Pickled gooseberries with garlic reviews. Homemade gooseberry pickles - unusual and very tasty! Pickled gooseberries with garlic recipe

Gooseberries are a wonderful, tasty and healthy berry, we are used to eating them fresh, making compotes, jelly, jams, preserves from it... But let’s try to prepare a spicy gooseberry seasoning with garlic for the winter (and not only for the winter). Amazing combination, I agree! But it turns out, more than expected, very tasty!

So, follow me, curious housewives! Gooseberries, garlic and dill are all we need. Also salt and sugar, which we will add to taste, since gooseberries come in different sweetnesses.

Peel the garlic, wash the dill and chop it.

Wash the gooseberries and remove the stems.

Place gooseberries, garlic and dill in a blender. Let's scroll for 1-2 minutes.

Salt a little and add 0.5 tsp. Sahara.

Let's run the blender through the mixture for half a minute and try. I added another 1 tsp. Sahara. It all depends on the sweetness of the gooseberries and your preferences.

Let's scroll through everything again, literally for a minute, so that all the flavors mix. This is the seasoning we got.

Fragrant, tasty, spicy gooseberry seasoning with garlic will delight you with taste, color, and aroma! I couldn't resist and tried it first with just some bread...

And then with meat))) The excellent taste of gooseberry and garlic seasoning goes great with meat. Be sure to try it!

Place the seasoning in clean (sterilized) small jars.

To store, cover the jars with baking paper, seal and store in the refrigerator. In this form, the seasoning can be stored for about a month. For long-term storage, screw the boiled lids on the jars.

Bon appetit! Prepare for your health!

The preparation, which contains pickled garlic and gooseberries, has a tart taste and piquant aroma. Housewives who made canned food in this way claim that the first thing they want to eat is gooseberries. Canned food can be served for lunch, dinner, or used as an addition to a meat or vegetable dish. There is no need to heat it up: gooseberries with garlic are good cold.

The recipes given here are suitable for those who are fasting or on a diet; the jar can be opened for a festive table or when unexpected guests come.

Classic way

Garlic and berries can be preserved without sterilization, but the empty container must first be steamed. Pickled gooseberries with garlic can be stored for a year or more, although this is unlikely to happen: the excellent taste guarantees that everything will be eaten long before the new harvest.

To prepare, you need to take strong, whole gooseberries and healthy (not diseased) cloves of garlic.

A set of products for preparing 5 0.5 l jars:

  • green or red gooseberries - as many as will go in;
  • Jamaican pepper - 15 peas;
  • cloves - 10 boxes;
  • garlic - 40 cloves (8 per 1 jar);
  • bay leaf - 5 sheets;
  • food vinegar 9% - 10 tbsp. spoon;
  • coarse salt - 5 tbsp. spoons without a slide;
  • cherry leaves - 10 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 15 tbsp. heaped spoon;
  • water - 2.5 l.

If there are no cherry leaves, they can be replaced with currant ones.

Like other recipes, this one involves using strong, undamaged berries. The gooseberries are sorted, the stems and tails are cut off, then 3 to 5 punctures are made in each berry with a toothpick. Garlic and spices are placed in the prepared container.

The container is filled to the very top with gooseberries. Prepare the marinade immediately: add sugar and salt to water, boil, pour into jars without cooling. Cover with lids, but do not seal yet; cover with a thick blanket on top. Let the jars of gooseberries and garlic stand like this for 10 - 12 minutes. Next, the marinade from them is poured into a bowl and allowed to boil.

After this, pour vinegar, turn it off, stir the marinade and fill the jars with it.

Now the garlic preparation should stand in a room at room temperature until it cools, after which it can be taken to the cellar or placed on the balcony. This appetizer is good served with meat, fish, and vegetables. There are different recipes where pickled garlic with gooseberries can serve as a side dish.

Salted berries

The recipe is interesting because it does not contain salted garlic, but this does not detract from the taste of the gooseberries. To preserve food for the winter without garlic, you will need dense, slightly unripe berries of green, pink or red color.

Composition and quantity of products:

  • gooseberries - 1.5 – 1.6 kg;
  • cherry or currant green leaves - 10 - 12 pcs.;
  • dried cloves - 14 – 15 boxes;
  • vinegar essence 70% - 3 teaspoons;
  • granulated sugar - 8 – 8.5 tbsp. spoon;
  • allspice (Jamaican) pepper - 14 – 15 pcs.;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.

No vegetable oil is used in this recipe!

Before pickling the berries, they are washed, sorted, debris removed, and the tails cut off on both sides. Gooseberries are packaged in 0.5 liter glass jars, spices (pepper, cloves) are placed on top so that there is an equal amount everywhere. At this time, water is boiling on the stove. It is poured into jars, covered with lids and left for 5 - 7 minutes.

The water is again poured into the pan, and the leaves are poured into it. After the water has boiled for 7–8 minutes, the leaves are pulled out. Add sugar and salt to the bowl, add another 1 glass of boiled water (200 ml) and let it boil. When the salt and sugar dissolve, pour the brine over the gooseberries and leave for 5 minutes. Pour into the container again, bring to a boil and fill the jars. Immediately after this, the pickled garlic and gooseberries are hermetically sealed.

Recipe with grapes

Garlic preserved with grapes is a ready-made dessert dish. Housewives use similar recipes with minor variations. This is how a visitor to one of the oldest culinary forums speaks about it: “We marinate garlic with quiche and ordinary grapes with seeds, on New Year’s Day we open several jars, and the guests eat this appetizer first!”

We’ll make it from large red grapes, but in principle you can use any.

Product set:

  • grapes and garlic - in any proportion, it is better to take equal parts;
  • water - 1 l;
  • coarse salt - 2 tbsp. spoons without a slide;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • vinegar 9% - 200 ml.

The grapes selected are sweet, but slightly unripe, then they will not lose their presentation, will not burst and will have their original shape. It is advisable to use a seedless variety, but this is not critical.

Preparing garlic comes down to washing it, removing the husk, but not completely, but only the top thin film. The main dense peel is left. The garlic is broken into 2 halves so that each has cloves. The core (it looks like a rod) is removed along with the bottom.

The grapes are washed, and the tail is not cut off completely, but so that a small piece remains. They can be left in the form of small branches, and some are even preserved in bunches. Previously, almost every housewife marinated this way.

The jars are pre-sterilized. You can do this over a kettle or in the oven, and if you have a microwave, even better. In the microwave, jars are sterilized in 4 minutes. For those who are afraid that germs will remain, we can recommend turning on the oven twice for 3 minutes. The dishes are placed in the microwave with their necks up, and one jar must be placed with water. After sterilization, the jars are very hot, you can get burned!

Take the steamed containers with a towel, place them on the table (on a thick towel) and let them cool slightly. The lids are boiled for a few seconds in ordinary dishes on the stove: putting them in the microwave is strictly prohibited!

Place garlic in cooled jars, and grapes in the space between them or in layers. The method of laying depends on what the housewife uses - bunches, twigs or individual berries. The filled container is poured with boiling water, left for 10 minutes, then the water is poured out - it will no longer be useful.

Boil the brine: take clean water, dissolve salt and sugar, and after boiling, pour in vinegar. Fill glass containers to the very top with marinade. The amount of ingredients in the recipe is calculated for 4 jars of 0.5 liters each. Next, the containers are sealed with lids. Screw or regular metal ones will do, depending on the neck of the cans.

To check the tightness, the container is turned upside down, and so that the preservation does not cool down so quickly, it is sealed. A day later, marinated garlic with gooseberries or grapes is placed on the balcony or in the cellar. After 55 - 60 days you can open and taste.

With red currants

Recipes for garlic and currants are some of the most original. You need to take whole bunches without separating them into individual berries. Any heads of garlic for pickling for the winter are suitable - large or small.

Product set:

  • hot garlic - 2 kg;
  • red currants - 0.5 kg;
  • coarse salt (without iodine) - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • filtered water - 1 l;
  • citric acid - at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter jar.

Garlic is disassembled into slices, washed and soaked in water for a day. Take it out, wash it and put it in jars, alternating in layers with bunches of currants. Pour water into a saucepan, dissolve sugar and salt in it, let it boil and add vinegar, bring it to a boil again and pour it into jars. Cover with something on top and leave for 3-4 days.

Fermentation will occur in the jars for several days - this is normal. When it is finished, the jars are closed with plastic lids and taken out into the cold. In this case, there is no need to seal the container with a sealing wrench.

Spicy seasoning

This winter preparation of garlic and gooseberries is simple and quick to make. Stores in the refrigerator for several months. For the first time, it is better to cook it a little, because not everyone likes the taste and aroma of cilantro.

Product set:

  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • garlic heads - 300 g;
  • green cilantro - 1 bunch;
  • cilantro seeds - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • granulated sugar and salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cilantro (greens), gooseberries and garlic are washed and dried. Place cilantro seeds in a frying pan, heat well, but do not fry. The cilantro leaves along with the stems are finely chopped. Gooseberries and garlic are ground in a blender. The mass is mixed with chopped herbs.

The seeds are crushed in a pestle and then added to the main mass. Salt, sprinkle with sugar, add butter, mix and taste. If it turns out sour or under-salted, add the missing ingredient. Cover with plastic lids and place in the refrigerator.

For several years in a row I have been preparing salted gooseberries for the winter. This is a very useful preparation. I close the gooseberries in this way, since with the help of these berries I stuff any type of meat. On special holidays, I stuff the duck with salted gooseberries. You can bake pork pockets in the same way by stuffing pork chops and sprinkling them with cheese, then putting them in the oven to bake. Even rabbit will taste wonderful if you bake it in a sleeve. As you understand, there are a huge number of ways, the main thing is to pickle or. And I have prepared a recipe for you! It is quite simple and any novice housewife can prepare it. For experienced housewives, this will be easier than steamed turnips. Write this recipe down in your cooking notebooks and use it every year.

Required Products:
- Water – 0.5 l;
- Gooseberries – 0.5 kg;
- Salt - 20 grams.

Sort the gooseberries and remove all the stems and dry inflorescences that remain on the fruits. Rinse the berries and drain in a colander. Drops of water will drain and the berries will almost become dry.

For this recipe, green gooseberries are suitable, which will still be hard when pressed. Also, such gooseberries will taste sour, but this is the most suitable option for this recipe.

Prepare the brine. Add salt to slightly warm water and stir until the salt dissolves.

Then add gooseberries to the brine and leave them to marinate.

The marinating process will take about 4 hours. Then remove the gooseberries from the bowl and place them in jars.

Boil the remaining marinade and pour it over the gooseberries. Then the jars should be pasteurized for 10-15 minutes. Then cover them with lids and seal tightly.

Store the workpiece in a cool and dark place. And if necessary, open and use as directed.
Bon Appetite!

It turns out no less tasty and piquant

Currently, there are many recipes for preparing delicious preparations. The vegetables used during pickling do not lose the abundance of vitamins and nutrients that make up the fruit. In this case, we need to consider in detail how to prepare pickled garlic with added gooseberries. It’s worth noting right away that the recipe is not for everyone, since the dish has a specific taste, but at the same time it has enormous benefits for the human body.

When preparing this dish, you usually encounter some nuances.

Let's look at the main points you should pay attention to:

  • When making a workpiece, it is imperative to follow the preparation process.
  • To preserve vitamins and nutrients in the dish, you must adhere to the recipe.
  • When preparing a dish, you should rely on your taste, as spices and additional components are added to the composition.
  • The dish requires the use of ripe garlic (harvested on time) so that its taste is not overly bitter.
  • When harvesting, it is recommended to follow the preservation process, which will allow you to preserve the fruits for the winter.
  • For preparation, it is necessary to use a moderate amount of salt so that later, when consuming the composition as food, it does not harm your body.

Taking these nuances into account, it is possible to prepare a delicious delicacy that will be used as a snack for the main meals of the diet.

Important. To prepare a delicious appetizer, you need to choose the right main ingredients for the dish.

Selecting and preparing the main ingredients for the dish

Before you start preparing the delicacy, you need to correctly select the main fruits that will be used for the dish:

  • It is not recommended to take overripe or unripe vegetables and gooseberries for preservation (the taste of the marinade will spoil);
  • to prepare delicacies for the winter, ripe fruits that were recently collected are used;
  • It is recommended to use undamaged vegetables and berries to prepare this snack (whole peel, no damage, not dry garlic);
  • For harvesting, choose garlic and gooseberries collected from healthy bushes (fruits taken from diseased plants are not recommended to be used).

The components of the treat are pre-washed and dried (the garlic must be peeled before washing).

To make the composition nutritious and palatable, it is recommended to use crops grown in your own garden, which have not been processed for accelerated ripening.

Methods for preparing garlic with gooseberries

Today, there are several recipes that are very popular among gardeners.

Let's look at the most popular recipes for this dish:

  • classic cooking option;
  • addition of marinade with grapes;
  • adding red currants to the dish;
  • salted gooseberries;
  • using an auxiliary ingredient (cilantro leaves).

Each individual cooking method has its own unique recipe, as well as original ingredients, so they need to be considered separately.

When making a marinade, it is necessary to maintain the proportions of all components so that the dish has a taste that matches the recipe for the snack.

Classic recipe

Here we will consider the option of making a dish for five half-liter jars.

Let's look at the main points of the process:

  • prepare gooseberries (2.5 kilograms), garlic (8 cloves), boiled water (2.5 liters), clove and cherry leaves, bay leaves (5 pieces), pepper (15 peas);
  • the ingredients are evenly laid out in prepared jars (the gooseberries are pre-sorted);
  • the marinade is prepared (sugar and salt are poured into the water, and then brought to a boil and poured into jars);
  • the composition should sit for 15 minutes, after which it is drained and boiled again (at this stage 50 milliliters of vinegar is added).

After this, the mixture is poured into jars, which are rolled under a metal lid. Preservation should cool to room temperature, and then it should be stored in storage.

With grapes

In this case, the recipe for making a pickled dessert is as follows:

  • prepare the ingredients: grapes and garlic in any proportion, cooled boiled water (1 liter), vinegar, salt and sugar;
  • the garlic is washed and peeled only from the top layer of husk (it is necessary to preserve the thin young shell);

  • after preparing the cans (they are first sterilized), the main components are laid out in layers;
  • you can also add, for taste, cloves and cherry leaves (if necessary, replace cherries with currants);
  • the jars are filled with water, left for 10 minutes, and then the liquid is drained and boiled;
  • At this stage, vinegar is added, as well as sugar and salt, to improve the taste of the snack.

At the end, the marinade is poured into jars, which are rolled under metal lids.

Any grape can be used, but it is recommended to choose small berries that do not have seeds.

With red currants

For cooking, whole bunches of berries are taken, which do not need to be separated from the stalk. Let's consider the principle of making a dish:

  • the following components are prepared: young hot garlic (2 kilograms), currants (half a kilo), salt, water and citric acid;
  • the garlic is first washed and peeled, after which it needs to be soaked for a day;
  • water is taken into the pan, salt, sugar and vinegar (to taste) are added, and then everything is boiled;
  • the marinade is poured into jars into which currants and garlic have already been placed;
  • At the final stage, you need to add one tablespoon of citric acid to the jars.

The composition is closed on top with any container and infused for 3 days, after which it must be closed with a plastic lid and placed in a cool storage.

Salted gooseberries

Here the following is required for preparation: gooseberries (1.7 kilograms), 10 currant and cherry leaves, clove boxes (15 pieces), table vinegar, granulated sugar, allspice and salt. The dish is prepared as follows:

  • The gooseberries are first sorted and then packaged in jars;
  • spices and garlic are placed evenly on top;
  • then add sugar, salt and vinegar to the boiling water to taste;
  • after that the composition is poured into jars;
  • the mixture is infused for 7 minutes.

At the end, the marinade is poured into a pan, the leaves are placed here, and then everything is boiled for 5 minutes. At the end, the liquid is poured into jars (the leaves are first removed). For safety, the workpiece is rolled under a metal lid.

With cilantro

Cilantro leaves can be added to any recipe, depending on taste. Here you need to use several ripe branches, which are evenly distributed among the jars when infusing the marinade. After the composition has infused, the cilantro is removed from the jars.

If necessary, a small part of this spice can be left so that the appetizer has the rich aroma of this herb (the plant is used if you like the taste of cilantro).

Since not everyone can tolerate it, this seasoning should be used very carefully so as not to spoil the main taste of the marinade.

How long can canned products last?

Preservation rolled up under a metal lid can be stored for a long time, provided that the storage conditions are good. Thus, the workpiece can last from six months to several years.


To keep the pickled dessert for a long time, it is recommended to consider the following points during storage:

  1. The storage must be kept at a constant low temperature.
  2. High air humidity is desirable.
  3. Requires no natural light (sunlight).

Popular gooseberry preparations are jam and compotes. But this berry can be prepared somewhat differently. Pickled gooseberries for the winter are distinguished by their sophistication and uniqueness. Anyone who has ever tried pickled gooseberries in an air fryer will certainly prepare them again and again. Pickled gooseberries with cinnamon win the hearts of many with their extravagant taste. This is a wonderful addition to meat, a table decoration and a companion to a cheerful feast. We will tell you how to deliciously pickle gooseberries in our article.

Pickled gooseberries without cloves acquire a pleasant, sourish tint, unencumbered by excesses. The minimum amount of spices only emphasizes the natural versatility of the sweet and sour berry, complements, but does not oversaturate its taste.

You will need:

  • one and a half kg. gooseberries;
  • 8 black peppercorns;
  • 5 two hundred gram glasses of water;
  • 150 gr. Sahara;
  • quarter 200 gr. a glass of vinegar.

Pickled gooseberries for the winter recipes:

  1. The first step is preparing the marinade. Water is poured into the pan and mixed with sugar and pepper. The liquid is boiling.
  2. The gooseberries are sorted, twigs and leaves are removed. Bad and overripe berries are discarded.
  3. The sorted berries are washed and their small tails are cut off.
  4. Using a toothpick or match, each berry is pierced in several places. Thanks to this, the gooseberries will not crack when interacting with boiling water.
  5. The jars are washed with regular soda and sterilized, the lids are boiled.
  6. Prepared gooseberries are placed in each jar and the required amount of vinegar is added.
  7. Jars with prepared berries are filled with slightly cooled marinade.
  8. Each jar is sterilized in a pan filled with water for literally three to four minutes.
  9. The final stage is rolling up the lids. The jars should be cooled without covering, so that the berries do not lose their suitable elasticity.

Important! As with the pickling of most other products, gooseberries should be left to steep in order to achieve the desired effect from pickling. A month will be enough for the taste of the preparation to fully develop. But those who are impatient can try it earlier, it will just be less rich.

Pickled gooseberries prepared for the winter

The combination of mustard and honey is something unimaginable. The gooseberries turn out to be a little spicy, but at the same time sweet and sour. This is an excellent addition to salads and an excellent stand-alone snack.

You will need:

  • 300 gr. ripened gooseberries;
  • half a two hundred gram glass of sugar;
  • two hundred gram glass of water;
  • couple of st. l. honey;
  • quarter 200 gr. glasses of wine vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. mustard;
  • 1 tsp. dried dill;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic.

Pickling gooseberries for the winter:

  1. The berries must be sorted and the tails removed from each. The most convenient way to do this is with scissors. After this they should be washed.
  2. Boil water mixed with sugar in an enamel pan.
  3. The sorted and necessarily washed gooseberries are immersed in boiling water for a couple of minutes.
  4. Using a slotted spoon, remove all the gooseberries from boiling water and place them in washed and sterilized jars.
  5. Dry mustard, peeled and sliced ​​garlic, non-candied honey and dry, chopped dill are added to boiling water. At the last minute of cooking, the required amount of vinegar is also added.
  6. When hot, fill all the jars with gooseberries.
  7. In a saucepan with water, each of the jars is sterilized for about a quarter of an hour, after which they are left to be rolled up and left to cool.

Important! It is not necessary to pack gooseberries into jars too tightly. The marinade itself turns out incredibly tasty. For those who are partial to all kinds of marinade, it is better to lay out fewer berries so that there is more space left for pouring. Moreover, its quantity does not affect the taste of the main ingredient at all. For high-quality pickling of gooseberries, just a little of this liquid is enough.

How to pickle gooseberries for the winter

This recipe will definitely please spice lovers. The aroma of this preparation is simply incredible. The berries become unusual, as if they were not a simple gooseberry, but some kind of exotic fruit, still unknown to humanity.

You will need:

  • 700 gr. ripened gooseberries;
  • third tsp cinnamon;
  • 3 clove buds;
  • 3 allspice peas;
  • 1 currant leaf;
  • one and a half liters water;
  • pair 200 gr. glasses of sugar;
  • two hundred gram glass of vinegar.

How to prepare pickled gooseberries:

  1. The berries are sorted and small tails are removed, and then washed.
  2. After drying, each of them is pierced in several places with a regular toothpick.
  3. The jars are washed with soda and sterilized.
  4. The required amount of spices and prepared gooseberries are laid out in the prepared container.
  5. The marinade is prepared in a saucepan. To do this, water is mixed with sugar and vinegar, and then boiled for literally a minute.
  6. All jars are filled with slightly cooled filling and subjected to ten-minute sterilization.
  7. Each jar is rolled up and cooled upside down.

Tip: It is not recommended to wrap already capped gooseberries. Faster cooling is better for it, since its thin peel may not withstand such a long thermal load and the fruits will simply fall apart, and the preservation will be unsuitable for use as food.

How to make pickled gooseberries

For this recipe, red gooseberries are used; they are juicier, rich in flavor and, importantly, very elastic. Although in its absence, other varieties can be used. Pickled berries go perfectly with meat dishes and poultry.

You will need:

  • 3 kg. ripened gooseberries;
  • 5-6 cherry leaves;
  • 20 allspice peas;
  • 20 clove buds;
  • floor 200 gr. glasses of sugar;
  • 3 with a mound of art. l. salt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vinegar essence.

A simple recipe for pickled gooseberries for the winter:

  1. The gooseberries, the peel of which is quite dense, are washed, the small tails are removed from them using scissors, and the soft and spoiled fruits are discarded.
  2. The jars are prepared for further actions. They are washed with ordinary soda, rinsed with water and sterilized.
  3. Gooseberries, cloves, peppers and some of the necessary cherry leaves are laid out in the prepared container.
  4. Boiling water is poured into each jar and the contents are heated for five minutes.
  5. The first water is poured into a saucepan and mixed with cherry leaves, then boiled.
  6. The boiled leaves are removed from the water, and salt and sugar are added.
  7. The boiling liquid is again poured into the jars for five minutes.
  8. For the third pour, vinegar must be added to the liquid.
  9. After boiling, all the jars are filled with this filling and immediately rolled up.
  10. The jars should cool upside down, but not wrapped.

Tip: cherry leaves may not always be on hand, but this is not a problem, they can be safely replaced with currant ones. Fresh mint leaves will also add a special aroma to the marinade. Such gooseberries will smell fragrant and delight with freshness. And a few drops of lime juice, combined with this freshness, will make the preservation unlike anything else, but incredibly tasty at the same time.

Pickled gooseberries with garlic recipe

The process of pickling gooseberries with garlic is very simple, as it does not require additional sterilization. At the same time, the jars are perfectly stored even on kitchen shelves. Garlic gives gooseberries a specific flavor, makes them less sweet, but at the same time does not completely deprive them of sweetness.

You will need:

  • half kg. unripe gooseberries;
  • a couple of peas of allspice and black pepper;
  • a couple of clove buds;
  • 8 cloves of garlic;
  • couple of st. l. vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • floor l. water.

Pickled gooseberries with garlic for the winter:

  1. The berries are sorted out, and small tails are removed from them using scissors.
  2. Each berry is pierced several times with a regular match or toothpick.
  3. Banks must be washed with soda and sterilized.
  4. All the necessary spices and the gooseberries themselves are placed in the prepared container.
  5. The filling is prepared in a separate bowl. Sugar and salt are added to the water. Boil for a few minutes; long boiling is not required for the marinade.
  6. Hot marinade is poured over compacted gooseberries in jars.
  7. The berries are heated for about ten minutes, covered with lids and wrapped in a kitchen towel, after which the filling is drained back.
  8. The filling is boiled again, the required amount of vinegar is added to it.
  9. All jars are refilled with hot filling so that part of this filling overflows over the top. This will ensure secure storage, as there will be no air left in the closed jars.
  10. The jars are rolled up one by one with lids and cooled upside down.

Important! Selecting berries for pickling is one of the most important stages. You should choose fairly large and as dense as possible, ideally unripe specimens. If you don’t do this, choose soft, overripe gooseberries, then the result will not be a beautiful marinade, but a mush, more typical of compote.

Pickling gooseberries is an interesting and simple process. It would seem that this is an unusual preservation, but it is simply pickled, practically no different from preparing vegetables and mushrooms. And the components are all familiar and easy to purchase in any store. But the end result is pickled gooseberries with cucumbers - an excellent dish that not many people are familiar with. Not every housewife can boast of such preservation.

On our website you can also find recipes for pickling, as well as, which will not leave you indifferent.