The composition of whiskey in different countries. Who is Jack Daniels

The world-famous Jack Daniels is a seasoned strong corn blend traditional for the American South.

As a rule, he is either loved or hated, and both do with every fiber of the soul. The history of Jack Daniels whiskey is full of mysteries, curiosities and hoaxes, at times bordering on outright cheating. Let's start with them.

Jack Daniels - Curious Facts

1850 - the official date of birth of the founder of the brand Jasper (Jack) Newton Daniel, is an ordinary fiction. The documents associated with this event have been lost. However, according to reports, the mother of the future wiskicura died no later than 1849.

The date of foundation of the company, proudly flaunting on the label, is also fictitious. In fact, Jasper Daniel registered his paternal distillery that had previously belonged to his employer, Protestant preacher Dann Call, not in 1866, and not earlier than 1875.

Although in raw materials and technological terms, the drink produced by Jasper did not differ in any way from the classic bourbon (corn base, burnt barrels, etc.), the creator himself persistently called it whiskey from Tennessee. The reason for this, in his opinion, was the filtration of the young distillate using a three-meter layer of crushed charcoal obtained from American maple (by the way, it seems that the mentioned method itself was invented not by Jasper, but by his teacher Call). As a result, in 2013-2014 the definition of "Tennessee Whiskey" was assigned to this type of alcohol at the legislative level. At the same time, after the producers of bourbon also began to use the aforementioned filtration method, the difference between the two categories of drinks finally disappeared.

Although Jack's original distillery registration number changed from 7 to 16, the most common brand of his product retained its original name: Old No. 7.

The popular story of the last days of the founding father of the brand is also questioned. According to tradition, the elderly Jack flew into a rage, unable to remember the code from the lock of his own safe, kicked the rebellious piece of iron with all his might and broke his finger. As a result, he began to have blood poisoning, which was fatal. According to the same tragicomic story, the dying whiskeykur left this world with the words: "Give me a drink."

With the transfer of the family business to Brown-Forman in 1956, the curiosities and hoaxes did not stop. For example, from the 60s of the last century to the present day, the same number of residents of the small homeland of the drink appear in advertising campaigns: the town of Lynchburg.

An unpleasant surprise for lovers of the drink was the story of Old No. 7 Black Label. According to the established tradition, the classic "Black" Jack, in contrast to its younger forty-degree "Green" counterpart, contained an honest 45 turns. However, the manufacturer of the drink, in the complete absence of any publicity or advertising campaign, reduced the alcohol content in the "Black Mark" first to 43% (1987), and then to 40% (2002). Thus, today, the only difference between the Black and Green brands is that for the first one is used alcohols from the barrels located on the lower floors of the whiskey storage, and for the second - the contents of the barrels of the upper tier, which, according to company employees, matures a little. faster.

A separate topic for thought is the aging period of Jack Daniels whiskey. The aging of standard drinks is allegedly 4 years. However, there is a "minor" disclaimer from the manufacturers. According to them, the company does not recognize the calendar, but uses its own spirits, guided by the professional instinct of its own tasters.

And a few years ago, in one of the collectible lots of corn, in general, the label played around. Jack Daniels, specially released in memory of Daniel's nephew and successor: Lema Jesse Motlow, contained on the bottles an erroneous definition of the period of the latter's entrepreneurial activity (1911-1944 instead of 1911-1941). The error was quickly found and eliminated, but, as they say, the sediment remained.

Well, and a kind of culmination was the episodic collaboration of the company with the environmental organization American Forests (American Forests). Despite the fact that the newly-minted conservationists not only use a huge amount of charcoal for their needs, but also each batch of their distillate is kept in freshly made oak barrels.

Jack Daniels whiskey composition

The wort of the future drink is 80% corn. This is followed by 12% rye and 8% barley. In addition, in recent years, Tennessee whiskeyers have been trying to popularize the state's traditional un aged rye distillate; but apparently without much success. A separate source of pride for the company is the water used in the production, gushing from the underground source Cave Spring, discovered by the founder of the brand himself.

Varieties of whiskey Jack Daniels

Jack's basic drinks range is quite limited. It has three main names.

Old No. 7 in two forty-degree versions (Black Label and less common Green Label) - an ordinary drink with a sweetish caramel-vanilla flavor and a characteristic smoky smell. Recommended for use in mixes and cocktails (for example, with apple juice or cola). Although, if you are a real cowboy, you don't need to thin it.

Gentleman Jack- another forty-degree representative of the brand. Undergoes double carbon filtration: before placing in barrels and before direct blending. As a result, the taste of the drink is more balanced and the aftertaste is softer. It is drunk neat at a serving temperature of 18-21 ° C. Also, according to the manufacturer, Gentleman Jack is the optimal component for the legendary Manhattan.

Single Barrel- double filtration single malt digestif with a maturation period of 6 years or more. This is a 47-degree dark amber aristocrat from the house of Jack Daniels, whose taste and aroma is distinguished by a pronounced personality. So, along with the classic smoky-vanilla-caramel set, here you can guess the shades of iris, ripe fruits and exotic spices.

Tennessee fire- another signature 35-degree liqueur based on OLD NO. 7. This time, with the addition of cinnamon essence. The drink works with contrasts. At first, it gives the impression of a soft, sugary cinnamon-vanilla-caramel idyll, then it overwhelms with a wave of fiery fortress. The product was released in 2015. Since, in fact, it is itself a cocktail, it does not need to be diluted with anything. Although, many Americans cannot resist the temptation to splash some cola in there.

Tennessee honey- A 35-degree dessert drink with a special honey liqueur and classic OLD NO. 7. As a result, a rather strong blend is obtained, with honey notes in taste and aroma, as well as a rather mild aftertaste. It appeared on the market in 2011. The additional image of a bee placed on the label attracts the attention of buyers. The drink is recommended to be consumed neat from tulip-shaped glasses at a serving temperature of 18-21 ° C. If desired, you can mix it with ginger, lemonade or lemon juice, and also use it as a base in bishop cocktails.

In addition, the producers of the drink we are interested in periodically release small batches of collection and semi-collection blends created on the occasion of any significant event. Such names include: Silver Cornet, White Rabbit Saloon, Tennessee Bicentennial, Sinatra's 100th Birthday, etc.

How to spot a fake Jack Daniels

Since Jack Daniels is one of the best-selling spirits in the world, the practice of counterfeiting is widespread among counterfeit alcohol producers. In this regard, the question: "How to verify Jack Daniels for authenticity" is by no means rhetorical.

Quite often, a quick glance at the bottle is enough to identify a fake.

The real Jack Daniels has:

  1. Covering three sides of the vessel, neatly glued, high-quality and free from grammatical errors label.
  2. Characteristic plastic cork and impeccable excise stamp.
  3. Alcohol is not inherent: the presence of the slightest sediment or turbidity, as well as high (30% plus) promotional discounts.
  4. It is recommended to shake the contents of the bottle. As a result, if you are dealing with a genuine drink, easily distinguishable air bubbles will appear on the surface of the liquid.

If your potential purchase has successfully passed the initial tests, you should take a closer look at the bottle.

  1. The original Jack Daniels is poured into sturdy square containers with smooth, non-greased edges, well-written inscriptions engraved on the shoulders, and a perfectly square bottom with well-defined corners.
  2. The neck of the vessel should also be faceted and have a convex ring at the base (by the way, the level of the drink must just slightly exceed the level of this very ring).
  3. The cork should be neatly tightened with perforated plastic wrap containing the name of the type of drink on the front and the inscription "Tennessee WHISKEY" on the back.

And finally, it is worth comparing the brand you buy with the volume of liquid indicated on the bottle.

  1. Old No.7 is produced in containers of 0.35, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 1.75 and 3 liters; in addition, this particular Jack Daniels, a small bottle of which contains 50 ml of the drink, brightens the life of numerous air passengers in duty free shops and in aircraft cabins.
  2. The Gentleman Jack is limited to 0.35, 0.5, 0.75, and 1 liter.
  3. Single Barrel is found only in bottles of 0.75 liters, in the case of the American standard, and 0.7 liters in the case of the European standard.

In general, it turns out that in today's realities it is much more difficult to fake a drink from Tennessee than to be a victim of a fake.

Jack Daniels whiskey is deservedly considered the most famous and demanded alcohol, sales of which are constantly growing from year to year. It is he who personifies the entire assortment of American-made alcoholic beverages, and is tacitly considered the national treasure of the United States. Learn the story of how whiskey is drunk in America, what is the real Jack Daniels made of?

In the article:

A Journey into the History of Jack Daniels

The history of Jack Daniels whiskey began with the fact that in 1875 a certain Jasper Daniel decided to found his own distillery in the small town of Lynchburg. Time has shown that Jasper possessed not only dexterity, but also a commercial talent, thanks to which a small factory in just 50 years turned into a huge alcoholic concern.

The most interesting fact is that Daniel became the owner of the distillery at the age of 13, and three years later he received a license to produce alcohol on a completely legal basis. It is also noteworthy that the owner of the distillery where little Danny came to work (at the age of 6-7 years, such are the realities of that time) was the priest Dann (this name is uniquely significant for the history of whiskey) Call. It was he who became the teacher of the distillery craft for the future founder of the world famous brand. Thus, the most active, albeit indirect participation, was made by the servant of God to the history of the development of whiskey.

Seeing the boy's intelligence and diligence, Father Dann devoted him to all the intricacies of production, later made him his business partner, and after the death of the priest distiller Jasper becomes the full and sole owner of the business.

Jasper's enthusiasm was so great that he completely absorbed the creator of the famous alcoholic drink: in his life he did not manage to get married and have offspring, and therefore bequeathed his alcohol business to his brother's son. The nephew did not disappoint, and in 1941 the whiskey became the subject of increased government attention. He was included in the list of fine alcohol in the state of Tennessee and ordered to separate from the concept "". Why did it happen?

How Jack Daniel's Whiskey Is Made

It is the way Jack Daniels whiskey is made that motivated the US government to abandon the idea of ​​calling the product bourbon.

The fact is that Lincoln's technology is involved in the production of the legendary drink - a specific process of filtering alcohol through the charcoal of maple trees. The very same alcohol is 80% corn distillate, 12% rye iso and only 8% barley. Spring water serves as the basis for mixing all the ingredients, and the whiskey itself has 40% output.

Due to the specific distillation process, the drink has almost no fusel oils and a specific taste from corn. The charcoal made from American maple wood, through which the alcohol passes, gives it softness and unique taste.

Jack Daniels whiskey recipe at home

Since no one hides the original ingredients of the drink, folk craftsmen did not miss the opportunity to experiment with those and develop a Jack Daniels whiskey recipe at home. As preparatory work, it is proposed to do the following:

  1. Take equal amounts of rye and barley malt, add the same amount of corn grits to it and mince everything.
  2. The dry mixture is poured with freshly boiled water. Make sure that the liquid is 2.5 times more than the grain part.
  3. The prepared "wort" is placed for an hour in a warm place, where the temperature will be constantly maintained in the region of 55-63 ° С. All this time, the mixture is often stirred and then naturally cooled to 25-28 ° C.
  4. After 12 hours, yeast can be put in at the rate of 50 g per 7-8 kg of wort. Braga is poured into a bottle, the latter is supplied with a water seal and sent to a warm place where there is not the slightest vibration.

The distillation stage begins after 3-5 days, and it begins with the distillation of the wort through a special moonshine unit at a temperature of 95 ° C. This is the only way to get rid of whiskey fusel oils. In order to soften the drink, I run it through a homemade filter made of cotton wool and charcoal. Well, if you want to get a noble version of alcohol, you need to roll it up in a burnt oak barrel for 4 months.

How many degrees are there in homemade Jack Daniels whiskey? It depends on the ability to prepare homemade alcohol. Ideally, this figure should be as close to forty as possible.

How to distinguish Jack Daniels whiskey from a fake?

How to distinguish Jack Daniels whiskey from a counterfeit, especially if every year the number of counterfeit is growing at an alarming rate? Here you need to remember the following distinctive features of the original drink:

  • when shaken, alcohol gives large bubbles that do not dissolve in the bulk for a long time;
  • true whiskey will slowly flow down the walls of the bottle, while a fake liquid will do it in a few seconds;
  • a rare jack daniels fake will exhibit an excise stamp. In turn, it should be glued neatly and evenly, without glue drips and "wrinkles";
  • as a rule, the surrogate is sealed with a metal stopper, while only a plastic stopper is used for the original;
  • Jack daniels honey whiskey, however, like all its other types, is bottled in a square bottle with a clear and recognizable engraving;
  • all inscriptions on the label should be clear, somewhat convex and neat;
  • there is not even a hint on the label that the bottle contains "Scotch-style" whiskey. Such alcohol simply does not exist;
  • Premium or Deluxe inscriptions more clearly indicate the originality of the product.

How and with what to drink Jack Daniels?

The answer to the question of how to drink jack daniels whiskey is as old as the world - in its purest form, of course! This is the only way to fully enjoy its taste and understand why this particular drink has become an unspoken symbol of the United States. If you find it difficult to drink alcohol without snacking, try to limit yourself to a slice of lemon. Well, when this option seems unrealistic, try in combination with:

  • Coca-Cola, which softens the drink and gives it new flavor characteristics;
  • carbonated mineral water;
  • ice, which makes the alcohol not so hot, slowly reduces its strength and reduces the odor from alcohol evaporation.

The answer to the question of how to drink jack daniels whiskey is as old as the world - in its purest form, of course!

Should be tulip-shaped; for mixed with mineral water or cola, it is better to pick up wide glasses with a thick bottom.

Do not heat the drink as this will impair its taste. But it is also not worth cooling too much, otherwise the aroma will undergo damage. Ideally, if the whiskey is warmed up to 18-21 degrees.

The question is, Jack Daniels has no right to exist at all. Alcohol of this kind will not tolerate any snack! Moreover, the drink cannot even be washed down with juices or plain water. The maximum is a slice of pear, and that's it! It is unacceptable to mix different varieties of Daniels or drink it mixed with other alcohol, "sip" whiskey through teeth or drink through a straw.

Jack Daniels - Interesting Facts

In 1897, Jack Daniels whiskey began to be bottled in square bottles, which have become the hallmark of the brand.

What does the inscription “Old No. 7 "

The name of one of the popular brands Old No. 7 is associated with the state registration number of the distillery where this drink was produced. After changing the boundaries of the districts, the plant received number 16, but the name of the brand that had already gained popularity was not changed.

The spike in popularity of the drink came in 1904, when Jack Daniels whiskey won the gold medal at the World's Fair in St. Louis.

Although Jack Daniels is almost the only American "real" whiskey, North American trade agreements classify the drink as "bourbon whiskey". In accordance with these documents, as well as the laws of Canada, only brands imported from Europe can bear the name "whiskey".

Scotch, bourbon, Irish, Canadian and even Japanese whiskey ... All these drinks are related to each other. But the countries producing them use different cooking technologies. The composition of the whiskey is also different. How exactly? We will talk about this in our article. Many connoisseurs of distillates have noticed that whiskey has its own characteristic taste depending on the country of origin. Scotch is cocky and bourbon leaves a caramel aftertaste. Irish whiskey is soft, while Scotch is bitter. The brand of the drink also plays an important role. Sometimes the manufacturer uses very soft spring water. There are also those that filter raw materials through blocks of peat. Aging in barrels gives the drink more than strength. The wood also gives it a certain aroma. It is important that the casks are old and that they once contained other drinks. Then the whiskey bouquet will be more complex, more voluminous. Now let's take a closer look at the composition of the drinks.

What determines the taste of whiskey

Unlike cognacs, where terroir, assemblage and blend are important, the drink we are considering is quite simple. It consists of only two elements - base and water. As for the latter, everything is clear here: the cleaner it is, the softer the taste of the drink will be. The basis in each country is different, and it depends on the prevalence of cereals. For example, Scotch tape is made from barley. This cereal is rich in starch, and therefore the fermentation process is faster. The composition of whiskey from Ireland, in addition to barley, includes rye. Thanks to her, the taste of the drink becomes soft and slightly bitter. The base of American bourbon is corn, supplemented with other grains (mainly wheat). In addition, the technology for making whiskey in the United States is fundamentally different from the Scottish method. In America, grain is boiled with sugar and then fermented. They are made from wheat, rye and corn. In Japan, craftsmen manage to create a drink from millet and rice. Whiskey is made there according to Scottish technology. But since the raw materials are different, the taste of the drink is very different. And let's not forget that each distillery uses its own secret. Whether it consists of raw materials, water or technology - this inevitably affects the characteristics of the drink.

The composition of Jack Daniels whiskey

Now let's take a closer look at the contents of the most popular drinks. Let's start with the best-selling American whiskey "Jack Daniels". The brand has been produced since 1975 in the state of Tennessee. Like all bourbons, Jack Daniels is made with 80 percent corn. Another 12% is rye and 8% is barley. Everything else is spring water. But Jack Daniels is not bourbon. Distinguishes it from the American drink "Lincoln Technology". It consists in the fact that whiskey is filtered through a three-meter layer of charcoal dropped from maple. This company also produces less strong (35 degrees, not 40) Whiskey undergoes a double refining first - before filling the barrels, and then, four years later, before bottling. The composition of whiskey "Jack Daniels Honey", as you might guess, includes honey. This is indicated by the taste and aroma, and the bee is not on the label. And the very name "Hani" means "honey". Ready aged whiskey "Jack Daniels Old No. 7" is mixed with liqueur.

The composition of the whiskey "Red Label"

This is a typical Scotch tape. It is made on the basis of barley. But the Scots make two types of whiskey: single and blended. The Red Label belongs to the latter. It consists of thirty-five grades of alcohols. They are aged in barrels for three to five years. For the price, this whiskey belongs to the budget drinks. In its composition, the dye E 150a gives the drink a caramel color.

Whiskey "Jamison": composition

The homeland of this drink is Ireland. But the progenitor, the founder of the Jamison distillery was still a Scotsman. Therefore, the drink is made not from rye, but from barley. This is a mono-varietal whiskey. Parts of the barley arrange the artificial arrival of spring. When the grain is germinated, the malting process is stopped by drying. Then everything is poured over with the purest spring water and left to ferment. The composition of whiskey "Jamison" includes not sprouted barley. The founder of the distillery took from the Irish only one detail in the technology of preparing the drink. In his native Scotland, smoke-dried malt, John Jamison gave up the idea. Therefore, in his creation there is no smell of haze, characteristic of scotch tape. But there is a sherry aroma. This is because of the barrels, in which the drink matures for at least six years. Previously, they contained sherry.

The composition of "Chivas Regal"

This brand is deservedly called the Prince of Scotch Tape. Chivas Regal whiskey contains about forty single malt alcohols. They are all of different origins. Some varieties of barley are grown in the lowlands, others in the highlands, and still others on the islands. But the "soul" of the "Chivas Regal" drink is the "Stratayla" variety. Single malt spirits have been produced in the picturesque town of Keith since 1786. At the distillery, the drink is aged for twelve years. He himself even visually differs from other alcohols. It is heavier, buttery, with eucalyptus and mint flavors.

Nikka All Malt

Compared to the Scottish and Irish, they are new-born upstarts. Which nevertheless managed to strengthen their position and even push the world mastodons out of the market. Nikka is one of the oldest whiskey brands in Japan. The company was founded in the twenties of the last century by Masataka Taketsura. He traveled around Europe a lot, learning the basics of distilling in Scotland and Ireland, and returned home with a fair amount of knowledge. However, Taketsura began to use the more common cereal in Japan - millet. It was also germinated, drained, filled with water, and fermented. Some corn and rye are also added to the whiskey.



Jack Daniel's is one of the most popular whiskeys in the world. How to drink Jack Daniel's whiskey? What to drink with Jack Daniels? How to distinguish original Jack Daniel's whiskey from counterfeits? All the most interesting secrets about the legendary Jack Daniel's whiskey.

"There are at least three men in the world who will always support: Jack Daniels, John Jameson and Johnnie Walker."

Most of all Jack Daniel's whiskey is drunk in France, the USA is in second place, Great Britain closes the three leaders. Jack Daniel's play all over the world. It's time for you to try it with your friends, flashing with knowledge and facts about such a legendary whiskey. By the way, many girls like the smell of good whiskey. My sister told me about this in confidence. What secrets does this familiar dark bottle hold? How was it created and what almost no one knows about the legendary Jack Daniel's?

“There is only one man in the world who is ready to understand and accept a woman with all her flaws. A humble guy named Jack Daniels "

There are several brands of Jack Daniel's: Jack Daniel's Old No.7, Gentlemen Jack, Jack Daniel's Single Barrel, Jack Daniel's Silver Select. The legendary Jack Daniel's whiskey has a strength of 40% (in the brands Jack Daniel's old No. 7 and Gentleman Jack), and consists of 80% corn, 12% barley and 8% rye.

Where did the number 7 in the most popular Jack Daniel's Old No.7 come from? Why exactly 7 is Jack Daniel's? One of the options says that the brand was assigned number 7 for the state registration of the distillery. The number was later changed, but Jack did not change his name, tk. the name of the whiskey brand has already become known. It was rumored that Jasper "Jack" Newton Daniel had 7 girlfriends. There is a legend that the number of the train carrying his whiskey was number 7, that he lost the batch at number 7 and then marked it that way. Someone claims that Jack had 6 friends and it was a token of remembrance. Perhaps it was recipe 7. One way or another, Jasper "Jack" Newton Daniel took this secret with him to his grave.

2. Jack Daniel's whiskey, priest and sin

And fill the bar with John Daniels!
- You mean Jack Daniels?
- This is for you he is Jack Daniels, son, but if you knew him, as well as I ...
The film "The Smell of a Woman"

Jack Daniel began to study alcohol production at the age of 6. Jack studied and helped the priest Dan Call, who, in addition to preaching, made his own whiskey. Jack grew up in a family of 13 children. After the death of his father, he received a share of the inheritance, on which he started his own business. Jack bought the case from his priest, whom his wife forced to get rid of such a "sin".

Jack Daniel's whiskey has been produced since the 19th century in the city of Lynchburg. Jack Daniel's distillery is located in Moore County, Tennessee, USA. This is a "dry" district where the sale of alcohol is prohibited. Therefore, Jack Daniel's can only be purchased locally. More than 250 thousand tourists, fans of Jack Daniel's, come to the place of alcohol production for an excursion.

4. Jack Daniel's whiskey and Finnish vodka

Are you slanting or straight whiskey?
- Me, Jack Daniels.

What is the connection between Jack Daniel's Whiskey and vodka from Finland? Finnish vodka "Brown-Forman" is one of the brands like Jack Daniel's. The Jack Daniel's company itself was sold to the Brown-Forman Corporation in 1956.

5. Jack Daniel's whiskey and the death of the owner

1911 Jack Daniel dies of blood poisoning. The wound on the leg was received from the fact that Jack forgot the password for the safe and kicked it out of anger. He could have disinfected the wound of Jack Daniel's whiskey, but he didn't, even though it would have saved his life.

6. Jack Daniel's whiskey for travelers

William Cuthbert Faulkner, an American writer, prose writer and Nobel Prize winner in literature, wrote: “There is no such thing as a bad whiskey. Some whiskeys are just better than others. ”

Jack Daniel is the second best-selling travel whiskey in Duty Free shops in the world. It is the third most popular overall after Johnnie Walker Scotch Scotch and Absolut Vodka.

How to spot Jack Daniel's fake whiskey? The original has a plastic roof covered with black foil. There is a clear engraving of the name "Jack Daniel's" on the top and the displacement of the bottle on the bottom, on all four sides of the bottle. The bottle is square with sharp edges. The sticker is flat and without any glue. At the very bottom of the sticker is the batch number EI code. Faceted Jack Daniel's bottle neck with a convex ring at the bottom. Try to buy Jack Daniel's whiskey from a trusted and reputable store to avoid counterfeiting and a substitute that can be poisoned. Good whiskey is drunk clean, while ice and cola are usually added to the cheap one. If the whiskey is real and good, like Jack Daniel's, then it is better to drink it clean.

8. Jack Daniel's whiskey and stars

Jack Daniel's whiskey is very popular with famous people.

British musician, founder, member of the rock group "Motorhead" Lemmy Kilmister has always loved Jack Daniels. He promised to drink Jack Daniel's every day for 30 years!

American rock musician Michael Anthony made a guitar in the shape of a Jack Daniel's whiskey bottle. At concerts he drank Jack Daniel's whiskey. In the end, leaving an invariably empty container from Jack Daniels.

Frank Sinatra adored Jack Daniel's whiskey and was buried with a bottle of Jack Daniel's Old No.7.

There are two types of glasses that can be used for Jack Daniels whiskey. Tasting tulip glasses let you smell, see the hue and taste of Jack Daniel's. Wide, thick glasses are great for mixing whiskey with other ingredients. The glass should be no more than a third full of whiskey.

10. What is the temperature to drink Jack Daniel's whiskey

Jack Daniels is recommended to drink at room temperature between 18 and 21 degrees. The higher the temperature makes the whiskey taste harder. Low temperatures rob Jack Daniel's of almost all the flavor it needs. Therefore, bars often add ice to whiskey. This strips the lousy and cheap whiskey of the smell, making it palatable. The aroma is a constant component of whiskey. Therefore, real professionals do not recommend whiskey with ice or cola.

11.What to drink Jack Daniel's with

In Ireland, light whiskey is drunk without diluting, the Scots mix their strong whiskey with water or soda, the Americans with ice and cola, in order to interrupt the not very pleasant corn taste. What to drink Jack Daniel's whiskey with? Jack Daniels is usually drunk without adding anything. Sometimes ice or cola is added to the whiskey to taste. Also, lemon juice or apple juice with ice cubes is added to the whiskey. It is not customary to eat whiskey. But a cigar goes well with whiskey.

It is customary to drink Jack Daniel's, like any whiskey, in the late afternoon and in a relaxed atmosphere. In the company with the girl, the man fills both glasses. In a men's company, everyone can pour themselves. If it is not known how friends prefer to drink whiskey, then ice, cola, mineral water and juice are best put on the table. Everyone will decide for himself how to drink this drink. But usually whiskey is drunk clean and without dilution. Whiskey is drunk in small sips, holding the alcohol in the mouth for a moment, enjoying its taste.

Now you know all the secrets of Jack Daniel's whiskey. It's time to buy Jack Daniel's and enjoy its taste.

We could not pass it by - the world famous alcoholic drink. This brand in the USA has become a mark of alcohol quality.

Today we will touch on the following questions:
1. In which state was Jack Daniels whiskey created
2. The history of Jack Daniels whiskey

4. Jack Daniels whiskey production

Now let's take a closer look ...

Before proceeding to the story of Jack Daniels whiskey, we want to know: do you know after how much alcohol will disappear from the body? If not, then we advise you to read our article "", and if you drive a car and you will be "soon" behind the wheel, then use the free online application.

As always, we start with the most popular question in this thread:

In which state was Jack Daniels whiskey created?

The history of Jack Daniels whiskey

Back in 1875, in the modest town of Lynchburg, Tennessee, a small distillery started working. Its owner, Jasper Newton Daniel, was only thirteen years old, but three years later he received an official license to produce alcohol. Thus began the history of Jack Daniels whiskey. Daniel was stubborn. hardworking and extraordinarily talented when it comes to trade.

He was able to turn a tiny distillery into a huge concern, which took a leading position in America and became the standard of excellent whiskey. Alas, the founder of the enterprise did not start his own family, he had no children, and after his death the alcoholic empire passed into the inheritance of his nephew - Lem Jess Motlow.

Jack Daniels whiskey is 80% corn. The rest is rye and barley - 12% and 8%, respectively. They are mixed on the basis of pure spring water and pass through a multi-level filter system, completely free of fusel oils and glucose. And the method of cleaning with the help of charcoal, which was mentioned above, gives the whiskey a completely unique aroma.

To date, the production of Jack Daniels whiskey has been formed in several versions.

"Green Jack" (or "Early Jack") - the fastest maturing whiskey, got its name from the label: gold lettering on a green background. Its fortress is 40 °.

"Standard Jack" - ripens much more slowly, its taste is very different, and its strength is as much as three degrees higher.
Jack Daniels whiskey is always aged four years. Although in the old days whiskey was produced from twelve, and even with twenty-five years of aging, in 1970 it was decided to unify it, and the period was set at four years.