Homemade skim milk. Is it possible to skim milk at home and how to do it? How is milk skimmed?

Good for the health. This is known to adults and children. When consuming such products, you should not discount the fact that they are high in calories. No one disputes that milk is healthy only in its original form. When a person has impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, high cholesterol and excess weight, he needs to consume skim milk. But we’ll look further at how to make it yourself and what characteristics it has.


Skim milk has some benefits:

  • increased amount of protein;
  • a lot of calcium, which makes our bones stronger;
  • no risk of obesity;
  • a large amount of vitamins A and D;
  • strengthens hair and nails;
  • low-calorie product;
  • blood pressure is always normal.

For those who monitor their weight and health, it is worth noting that 100 grams of the product contains:

  • no more than 45 kcal;
  • 0.7 grams fat;
  • 4 grams of protein;
  • 5 grams of carbohydrates.

So, if you need to control your weight, then skim milk is ideal for this. Moscow and its entire region offers a large number of stores where you can purchase the finished product. The price per liter is high. If you bought milk with regular fat content, then you can easily make a low-calorie product from it.

The cream of the crop

Let's look at a simple way to skim milk. For this you do not need personal presence and constant monitoring. The method is as follows:

  1. Pour the milk into a convenient and wide container.
  2. Place it in the refrigerator overnight.
  3. In the morning you will see how the milk has settled. A layer of cream should form on top, which must be skimmed off.
  4. They can be used to make sour cream or other dishes.
  5. Skim milk is ready.

There will not be much fat left in this product. The methods don't end there.

Settling method

There is another way to separate cream from milk, but it is also based on settling. Here is the algorithm for your actions:

  1. Drain the milk into a transparent container and place it in the refrigerator. Just remember that the exposure time there should not exceed 12 hours.
  2. After settling, carefully inspect the container. Once the layer between the milk and cream has become clearly visible, you can separate them from each other.
  3. We are preparing the second jar and tube. When pouring, the container with milk should be higher than the empty container.
  4. This way, the low-fat product will pour into the empty jar.
  5. Once the cream has all drained into the empty container, remove the tube.

Using this method, you will get skim milk, which you can continue to consume.

Beating method

When you use settling, the cream can still get into the milk, and then the whole procedure will be done in vain. We suggest using a win-win method - whipping. You need to do the following:

  1. Take a mixer or blender. Pour the milk into a convenient whisking bowl.
  2. Turn on the device at maximum speed.
  3. This way, all the fat will start sticking to the whisk.
  4. Take several layers of gauze and strain the frothed milk several times.
  5. For the whole process to go well, it is recommended to heat the milk to 45 degrees.

We looked at ways to make skim milk at home. But what about the finished product that is offered to us for free sale? It is worth considering how such a product is made in production.


Nowadays, low-calorie products are in great demand, and these include skim milk. GOST calls this pasteurization, when the product is separated and heated, thus destroying the microorganisms living in it. The process itself goes as follows:

  1. Heating the milk and further cooling it and holding it at a temperature of 5 degrees for 3 hours.
  2. The product is saturated with oxygen.
  3. The finished milk is packaged in special bags and delivered to the stores where we purchase finished products. This is why store-bought skim milk is absolutely safe, unlike homemade milk.

Advantages and disadvantages

Not all people are lenient when it comes to low-fat foods. They have a number of reasons for this, which have been studied and proven. It is worth familiarizing yourself with them in more detail:

  1. Skim milk has been proven to increase appetite. Because of this, we begin to consume more food and gain extra calories.
  2. Low-fat foods don't fill us up, and the body still tries to replenish them.
  3. With constant consumption of skim milk, the risk of diabetes increases. This happens because the body begins to make up for deficiencies of certain types of nutrients in the diet.

Now you know how to skim milk at home. You can choose the method you like for yourself. We also told you how your own skim milk differs from store-bought milk. The choice is yours. Only you must decide for yourself whether you will consume such products or not.

In cities, the choice of milk is varied; you can purchase both 1.5% fat and 6%. But in small towns, and even more so in villages, milk sold either 3.2 and higher, or generally only cow fat, the fat content of which is approximately from 3.8% to 5%. But anyway, milk You can skim it and get a low-calorie product and delicious thick cream.

You will need

  • wide mouth container
  • gauze
  • deep spoon
  • mixer


1. Pour milk in a container with a wide neck and place in a cool place for a day. During this time, the thick part of the milk will rise to the top. If the container is transparent, you can see how the volume of milk is divided into two layers, the 1st layer is cream, and the 2nd is skim milk .

2. Take a large spoon and carefully remove the top thick layer from the milk. Do not throw away the skimmed cream; you can use it instead of sour cream or bake a cake by adding cream to the dough or cream.

3. If you think that milk and after skimming the cream it’s a little fatty, you can continue defatting it. Take a mixer and beat milk at high speed. The thick part of this product has turned into oil particles.

4. Take gauze and fold it into 4 layers. Strain the whipped mixture in a mixer milk through layers of gauze. The thick part, which has increased density, will remain on the gauze. After defatting, the product will have a fat content of approximately 1.5% to 2.2%. But it is worth noting that low-fat milk becomes not as appetizing as it was originally.

How to skim milk at home? It turns out that there are several methods by which you can reduce the fat content of milk, making it more dietary.

How to skim milk by settling

The settling method is the method that is used most often. It makes it possible to skim the cream from the milk, after which it becomes less fatty.

How to skim milk

The procedure looks like this:

  1. Fresh milk should be poured into a saucepan or large bowl (this will make skimming the cream easier).
  2. Place the container in the refrigerator overnight. In 10–12 hours, the cream will separate from the milk mixture naturally.
  3. Take a clean spoon and carefully skim off all the cream. They are suitable for consumption.

The milk that remains in the pan will be low-fat. It needs to be poured into a clean jar and stored in the refrigerator.

How can you skim milk using the hot method?

This method is called “hot” degreasing. What is meant? Milk is poured into a saucepan and placed on low heat. It is better to use an aluminum or glass pan. After all, milk burns in enamel dishes.

When the milk comes to a boil, turn off the heat and remove the pan from the stove. Allow the milk to cool completely. During this time, the cream will rise to the top and can be carefully removed.

How to skim homemade milk with a mixer

Those who do not know how to skim homemade milk can resort to this method. It requires the use of a mixer. The procedure looks like this:

  • the milk is placed in a convenient container with high sides;
  • the mixer is lowered into it, after which the maximum speed is turned on;
  • after a while you will be able to see how pieces of butter separate from the milk (they will begin to stick to the whisk and remain on the walls of the container);
  • when the oil is completely separated, you need to strain the milk mixture through cheesecloth;
  • the oil that remains in the gauze is suitable for consumption.

If you don’t have a mixer, you can use a three-liter jar! Milk is poured into it, after which the jar is closed with a nylon lid. You should sit comfortably and place the jar on your knee, after which you need to roll it back and forth with sharp movements. After 15-20 minutes the butter will separate from the milk.

If you don’t yet know how to skim milk at home, you can use one of the methods described above. This will not take much time, but only desire and compliance with all the rules of a particular method.

Good day! I have a daughter who is 9 months old. It’s time to give her fermented milk, but there are no low-fat products nearby.

For my eldest I make kefir from homemade milk with sourdough. He eats while running, but the milk is very fatty (tolerates it normally). I skim about 700 grams of cream from three liters of milk, and the kefir turns out so thick that a spoon is almost worth it. I tried to give it to my daughter a little at a time - she eats with pleasure, her stool remains unchanged.

It is not possible to regularly buy low-fat milk or kefir. We live, as they say, on a farm in the forest. The kindergarten is 7 km away, there are also shops there, but they rarely carry fresh milk there - it is not in demand, since all normal people buy local homemade milk. Of course, we go to the city, or rather, my husband goes, but he, like all men, thinks globally, and he constantly forgets such little things as cottage cheese for his daughter, so there is no hope for him.

So I’m thinking about what I should do. Maybe there are some ways to reduce the fat content of homemade milk that I don’t know about? Or give full-fat kefir, if tolerated, and not sweat? Or not give it another couple of years?)

My husband suggests getting a goat, saying goat's milk is not so fatty. But I just don’t have enough goats for complete happiness

On average, the percentage of fat content in homemade milk produced by cow milk is about 3.5-4%. This product contains more than 20 different fatty acids.

Magnesium has the smallest volume among all macroelements - 12-15 mg. It improves the functioning of the human central nervous system, stimulates the digestive system, as well as reproductive function. Magnesium helps strengthen the immune system.

Chlorine is up to 120 mg. Its content reflects the state of health of the cow. When chlorine levels increase, it may indicate that the animal is developing mastitis.

Depending on the animal’s nutrition, its age, the presence of certain diseases and conditions of detention, the content of microelements in the product can vary significantly. Usually it contains many microelements that are necessary for the human body. It contains zinc, copper, iodine and manganese, and small amounts of iron, lead and aluminum. Also included are silicon, tin, fluorine, molybdenum and other elements.

They are needed to ensure normal physiological processes during the development of systems in the human body.

In addition to macro- and microelements, the dairy product includes: water, fats and carbohydrates, lactose, casein, albumin and globulin, triglycerides, citric acid, enzymes and dry residue.

The presence of pigments, vitamins, and enzymes in milk does not exceed thousandths of one percent. However, their value for humans is very high, since they have high biological activity.

The main vitamins that are part of the nutrient fluid are B1 and B2, C (water-soluble), as well as A, D, E and K (fat-soluble).

However, cow's milk may also contain harmful components. High concentrations can cause serious harm to health. A small dosage will not affect a significant change in the condition of an adult, but for children it can be critical. These elements include lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury.

These components may enter the product along with food or through contact with dirty containers. Certified products control the level of their content.

Antibiotic substances (tetracyclines, penicillins and others), inhibitors, radionucleides and pesticides, mycotoxins, hormone levels, as well as the presence of pathogenic microflora are also measured.

Due to the fact that the composition of the resulting product can be very extensive, you need to understand that it can bring both benefit and harm.

See how dairy products are tested for quality in the laboratory of the manufacturing plant.

The fat content of cow's milk is considered a very important indicator when evaluating a product. This factor can be influenced by many factors.

Typically, a dairy product that was collected in summer is less fatty than in winter. This is due to the fact that as the air temperature rises, the fat content gradually decreases. For farmers who milk cows for themselves, this factor is not as significant as for those who have milk processing plants. For them, weather conditions are of economic importance.

It is problematic to accurately determine the percentage of fat and milk content without using appropriate equipment. Without it, you can get approximate figures.

You need to take one glass and a measuring ruler. The glass should be washed thoroughly and then wiped dry. It must be direct so that the indicators are most accurate.

If the bottom of the glass is too high, then its thickness will need to be taken into account when calculating. You need to pour liquid into the vessel to a level 10 centimeters from the bottom, but not from the surface of the table. After this, the glass with liquid should be left for 7-8 hours in the dark dough and at room temperature. During this period of time, cream will form on the surface. Using a ruler, measure the thickness of the accumulated cream.

After this, calculations are carried out. 100% is taken to be 10 centimeters of liquid in a glass. Accordingly, each millimeter of the resulting cream will reflect 1% fat content. This means that if 4 or 5 millimeters of cream appears on the surface of the glass, then the fat content will be 4% or 5%. This method is not accurate because the calculations do not take into account the density of the cream. The density of the cream will depend on the breed of the animal, its diet, time of year, pregnancy and other factors.

The average fat content of Burenka milk product can also be determined using special tables. They indicate indications that relate to a specific breed of animal under the same nutritional and maintenance conditions.

However, it is best to determine the percentage of fat content of the product that Burenka provides using lactomert.

The composition of milk depends on the cow’s diet. A lack of nutrients in feed can lead to both a decrease in milk yield and a decrease in fat content.

So, in order to increase the milk fat content, you should take care of the cow’s high-quality and varied diet, balance the diet in terms of protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, minerals and vitamins.

It is necessary to take into account the biochemical processes that occur during the synthesis of food for calves. As for milk fat, it is formed in the animal’s body from fatty acids. For example, acetic acid is formed in the rumen from plant fiber supplied with hay, silage, and haylage. These roughages provide normal levels of fat in dairy products. The degree of feed grinding is also important. The cow's food should provide a sufficient number of ruminant movements and normal salivation.

Fats in dairy products affect physical properties. The higher the proportion of fat, the smaller the size of the fat globules. The viscosity reading increases accordingly.


Protein in the product can only be in three forms - globulin, albumin and casein. Casein has the highest content - about 82%. It is closely related to phosphorus and calcium. During the preparation of cheeses, cottage cheese or other solid foods, proteins undergo breakdown (hydrolysis).

Milk proteins are very beneficial for the human body, so the products are best consumed fresh. Because they can be lost after heat treatment, during the breakdown of calcium and during other chemical processes.

Proteins are synthesized in the mammary gland of the cow from amino acids that come from the blood. To maintain normal protein levels, you need to include raw and digestible proteins in your animal's diet. However, protein overfeeding threatens to inhibit the fermentation process in the rumen, and, consequently, reduce fat content.


Lactose molecules are made up of galactose and glucose molecules. This component is considered natural sugar, which is obtained from the formed whey by evaporation.

Lactose is a good source of energy for young children; it can normalize calcium metabolism in the body and maintain healthy microflora in the human gastrointestinal tract.

It has been established that when feed with a high content of vitamin A is added to the diet of cows, it is possible to increase the lactose content, which increases the value of milk.

This video will introduce you to a device that can be used to determine the composition and quality of a dairy product.

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Milk fat content is one of the main criteria for assessing the quality of cows' products, which characterizes the presence of proteins and vitamins, and also determines the taste and nutritional value of milk. The ability to produce milk with a certain fat content depends on the breed of the animal, is inherited and is quite stable. At the same time, there are a number of factors that can favorably or negatively affect fat content; they must be taken into account in the dairy industry.

General information

The milk fat content of an individual depends not only on hereditary characteristics, but also on age. The younger the cow, the fattier her milk. As the body ages, fat content can decrease by 5-10%. To measure the fat content of milk, a special device is used - a butyrometer.

Also, the fat content of milk changes during lactation: the lowest values ​​are observed from the second to the sixth week, with a gradual further increase to a normal level for the cow.

Morning milk yields are traditionally less fatty than afternoon and evening milk yields. The indicator also depends on the time between milkings: the shorter it is, the higher the fat content.

When breeding dairy breeds, two factors come into conflict: the amount of milk yield and its fat content. In most cases, the higher the first, the lower the second. However, there are so-called progressive breeds, in which an increase in quantity occurs in parallel with an improvement in the quality of milk.

Features of feeding

One of the main factors in increasing the milk fat content of a particular individual cattle is the organization of effective feeding, proper maintenance and care.

The amount of milk yield and fat content drop very sharply during starvation and systematic underfeeding of animals.

How to skim milk at home

At the same time, research shows that in many cases, a short-term reduction in diet leads to an increase in fat content.

The composition and quality of milk is influenced by rational content in the feed:

  • Belkov;
  • Zhirov;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Mineral salts;
  • Vitamins of various groups.

A certain increase in protein stimulates the formation of more fat, however, when there is an excess of it with a simultaneous lack of carbohydrates (usually in the spring), the quality of milk decreases. A decrease is also observed when the proportion of hay is reduced in favor of concentrated feed.

At the same time, the content of “original” fat in the feed has virtually no effect on the improvement of milk. On the contrary, its excess can lead to digestive problems and a concomitant decrease in productivity.

  • Form a basic diet of roughage and succulent feed, rich in sugar, fiber and starch - carbohydrates that play a key role in the formation of milk fat;
  • Inject sodium acetate into the intestines (150-300 g per day), which increases the content of acetic acid - the material for the formation of fat cells;
  • During the stall period, add sugar beets to the food (about 2 kg per 1 liter of milk) or similar products with a large amount of “fast” carbohydrates, which increases the fat content by up to 0.5%;
  • Short-term addition of brewer's yeast (3 kg for 3 days) increases fat content by 0.2-.03% for one and a half months;
  • Feeding with iodized salt to stimulate the thyroid gland.

Among the feeds that reduce the fat content of milk are:

  • Cruciferous plants (colts, shepherd's purse, etc.);
  • Boiled potatoes;
  • Excessive amount of concentrates;
  • Lack of water;
  • Reducing the share of hay below 2.5 kg per day.

Conditions of detention and milk fat content

The fat content of milk is influenced by all factors important for the healthy development of the animal:

  • Optimal temperature conditions;
  • Healthy humidity and ventilation;
  • Frequent milking intervals.

Long daily walks in cold weather and grazing in summer make it possible to achieve an optimal and stable level of milk fat content for a particular cow.

In hot weather, the quality of milk decreases, in cold weather it increases. The best performance is achieved at a temperature of 10-16 degrees.

The last portions of milk are always the fattest. Frequent milking with additional “massage” irritation of the udder ensures the most complete removal of milk from the udder, and therefore its best fat content.

You can easily find products for dairy farming and udder hygiene at an affordable price on the Khoroshun and Co. website!

How to increase the fat content of a cow's milk

1)The fat content of cow's milk influences the air temperature when it increases fat content of cow's milk falls, that is, milk is less fatty in summer than in winter.

2)Fat content of cow's milk also depends on the breed. For example, the Jersey breed has milk with a fat content of 5-5.5%, while the Black and White breed has only 3.6-3.8%. However, even among black-and-white cows there are animals that produce milk with a fat content of 4-4.5% throughout lactation. There is also a connection: the higher the cow’s milk yield, the thinner the milk. In some animals the indicator fat content of milk decreases somewhat with age.

3) Lactation also has a significant impact on fat content in milk. A few months after calving, the milk becomes thicker. Especially fatty milk from cows in the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy, when their milk yield decreases.

4) Time of day can affect fat content of milk in cows. So, during the first milking in the morning, the milk yield is, as a rule, large, but the milk is thin; it is the fattest during the lunch milking; during the evening milking, it is fatter than during the morning, but not fattier than the day’s milk yield.

5) Other reasons for the decline in cow milk fat content. For example, overfeeding an animal, rumen blockages, inflammation of one lobe or several lobes of the udder (mastitis). Sudden changes in weather are also important, especially strong winds, blizzards, and rain.

What to feed a cow to increase the fat content of milk

— Quality of hay. First of all, the cow needs hay, its absence or a sharp decrease in the norm reduces milk fat content. Feeding low-quality hay, from meadows with acidified soil, or from swamps, also has an unfavorable effect.

Fat content of cow's milk

The best hay for cows is mixed-grass hay from water meadows, as well as steppe hay made from seed grasses (clover with timothy, alfalfa), that is, hay that contains legumes rich in protein.

- Type of food. The percentage of fat increases if the cow is fed brewer's yeast, mixed feed (intended for dairy cattle), wheat bran, ground barley and oatmeal, rich in easily digestible carbohydrates and proteins. When feeding cabbage leaves and sour feeds, less fatty milk is obtained.

Increases the fat content of milk fodder and semi-sugar beets. On the contrary, rutabaga, turnips and kuusiku reduce fat content, although they increase milk yield well. Very useful for dairy farmers cows carrot.

— Mineral metabolism. Phosphorus and calcium contained in the feed have a good effect on both milk yield and milk fat content. The cow also needs table salt (70-90 g daily).

The cow is a very affectionate creature and quickly gets used to humans. She develops habits around milking, feeding and walking times. Therefore, strict adherence to the daily routine, gentle treatment of the animal, proper milking and udder care (washing with warm - about 40 ° C - water, wiping with a hard towel, lubricating the teats after milking with boron petroleum jelly, but not with oils) create conditions for obtaining high milk yields, improve cow health.

How to skim milk at home? It turns out that there are several methods by which you can reduce the fat content of milk, making it more dietary.

How to skim milk by settling

The settling method is the method that is used most often. It makes it possible to skim milk, after which it becomes less fatty. How to skim milk

The procedure looks like this:

  1. Fresh milk should be poured into a saucepan or large bowl (this will make skimming the cream easier).
  2. Place the container in the refrigerator overnight. In 10–12 hours, the cream will separate from the milk mixture naturally.
  3. Take a clean spoon and carefully skim off all the cream. They are suitable for consumption.

The milk that remains in the pan will be low-fat. It needs to be poured into a clean jar and stored in the refrigerator.

How can you skim milk using the hot method?

This method is called “hot” degreasing. What is meant? Milk is poured into a saucepan and placed on low heat. It is better to use an aluminum or glass pan. After all, milk burns in enamel dishes.

When the milk comes to a boil, turn off the heat and remove the pan from the stove. Allow the milk to cool completely. During this time, the cream will rise to the top and can be carefully removed.

How to skim homemade milk with a mixer

Those who do not know how to skim homemade milk can resort to this method. It requires the use of a mixer. The procedure looks like this:

  • the milk is placed in a convenient container with high sides;
  • the mixer is lowered into it, after which the maximum speed is turned on;
  • after a while you will be able to see how pieces of butter separate from the milk (they will begin to stick to the whisk and remain on the walls of the container);
  • when the oil is completely separated, you need to strain the milk mixture through cheesecloth;
  • the oil that remains in the gauze is suitable for consumption.

If you don’t have a mixer, you can use a three-liter jar! Milk is poured into it, after which the jar is closed with a nylon lid. You should sit comfortably and place the jar on your knee, after which you need to roll it back and forth with sharp movements. After 15-20 minutes the butter will separate from the milk.

If you don’t yet know how to skim milk at home, you can use one of the methods described above. This will not take much time, but only desire and compliance with all the rules of a particular method.