch of salt.

The finished paste has a pronounced nutty-chocolate taste.

The cooking process is not much different from the classic one. You need to start by preparing the nuts. Remember that the longer you roast the nuts, the more flavorful they become. Also, take your time when chopping the nuts into crumbs. If you want to end up with crunch, then set aside about a quarter of the total mass of nuts, and grind the rest as much as possible, until oil appears. Gradually stir salt, fructose, cocoa powder and butter into the nut mixture. Add the remaining nuts at the end. Now put the paste into jars and put it in the refrigerator. There it will become thicker and juicier in taste. In the morning you will have a luxurious breakfast that will benefit your body!

How to make peanut butter at home? If you have a blender, food processor, chopper or kitchen chopper, then making this delicious nut treat will be very easy, simple and quick! How fast? Cooking time depends on two things: the power and characteristics of your equipment and the condition of the original product, that is, peanuts.

In order to make homemade nut butter, just like when preparing a very tasty one, I used a chopper from my Braun blender set. Its power is 750 W. I must note that this is a very good indicator. If you have a device with a low power, for example, 350 watts, then it is unknown whether it will be able to cope with nuts as needed in this case. And if he does succeed, then for how long? Since my blender is powerful, I only spent 2 minutes. With other indicators, the process can take up to 15 minutes. Here it is difficult for me to tell you the exact time - it can only be determined experimentally. The first time you cook, you will already draw the right conclusions regarding the interaction between your kitchen assistant and peanuts. And then it will be easier to navigate.

Homemade peanut butter, the recipe for which I present to your attention today, involves preliminary heat treatment of raw peanuts. You can do this in any convenient way - in the oven or in a frying pan. If you choose the first option, then the nuts directly in the husk should be placed on a baking sheet in one layer. And bake at 180 degrees for 10 to 25 minutes, depending on your taste preferences and oven characteristics. In this case, every five minutes the baking sheet should be removed to mix the nuts. I choose the second option - it’s more convenient for me to roast the peanuts in a dry, ungreased frying pan. Therefore, I send it to gas and periodically also turn the nuts with a spatula for more uniform roasting.

You can make peanut butter at home from salted and already roasted peanuts. I like this approach less, because I usually feel some kind of completely unnecessary aftertaste from roasted store-bought peanuts. I can’t say exactly what it is. Maybe the manufacturer adds a fragrance or preservative. Or, after all, oils are added during processing, and they oxidize during storage. Don't know. But if I still get my hands on just such peanuts, then I make them from them too. It turns out much faster in terms of time. However, in cases where it is possible to buy raw peanuts, I give preference to them, although I have to additionally tinker with calcining and peeling the nuts.

And now I would like to dwell on one more aspect: why this delicacy can be classified as a peanut butter recipe at home pp. The thing is that in this case I used only one ingredient for cooking - peanuts themselves! I didn’t add anything else to the pasta - no butter, no sugar, honey or any sweet syrup. Thanks to this same point, the taste of this particular peanut butter is the most authentic. However, no one is stopping you from being creative and adding any ingredients using this recipe as a base. But I will share my thoughts on this topic with you more than once, because I want to announce peanut butter week on the site! Each day of this week will be dedicated to one of the options for preparing this delicious treat! 😉


  • peanuts (raw or roasted) - 150 g (or any quantity)

First of all, I roasted the nuts. To do this, I poured the peanuts in their original form, that is, in the skins, into a dry frying pan and put it on gas. The fire can be made slow - then the nuts will roast more evenly, but the process will take much longer. I usually don’t have enough patience for this)) I fry it over medium heat or even a little more. But 2-3 minutes after setting it on gas, I start stirring so that the nuts don’t burn.
Usually this calcination takes me about 10 minutes.

I let the roasted peanuts cool, just to avoid burning them. Freed the nuts from the peel. After heat treatment, the skin is peeled off much easier. I usually do this: I take one nut with my left hand, remove the peel with a simple movement, pass it to my right hand, which, with not very strong pressure, separates the nut into two parts. And then I put it in the prepared dishes. Thanks to this, I no longer chop the nuts with a knife when putting them in a blender.

I poured the peeled roasted peanuts into the chopper bowl. Look at your technique and the selected number of nuts - it may be better to grind the peanuts in two, three or four steps. Do not exceed the volume of products for grinding in one go, which is indicated in the instructions for your kitchen gadget.

Now the most interesting part - I started grinding nuts at maximum speed. Exactly 1 minute later I had this result:

I continued grinding at high speed for another minute. So, after two full minutes of grinding, I ended up with this smooth peanut butter texture:

Peanuts, like any other nut, release natural oils during grinding. Due to this, the mass does not turn out dry and lumpy. However, if the power of your equipment is below 750 W, after two minutes you may experience a different result. For example, small crumbs. So, continue whisking further, taking the necessary breaks. Here, too, it is better to check the instructions for your blender. Mine, for example, has a maximum operating time of 2 minutes without a break. It may take up to 15 minutes to get the desired result. If the technique still cannot cope, then to achieve the desired consistency, you can still add honey or some kind of sweet syrup.

That's all! Now you know how to make peanut butter at home! I like to eat it simply with bread, baguette or buns. Or you can use it with cookies, bread, biscuits. Add to ice cream or just eat with a spoon without anything or with tea, coffee - whatever you want! You can bake cookies with peanut butter or use it as a filling in croissants. But it rarely comes to this for me - we eat it right away! ;) But if you want, you can make a lot of peanut butter, put it in a jar with a tight-fitting lid and store it in the refrigerator for two weeks. Delight your loved ones with this healthy and delicious pasta! ;)

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Peanut butter has long migrated to our table. Now we don’t even swallow our mouths when we watch someone crush this deliciousness in foreign films. After all, it can be purchased not only in markets. Anyone who loves delicacies of this kind, who strives to make their diet even richer and at the same time dietary, can prepare a unique product at home.

What is peanut butter?

We are not just talking about the one that we are used to seeing in factory jars and spreading in a thin layer on a fresh loaf. No, there are plenty of pasta variations. You can add more than just sugar to this homogeneous cream-like mass made from nuts and vegetable oil.

You can also add:

  • Candied fruit
  • Maple or other syrup
  • coconut flakes
  • Cinnamon
  • Exotic fruits
  • Cocoa powder or coffee
  • Chocolate
  • Other types of nuts

It all depends on the destination. And the structure (smooth or crispy), color (dark brown or light sand) and taste (salty or sweet) of the popular delicacy will depend on this.

Yes, yes, it can be spread not only on bread or morning toast.

She can:

  1. Complement baked goods, cakes, cookies, sandwiches.
  2. Add a pleasant nutty flavor to sauces, meats and other dishes.
  3. Dress salads, etc.

Benefits of peanut butter:

  • Having this nutritional element in the refrigerator, you will not only diversify your menu with a hearty dish. You will constantly replenish your body with vitamins and microelements.
  • The proteins contained in ground nuts do not contain cholesterol. Due to the large amount of protein in it, pasta is even suggested for people suffering from obesity to use instead of meat.
  • And therefore there are opinions that this product also has medicinal properties that help with diseases of the bones, skin, nails, hair, and nervous system. It is recommended for people with cardiovascular pathologies, sclerosis, who suffer from depression, etc. Athletes and anyone who goes on a diet are happy with this food!

TIP: It’s better to enjoy pasta in the first half of the day!

Harmful properties of peanut butter:

Can this delicious beauty really cause harm? Alas, yes. But not everyone, and indeed in general, the process can be regulated!

  • The first enemy that should stop fans of such food is its high calorie content. Although the situation can be solved by simply reducing appetites, that is, portions.
  • Are you an allergy sufferer or does someone in your family suffer from this problem? This means that you will have to give up this product, because it will cause a deterioration in your health.
  • Are you overweight or losing weight? Attention, the fat and calorie content of peanut butter will end up on your waistline. Yes, and digestion may suffer. The norm will save the situation - 3-4 tbsp. l. in a day.
  • Do you suffer from arthrosis, gout, arthritis, or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract? Avoid dishes containing pasta.

In order not to cause harm to your body from preservatives, flavoring additives and hydrogenated fats contained in a fragrant factory-made product, let's cook it at home.

Are you perplexed - how to bring the paste to such a tender state? Do not worry. You can achieve this consistency. And if you don’t have a powerful blender, then you can be satisfied with a different consistency. The main thing is not the form, but the content.

BTW: Yes, following the recipe is important. But no one will forbid you to experiment if you decide to add more oil so that the paste is not too dry, or other ingredients.

So, let's go cook!

Peanut butter with honey - step-by-step recipe with photos

This type of pasta will perfectly satisfy those with a sweet tooth. You can stuff it into pies and other baked goods, add it to cereals, spread it on cookies and buns.


  • Peanuts – 200 gr
  • Honey – 2 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp.

How to make healthy peanut butter

Where to begin? Of course, with a choice of nuts.

TIP: Peanuts are sold roasted or unroasted. It is important to look at the timing here. But don’t forget that you can also buy almonds, cashews, and walnuts. Just think about what combination you would like.

I prepared these nuts - in the shell.

Step 1. Peanuts in shell

BY THE WAY: You can take more nuts. If you stock up on this yummy food and package it in jars, you can enjoy it yourself longer and present it to others.

Yes, you will have to work a little more. But I know for sure that the nuts did not lie in the room for a long time, where they picked up moisture and foreign odors. I shelled the nuts and fried them in a frying pan. But you can also do this in an oven heated to 170 degrees - three minutes with active stirring is enough. Wait for the oil to appear on the nuts.

Step 2. Peanuts in a frying pan

It is very important not to overcook the peanuts either in the pan or in the oven. . After it cools, remove the husks. Although you can skip this step if you are not particularly interested in the taste or color of the final dish. I took the peanuts and, rubbing them between my palms, prepared the peanuts for grinding. Then I blew off the husk. Oh, and it scattered all over the kitchen! I had to sweep so as not to spread it all over the house.

Step 3. Peanuts, shelled

Now let's start chopping the nuts. Do you have a kitchen processor? Wonderful. Meat grinder? Good too! But I had a regular blender, and the taste of the paste was not affected by this.

BY THE WAY: It’s better to put nuts in the blender in small portions - then the device will work better and the grinding will be of better quality.

Step 4. Grind the nuts

Don’t worry if the mass sticks to the wall or to the knife and falls to the bottom in a hard lump. It must go through several stages. And here it all depends on what consistency you order for your grinding device and what you will do next with the final product. I wanted the paste to be spreadable on bread. So, when I saw small crumbs, I added honey.

Step 5. Add honey

Proportions for adding salt, oil and sweeteners:

  1. Salt - to taste, i.e. a pinch or two.
  2. Vegetable oil - 1-2 tsp. for 200-300 g of nuts
  3. Sweeteners - 1-2 tsp. sugar or honey for 200-300 g of nuts.

Turn on the blender again and wait for a certain consistency. When we see that the mass turns into a lump, gradually add vegetable oil.

Step 6. Add oil

By the way: Pasta, even if you don’t add anything to it, will be just as tasty (except perhaps a little dry), and it will last longer.

Turn on the blender again and wait for this consistency. It is advisable to stop for a few seconds to remove the stuck mass from the walls.

Step 7. Bring it to this consistency

ATTENTION: Do not dilute the paste with water under any circumstances - it is better to drop a little oil and swirl the mixture again. And so on - until it gets the consistency you need!

Wait 5 minutes without doing anything to the mass, which has become homogeneous. If separated oil comes out, turn the mixture one more time and quickly put it in a jar or eat it.

Step 8. Paste in a jar

Tired of sweet pasta? Do you want other shades or decide to use this product as an additive to the sauce? A blender will work wonders by mixing any flavors and products. And this could be dill and chili pepper, ginger or paprika. A universal option is pasta with the addition of a small amount of salt.

Salty-spicy peanut butter - unusual taste

Peanut butter with salt and pepper


  • Peanuts - 100 g
  • Salt - to taste
  • Black pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp.

Making Savory Salty Spicy Peanut Butter

You can add other spices or foods to this type of paste. Aromatic paste will be provided. The algorithm for preparing nuts is similar. That is, first we select good nuts, fry them in a convenient way, and peel them. Then, turning on the food processor or blender, or armed with a meat grinder, we’ll start grinding. First there will be coarse crumbs, then medium grinding, and then even powder. Choose any option. It can divide the mass into several parts, adding something different to each. Having seen the consistency I needed, I lightly salted and peppered the mixture and began adding oil. The end result exceeded all my expectations!

Peanut butter with partially ground nuts

Peanut butter with partially ground nuts


  • Peanuts - 100 g
  • Salt or sweetener
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp.

Making delicious peanut butter with ground nuts

Prepare the nuts using the method described above. We will add to them what you have chosen - salt (the proportions are higher), spices, sweet ingredients, etc. After grinding to the first stage (coarse grinding), separate a teaspoon (if you want, select more) of nuts and continue until the desired consistency. Add butter to the whipped mixture, keeping an eye on the consistency. At the end, we’ll add incompletely ground peanuts, which will add a special charm to your favorite delicacy.

Today I suggest you make peanut butter at home. This is a very tasty, aromatic and incredibly filling delicacy that can be used as a spread for toast and cookies. Peanut butter is good as a topping for ice cream; it can be added to homemade baked goods or simply eaten with a spoon - as you prefer.

The recipe for this nut butter is simple, because it is based on roasted peanuts - one of the most inexpensive and accessible types of nuts. Many people like peanut butter in its pure, so to speak, form - that is, just peanuts and nothing else. But for our family and for me personally, such a dessert turns out to be too bland, so I always add flavorings - sugar and salt. To obtain a smoother and more uniform consistency, homemade peanut butter also contains refined vegetable oil (it also increases the shelf life of the finished product).


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

To make homemade peanut butter, peanuts are a mandatory ingredient, but I highly recommend adding just a little refined vegetable oil, salt and sugar. As a sweetener, you can choose not only sugar, but also honey, molasses, and syrups.

Peanuts for pasta are suitable either raw or already roasted. In addition, you can use salted one - then there is no need to add salt to the pasta. The number of nuts can be absolutely any - I indicated the one I had at the time of preparation. You can roast peanuts in the oven, on the stove or in the microwave (my preference). It is important not to let the nuts burn, or even burn, otherwise the paste will turn out bitter. I microwave the peanuts on the highest setting for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally to ensure even cooking. In the oven, the nuts are dried at approximately 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

The next step in making homemade peanut butter is to shell the nuts. The thin skin of roasted peanuts can be removed quite quickly and without problems, but the most convenient way to peel a large number of nuts is not individually, but using a regular plastic bag. Let the nuts cool slightly, then transfer them to a bag and tie it.

Next we will need a blender or food processor - it must be powerful, otherwise it will take a long time to make the paste and it is not a fact that your device will not burn! Some cooks even use a coffee grinder, but then you will have to make peanut butter in small portions. We put some peanuts in the bowl, add a little vegetable oil (I used sunflower oil), salt and sugar (in the process you can adjust the taste to your personal preferences).

Let's start grinding the nuts - in the next steps I will show how the consistency of the contents of the bowl changes. First, you get fine nut crumbs.

Gradually, this dry crumb will begin to moisten (oil will be released from the peanuts) and clump together. Remove the lid and use a knife or fork to scrape the mixture off the sides of the bowl so that it returns to the bottom.

After a couple of minutes, the peanuts will turn into a paste. The mixture will heat up and even more oil will be released, making the mixture thinner and even more homogeneous. If your Kitchen Aid gets very hot while chopping (and you can be sure it will), turn it off and let it cool slightly. Then we continue to grind the nuts to the desired consistency.