Spices for grilled zucchini. Grilled zucchini - incomparable recipes for an excellent snack with a “smoky”

Dear friends, my recipe today will be about how to cook zucchini on a grill on a grill. Summer has already come into its own, which means it’s time to open the picnic season. Well, in nature we usually not only relax, but also cook all sorts of goodies on the fire - , .

But don’t limit yourself to meat; grilled vegetables also turn out very tasty. My friends and I always cook eggplants, bell peppers, tomatoes, and zucchini on the grill. Now it’s zucchini season, so I’ll start with them.

Prepared in this way, they are very different from those simply fried in a frying pan: their taste is brighter, richer, deeper... Perhaps it’s not only the open fire, but also the successful marinade for such zucchini: everything together makes this dish very and very interesting. I will be happy to share with you how to pickle zucchini for the grill and how to fry zucchini on the grill so that everything turns out appetizing, beautiful and very tasty!


  • 1 kg of zucchini;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic (large);
  • 4-5 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • a mixture of peppers to taste.

How to cook zucchini on a grill on a grill:

We select zucchini that is young, with unformed seeds, small in size and, of course, fresh, with dense and elastic pulp. We wash them and cut them along the long side into slices approximately 1 cm thick.

Salt and pepper the zucchini slices on both sides.

Prepare the marinade for zucchini on the grill:

It is very simple and consists of only two ingredients - olive oil and garlic. Pour olive oil into a small frying pan (or saucepan, or thick-bottomed pan) and heat it. Add the garlic and fry it over medium heat until fragrant.

Don't leave the stove - this will take very little time, literally less than a minute, and you shouldn't let the garlic turn black. As soon as the garlic starts to turn golden, immediately remove the pan from the heat; the garlic in the hot oil will become a little darker.

Using a pastry brush, brush the zucchini with oil and garlic, again on both sides. If time allows, leave the zucchini to marinate in this form for a couple of hours, covering the dish with cling film.

Place the zucchini on the grill and grill over the coals until soft. It is convenient to use a wire rack with a handle - it makes it easier to turn the zucchini.

Carefully, so as not to tear, remove the finished zucchini from the grill and transfer to a plate.

Serve immediately while the zucchini is hot. They turn out very tasty and aromatic and do not even require any additional sauce, even the usual mayonnaise.

Zucchini is a versatile vegetable. Anyone who truly loves them knows that you can make anything from them and with them, from soup to jam.

Today we will cook zucchini on a grill pan, they turn out very tasty, juicy, “smoky”.

To fry zucchini on a grill pan, you only need the zucchini itself, a little oil and salt.

Cut the zucchini into thin slices. The size depends on what you are going to cook. If there are rolls, cut slices along the entire length of the zucchini.

If there is a salad, then the plates can be cut smaller, it will be more convenient to fry, and more will fit in the frying pan.

Let's heat the frying pan. Lubricate it with vegetable oil. Let's lubricate it! If you pour too much, the oil will splatter! I grease the pan with a piece of paper towel soaked in oil.

Fry on each side for 2-3 minutes, until characteristic charring occurs. Then repeat the process to create a mesh on the zucchini.

That's all! The zucchini on the grill pan is ready. Salt them to taste and leave them to soften for a minute.

We will also fry small pieces.

You can make a side salad with these zucchini. We fry any vegetables in a frying pan in the same way as zucchini. I took tomatoes, onions, peppers. It is better to take dense tomatoes, preferably plum varieties.

You can make burgers or sandwiches with fried zucchini.

Grease long slices with grated cheese mixed with garlic and mayonnaise and roll into a roll. It will be a great snack.

For the salad, cut the zucchini into small pieces. Mix them with other vegetables. Season with olive oil, pepper, and balsamic vinegar. Sprinkle with herbs.

Bon appetit!

Vegetables cooked over an open fire are a healthy alternative to heavier fried foods and meats. You can bake vegetables both outdoors, during a spring-summer picnic, and at home all year round. In terms of the content of vitamins and other nutrients, vegetables are ahead of any other product. One of the places of honor in this row is occupied by such a familiar and simple zucchini. Baked zucchini can be made in different ways: zucchini in a grilled pan, zucchini grilled in the oven, zucchini grilled in the microwave, zucchini fried on the grill, zucchini baked on the grill, zucchini grilled on the grill. All these culinary methods have one goal - to quickly expose vegetables to high temperatures so that they are baked inside and covered with a light crispy crust on top, and all this without the use of oil or other fat. To do this, they usually use a grill, skewers, or foil for frying directly on coals.

To add a special taste to your dish, it is advisable to use a marinade. Grilled zucchini also loves it. You can use any marinade for this dish according to your taste, different options will suit you. You just need to take into account a number of basic principles: pre-impregnation of zucchini with vegetable oil, the use of herbs, the use of acidic products (vinegar, lemon juice, etc.).

Also, keep in mind that since this vegetable does not have a distinct flavor of its own, it is best to serve grilled squash with the sauce. Here, too, different options are possible, for example, grilled zucchini with sour cream sauce turns out very well.

Grilled zucchini, recipes can be found on our website, choose any one. Cook zucchini on the grill; recipes with photos most fully reveal the essence of the cooking process. Therefore, feel free to get down to business. Start with homemade options: grilled zucchini in the oven, the recipe couldn’t be easier. Or zucchini in a grill pan, the recipe will also not cause you any difficulties.

How to cook zucchini on the grill? Don't let this question bother you! You might be interested in some of our tips on how to grill zucchini:

Choose young, fleshy zucchini for grilling. It's better if they are grown in your area, so you can be more sure that they are fresh;

It is not necessary to peel the zucchini, but cut them immediately before baking;

Zucchini is a universal product. You don’t have to marinate them, they will still turn out good on the grill, but still, if you have the time and desire, it’s better to marinate them in one of the many ways;

You need to salt and pepper the zucchini when they are completely cooked;

Do not cook zucchini with reserve for later. Within an hour and a half after cooking, they lose the bulk of their vitamins. For the same reason, you shouldn’t heat them up;

But if there is something left, don’t rush to throw it away. The zucchini left over after dinner can become the basis for preparing an original salad the next day.

For the recipe with photos, see below.

An easy to prepare and very tasty dish for a summer house or picnic is zucchini cooked on a grill. Even some convinced meat-eaters, having tried grilled zucchini, say that it is much tastier than meat. You can fry zucchini on the grill as an independent dish or make them in addition. It's up to you to decide, it turns out delicious anyway!

Grilled zucchini recipe

To prepare delicious grilled zucchini, we need a fire or grill with ready-made coals, as well as:

  • zucchini;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • grill grate.

It is better to choose medium-sized, not very gigantic zucchini. Rinse the zucchini thoroughly, cut into rings 1.5 - 2 cm thick. Grease the circles with vegetable oil and salt on each side. Some people also add crushed garlic for added spice. It's up to you. In general, it turns out well without garlic.

Place the zucchini slices on the grill grate and place it on the coals. You need to fry for about 10 minutes on each side, for a total of 20 minutes. Can be made more fried grilled zucchini, but I like those that have just set a little. No brown grill marks. In our family, my husband cooks grilled zucchini, as well as other dishes on the fire.

After our zucchini is ready, remove them from the grill and place them on a dish. Zucchini cooked in this way on the grill turns out very juicy and tender in taste! Use them as a side dish or simply eat them on their own. This is delicious! Bon appetit

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