How long to cook red rice? How much and how to cook red rice alone and with vegetables? How to cook red rice in a slow cooker

In Ancient China, red rice was only available to the very rich and noble people. It was (and continues to be) appreciated for its high content of trace elements, vitamins and antioxidants. Nowadays, anyone who knows how to cook red rice can enjoy imperial food. Its shell is easier to digest than traditional white. For this reason, this variety is not ground, which provides such a high content of fiber, minerals and vitamins. Long grain red rice is especially prized. How to prepare it for use as a side dish? In what dishes is it appropriate to use it? These are the main questions, the answers to which will make its use not only useful, but also enjoyable.

How to cook for a side dish

For a glass of cereal, take about 800 ml of water and half a teaspoon of salt. Before cooking red rice, it is washed several times in cold water until it becomes clear (in principle, this also applies to any other variety of this cereal). Then the cereal is poured with boiling water, salted and left to simmer over low heat for about 40 minutes. Cooking time may vary depending on the specific variety of red rice (there are several). As a rule, it is indicated on the packaging. It is difficult to digest such grains, so there is no need to worry too much. All moisture should evaporate and the grains should become soft.

After this, turn off the fire, and leave the porridge to brew for another 20 minutes. You can add a little butter or olive oil to it. It turns out quite nutritious, but not heavy. This side dish is usually served with vegetables (you can also add fruit). Meat and fish are eaten with it quite rarely.

How to cook red rice with chicken and peas

To prepare a tasty, nutritious, but not heavy dish, you can use this recipe. For half a kilogram of chicken fillet you will need one and a half cups of rice and green peas (you can use frozen), 2 cups of broth (preferably natural, but a cube will do), 3 bell peppers, an onion, 3 tablespoons of tomato and olive oil, a clove of garlic and salt taste. For spices, take oregano, cayenne pepper and paprika - 1 tablespoon each.

Before cooking red rice, it is washed, the chicken is cut into medium-sized cubes, the vegetables are peeled and finely chopped. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan or saucepan and add the meat to it, frying for 5 minutes. Then add onion, garlic, bell pepper and oregano. After 3-4 minutes, add the remaining seasonings, rice and mix everything. Next comes the broth with tomato. After the liquid begins to boil, reduce the heat, add salt and cook under the lid until the broth is completely absorbed (about 25 minutes). At the end, add peas, stir and after 2 minutes turn off, leaving to brew for a while. Serve hot.

Vegetarian pilaf

Red rice is very popular among those who do not eat meat. For this reason, most recipes using it are vegetarian. For a glass of red rice, take 750 ml of water, 2 carrots and onions, 100 g of green beans, chili pepper, a spoonful of olive oil and butter. You will also need salt to taste and a few

In a saucepan, mix butter with olive oil. Peeled and chopped onions and carrots are fried on it. Then chopped beans and washed rice go there. After 5-7 minutes of frying, the mass is filled with water, salted, and chili is added. After the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum. Cashews are chopped and fried separately, also added to pilaf. Cook until the rice is ready - about half an hour.

From the large list of rice varieties, Ruby rice or red rice should be highlighted. Its color is due to the presence of a bran shell, which allows the grain to avoid deformation during heat treatment. This is also responsible for the pleasant nutty aroma of the finished dish. Also, red rice is not polished, so the grains retain a huge amount of fiber, as well as valuable minerals, amino acids and vitamins. If you adhere to a healthy and proper diet, this product is definitely for you.

In ancient times, red rice was eaten only by imperial families; moreover, rice was used for medicinal purposes. Since this cereal is a powerful antioxidant, it is able to reduce the level of free radicals in the body, as well as reduce the chances of the appearance and development of cancer.

Given the recent increase in the population's desire for healthy eating, red rice is gaining more and more popularity. There is no evidence that red rice can cause harm to the body. Therefore, it can and should be included in the diet of children and adults, including allergy sufferers and diabetics. However, if you carefully monitor your weight, then you should not abuse rice - its calorie content is 400 kcal per 100 g.

How to cook red rice (Ruby rice)

List of ingredients:

  • 1 cup red rice,
  • 50 g butter,
  • table salt to taste,
  • 3 glasses of water.

And although it seems that you need to have some special skills to prepare red rice, this is not the case. First, dry red rice needs to be sorted for foreign inclusions - small stones, other grains in a hard shell. Rinse the rice several times under running water. Then fill the rice with water, maintaining a ratio of 1 to 3. This is one of the differences between cooking red rice and cooking long-grain or round rice - it uses two parts of water. After putting the rice on the fire, wait for the water to boil and after 15 minutes add salt. By the way, rice absorbs it perfectly. After adding salt, cook the rice until tender - it may take 15 to 30 minutes. By the way, it is almost impossible to digest rice.
Place the finished red rice in a colander and rinse with running water. Then add a piece of butter or a spoonful of olive oil - a tasty and healthy side dish is ready.

Other Red Rice Recipes

If you decide to cook Ruby rice with other ingredients, for example, vegetables, meat or mushrooms, it is advisable to first boil the rice for 20 minutes. Then it will become softer and will be “ready” to meet other ingredients in the pan.

Red rice can be used to prepare many different dishes, from side dishes to desserts. Sweet puddings, casseroles, and original exotic salads are prepared from it. Rice can act as a filling for dolma, eggs, fish, meat rolls, pita bread, vegetables and mushrooms. Red rice also goes well with legumes: beans, peas, lentils.

On our website there is

Slow Cooker Red Rice Recipe


  • 1 cup red rice,
  • 2.5-3 glasses of water,
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons,
  • Garlic - a couple of cloves,
  • Salt.

Cooking process:

Sort the rice and rinse. Pour into the multicooker bowl and add water. Season with salt and oil. Add garlic for flavor; you don’t have to peel it.

Select the “milk porridge” program and cook until the signal. Rice in a slow cooker should not be rinsed. The side dish is completely ready to eat.

Bon appetit!

Best regards, Anyuta.

Rice is not only filling, but also delicious food. This cereal requires careful handling, careful cooking and a lot of additional spices. There are many varieties of rice and each requires individual cooking.

Rice, like types of alcohol, can be varied, with a pronounced taste, real and original. The best varieties of rice are considered to be the Jasmine variety and "Basmati". Surprisingly, only a combination of all weather and natural conditions can affect the quality of the cereal harvest.

Interesting fact: Basmati rice, like wine, is collected and stored for a certain time to ripen and only then is it subjected to the purification procedure. Properly seasoned rice has a bright taste and pleasant aroma.

oblong grains of basmati rice

How to cook Basmati:

  • It is worth noting that this particular variety of rice is low in sodium. The glycemic index of this rice is very medium-low, which means that the energy received from the cereal will be spent during a long day
  • If we translate the word “basmati” literally, then translated from Hindi (India) it sounds like “fragrant”. It is hardly possible to compare the aroma of “basmati” with anything, but connoisseurs say that it has absorbed the aroma of forest and flowers. In fact, the cereal has a pleasant nutty aroma
  • It is important to preserve the flavor of the rice while cooking it. This rice really “loves” its steaming. If you don’t have a double boiler or multicooker, then the usual preparation of this cereal in a simple saucepan with a lid will also work
  • Basmati does not require long cooking and large amounts of water. The proportions of liquid (water or broth) and rice should be strict and slightly less than 1 to 2. “Basmati” can confidently be called an elite variety of rice. It is perfect for cooking real pilaf or a simple side dish, incredibly tasty and one that will crumble into grains

"Jasmine" - another variety of elite rice. It received its unusual name only due to the fact that the cereal is distinguished by a special delicate floral aroma, rich in flowers and nature. The grains smell so sweet that they can only be compared to a jasmine flower.

It’s not for nothing that jasmine is called “the bread of the world” in some countries. This variety of rice was first grown only for royal families.

Jasmine is a rice that loves drought very much. Dry, saline soil is favorable for it. They tried to sow this rice in many parts of the planet, but only in Thailand did it find the most comfortable conditions for itself.

snow-white grains of Jasmine rice

How to cook Jasmine rice:

  • The grains of this rice are visually oblong, but they are particularly snow-white
  • After cooking, you can notice how incredibly soft and crumbly the rice becomes, how snow-white it looks and tastes good.
  • Jasmine rice requires the correct ratio of grain and water during cooking: a glass of rice to two glasses of water
  • “Jasmine” should be cooked only with the lid closed, so that the rice is sure to be soft and keep its beautiful airy shape.
  • From "Jasmine" you can ideally prepare various exotic dishes, salads and even desserts

Red ruby ​​rice: how to cook and how much?

Such an unusual type of rice as “ruby” cannot always be found on store shelves. It is distinguished not only by its high cost, but also by its uniqueness. However, such a cereal is useful in all respects. it is often prepared by raw foodists and vegetarians, as well as people who care about their health, only because it is much healthier than ordinary white rice.

red rice "Ruby", cooking rules and benefits of rice

How to cook Ruby red rice:

  • Not everyone can learn how to cook this type of rice the first time.
  • Of course, you can try to cook it normally, but this may ruin it.
  • This kind of rice requires attention and time, only then can it turn out very juicy and incredibly tasty
  • First of all, to start working with this type of rice is to sort it out: you should very carefully and thoroughly remove from the rice all foreign husks and even pebbles, which are often encountered
  • A glass of selected rice must be rinsed very thoroughly and several times with cold water. This must be done until the water after the rice is crystal clear.
  • A glass of rice is poured into a cooking vessel and filled with liquid (water or broth for vegetables, as well as meat - 2.5 cups)
  • Rice requires cooking exclusively on medium, moderately medium heat after its first boil
  • It must be cooked strictly under a tightly closed lid; it should not be opened for the entire forty minutes.
  • Stir the rice once or twice to avoid burning.
  • Each time the foam on the surface must be removed with a spoon.
  • If after forty minutes the rice is still not soft, you need to cook it for an additional ten minutes with the lid closed.
  • A spoonful of any oil is added to the finished rice and served as a side dish.

Red rice has such an unusual color due to its shell, which, by the way, contains a huge amount of microelements and fiber. This is why red rice is considered one of the healthiest varieties of rice.

meat with a side dish of red rice

How and how much to cook regular round rice?

Round rice is one of the most popular varieties that almost every housewife prepares at home. It has excellent taste and is not expensive. But still, it is worth noting that not every housewife cooks this rice correctly and for this reason it turns into either a sticky or boiled mass.

round rice, short grain rice

Round rice is distinguished by the fact that it can be more sticky than other varieties. Round rice is ideal for making sushi and desserts.

How to cook round rice:

  • Round rice requires careful washing. Rinse the rice up to seven times, changing the water each time. After the last rinse, the water should be clear and clean. There is also this option for washing round rice: first scald it with boiling water, and then start rinsing until clean water
  • Round rice requires a strict grain to water ratio. The exact ratio requires two glasses of liquid (vegetable or meat broth, water) and a glass of cereal
  • Cooking this rice requires high heat for the first three minutes.
  • Then the fire should be turned down to the minimum level and in this state, simmer for another seven minutes.
  • Close the lid at the very beginning and do not open it
  • After you have cooked the rice for ten minutes, turn off the heat and leave it like that without opening the lid for another ten minutes.
  • After this, the lid opens for the first time during the entire cooking period, you can add other additives to taste: oil, salt, spices

cooked round rice

How much and how to cook wild black rice?

Wild black rice is a wonder for the everyday table. However, modern stores can offer customers this type of rice, so you should know about its benefits and method of preparation.

Wild black rice is rich in nutrients due to its dark shell. This rice may be dark brown in color or may have a shade of purple. Rice has a pleasant nutty aroma and delicate taste. The best part is that preparing it, despite its originality, is very simple.

wild black rice

How to cook wild black rice:

  • Like any variety, this rice requires careful washing. A strict ratio of water to cereal is required: two to one
  • After washing, the rice approximately doubles in size.
  • Rinse the rice by hand by rubbing it in water between your palms. Repeat the procedure several times, changing the water each time.
  • High-quality washing of rice will help you wash away all the starch that is present on its surface and, as a result, it will not stick together
  • The best way to rinse is to leave the rice in cold water to soak. This must be done for twelve hours
  • It is advisable to cook rice in a large saucepan.
  • After your rice boils for the first time, cover the pot tightly with a lid.
  • Cooking time is half an hour
  • The infusion time for the cereal after cooking is about ten minutes, only after that it can be mixed with a spoon and seasoned as desired

cooked black wild rice

How and how much to cook rice for cabbage rolls?

Making delicious cabbage rolls requires pre-prepared rice. If you add raw dry rice to the minced meat, as a result, during the cooking process, it will not have time to boil and will literally “crunch” on your teeth, and the envelopes of cabbage rolls themselves will not unfold nicely. To prepare cabbage rolls, it is best to use regular round rice - it is the most sticky and it can hold all the ingredients of the dish together, preventing it from falling apart and maintaining its given shape.

Preparing rice for cabbage rolls:

  • Like other varieties, this type of rice requires high-quality washing. This procedure can dissolve starch on the surface of the cereal and wash it off so that the rice is not very shapeless
  • Cereals should be cooked in a strict ratio of dry part to liquid: one to 1.5
  • Cooking requires high heat for ten minutes
  • You should drain the hot water immediately after cooking, but you shouldn’t rinse the rice - this will completely wash away the last remnants of starch that will still be useful.
  • Wait until the rice has cooled to room temperature and only then add it to the minced meat. Warm round rice is the most sticky, it will help the minced meat keep its given shape and thanks to this it will be easy to wrap the filling in a cabbage leaf
  • As a rule, such rice should not be salted during cooking, so as not to spoil the taste of the finished dish. Salt is used to season either the minced meat, the cabbage rolls themselves, or the sauce in which they are stewed.

rice with minced meat, formed into lumps for making cabbage rolls

How and how long to cook rice in pilaf?

To prepare pilaf, it is best to use long-grain rice. The ideal rice is the Basmati variety. Cooking delicious crumbly pilaf requires careful preparation of rice:

  • First of all, the rice must be thoroughly washed. It is best to use cold water for this. Rice must be rinsed until clean, removing all excess starch.
  • To prevent the rice from sticking together and becoming rough, it should be soaked after rinsing in cold water for about twenty minutes.
  • After washing, melt the required amount of vegetable oil or lamb fat in a cauldron (in the original)
  • The soaked rice is drained and sent into hot oil, where it must be fried until completely transparent for twenty minutes.
  • After this, the cauldron with rice should be removed from the heat and allowed to cool.
  • After this, it is filled with prepared pre-salted broth or ordinary boiled water with salt. The water to rice ratio should be 1.5 cups of liquid per cup of rice.
  • The cauldron is put back on high heat. After boiling, cover it with a lid and cook for five minutes at maximum temperature and fifteen minutes at low temperature. During this time the lid cannot be opened.
  • After this, the remaining ingredients for preparing pilaf are added to the rice: vegetables, meat and spices to taste
  • With this preparation, the rice turns out crumbly, it absorbs all the aromas and tastes of the broth

preparing rice for pilaf

How and how much to cook rice for salad?

Some salad recipes call for adding rice to the rest of the ingredients.

  • You should definitely know that the rice in the salad must be crumbly.
  • Rice should not stick together so that each ingredient can retain its shape and the dish cannot turn into mush.
  • For salad, it is best to choose varieties: wild rice, basmati or indica
  • Ideally, the rice you intend to add to the salad is steamed
  • Rice for salad definitely needs to be thoroughly washed to get rid of all the starch, which serves as a gluing component.
  • In a salad, rice should be cooked in boiling water and at high temperatures for no longer than seven minutes. Let it sit for a while and then rinse with cold water.

rice for making salads

How and how much to cook rice for a side dish?

There are several rules for properly cooked rice for a side dish:

  • rice must be washed, this is the secret of its crumbly state
  • rice must be cooked exactly as indicated on the package (from 5 to 10 minutes)
  • Rice should be cooked with the lid closed, which should not be opened during cooking and steeping.
  • After cooking, leave the rice for five to ten minutes and only then stir, adding salt and oil to taste

rice for garnish

Rice for sushi and rolls: how to cook and how much?

For sushi and rolls, it is best to use either special Japanese rice or regular round grain rice. By the way, manufacturers often add simply round rice under the “sushi rice” label. Therefore, it doesn’t matter at all which type you prefer.

There are several rules for cooking sushi rice:

  • Rice must be rinsed six to seven times before cooking until it has clean water.
  • cook rice in the ratio: a glass of rice and one and a half glasses of water
  • You need to cook the rice over high heat for exactly ten minutes and do not open the lid during this time.
  • after ten minutes of cooking, turn off the fire and leave the rice for another ten minutes
  • after this, the rice is laid out in a glass or wooden bowl
  • you need to wait until it cools down to body temperature
  • it must be seasoned with rice vinegar sauce
  • When warm, rice is formed for making sushi and rolls, since only in this state is it very sticky and sticky

rice for making sushi and rolls

How and how much to cook brown rice?

Brown rice differs from white rice not only in the cooking process, but also in its taste and composition. It is much tastier and more aromatic than all the usual varieties, but you should spend time preparing it according to all the rules:

  • The rice is washed with cold water and left in clean water to swell for several hours.
  • After this, it should be placed in a saucepan and filled with water (you can also fill it with broth if desired)
  • It is not the rice that should be salted, but the water with which you will pour the cereal at the very beginning
  • Ratio of rice to water: approximately 1 to 4
  • Wait for the water to boil and cook the rice for about half an hour
  • All this time, cook the rice over high heat.
  • After the cooking time has expired, the lid does not open and the rice sits for another fifteen minutes.
  • The finished rice is seasoned with oil and mixed

brown rice, cooking

How to cook rice in a slow cooker?

The presence of modern kitchen appliances greatly facilitates the process of preparing rice. As a rule, every multicooker has a “rice” or “cereals” mode. It is also necessary to use a multi-glass. A multi-glass will allow you to correctly measure the amounts of cereal and water.

How to cook steamed rice?

Steamed rice makes the cooking process much easier. The fact is that this rice undergoes a special treatment, which washes out excess starch from the grain and makes it crumbly in the dish. Steamed rice should not be washed (except once for cleanliness) and infused in water.

Simply add water to the rice according to the instructions on the package and cook for fifteen minutes in boiling water. After this, do not open the lid, let it stand. After 15 minutes of infusion, add oil and stir the rice.

parboiled rice

How to cook rice in a saucepan?

Any type of rice can be easily cooked in a saucepan. To do this, you need to follow some important recommendations:

  • choose a pan with a thick bottom, in such a pan the rice will not burn
  • You need to salt the rice either immediately or already in the finished state
  • Do not open the lid of the pan during cooking.
  • leave the pan closed to infuse the rice after cooking

How to cook rice in water?

Rice is prepared in different ways:

  • on the water
  • with vegetable broth
  • in meat broth
  • in butter or fat

Cooking rice with water is the easiest way. You will get the perfect rich taste of the cereal. When cooked correctly, the rice will fall apart and not stick together:

  • rinse the rice with cold water (not warm or hot)
  • steep rice in cold water
  • If necessary, rinse the rice with cold water

rice is boiled in water

How to cook rice in bags?

Some food manufacturers have made the cooking process as easy as possible for housewives. To do this, they produce rice in bags, which requires simple cooking:

  • Boil water in a saucepan
  • Place a bag of rice in boiling water
  • Wait until the water boils again and cover the pan with a lid.
  • Cook rice over medium heat for fifteen minutes
  • After this, let the rice sit in hot water for two to three minutes.
  • remove the rice packet from the water using a fork
  • cut the packaging and pour the contents into a dish
  • salt the rice to taste and season it with butter

rice in bags

In what ratio should you cook rice to prevent it from sticking?

  • Each individual variety of rice requires individual preparation
  • As a rule, the manufacturer must indicate the ratio of cereals and water on the packaging
  • But it is important to know that the ideal ratio of cereal and water is one to one and a half
  • original varieties of rice require more water (up to five glasses of water per glass of rice)
  • To prevent rice from sticking, it must be thoroughly washed to remove starch before cooking, because this component is the reason for its stickiness.

How to cook rice in a steamer?

  • A steamer allows you not only to facilitate the cooking process, but also to prepare the most delicious and beautiful fluffy rice.
  • Pour the required amount of water into the steamer container
  • rice should be poured into a special bowl for cereals
  • Turn on the steamer as normal and monitor the process
  • Estimated cooking time for rice: half an hour

cooking rice in a steamer

How to cook rice with milk?

  • Very often rice is boiled in milk. The result is a sweet dish for children, which is often called “Milk”
  • The dish must be cooked carefully so that it does not turn into an unpleasant, homogeneous porridge.
  • You can use any rice for this dish, but round rice works best.
  • If you want a fairly liquid “Milk”, you should first cook the rice until half cooked
  • To do this, rinse the rice in cold water and cook in a saucepan at high temperature for five minutes.
  • After this, rinse the rice again with cold water and add it to boiling milk.
  • Boil the milk porridge for another fifteen minutes, add sugar and leave covered for a while until it cools.

rice porridge with milk

How to cook rice in the microwave?

It turns out that rice can also be cooked in the microwave:

  • To prepare this type of rice, you need special dishes with a heat-resistant lid
  • add two glasses of rice and four glasses of water, salt, oil to the bowl
  • cover the dish with a lid and place in the oven for 15 minutes
  • After this, the lid is opened and placed back in the oven for 15 minutes.

How long should you cook rice until half cooked?

  • In some cases, it is necessary to cook the rice until half cooked.
  • To do this, you should also carry out a washing procedure
  • Cook the rice after the water boils for about five minutes over high heat with the lid closed
  • after that it infuses for another two minutes with the lid closed

How to cook rice for meatballs?

  • The main purpose of rice in meatballs is to glue all the ingredients together and keep the shape of the meatballs
  • Rice should be added to meatballs, pre-cooked until half cooked.
  • There is no need to salt rice; salt meat or sauce for making meatballs.
  • Round rice should be used for meatballs - it is the most sticky of all varieties

How do the Japanese and Chinese cook rice?

Depending on the recipe, the Japanese prepare rice in different ways:

  • rice can be cooked in a broth of meat and vegetables
  • rice fry in hot oil
  • rice cooked in a steamer

After cooking, the rice is infused and topped with a specially prepared rice vinegar sauce.

How to cook rice for weight loss?

Rice is a fairly high-calorie cereal, but it is useful to eat during a diet. However, if you want to lose weight, you must follow some rules for cooking rice:

  • if possible, give preference to original varieties of rice: black, brown, red, brown
  • rice should not be salted during cooking and no oil should be added to it
  • Rice is thoroughly washed before cooking to remove as much starch as possible.
  • Rice should be eaten in limited quantities and only in addition to vegetables, not mixed with meat, dairy products, or fruits

Video: “How to cook fluffy rice?”

Black and even red rice. Not everyone knows how to cook this kind of rice. Although there is nothing difficult about this, you still need to know some subtleties. Cooking technology, cooking tips and recipes will be discussed below.

How long to cook red rice

The cooking time for red rice directly depends on its variety and soaking. For example, red rice with a great aroma of Hom Daeng takes about 40 minutes to cook, but if you soak it, it will only take 10-15 minutes to cook.

Brutan rice will be ready in 45 minutes, and with soaking - in 20 minutes. The finished dish will be pale pink. Fergana devzira rice has several subspecies, each of which must be soaked for 3-5 hours. Then the dish will cook for half an hour.

Red rice "Rubin" is popular in Russia. This is the first domestic large-grain variety that is grown on an industrial scale. It takes half an hour to prepare.

Cooking Instructions for Red Rice

To prepare a simple side dish, you will need 1 cup of red rice, 3 cups of water, butter and salt. Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Sort the rice, removing small pebbles and husks.
  2. The selected cereal must be poured into a sieve and rinsed well under running water.
  3. Place the grains in a saucepan that has a thick bottom.
  4. Pour three cups of boiling water, the layer of water should cover the rice by 2 cm.
  5. Add salt to taste.
  6. Place the pan on the fire and wait for it to boil.
  7. Don't forget to skim off any foam that has formed with a spoon.
  8. After this, reduce the temperature and continue cooking the rice for 40 minutes. As a result, the liquid should disappear and the cereal should become soft.

Let the finished side dish simmer for about 10 minutes under the lid. It should be served with butter.

Red rice is considered the healthiest variety because of its shell. It contains many different vitamins, minerals and fiber. It was noticed that after regular consumption of dishes made from it, intestinal function improves, blood sugar normalizes, and weight decreases.

Many years of culinary experience include the following tips about such cereals:

  1. It is an excellent side dish for fish, meat, vegetables and mushrooms. You can also cook sweet milk porridge with dried fruits from it.
  2. Cooked red rice becomes more delicious if you sprinkle it with lime or lemon juice before serving.
  3. There is no need to rinse the grains after cooking; they remain crumbly.
  4. The finished dish can be stored for 3 days in the refrigerator.
  5. It is better to soak the rice, this will reduce the cooking time by almost 2 times.

Red Rice Recipes

Rice with mushrooms

This dish will not leave anyone indifferent and will bring some novelty to your usual diet. For preparation you will need the following products:

  • 1.5 cups red rice;
  • medium bulb;
  • small carrots;
  • 300 grams of champignons;
  • basil;
  • butter;
  • salt and pepper.

First, cook the rice. Next, you need to cut the mushrooms into medium pieces. Finely chop the vegetables and fry them in oil, add mushrooms to them. Fry until a golden brown crust appears on them. At the end of cooking, add pepper and salt to the mushrooms and vegetables at your discretion. The finished mixture should be mixed with cooked red rice and basil. Let simmer covered for 10 minutes.

Hearty rice soup

You can also prepare first courses from red cereals. The ingredients needed are:

  • a glass of rice;
  • 300 grams of meat, chicken fillet is best;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • small onion;
  • carrot;
  • A glass of tomato juice;
  • sour cream;
  • dill and parsley;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pepper and salt.

Boil the cereal until semi-soft. Place a pot of water on the stove. While it is boiling, you can peel and chop vegetables and meat. Onions and carrots should be fried in a frying pan. After boiling, add chopped fillet, potatoes and rice to the water. You can immediately add sautéed vegetables. Add salt to taste. After the soup boils, pour in the tomato juice and cook until fully cooked over low heat. After cooking, add chopped herbs, cover the pan with a lid and leave to brew. Serve with sour cream.

Red rice with pine nuts

This dish can surprise all your guests. It is prepared quite simply. Ingredients:

  • 1.5 cups of cereal;
  • small zucchini;
  • ear of corn;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • some pine nuts;
  • olive oil;
  • dill;
  • juice of half a lemon.

First boil the rice. Then cut the zucchini into rings and fry in olive oil until golden brown. Don't forget to season the slices with salt and pepper. Place the nuts in a dry frying pan and fry for two minutes. Lemon juice should be mixed with chopped garlic, dill, pepper and salt. The kernels must be cut off from the corn. Combine rice with corn, zucchini, nuts and dressing, then stir.

Red rice dishes are quite easy to prepare. They will surprise you with their aroma and taste. Prepare and enjoy!

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Red rice is one of the healthiest foods, because it does not undergo a grinding procedure, but only undergoes peeling. Thanks to this, it retains the maximum amount of valuable vitamins, minerals, and also contains fiber. This cereal has a fairly soft shell, which is perfectly absorbed by the human body.

You can prepare a huge variety of tasty and healthy dishes from red rice. Regardless of which red rice recipe you choose, it is based on grains that must be cooked correctly.


  1. Salt - 0.5 tsp.
  2. Water - 450-550 g
  3. Red rice - 1 tbsp.


  • You don’t have to worry that the rice will boil over, since it has an unpolished shell and is denser, so it’s quite difficult to digest it.
  • If you want to cook red rice correctly, then you must strictly follow the instructions that the manufacturer indicates on the package. It is worth remembering that for each type of cereal, a different amount of water and cooking time are set.
  • So, take a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water into it and bring to a boil. Before you start cooking, you must sort out the grains, since this type of rice is not polished, so various specks and debris may remain in it.
  • It is also necessary to remove those grains that have defects in the form of dark spots.
  • Immediately before cooking, rinse the cereal well in cold water several times - all dust and debris should be separated. At the end the water should remain completely clear.
  • Pour boiling water over the well-washed rice, adding a little salt before doing so. The most important thing now is to pour the right amount of liquid, since it will have to be completely absorbed before the end of cooking. If you cannot correctly calculate the amount of liquid and periodically add water during cooking, then lumps may appear.
  • You need enough water to cover the top of the cereal by 2 fingers. As soon as the water boils, remove the foam that appears, turn up the heat as high as possible and cook the rice for 20 to 40 minutes, until it is soft. Also by this time the liquid should be completely absorbed.
  • There are times when, while cooking red rice, the water turns a dirty red color. Don't worry, you'll just need to replace it with a clean one. In this case, the cereal is cooked for about 5 minutes after the water boils, then the dirty grain is drained and boiling water is poured. It is worth remembering that salt will be added after you change the water.
  • As soon as the cereal is completely cooked, you need to turn off the stove, then leave the porridge for about 10 minutes to steep.
  • The combination of red rice with vegetables, mushrooms, and salads is very tasty. However, it is not recommended to combine it with meat gravy, since this type of rice is very nutritious even in its pure form.

Red Rice: Best Recipes

With vegetables


  1. Beans - 100 g
  2. Bell pepper - 100 g
  3. Canned corn - 100 g
  4. Ground chili pepper - to taste
  5. Onions - 1 pc.
  6. Paprika - to taste
  7. Water - 300 g
  8. Red rice - 200 g


  • First you need to boil the red rice until completely cooked. Separately, boil the beans and drain the water, allowing the bean grains to dry.
  • We clean, wash and chop the onion, then lightly fry it in a hot frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil, add a little paprika, add chili pepper and beans.
  • Lightly dry the corn. Wash the pepper and cut it into not very large pieces. Then add these ingredients to the pan and fry until the beans are completely cooked.
  • Add fully boiled red rice to the pan and mix it well with the vegetables. Add a little salt (to taste) and simmer everything together for a couple of minutes, but do not overheat it too much.
  • To add a little flavor to the dish, take fresh cilantro, chop it and sprinkle it on the dish.

With mushrooms


  1. Ground red pepper - to taste
  2. Salt - to taste
  3. Butter - 45-55 g
  4. Green basil - to taste
  5. Carrot - 1 pc.
  6. Mushrooms (champignons) - 250-325 g
  7. Onion - 1 onion
  8. Water - 2.5 tbsp.
  9. Red rice - 1.5 tbsp.


  • Place a saucepan on the stove and bring water to a boil. As soon as the water begins to boil, add the pre-prepared red rice and cook over low heat under a closed lid for about 40 minutes, until fully cooked. Just before the end of cooking, add salt.
  • In a hot frying pan, melt a little butter and fry the chopped carrots and onions until the vegetables are soft.
  • We prepare the mushrooms - wash the champignons, clean them and cut them into 4 parts. Add the mushrooms to the frying pan and fry for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the caps acquire a soft golden brown hue.
  • Almost at the very end of cooking, add pepper and salt, mix everything thoroughly.
  • Combine mushrooms with rice and vegetables, add coarsely chopped basil.

Health benefits of red rice

Red rice contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which has a positive effect on intestinal function, significantly improves peristalsis, and normalizes the microflora of the colon. It is also recommended to eat red rice for weight loss, as it is very nutritious and gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time.

This product is very useful for diabetics, because it helps normalize blood sugar levels. It is also recommended to use it to detoxify the body in case of poisoning. If consumed regularly, harmful cholesterol is removed from the body.