Modern table manners. How beautiful is it to eat? Etiquette: table manners

First, how to sit? Not too far from the edge of the table, but not too close either, and naturally, do not put your elbows on the table. There is a small exception for women, when she can briefly lean one elbow on the table, but only in case of emergency, for example, if her arm is tired. You should sit straight on a chair and not bend over the plate. There are no exceptions for anyone here.

Before you start your meal, you need to “deal” with the napkin. A napkin intended for individual use should be unfolded and placed on your lap. While eating, do not wipe your lips with such a napkin; for these purposes it is better to use paper ones, and only after finishing your meal can you touch your lips and wipe your fingertips with a linen napkin. Where to put it then? Just put it on the table.

Even if you've worked up an appetite, don't gobble up food. Eat slowly to enjoy your food even more. Of course, if you like the dish, eat it to the end, but under no circumstances clean the bottom of the plate with a piece of bread. Just imagine that your tablemate will do this, isn’t it a pleasant sight?

WITH common dish The food is taken with common utensils (special tongs, forks, spoons are intended for this) and transferred to a plate. Don't forget to put these devices back in their place. And don’t get confused: only use common cutlery on your plate, but not individual cutlery from a common dish. If the dish is at a fairly large distance from you, do not reach across the entire table; ask the waiter or neighbor to serve it to you.

Feel free to take bread, cookies, cakes, fruits, citrus fruits with your hands
sh; This is exactly how it is accepted. Refined sugar is also included in this category, but if you have special tongs nearby, use them.

Since we are talking about bread, it should be recalled that this is a very delicate product, one might even say that there is its own bread etiquette. For example, it is not customary to bite off a whole piece of bread. It is eaten in small pieces, which are broken off on your plate. Also whole piece It is not customary to spread bread with butter. This is best done by gradually breaking off pieces and spreading butter on each of them. If there is a pie plate next to you, which is specially designed for bread, then put it in it, transferring the bread from the common plate. Place into a pie plate with a clean knife and butter, which is then spread on pieces of bread. They do the same with caviar, only for caviar there is its own device - a special spatula. The pate can be taken either with a knife or a fork. It is also customary to take sandwiches by hand. If they are prepared as a snack, they are eaten with a knife and fork.

Hot snacks from cocotte makers or chillers are eaten with a cocotte fork or a teaspoon. Hot fish is eaten with a fish knife and fork. As a last resort, if there are no special utensils, you can use two table forks.

Now about the soup. It is eaten slowly and silently. If the soup is very hot, do not stir it with a spoon; it is better to wait until it cools down. Use a spoon to scoop it away from you and bring it to your mouth with the wide left edge. If you finish the soup, slightly lift the plate away from you with your left hand. If necessary, crush the dumplings, noodles, and potatoes in the soup with the edge of a spoon. At the end of the meal, leave the spoon on the plate.

Broths are served in cups (bouillon bowls) with one or two handles. From a cup with one handle, the broth can be drunk as tea, and from a cup with two handles it should be eaten with a spoon.

Cold fish dishes are eaten using snack utensils. However, this is what they do with all cold appetizer dishes. But hot smoked fish gastronomy - with the help of fish utensils. In all cases, if the bones get into your mouth, you should carefully and, if possible, unnoticed, remove them with your hand and place them on the edge of the plate.

Using cutlery - a knife and fork - they eat such natural meats a la carte dishes like pork and
ranny chops, steaks, fillets, splints, liver, etc. In this case, the knife is held in the right hand, the fork in the left. Meatballs, cutlets, chopped zrazy, cabbage rolls, omelettes and others soft dishes where the use of a knife would be unnecessary, eat with a fork, which is now held in the right hand.

Dishes and snacks from natural meat, cheese, sausage, and ham are not immediately cut into small pieces. This causes the dish to quickly cool down and lose its appeal. It is better to cut off the pieces gradually, naturally using a knife and fork. The same is done with poultry and game.

True, there is an exception for “tabaka” chickens. It is eaten with hands, but at the same time vases or bowls with warm water are served on the table for rinsing the fingers. Usually pieces of lemon or rose petals are dipped into this water. In this case, clean cotton napkins must be served, or, in extreme cases, paper napkins, which are immediately removed at the end of the meal. They also eat asparagus and crayfish.

In general, for crayfish, lobsters, and lobsters, there are special devices that consist of a short fork and a spatula. From the body of the crayfish, only the meat located in the claw is eaten. Then the crayfish is turned over on its back, the neck is separated and the meat is picked out with a fork.

Sturgeon, beluga, boiled and hot smoked stellate sturgeon are eaten only with a fork.

Mustard and salt are taken with special spoons. The mustard is placed on the bottom of the plate, not on the edge, on the right side.

Soft-boiled eggs are served in a special glass (poached glass), the shell is lightly broken with a spoon, placed in a saucer, the egg is eaten carefully, trying not to spill the yolk. Scrambled eggs and omelet with ham are eaten with a fork in the right hand, and, if necessary, help with a piece of bread, holding it in the left hand.

It happens that eating needs to be temporarily interrupted. In such cases, the knife and fork are placed on the plate as they were held, the knife with the handle to the right, the fork with the handle to the left. Such cases may be a temporary absence from the table, or the need to drink water, take bread, put a piece of meat, etc.

Let's move on to dessert. For dessert dishes There are special utensils with which to eat sponge cakes, puddings, ice cream, creams, etc. When is dessert served (tea, coffee, confectionery), excess dishes, bottles, glasses, wine glasses are removed from the table. Vases of brews, sweets, cookies, plates with thinly sliced ​​lemon, sugar, and rosettes for jam are placed on the table. When a cake or pie is served, a dessert plate is placed for each guest, a dessert knife or spoon is placed to the right of it, and a dessert fork is placed to the left. Tea and coffee are placed to the right of the dessert plate, with the handle of the mug or cup turned to the left. The cream is served hot in a milk jug or creamer, which is served on a saucer. Sponge cakes eaten dessert fork, sometimes with a teaspoon, hard cakes that crumble easily, eat while holding them with your hand.

Now let's talk about fruits and berries. Apples and pears are cut lengthwise into 4-8 pieces with a fruit knife on a plate, peeled and the seed nest is removed. These pieces are no longer cut, but bitten straight off. A peach or apricot is taken in the left hand and cut in a circle to the pit, after which it is broken and the pit is removed with a knife. You can cut pieces from the halves, but you can also use whole halves. Bananas are held in the left hand and peeled gradually. Berries (raspberries, strawberries) are eaten only with a teaspoon. Watermelons and melons are served cut into slices with peel. Taking a slice of watermelon from a common plate, place it on an individual plate, skin side down, and cut it off with a fruit knife thin slices. The mango is cut in half on a plate, the bone is removed and the pulp is eaten with a spoon. The pineapple is peeled, cut crosswise into thin slices, placed on a plate and eaten with a knife and fork. Oranges and tangerines are eaten by cutting the peel and dividing the pulp into 5-6 parts, from which they are then separated into slices. Fruits from compote are eaten dessert spoon, and with its help they put the bones on a saucer.

Concluding our conversation, I would like to remind you of some obvious things. For example, a teaspoon is only intended for stirring tea. After stirring tea or coffee, they no longer use it, but put it on a saucer. When cutting food, the fork is held obliquely and not perpendicular to the plate. At the end of the meal, the fork and knife are placed on the plate and not on the tablecloth.

But few people understood them in more detail. For many, it is enough that they know which hand to hold a knife and which to hold a fork. However, this is very little. In this article I would like to talk about how to behave correctly at the table.

About etiquette

First of all, it must be said that there are different types behavior in a particular institution and even in a particular country. If you figure out how to eat beautifully, this question will be completely the same for European countries, in which you need to behave as quietly as possible at the table, and for Asian countries, where gratitude to the owner for delicious dinner expressed by loud slurping and smacking. Also, behavior in a restaurant and when visiting relatives at the table may be slightly different.

Restaurant etiquette

Understanding how to eat beautifully is very important for those people who visit from time to time various restaurants. So, it is important to behave correctly immediately after crossing the threshold of the establishment. It is important to remember that the head waiter meets guests, tells them if there are free seats, and leads them to their desired table. It is also his responsibility to pick up visitors’ outerwear. Approaching the table, the man (if guests of different sexes have arrived) must first help the lady sit down, moving her chair a little, then he sits down himself. It is also important to remember how to sit properly at the table. As for the position, the representative of the stronger sex should be opposite the woman or to her left. If the lady is a little late, the man can take a place at the table, but when the head waiter leads her to the appointed place, the guy must stand up as a sign of respect.

Order selection

When the couple is already at the table, the waiter always serves the menu. You should take your time choosing the dishes you want; in such establishments it is not customary to rush. Most often, the waiter will see that the guests are ready to order something and will come over. But you can also call the service personnel to you with a slight movement of your hand. The order is made first by the woman, only then by the man. However, a lady can ask a guy to do it for her, this is also allowed. If guests cannot decide on the choice of wine, they can ask the waiter for advice. You can also consult with him about a particular dish; this is permitted by the rules of etiquette.


How to behave at the table while the order has not yet arrived? During this time, guests can chat quietly. The waiter will most likely bring the wine first. Only the restaurant employee uncorks the bottles; a man should not rush out of his seat to do this. First the drink is served to the ladies, then to the guys. As for food, you can start eating only after everyone at the table has already ordered dishes.


While understanding how to eat beautifully, it is also important to remember that in restaurants it is strictly forbidden to pick up fallen objects from the floor. The waiter will do this. He must bring a clean device. If an embarrassment occurs and, for example, a plate or glass breaks, do not worry. The restaurant will simply add its cost to the bill, and the case will be closed. No one will make scandals about this. If you want to salt a dish, and the salt shaker is on the other side of the table, you shouldn’t reach for it yourself, you need to ask the person sitting nearby to simply serve what you need. It is also important to remember about decibels: you need to speak in a restaurant in such a way as not to disturb others.

How to sit

When figuring out how to eat beautifully, it is important to remember that you need to sit correctly at the table. Thus, it is forbidden to put your elbows on the table, to lounge on a chair, or to swing on it. You should also not lean low over the plate. The back of the person sitting should be straight, and there is no need to slouch. However, there should be no tension or rigidity in your posture, everything should be natural. When the dish is changed, the guest is allowed to lean back a little so as not to disturb the waiter and rest a little in a comfortable position.

About food

It is worth remembering that in restaurants it is not customary to rush, dishes are eaten slowly in order to enjoy them taste qualities. If the food is quite hot, you should not blow on it. To cool it down, you just need to wait a little while maintaining a conversation. If you are burned by burning food, you should not put a napkin or your hands in your mouth, you can only wash it all down with water. It is strictly forbidden to spit out or remove from the mouth with your hands various seeds, including fruit ones. A fork is designed for this, which is carefully brought to the mouth and everything unnecessary is put there. If a person doesn’t like the taste of the dish at all, you can bring a napkin close to your mouth and spit everything out without attracting the attention of others with indignation about this.

If you need to step away

Table culture also has its own recommendations regarding mobile phones. So, if a guest receives a call, he can briefly say that he will call back without leaving his seat. However, if the conversation is urgent, you should definitely leave. Talking on the phone at the table is bad manners. Also, if you need to leave, for example, to go to the restroom, you need to ask permission from everyone present at the table. You should also not talk to people sitting at the next table. If these are comrades or you just need to ask something, you need to get up and approach them. When friends enter a restaurant, they should be greeted while sitting and with a slight nod of the head. A man stands up only if a lady joins his table. Women do not move in any situation.

End of the meal

When the dinner has come to an end, the guests are full and satisfied, they can ask the waiter for the bill, which will mean that their stay in this establishment has come to an end. The service will bring a folder containing the invoice. It is also important to remember about tipping - 10% of the order value. Who should pay is another question. So, in the countries of the post-Soviet space this is done mainly by men. In European countries, women actively fight against this, considering it a relic of the past, and there everyone pays for themselves. If the dinner was just friendly, you can ask the waiter in advance to bring a personal bill, separate for each person. It is also important to remember about surrender. If it is necessary, the person simply remains silent. If there is money in the folder, some of which does not need to be returned, you just need to say: “No change,” and that’s the end of the matter. It is important to remember that you need to decide who will pay in advance; it is rude to do this in front of the waiter. You also need to know who to voice your complaints to. The head waiter, not the waiter, needs to talk about everything you liked or didn’t like.


But if all of the above does not terrify those who don’t know too much, then here’s how to properly handle cutlery - this a whole science. After all, there is great amount plates, knives, spoons and glasses of various sizes and purposes. You just need to know how to hold a fork correctly and how to use it. So, when a person sits down at the table, no matter where it happens - in a restaurant or at home, he must definitely look around. So, according to the rules, the snack plate should stand straight, with the pie or napkin plate to the right of it. There should be spoons and knives on the left hand of the plate, and forks on the right. If all this is observed at the table, we can conclude that certain manners are required from the guest. You also need to remember that there will be a dessert utensil in front of the plate, most likely a teaspoon. Behind the plate there will be wine glasses and glasses, all of which also have their own purpose.

How to use cutlery

So what's the correct way to hold a fork? This question often worries people. It is worth remembering that those utensils that lie to the left of the plate are taken with the left hand, those on the right - with the right. That's all science is. Dessert cutlery is positioned so that the handle faces to the right or left. Depending on this, you need to decide which hand to take them with. As for the knife, according to the rules, the end of its handle should rest in the center of the palm, the thumb and middle finger are on the sides of the knife, and the index finger is in the center. The remaining fingers are slightly bent towards the palm. When eating, the fork is held so that its teeth point down, and the handle, like a knife, rests on the palm. When you need to eat small pieces food, as well as a side dish - mashed potatoes or porridge, the fork is turned over with the tines up, and a knife can help in scooping up the food a little. The spoon is held in the left hand so that its end is at the base of the index finger and the beginning is at the middle. If the dish is easily separated, the waiter can only serve a fork, in which case it must be held in the right hand. Now everyone should understand not only how to hold a fork and knife, but also other nuances of using cutlery. Moreover, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first.


When figuring out how to eat beautifully, it is important to know that you also need to know how to handle a napkin. Often it becomes a table decoration item, but it also has its own direct purpose. Before eating, the napkin should be carefully folded in half and placed on your knees with the edge facing you. This will help protect your suit or dress from any drops that might spill. You can also wipe your hands or lips with this napkin after eating or drinking. Hanging her by the collar, making a bib, is strictly prohibited. This is both inconvenient and very ugly. The dirty fingers are carefully and inconspicuously wiped on the top edge of the napkin, which remains on the lap. If you need to blot your lips, lift the napkin, but so that it is completely in the palm of your hand and does not hang. They blot (but do not wipe) their lips with the middle of the napkin, then it is put back in place. It is strictly forbidden to use it as a handkerchief or towel for wet or dirty hands. Also, you should not wipe cutlery with a napkin, looking for a stain on them. This can greatly offend the owners. If this item falls, you need to ask for a new one. At the end of the meal, the napkin is placed to the left of the plate, but never hung on the back of the chair.

About drinks

Everyone understands that correct behavior at the table is the key to a successful evening in a cultural institution. It is also important to devote a few words to drinks and the containers that suit them. The main thing is to remember the rule: the stronger the drink, the smaller the container it needs. Glass - for vodka drinks, madeira glass - for fortified wines, glasses or glasses for white and red wines, wine glass or glass - for champagne. More than one served first strong alcohol, then - in increasing order. The glasses are filled two-thirds full with wine.

About children

Etiquette is also important because children must also be able to behave correctly in society. However, it is worth saying that the rules for them will be easier and more restrained than for adults. And no one should pay much attention to the kids’ mistakes at the table. However, the mother or other parent should quietly reprimand the baby, teaching him the correct behavior. What is most important for children when it comes to behavior at the table? It is important that children know that they cannot talk loudly, laugh, or scream at the table. You can’t talk with your mouth full, it’s ugly and even harmful to the eating process. You should also not slurp or smack, this is unacceptable. It is necessary to tell the child how to properly use a napkin: it should be used to wipe dirty lips and hands, and when not needed, it should be on the lap. The child also needs to be told that there are dishes that can be eaten with your hands and those that require the use of cutlery. For example, French fries, shrimp, fish fingers You can pick it up with your hands without any problems, you can also grab a cauliflower inflorescence. But this ends the list of products that can be taken without equipment. For unknown reasons, kids love to eat spaghetti with their hands, but this is ugly and wrong. You definitely need to tell your child about this. Children should also remember that they need to stay at the table until everyone has eaten. And, of course, it is important to say “thank you” to the hosts who treated us. When eating at a restaurant, say “thank you” to the head waiter. If table etiquette is too hard for your little one, pictures are a great way to help with learning. You just need to show your child a few video lessons or typical pictures, and everything will become more clear to him.

A person's behavior in public institutions can tell a lot about him. It's about not only about the nature of the conversation with other individuals, but also about how he eats, drinks, and holds cutlery. The rules of etiquette at the table are observed by every well-mannered person, no matter where she is - at home, in a cafe, restaurant or with guests. This knowledge and skills must be taught kindergarten.

What are the rules of table etiquette?

They are based on compliance with aesthetic standards, expediency, and convenience. Basic Rules:

  • You should sit at the table not too far away and not too close to the edge; you should also not put your elbows on it, only your hands.
  • Table etiquette states that you must sit upright in a chair, without bending over a plate of food.
  • Don't reach for the dish if it's far away; ask other participants in the meal to pass it along.
  • Adults place a napkin for individual use on their laps; children (preschoolers and schoolchildren) tuck it into their collar.
  • Ethical behavior allows you to take some products with your hands: sugar, cookies, cakes, fruits.

Rules for using cutlery

Everyone needs to know the table rule of the left and right hands: all cutlery laid out on the left side (only forks) must be held in the left hand (but there are exceptions here too). Knives and spoons are placed on the right - they are operated with the right hand. Soups and broths are eaten hot with a spoon meat dishes– table knife and fork, hot fish- with a fish knife and fork, desserts - with a teaspoon or dessert spoon, cold appetizers - with a snack knife and fork, fruit - with your hands or fruit cutlery.

How to properly hold a fork or spoon

Hold the spoon so that your thumb is on top of its handle. Draw liquid from the plate away from you, this way you won’t stain your clothes. If they brought you broth with pieces of chicken, first eat the liquid part of the dish, then, using a knife and fork, eat the meat. Don't take the fork too close to the base. Its teeth point down or up depending on the dish.

Which hand should you hold the knife in?

How to hold a fork and knife according to the rules of etiquette at the table? When you eat only with a fork, take it in your right hand; if you use a knife, hold the fork in your left. The index fingers rest against the upper part of the device handle and help apply pressure.

Restaurant etiquette

How to behave at a table in a public establishment? Cultured people adhere to the following rules and feel at ease:

  • You can start eating when everyone has been served food or drinks.
  • By restaurant rules table etiquette, the waiter opens bottles of alcohol.
  • Guests of the establishment need to monitor the volume of their conversation - talk in such a way as not to cause discomfort to others.
  • The rules of behavior in the restaurant state that you should not clink glasses loudly every time; this is done only during important, ceremonial toasts.

Table setting rules according to etiquette

It is best to arrange items according to the photo - this way you will see what is where. It is not difficult to arrange cutlery correctly. Very refined English style, he wins the hearts of girls, women, men. However, many are more accustomed to regular home serving:

  • the tablecloth is laid;
  • 2-3 cm from the edge there are plates - deep ones on the shallow ones, pie plates on the left;
  • Small cellulose napkins are placed under each device;
  • to the right of the plate - a tablespoon with the convex side down, a knife with the sharp side facing the plates, on the left a fork with the tines up;
  • A glass for juice or water is placed in front of the knife edge;
  • Snacks and salads are placed in the center, and common cutlery is placed next to them.

Video about table manners for children

The younger generation best assimilates knowledge presented in a playful or cartoon form. Show your kids a video about Koksik and Shunya. Fairy-tale characters together with the kids will learn the rules of table etiquette. Aunt Daria will become a kind and wise mentor who will guide boys and girls into the world of cultured people.

The one who thinks what to comply with table etiquette not necessarily wrong. Even when dining with family or closest friends, you need to remain polite.

We are not talking about behaving pretentiously and ceremoniously, but at least in such a way as not to disturb anyone and remain pleasant to everyone nearby. We have collected modern table manners that are often violated.

How to behave at the table

  1. Put your gadget aside
    It’s better to remove the equipment from the table completely. Putting your phone next to food is a sign of bad taste. Real interlocutors should come first, and virtual ones should come last. It is indecent to hang out on social networks during dinner.

    © DepositPhotos

  2. Don't start eating first
    If you are in a restaurant with a group, wait until the waiter brings everyone’s order. If with a lady, she should start eating first. If you are visiting, wait until the hosts ask for a treat.

    © DepositPhotos

  3. First to others, then to yourself
    If you are sitting closest to the common dish, first offer it to others, and then serve it to yourself. And if you are sitting far from the most delicious thing, don’t reach for it. Ask the one who is closest to give you food.

    © DepositPhotos

  4. Place used utensils in a plate
    Place forks, spoons, and knives that have already been used only on a plate. Under no circumstances on the table. And don't hold them in your hands when you're not eating, so as not to wave them around while talking.

    © DepositPhotos

  5. Don't bite the bread
    How can you eat it then? Break off small pieces of bread and put them in your mouth, but do not bite off a large piece.

    © DepositPhotos

  6. Don't torture the tea bag
    Remove the tea bag from the cup with a spoon, not your hands, lightly press it against the edge of the cup to squeeze it out, and then place it on the left side tea saucer. The left side of the saucer should also contain candy wrappers, used sugar sticks, and the like.

    © DepositPhotos

  7. Apply oil correctly
    From the butter dish, place a piece of butter on your plate. And already above it, spread it on the bread so as not to scatter crumbs all over the table.

    © DepositPhotos

  8. Look at your guests when you clink glasses
    Meet your guests with both your eyes and your glass at the same time. If the toast is in your honor, after clinking glasses, wait until everyone has drunk and only then empty your glass.

    © DepositPhotos

  9. Don't preen yourself at the table
    You can't clean yourself up while eating. There is a restroom for this. Take a comb and toothpick with you and go ahead. At the table you can only wipe yourself with a napkin.

    © DepositPhotos

  10. Follow etiquette, but don't force others to follow it.
    If you start showing everyone their place and pretending to be the most educated person, then you will turn from a secular guru into an outcast. Apply your knowledge of etiquette exclusively to yourself.

For 7 centuries in a row, it has been believed that the main indicator of a person’s upbringing is his ability to behave at the table. The word "etiquette" arose during the reign of the world famous French king Louis XIV. Guests invited to his banquet received a label card on which the rules of behavior were signed. The word “etiquette” comes from the name of this very card. In our article we will take a detailed look at modern table etiquette rules with photos.

There are two main ways to use cutlery:

  1. Continental(common in Asian and European countries): the knife and fork should be in the hands until the meal is finished.
  2. American, according to which it is permissible to put the knife aside if you are not going to use it temporarily (in this case, it is placed on a serving plate with the tip inward, the handle on the edge).

Let's look at classic version rules of etiquette at the table, how to use cutlery. The main points are presented below:

  1. How to use forks:
  • if the fork is long, has 4 teeth, and it lies to the left of the plate, then it is a table fork - you should use it to eat the main dish (a snack fork looks exactly the same, but its size is much smaller - you should choose it when you are served cold appetizers) ;
  • a fork with 4 tines and grooves, which is slightly shorter in length than a table fork, used for eating fish dishes(the cloves are designed to separate bones from meat);
  • the dessert fork is thin and small, it has 3 cloves instead of 4;
  • There is also a special fork for eating fruit, it doesn’t look like a dessert fork, but it has 2 teeth rather than 3.
  1. How to use spoons:
  • a large tablespoon lying to the right of the serving plate is intended for eating soups and other liquid hot dishes;
  • the dessert spoon is designed for eating gluten-free sweet dishes that do not need to be cut with a knife (it has a long handle and a small cup);
  • a teaspoon is served exclusively with hot tea, and a coffee spoon (it is the smallest) only with black coffee.

  1. How to use knives:
  • a knife, which is turned with the blade towards the plate, moreover, it is located on the right - this is a device designed to eat second hot dishes;
  • the fish knife is dull, it looks more like a “spatula”, its purpose is not to cut, but to hold the fish in order to remove the bones from it with a fork;
  • The knife for appetizers and desserts is small in shape and has serrations on the blade.

If you can’t keep all this information in your head, then remember one secret on how to use cutlery: they are always placed on the table in the order in which they need to be used. Always take the most extreme devices initially. After you finish your first course, these utensils will be taken away from you along with your empty plate.

Now let's figure out what to do with cutlery after eating according to the rules of table etiquette:

  • if you have already finished eating, you need to fold the fork and knife so that they are parallel to each other with the teeth and the tip up (the fork is on the left and the knife is on the right);
  • if you are delighted with the dish you have eaten and want to signal this, you do not have to run to the chef, place the knife and fork on the plate parallel to each other, but so that the cloves are directed to the right (the fork should be placed on top and the knife below it) – the waiter will see this and convey your admiration to the author of the culinary masterpiece;
  • if you decide to take a break during the meal, then place the fork and knife on the plate with the edges facing each other (outwardly it should look like the fork and knife form the letter “L”);
  • If you have finished the first course and are waiting for the second, place the knife on the plate so that its blade is directed to the left, and place the fork perpendicular to the knife with the teeth up.

How to behave at a table in a restaurant: rules of etiquette

In public establishments, such as a restaurant, you need to behave accordingly. Be sure to check in advance basic rules of table etiquette in a restaurant, so that you are perceived as a person from high society:

  1. If a man invites a woman to dinner, he must enter the restaurant first. If in a restaurant there is a doorman at the entrance, then the man is obliged to let the lady forward, help her take off her outerwear, lead her to the table, ask her where she wants to sit, move the chair so that the lady sits on it.
  2. The man should position himself either opposite the lady or to her left.
  3. Dinner must be ordered by the person who initiated it. As a rule, this is a man. He can only offer the woman to choose something from what he personally chose. According to table etiquette rules, girl She should not be capricious, talk about her illnesses, that she went on a diet or became a vegetarian. She must politely choose something from what her companion offers her.

  1. A person sitting at a table in a restaurant must watch his posture. Your back should be straight, but from the outside it should not seem that you are uncomfortable. Behave at ease, confidently, but do not relax.
  2. Immediately place a napkin on your lap that will sit on your serving plate.
  3. If it happens that you were brought a dish before your companion, do not start eating it. Wait until the food has been brought out to all participants in the meal.
  4. If a woman has lipstick on, she needs to go to the ladies' room to get rid of lipstick, because traces of it on dishes are considered a sign of bad taste. In general, any hygiene procedures cannot be performed at a restaurant table. For these purposes, go to the toilet. But before you leave the table, you need to apologize.
  5. You are not allowed to take photographs of food and drinks while dining in a restaurant. Such behavior is considered immoral in high-level establishments.
  6. If you come across something inedible in a dish, carefully remove it from your mouth, but not with your hands, but with a spoon.
  7. If some cutlery accidentally falls onto the floor from your table, there is no need to pick it up. Call the waiter and ask him to bring you others.
  8. If you are served a very hot dish, wait until it cools down. You cannot blow on food, blow on food, or make any sounds in general in a restaurant. This is not decent, according to table etiquette rules.

  1. The fork must be held with your left hand while eating, and the knife with your right. If the dish can be eaten with an ordinary fork, there is no need to cut anything, then it can be held in the right hand.
  2. If you eat meat, then cut off one small piece of it, which you will eat right away. There should be no slices left on the plate.
  3. To eat pasta, you need to use a fork. Pasta is rolled onto it. If the dish is drowning in sauce, then it is preferable to use a spoon.
  4. If there is any on the plate with your dish bread product, then you need to break off slices from it and eat them gradually. You should not bite off a whole piece of bread or pick it up.
  5. You need to chew food with your mouth completely closed.
  6. If you haven't finished your soup, it's okay. Yushka at the bottom of a soup plate is considered normal. If you want to finish eating, tilt the plate away from you and scoop out the soup with a spoon.
  7. You can’t lean too much over the plate. You must carefully bring the fork or spoon with food to your mouth.
  8. If you have something stuck in your mouth, do not remove it with your hands. Use a fork, preferably at a time when no one sees it.

  1. Hide your phone somewhere so it won't bother you. If he calls all the time, it will seem impolite. In this case, pick up the phone and ask to call you back later. Excuse yourself if you need to clear your nose or clear your throat and leave the table.
  2. Do not hand the dish, salt or pepper shaker directly into the hands of the person who asked you for it. It will be correct if you simply place the item or food he needs next to his plate.
  3. Behave calmly at the table, do not gesticulate, so as not to accidentally break something.
  4. Under no circumstances should you place your elbows on the table. Hands should not touch the table at all while eating. Women are only allowed to lean slightly against the table with their hands.
  5. Bags, wallets, phones and other things should also not be left on the table.
  6. During the meal, you can communicate with your companion, but on topics that will not provoke a scandal or controversy between you.
  7. After finishing the meal, do not put the dishes away. Everything should remain on the table as is.
  8. Don't forget to leave a tip for the waiter after dinner (this is approximately 10% of the total check). If a tip is included in the check amount, then there is no need to leave additional money.

How to behave at a table when visiting: rules of etiquette

When you come to someone's house, even if you were invited by your close friends, this does not mean that in this case it is not necessary to comply table etiquette rules. It is imperative to show respect to the owners and leave a good impression of yourself.

Of course, such strict requirements are not imposed on you as in a restaurant, but a few rules of etiquette, how to behave at the table While visiting, you still need to know:

  • do not sit down at the table until you are invited to do so by the owners of the house;
  • if you need any cutlery, or you will be asked to pass it, remember that this must be done in a counterclockwise direction;
  • do not eat with your fork or spoon from a common dish into which, for example, salad is poured - take a special cutlery and pour the dish onto your plate;
  • if the dish is far from you, do not reach across the table for it, but ask someone sitting next to you to serve it to you;
  • drink water or alcoholic drink only after you have completely chewed your food;
  • do not talk about political or religious topics at the table, do not discuss illnesses, but also do not be silent, do not force the owners of the house to entertain you;
  • do not stay at a party until late in the evening (the optimal time to stay at a party is 2-3 hours);
  • After dinner, be sure to thank the owners of the house.

How to behave at a buffet according to the rules of etiquette?

Everyone knows what a buffet is - this is when a lot of dishes are presented, and everyone can choose whatever they want and as much as they want.

It would seem that everything is simple, however, here too you need to observe 5 rules of table etiquette:

  1. As soon as you enter a restaurant operating on the system buffet, look around to understand where and what is located. In many establishments, first courses are located separately from appetizers and desserts. Think about what you would like to eat so as not to overload your stomach with everything at once. Take the plate in your left hand and add everything with your right. If you need bread, then you need to take a special small plate for it.
  2. You are not allowed to appear at the buffet in a swimsuit or street clothes. An elegant dress is, of course, also not the most the best option for a buffet, but what's yours appearance must be neat - that's for sure.
  3. When helping yourself to a dish, behave with restraint, do not shout, push, or make a scandal if the dish you wanted to take is finished. Step aside and wait a few minutes for the waiters to bring you the food you want. Try to make only one approach to the buffet.
  4. After you finish your meal, clean up after yourself. In many buffet establishments, waiters do not clear away the dishes after customers.
  5. Do not attempt to take food away from the buffet unless the establishment specifically allows it.

Basic rules of table etiquette for children

As soon as your child turns one year old, you can teach him table manners. At first, the baby will follow the example of mom and dad, so it is important that the parents themselves behave correctly during meals.

What you should pay attention to:

  1. Before each meal, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap. By the age of two, the baby should already have developed the habit of following the rules of hygiene.
  2. The child must know his place at the table. If he is still small, then parents need to seat him in his high chair, which must correspond to the height of the overall dining table. It is better to place the chair on the left side of the mother so that she can help the child when necessary.
  3. Meals should occur at the same time every day so that the baby develops a routine and culture of proper nutrition.
  4. Explain to your baby that you need to start eating after all family members have sat down at the table and the phrase “bon appetit” is heard.
  5. Until the age of three, you need to teach a child to use a spoon, until the age of 5, to use a fork, and after 5 years, you can already explain what a knife is and how to handle it. Do not allow your child to dig into a plate of food with their hands. If he can't cope with kitchen appliance, feed him yourself.

  1. Explain to your baby that you cannot play, sing, dance or talk loudly at the table, especially if your mouth is full of food. After all, this is not only indecent, but also dangerous to health.
  2. Teach your baby that he must eat everything that is poured into him. You cannot spit food back onto the plate, as it is unsightly.
  3. A child should already know at the age of three that after a meal he needs to thoroughly wipe his mouth and hands, and say “thank you” to the person who prepared the food.
  4. Explain to your child that he can only get up from the table after adults give him permission.
  5. You can take advantage of innovative technologies in the process of teaching your child. On the Internet you can download educational cartoons and pictures, with the help of which the child will, in a playful and educational way, figure out what to do while eating. Great way to learn table etiquette rules - creating a presentation on this topic on the computer (suitable for you if your child is already 5 years old). This will make it more interesting for the child, because the craving for computer technology in modern children manifests itself at a very early age.

IN modern program average educational institutions, a course is provided for schoolchildren about table etiquette rules. During lessons, children are told about the norms of behavior in public places, and in particular, they are given Special attention the topic of how to behave at the table.

Table etiquette rules in pictures

Try to follow all the recommendations that we have given you in this article if you want to be accepted as a well-mannered and cultured person in public institutions. Remember that ignorance and frivolous behavior even while eating is a sign, first of all, of disrespect for yourself, and then for others. Therefore, behave appropriately so as not to fall “face in the dirt.”

Video: “Rules of etiquette at the table”