Creamy toffee. Homemade toffee candies

Those who are still caught Soviet times, still consider toffee a symbol, the “taste” of their childhood. Actually, this is not particularly surprising: there was not much variety of candy at that time, and from the list of the entire assortment there were not so many items in the public domain. This is why some people willingly make toffee at home - they are driven by nostalgia. Of course, such candies are not difficult to buy even now, however, according to people, this is “not the same.”

But people who were born after the collapse of the monster that united one sixth of the entire landmass also often “indulge” in this activity. However, they have completely different motives. Most often, parents cook this way, carefully reading the composition of modern sweets. Not everyone agrees to feed their child almost the full set of the periodic table in combination with the achievements of organic chemistry. They believe that it is much safer for the health of an organism that has not yet developed.

The easiest option

Despite the fact that these candies are almost the simplest in recipe and preparation, the recipe for toffees (many people prepare them at home) varies from execution to execution. And each owner of his own believes that his method of preparation is the most correct and gives the result with exactly that unique taste.
Let's look at the fastest and easiest recipe.

For 150 g of condensed milk you will need 50 g of butter, a tablespoon of flour, 100 g of milk (necessarily dry!) ​​and 50 g of water.

The butter is slowly melted, flour is added to it while stirring, and everything is fried together until a pleasant golden color. After condensed milk is introduced, everything is mixed and cooked (time 10 minutes, during which we continue stirring).

The milk is diluted with the prepared water and poured into the mixture. Don't stop stirring! When the future candies begin to thicken (this will take about thirty minutes), they are transferred to molds (inserts from candy boxes are suitable) or in a layer on a flat surface. The top will need to be leveled. To make it easier to cut (break) the toffee at home later, you can draw fault lines. Just wait until they cool down.

Probably, no one in the forgotten “scoop” would have believed it if they had told him that Europe also loves such candies. However, this is a fact! The same proud and prim Englishmen willingly prepare toffee at home, although they have their own opinion about what should be included in their composition. For the British variety of these sweets you will need: 230g of good butter (and look for an unsalted version, otherwise you will ruin the whole taste); 250 g sugar (you can use regular sugar, but the British recommend granulated sugar); corn syrup - light, just a teaspoon, but take the trouble to find it; and about 90 g of almonds - it’s up to your taste - roasted or not is more suitable for you.

How to become like the British

If you follow the British recipe, making toffees at home starts by mixing sugar, syrup, salt and butter. This mixture is placed on fire - not too strong, but not barely smoldering. It will take about five minutes to cook (four if you scrupulously follow the recommendations of the inhabitants of Foggy Albion). Chopped nuts are added to the thickened mixture, after which everything is cooked for another seven minutes (or until it turns brownish). The resulting mass is poured onto an oiled baking sheet and distributed evenly over the surface with a knife. After hardening, it breaks into pieces of the required size.

And the Scots love them too!

The closest neighbors of the British also enjoy making toffee at home. And they also consider their recipe to be the most correct. If you want to join the mysterious Scotland, use their advice. The nuances are as follows: you need 390 g of sugar, brown sugar at that, 120 grams of butter, 2 large spoons of water and vinegar, just a little salt and 170 g of molasses. To make Scottish toffee candies at home, all ingredients are mixed and boiled until the sugar is completely dissolved. Most of those who have used this recipe agree that the boil should not be slow, but strong - these are the features brown sugar. Anything stuck to the walls must be removed. If you don’t do this, you will have to take more sugar. Unlike other recipes, the mass is not poured into layers and then leveled, but is carefully dripped onto parchment or foil to create the most delicious sweets. different forms(but mostly teardrop-shaped).

For those avoiding sugar

It is not for nothing that it is called the white death. At a minimum, this is true for teeth. Condensed milk (if you bother to read its composition) also contains sugar. So if you want to avoid this unwanted ingredient, you will have to use a recipe that suggests how to make sugar-free toffee. Here it is replaced with honey, which, as doctors say, is much healthier.

So, a glass of sour cream, a glass of honey and a little butter will come in handy - just to grease the baking sheet or other form where the candies will be baked. The sour cream should not be cold, so you will have to remove it from the refrigerator in advance. All ingredients are mixed except oil. If the honey is not very fresh and has become candied, it is “melted” in a water bath. All this is boiled over low heat with constant stirring. You need to cook for 20-25 minutes. You need to stir slowly and constantly so that lumps do not appear. When the future toffees begin to reach for the spoon, the mixture is poured into the final containers, greased with oil. Ready dish cut according to your preference.

What you didn't know about homemade toffee

  • How to determine readiness: drop a drop into a cup of cold water. “Curled up” - it’s time to drain.
  • Diversify taste sensations You can add seeds, any nuts, dried fruits to the mixture (dried apricots and prunes are especially good).
  • Sweets can be stored for a very long time if they are kept in the refrigerator in parchment soaked in oil.

Try combining nostalgia and natural products!

Candies... Mmmm, how I want to eat at least one of them, especially those with a sweet tooth! And how much children adore sweets - it’s incredible!

But, as a rule, in our time it is not always possible to find out what the factory manufacturer of sweets hid under the colorful wrapping of the candy, and yet children do not want to give desserts in which various chemical additives.

To know exactly what is hidden inside each candy, prepare them yourself in your kitchen, thanks to the recipe described on our website! In addition to delicious and appetizing looking, such an action will also cost you economically - let's get started!

For two servings delicious toffees you will need:

- 250 g sour cream of any fat content;

- 150 g granulated sugar;

- 40 g butter.

Despite such a minimal composition of ingredients for cooking, it takes much more time to create a recipe. However, before you start, grease with cream or vegetable oil without smell silicone molds, since then you will have to constantly stir candy mass and there will be no time left for lubrication. You can line a baking sheet cling film or paper soaked in water - the mass will also stick to them perfectly.

So, pour sour cream into a container with a non-stick bottom. To avoid being so upset about a failed experience, buy high-quality sour cream, since its powder equivalent instantly curdles when heated!

Pour in granulated sugar- the sour cream mixture will immediately become liquid. At this stage of cooking, you need to reduce the heat and let the mixture thicken by about half - this will happen in 5-7 minutes. As soon as you see that the mass has decreased in size, immediately start stirring it with a spatula, otherwise it may burn. You will have to stir for a long time - about 10-15 minutes, but the result itself is worth it!

After about 10 minutes, the entire candy mass will begin to darken a little, acquiring golden color. It is at this point that you need to add butter. Just don’t forget that the oil must be of high quality - the whole mass can curl up. last stage preparations and it will be a shame to spend so much time because of a low-quality product! Add the oil and mix the whole mixture thoroughly.

It becomes stringy and begins to stick to the spatula, which means it’s time to distribute it into greased molds.

Act very quickly, as the candy mass thickens right before your eyes! Place the molds with candies in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes, and then carefully remove the candies from them as they cool.

The dessert is ready - you can cut it into smaller pieces, or you can eat it just like that! Enjoy your meal with a cup of freshly brewed tea or coffee!

Now let's calculate how much such a dessert will cost you if you decide to cook it at home:

— 250 g of sour cream — 20 rubles;

- 150 g granulated sugar - 6 rubles;

— 40 g butter — 6 rub.

Total: 32 rubles will cost 250-300 grams of homemade toffees. Of course, it is not much lower than the store price for such candies, but you and I understand perfectly well that the composition of store-bought candies is strikingly different in quality from those made at home with your own hands! It’s not scary to let your child try this dessert - there’s no palm oil or monosodium glutamate, which means that the baby’s health will not be affected. Cook with us delicious and inexpensive dishes, which are constantly updated in our section. See you!


  • Sugar – 200 gr.
  • Sour cream 20% - 200 gr.
  • Butter – 30 gr. + 5 gr. (for greasing the mold)

Method for making toffee at home:

I will cook the sweet mixture for the toffees in a stainless steel ladle with a thick bottom. I do not recommend using enamel cookware; you risk throwing it away after cooking.
I put sour cream and sugar in the ladle.

I put it on medium heat and continuously monitor the process. I stir often with a spoon. The sugar grains will gradually dissolve completely.

At first, the consistency of the mass will resemble semolina porridge, then it will look like condensed milk. The color remains white for now. We continue to keep the mixture on the fire, stirring with a spoon.

After some time, the volume will begin to decrease due to the evaporation of the liquid. The mass will thicken and a creamy color will appear.

The appearance of color means that the final stage of boiling the mass has begun. The main thing here is not to overheat it. Otherwise, the mass can become very thick and when it hardens, we will get not toffee, but hard-rock caramels. Therefore, it is important not to miss the moment. The mass should be similar in thickness to boiled condensed milk. In color, it can be from caramel to brown. The mass should be viscous, but such that it can be poured with a spoon into the molds, and not spread out. From the moment of boiling until the mass is ready, it takes about 10-12 minutes!

If suddenly you feel that you have overexposed the mixture to heat and it has become very thick. Add 2-3 tablespoons of milk and heat again and stir until smooth. A minute before the mass is ready, add butter to it. Mix well and remove from heat. And now speed is very important! You need to quickly pour the mixture into the mold, because it hardens very quickly. If you don’t have time, then heat it up a little again and pour it longer. I poured it using a teaspoon. It's neater and more convenient.

I leave the containers with toffees until they cool completely (20-30 minutes). And then I extract the toffee using a knife. Toffees are ready! If you do not overcook the mass on the fire, they will turn out very soft, tender and viscous. The sweets turn out much tastier than store-bought ones, with a great milky taste. Bon appetit!

Homemade toffees can be plain, sour cream, with honey or condensed milk. When cooking the sweet mass, you should remember: the thicker the toffee becomes, the more often they need to be stirred. If you don’t do this, the sugar will stick to the walls of the pan, burn, and the taste of the candies will be ruined.

Keep in mind that it is best to cook the sweet candy mixture for toffees on low heat, otherwise it may quickly burn.

For laying out and cutting toffees, it is best to use cutting board made of glass, ceramics, metal or stone. The sweet mass will stick less easily from a wooden surface.

500 g sugar
100 g butter
250 ml milk (or cream)
1 teaspoon vanilla

How to cook toffee:

    Combine milk and granulated sugar in a saucepan, then place over low heat and cook, stirring constantly. When sugar mass will take on a beautiful coffee-brown hue, you should check it for readiness. To do this, place a little of the prepared mixture in cold water. If it becomes thick, the mass is cooked.

    Remove the sweet mass from the heat, rub with butter And a small amount vanilla.

    Moisten a cutting board with water, then lay out the sweet candy mixture, smooth it out and leave it for a while so that it can harden.

    Cut the frozen mass into small squares or shapes of any other shape. Place the toffee in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours to set. After the specified time, the toffees are completely ready and you can enjoy their taste.

These homemade toffees take about 60 minutes to prepare. Calorie content is about 334 kcal per 100 g.

Toffees with condensed milk

300 ml condensed milk
100 g butter
200 ml milk (or cream)
40 g premium wheat flour

How to cook toffee with condensed milk:

    Melt the butter in a saucepan, then add wheat flour and fry it in oil, remembering to stir constantly. When the flour turns golden brown, pour condensed milk into it, mix well and keep on low heat for about 10 minutes.

    Meanwhile, warm the milk or cream slightly and then add to the pan. Cook the sweet mass, stirring constantly, until it turns golden brown.

    On the wetted boiled water Place the prepared candy mass on a cutting board, level it and cut into pieces of any shape. Then leave the toffee to cool before you eat it.

    When preparing toffee sweet mass can be added various components according to your taste, such as cocoa powder, almonds, chopped nuts or chocolate.

We all remember the taste of our favorite delicacy childhood - butterscotch. But only a few know that you can prepare it at home, making them even more tender than store-bought ones. Now we will give you simple recipes their manufacture.

Regular toffee recipe

We need:
One hundred grams of butter, 1 glass of sugar, two teaspoons of water, a pinch of salt and 100 grams of almonds.

First, mix the butter, sugar, salt and water. Cook over low heat for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Add chopped nuts and cook for another 5 minutes. The mixture should come out soft golden. Pour it into molds (even sweets are suitable) and put it in the refrigerator. If you don't have molds, pour the mixture onto a baking sheet, and when it hardens, break it into pieces.

Nut toffee with chocolate

Four hundred milligrams of sugar, sixty milligrams of water, one hundred grams of molasses, 125 butter, two hundred grams walnuts, one hundred and twenty grams of chocolate, one teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Take a baking dish and grease the sides with oil, then set it aside. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water into it, put sugar and molasses in it. Bring to a boil, stirring, and add butter. Cook for another twenty minutes, remembering to stir. When the mixture begins to crackle and thicken, remove the pan from the stove and add the crushed nuts and half the melted chocolate, stir thoroughly and pour into the baking dish. Pour the remaining chocolate on top and let cool.

Cut the resulting plate with a knife and store it in a package with a tight-fitting lid. To prevent the sweets from sticking together due to sweetness, cover the layers with baking paper.

Chewy toffees with lemon

Four hundred grams of sugar, one hundred twenty grams of water, one hundred grams of gelatin, thirty grams lemon juice, orange zest and powdered sugar.

Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and boil, stirring. We dilute the gelatin in a bowl and add it to the pan, cook for ten minutes, then add the juice and zest, mix and pour into the mold. You need to wait three hours for it to thicken, after which we cut the candy mass into squares with a knife greased with butter. Roll the candies in powder and the delicacy is ready. Bon appetit!