The sauce was tkemali value and quality requirements. Sauce pastes and industrial sauces

2.2 Development of technical and technological maps

Technical and technological map No. 1

Name of dish: Tobacco chicken

List of raw materials: chicken, butter, sour cream, tkemali sauce.


Names of raw materials

Output rate

For 1 serving/g.

For 100 servings/kg.


Fresh tomatoes

Fresh cucumbers

Loads of fried chicken

Mass of vegetables

Tkemali sauce

Cooking technology

All products undergo primary processing in accordance with the standards for the preparation of raw materials. The breast of the processed chicken is cut lengthwise, after which the carcass is given a flat shape, sprinkled with salt, greased with sour cream and fried on both sides in a hot frying pan with oil or in a ketsi (clay frying pan) under pressure. Tomatoes and cucumbers are cut into slices. Fried chicken is decorated with herbs. Tkemali sauce is served separately.

Fried chicken is served on a plate, decorated with herbs and cucumbers and tomatoes placed next to it. Tkemali sauce is served separately.

Appearance: crispy crust

Consistency: soft, juicy

Color: golden

Smell: spices and chicken

Taste: moderately salty

Dispensed in a weight of 200g, at a temperature of 65°C, shelf life 30 minutes.

physical and chemical indicators

microbiological indicators

Technical and technological map No. 2

Name of dish: Chicken Satsivi (poultry in nut sauce)

Scope of application: complex hot dishes prepared in restaurants of Georgian national cuisine.

List of raw materials: chicken, walnuts, butter, onions, cinnamon, eggs (yolk), garlic, 3% vinegar, cloves, ground red pepper, saffron, utskho-suneli (dried herbs for satsivi), chicken broth, wheat flour.

Requirements for the quality of raw materials: Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare this dish (product) comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates and (or) quality certificates.


Names of raw materials

Output rate

For 1 serving/g.

For 100 servings/kg.

Finished poultry weight



Bulb onions

Wheat flour

Eggs (yolk)

Vinegar 3%


Ground red pepper

Utskho-suneli (dried greens for satsivi)

chicken broth

Mass of sauce

Cooking technology

All products undergo primary processing in accordance with the standards for the preparation of raw materials. The prepared chicken carcass is boiled until half cooked, fried in an oven and chopped into portions (2 pieces of fillet and leg per serving). For the sauce: finely chopped onion is sautéed in oil, flour is added and diluted with broth.

The nuts are crushed, crushed garlic, salt, saffron, pepper, cinnamon, cloves are added, diluted with a small amount of broth and this mass is added to the boiling broth with onions. Then everything is rubbed in a small amount of satsivi sauce cooled to 50ºC, then gradually introduced into the hot sauce with continuous stirring. Portioned pieces of poultry are poured with hot satsivi sauce.

Formatting and submission requirements

Place portioned pieces of chicken on a prepared, heated plate and pour over the sauce. You can decorate with herbs, slices or shaped slices of fresh vegetables.

Quality and safety indicators

Organoleptic quality indicators

Consistency: soft, juicy

Color: cream

Smell: spices and stew

Taste: moderately salty

Dispensed in a weight of 300g, at a temperature of 65°C, shelf life 1 hour.

physical and chemical indicators

microbiological indicators

Nutritional and energy value, per 100 g.

Technical and technological map No. 3

Name of dish: Chakhokhbili

Scope of application: complex hot dishes prepared in restaurants of Georgian national cuisine.

List of raw materials: chicken, coriander, basil, onions, fresh tomatoes, wheat flour, broth, 3% vinegar, garlic, table margarine.

Requirements for the quality of raw materials: Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare this dish (product) comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates and (or) quality certificates.


Names of raw materials

Output rate

For 1 serving/g.

For 100 servings/kg.

Table margarine

Loads of fried chicken

Bulb onions

Mass of sautéed onions

Fresh tomatoes

Wheat flour

Vinegar 3%


Cooking technology

All products undergo primary processing in accordance with the standards for the preparation of raw materials. Portioned pieces of chicken are fried, sautéed onions cut into rings, finely chopped tomatoes, dry flour sauté, broth, vinegar, cilantro and basil, crushed garlic, black pepper, salt are added and simmered until tender. They are released with the sauce in which the chicken was stewed. Chakhokhbili can also be prepared from other types of poultry.

Formatting and submission requirements

Place portioned pieces of poultry on a prepared, heated plate and pour over the sauce in which the chicken was stewed. Garnish with herbs, slices or shaped slices of fresh vegetables.

Quality and safety indicators

Organoleptic quality indicators

Appearance: cutting shape preserved

Consistency: soft

Color: red-brown

Smell: poultry stew and spices

Taste: moderately salty, slightly spicy

Dispensed in a weight of 300g, at a temperature of 65°C, shelf life 1 hour.

physical and chemical indicators

microbiological indicators

Nutritional and energy value, per 100 g.

Assortment and organization of the technological process for preparing hot meat dishes prepared using flambéing technology

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Sauces must have a taste and smell that matches the taste and smell of the products included in it. Sauces should be moderately salty and their consistency should be homogeneous and elastic.

Store hot sauces in a water bath at a temperature of 75°C for no more than 2 hours.

Industrial sauces

General information

Industrially produced sauces occupy an increasingly important place among modern consumers. Their demand is constantly growing, and the range offered allows them to satisfy every consumer’s taste.

Sauces are not only tasty, but also healthy due to the vegetable and fruit components they contain. The industry produces a wide range of ready-made sauces: mayonnaise (which is in greatest demand among the population), tomato (including ketchup), fruit and gourmet sauces.

The sauces produced are very diverse in their composition. The richness of the recipe, the accuracy of its adherence, and the careful implementation of technology requirements provide each sauce with a special, wonderful, subtle taste and beautiful appearance.

Industrially prepared sauces are suitable for serving directly on dishes, or they can be added during the cooking process to create a variety of flavors and enhance the taste of dishes. They are produced in small or large packaging in plastic or glass containers.

Unsterilized sauces contain a preservative and are usually packaged in unbreakable containers made of polymer materials or aluminum tubes.

Sterilized sauces packaged in glass containers can be produced without preservatives. Glass containers allow you to show the product “face” (pieces of vegetables, spices, etc. are visible). The storage of industrial sauces is quite stable.

An opened jar or bottle can be stored for several days if they are closed again with a lid, cork and placed in a cool, dark place.

The range of sauces produced is varied: mayonnaise sauce, ketchup, spicy tomato sauce, Kuban sauce, "Lyubitelsky spicy" sauce, "Yuzhny" sauce, "Vostok" sauce, "Moscow" sauce, "Indian fruit" sauce, fruit sauces (apple, plum , apricot, etc.), nasharabi (boiled pomegranate juice), tkemali sauce, etc.

12.2 Preparing sauces

Ketchups. A tomato spicy and aromatic mixture is prepared by boiling tomato paste with various spices and flavorings.

The most commonly used spices include: nutmeg, mustard seed, cinnamon, ginger, allspice, cloves, fennel, bay leaf, etc. Flavoring additives - salt, sugar, vinegar, extracts from
celery, garlic, onion. Benzoic acid is used for canning. Industrially produced ketchups are preserved using strict technology and can be stored for two years without losing their properties.

Tabasco sauce is a piquant spicy liquid mixture prepared with fresh cayenne pepper pods. In order for it to acquire a specific aroma, it is placed in an oak barrel for three years. After ripening, the mixture is combined with table vinegar and stirred. The seasoning acquires a unique piquant taste. It must be used carefully. A few drops are enough for the mixture to revive the taste of food and make it more appetizing. Add to vegetables and dishes made from them.

Barbecue sauce- spicy tomato sauce with herbs and pepper. It is served with fried meat, sausages, goulash, fried potatoes, stewed vegetables, and lecho.

Chinese sauce- sweet and sour sauce with the addition of pineapples, pepper and herbs. Pairs with rice, fish, and meat.

Cocktail sauce- thick soft sauce. Whiskey and sherry are used in its production. Served with fish dishes and salads.

Salsa sauce- Mexican hot sauce, which includes vegetables and hot peppers. Used as a seasoning for barbecue and any meat dishes.

Chili sauce- a very hot sauce with the addition of chili peppers, herbs and spices. Versatile in use - goes well with any fried catfish, and is essential for making barbecue. Improves the taste of hamburger, spaghetti, vegetable salads.

Garlic sauce- spicy sauce with a hint of garlic. Served with dishes of meat, fish, potatoes, eggs.

Exotic sauce- sweet and sour sauce with a spicy, spicy aftertaste. Fruits and vegetables are added during production. Fortified. Used for salads, meat dishes, poultry, rice.

Napoli and Bolognese sauces- Italian sauces, made from ripe tomatoes and various other vegetables with all kinds of herbs in large quantities. Napoli sauce contains more than a dozen herbs, and lognese sauce contains pieces of beef.

Country sauce- hot sauce, sweet and sour with a pronounced aroma and taste of mushrooms.

The sauce is tender- mildly hot sauce, has a spicy, tomato taste with a pronounced aroma and taste of dill.

Krasnodar sauce- sweet and sour, slightly spicy with a well-defined aroma of tomato products, apples, and spices.

Tkemali sauces made from wild tkemali plums growing in the Caucasus mountains. Tkemali plum has different natural color and flavor shades. By adding various spices, spices, herbs and herbs to tkemal puree, the spiciness, acidity and sweetness are adjusted. The resulting sauces are ideal for a wide variety of

Sacibeli sauce. Contains the pulp of fresh tomatoes, fresh herbs, garlic, a few different peppers, complements the taste of any food. Excellent for meat dishes, together with butter or vegetable oil - for pasta, as well as for vegetable and even fish dishes.

11 Making soy sauce

In Japan, soy sauce is not added except to tea or sweets. Eastern cooks use it instead of salt, but that's not all. It is soy sauce that gives a specific, refined and piquant taste to oriental cuisine. Evaporated soybeans are mixed with roasted ground wheat grains, poured with water and added salt. Then the resulting mass is hung in special bags or laid out in the sun.

Thus, soybeans undergo natural fermentation, or, in modern parlance, fermentation. The soybean mass remains in this state for more than a year. The flowing liquid is collected in special vats, filtered and bottled. This is how soy sauce has been prepared in the East for centuries.

Thanks to modern technologies, the process of natural fermentation can be significantly accelerated. Then fermentation takes no longer a year, but still at least a month. Enzymes break down soy protein, and during the fermentation of wheat starch, sugar is formed, which gives soy sauce a sweetish taste. After ripening, the soybean paste is pressed,
The rich sauce is filtered and pasteurized, which intensifies its color and flavor. Then the finished sauce is bottled.

A variety of flavors are achieved by adding natural extracts (garlic, dill, etc.).

Preparing mayonnaise

Mayonnaise. Industrial mayonnaise is a creamy, finely dispersed oil-in-water emulsion prepared from refined deodorized vegetable oils with the addition of emulsifiers, flavorings and spices permitted
Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation,

Mayonnaises are used as seasonings to improve the taste and digestibility of products, as well as in the manufacture of food products and confectionery products. The finished product is produced in accordance with GOST 30004.1-93
“Mayonnaise. Technical conditions" And must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.

The technological process for the production of mayonnaise involves the creation of optimal conditions that make it possible to obtain a homogeneous (close to homogeneous) and stable structure from components that are practically insoluble in each other (for example, water and oil), taking into account such factors as the concentration of dry components, conditions of swelling and pasteurization of dry components , oil supply speed, intensity of mechanical impact.

The production of mayonnaise includes the following technological stages: dosing of components; preparing egg paste; preparing mustard-milk paste; supply of vegetable oil; preparation of vinegar-salt solution; preparing a rough emulsion; cook fine emulsion; packaging of ready-made mayonnaise.

Russian enterprises produce the following types of mayonnaise:

· high-calorie mayonnaises: “Provavsaly” (mass fraction fat no less than 67%); “Milk” (mass fraction of fat not less than 67%,
“Egg” (mass fraction of fat not less than 57.5%);

· medium low-calorie mayonnaise “Lyubitelskiy” (mass fat content not less than 4-7%);

· low-calorie: “Saladny” (mass fraction of fat not less than 37%), “Mustard” (mass fraction of fat not less than 37%) and with the use of stabilizers (mass fraction of fat not less than 37%).

Industrial table mayonnaise is stored at a temperature of up to 18 °C for no more than 45 days, and at a temperature of 5 °C for up to 6 months.

"I affirm"

Technical and technological map No. 1

Product name Lula-Kebab "Nargila" (Nargila or Nargali?)

List of raw materials:

Cold lamb GOST 1935-55

Lard GOST 12513-6

Onions GOST 27166

Green onion PCT 624

Parsley greens RST RSFSR 748

Salt GOST R 51574-2000

Premium wheat flour GOST 27558-88

Sumy Certificate of Conformity

Requirements for the quality of raw materials:

Food raw materials and food products used for this dish comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates of conformity and quality certificates.


name of raw materials


Bookmark rate (net), kg

Cold lamb

Lard lard

Bulb onions

Weight semi-finished

Wheat flour For lavash

Green onion

Parsley (greens)

Yield of finished dish

1. Clean the lamb from tendons and films, rinse.

2. Peel the onion.

3. Wash the green onions.

4. Sift the flour.

Cooking technology

    Preparation of semi-finished product.

To prepare the semi-finished product, lamb cutlet meat cut into pieces, onions, raw fat are crushed in a meat grinder, salt and pepper are added, and mixed.

The prepared minced meat is formed into sausages 10 cm long and 3 cm thick.

    Preparing the side dish.

To prepare the side dish, use green onions, herbs, and pita bread. To prepare it from flour and water, knead a stiff dough, roll out pita bread 1 mm thick, bake on a baking sheet without fat at a temperature of 180 ° C for 5-8 minutes.

3. Frying the semi-finished product.

Semi-finished products are strung on a skewer and fried on coals until cooked at temperatures up to 300 °C for 20 minutes.

Requirements for registration, submission, sale and storage

Where's the side dish?

1. Lula kebab “Nargila” is served hot.

2.The serving temperature must be at least 75°C.

3. Serve with pita bread, herbs, tomatoes and cucumbers, with plum sauce.

Organoleptic characteristics of lula kebab

Appearance: lula kebab - the surface is smooth, without cracks or tears, lavash - without cracks, smooth.

Consistency: lula kebab - soft, juicy, lavash - porous, soft crust, baked

Color: lula kebab - light brown, lavash - light beige.

The taste and smell - lula kebab - is moderately salty, spicy, pleasant, characteristic of the incoming products, without any foreign taste or smell.

Lavash has a taste characteristic of this type of product, without any foreign taste, a smell characteristic of this type of bread, without any foreign smell.

Quality and safety indicators

I approve"

Head of the enterprise

(This dish should be more interesting)

Technical and technological map No. 2

Product name Shashlik “Khansky”

Scope of application: Shirman restaurant

List of raw materials:

Cold lamb GOST 12513-67

St. onion GOST 27166

Green onion St. PCT 624

vinegar 9% GOST 19814-74

Fresh tomatoes GOST 1725-85

Lemon GOST 4429-82

Lard GOST 16594-85

Salt GOST R 51574-2000

Ground black pepper GOST 29045

Tkemali sauce certificate of conformity

Requirements for the quality of raw materials:

Food raw materials, food products used for this dish comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates of conformity and quality certificates


name of raw materials


Bookmark norm for 1 serving, g/piece.

Bookmark rate (net), kg


bulb onions

green onion

Tomatoes St.

tkemali sauce

Lard lard

table salt

ground black pepper

Yield of finished dish

Preparation of raw materials for production

    Clean and rinse the lamb.

    Peel the onion and chop finely.

    Sort the parsley, rinse, finely chop.

    Wash the tomatoes and chop them.

Cooking technology

1. Cut pieces of lamb into cubes of 30-40 g, salt, sprinkle with pepper, finely chopped or grated onions and parsley, moisten with vinegar or lemon juice,

2. Stir, place in a non-oxidizing container and stand for 4-6 hours, at t +2+4 ˚С.

3. Thread the marinated pieces of meat onto a metal skewer interspersed with onion slices, brush with melted fat tail fat and fry over burning coals until 300˚C, 30-40 minutes.

4. Remove the finished shish kebab pieces from the skewer onto a plate, garnish with raw chopped onions or green onions, tomatoes and

a slice of lemon.

    Serve tkemali sauce separately.

Requirements for registration, submission, sale and storage:

1. The dish should be served on a small dinner plate, decorated with a napkin. Garnished with tkemali sauce and barberry.

2. The temperature for serving the dish must be at least 45˚C.

3. The shelf life of the dish is no more than 30...40 minutes from the end of the technological process.

Organoleptic indicators

Appearance: lamb cut into cubes, evenly fried, without burnt marks.

Consistency: soft, juicy.

Color: light brown.

Taste and smell - moderately salty, spicy, pleasant, characteristic of incoming products, without foreign taste and smell, fried marinated lamb.

physical and chemical indicators

Physico-chemical, microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish comply with the criteria specified in the appendix to GOST R 50763-95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the public. General technical conditions”.

Nutritional and energy value per 100g of finished product

Responsible developer ___________________________________

I approve"

(I think these are Satsivi dishes)

Technical and technological map No. 3

Product name "Shirman"

Scope of application: restaurant "Shirman"

Chicken cold GOST 21784-76

Walnuts, cleaned GOST 16832-71

Cilantro greens GOST 17081-97

Garlic St. GOST 27569-8

Onions GOST 27166

Wine vinegar 9% GOST 21205-83

Edible salt GOST R 51574-2000

Black pepper hammer. GOST 29045

GvozdikaGOST 25622-83

ShafranGOST 21722-84

Requirements for the quality of raw materials:

Food raw materials, food products used for this dish comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and

have certificates of conformity and quality certificates.


name of raw materials


Bookmark norm for 1 serving, g/piece.

Bookmark rate (net), kg

Bulb onions

Wine vinegar 9%

Table salt

Ground black pepper

Walnuts, cleaned

Cilantro greens


Preparation of raw materials for production

    Rinse the chicken.

    Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

    Pass the walnuts through a meat grinder.

Cooking technology

1. Place the prepared chicken carcass in a saucepan, add cold water and cook at 80-100˚C until the water boils.

2.Then remove from the broth, add salt and fry in an oven at 180-200˚C for 30-40 minutes. until ready. Remove fat from the broth and use it to sauté onions, cut into small cubes.

3. Grind walnuts, garlic and cilantro, dilute with broth, add pepper, saffron, salt, pour into a saucepan with onions and cook for 15-20 minutes at 120˚C.

4. Add wine vinegar, cloves, and cilantro to the broth.

5. Cut the hot chicken into medium cubes..

6. Serve in a small bowl, pour over the hot sauce and cool to 35˚C.

Organoleptic indicators

Appearance: The chicken is evenly fried and garnished with sauce.

Consistency: chicken - soft, juicy, sauce - thick

Color: chicken - rosy, sauce - light brown.

The taste and smell - of chicken - moderately salty, spicy, pleasant, fried, of the sauce - of walnuts, garlic, saffron, cloves, cilantro.

physical and chemical indicators

Physico-chemical, microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish comply with the criteria specified in the appendix to GOST R 50763-95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the public. General technical conditions”.

Nutritional and energy value per 100g of finished product

Responsible developer _____________________________________

Technical and technological map No. 1

Name of the sauce “Satsebeli in chicken broth”

  • 1 area of ​​use
  • 1.1 This technical and technological map applies to “Satsebeli in chicken broth”
  • 2 List of raw materials
  • 2.1 To prepare “Satsebeli in chicken broth” use the following products:

Tomato paste GOST R 54678-2011

Chicken bouillon -

Cilantro GOST 29055-91

Vinegar GOST R 52101-2003

Black pepper GOST 29055-91

Khneli-suneli -

Garlic GOST 27569-87

Salt GOST R 51574-2000

  • 2.2 Raw materials used for preparing the dish: “Satsebeli with chicken broth” meets the requirements of regulatory documentation, certificates and quality certificates.
  • 3 Recipe
  • 3.1 Recipe for “Satsebeli in chicken broth”

Sauce yield: 490g.

  • 4.Technological process
  • 4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the production of Satsebeli sauce in chicken broth is carried out in accordance with the collection of recipes and culinary products for catering establishments.
  • 4. Finely chop the cilantro, add garlic, khneli-suneli, pepper, adjika, vinegar. Grind all ingredients. Add tomato paste and mix everything. Pour in chicken broth, stir and add salt.
  • 5. Registration, submission, sale and storage
  • 5.1 Served in a gravy boat.
  • 5.2 Sauce serving temperature 70? WITH.
  • 5.3 Implementation period - 2 hours.
  • 6.1 Organoleptic indicators of the quality of the dish:

Consistency: homogeneous.

Technical and technological map No. 2

The name of the sauce is “Tkemali”.

  • 1 area of ​​use.
  • 1.1 This technical and technological map applies to the sauce


2. List of raw materials.

The following products are used to prepare Tkemali sauce:

Cilantro GOST 29055-91

Mint GOST 23768-94

Coriander GOST 29055-91

Hot pepper -

Plum GOST 21920-76

Garlic GOST 27569-87

Salt GOST R 51574-2000

  • 2.2 Raw materials used for preparing the sauce: “Tkemali” meets the requirements of regulatory documentation, certificates and quality certificates.
  • 3. Recipe
  • 3.1 Recipe "Tkemali".

Product Name

Gross weight (g)

Net weight (g)


Hot peppers

Portion yield: 850g.

  • 4. Technological process
  • 4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the production of Tkemali sauce is carried out in accordance with the collection of recipes and culinary products for catering establishments.
  • 4.2 Boil the plum pulp, add mint, cilantro, coriander, chopped garlic, hot pepper.
  • 5. Registration, submission and sale and storage.

Served in a gravy boat.

  • 5.2 Serving temperature: 75°C.
  • 5.3 Implementation period - 2 hours.
  • 6. Quality and safety indicators
  • 6.1. Organoleptic characteristics of the dish.

Consistency: homogeneous dense.

Color: main finished product.

Technical and technological map No. 3.

The name of the sauce is “Hollandaise”.

  • 1 area of ​​use.
  • 1.1 This technical and technological map applies to Hollandaise sauce.
  • 2. List of raw materials.

The following products are used to prepare Hollandaise sauce:

Butter GOST 52969-2008

Egg yolks GOST 1500-78

Ground pepper GOST 29055-91

Lemon juice GOST R 53137-2008

Salt GOST R 51574-2000

Black pepper GOST 21314-75

  • 2.2 Raw materials used for preparing the sauce: “Dutch” meets the requirements of regulatory documentation, certificates and quality certificates.
  • 3. Recipe
  • 3.1 Sauce recipe: “Hollandaise”.

Sauce yield: 300g.

  • 4. Technological process
  • 4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the production of sauce: “Dutch”, is carried out in accordance with the collection of recipes and culinary products for catering establishments.
  • 4.2 Place a bowl in a steam bath. Add yolks, wine, salt, sugar. Mix everything. Melt the butter. Pour into the mixture and bring the mixture to the consistency of a thick cream.
  • 5. Registration, submission and implementation and storage.

Serve in a gravy boat.

  • 5.2 Serve at a temperature of 70? WITH.
  • 5.3 Implementation period - 2 hours.
  • 6. Quality and safety indicators.
  • 6.1 Organoleptic quality indicators:

Consistency: homogeneous.

Color: main finished product.

Technical and technological map No. 1

Name of dish: Tobacco chicken

List of raw materials: chicken, butter, sour cream, tkemali sauce.


Names of raw materials

Output rate

For 1 serving/g.

For 100 servings/kg.


Fresh tomatoes

Fresh cucumbers

Loads of fried chicken

Mass of vegetables

Tkemali sauce

Cooking technology

All products undergo primary processing in accordance with the standards for the preparation of raw materials. The breast of the processed chicken is cut lengthwise, after which the carcass is given a flat shape, sprinkled with salt, greased with sour cream and fried on both sides in a hot frying pan with oil or in a ketsi (clay frying pan) under pressure. Tomatoes and cucumbers are cut into slices. Fried chicken is decorated with herbs. Tkemali sauce is served separately.

Fried chicken is served on a plate, decorated with herbs and cucumbers and tomatoes placed next to it. Tkemali sauce is served separately.

Appearance: crispy crust

Consistency: soft, juicy

Color: golden

Smell: spices and chicken

Taste: moderately salty

Dispensed in a weight of 200g, at a temperature of 65°C, shelf life 30 minutes.

physical and chemical indicators

microbiological indicators

Technical and technological map No. 2

Name of dish: Chicken Satsivi (poultry in nut sauce)

Scope of application: complex hot dishes prepared in restaurants of Georgian national cuisine.

List of raw materials: chicken, walnuts, butter, onions, cinnamon, eggs (yolk), garlic, 3% vinegar, cloves, ground red pepper, saffron, utskho-suneli (dried herbs for satsivi), chicken broth, wheat flour.

Requirements for the quality of raw materials: Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare this dish (product) comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates and (or) quality certificates.


Names of raw materials

Output rate

For 1 serving/g.

For 100 servings/kg.

Finished poultry weight



Bulb onions

Wheat flour

Eggs (yolk)

Vinegar 3%


Ground red pepper

Utskho-suneli (dried greens for satsivi)

chicken broth

Mass of sauce

Cooking technology

All products undergo primary processing in accordance with the standards for the preparation of raw materials. The prepared chicken carcass is boiled until half cooked, fried in an oven and chopped into portions (2 pieces of fillet and leg per serving). For the sauce: finely chopped onion is sautéed in oil, flour is added and diluted with broth.

The nuts are crushed, crushed garlic, salt, saffron, pepper, cinnamon, cloves are added, diluted with a small amount of broth and this mass is added to the boiling broth with onions. Then everything is rubbed in a small amount of satsivi sauce cooled to 50ºC, then gradually introduced into the hot sauce with continuous stirring. Portioned pieces of poultry are poured with hot satsivi sauce.

Formatting and submission requirements

Place portioned pieces of chicken on a prepared, heated plate and pour over the sauce. You can decorate with herbs, slices or shaped slices of fresh vegetables.

Quality and safety indicators

Organoleptic quality indicators

Consistency: soft, juicy

Color: cream

Smell: spices and stew

Taste: moderately salty

Dispensed in a weight of 300g, at a temperature of 65°C, shelf life 1 hour.

physical and chemical indicators

microbiological indicators

Nutritional and energy value, per 100 g.

Technical and technological map No. 3

Name of dish: Chakhokhbili

Scope of application: complex hot dishes prepared in restaurants of Georgian national cuisine.

List of raw materials: chicken, coriander, basil, onions, fresh tomatoes, wheat flour, broth, 3% vinegar, garlic, table margarine.

Requirements for the quality of raw materials: Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare this dish (product) comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates and (or) quality certificates.


Names of raw materials

Output rate

For 1 serving/g.

For 100 servings/kg.

Table margarine

Loads of fried chicken

Bulb onions

Mass of sautéed onions

Fresh tomatoes

Wheat flour

Vinegar 3%


Cooking technology

All products undergo primary processing in accordance with the standards for the preparation of raw materials. Portioned pieces of chicken are fried, sautéed onions cut into rings, finely chopped tomatoes, dry flour sauté, broth, vinegar, cilantro and basil, crushed garlic, black pepper, salt are added and simmered until tender. They are released with the sauce in which the chicken was stewed. Chakhokhbili can also be prepared from other types of poultry.

Formatting and submission requirements

Place portioned pieces of poultry on a prepared, heated plate and pour over the sauce in which the chicken was stewed. Garnish with herbs, slices or shaped slices of fresh vegetables.

Quality and safety indicators

Organoleptic quality indicators

Appearance: cutting shape preserved

Consistency: soft

Color: red-brown

Smell: poultry stew and spices

Taste: moderately salty, slightly spicy

Dispensed in a weight of 300g, at a temperature of 65°C, shelf life 1 hour.

physical and chemical indicators

microbiological indicators

Nutritional and energy value, per 100 g.