How long to cook dumplings after boiling water. Dumplings with potatoes - how much to cook

Dumplings, like dumplings, are one of the most beloved instant semi-finished products that many housewives buy or make on their own, so in this article we will look at how long and how to cook dumplings (store-bought and homemade) correctly so that they do not boil over and turn out delicious.

How many minutes should you cook the dumplings until they are done?

The cooking time for dumplings depends on their filling (with raw potatoes inside or with meat they will take longer to cook), on the size of the dumplings themselves and on the type of production (usually homemade ones take longer to cook than store-bought ones). Let's take a closer look at how long it takes to cook dumplings with different fillings:

  • How long to cook frozen dumplings (with potatoes/with potatoes and mushrooms/with potatoes and liver/with cabbage)? Frozen dumplings with the filling cooked inside should be cooked on average 10 minutes after the water boils in the pan (from the moment they are immersed in boiling water in the pan), or 3-5 minutes after the dumplings float.
  • How long to cook frozen dumplings with cherries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)? Frozen dumplings with berries are boiled for 10-15 minutes after water boils in a saucepan (from the moment they are placed in boiling water in a saucepan).
  • How long to cook frozen dumplings with cottage cheese? Dumplings with cottage cheese should be cooked for an average of 10 minutes after placing them in boiling water in a saucepan.
  • How long to cook lazy dumplings with cottage cheese? Lazy dumplings need to be cooked for only 2-3 minutes after they float to the surface of the water (place in boiling water in a saucepan). Step-by-step recipe on the topic: .
  • How long to cook homemade dumplings with various fillings (potatoes, mushrooms, cherries, cottage cheese)? Homemade ones take 2-3 minutes longer to cook than store-bought ones, since the dough in them is usually thicker and does not have time to cook quickly.
  • How long does it take to cook dumplings in a slow cooker? In a multicooker in the “Steam” mode, frozen dumplings are cooked for 15 minutes, and homemade dumplings, only molded, are cooked for 10 minutes.

Having found out how many minutes to cook the dumplings until they are done, we will next consider the cooking process itself in order to know how to cook the dumplings in a saucepan and a slow cooker so that they do not get overcooked.

How to cook dumplings with potatoes (cherries, cottage cheese) in a saucepan?

The traditional way of preparing dumplings is to boil them in a saucepan, so let’s take a closer look at how to cook homemade and store-bought dumplings in a saucepan on the stove:

  • Choose a pan of a suitable size (it is better to give preference to a wide pan and if there are a lot of dumplings, cook them in several approaches, and not all at once).
  • Pour cold water into the pan (2/3 of the pan's volume), add salt (half a teaspoon per 1-1.5 liters of water) and bring the water in the pan to a boil over high heat.
  • We put prepared frozen or just molded homemade dumplings into boiling water and, stirring gently so that they do not stick to each other and do not stick to the bottom and walls of the pan, wait until the dumplings float and the water in the pan boils again. There is no need to stir constantly (several times during the period after the dumplings are placed in boiling water and they float to the surface of the water).
  • Reduce the heat so that the water does not boil too much and after the dumplings float to the surface, cook them for 3-5 minutes.
  • We test the dumplings for readiness (the main thing is that the dough is cooked at the seams and they do not start to come apart), after which we drain the water with the dumplings through a colander.
  • We serve the cooked dumplings to the table, dividing them into portions (butter goes well with all types of dumplings, sugar and sour cream can be added to dumplings with berries, and dumplings with unsweetened filling are served with sour cream and, if desired, chopped herbs).

Note: the water in the pan is salted even when dumplings with sweet filling are cooked, so that the dumplings do not stick together during cooking and the dough is tastier.

How to steam dumplings in a slow cooker?

Dumplings can also be cooked in a slow cooker, and they can be boiled not only in water, but also steamed. Let's take a closer look at how to cook dumplings in a slow cooker:

  • Pour water into the multicooker bowl (on average 2-3 glasses).
  • Place the dumplings in one layer on a special steaming stand so that they do not touch each other.
  • We set the multicooker to the “Steam” mode and the cooking time is 10-15 minutes (cooking time depends on the thickness of the dough layer on the dumplings), after which we turn on the multicooker.
  • After the beep, carefully transfer the cooked dumplings to a plate and serve.

Note: you can also cook dumplings in a slow cooker, as in a saucepan, by placing them in the main bowl and pouring boiling water so that the water completely covers them, add salt to taste, then cook them for 4-7 minutes after floating to the surface of the water ( The cooking time depends on whether the dumplings are molded or frozen).

How to cook dumplings in the microwave?

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to cook dumplings in the microwave? The answer is yes! Cooking dumplings in a microwave oven proceeds in the following sequence:

  • Place the frozen dumplings in a deep plate in one layer (one that can be used in the microwave) and pour boiling water so that the water covers the dumplings halfway, then add a little salt to the dumplings themselves.
  • Cover the plate with a special lid (or a smaller plate) and put it in the microwave. At maximum power, bring the water in the plate to a boil (set the timer for 1 minute), then reduce the power to 70% of the maximum and cook the dumplings for 7-8 minutes until tender.

Note: you can also cook dumplings in the microwave without water; to do this, grease a deep plate and the prepared dumplings with vegetable oil, place the dumplings in a plate in one layer, cover with a lid and cook in the microwave at maximum power for 6-7 minutes.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that after reading this article, you will know how to cook homemade and store-bought dumplings in a saucepan, slow cooker and microwave so that they do not crack or stick together during cooking, and also turn out more tasty. We leave our reviews and useful tips on how to cook dumplings with potatoes, cherries, cottage cheese and other fillings in the comments to this article and don’t forget to share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

In order for the dish to turn out the way it should be, and not boiled porridge, it is very important to know how to cook dumplings correctly and how long it takes.

If you bought a ready-made frozen product, then manufacturers usually write on the packaging how many minutes to cook the dumplings until done. But what if you have a home option? Depending on the filling, it will take completely different times, let's take a closer look.

With cherry

The well-known dumplings with cherries are probably the fastest to cook, since the minimum time for heat treatment is required. This is done so that the cherry retains all its beneficial properties.

After you have placed the dumplings in the pan and the boiling process begins again, it is enough to hold them for only 2-3 minutes. The main thing is for the dough to cook, but you don’t need to cook the filling at all.

With potato

Dumplings with potatoes also don’t take long to cook. It is important to pay attention to the size, as well as what filling. If you have boiled mashed potatoes, then after boiling you can remove them within five minutes. But if you are using some other additional products and they are raw, you will have to wait a little longer - about seven minutes. A small frozen product will be ready in just 4 minutes.

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese

Cooking lazy dumplings with cottage cheese is a pleasure. Their difference from the usual version is that the cottage cheese is immediately mixed into the dough, and not placed as a filling. That is why they are taken out immediately after they have been placed in the pan and the boiling process has begun again. This time is enough to bring the dish to readiness.

With cabbage

How long it takes to prepare cabbage dumplings depends on whether the vegetable has been pre-cooked.

  • So, if stewed or fried cabbage is used as a filling, then 4 minutes after boiling, the dumplings will be ready.
  • If the cabbage is raw, the time will double and it will take at least seven minutes.

With potatoes and mushrooms

Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms take the same amount of time to cook as those with potato filling, provided that the mushrooms have been fried beforehand. That is, five minutes is enough.

But if you mixed boiled potatoes with raw mushrooms, then after the contents boil, you will have to wait 7-8 minutes.

With raw potatoes

Cooking dumplings with raw potatoes is quite difficult, but if you still decide, you should, of course, find out how long it will take to cook.

In many ways, it all depends on how you chopped the potatoes: crushed them with a blender, passed them through a meat grinder, or simply cut them into small pieces.

  • Potatoes cut with a knife will be ready in no less than 9 minutes, but again you should pay attention to the size of the dumplings. If they are small, seven minutes may be enough.
  • If you use a blender for chopping, then after the water boils and they float to the surface, you can take out the finished dish in 7 minutes.

How to properly steam dumplings in a slow cooker

You can bring the dumplings to readiness not only in a saucepan, but also in such a universal appliance as a multicooker. For the process to be successful, you need to know how to boil them correctly.

  • Prepare a special container for steaming and grease it well with butter.
  • Pour the required amount of water into the bowl.
  • Place the dumplings on the container, at some distance from each other, so that they do not stick together during cooking.
  • Turn on the device in the “Steam” mode for 20 minutes and wait until the program ends.

Cook the dumplings so they don't fall apart

Collapsed dumplings are not the most beautiful sight. And although they still remain tasty, their appearance spoils the impression, and you can no longer put such a dish on the table. If you follow a few rules, you can avoid this result.

  • When kneading the dough, look at its consistency, it should not be soft, it is better if it turns out quite tight.
  • Roll out the dough as thin as possible, this will allow the dish to cook quickly and not lose its shape.
  • Place the workpieces only in boiling water, while stirring them a little.
  • Don't put too many pieces in one pan at a time, there should be free space between them otherwise they will stick together and tear.
  • When boiling store-bought dumplings, watch the seams; they are not always well sealed, and if you leave them in water for a little while, they will immediately fall apart.

1 year ago

Both children and many adults love dumplings with cherries. You need to know not only how to properly make the dough and mold dumplings, but also how to cook them so that they do not fall apart or stick together. As practice shows, novice cooks do not know how long to cook dumplings with cherries. Let's discuss this topic.

Every housewife probably has her own favorite recipe for making dumplings. Regardless of whether you are preparing homemade dumplings or semi-finished ones, it is important to know how long to cook dumplings with cherries after boiling. The duration of cooking dumplings with berry filling until ready varies from 10 to 15 minutes..

When cooking dumplings, you must follow the following rules:

  • if the dumplings are frozen or semi-finished, then there is no need to defrost them first;
  • to cook one portion you need to pour at least one liter of water;
  • Dumplings are immersed in well-boiling water;
  • after floating to the surface of the water, boil the dumplings for 5-7 minutes;
  • Boil homemade dumplings for 7-10 minutes to prepare the dough on the seam;
  • You can boil the dumplings for five minutes, and then leave them covered for another 2-3 minutes.

So, we found out how long to cook frozen cherry dumplings. But dumplings are not only cooked in a saucepan the old fashioned way. For example, steamed dumplings made with yeast or with the addition of soda. You can use a special pan stand, use a double boiler or a slow cooker. To prepare steamed dumplings, 5-7 minutes are enough.

Adore dumplings with cherries! My mother taught me how to make them from unleavened dough. Although it is believed that the real recipe for Ukrainian dumplings with cherries is made with kefir dough and steamed.

The real summer probably begins when they start making and cooking cherry dumplings. But our family loves this dish so much that they cook dumplings all year round with frozen cherries. So when I was visiting my mother, I decided to make room in the freezer for fresh berries. And I discovered a treasure there, a whole bucket of frozen cherries! And they made compote and prepared dumplings. By the way, I noticed that ready-made dumplings with frozen cherries have a more saturated color of filling than those made with fresh cherries.

I think I’ll soon update my step-by-step recipe for making delicious dumplings with cherries from fresh berries.

I kneaded the dough for the dumplings in three batches in a bread machine, since we were also preparing dumplings with cottage cheese. But that is another story…


My old bread machine had the following recipe for making dough for dumplings and dumplings:

  • Wheat flour – 450 g,
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp,
  • Egg – 1 piece,
  • Water - 210 ml.
  • Flour – 450 g,
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp,
  • Eggs – 2 pieces,
  • Water – 160 ml.

Try several of these recipes and choose the one you like best!

For the specified amount of dough in the filling, use:

  • Cherry – 500 g,
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Starch - optional.

Maybe there will be a hostess or host from Gogol’s homeland on our website who will tell us how to prepare dumplings with cherries using kefir or another fermented milk product. We will be happy about this!

Cooking process:

I repeat, I kneaded my dumplings in a bread machine.
If you have to knead by hand, make a mound of flour on the counter or in a deep bowl. Pour water mixed with egg and salt into the well. Knead the dough for dumplings and let it “rest” under the film. Minimum 30 minutes. During this time, the gluten in the flour will swell and the dough will become elastic.

During this time you need to prepare the filling. Wash the cherries and let the water drain. Squeeze out the pits from the cherries using a special device, a pin or your hands. The cherry juice that comes out can be used to cook syrup with sugar, which can then be poured over the dumplings when serving. I advise you not to put sugar in the cherries right away so that they don’t release their juice. When making dumplings, add sugar to the filling. The recipe for dumplings with cherries contains starch. If desired, you can add a little sugar and stir. The cherry juice inside the dumpling thickens when cooked and does not flow out as much. This is not an acquired taste and I consider it an optional ingredient.

Dumpling flatbreads can be made in several ways. The first is to roll the dough into a rope and cut into small pieces. Dip each piece of unleavened dough into flour and roll it out into a flat cake using a rolling pin. Sprinkle the table with flour while working with the dough.

I prefer the second method. A good piece is pinched off from the dough ball, rolled into a ball and rolled out into a large thin circle. Then round blanks for cherry dumplings are squeezed out with a cup or glass.
So, the filling for the dumplings is ready, as are the round pieces. Place the cherry filling in the center of the circle, sprinkle sugar on it and connect the ends of the dumpling to form a semicircle.

Pinch the dumpling with cherries tightly. You can leave the edges like this, but I love the beautiful edge of the dumpling in the form of a comb, and someone braids it.

Place the prepared dumplings with cherries on a sprinkled baking sheet or board and make the next batch.

Raw cherry dumplings can be stored frozen in the freezer. Freeze them first in one layer on a board, and then put them in a bag.

How long to cook dumplings with cherries

How long should you cook dumplings with cherries? In fact, the filling in dumplings is quite edible, so we need the dough to be ready. Usually they say that when the dumplings float to the surface during cooking, they are ready. One more point needs to be taken into account here. What kind of dumplings do you have before loading them into boiling water: frozen or just made. Naturally, the latter will cook less and faster.

I cook frozen dumplings with cherries or cottage cheese for 2-3 minutes after boiling and rising. I don’t like it when the dough is undercooked and hard. After the dumplings float, you can turn off the heat completely, but let them sit in boiling water for a few minutes.
My family loves sweet dumplings, so we sweeten the water when cooking them.

Dumplings with cherries in a slow cooker

In a multicooker, dumplings with cherries can be steamed or in the multicooker bowl itself. It's very simple!

To prepare steamed dumplings, grease the tray (basket - steamer) with any oil. Dumplings are placed in one layer without touching each other. Boiling water is poured into the multicooker bowl (to start the cooking process faster), 3-4 glasses will be enough. A tray is inserted into the bowl - a steamer with cherry dumplings, the multicooker lid is closed. The “steaming” mode is selected. We will steam freshly prepared dumplings for 10 minutes, frozen ones for 15 minutes.

Of course, these steamed dumplings will not be enough for a large family table. Therefore, the multicooker can be used as a regular saucepan and cook dumplings with cherries in water. Or, as an option, combine the steam method of cooking with the traditional one: dumplings in water in a bowl, steamed in a double boiler.

So, about the cup. Similarly, for quick cooking, use boiling water and fill the multicooker bowl to the middle with it. Load dumplings with cherries into the multicooker, close the lid (or another point - insert a container with dumplings on top), select the “steaming” program. Freshly molded dumplings will cook in 3-4 minutes, frozen in 5-7 minutes.

Remove the dumplings with cherries from the pan, slow cooker or double boiler onto a dish, season with sour cream and sugar while they are hot. And to the table!

Ahhhh! While I’m writing an article for you, I want these dumplings again! Mmmmm - delicious and blundering! Please do not scold me for the photo, these are guest photos (when I was visiting my mother with the children), from my phone.

The owner of the Notebook, Anyuta, wishes you bon appetit!

Real homemade Ukrainian dumplings with potatoes and onions can be prepared according to the recipe from our website ().

Dumplings are one of the favorite and popular dishes, found in different variations in many national cuisines. What resourceful housewives don’t put inside: potatoes, mushrooms, liver, cottage cheese, cherries, strawberries and even grapes... Perhaps everyone will find their favorite option to enjoy a hot and satisfying dish with vegetable filling on a cold winter evening, or to enjoy cold dumplings with berries.

However, it often happens that instead of a delicious dinner, you have to be content with an incomprehensible substance made from the remains of dough, among which the formerly appetizing filling floats. Most often, the reason for a spoiled dish is that semi-finished products are cooked for too long, so it doesn’t hurt to learn how to cook dumplings so that the dough is cooked and the filling remains juicy and does not fall out.

What to cook in?

Traditionally, dumplings are boiled in a pan of water. Low and wide dishes are best suited for this purpose: the water boils faster in it, and the dumplings float in one layer, making them easy to stir and remove.

Those who like to experiment use modern kitchen appliances, such as a slow cooker, double boiler or microwave, to prepare dumplings.

How to cook in a saucepan?

In order to boil dumplings on the stove, you need:

  1. Fill a saucepan with water equal to 2/3 of its volume. There is no point in saving, because the more water, the better: if there are a lot of dumplings and not enough water, in cramped conditions they will stick together immediately, while still in the process.
  2. When the water boils, salt it and carefully place the dumplings.
  3. There is no need to turn down the heat until the water boils again, along with the dumplings, and they float to the surface.
  4. But now is the time to slightly turn down the burner, but not to the minimum setting, otherwise the dough will begin to limp over low heat and the dumplings will lose their shape.
  5. Stirring occasionally, bring the dish until cooked and remove with a slotted spoon or drain in a colander if you are boiling one portion.

To make the water boil faster, add salt immediately, without waiting for it to start boiling.

How to cook in a slow cooker and double boiler?

To boil dumplings in a multicooker, you need to fill the bowl with water and set the “Cooking” mode. Otherwise, the process is similar to the version with a saucepan: after boiling, throw the dumplings into the water and cook, stirring occasionally.

If you don’t have time to stir, you can use the “Steaming” function of the unit by setting the timer for 10-15 minutes. In this case, a special stand-liner is placed in a bowl of water, on which dumplings are placed in one layer. Dumplings are prepared in the same way in a double boiler.

How to cook in the microwave?

When you quickly need to make one serving, you can use the microwave: place the dumplings in a deep bowl in one layer, fill them halfway with water and cover with a second plate on top. Cook at full power for at least 1 minute, then reduce it and “cook” for another 6-8 minutes.

How long to cook?

The time of traditional boiling in water depends on the filling inside the dumplings (the countdown begins after they float).