How much vinegar fits in a spoon: a tablespoon, a teaspoon. Home savings - which vinegar to choose? In a tablespoon

Vinegar can safely be called a universal product - its scope of application is wide and varied.

But each recipe requires its own concentration. To do this, it is not necessary to have an arsenal of bottles with different strengths of spices in the kitchen. It is enough to know how to make a weaker solution from 9%.

Most often there is a need to make 6 percent vinegar, which has a less pungent smell and taste. There are different options for diluting acetic acid. You can choose the most convenient and affordable one for yourself.

Using mathematical calculations

This is an accurate and reliable method. But not the most convenient to use. Using mathematical calculations, the result is obtained with an accuracy of tenths and even hundredths of grams and milliliters.

As a rule, the housewife has measuring utensils with a division value of 5-10 ml on hand. And most often, products are dosed in spoons and glasses.

For scrupulous housewives there are several calculation formulas.

When the required volume of the final solution is known

For example, you need to get 100 ml of 6% vinegar. The formula used for calculation is:

X = 100 * 6 / 9 = 66.7 ml

That is, to obtain 100 ml of 6% spice, you will need to take 66.7 ml of 9% solution and add water to it to the required volume.

In order not to search and remember the formula every time, you can use the table:

When the initial volume is known

For example, 100 ml of 9% vinegar.
In this case, the formula looks different:

X = 100 * 9 / 6 = 150 ml

This means that from 100 ml of 9% acetic acid you will get 150 ml of a 6% solution.

To simplify the process, you can use a ready-made table:

Using measuring spoons

Most often, housewives think about the strength of a spice already during the cooking process, when there is no time for mathematical calculations and a faster method is required.

In this case, you can use a spoon to get 6% vinegar. Its size (table, dessert, tea) is selected depending on the final volume of the solution.

To obtain the required concentration, you will need to take 9% table vinegar and water in a 2:1 ratio. That is, for 2 tablespoons of acid you will need 1 tablespoon of water.

Additional Information! For the best orientation in volumes, remember that

♦ 1 teaspoon contains 5 ml of liquid;

♦ in 1 dessert spoon – 10 ml;

♦ in 1 tablespoon – 15 ml.

If a larger amount of 6% solution is required, then it would be more rational to use larger containers, for example, glasses. Thus, the volume of a standard faceted glass is 250 ml (to the rim) and 200 ml if poured to the rim.

The proportions will not change when diluting large volumes of acetic acid.

Important! When diluting, it is necessary to use water that has been boiled and cooled to room temperature.

What is 6% vinegar used for?

Why is 6% vinegar so often needed in households? Having a lower strength, it has a much gentler effect on the mucous surfaces of the digestive organs.

As a preservative, it is added to a wide variety of preparations for the winter. It is this strength that provides optimal acidity for the preservation of hermetically sealed products.

This spice is also in demand in cooking. For example, before adding it to baking dough.

6% vinegar is also indispensable when preparing various dishes, as it is able to add a piquant spiciness to dishes without changing the taste of the main ingredients.

It is this concentration of spice that is most often used in barbecue.

In addition, 6% vinegar is one of the most common traditional medicines. For example, it is recommended to use .

Despite the fact that it is much easier to replace 6% table vinegar with the same 9%, it is better to stick to the strength specified in the recipe.

After all, depending on the concentration of acid contained in the seasoning, the amount of other ingredients is calculated. And if the proportions are not respected, the dish can lose not only its “zest”, but also its entire taste.

And when using vinegar as a medicine, increasing its concentration instead of benefiting can cause harm.

Like all ingenious things, vinegar was obtained completely by accident: many centuries ago, a careless housewife forgot about a jug of wine... When she remembered it, the wine had already received a rebirth, turning into vinegar.

Acetic acid is the result of the activity of bacteria that process sugar from fruit and berry juices, activating fermentation processes. By pure chance, humanity became the owner of a wonderful seasoning, aromatic and piquant, like the sunny countries in which the vine, the ancestor of vinegar, grows.

Numerous supermarkets offer the buyer several types of acetic acid.

Origin Raw material composition of the product Fortress Application area
Natural Apple, wine, malt, rice 6%-9% Cooking of the peoples of the world; home cosmetology
Natural, infused with spice combinations Garlic, balsamic, tarragon 6%- 9% Adding to sauces and salads to give a piquant unique taste
Synthetic Wood and natural gas products 6% — 10% Seasoning ingredients: mustard, ketchup; adding to baked goods
Vinegar essence Chemical industry products 70-90% Not used in this concentration, intended for dilution in the required proportions

Home savings - which vinegar to choose?

When choosing a salad dressing, the issue is resolved automatically - of course, only natural! But when using the product for domestic purposes, there is no point in using expensive aromatic acid to clean the oven or hood of grease. For this, there is an economical vinegar essence, which is diluted with water in the required concentration. It is quite possible to use for rinsing hair in home cosmetology. 70% vinegar, diluted to 6%. Any housewife always has expensive natural vinegar in her house for cooking, and budget vinegar essence for other needs. In household chores, it is very often required 6% vinegar, which you can always make from the inexpensive concentrate available in the house.

Where is 6% vinegar used?

This concentration is most often used for home preparations for the winter. This is the optimal acidity for preserving hermetically sealed pickles, salads, mushrooms and soup dressings. To extinguish baking soda when making homemade baked goods, both in the oven and in a bread machine, it is also better to use 6% vinegar, which can be made from 9% vinegar, Can i dilute 70% to 6%-depending on what is in the house.

How to get a 6% solution?

The ideal proportion can be obtained in two ways, based on the availability of products in the house. The process is simple, but requires attention and caution.

To vinegar 9% convert to 6%, vinegar is used as a basis, which is diluted with water. To obtain 6% vinegar from 70% essence, the basis is water, to which 1 part of the essence is added. These parameters should not be confused so as not to get an undesirable result.

Acetic acid can only be diluted with boiled water at room temperature, since too cold or hot water can provoke a chemical reaction.

Precautionary measures

For getting 6% vinegar from 70 percent You need to take care of your safety and the safety of your loved ones. Vinegar essence should be stored:

  • in places inaccessible to children;
  • only in original packaging with appropriate warnings;

When diluting the essence to make from 70 percent 6% vinegar:

  • the use of gloves is mandatory;
  • inhalation of concentrated vinegar vapors is unacceptable;
  • the order of infusion is only the essence into the water, but not vice versa!

Using different solutions

A cure for many diseases, a unique seasoning, a miracle helper in the kitchen - that’s all it is, vinegar! It is used in many different concentrations, each of which opens up in a new way the limitless possibilities of an irreplaceable remedy that came to us from time immemorial, thanks to a careless mistress. For our readers, a table of dilution of vinegar essence depending on its use will not be superfluous.

The magical rebirth of wine in various concentrations will give cleanliness to your home, a delicious dinner for your loved ones, and beauty and health to the owner of the house!

Vinegar is used in a huge number of different cooking recipes. How to dilute acetic acid 70% to 9% vinegar, the table will be later in the article.

Wherein, vinegar essence may be involved in the preparation of some mixtures for traditional treatment. Vinegar of various concentrations is usually used as an ingredient. There are cases when 70% is needed; it is sold in stores already in this concentration. But sometimes people need a 3%, 6%, 9% solution. To obtain this, you need to dilute the existing vinegar, and you will get a solution that is suitable for any purpose.

Vinegar can be used for various purposes, for example, as a seasoning for a ready-made dish, sauce or marinade. By the way, this is an indispensable component for any seaming. Let's finally reveal the secret of how to dilute vinegar to the concentration we need.

To dilute 70% acetic acid we will need water in certain proportions. They are different for each solution. If you are good at mathematics, it will not be difficult for you to calculate all this. For those who skipped math classes at school, you have compiled a special table.

Convert acetic acid 70% to 9% vinegar - table 1

Be careful when manipulating with vinegar! Contact with skin may cause chemical burns.

In order to obtain a 9% vinegar solution, you need to find the amount of water in grams using the following formula: multiply 100 grams of vinegar by 70% and divide by 9. All this equals the number 778, you need to remove 100 from it, because we immediately took 100 grams of vinegar, the result is 668 grams of water. Now you need to mix 100 grams of vinegar and the resulting amount of water to obtain 9% vinegar.

How to dilute vinegar by eye

Since not every person will strictly observe the required proportions, such a solution can be made by eye. To do this, take seven parts water to one part vinegar. This will approximately be equal to the required percentage.

There are cases when you need to quickly marinate meat or make mustard, take a 30% solution, to make it you need to mix a tablespoon of vinegar with 1.5 tablespoons of water.

A simple table for diluting acetic acid in spoons:

How to dilute acetic acid 70 to 9 vinegar - table 2 in spoons

Here is the result: in order to dilute 70% vinegar to a 9% solution, you need 1 part vinegar and 7 tablespoons of water.

Advice: there is information obtained as a result of experiments. A faceted glass holds 17 tablespoons of water. It turns out that if you need to get 9% to one glass of water, you need to add two tablespoons of 70% vinegar. It's simple!

Vinegar has an important place for all culinary professionals, doctors, and other industries, so it is very important to know how to handle it. We hope that in our article you found the answer to your question.