How long does it take to cook veal tongue? How to cook beef tongue so that it is soft and juicy

How to cook beef tongue so that it is soft and juicy

Beef tongue is a versatile offal that can serve as a separate dish (instead of sausage, as an appetizer) or in multiple dishes (salads, soups). But not all housewives take up the preparations, as the process seems quite complicated. This is completely wrong. We will tell you how to cook soft beef tongue for cold slicing or salads in this recipe with photos.

Before using or on your own, it must be boiled. We will tell you all the secrets of how long to cook beef tongue in a saucepan and the subtleties of cooking below.


beef tongue – 500 g;

onion – 1 pc.;

bay leaf – 1-2 pcs.;

coriander grains – ½ teaspoon;

allspice peas – 2-3 pcs.;

black peppercorns – 4-5 pcs.;

dry cumin – ½ teaspoon;

salt – 2 teaspoons (or to taste).

How to cook beef tongue deliciously:

The tongue should be rinsed well under water to remove mucus, blood and other contaminants (if any). Bring the water to a boil and dip your tongue into it. This is a simple procedure to preserve the richness of the tongue. Bring the water to a boil.

Drain the water. Now the tongue is definitely clean and ready for long-term cooking. Place a whole peeled onion in a saucepan. In addition to it, you can take carrots, celery (stems), parsley root.

Now the main secret: how long to cook beef tongue in a pan

Fill the pan with cold water and put it on fire. Cook the tongue over low heat for 1.5 hours. Then we add all the spices that we have prepared. Cook the tongue for another 1 hour.

We had two small tongues with a total weight of 500 g; if you have a larger offal, increase the cooking time by 30-60 minutes. How to check readiness? You need to put the tongue on a plate and pierce it with a fork or knife. If the juice comes out clear, then the tongue is ready. If the juice is still cloudy, cook further, but not longer than 4 hours.

After 2.5 hours, remove your tongue and place it in ice water. This transition from hot to cold will help you remove the skin easily.

We pry the skin with a knife and remove it from root to tip.

Dip the tongue into the broth for another 15 minutes so that the beef tongue is soft and juicy. Broth can be used for soups, sauces or main courses. Strain it through a sieve or cheesecloth. If you don't have the opportunity to use it right away. Freeze in the freezer in an ice cube - these cubes defrost quickly and do not take up much space. And if you add a little gelatin, you can immediately cook the jellied tongue on a dish.

Cool the tongue and cut it. This is the way to cook soft beef tongue for cold cutting or as a component for other dishes.

Tongue, pork and beef, although classified as offal, is quite rightly considered a delicacy. The tongue contains a huge amount of iron, minerals and vitamins. It is recommended to be consumed in case of anemia, during recovery after surgery, and is necessary for pregnant women and children. For all its benefits, tongue is also very, very tasty. It is often prepared for slicing, and is also added to salads, julienne, and aspic. The main thing is to cook it correctly.

Selection rules

First, let's try to choose the right and fresh product. It should not be weathered, with dark spots and so on. Choose a tongue that is even in color.

Do not try to buy a very large tongue, as it may come from an old animal. It will have to be cooked for a long time, and by the end of cooking there will be practically no useful substances left in it. And besides, it is known that young veal tongue, like any young meat, contains much more nutrients and vitamins.

Before cooking, thoroughly wash the tongue and cut off all remaining dried blood.

How to cook tongue: two ways

It is better to choose a larger pan for cooking, with a reserve, since the tongue tends to increase in size during cooking.

The first method of boiling the tongue

If we are cooking tongue for slicing, then pour hot water into a saucepan, put the tongue there, bring to a boil and cook, reducing the heat, for about 15 minutes. Then, as when cooking any offal, drain the water, pour in new one and cook further until done . This is done to ensure that all unpleasant odors are removed from the meat. During the cooking process, and the cooking time depending on the size and age of the tongue can reach up to 4 hours, we monitor the water level, and if it boils, add it.

About half an hour before the end of cooking, add carrots and onions to the broth. Many years of experience and experiments have proven that by adding whole vegetables and roots to the broth, you allow the meat to absorb their flavor and benefits as much as possible. In addition to carrots and onions, you can add bay leaves, peppercorns, dill and parsley. In order not to subsequently catch the greens from the broth, you can add only the stems. It will be easier to get them completely. And the aroma from them is absolutely the same as from the leaves. Salt the tongue shortly before the end of cooking.

We check the readiness of the tongue with a fork. Having pierced the tip, we see what juice comes out of the puncture. If it is cloudy, then the tongue needs to be cooked for some more time. If the juice comes out clear, then our tongue is ready. Remove it from the broth and place it in cold water for a few minutes. This is done to make it easier to peel the skin without tearing it off in pieces and without spoiling the appearance of the finished tongue.

How long does it take to cook the tongue? The cooking time depends on its size and age. The veal tongue will have time to cook in an hour to an hour and a half, while the tongue of an adult, or rather even an elderly animal, can cook for up to four hours. But we do not recommend choosing this one, since its nutritional value is much less.

Second way

There is another way to cook the tongue. After preliminary washing, put it in boiling water for fifteen minutes, then take it out, clean it and then cook until tender.

There is no fundamental difference, you can choose any method convenient for you, but keep in mind that in a peeled tongue after cooking there are fewer vitamins left, but it better absorbs salt, spice and the aroma of spices and vegetables.

If you are boiling a child’s tongue, then use the first method, since food rich in vitamins is still healthier for the child, and he will still have time to eat salt in his entire life.

How to serve your tongue

After we have boiled the tongue and peeled its skin, we cut it. Cut it like a regular sausage, starting from the tip. You choose the thickness yourself, as you like. Some people like it thicker. My dad always said: “The mouth is happy with a big piece,” however, my mother always cut the pieces as thick as a sheet of paper. Place the chopped pieces on a plate in a circle. You can decorate all this splendor with greenery on top. Or you can immediately place it on lettuce leaves. Whatever you like best, and based on what you have on hand. Add mustard or horseradish to your tongue as a condiment or sauce.

For salad, the tongue is cut into slices of the required size - strips, cubes, whatever you like. It all depends on the recipe, the general appearance of the finished salad and your imagination.

You can use the broth left after cooking the tongue to make aspic. You can cook soup with this broth, adding leftovers from the festive beautiful slicing. You just need to remove the vegetables from the broth and cut new ones for the soup. You can also use the broth when preparing julienne. As a zealous housewife, let everything go to work in your kitchen. How to cook shrimp correctly.

Post tags:
tongue, cook, pork, beef, veal, right

It’s not for nothing that beef tongue is considered universal! You can prepare a lot of different dishes from this delicious product, or simply serve it as cold cuts, supplemented with slices of bread. By the way, such a snack will be much more useful than the usual sandwiches with sausage, because the tongue is rich in protein and iron, and also contains various vitamins and is rightfully considered dietary. And it turns out simply amazing!

However, no matter what dish you choose using this delicacy, you should first pay attention to cooking the meat. Our recipe will tell you how to cook beef tongue correctly!


  • beef tongue - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • fresh carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.;
  • allspice - 4-5 peas;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook beef tongue correctly - recipe with photo

  1. Before the cooking process, soak the tongue in cold water for about 30-40 minutes. Then lightly scrape with a knife to remove any possible contamination. After the preparatory work, fill the tongue with clean water and put it on fire.
  2. Drain the first broth immediately after boiling, pour cold water into the pan again and bring to a vigorous boil. Reducing the heat, cook the meat without salt. For flavor, add allspice peas, 1-2 bay leaves, as well as peeled vegetables - a large onion and a whole carrot - into the broth.

  3. Continue cooking at a low simmer under the lid. On average, cooking time is 2-2.5 hours, but if the tongue is very large, it may take 3 or even 4 hours. To make sure it is ready, you need to use the traditional method - pierce the meat with a knife. If the blade enters very easily, without effort, and no cloudy liquid comes out of the boiled tongue, remove the pan from the heat. As for the salt, add it at the end of cooking, about half an hour before the end of cooking - then the meat will be softer.
  4. Before eating, the tongue must be peeled. To make this task easier, remove freshly cooked meat from the broth and place it in a clean container. Fill with cold water and leave for a couple of minutes.
  5. After this procedure, the skin will be removed very easily.
  6. Once the peeled tongue has cooled completely, we use it to prepare other dishes or serve it as a cold appetizer, cut into thin slices and topped with mustard.

Now you know exactly how to cook beef tongue correctly! Enjoy your meal!

One of the most healthy and dietary products is calf meat, whose age has not exceeded five months. It has a characteristic soft pink color, is juicy, and when cooked correctly, simply melts in your mouth. How to properly cook such meat for the whole family? How to cook veal for a child? Let's figure it out.

How long to cook veal?

How to cook veal?

To make the veal tender and tasty, it must be prepared as follows:

  • Before cooking, the meat must be thoroughly washed;
  • veal is placed in boiling water;
  • to obtain more tender meat as a result of cooking, it is necessary to cut it across the grain;
  • First, put the pan with meat on medium-intensity heat; when the water boils, reduce it. When cooking over high heat, the desired result will not be achieved, the veal will not have time to cook, and the liquid will boil away;
  • there is no need to cover the pan with a lid; the resulting foam must be skimmed off;
  • you need to add salt at the end, 15 minutes before turning off the heat;
  • try not to overdo it with spices added during the cooking process, they can spoil the delicate taste. Remember that everything is good in moderation. A little salt, bay leaf, dried fruits and peppercorns if desired will suffice;
  • to get the most tender veal as a result of cooking, after 40 minutes of cooking, drain the liquid and add clean water, boiling the meat in it for another 20 minutes;
  • If you want to get a rich broth, cook the meat in one large piece for just over an hour;
  • if the veal has a lot of tendons, the cooking time should be more than 1 hour;
  • After turning off the heat, do not rush to immediately remove the meat from the broth, let it brew for another 20-25 minutes, so it will become more juicy.

By following simple rules, you can easily prepare tasty and tender veal.

How long to cook veal?

On average, it takes 60 minutes to boil veal meat, but this time can be adjusted depending on the size and number of pieces. For example, 150 g of veal, cut into small pieces, will be ready in less than 1 hour.

How long to cook veal also depends on the cooking method. Using a multicooker, you will have to wait 120 minutes, while cooking in the “stew” mode. The pieces are placed in a bowl and filled with water so that the liquid covers them. If desired, add bay leaf and peppercorns.

To obtain the most tender boiled meat, you need to cut the piece into layers, wrap each of them in cling film, throw into boiling water, and keep in it for 2-3 minutes. Then the pan is removed from the heat, and the meat continues to simmer in it for up to half an hour, after which the film is removed, and the veal is placed in clean water and continues to cook for about 1 hour.

How long to cook veal for a child? Same as for adults, cooking for kids differs only in the lack of spices.

By following these simple rules, you will get juicy and tender meat, which is perfect for a healthy diet.

They are considered delicacies due to their delicate soft texture, exquisite taste, vitamin and nutritional value. The structure of the tongue is a solid muscle, so it contains proteins, some fat and is practically devoid of carbohydrates. Beef tongue contains zinc, which produces insulin in the diabetic body, and pork tongue is rich in lethicin, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain cells. The absence of connective tissue in the tongue ensures its excellent digestibility, so we can confidently call the tongue a dietary product. All that remains is to find out how to properly cook pork and beef tongue so that they retain vitamins, minerals and trace elements, and the meat melts in the mouth, surprising tasters with its juiciness, aroma and unique taste!

Cooking beef and pork tongue at home

Before preparing various dishes from the tongue, it should be boiled, so the process of initial processing of the offal is very important for the future taste of the dishes. Here are some tips on how to cook boiled beef and pork tongue.

  • Rinse your tongue well under running water. Some housewives peel the meat at this stage, but this is not recommended, since valuable and tasty pulp can be cut off along with the film.
  • Soak your tongue for half an hour to make it more tender and soft.
  • Boil the meat in water without salt - everyone knows that it is better to salt the tongue in its finished form. How to determine how long to cook beef and pork tongue? Pork tongue is cooked for 1.5–3.5 hours, and beef tongue for 2–4 hours, it all depends on the size of the product. Do not allow it to boil too much, so as not to deteriorate the taste of the meat; it is enough for the water to boil just a little. Don't forget to remove the foam with a slotted spoon. Some housewives cook the tongue in two waters - cook the meat for 15 minutes, then rinse it thoroughly, change the water in the pan and cook the product until tender. This allows you to remove harmful substances and unpleasant odors when cooking broth.
  • Half an hour before cooking, add carrots, celery root, onion and bay leaf to the broth.
  • Keep the finished tongue under cold water for a few minutes and easily remove the skin. If your tongue doesn’t clean well, it means it’s not ready yet.

How to cook beef and pork tongue: favorite recipes

The tongue can be cut lengthwise into thin slices and served with horseradish or mustard - this is an excellent Russian appetizer with vodka.

Tongue salads satisfy hunger and are very tasty if you combine meat with potatoes, avocado, pickles, mushrooms, cheese, green peas, eggs, carrots, garlic, herbs and mayonnaise. By taking any meat salad recipe and replacing the meat with tongue, you will get a very original and completely new tasting dish.

Very popular, baked in the oven with vegetables, mushrooms and cheese, and jellied meat and tongue aspic can be served on a festive table. The tongue can be fried, breaded, stewed with vegetables, pickled, made into meat rolls, casseroles, pies and homemade sausage. If you don’t have time to fuss over the stove, cook the simplest dinner option - tongue with pasta, beans, potatoes or rice.

The taste of this delicious offal can be varied with various spices - thyme, basil and Italian herbs.

And for dessert - a little trick on how to make your tongue even more tender and tastier. After boiling and removing the skin, put it back into the broth, to which spices and salt have already been added, cook for another 30 minutes and enjoy the aromatic and melt-in-your-mouth meat. It's very nice to be a gourmet!