Contents of HR management technologies at McDonald's. McDonald's Most Important Competitive Advantage

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Description of work

The purpose of the study is to develop a package of documents to improve the organization of work for McDonald's restaurant staff in the fast food system.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks should be solved:
- Study the theoretical foundations of the organization of personnel labor in the fast food system.
- Analyze the personnel labor organization system in the McDonald's restaurant in Naberezhnye Chelny.
- Develop a package of documents to improve the organization of work for McDonald's restaurant personnel in the fast food system.


1. General characteristics of the enterprise LLC "McDonald's"………………….....7
1.1. History of McDonald's LLC…………………………….....7
1.2. Characteristics of the enterprise LLC "McDonald's"……………………….....8
2. Personnel potential of the enterprise……………………………………………………......11
2.1. Personnel review and recruitment…………………………………………..…11
2.2. Organizational structure of the personnel management system………..….13
3.Marketing activities……………………………………………...…15
3.1. McDonald's business strategy……………………………….…15
3.2.Market segmentation……………………………………………………………........17
4.Analysis of production and sales of products……………………………………..20
4.1. Product quality and safety………………………………...………20
4.2. Suppliers………………………………………………………………………………..…….22
5.Financial activity of the enterprise………………………….………...…..25
List of used literature…………

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  • Table of contents
  • 1. General characteristics of the enterprise
  • 2. The concept of personnel management at McDonald's LLC
  • 3. Personnel policy
  • 4. Organizational structure of the personnel management system
  • 5. Composition and structure of the personnel management service
  • 6. Personnel management structure
  • Conclusion

1. General characteristics of the enterprise

Company name

McDonald's LLC

Location of the enterprise

Naberezhnye Chelny

Vakhitova Ave. 13/A

Profile, type of enterprise


Degree of economic independence of the enterprise

Branch (subsidiary). None of the above branches: is a legal entity, separate and independent from the Company, does not have an independent balance sheet and does not have its own bank accounts

Enterprise management

Enterprise management structure is a hierarchical type of management structure..

Management is carried out:

- General Director

- Executive Director

The owners of the enterprise are the founders.

The heads of branches are appointed by the Company and act on the basis of its power of attorney.

Staff list

As of January 1, 2009. - 105 people

2. The concept of personnel management at McDonald's LLC


Personnel management: human resource management, special attention is paid to the management of professional development of personnel

The main goal of the organization in the field of personnel management: maximum use of the employee’s labor and personal potential by creating optimal opportunities for professional growth and effective activities.

Approach to the employee

Personality, partner

Requirements for employee quality

Professional - qualification and personal qualities

To improve the efficiency of activities in the field of personnel management, the following activities are carried out:

3 . Personnel policy

McDonald's LLC strives, firstly, to ensure the development of a value system among young employees aimed at improving their attitude to work, dedication to the organization, the inadmissibility of disciplinary and offenses, and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Recruitment of personnel from the external environment, with the help of the media, is practiced. But people who have already proven themselves in their work at McDonald's LLC are promoted to leadership positions.

As a chain of restaurants, McDonald's has almost unlimited power to make decisions regarding its staff and some authority in choosing the products purchased. At this firm, decisions about the location of new restaurants and stores are made by middle management, while decisions regarding price levels and new product launches are made only by top management.

4. Organizational structure of the personnel management system

All employees can be differentiated into three main categories: managers, specialists, performers. Managers are persons who perform the main function (GF) and carry out general management of the enterprise, its services and divisions. Specialists are persons who perform the main function (PF) and are engaged in analyzing information and preparing decisions on economics, finance, scientific, technical and engineering problems, etc. Performers are persons performing an auxiliary function (AF), for example, work on the preparation and execution of documentation, economic activities.

Advantages of the organizational structure of McDonald's LLC: a clear division of labor contributes to the emergence of highly qualified specialists in each business; a strict hierarchy of management levels, in which the actions of lower management levels are controlled by higher ones; development of uniform rules, norms and standards for each type of activity; formal impersonality of managers who are obliged to follow instructions and regulations for their position; hiring in strict accordance with the employee’s qualifications and dismissing him “strictly according to the law.”

The greatest impact on the increase in the average annual output of one operating McDonald's LLC was exerted by the intensive factor - average hourly output, which indicates an improvement in the use of labor resources and an increase in the efficiency of the trading enterprise.

5. Composition and structure of the personnel management service

personnel personnel strategy worker

Category of McDonald's employees in 2006 -2008, people.

2008 In % to





Skilled workers

Number and structure of personnel by education

Personnel age structure

6. Personnel management structure

1.Chu managerial workforce ratio


where Chu is the number of management employees,

H - the total number of employees of the organization.

2006: 22/100 = 0.22

2007: 23/102 = 0.23

2008: 25/105 = 0.24

2. Efficiency indicator P

Eu= Zy,

where Zy is management costs;

P - profit.

2006: 20000000/1000000 = 20

2007: 30000000/1500000 = 20

2008: 30000000/1500000 = 20

3. Management cost ratio


where Zu - management costs;

Z - total costs of the organization.

2006: 1000000 / 15000000= 0.06

2007: 1500000/20000000 = 0.075

2008: 1500000/20000000 = 0.075

Schedule of receipts and expenditures of funds at McDonald's, thousand rubles.


Deviation(+, -)

Cash balance at the beginning of the month

Funds from buyers and customers

of which repayment of accounts receivable

Budget subsidies

Insurance claims

Other income (except for loans and borrowings)

Funds allocated to:

payment for current assets


payment of dividends

tax calculations

travel expenses

personnel training

other expenses

Net cash (cash flow) at the end of the month

Remuneration of McDonald's employees in 2006 -2008, rub./hour


From the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Concept of McDonald's LLC - Personnel management: human resources management, special attention is paid to the management of professional development of personnel

Goal - The main goal of the organization in the field of personnel management: maximum use of the employee’s labor and personal potential by creating optimal opportunities for professional growth and effective activities.

Approach to the employee - Personality, partner

Requirements for the quality of an employee - Professional - qualifications and personal qualities

The main content of the UE. To improve the efficiency of activities in the field of personnel management, the following activities are carried out:

1. Measures to improve working conditions;

2. Development of informal, friendly connections between various departments and employees, etc.

In this case, the main key point is the unity of three main components: labor function, social relations and the state of each employee.

The priority direction of the development strategy is personnel policy. She is active at McDonald's LLC.

McDonald's LLC has a hierarchical type of management structure.

In addition, at McDonald's, every month, based on work results, the best employee of the month is selected, who receives a bonus in the amount of 2-3 salaries. This encourages employees to work efficiently and fruitfully.

The data reflecting the number of man-hours worked included information only on direct costs (i.e., without general production and general business costs). It was believed that this approach would more reliably and objectively reflect the dynamics and structure of labor costs at McDonald's.

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    2,550,000 French fries;

    1,100,000 milkshakes;

    1,150,000 Big Mctm sandwiches;

    950,000 pies.

    Today, McDonald's in Russia employs more than 17,000 people.

    To prepare all dishes, only the highest quality products are used that meet all McDonald's standards. At all stages of the production process, McDonald's, its suppliers and independent experts carry out a series of quality checks to ensure compliance with all sanitary and hygienic standards and regulations established by the Russian Federation, as well as the highest quality of products. In 1990, McDonald's invested $45 million in the construction and equipment of a food processing and distribution center located in Moscow, the McComplex. "McComplex" is located in one of the Moscow districts, Solntsevo. From it, necessary products are supplied to all McDonald's restaurants in Russia. The plant has its own lines for the production of meat and buns, a product quality control laboratory and a sales department. Over the 14 years of its operation, McComplex has made a significant contribution to the development of the domestic food processing industry, public catering system, agriculture and business relations in Russia. Since 1989, McDonald's has shared its knowledge in the field of technology and business relations with representatives of all CIS countries. Raw materials for McComplex are purchased from more than 100 Russian suppliers, who strictly follow the standards of the Russian Federation and McDonald's standards. Moreover, as a result of the decentralization of food processing, with the participation of specialists and technical assistance from McDonald's, the production of finished products was established at the enterprises of Russian suppliers (salad, pickled cucumbers, etc.). At the McComplex, strict control is exercised over the processing of products in accordance with the strict requirements and standards of McDonald's. The McDonald's company sets itself one goal - to fully satisfy the needs of its visitors. All company initiatives are measured by this single criterion.

    Staff motivation at McDonald's

    The staff in any organization is its integral part, that is, it cannot exist without people, and as a consequence of this - to produce something, to achieve its goal in activity. Personnel management, first of all, is based on the principles of interest of the organization's employees to work for it, to achieve certain goals.

    Therefore, since the success of the McDonald's company depends on the effectiveness of each and every one of its employees, management, in an attempt to satisfy the needs of employees, uses the following motivational policy. Firstly, because the company needs employees who will work for the benefit of the organization for a long time. It offers its employees a flexible work schedule, set depending on the desires and capabilities of the employees themselves and providing for work in the evening or in the morning, as well as on weekends, allowing students to successfully combine work and study, and young parents to take care of their children. Secondly, the company is ready to spend time on new employees for their training, legal paperwork, money for uniforms, so that in the end the employee, who only after the end of the probationary period (2 months), will get used to it and cope with the difficulties and complexities of the job. And thirdly, it offers various bonuses and incentives that are paid for overworking the monthly working hours, free lunches, and a new design for old, unattractive uniforms. Also an opportunity to achieve rapid career growth in a short period of time. The reasons for such a career rise in such a short period of time are due to staff turnover in all positions, as well as the opening of new restaurants that need employees.

    Also, to attract new employees, the company uses advertising that you can earn decent money in a certain period of time. One of the brilliant ideas for attracting personnel that was used by McDonald's restaurants in 2008 was the distribution of calendars, on the back of which there was a job offer in the company.

    Tatiana Yasinovskaya, vice president for human resources development and training at McDonald's in Russia and Eastern Europe, tells the story.

    We can say with confidence: if McDonald’s in Russia had not developed its personnel policy from the very beginning, based on the systematic training of professionals within the company, the growth rate would have been much lower than what was achieved.

    Now about 60% of our department heads are people who at one time began working in line positions. And only the remaining 40% are professionals hired from outside. The ratio is quite impressive. Yes, we attract specialists from the market, but we do not believe that this is the main way to solve personnel problems. As a result, a team is formed that can become one of the main advantages of the business.

    Myths about specificity

    You can often hear that personnel development is a purely “Western” practice, so when using it, Russian specifics should be taken into account. And I am sure that there are no “Russian specifics”. It's just a matter of organization itself.

    If you decide to develop employees within the company, it is necessary to build a consistent system of training and education. If such a decision is not made, it means that no personnel reserve will arise. That's all the "specifics". As for those programs that were developed in the West, in the USA and Europe, they are quite applicable in our conditions. Moreover, in my opinion, Russian management is even more responsive to such development opportunities. Perhaps, due to the fact that such practices have been used in developed markets for a long time, a significant history has been accumulated and people are a little “fed up”.

    In Russia, however, there is still a “hunger” for corporate programs aimed at supporting growth and development. As a result, employees take advantage of every opportunity to learn and advance their careers.

    I remember well when the first Russian McDonald’s restaurant opened. I was in the very first team that started on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow. So, I can say: for us then many things seemed incredibly new and progressive. We had never heard or knew about anything like this, we were completely “green”, fresh and inexperienced in the field of career building... We came from different universities, with a good education, but without a clear understanding of how to apply it in practice - but with a huge with enthusiasm!

    Now everything is different. People began to plan career growth more clearly and pragmatically and choose their own line of behavior. Even current students are beginning to build personal long-term strategies. They want not only to learn, like we once did, but also to manage their professional growth, their future. This choice is much more conscious. Even very young workers in Russia today, in most cases, know what they want and where they are going. They choose their education much more consciously—university, specialization, department, specialty. Against the backdrop of the romantic and carefree youth of the USSR, these young people are realists and practitioners, and therefore they are much more ready to move forward than we once were. Prepared in advance. You just need to understand what they are striving for, support and turn these aspirations to the benefit of the company. In this sense, work with personnel (including the development and training of personnel within the company) acquires special value for business.

    The McDonald’s talent selection and development system has been in place in Russia since the first day of operation of the restaurant on Pushkinskaya. All that experience, all those programs and practices that were developed in the corporation were “transplanted” onto Russian soil. What was “localization”? It seems to me that it’s simply that each of us was shown and explained how and where to move up the career ladder. And when the first participants in the training programs were promoted, it became clear: the system was not just written down on paper, but actually works. After all, everyone was recruited for the same positions. And two or three months passed - and now someone moved to the next step, then stepped even higher, and again... And when the first restaurant directors grew up from among those with whom we all started together in the kitchen and behind the counter, in the retail hall, it became finally clear: the mechanism really works.

    When McDonald’s opened in 1993 on Ogarev Street and on Arbat—our second and third restaurants—the directors were already people who had grown up within the company. I was offered to work in the personnel department, and I decided for myself that this would be my path for further development and growth in the company. Today, everyone who was the first in Russia to loudly pronounce the cherished phrase “Free cash register!” has dispersed within the company, each in their own direction.


    And when it is obvious to everyone that the company is primarily offering a vacancy to its own, and is looking for a candidate among its own employees, then this gives a very powerful, positive signal. As a matter of fact, the first promotions that I mentioned became the start for the entire system of internal corporate training and personnel development at the Russian McDonald’s.

    Flight hours

    I admit, it is not so easy to answer briefly and unambiguously the question posed “head-on”: “What is better, what is more correct for a company - to “buy” a specialist on the open labor market or to grow it internally?” Yes, you can “buy” a person with high professional qualities and developed leadership competencies. But even such an ideal candidate will need to be “brought up” to the level that managers in a particular company must meet.

    When hiring an outside employee, two key circumstances must be taken into account. Firstly, you need to understand to what extent a person , When you join a new company, you are ready to share its fundamental values. In addition, it is simply impossible to become imbued with the “genius of the place” right away. This takes time. Even if you have hired a high-level professional, you need to “marry” him with the current management system, the accepted practice of interaction between the company’s departments, and relationships in the team. And it's not that simple.

    Secondly, For any organization, it is very important how dedicated people (not in words, but in deeds) are to their work and believe in what they do. In addition to high professional skills (a necessary but not sufficient condition), a true leader must also have the ability to accept the values ​​of the organization and be imbued with true, not ostentatious, patriotism. It’s just that the elements of this mosaic do not add up on their own. Sometimes this fails at all, despite enormous efforts to integrate a manager invited from another company.


    Leaders who start out as rank-and-file employees are more likely to arrive at the C-suite with much-needed dedication and a thorough understanding of and adherence to the values ​​of the business.

    But I won’t say that it’s easier and cheaper to train a specialist within a company than to “buy” one. This is a lot of work and a serious investment. At McDonald's, for example, you can become a restaurant director (of course, growth rates are different for all employees) in two to three years, starting as an ordinary employee. This is a minimum period, but there are similar examples. Considering that the restaurant director is one of the key positions at McDonald’s (from 80 to 150 employees are subordinate to him, not to mention the turnover in the millions), the formation of a manager in such a short period of time is very expensive.

    First of all, about the timing of training.

    The future director will need no less than two thousand hours just to listen to specialized courses at our training center. And this is only the “basic”, the minimum qualification that a person must master in order to achieve the position of director. If we translate this into money, then the investment in training such an employee amounts to hundreds of thousands of rubles. Of course, the amount of investment varies depending on what training programs are used. After all, these can be local classes, programs in Europe or the USA, or external trainings. And I repeat that this is only the basis, the foundation.

    Eternal students

    Another feature of our approach to development is that we never stop and continue training at any position and at any level. For what? Over many years of experimentation and search for best practices, it turned out that if all employees without exception continue to study, the average level of training of the team will not increase. And in the worst case, it will begin to decline. Plus, there is always something to learn. Especially today. The world is changing so quickly, you just have to keep up. So we are learning. Everyone - from entry-level employees to department heads and restaurant directors.

    By the way, the acceleration of the pace of life and the formation of new requirements is not a beautiful metaphor at all. Just remember what demands were made, say, ten years ago to the secretary. Essentially, it was enough to be able to type quickly, be attentive, and answer phone calls politely. And now you need to know dozens of different computer programs. And not just simple ones like PowerPoint or Word. The secretary ten years ago and now are two completely different levels of training. So - study, study and study!

    I often have to talk about how we build a training system. And every time I emphasize that the main thing here is the system. Different people at different stages of development and career growth require different additional classes and training. One today needs to master the practice of successful presentations, while the other needs to develop completely different skills. Therefore, within the current system (and in order to effectively manage investments), each employee in the company has his own personal development plan. As a rule, it is not limited to a year, but is developed for a period of up to three years. That is, the development plan is built taking into account the medium-term perspective. This makes it possible to link the employee’s personal goals and objectives with those facing the business as a whole, as well as determine the right set of development and training programs that the employer will provide.

    We formulate similar plans for employees, starting with the position of assistant restaurant manager. This is about the third step on the career ladder. Although line workers also have their own personal goals and objectives. They are just on a different level, simpler, but no less important for us.

    Plans are discussed with employees at least once a year. And at the restaurant level - once every six months. And again, these are not just documents lying on the table. And not just a box that a manager puts when reporting on the work done. We seriously study what happened and is happening to a person, what worked for him and what didn’t. And why. And then we start thinking about how to adjust the plan.

    At least once a year there is a detailed personal conversation with the manager. That is, with the person who is directly involved in the development of the employee. These conversations and discussions are not at all limited to assessing the risks of the company’s investment in a particular employee. This would be too small for a large corporation. Yes, we assess the risk of losing a person. But the main task of the manager is not at all to reduce investments in training if everything seems that the person is going to leave. The real goal is to identify and eliminate those factors that increase the risk of losing an employee! Different people have different motives. Like the reasons for leaving, everyone has their own. The manager’s task is to understand what actions should be taken in order not to lose an employee whom he assesses as talented and capable of growth.

    Employee turnover, of course, exists - as in any other growing business. This is fine. For example, students come to work with us. Then they complete their education and go to work in their specialty. Well, let them apply the skills and knowledge that they received from us in other companies. Let them become successful - this will be our success too. In any case, we are talking about investing in people who live in our country and work next to us. It doesn't matter that not all of them will build their careers at McDonald's. It is enough that they will more than once remember with gratitude the beginning of their career and the time they worked with us. By the way, opinion polls of our employees show that 80% of them, after the first 6-9 months of work, seriously reconsider their opinion about career prospects at McDonald’s and, having gotten to know the company “from the inside,” want to stay and grow with us. Restaurant managers and directors have been working for the company for at least 10 years on average.

    Operation successor

    An important element of the training system is mentoring. We each have our own mentor. For an assistant, this is a restaurant director, for a director - a production consultant, for a consultant - a manager... and so on. Simply put, every employee has someone who is interested in their development. Someone who will support him, provide resources and (an important detail!) share his personal experience. After all, learning is a “mixed” process. These are not only formal classes and courses, but also experience that is gained through work and communication with a mentor.

    All this can only work together. If you send a person to courses, he will gladly attend them. He’ll sit on them for five days, come back, and... nothing will change. Likewise, it is difficult to make significant progress unless mentoring is supported by training programs.

    I am absolutely convinced that you can become a real leader only when you are able to prepare a good shift for yourself. Moreover, these are the people who move you to the top! The main thing is to clearly and clearly formulate this logic. So that every leader in the company understands how and why he should develop talents in his team.

    We take these issues very seriously. And even a little formally (exactly the case when this is useful). Each manager must not only have one person capable of replacing him, but must form a group of candidates with varying degrees of readiness. The optimal personnel reserve is three employees, cared for and nurtured by the manager. And it is not at all necessary that every growing employee necessarily work in the same department, “under the wing” of a mentor. Rather, every manager should know well and soberly assess the circle of people with whom he interacts in the process of work. And, if necessary, recommend them for those positions that need to be “closed.”

    By the way, about formalism. Any leader in our country knows: he has no chance of growing further on his own if he does not have a replacement. And this, as it turns out, is a very powerful motivation! If I want to grow further, there must be someone behind me whom I will prepare. The one whom I will help develop and learn, so that I can move on myself. The system works effectively because it is simple and logical. People development is one of the mandatory elements of personal certification and evaluation of a manager’s performance for the year.


    At the same time, one should not perceive the system of training and development of employees (and the mentoring system) as an exclusively “vertical”, hierarchical process. The company always has the possibility of “horizontal” development. And we often practice “horizontal” movements. Let's say we have a talented person who is ready to move to a new position, but at the moment there is no opportunity to promote him further. You can always find an opportunity to offer such an employee to develop in a new direction. Moreover, talented people can rarely be considered highly specialized. If an employee has leadership qualities and has reached a sufficiently high professional level, he will be able to successfully work in many areas of business.

    Let me give you an example: one of the heads of the production department, very successful, constantly achieving very high results, at one time worked for four years in the training and development department. The combination of his people skills and production experience has helped him reach a very high position: he now manages hundreds of restaurants. I am sure that “horizontal” development played a role in this success story.

    The vice president for development at McDonald's in Russia started in the purchasing department. At a certain stage of his career, he became interested in a new area - and now he is successfully opening new restaurants in Russia.

    We have a lot of such stories; I won’t even try to list them all. The moral is already clear: the corporate training system is not a dogma or army drill. It is a tool through which a business can achieve its strategic goals.

    I’m also sometimes asked about “HR secrets.” In particular, about the secrets of building an effective corporate training system. There are no secrets! Every person just needs to be able to find the right place. And practice shows that there is definitely such a place in any company. The main thing is to see it in time.

    The “secret” of success lies only in the fact that it is constant, systematic work. Today, developing talent in companies that want to become leaders and successfully grow their business is the main task of HR.

    The economic crisis has given us all a little respite. But in the near future, a real battle for talent will break out. Talented people are an absolute value. Everyone needs them, and not only in Russia. This is genuine capital and the main resource of business, which, in my opinion, requires even more serious treatment than cash capital. The lack of a systematic approach to training and development of employees risks the fact that in a year or two, when you decide to simply go and “buy” the right employee on the market, like in a supermarket, you will see that it is much easier to find money than people.