Sauces included in pizza. How to make pizza sauce like in a pizzeria

Pizza is prepared in almost every home these days. The dish is quick, simple, satisfying and allows you to use any leftover products that you can no longer use for a separate dish, since there are not enough of them. However, not everyone knows that what makes this dish delicious is not the filling, but the pizza sauce. If it is prepared incorrectly or, God forbid, is replaced with primitive ketchup (or even tomato paste), you will not get a worthwhile dish. Of course, such an important ingredient is sold in supermarkets, but it is difficult to say how much you can trust it. So you should not be lazy and make homemade pizza sauce.

Quick recipe

For him, consider that it will not take any time. The only thing is that the main ingredient is quite expensive, since you need to buy Italian-made tomatoes in their own juice. The preparation itself is extremely simple: the tomatoes are passed through a blender, salt, pepper, oregano are added to taste and olive oil is added. You can use tomato sauce for pizza! Moreover, it can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time.

Inexpensive homemade sauce

You'll have to tinker with him. To begin with, half a kilo of tomatoes is doused with boiling water and peeled. Two glasses of dry white wine are evaporated, tomatoes chopped into small cubes are added to the pan. You will have to simmer until the tomatoes turn into a paste-like mass. During this time, excess moisture will disappear, after which sugar, salt and spices of your choice are added. After ten minutes, the saucepan is removed, and after cooling, the mass is rubbed through a sieve.

Subtleties of cooking

To get a moderately thick and high-quality tomato sauce for pizza, you must strictly follow the order: first the wine, and only then the tomatoes. The second rule: do not grind them into porridge, otherwise all the tomato juice will not have time to evaporate, as a result of which the pizza sauce will come out too liquid. It’s better to first stew the tomatoes and drain off the excess juice, and then wipe them together with all the other ingredients.

If it still turns out a little liquid, add half a glass of tomato paste and boil again, stirring constantly. Some people recommend adding starch, but it significantly affects the taste.

If you want to get flavor nuances, add olives or pitted olives to the mixture before mashing. You can also experiment with a selection of herbs. Just don’t go too heavy on the spices (peppers, strong-smelling spices), since the pizza sauce should highlight and not overwhelm the flavor of the rest of its components.

Red (aka tomato) sauce for pizza

It is the most popular when preparing this dish, as it is combined with almost all the ingredients that make up Italian food. To get an almost authentic tomato sauce for pizza, a kilogram of fresh small tomatoes is blanched for a minute in boiling water and peeled. Crushed into cubes, they are stewed until they lose their clear outlines and again rubbed through a fine colander or sieve. The resulting puree is cooked with stirring until it thickens, after which it is removed from the stove. It contains crushed garlic (a full head), salt, herbs and spices (this is a matter of your imagination and taste); The simmering process continues for another three minutes. At the same time, finely chopped six medium onions are simmered in olive oil. The finished frying is added to the puree - and again on the fire for ten minutes. As a result, we have a wonderful tomato sauce for pizza, which, after cooling, you can safely smear on its base, being firmly confident in the final result.

White version

Tomatoes don't go well with fish filling. And Italians tend to add fish or a variety of seafood to their favorite dish. For such cases, white pizza sauce was invented. For it, three tablespoons (with an impressive slide) of flour are mixed with half a glass of rich broth and 70 grams of butter. The container is placed on a small flame and slowly heats up. In this case, the contents must be mixed so that the flour does not clump and the oil is distributed evenly. Gradually pour in the rest of the broth (half a liter in total). It will take about forty minutes to cook the white pizza sauce. Somewhere in the middle of the process, pepper, salt and garlic are added, if you don’t mind this spice. Foam will form - it must be skimmed off. When the sauce thickens, strain it while hot and leave to cool. You can start baking pizza!

Sour cream sauce for pizza

Despite the demand for tomato and red sauces, Italians have come up with other “gravies” for pizza. And very tasty! 3 cloves of garlic should be turned into pulp, 10 g of cheese should be grated as finely as possible. Beat sour cream in the amount of 100 g with two large spoons of mayonnaise, add cheese, garlic, salt, basil and pepper - as much as you like. Stir and spread on the base, on which any ingredients will then be laid out - this pizza sauce will go with any topping.

Creamy alternative

It is especially harmonious for spicy pizzas, fish and vegetables. However, creamy pizza sauce is also quite suitable with meat or sausage. This is due to the neutral taste of the “gravy”. 2 eggs should be divided into whites and yolks. The latter must be beaten in a separate bowl. At the same time, 100 g of good flour is mixed with softened butter (a tablespoon is enough) and at the same time warm cream is poured in a little at a time (a total of a glass). The resulting mixture is placed in a water bath and stirred all the time. After ten minutes, when the creamy pizza sauce begins to thicken, pour in the prepared yolks and add salt and sugar to taste. The vessel is immediately removed from the bath, and its contents are beaten again. From the list of products it is clear that you should not expect any heat or spiciness from this sauce. That is why it is used for bitter pizza toppings.

Unusual green sauce

When you get bored with standard foundation spreads, try alternative ones. For example, there is a pizza sauce whose recipe does not contain traditional Italian ingredients, with the exception of olive oil. For it, half a glass of unsalted and toasted sunflower seeds is placed in a blender with three cloves of garlic, half a teaspoon of dried chili and a bunch of cilantro. There they are brought to a paste state. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add olive oil (a quarter cup) little by little to the blender. Whipping ends when the sauce becomes plastic, green and uniform. The pizza it makes is amazing.

Russian pizza fantasies

People who often cook this Italian dish and realize how important pizza sauce is, not only diversify the recipe, but also come up with new ones. Moreover, they prepare according to their favorite recipes for future use, so as not to be distracted later. You can do this: put 6 kg of tomatoes through a juicer and puree. Boil the squeezed juice for two hours without a lid to remove excess water. During this time, a white onion, chopped fairly large, and half a head of garlic, processed in the same way, are fried. A glass of apple juice is poured into them. Everything is cooked until smooth. Spices consisting of cloves, chaman, allspice and peas are placed in a bundle of sterile gauze and dipped into the future pizza sauce. Separately, the same is done with fresh basil. How much to take is your decision. After 10 minutes, add sea salt, brown sugar, cinnamon, ground black and pink pepper and a little white wine vinegar to the sauce. In total you will have to cook for about half an hour, periodically testing to see what is missing. Then you can roll up this pizza sauce, or you can simply place it in the refrigerator and take it out as needed.

Pizza, as you know, is an Italian dish. Did you know that Italians are very jealous of the dishes that belong to their national cuisine and are very “worried” when they are prepared in violation of the original recipe. If you are going to learn how to cook delicious homemade pizza, you, of course, do not have to adhere to canonical recipes - today, so many recipes for their preparation, methods for processing the dough and quantitative ratios of ingredients have been developed that the field for delicious experiments opens up extremely wide, and it would be a sin not to take advantage of it. However, some rules must still be followed.

What do you think creates the amazing taste and aroma of pizza? Most likely, you will answer: the filling, which can be almost anything: meat and fish products, poultry, vegetables, spices, cottage cheese, etc. The only constant ingredient that cannot be excluded from pizza is cheese. Without it, pizza is not pizza at all, but an ordinary pie with a savory filling.

But the secret of a delicious pizza lies not only in a successful filling: tasty dough and tasty sauce - without which the preparation of a culinary masterpiece is doomed to failure. Moreover, without the latter, that is, the sauce with which this dish is served, you cannot prepare a dish with a uniquely attractive taste. Of course, at first glance it may seem to you that we are exaggerating its importance, and it’s easier than ever to prepare it. However, this is not entirely true, and you will see this for yourself when you start reading and putting into practice our recipes for delicious sauces, of which, it is worth noting, there are a huge number. Among the most popular ones are - white pizza sauce, (classic) simple pizza sauce, Italian, tomato, creamy pizza sauce, cheese, garlic sauce for pizza.

Below are recipes for delicious homemade pizza sauces at home:

It must be said that each pizza has its own dressing, which can most successfully highlight the taste of its filling. For example, creamy sauce perfectly complements the taste of pizza stuffed with sausage, vegetables or fish. And cheese sauce is usually served with mushroom pizza. In addition, soy sauce goes well with this pizza. Garlic or sour cream sauce is best suited to pizza with a pronounced “salty” taste. And here tomato sauce It is completely unsuitable for it, since the basis for its preparation is the same tomato.

Traditionally, the Mediterranean dish was prepared without sauce in the modern sense - the dough base was brushed with olive oil, a kind of puree of crushed tomatoes was laid out on top, and cheese was always added. Italians are very jealous of their original recipes, but each country has its own national flavor, thanks to which classic recipes take on new forms. Culinary experiments yielded a stunning result: the strict canon - tomato filling - has changed beyond recognition: even in its original version, it varies from simply grated ripe vegetables with spices to carefully prepared pasta, observing the smallest details.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

However, the main task of dressing for your favorite baked goods is to make it soft and highlight the taste of the filling. The rules for successful cooking are very simple - it is the use of high-quality products and their proper combination. For flatbread with meat or sausage, it is best to use classic tomato-based sauces; for mushrooms or seafood, it is better to use white sour cream or creamy dressings. Fans of non-trivial solutions will appreciate the soy taste, and those who love garlic should remember that it is customary to lubricate the edges of the finished baked product with a gravy containing a lot of it.

To prepare the most delicious, like in the best pizzeria, or even like the one you once tasted in Italy, first of all, you need the best tomato sauce. The main thing in cooking pizza sauce- tomatoes, they should be ripe, red and smell like tomatoes, and not those that are now sold in hypermarkets in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which do not smell of anything. So, if you managed to find good tomatoes - great, you couldn’t find them - don’t despair, they can be replaced with canned tomatoes in their own juice (not to be confused with tomato paste), best produced in Italy. They are already peeled and usually contain only tomatoes. The specified amount of ingredients makes a sauce for about 3-4 pizzas.


  • tomatoes (canned) 400 g
  • garlic 1-2 cloves
  • dried oregano 1/2 tbsp. spoons
  • dried basil 1/2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt
  • black pepper


If you use tomatoes, they should be thoroughly washed and peeled.

Place the tomatoes in a container where they will be ground in a blender or simply kneaded. If you do not have a blender and you will mash the tomatoes with a fork or other methods, you should first pass the garlic through a garlic press or grate it on a fine grater.

Add oregano, basil, garlic cloves to the tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything using a blender.

The sauce for real pizza is ready!

Italian cuisine has given us recipes for pizza - thin, crispy flatbread made from unleavened dough, with juicy filling and stretchy cheese. The dish quickly migrated from restaurant menus to home cooking. For an excellent result, three components are required: competently kneaded and rolled out dough, tasty filling and the “correct” pizza sauce.

For the classic sauce, you will need sweet, ripe tomatoes, which are peeled and boiled to the desired thickness. If there are no fresh vegetables, you can replace them with canned tomatoes or tomato paste, enhancing their taste with herbs and spices.

Often added:

  • garlic, onions, bell peppers and other vegetables;
  • Italian herbs, in particular basil and oregano, both fresh and dried;
  • hot pepper in powder form or fresh;
  • olive oil (can be replaced with sunflower oil).

Creamy, garlic, sour cream, cheese and mustard sauces are not considered traditional in making pizza. Nevertheless, they are in great demand. They help diversify the menu when you want something non-standard and original.

Sauces are cooked on the stove. To prepare, you will need a small saucepan, frying pan or thick-walled pan, enameled or non-stick.

Cooking recipes

To make real pizza sauce at home, you should choose a balanced recipe. Delicious homemade pizza sauce is never too sour or too sweet. The consistency of the sauce should allow you to easily spread it on the pizza, but not be too thin, otherwise you will not be able to achieve a crispy crust on the pizza.

We have selected for you the best sauce recipes that meet all these requirements. The sauce starts with a base: olive oil makes sauces lighter, butter makes sauces richer. Keep this point in mind when preparing homemade pizza. An important component of the recipe is greens, fresh or dried, depending on taste preferences and time of year. If you are going to prepare tomato sauce, make sure that the seasoning contains oregano. Don't forget to add nutmeg to the creamy sauce.

All other things being equal, fresh herbs are usually preferable to dried ones, but this is not entirely true for oregano - its taste is best revealed in its dried form.

Tomatoes for making red sauce can be used in any form: fresh, sun-dried, canned, tomato juice or paste. The only thing you need to keep an eye on when replacing one type of tomato with another in a recipe is the balance of acidity and sweetness. If the tomato sauce seems too sour due to the use of, for example, canned tomatoes or too sour tomato paste, add a little sugar.

Sauce with fresh tomatoes

There is nothing complicated about making the sauce like in a pizzeria. Essentially these are pureed and boiled tomatoes with the addition of onions, garlic and herbs. If you often make pizza, then this sauce can be prepared for future use by sealing it tightly in sterile jars. It stores well in a dark place, even at room temperature.


  • tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • onions – 3 pcs.;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • red bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • paprika – 1 tsp;
  • oregano, basil, marjoram - 0.5 tsp each;
  • salt;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • olive oil – 50 ml;
  • chili pepper - to taste.


For this sauce, select ripe, fleshy red tomatoes. Wash, pour boiling water and leave for 2-3 minutes. Drain the water and remove the skins from the tomatoes. Cut out the hard spots near the stem. Cut into several pieces and place in a saucepan.

Peel the onion and garlic and rinse. Chop the onion into large half rings, chop the garlic with a knife. Wash the pepper, remove seeds, cut into pieces, combine with other vegetables. Place the pan on the stove and bring its contents to a boil. Put spices, herbs, chopped garlic, pour in oil. Cook over low heat until the vegetables are soft, about 25-30 minutes. Grind the resulting sauce with an immersion blender until smooth and bring to a boil again. Cool.

Vegetable sauce

Vegetable sauce has become widespread. People are drawn to a healthy lifestyle and try to prepare their favorite dishes with maximum health benefits. This dressing will especially please vegetarians.


  • Pickled cucumbers – 3 pcs. (small sizes).
  • Boiled mushrooms (preferably champignons) – 90 gr.
  • Mayonnaise – 120 gr.
  • Ketchup – 40 gr.
  • Asparagus (canned) – 100 gr.
  • Garlic – 1 clove.
  • Black pepper - to taste.
  • Salt – a pinch.


Cucumbers need to be cut into small strips, asparagus too. Chop the cooked mushrooms as finely as possible. Then you need to mix ketchup, mayonnaise and a head of garlic in a separate bowl. Add a little salt and pepper to the resulting mixture to taste. The next step is to add the chopped vegetables to the bowl. The sauce is ready!

The recipe is quite simple and at the same time very tasty. The sauce is prepared in 10 minutes, maybe that’s why housewives love it so much.

Garlic sauce for pizza

Garlic pizza sauce is an essential ingredient for some recipes and a nice condiment for others. Preparing is absolutely elementary!


  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Garlic - 1 clove


Peel the garlic and press through a garlic press. Directly into a bowl with olive oil. It is convenient to keep the oil in a wide-necked bowl. Toss the garlic in the oil. Here, in fact, the sauce is ready. It will become tastier and more aromatic if you let it sit for half an hour or an hour. But if it stands for more than six hours at room temperature, it will change the smell to a less pleasant and more pungent one.

Classic tomato sauce

The finished sauce can be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass jar. Or you don’t have to store it if you make more dough and cook different pizzas several times or use the sauce with something else (pasta, for example). Enough sauce for 2 large pizzas.


  • Tomato puree 500 g
  • Dried basil ½ tsp.
  • Olive oil 30 ml
  • Oregano ½ tsp.
  • Sugar (sand) 10 g
  • Sea salt ½ tsp.
  • Garlic 2 cloves.


First we need tomato puree. Either we will take ready-made (500 ml) or prepare it ourselves. To do this, you will need about 600 grams of tomatoes, which need to be peeled and pureed using a blender. If the seeds bother you, you can remove them too, or rub the resulting puree through a sieve.

Heat the puree over low heat, stirring from time to time, and add olive oil, salt and sugar (the amount of sugar can be changed depending on the acidity of the tomato puree). The average cooking time for the sauce is about 20 minutes.

About 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add finely chopped garlic and dried herbs to the sauce. The sauce should thicken slightly during cooking. Now you need to cool it a little and use it to make pizza or pasta.

Red wine sauce

For this exquisite wine sauce, we need a base - that is, a ready-made simple tomato sauce for pizza, which you can prepare according to the previous recipe.


  • 800 g of pre-prepared simple tomato sauce;
  • One medium sized onion;
  • Parsley and celery – 40 g each;
  • Red wine – 100 ml;
  • Meat broth - 1 glass;
  • Hot pepper – 1 pc.;
  • Cloves, grated nutmeg - according to personal preference.


Rinse all vegetables thoroughly under running water, peel and finely chop if necessary. Place chopped parsley, onion, celery and cloves in a saucepan and pour red wine. Place on the fire and once it starts boiling, simmer for about 20-25 minutes. This time is absolutely enough for the brew to decrease by 2/3 of its original volume.

After the allotted time has passed, red sauce and grated nutmeg are added to the finished mixture. And cooking continues for another 20 minutes, the main thing is to set the fire to minimum. After completing the heat treatment, add salt to the sauce if desired and be sure to strain using a sieve.

Sauce with tarragon and dry wine


  • 850 g red sauce,
  • 90 g butter,
  • 250ml white grape wine,
  • 100 ml concentrated chicken broth,
  • 40 g each of onions, carrots and tarragon,
  • 25 g each of parsley and celery,
  • ground red pepper.


Finely chop onions, carrots, parsley, celery and sauté in butter, then pour in the wine, add tarragon and boil to 1/2 the original volume. Combine this mixture with red sauce and broth and cook for 25-30 minutes. Season the sauce with salt and ground pepper, strain, add tarragon leaves and bring to a boil.

Cheese sauce

In general, any delicious cheese sauce has the ability to turn even the simplest dishes into real delicacies that, well, are simply impossible to refuse. Pizza is no exception. Cheese sauce for pizza is prepared in almost the same way as the famous bechamel sauce, but cheese, various spices, and herbs are already added to it. One of the most interesting cheese sauces is garlic pizza cheese sauce. It is very easy to prepare, and the taste is almost always divine and unforgettable. If you don’t really like the smell of garlic and in general, to combat the spicy taste, you can put garlic powder in the pizza cheese sauce, or you can leave it out altogether.


  • 200 grams of cheese;
  • ground black pepper, salt;
  • 60 grams of butter;
  • 500 milliliters of milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 60 grams of wheat flour.


Place a deep frying pan on the fire and fry the flour in it until it turns golden. Add spices to the flour and very slowly, stirring, pour milk into the pan. Bring to a boil, and then, while still hot, strain the mixture through a sieve.

Meanwhile, beat the eggs with a mixer, grate the cheese with a fine grater and melt the butter in a small separate frying pan. Mix all ingredients together to achieve desired smoothness. The pizza cheese sauce is ready and can be served.

Egg sauce


  • 10 ml each of table vinegar and powdered sugar,
  • salt, mustard,
  • 50 ml vegetable oil,
  • 60 ml milk,
  • 2 eggs.


Cool the eggs, beat with a mixer with powdered sugar and salt. When the mixture turns into a thick white foam, add mustard and vinegar. Continuing to whisk, pour vegetable oil into the sauce in a thin stream. Beat the sauce for about 3-5 minutes. Finally, add milk and stir everything until smooth. Refrigerate before use.

Sour cream sauce

If you plan to put mushrooms and chicken on the pizza, then the sauce should only be sour cream! Sour cream sauce for pizza is a classic combination of flavors, a win-win and everyone’s favorite.


  • sour cream - a glass;
  • melted butter - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • flour - 3 spoons;
  • two pinches of salt, pepper.


This is a traditional recipe, but you can change it up by adding two hard-boiled egg yolks and mustard. An excellent addition would be herbs, garlic and a spoonful of regular tomato paste.

Pour flour into a frying pan and fry. Let cool. Add the butter to the flour and heat again until it melts. Slowly add sour cream, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil. Add pepper and season. Cook for a few minutes and strain before using.


The most uneatable Italian pizza can be prepared at home without any special culinary skills, the main thing is to have the desire. Pesto pizza is a classic that never fades.


  • Fresh basil leaves - 3 cups
  • Pine nuts - 1/3 cup
  • Parmesan cheese (shredded) - 1/4 cup
  • Romano cheese (shredded) - 1/4 cup
  • Extra virgin olive oil - 1/3 cup
  • Salt and ground black pepper to taste


Prepare pesto sauce. Place basil leaves, pine nuts, and cheeses in the bowl of a food processor or blender and pulse until smooth. With the processor running, gradually pour in the olive oil through the open hole. Season the sauce with salt and pepper to taste. Place the sauce in the refrigerator.

Italian sauce

This Italian pizza sauce can be called the most common; it is used in combination with many toppings and is almost always appropriate, except, of course, for dessert pizza.


  • Salt to taste
  • Tomato paste 1–2 tsp.
  • Basil 1 pinch.
  • Oregano 3 pinches.
  • Dry white wine 1 tsp.
  • Marjoram 1 pinch.
  • Tomato 10 pcs


Remove the skin from the tomatoes. To do this, pour boiling water over them for 30–40 seconds, take them out, make a cross-shaped cut and remove the skins from the tomatoes. Cut (optional), place in a fireproof container and simmer over medium heat until the liquid evaporates. About 10 minutes after the start of stewing, when half of the liquid has gone, add salt and spices.

Rub the prepared mixture through a sieve. If the sauce is a bit runny, add 1-2 tsp. tomato paste. To add a piquant note to our sauce, season it with white wine (I, for lack of it, use lemon juice). The sauce is ready.


Pizza sauce is everything! There is no exact universal recipe for the sauce that must be strictly followed. We can only distinguish three basic sauces - red, white and green, exactly like the colors of the Italian flag.

Ketchup is not suitable for real Italian pizza; only freshly prepared sauce will do. Different pizzas have their own dressing. For example, creamy sauce will complement the taste of pizza with sausage, vegetables or fish. And cheese sauce is usually served on pizza with mushrooms. Classic sauce is the most common and suitable for almost any Italian dish. So, which one to make is up to you!