Composition of monastery stomach tea for ulcers. Monastic stomach tea: against gastrointestinal diseases

It’s a rare person today who can say with confidence that he doesn’t have stomach problems. Heartburn, pain, nausea, indigestion - this happens to everyone. And you shouldn't assume that this is the norm. But running to the doctor because of ordinary stomach discomfort is strange, and it’s not always possible to find time for this. Therefore, you can drink preventive monastic gastric tea. This is a combination of several types of herbs in a certain proportion to create favorable microflora in the stomach and maintain it. We'll tell you where you can buy monastic stomach tea, which is good for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Order the monastery “Stomach Tea” on the official website at the best price.

What can stomach problems cause?

Any, even the weakest, symptom indicates that not everything is in order with your health. Therefore, you need to not just take pills to calm pain, nausea or heartburn, but also try to find the cause of the disease and stop it. Although many do just that: they swallow Mezim, Noshpa or drink soda water and forget about the problem.

But symptoms associated with the stomach are the first signs of an incipient ulcer, gastritis, duodenitis and other diseases. And if you pay attention to cramps or pains in time and start treatment, you can prevent a serious disease or cure it at the first stage.

Otherwise, the following may happen:

  • pancreatic necrosis - or death of the pancreas followed by its removal;
  • mild gastritis often provokes stomach and duodenal ulcers (and these are more acute and intolerable pain);
  • Heartburn can cause problems with the gastric sphincters, when ingested food is rejected and rises back up into the esophagus (a disgusting sensation);
  • Gastric dysplasia can develop into a tumor, and it is not a fact that it will be benign.

If you order monastic stomach tea from the online store on time, then all these consequences can be avoided. This healing potion helps prevent and treat diseases, so you can keep your stomach healthy and regain your quality of life.

Is it possible to avoid stomach problems?

You can, but to do this you must follow the following rules:

  • eat strictly according to the clock, without violating the regime;
  • avoid snacking;
  • do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, avoid passive smoking;
  • eliminate stress and worries from life;
  • food should be warm (not hot, not cold);
  • exclude smoked, carbonated, highly salted, spicy foods from the diet;
  • The eating process should take at least 30 minutes.

It is clear that not a single person can adhere to all these rules. But there is no need to despair. There is a remedy that helps maintain a normal stomach, even if you eat incorrectly: stomach tea according to a monastery recipe. This is not a medication, without chemicals, synthetics and dyes. Only natural herbs, grown in environmentally friendly places. Therefore, your stomach will thank you, and you will enjoy the treatment: a tasty and aromatic drink will give pleasant emotions and make tea drinking healthy.

What is monastery stomach tea?

There are many legends and myths about monastery tea, but we want to tell you only the facts about it. So that each person can make an informed choice whether to be treated with this product or should choose something else. Let us consider not only the composition and properties of the drink, but also tell you how to drink stomach tea correctly in order to get the maximum benefit from it.

It is believed that the definition of “monastery” tea was due to the location of the herbal collection site. The famous ancient Solovetsky Monastery, located on the White Sea, became the starting point for the development of a healing drink. It was there that they first began to grow and collect plants that became raw materials for medicinal complexes. These were herbs not only for the stomach: to this day there are many varieties of monastery tea for various ailments.

Recipe stomach tea was actually compiled by the monks of the Solovetsky Monastery, which is confirmed by the manuscripts found there. We know the composition of the herbs (more on that later), but the proportions are kept secret. But even if you recognize them, it will be difficult to prepare real monastery tea to treat the stomach. Because the herbs for it need to be properly prepared. And they need to be collected near the White Sea, because that is where the powerful energy of the earth lies.

Indications for taking stomach tea

The use of stomach tea is recommended for absolutely everyone, because today there is no person who has a perfectly healthy stomach. Therefore, it will not be superfluous for anyone to undergo treatment. But there are a number of diseases that are an indication that the drink will be simply necessary:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • gastritis (acute and chronic);
  • pancreatitis;
  • presence of Helicobacter pylori;
  • hepatic colic;
  • heartburn;
  • celiac disease;
  • colitis;
  • duodenitis.

Contraindications to the use of stomach tea are limited only to individual intolerance. But in 97% of patients no reactions were detected, so you can safely treat yourself with this ancient drink.

Composition of the collection for stomach tea

If you show the composition of stomach tea to any grandmother who was born and raised in the village, she will recognize all the components and confirm that it is one of the most useful medicinal herbs. Surely earlier in the villages they brewed some of the listed herbs as regular tea. Therefore, the village people felt stronger and more cheerful than the city people.


Helps fight gastritis, ulcers, and constipation. It is one of the main plants for the treatment of diseases of the stomach, pancreas and intestines.

Flax seeds

Gently envelops the stomach and relieves pain after eating spicy or smoked food. Protect the mucous membrane from infections and inflammation.

Dog-rose fruit

This component relieves inflammation, has a choleretic effect and improves gastrointestinal function. Rose hips also contain a lot of vitamins, valuable not only for the stomach, but also for the body as a whole.

St. John's wort

Normalizes the production of gastric juice, helping to control acidity. Prevents heartburn, promotes healing of existing ulcers, and soothes pain. One of the most useful components.

Marsh dry grass

It also protects and restores the mucous membrane. Relieves acute pain. Therefore, taking stomach tea is good not only as part of medical therapy, but also for cramps.


Not only improves the taste of the monastery drink, but also has beneficial properties: relieves pain, improves the secretion of gastric juice, normalizes appetite. Thanks to peppermint, putrefactive processes accompanying chronic colitis are eliminated. Helps calm nausea and reduce vomiting.



Heals micro-wounds and ulcers, eliminating associated pain. Has a general strengthening effect on the gastric mucosa.


The monastery collection uses plant flowers, which have tonic properties and reduce flatulence. Yarrow also has an anthelmintic effect.

Let us remind you that before taking stomach tea, you need to make sure that you do not have an allergy or other body reaction to the components. Although there are no allergens among the herbs listed, it wouldn’t hurt to make sure.

Method for preparing stomach tea

The monastery collection is packed in sealed packaging. When you open it, you see a mixture of several types of finely dried herbs. It would seem that you put it in a teapot and pour boiling water over it, but you need to observe all the nuances so that the drink turns out not only tasty, but also healthy.

  1. The proportion is simple: for 1 tsp. 1 cup (200 ml) of boiling water is required. If you brew tea in a small cup (120-140 ml), then take a level teaspoon of the herb.
  2. Fill the monastery collection boiling water it is forbidden. Everything here is like in the Chinese tea ceremony: boil water, turn off the gas, wait 10 minutes, brew tea. Boiling water will kill everything useful microelements and vitamins.
  3. Monastic stomach tea is infused for 15 minutes. But drinking it hot is not recommended, so the brewing time is automatically extended to 30-40 minutes.

Method of drinking the monastery drink

Now, how to use stomach tea. The slightly cooled drink should be drunk after meals. Adding sugar or jam is not recommended. You can drink it with honey, but only as a taste (do not dissolve honey in tea). People who have been drinking monastery tea for a long time claim that it has a pleasant, specific taste that you don’t want to interrupt with anything.

It is not recommended to brew the drink for the future. That is, morning tea should not be drunk in the evening. At most, you can fill the collection in 2-3 hours. If the tea is infused longer, a fine fraction (in other words, dust) will begin to be released from the herbs, which will settle on the walls of the stomach and intestines. And this is not at all useful.

You need to drink monastery stomach tea once a day. for preventive purposes and 2-3 times to treat existing diseases. Course: 28 days. During this time, the body will be filled with valuable vitamins and microelements, and the stomach will noticeably improve its functioning and cease to be bothered by unpleasant symptoms.

This is all the instructions for use. There is nothing complicated, but you need to adhere to the rules and observe the nuances. Because such little things add up to the effect: namely, maintaining a healthy stomach and excellent health.

Benefits of Monastery Gastric Tea

Let’s highlight them with abstracts to keep everything short and clear:

  • useful;
  • delicious;
  • effective;
  • natural;
  • universal;
  • certified;
  • affordable price;
  • without side effects;
  • no contraindications.

Where is the gastric monastery collection sold?

You cannot buy stomach tea according to a monastic recipe in a pharmacy. And this is perhaps its only drawback. Although, advanced Internet users do not think so. After all, the collection can be purchased through the World Wide Web. And it's not as difficult as it seems. But, just in case, detailed instructions.

First, we go to a website that sells monastery tea to treat the stomach. We find a form on it to fill out (it can be located at the top of the page or at the bottom). We type in your data that the template requires (you don’t need a passport). Click ORDER and wait for a call from the manager. He confirms your order and processes it immediately after the end of the conversation. All! In the near future, a parcel will arrive in the mail, which will need to be received by cash on delivery.

How much does monastery stomach tea cost? Every person asked this question, because we didn’t say anything about the price. For one package weighing 50 g you will have to pay 1980 rubles. This is not too expensive for a product that is designed to treat the stomach from various diseases and prevent them. You should also take into account that you can get a 50% discount and buy tea for only 990 rubles. This is the cost of one package gastric collection, so you don't overpay a penny.

Buy the monastery “Stomach Tea” at a promotion with a 50% discount for 990 rubles.

Herbal medicine is gaining more and more authority among people from all over the world. 40% of Russians have already abandoned the treatment of stomach problems with pharmaceutical drugs and are using medicinal preparations. “Monastyrsky” attracts many tea lovers with its unusual collection of herbs, which are grown and collected by monks in the holy territories of various monasteries. Read the reviews below.

Herbal infusions are produced using advanced scientific technologies and knowledge gained from hereditary herbalists who practice the centuries-old experience of their ancestors. Tea for gastrointestinal tract consists exclusively of medicinal herbs without any other impurities.

Composition of gastric monastery tea

The composition of the tea according to the monastery recipe includes only those herbs that have positive influence on the human body. These herbs contain vitamins and are biologically active substances, helping to improve the general condition of the human body, and some even have a rejuvenating effect.

Monastic fee medicinal tea for the stomach includes herbs:

  • Mint;
  • Crushed flax grain;
  • Marigold;
  • Medicinal chamomile flowers;
  • Dried rose hips;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Wormwood;
  • Yarrow;
  • Plantain;
  • Marsh dry grass;
  • Horsetail grass.

You should know what is included in the stomach tea you drink to avoid an allergic reaction (if you are intolerant to any component).

You may or may not believe in traditional medicine, but it’s hard to argue with the facts: herbs can really help therapeutic effect, many pharmaceutical drugs created precisely on the basis of medicinal herbal infusions.

No one can guarantee a final cure for ailments only with the help of medicinal tea. Nevertheless, monastery tea undoubtedly plays an important role in the prevention of many serious diseases and strengthening the immune system.

Beneficial properties of stomach tea

Stomach tea - excellent remedy for any stomach disorders. It has strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Monastic tea is an ideal collection of herbs that perfectly complement each other, providing a complex effect.

This herbal product It also has a cleansing effect on the liver and helps in the difficult fight against obesity. It does not have any side effects, with the exception of rare cases of allergic reactions to certain type herbs that may be included in its composition.

If you are tormented by stomach problems, abdominal pain has already become a part of life, and problems with bowel movements do not allow you to live fully, help your digestive system! You can buy stomach tea in online stores and pharmacies, but we recommend buying it here. Only on this site the supplier guarantees that the tea is real (not fake) and the price is without overpayments.

In one of the episodes of the popular TV show “Live Healthy,” presenter Elena Malysheva shared her opinion about monastery tea and explained why people drink stomach tea.

Malysheva admitted that in her releases she rarely touches on the topic of traditional medicine and herbal medicine. However, I decided to make an exception for the monastery tea. In her review she is sure that this herbal tea can really help get rid of many diseases, increase the tone of all organs and systems of the body, but she warned about possible counterfeits. Before buying stomach tea in an online store, you should carefully study the seller’s website so as not to become a victim of scammers. Buy this product only from authorized dealers.

Price of stomach tea

Monastery tea is most often sold in packs of 100 g. For residents Russian Federation prices vary from 350 rubles to 1000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and type of tea. To find out how much stomach tea costs for delivery in your city, contact the supplier.

If you are offered tea, the cost of which greatly exceeds 1000 rubles, most likely you are dealing with scammers. There is no point in overpaying; you can order authentic monastery tea at the best price from trusted suppliers.

Where to buy stomach tea

It's very simple! You can order monastic stomach tea in the official online stores of the manufacturer, as well as in some pharmacy kiosks. For residents of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, it is possible to order tea by cash on delivery, i.e. pay for the goods upon receipt. Delivery is carried out by Russian Post or courier (for residents of the Russian Federation), Belarusian Post (within Belarus) and the Novaya Pochta company (for Ukrainians).

Distributors of monastery tea claim that this product is not sold in pharmacies, but this is not entirely true. Of course, it is extremely difficult to buy, but only because it sells out quickly and is supplied in small quantities. To find the addresses of pharmacy kiosks where you can buy this tea, you can use search engines that specialize in pharmacy assortments. The main ones are:


Once on the site, first select the desired region, and then search for “Stomach monastery tea”. If you don't find anything, try simplifying the query slightly, for example, write “monastery tea.”

There is no point in searching through global search engines, since there you will only find advertised offers from popular online stores.

You can still call the helpline or visit several nearby pharmacies yourself, but the easiest way, of course, is to order through online stores. The cost will be lower and you won't have to travel anywhere.

It is very easy to brew monastery tea for the stomach. Doctors recommend using purified bottled water for this, heated to a temperature of 95 degrees.

One tablespoon of the collection should be poured into 200 ml of boiling water into an enamel or porcelain bowl (teapot) and allowed to brew for 20-30 minutes. Take about a third of a glass daily. To improve the result, it is recommended to drink this tea 3 times a day. Before drinking, be sure to strain the tea using a special strainer or sterile gauze.

It is not advisable to heat the tea, just room temperature. You can make a concentrated brew to dilute it with boiling water. It is not recommended to take monastery tea during pregnancy and lactation, since no trials have been conducted with such patients. For the same reason, it should not be used by children under 14 years of age.

Carefully study the instructions, which detail the required dosage, course of treatment, and contraindications, to determine how long treatment will last for certain diseases. Tea will only bring maximum benefits if you take it correctly.

Even if you know exactly what herbs are included in stomach tea, you will not be able to prepare its analogue at home by simply collecting different herbs from the pharmacy. The secret is not only in the composition of the tea herbs, but also in the nuances of collecting its components and drying to a certain extent. To be guaranteed to receive effective product, just buy a ready-made collection at a competitive price here.

Doctors' reviews about tea

We have already presented above the opinion of TV presenter Elena Malysheva about this product. What do they say about the monastic stomach tea doctors?

Alexander Myasnikov:

Georgy Khromov, nutritionist:

“I have been working as a nutritionist for many years and am well aware of the consequences that can be caused by metabolic disorders. Recently, such diseases have become more and more common. German colleagues shared their experience of using herbal teas in the practice of treating such problems. They said that “tea” therapy gave a positive and quick effect. This made me and my domestic colleagues think about using monastery tea in our work. Now I plan to introduce this tea into my treatment course.”

Mikhail Solovyov, endocrinologist:

“My colleagues and I have long been looking for a way to solve the problem with the gastrointestinal tract in diabetes mellitus and the possibility of a complete cure for this and other problems. We decided to test the monastery tea. I can’t say that it will cure you completely, but a positive trend has been recorded. The general condition of the patients has improved and cases of normalization of the amount of sugar in the blood of some patients who regularly take this herbal mixture have been observed. Now I can recommend monastery tea as a preventive remedy for patients suffering from overweight or disorders of the pancreas.

Patient reviews of tea

We bring to your attention reviews real buyers who have already experienced the effect of gastric monastery tea.


“I have been ordering monastery tea for a long time. I would like to emphasize that only his regular use can give tangible results. I think this is a feature of all phyto- and homeopathic medicines. Beneficial substances must accumulate in your body in order to affect the body’s actual recovery processes.”

“My friend advised me to buy monastery tea for the stomach and intestines. He insisted because he had already ordered this product 4 times and was pleased not only with the quality of the tea, but also with its taste. My experience was also positive: the order was placed quickly, no problems arose. I would like to note the deep and pleasant aroma tea and its unusual, pronounced taste.”

“They gave me monastery tea in addition to my favorite Brazilian coffee for the anniversary. The tea turned out to be exceptional! It inspired me even more than coffee. I actually felt stronger and even a little younger. Many thanks to the manufacturers for taking their work so seriously. I will definitely order again.”

“I ordered this tea to support my family during viral epidemics. Of course, it’s too early to talk about results, but personally I feel some positive changes. The drowsiness and apathy that haunted me for many years during the autumn-winter period disappeared. Energy seems to fill me from the inside, I feel as if our home and life are becoming more cozy and comfortable. The drink has great taste and smell. The herbal taste was unusual at first, but very soon became a favorite. Now we drink monastery tea almost every day!”

"I have always loved herbal drinks. They give a romantic mood and allow you to get closer to nature. You feel as if the freedom-loving breath of endless spaces is entering a small kitchen located in our concrete jungle. This version of tea, like the monastic one, turned out to be very tasty. His skillfully selected composition of herbs surprised even me, an experienced herbalist. It's hard to imagine how it could be supplemented or improved. I think this tea will now become my favorite.”

“I bought monastery tea on the recommendation of a colleague at work. Very pleased with the quality of the product. The taste is a little bitter, but I like it that way. I am glad that the tea does not contain any chemicals or synthetic substances, only natural ingredients. It is very important for me."

“I must admit that this tea is very specific. I think that monastery tea is for lovers of herbal mixtures, but not for gourmets. The product completely replaces packages of synthetic vitamins, which many people are accustomed to taking “for prevention.” I liked that the product was natural and the price was reasonable.”

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There are diseases that every person can suffer from, regardless of age and social status. The most common are gastritis, which in most cases is not cured completely, but turns into chronic stage. The next stage of its development is a stomach or duodenal ulcer. Regular use of a gastric mixture developed by Belarusian monks can stop this negative development of the situation.

The composition of the monastery stomach tea includes a large number of medicinal herbs, the volume ratio of which is strictly maintained when packing each pack of this unique, healing drink. This multi-component herbal tea, provided it is consumed regularly and for a long time, successfully fights most ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. It helps normalize the acid-base environment and minimize the likelihood of exacerbation of existing diseases.

In addition, the monastery stomach tea includes herbs that help relieve stress. After all, it is one of the causes of the occurrence and development of gastritis. The big advantage of this medicinal drink is that both adults and children can drink it. Any age limit there is no medicinal Belarusian monastic collection that helps against stomach ulcers and other housing and communal services diseases.

Monastic stomach tea - an effective preventive and beneficial remedy

Gastritis and stomach ulcers are diseases that are interrelated. Or rather, if you start the first, the second will develop. Medical scientists include the following factors as the causes of these ailments, which can affect the state of the body both comprehensively and individually:

  • Binge eating. It entails a significant increase in the secretion of gastric juice, which negatively affects the walls of this organ. Minor cracks begin to form on them, which subsequently develop into bleeding ulcers. If you drink the Belarusian monastic gastric collection, then this problem can be avoided. This becomes possible due to the fact that it contains flax seed, which proper brewing secretes specific substances that coat the walls of the stomach.
  • Consumption of dishes prepared from products Low quality, containing in large quantities emulsifiers and preservatives. This category also includes food items that have already expired. Expired foods are poison for the human stomach, even if visually and tasted they seem absolutely normal and safe. If you still use them for cooking, then care should be taken to reduce the likelihood of developing gastrointestinal diseases. An effective preventive remedy is monastic stomach tea, developed by Belarusian monks.
  • Frequent use alcoholic drinks have a negative effect on the walls of the stomach. Systematic drinking of alcohol in abnormal quantities on an empty stomach leads to an increase in the acidity of the environment and the development of ulcers.
  • Predilection for dishes containing a large amount of spices, as well as canned foods, smoked meats. Monastic herbal tea will help cleanse the body of harmful substances and strengthen it.
  • Irregular meals. This refers to the situation when a person skips breakfast and lunch, or is content with only a cup of coffee and a sandwich, and eats a huge portion of food at dinner. Such poor nutrition negatively affects the entire gastrointestinal tract. Helps reduce stress on organs healing drink- Belarusian monastery tea. It contains a large number of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.
  • Reception medicines, which negatively affect the state of housing and communal services. Such drugs include not only antibiotics, but also such “harmless” at first glance medications as aspirin, iodine-containing substances, etc.
  • Severe stress. In most cases, it is accompanied by either an almost complete lack of appetite or overeating. This leads to the development of gastritis and stomach pain. Drinking the monastic gastric collection every day will help reduce discomfort. This herbal tea contains a large number of components, which provides a multi-functional effect of the drink.
  • The presence of diseases that may pose a threat to the normal operation of housing and communal services. Such ailments include caries and many other diseases. oral cavity, chronic infectious diseases, for example, tuberculosis, papilloma virus, sinusitis and many others.

Composition of Belarusian monastic gastrointestinal tea (collection)

The healing multi-component gastric tea (collection), which was developed by Belarusian monks, effectively fights many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thanks to its unique composition:

  • Flax seeds. They have long been used to relieve stomach pain. A decoction of them very quickly relieves all manifestations of gastritis. The positive effect is ensured due to the fact that the substances secreted by flax seeds, which are part of the healing monastery collection, envelop the walls of the stomach. This provides reliable protection against acids and other irritants.
  • Yarrow. The active ingredients are tannins. Their effect provides an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. This means that after drinking a cup of monastic gastric herbal tea, irritation disappears from the walls of the organ, and existing cracks and wounds heal in less time.
  • Calendula flower petals. Thanks to the excellent anti-inflammatory properties of this useful plant, it can be found in many healing preparations. The gastric Belarusian monastery tea was no exception. In addition, calendula petals are natural antiseptic, helping to effectively eliminate the physical manifestations of gastritis and prevent it from developing into a stomach ulcer. That's not all positive properties this weed. It stimulates the immune system, which begins to actively fight many ailments, including the formation of tumors of various etiologies. The diaphoretic effect ensures the removal of salts from the body.
  • Pharmaceutical camomile. This plant has long been used for the treatment and prevention of various housing and communal diseases. It relieves pain, helps cleanse the body of harmful substances, and has a general strengthening effect.
  • Oregano. It not only normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also has a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system. Its presence in the monastery collection, which helps with stomach pain, allows you to simultaneously combat several causes of their occurrence.
  • Peppermint. This medicinal plant affects various functions of the body. It calms the nervous system during stress, reduces the occurrence of migraines, and has a mild sedative effect, which increases with regular use of the collection. In addition, this plant improves the condition of the oral cavity and has many other properties that have a beneficial effect on the body. Peppermint is also present in the Belarusian monastic gastric mixture, which is now drunk by many people with housing and communal services diseases. Thanks to its presence, it provides a multidisciplinary effect on the body.
  • Marsh dry grass (swamp). She happens to be effective means from heartburn, that is, from manifestations of gastritis. The big advantage of this plant is that even with low acidity, its effect does not inhibit the action of secretory functions. True, this effect from drinking the monastic gastric collection from Belarusian monks begins to appear only after prolonged use of the drink. It is impossible to see it earlier than a month later, since the impact is carried out at a rather slow speed.
  • Motherwort. It is a universally recognized sedative that has been used in traditional medicine for many decades. Its positive effect is observed after just a few weeks of taking the drink. The big advantage of the gastric monastery collection is that this tea has a very affordable price, unlike tablets.
  • Immortelle. It has a choleretic effect. Thanks to natural ingredients, it is very gentle and does not have negative results. It is necessary to take into account that the presence of immortelle in the gastric Belarusian monastery collection contributes to a slight increase blood pressure. That is why herbal tea should be treated as a means of helping to cope with the symptoms of gastrointestinal problems, and not a simple drink, which you can drink without any restrictions.
  • Willow bark. This ingredient helps to neutralize the overly strong effects of cudweed. In addition, the active substances it contains have a pronounced antiviral effect. This helps to significantly reduce the influence of indirect factors on the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

It can be argued that the monastic collection, developed by Belarusian monks in famous monasteries, is an effective aid in improving well-being and a preventive remedy for a large number of various diseases. That is why doctors prescribe it as a maintenance drink when using antibiotics and other medicines having negative impact on the human body as a whole.

The effect of Belarusian monastery tea on the stomach

The multicomponent composition of the gastric collection provides a beneficial effect on almost every system of the body. This drink removes salts, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, and gives a powerful boost to the immune system in the fight against various diseases. It is very important to strictly adhere to the instructions for use and the cooking recipe. Due to the fact that the drink contains highly effective medicinal herbs, this collection can replace many medical supplies. However, this does not make herbal tea dangerous to health. For getting positive effect you need to stick to the recipe and drink the infusion without exceeding the daily norm.

History of the Belarusian monastic gastric collection

Since ancient times, monks of monasteries have helped suffering people. People came to them from all over the area, looking for help in the fight against various ailments. Over the centuries, harvesting recipes have been improved and complicated. If previously not only the monks themselves, but also herbalists could prepare herbs, now, due to the poor state of the environment, they do not trust anyone with this.

And yet, how were the very first collections of gastric monastic herbal tea developed? Their recipe is an experience huge amount healers who treated everyone who came for help. These herbalists were very devout and often at the end of their lives took monastic vows and became monks. Since ancient times, Belarusian monasteries have been famous for their healers. People even came to them for help from neighboring countries. Over time, the knowledge gained was systematized. The recorded recipes and the results of their use were subjected to rigorous analysis. Thanks to this, the most favorable combination was identified useful herbs and the ratio of their numbers to each other.

Recipe for making monastery stomach tea (collection)

Despite the fact that the Belarusian gastric monastery collection contains a significant amount of medicinal herbs, even a child can cope with its brewing. You need to take 1 teaspoon of the dry composition and pour 200 grams of it. boiling water After this, the container must be wrapped in a towel and allowed to brew for 10-15 minutes. That's it, the healing drink is ready to drink. It must be taken 3-4 times a day, unlike most other Belarusian monastery healing teas.

At increased acidity The drink is drunk before meals, and if low, after meals. Due to the fact that the gastric monastery herbal collection includes chamomile, after drinking the drink it is advisable to lie down for 5-10 minutes. Moreover, alternately turning on the left and right sides.

Buy (order) monastery tea (collection) for osteochondrosis

Only from us you can purchase real Belarusian monastery tea for the gastrointestinal tract.

Almost every second person has problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The causes of diseases are many: stressful situations, frequent use of medications, fasting, improper diets, infectious diseases and many others.

To treat diseases, regardless of the cause that caused them, a unique stomach tea was created according to a monastic recipe. The history of the appearance of the healing collection goes back many centuries.

The monastic recipe for stomach tea was invented by monks by selecting various herbs and proportions. The result was a real miracle cure that cured many ailments.

Let's turn to the proven folk remedy and help our stomach get rid of all diseases!

Undeniable benefits

Monastic stomach tea has many healing properties. The proportions of herbs are chosen incredibly effectively. The composition includes only natural ingredients with tannins, a number of vitamins, minerals, amino acids - everything that the body needs in the treatment of diseases of the intestines and stomach.

When applied, the decoction has a quick and effective treatment: metabolism and peristalsis improve, mucous membranes are completely restored.

All herbs included in its composition are collected in ecologically clean areas. The unique formula quickly eliminates the symptoms of diseases, affects the causes that caused them, which leads to rapid recovery even in case of relapses. There are no contraindications only if you are allergic to any of the herbs.

What does this miraculous collection contain?


Buy tea is not difficult, it is important to prepare it correctly so that it brings maximum benefit. It is important to adhere correct proportions and recommendations.

  1. For one serving of the drink, take 1 teaspoon of the healing mixture.
  2. The drink should be brewed in porcelain or ceramic containers.
  3. The herbs are poured with 250 ml of boiling water.
  4. The dishes are not covered, but simply left to infuse for 10 minutes.
  5. Finally, the decoction is filtered and consumed warm.

It is not recommended to heat Monastic tea, as it loses many of its properties. You should drink two to three cups a day aromatic drink. The course of treatment is 21 days; similarly, tea is drunk for preventive purposes. After a week, treatment can be repeated. For advanced diseases, you will need to take several such courses.

Composition and application

Monastic stomach tea is understandable. But, the main thing is its truly fantastic power, which works real miracles! Are you interested , where can I buy such an effective decoction? Just follow the link and place your order.


Yana, 28 years old: “When I was a student, I ate haphazardly, often only eating once at night. The result is gastritis, then erosion and ulcers. Naturally, I didn’t go to the doctors. A year ago, I began to experience unbearable pain, and the attacks practically did not stop. The gastroenterologist recommended Monastic stomach tea to me. On the second day I felt that the pain had almost stopped. I took three courses and was completely cured!”

Anatoly, 44 years old: “I was diagnosed with pancreatitis and gastritis. My frequent business trips led to this. As a result, he ended up in the hospital. After treatment it became easier, but over time the attacks began again. An experienced nurse advised me to drink this decoction. I drank delicious drink and I realized that it was getting easier for me. The disease has subsided, there have been no attacks for more than two years!”

Erosive and ulcerative diseases of the digestive system begin with an inflammatory process. The source of inflammation occurs where changes occur in the structure of the cell. In medicine, such a cell is called “altered,” which means the presence of characteristic structural transformations that led to an attack by foreign microorganisms from immune system.

Cells undergo changes due to the accumulation of toxins and wastes that enter our body along with preservatives, dyes, nitrates, tobacco smoke, and carbon dioxide. The structural units of our body undergo transformations due to infection of healthy cells with Helicobacter pylori infection.

Lymphocytes and macrophages are the bodyguards of the immune system, constantly repressing affected cells. The resulting imbalance between the structural components of the body gives rise to an inflammatory process, followed by ulcerative changes in the mucous epithelium.

The fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract without proper treatment is protracted, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and can lead to irreversible consequences.

Symptoms accompanying diseases such as gastritis, colitis, gastroduodenitis, ulcers deprive a person of peace and the ability to eat well without feeling heaviness in the stomach.

A unique medicinal monastic stomach tea was created to combat altered cells and solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is widespread and has many positive reviews.

History of appearance, composition of tea

Perhaps the history of tea began long before scientists discovered Helicobacter pylori and the harm it can cause to the human body. In the old days, the treatment of the sick was carried out by ministers of temples and churches. That is why the original composition of tea was preserved and passed down from generation to generation.

Herbs included in the composition medicinal collection collected in Siberian forests - places inaccessible to humans. The monks recommended saving the collection collected at night or at dawn until the holiday of Ivan Kupala. According to tradition, it was believed that then the herbs would gain healing power.

The dynamics of positive reviews about the benefits of the drug are increasing daily. Monastic stomach tea helps eliminate unpleasant sensations: heartburn, nausea, colic, and is also a preventative tonic.

The composition of the collection is saturated with useful substances and microelements. The composition of the tea includes the following herbs:

Indications for use

Gastritis – inflammation inner wall stomach. In order to get rid of the disease, you will need to make a lot of effort and undergo a comprehensive course of treatment. ethnoscience significantly alleviates the patient’s condition during an exacerbation: dulls spasms, relieves pain, eliminates heaviness. Often the symptoms of the disease include vomiting and nausea. It is recommended to drink stomach tea according to the monastic recipe for gastritis after meals.

Colitis is damage to the mucous epithelium of the colon. Inflammatory process when the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms: vomiting, nausea, pain, intestinal upset. If you are sick, it is recommended to drink tea with the addition of cinnamon mixture.

Enterocolitis is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small intestine. The disease progresses excessively quickly, which causes intestinal upset and severe cramps. It is necessary to take monastery tea for enterocolitis, adhering to strict proportions, on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating.

An ulcer is the formation of non-healing wounds of varying sizes and depths on the mucous epithelium of the stomach and duodenum. Pain when peptic ulcer inevitable. In the absence of adequate treatment, the pain becomes unbearable and bleeding begins. for ulcers, it is recommended to take it not only during an exacerbation, but also to prevent relapses.


Herbs included medicinal collection they will give their all to the maximum healing properties only when proper preparation drink in compliance with the exact dosage.

For one cup of tea you will need:

  • a teaspoon of monastery collection;
  • 250 ml boiled water;
  • Pour boiling water over the collection and leave for 15 minutes;
  • if necessary, strain and take.

Best to take fresh collection. It is not recommended to reheat cooled tea, as useful material disappear.

The course of treatment for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ranges from 2 to 3 weeks. Diseases in the chronic stage require repeating the course with a break of 2 weeks.

Taking into account the reviews of specialists, the number of those who recovered significantly exceeds the cases of incomplete recovery after taking the medicinal mixture. Isolated cases of ineffective treatment are due to simple non-compliance with the rules of administration.

Before using monastic stomach tea, you should consult a gastroenterologist and read patient reviews. Tea is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. St. John's wort and wormwood cause excessive contraction of the uterine muscles, which can trigger premature labor.