Gorgonzola sauce. Pasta with Gorgonzola Gorgonzola cheese sauce recipe

Good afternoon to all cooks and guests of the resource.

Continuing your acquaintance with the traditions of Italian cuisine, you cannot ignore such a national treasure of Italy as Gorgonzola cheese. This is a soft blue cheese that is served as an independent dish or used to prepare others.

The fastest, easiest and most delicious thing you can prepare using it is pasta with Gorgonzola or pasta with Gorgonzola sauce. You can use Gorgonzola and milk, Gorgonzola and cream, Gorgonzola and mascarpone - depending on what fat content we want and what we have in the refrigerator. I like the medium-fat option - with cream. Let's cook!

To prepare you need to take:

Pasta 250 grams (for two servings);

Salt for cooking pasta;

Cream 200 ml;

Gorgonzola cheese 100 grams.

I used colored pasta colored with tomatoes and basil. These natural additives to the dough give not only color, but also a subtle aroma.

Gorgonzola comes in two main types - dolce and picante, which can be translated as tender and piquant. The second has more mold and is sharper, the first is more delicate in both taste and consistency. The most valuable gorgonzola cheese is very soft, stretchy, like thick sour cream.

I have gorgonzola dolce, like this

Cut a piece of 100-150 grams. The more gorgonzalla, the richer the flavor of the sauce. Gorgonzola is used whole; there is no need to cut off the edge of the cheese.

Bring salted water to boil for the pasta and make the sauce. Place the gorgonzalla and cream in a deep frying pan at the same time and begin to heat them, stirring with a wooden spatula.

The fire should be the smallest. In about 5 minutes the cheese will melt in the cream, turning into the most delicate sauce.

Set it aside and cook the pasta in boiling water for the time indicated by the manufacturer on its packaging.

Drain the water from the finished pasta.

Now put it in the pan with the sauce. This is exactly how they prepare pasta sauce, and not the other way around, in Italy.

All that remains is to mix everything carefully and let it stand for a couple of minutes so that the pasta is soaked in the cheese sauce.

Our pasta with gorgonzola is ready! Serve it immediately, sprinkled with chopped parsley if desired.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 20 minutes

Spaghetti with Gorgonzola and walnuts is a delicious Italian dish that is very easy to prepare (like most Italian dishes). Gorgonzola is a noble blue mold cheese, it has a spicy mustard aroma and goes very well with walnuts. This is a classic combination in Italy, and you can find it in a variety of recipes, from cheese antipasto with nuts and honey to risotto and soups with Gorgonzola and nuts.
Try to prepare for your guests an Italian dish with an unusual rich taste - spaghetti with Gorgonzola cheese and walnuts, the recipe with photos is already waiting for you below. You will spend no more than 20 minutes on preparation, but will impress the most discerning gourmets. If you surprise so much, then learn to cook something like that.


- spaghetti for two servings,
- 4-5 walnuts,
- 50 gr. butter,
- 70 gr. gorgonzola,
- 2 tbsp. grated parmesan,
- salt to taste.

How to cook with photos step by step

Boil durum wheat spaghetti according to the instructions on the package. The main thing is not to overcook it. It’s better to even slightly undercook the spaghetti so that it remains firm inside.

While the salted water is boiling and the spaghetti is boiling, we will have time to prepare the Gorgonzola sauce. Let's start by peeling the walnuts.

Chop the walnuts with a knife. Some chopped nuts can be left for decoration.

Melt a piece of good butter in a frying pan.

When the butter melts, add gongonzola to it. The cheese will also begin to melt slowly.

Take a couple of tablespoons of salted water in which the spaghetti is cooked. I'm sure you'll like this too.

Add this spaghetti water to the pan with the cheese and butter. The starch in its composition will give the sauce thickness.

We wait until the cheese is completely dissolved in the mixture of water and oil.

As soon as this happens, add chopped walnuts. Mix. The sauce is ready.

Drain the water from the spaghetti and transfer it to the pan with the sauce.

Mix the spaghetti with the sauce, heat together, then remove the pan from the heat.

Serve Spaghetti with Gorgonzola cheese and walnuts, I hope the recipe with photo was simple, sprinkle each portion with grated Parmesan and garnish with chopped walnuts. Make some more delicious green stuff!

Gorgonzola (Italian: Gorgonzola) is the most famous soft cheese of Italian cheesemakers.

It has been produced for a long time, since the 10th century, in the Lombardy region, in northern Italy, in a small town with the same name.

This is where the name of this traditionally Italian cheese comes from. Over time, production was mastered in other nearby areas of northern Italy.

A distinctive feature of Gorgonzola cheese is its pungency in the aftertaste, a slightly noticeable nutty aroma, sometimes there is the smell of hay and mushrooms, and veins of blue mold resemble a marble pattern.

The cheese has a pasty consistency, held together by a dense surface crust, which is not eaten.

Types of Gorgonzola

Gorgonzola comes in two varieties:

  • Gorgonzola Dolce(sweet) or Cremificato (young). This type of cheese is softer in consistency and has a sweetish taste;
  • denser and more mature - Gorgonzola Picante/Gorgonzola Piccante (savory), matures for at least 90 days. This type has a denser structure, an islandy and tart taste.

Gorgonzola Picante has a spicy and tart taste


The description of the technology for the production of Gorgonzola cheese, which is quite complex, can be characterized by several stages:

  • pasteurization of cow's, fresh milk at a temperature of 75C for 20 seconds;
  • the milk is cooled to 30 - 35C and lactic acid bacteria are added (such as, for example, Bulgarian thermophilic bacillus - streptococcus);
  • pennicillum spores are introduced into the mass. Rennet extracted from the stomach of a calf is added, which causes coagulation within 20 minutes;
  • the already thickened mass is broken into large pieces, rubbed with salt, cooled on tables, then laid out in layers in molds to allow moisture to drain for about 24 hours;
  • cheese molds are stored indoors at a temperature of about 5C and 90% humidity (traditionally this was done in caves). After about 20 days, the cheese is pierced with brass steel needles, through which air enters, giving an excellent opportunity for blue mold to spread inside the mold;
  • after 20 days, the cheese is turned over again and punctures are made on the other side. The more punctures, the richer the taste and marbling of Gorgonzola;
  • ripening lasts 2 - 3 months (minimum 50 days).

The finished cheese should be supplied in the form of a cylinder, weighing from 6 to 13 kg, with a diameter of 20 - 30 cm.

You will learn all the details about the production of Gorgonzola cheese from the video:

The interesting thing is that to produce this one form, you will need almost a hundredweight of fresh cow's milk.

How to make gorgonzola at home?

Due to recent events, namely sanctions, it would not be out of place to present a recipe for making Gorgonzola cheese at home.
This process will require the following steps:

  • pour cow's milk into a large container;
  • heat in a water bath, stirring constantly, at a temperature of no more than 33C;
  • add rennet starter and calcium chloride there, leave for half an hour;
  • cut the resulting cottage cheese into small pieces;
  • place the curd in cheesecloth and hang until the whey is completely separated;
  • Place half of the squeezed cottage cheese into a bowl with fabric already laid on the bottom;
  • add special mold spores for Gorgonzola cheese (or for all types of blue cheeses) to the curd mass, place the second half of the curd on top. It is possible to buy spores, without which the cheese cannot even remotely resemble Gorgonzola, in online stores, for example;
  • remove the resulting product by tying the ends of the material, place it under a press, and turn it over for 3 days;
  • the next step is to rub the compressed cottage cheese with salt, place it in a container, drain the resulting whey every day for 3 days;
  • replace the material with clean and dry one, turning the cheese product over every day, store in this way for 2 months;
  • For the next month, at a temperature of 7 degrees, store the cheese until fully ripened.

Properly prepared Gorgonzola at home is not inferior to the original cheese in taste.

Gorgonzola analogs

Gorgonzola cheese is unique, but if you need to replace it, then cheeses similar to Gargonzola can be eaten.
For example, in Argentina they produce a type of cheese - Santa Rosa.

The method of preparing Italian Gorgonzola is used in the production of German Cambozola cheese.

In Brazil they make Gorgonzola tirolez, or more precisely “Queijo Tipo Gorgonzola”, which means “Gorgonzola type cheese”.
In terms of taste, these cheeses are similar to the true Gorgonzola produced in Italy, but still they are not capable of replacing it completely.

Gorgonzola analogues are similar to true Gorgonzola, but still cannot completely replace it

The price of Gorgonzola cheese in Europe varies from 8 - 9 euros (for the sweet type) and up to 180 euros (for the aged, savory type) per kg, depending on the type of Gorgonzola and the ripening time.

Dishes with Gorgonzola

In Italy, Gorgonzola cheese is usually eaten with what the local lands are rich in: nuts, jam, honey (usually acacia), chocolate. It is also consumed in an ideal combination with some vegetables, such as celery, pumpkin, broccoli, etc.

In addition to these Gorgonzola companions, seasonal fruits are often consumed: figs, pears, apples, kiwi, strawberries.

Many delicious dishes are prepared with the addition of this cheese. Several of the most famous recipes with Gorgonzola cannot be ignored.

Gorgonzola sauce

Sauce with Gorgonzola (Italian: Salsa al Gorgonzola), the recipe for which is extremely simple: place a container on the fire, add the cheese cut into pieces, heat, stirring. Add a little milk as you go until the sauce becomes smooth, pepper and salt to taste. In some provinces, grated horseradish is added to this ready-made sauce.

Very easy to prepare Gorgonzola sauce

Pasta with Gorgonzola

The Gorgonzola pasta recipe is not just a recipe, but a classic of the northern regions of Italian cuisine.
To prepare this dish you need:

  • 400 g pasta (preferably short ones - Penne or Farfalle);
  • 4 eggs;
  • 200 g Gorgonzola;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • salt to taste;
  • black pepper.

Beat the eggs, add Gorgonzola and cream, beat the whole mass again. Set aside the prepared sauce.
Boil the pasta in salted water until al dente (slightly undercooked), stir in the cream sauce. Place a portion of pasta on a plate and sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese and black pepper.

For a detailed recipe, watch the video:

Pasta with Gorgonzola and walnuts resembles the previous recipe, but is already a more refined dish and is less common on the menu.
To prepare the dish you need:

  • pasta/pasta;
  • Gorgonzola;
  • garlic;
  • a little white wine;
  • onion/shallot;
  • coarsely chopped walnut kernels;
  • black pepper;
  • parsley (greens);
  • cream;
  • salt;
  • olive oil for frying in a frying pan.

Sauce: Lightly fry the onion and garlic in a frying pan, add wine, when the garlic darkens, remove from the frying pan. Add Gorgonzola, after mashing with a fork. Add cream, salt and chopped nuts to the prepared mass. Mix everything, the sauce is ready.
Boil pasta until al dente.

Pasta with Gorgonzola and walnuts - an exquisite dish with excellent taste

Serve the finished pasta with the sauce, topped with black pepper and chopped parsley.

A delicious salad with pear and Gorgonzola is also absolutely easy to prepare and incredibly tasty.
It requires the following ingredients:

  • mix of greens (arugula, spinach, watercress, etc.);
  • Gorgonzola;
  • pears 2 pcs.;
  • walnuts - 100g;
  • olive oil;
  • red wine vinegar;
  • salt.

Cut skinless pears into small pieces, cut Gorgonzola into cubes, and place washed and dried herbs in a bowl. Prepare the dressing: mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 6 tablespoons of oil, salt, stir.

Delicious salad with pear and Gorgonzola

Dress the salad on a plate.

Pizza with pear and Gorgonzola is a typical pizza for the lands of Lombardy and nearby northern Italian provinces.
To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  • unleavened pizza dough - 500 grams;
  • pizza filling:
    • pear (preferably the Williams variety);
    • Gorgonzola;
    • olive oil;
    • a tablespoon of honey;
    • arugula leaves.

Preparation: chop the pear into thin slices, simmer a little in a frying pan, sprinkle with a little sugar.
Meanwhile, roll out the dough, grease with oil and place in the oven to bake. Remove the baking sheet, place half of the Gorgonzola on the dough, and place back in the oven. Remove when the cheese has melted.

Place the pears on the melted cheese, add the remaining Gorgonzola on top and pour a little oil on top, place in the oven for a couple of minutes.

Pizza with pear and Gorgonzola - typical pizza for Lombardy

The pizza is ready, when serving, place the arugula on the surface of the pizza.


In Italy, about 3,000 farms and 30 dairies are involved in the production of Gorgonzola. The annual production of Gorgonzola is about 4 million forms, representing a turnover of about 450 million euros, of which about 30% is exported mainly to Germany and France.

Gorgonzola is an Italian cheese with blue “noble” mold and has a very pungent odor. I love the taste of this cheese, especially when combined with pears. This cheese can be used to make pasta sauce or add to pizza.
I made a gorgonzola sauce for ravioli, it turned out very rich in taste, just the way I like it.
Ingredients for making the sauce:
- a piece of Gorgonzola cheese,
- cream or milk,
- dried paprika,
- oregano,
- ricotta (optional).

Recipe with photos step by step:

Melt a piece of cheese in a saucepan.

Add a little milk or cream to prevent the cheese from burning. Milk and cream also add a creamy texture to the sauce, so use your eye to determine the amount to ensure a thick sauce.

Season the sauce with paprika and dried oregano. Although the taste of the cheese is already very strong, I wanted to add these seasonings to diversify the taste and color.
There is no need to add salt; Gorgonzola is a very salty cheese.

Since I didn't have cream, the sauce was too thin. To make it thicker I added a couple of spoons of ricotta, this ingredient is optional. Mix the sauce thoroughly and remove from heat.

Pour the hot sauce over the pasta or ravioli and serve immediately, sprinkling the dish with grated Parmesan.
Be careful: this sauce is very high in calories. For a less calorie menu, you can prepare

A simple but effective recipe!

Over a glass of brandy in Crete we got into a conversation with a pasta chef from Italy. So that no questions arise, I’ll say right away that a couple of days before, he and I (and two other Italian hotel employees) were partying until 5 am in a neighboring city with excessive consumption of “Absolute” and reading specialized literature... Moreover, they put me up to it and I’m going to give it up and it was they who brought us “to the people.” People, of course, are amazing, but this is a separate topic for discussion...
- Listen, the pasta for dinner today was awesome, with gorgonzola. Did you do it?
- Well, that’s how I make all my pasta...
- Give me the recipe!
- Yes, everything is absolutely elementary there! Listen: boil pasta correctly (I don’t think I need to explain how this is?..) and at the rate of 100-120 grams per person...
(By the way, none of our Italian restaurants can boast of such pasta, which this wonderful chef made literally every day and always different, several types. I don’t remember if I wrote about this in the trip report, but I didn’t eat such pasta in of her life - neither before nor after. She was stupidly PERFECT! Always.
- Are we throwing garlic?
- Crazy? No garlic in pasta! Never! With rare exceptions - certain types with seafood, tomatoes and the like.
(What a revelation... I almost fell out of my chair...)
- For two servings, melt about 50 grams of butter, slightly diluted with olive oil.

- You can finely chop the shallots, literally 1-2 heads, or you can do it without it, but it’s more interesting with it!
(The shallots were obviously not at home this time. An inquisitive mind threw in some asparagus. For contrast and freshness. As you understand, it’s not in the “original.”

- You take gorgonzola. “Crema” (“Dolce”) or “Picante” - depends on your mood, time of year or wine that you will use with this pasta...
(Have you heard? “Seasons” or “moods”! I adore Italians...)

- Again, 50-60 grams of cheese is enough for two people. Crumble into a saucepan with your hands:

-The cheese will begin to melt and turn into a sauce...

- As soon as this happens, pepper the sauce with white pepper and pour it over the finished pasta in a large container and mix. All!
- Don't you need cream?
- For what?