How long to marinate salmon with minimal heat. Marinate salmon at home

In winter, the human body's defenses weaken, since in the cold season the diet is not as enriched with fresh vegetables and fruits as necessary. Adjika Ogonyok without cooking without tomatoes, garlic and red bell pepper, which are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, will help correct the situation. And if you prepare food for the winter according to this recipe, all the beneficial substances will be preserved in such products due to the fact that they are not thermally processed or preserved at all.

But despite this, adjika “Ogonyok” can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 year without cooking. The vinegar in the composition helps to extend its service life. It does not “kill” the beneficial components in vegetables, but at the same time, it is a reliable natural preservative that prevents them from spoiling or molding.

Recently they began to add tomatoes to this dish. But they ferment. Therefore, the real classic recipe for adjika Ogonyok is meant without tomatoes.

ON A NOTE! It is believed that adjika Ogonyok improves immunity. Therefore, its frequent use in winter will make colds and flu less scary. With a stomach ulcer, as well as intestinal diseases, it is not recommended to eat this dish in the acute stage.

“Ogonyok” sauce for the winter without cooking was called “St. John’s wort” in the old way. Our grandmothers often prepared it in Soviet times, using it in the kitchen in various variations.

So, it can be added to some soups as a dressing. For example, it will give borscht such a piquant, appetizing taste and aroma that you will lick your fingers. Or, in winter, for soup, kharcho is an indispensable seasoning with an already existing spicy garlic flavor.

It’s very tasty to simply spread such a hot preparation on black or white bread and eat it with any meat dish. And adding chopped herbs and grated fresh tomatoes to it in winter will awaken a beastly appetite, as the aroma will become indescribable.

In winter, it will also help out in preparing spicy sauerkraut salads. If you add onion and “Spark” to it, you will be able to make an appetizing snack.

This adjika is also convenient to use for making homemade kim-chi (chim-cha). Peking cabbage is soaked in “Ogonyok” and the result is a delicious spicy dish.

And what a delight it turns out when you add chopped fresh herbs to such adjika in winter!

Thus, this blank is universal. And you can imagine endlessly where to use it.

Recipe for adjika “Ogonyok” without cooking without tomatoes

This sauce or appetizer is prepared quickly and easily. In about 30 minutes, excluding settling, you can make a 2-liter jar, which will last one small family for the whole winter and the beginning of spring.

Kitchen equipment you will need is a meat grinder. You don't need any more complicated devices.

List of required products

To make Ogonyok without cooking for the winter, you must follow the proportions. Then the preparation will turn out tasty, healthy and will be stored for a long time.

To release a 2-liter adjika cylinder you will need:

  • salt - to taste (added 2 tbsp in the recipe);
  • vinegar essence (70%) – 2 des. l.;
  • garlic – 400 g;
  • red fleshy bell pepper – 2 kg;
  • hot capsicum – 3-5 pcs.
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.

NOTE! Vinegar essence should be handled with extreme caution. She is very concentrated. It can seriously burn you. If there is no 70% option, then focus on the fact that in 8 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar includes 1 tbsp. l. essences and 7 tbsp. l. water. That is, the ratio is 1 to 7.

The process of preparing Ogonyok for the winter without cooking and tomatoes

Take 3-4 cups, 2 of which should have a volume of more than 2 liters. The following steps follow:

  1. Soak the garlic for 10-15 minutes in a small container. This will make it easier for the husk to come off.
  2. Clean and rinse.
  3. Place the red bell pepper in the sink and rinse, cutting it in half and removing the seeds. Place in a large cup.
  4. In the same way, we remove the seeds from the hot peppers. In this recipe, a green variety was added for contrast, but it would be better if it was red. When you plan to make adjika not hot, skip this step and do not add the component to Ogonyok. Garlic without it will also give a slight pungency.
  5. Grind the washed and peeled bell peppers through a meat grinder. We use a small nozzle. Place the mixture into a large container.
  6. Afterwards, immediately grind the garlic and, if necessary, hot pepper in a meat grinder. Its quantity can be taken based on individual taste. The more you add, the spicier the adjika will turn out.
  7. Place everything in a cup with red bell pepper.
  8. Add salt to taste, sugar, vinegar and mix well.
  9. Leave “Ogonyok” to stand in the kitchen at room temperature for 1-2 days. Adjika should ferment slightly.
  10. As small bubbles begin to appear, transfer to a jar, close it with a plastic lid and place in the refrigerator.

You cannot keep adjika made from pepper and garlic for the winter so that it ferments too much. In this case, it will turn sour and its quality will deteriorate. It needs to be put away in a cool place in time.

As you can see, all the steps are extremely simple. After preparation, Ogonyok can be used at your discretion. Did you like the recipe? Leave your opinion or feedback in the comments.

And be sure to make adjika without tomatoes according to our recipe. You will not regret. And in the video, watch an equally interesting version of a similar dish in Abkhazian style.

5 RECIPES OF LAYER SALADS FOR THE NEW YEAR'S TABLE 2020. 1. Salad “Mistress” 2. Salad of pink salmon and potatoes. 3. Salad "Mushrooms in the snow." 4. Ladies' salad. 5. Salad "Bride". All housewives should definitely know the recipe for the “Mistress” salad. This salad combines completely different tastes: the sweet taste of carrots and beets, the salty taste of cheese and the pungent taste of garlic. ABOUT! This food will surprise your loved ones and friends. For the “Mistress” salad you will need: 1. Beets (2 pcs.) 2. Hard cheese (150 g.) 3. Raisins (1 handful) 4. Carrots (3 pcs.) 5. Garlic (3 cloves) 6 Walnuts (1 handful) 7. Mayonnaise “Mistress” salad recipe: Boil beets and carrots. Then grate the cooked products on a fine grater. In this case, all ingredients should be grated into separate plates. Grate the cheese also on a fine grater. The garlic should be squeezed out and the nuts should be chopped. The raisins need to be steamed; to do this, simply put them in boiling water for a few minutes. In order to give the salad a beautiful and appetizing shape, you need to assemble it in layers: 1st layer – mix carrots with mayonnaise and raisins (you can simply grease this layer with mayonnaise, but if you mix it, it will be tastier). 2nd layer – mix mayonnaise, garlic and cheese. The 3rd layer includes beets, mayonnaise and nuts. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. The salad can also be decorated on top. To do this, leave the carrots and cheese out of the layers. But other products can also be used in decoration. Don't ignore this salad because of the name. You will remember the taste of the dish for a long time. 2. Pink salmon and potato salad. Another delicious salad for every day or for a holiday table, all the ingredients in it are quite simple and economical, but together they give a very good combination, try it yourself. Ingredients: Canned pink salmon - 340 grams (in its own juice) Potatoes - 3-4 pieces Carrots - 3 pieces Egg - 2 pieces Onion - 1 piece Apple - 1 piece Cheese - 60 grams Canned peas - 300 grams Mayonnaise - - To taste Description preparations: If you are planning a holiday in the near future, I suggest that, in addition to all other dishes, you also prepare a salad of pink salmon and potatoes at home. It will not only look good on the table, but will also delight guests with its excellent taste. In addition to the main ingredients: pink salmon, vegetables, eggs and cheese, we will add an apple to it, which will give the salad a special twist. All in all, this simple pink salmon and potato salad recipe will definitely add some variety to your holiday menu. 1) So, to begin with, we peel the onions and chop them finely, grate the carrots on a fine grater, and also grate the cheese, but on a coarse grater. 2) Wash the apple, cut out the core, cut off the peel and grate the apple on a coarse grater. 3) Boil the potatoes in their skins until fully cooked, cool, peel and grate them. We also boil the eggs and grate them. 4) Now open the jar of pink salmon, place it on the bottom of the salad bowl and knead the fish with a fork, evenly place the onion on top, and grated potatoes on it, grease this layer with mayonnaise. Then there are canned peas, then a layer of carrots, then grated eggs and the whole thing is completed with a layer of apple, which we also grease with mayonnaise. 5) Place our salad in the refrigerator for about 3 hours so that it is thoroughly soaked, and then serve. Bon appetit everyone! 3. Salad "Mushrooms in the snow." The very hearty and tasty salad “Mushrooms in the Snow” is quite easy to prepare at home. And all the ingredients are available. Therefore, it seems to me that nothing prevents you from preparing it! Ingredients: Champignons - 500 grams Boiled meat - 400 grams Hard cheese - 200 grams Mayonnaise - 250 grams Potatoes - 5 pieces Onions - 4 pieces How to prepare "Mushrooms in the Snow Salad" 1. First, boil and cool the potatoes. If the meat is not ready yet, boil it too. Chop the onion and champignons and fry in vegetable oil. Let cool. 2. Three cheese on a fine grater. 3. Cut the meat into cubes. 4. Now lay it out in layers. Grate the potatoes and place them on the bottom. Then - mushrooms with onions, then meat and mayonnaise. Sprinkle the top of the salad with grated cheese and garnish with herbs. Ready! 4. Ladies' salad. Salad "Ladies" is a very original and unusual salad in terms of taste. If you like to experiment in cooking, a simple recipe for Ladies' salad may interest you. Ingredients: Beetroot - 2 pieces Carrots - 2 pieces Cheese - 200 grams Oranges - 2 pieces Walnuts - - To taste Mayonnaise - - To taste Salt - - To taste Description of preparation: I tell you how to prepare the Ladies' salad: 1. Beetroot and Boil the carrots until tender, peel, grate and add salt. Grate the cheese coarsely too. 2. Peel the oranges and remove the inner films. Cut the orange pulp into small pieces. 3. Finely chop the walnuts. 4. Take a round salad mold and cover it with cling film (this will make it easier to turn the salad over). We lay out the salad in layers in the following order: a layer of grated beets, mayonnaise a layer of grated cheese, mayonnaise a layer of carrots, mayonnaise a layer of oranges a layer of beets, mayonnaise a layer of nuts, mayonnaise a layer of carrots, mayonnaise a layer of cheese. 5. Let the salad stand in the refrigerator for at least half an hour, after which we carefully turn the “Ladies’ salad” onto a plate and serve. Bon appetit! 5. Salad "Bride". The “Bride” salad is perfect for both a festive table and an everyday lunch or dinner. A very simple recipe for “Bride” salad will not cause any difficulties even for an inexperienced cook. Ingredients: Beets - 3 pieces Carrots - 3 pieces Potatoes - 4 pieces Onions - 1 piece Chicken egg - 3 pieces Processed cheese - 100 grams Mayonnaise - - To taste Greens - - To taste How to prepare the "Bride" salad: 1. Prepare the ingredients : Boil potatoes, carrots, beets and eggs (hard-boiled) until tender. Let cool, and then grate each of these ingredients separately on a coarse grater. 2. We begin to lay out the salad in layers on a wide dish, not forgetting to lightly salt each layer and grease it with mayonnaise. The first layer is coarsely grated beets, the second is carrots, the third is potatoes, the fourth is finely chopped onion, the fifth is eggs, the sixth is grated processed cheese. 3. Decorate the salad with herbs and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, after which the “Bride” salad will be ready to serve. Bon appetit!


Adjika “Ogonyok” for the winter is suitable for those who like it spicy, but not so much that everything in their mouth is on fire. This diminutive name is ideal for this workpiece. During the cooking process, we will use the same chili pepper; it will be responsible for the spiciness and aroma of the treat. The bell pepper will add some sweetness to the dish and make its taste completely unique. While tomatoes will complete the taste picture and make adjika tender and very appetizing.
You will find out what lies behind the creation of such a blank if you carefully study the simple step-by-step photo recipe described below. We will prepare our adjika “Ogonyok” without cooking: this way it will have a more concentrated taste. You can serve this preparation as a snack and you don’t even have to wait until winter to do it. This preparation is perfect for cooked meat. Adjika will really turn out delicious and is very simple to prepare, the main thing is to maintain the proportions of the ingredients. In addition to the fact that this is a tasty preparation, it is also healthy: the garlic present in adjika fights microbes well. Let’s start preparing adjika “Ogonyok” for the winter at home.


Adjika Ogonyok for the winter - recipe

Let's prepare all the necessary ingredients for preparing adjika. It is very important to choose all the products correctly, especially hot chili peppers. When choosing it, pay attention to density and aroma. The same applies to bell peppers, which are better to take the freshest and crunchiest. Choose sweet, rich red tomatoes.

First of all, we wash all the purchased tomatoes in cold water, then cut them in half with a sharp knife and remove the stems. You should not use overripe or even slightly spoiled vegetables to prepare adjika.

Place all the bell peppers in a clean sink, fill it with water and rinse thoroughly. Now, using a small knife, carefully cut out the stalk along with the seeds from each fruit as shown in the photo.

Carefully wash the red hot pepper; it is best to do this while wearing gloves. We also peel the garlic.

All prepared ingredients must be passed through a meat grinder in portions, all chopped vegetables are placed in a deep pan, and the specified amount of salt is added there. Cover the pan with a lid or a clean, thin cloth, and then leave to ferment for the next 3-4 days. Every day, gently stir the adjika in the pan two or three times.

Wash the jars thoroughly with soda and then sterilize them, pour infused aromatic adjika into them and screw the lids tightly. We send the jars of adjika for storage in the refrigerator. Homemade adjika “Ogonyok” is ready for the winter without cooking.