How long do you need to cook corn on the cob to make it tasty? How many minutes to cook the corn until it becomes soft and tasty.

Before figuring out how long to cook corn, you need to understand the product itself. You need to clearly understand what it is, and only then look at why and how best to prepare it.

Types of corn

It should be noted that corn is a cereal plant that was known several thousand years ago. Currently, scientists identify about six main types of this culture: tooth-like, waxy, sugar, flint, starchy and bursting. Each of them has its own distinctive features and associated areas of application. Some species are used for food, others are used to feed livestock, and the rest are used in industry. True, it is difficult to draw a clear boundary between food and feed varieties. Both are used as food. Therefore, most often you have to judge a product by its external characteristics. Here you can distinguish young and old corn. The first grains have a color ranging from cream to pale yellow. They are sometimes called products of “milky-wax ripeness.” Old corn has bright yellow kernels. They are quite large and hard to the touch. This is where you need to know in advance how long to cook the corn depending on its age. Of course, a fresh young cob will cook faster than an old and overripe one.

Cooking conditions

In order to correctly answer the question of how long to cook corn, you must first decide how the cooking process itself will take place. A modern housewife has a lot of helpers in the kitchen, and such a simple procedure as cooking can be carried out in several ways:

  • in a regular saucepan on the stove;
  • in a pressure cooker;
  • in the oven;
  • in a steamer;
  • in the microwave.

The cooking time will vary depending on the option chosen. If you take an ordinary young cob and try to cook it using each of the listed methods, the result will look like this:

When choosing any device, you can already calculate in advance how long to cook corn in it and plan your work around the house. True, some options have their own characteristics, and you need to cook in them according to certain rules.

Where to buy and how long to cook cobs?

Corn season begins in late summer. In the city this becomes immediately noticeable. Enterprising sellers appear on every corner, offering to taste the fresh, still smoking cob. The smell of corn attracts attention, and many cannot deny themselves this pleasure. But, from a safety and hygiene point of view, it is better not to do this. Who knows in what hands the product has been? Where was it and what was it cooked in? For your own peace of mind and complete confidence, it is better to buy a raw product and cook it yourself. To do this, you will need to find out how long you need to cook corn so that it can be eaten. Naturally, an undercooked product will not bring pleasure to anyone. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to temperature conditions and time intervals. If you are in no hurry, you can use the oven or grill. You just need to wrap the cobs in foil or a special bag, and then put them in the oven for 40 minutes, placing them on a baking sheet or wire rack. You can do it differently. Place the corn in a greased baking dish and add water. In this case, you should not ask how long you need to cook the corn. The answer will be the same.

How long does it take to cook corn?

Many people set themselves such a task for the first time, so they approach it with the utmost responsibility. In order not to make mistakes in the little things, it is better to clarify specifically how many minutes to cook the corn. After choosing the method you like, the answer still depends on several important factors. Firstly, the variety. Sweet corn cooks much faster than others. This is due to the fact that its grains have a very thin skin. This significantly affects the speed of the process, that is, how many minutes to cook the corn. Secondly, the degree of maturity. If 15 minutes is enough for young food grains, then mature sweet corn will take the same amount of time to cook as feed corn. This will take about 40 minutes, no less. For forage varieties the situation will be somewhat different. A young cob will cook in 1 hour, while old and overripe ones will take 1.5 to 2.5 hours. Therefore, it is better to approach the choice of product more carefully than to rack your brains and waste precious time on lengthy processing.

The usual way

You don't need a recipe to cook corn. It simply doesn't exist. There are only small nuances or advice from experienced chefs that it is advisable to take into account when starting to cook. First, the selected cobs need to be washed well so that no dirt remains on them. Next you need to remove all the leaves along with the fibers. The topmost ones can be thrown away immediately, and the remaining ones can be sorted out and set aside. Then carefully place the cobs in a wide container and fill them with cold water. If there are large specimens among them, then do not be upset. A long cob can be easily cut crosswise with a knife. The top of the corn should be covered with clean leaves. You can also put fibers along with them. This is done to ensure that the final product is more flavorful. Now the finished structure can be put on fire. Under no circumstances should you add salt. Otherwise, the grains will turn out very hard and tasteless. After the water boils, you need to time it to control the duration of cooking. Young cobs will be ready in 15-20 minutes, but more mature ones will require additional time. This will take approximately 1-1.5 hours. The finished corn can be taken out onto a plate and eaten with pleasure.

Circumstances of cooking

Although there is no approved technology for how to cook corn, there are circumstances that help to get the best possible result. First, the dishes. Her choice must be approached thoroughly. To ensure that food does not burn and heats up evenly, it is best to use a saucepan or any other container with thick walls. It could even be a rustic cast iron. Secondly, temperature. The whole process should be carried out over low heat, since with a strong boil the water will evaporate very quickly and the contents will not be able to cook properly. Thirdly, the degree of readiness. Some housewives believe that the product is ready as soon as it begins to change color or emit a characteristic smell. In this case it doesn't work. The readiness of corn can only be judged by taste. To do this, as soon as the measured time has elapsed, you need to separate one grain from any cob and try it. If it bites easily and is soft inside, then the corn is ready.

Delicious anyway

Of course, the quality of the original product plays a significant role. But there is an option that allows you to make almost any corn tender and sweet. Even mature cobs after this treatment can be eaten with pleasure. All you need is fresh corn, clean water and a couple of tablespoons of sugar.

And everything is done very simply:

It is better to serve this corn with butter and salt.

All people love boiled corn, regardless of gender and age. Despite the obvious simplicity of preparation, boiling cobs requires certain knowledge and skill. Corn contains a lot of useful vitamins; thanks to its high energy value, saturation remains for a long time. In terms of popularity, corn on the cob is equal to watermelon and ice cream. To enjoy all the delights, you need to take a responsible approach to the cooking process.

Useful properties of corn

  1. Nutritionists recommend eating at least 1 ear of boiled corn per day. In this way, you will provide your body with a daily dose of healthy vitamins and amino acids.
  2. Corn is rich in vitamins of all groups, including PP, E, C, B. Cobs include ascorbic acid, magnesium, tryptophan, amino acids, iron, potassium, lysine, calcium.
  3. Due to such an impressive list, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiac muscle, and vascular system is normalized. Poisons and toxins are removed from the body.
  4. Doctors strongly prescribe 50 grams of boiled corn to their diabetic patients. per day. This amount normalizes blood glucose levels, preventing an increase in sugar.
  5. In addition to all of the above, boiled corn on the cob fights metabolic disorders, allergies, pathologies of the digestive system, and excess body weight.
  6. Corn cobs speed up brain activity, develop memory, and prevent heart attacks and strokes. The product also tidies up the psycho-emotional background and forms muscle and bone tissue.

Corn varieties and their differences

  1. The final result depends on the degree of maturity and type of cob. Today there are 2 main types of corn. The first is ordinary, fodder (for raising animals). The second is sweet, edible, ideal for cooking.
  2. You can eat both varieties, but the taste will vary. The fodder type is tougher and fresher, while the edible cobs are juicy, milky, and sweet.
  3. Feed-type corn takes longer to cook (about 4 hours) due to the hard, starchy grains. Young sweet cobs are cooked for 20-50 minutes and literally melt in your mouth.

Choosing corn for cooking

  1. The ideal option for heat treatment are fruits picked relatively recently (1-5 hours ago). Young cobs are better cooked and contain a maximum of useful substances.
  2. Choose corn with leaves (unhusked). The shell prevents chapping of the grains and indicates the freshness of the fruit. To identify quality corn, look for specimens with light green leaves.
  3. Feel the fibers enveloping the corn. The antennae should be damp. If you notice yellowing on the leaves, the corn was harvested a long time ago. It is better to avoid such products, since the juiciness will be minimal.
  4. The quality and suitability of corn can be assessed directly at the point of sale. Press your fingernail onto one of the kernels located at the base of the cob. If you notice the juice, the corn is “milky,” meaning it’s ideal for cooking.
  5. Old age is easily determined. Late corn has hard and dry seeds. The older the fruit, the less granulated sugar is contained in the cobs (over time, the sweetener turns into starch).

How to Boil Corn on the Cob: The Classics

  1. Container for cooking. Give preference to a pan with a very wide bottom and high sides. This move will allow you to dip the cobs in one piece without breaking them into pieces. Make sure the pan has a thick bottom. The best option is a cauldron with a tight-fitting lid. A pressure cooker will help speed up the process. To preserve the beneficial properties of corn, cook the cobs at 190-230 degrees at low power.
  2. Preparing cobs for cooking. To begin heat treatment, prepare the corn. Some remove fibers and leaves. Others leave the “natural shell” in place, cutting off only dirty and damaged specimens. The leaves will retain the juiciness and sweetness of the corn, but after cooking they are more difficult to remove. Therefore, completely remove the leaves and fibers, then place them in the pan, alternating with the peeled cobs.
  3. Place the cobs in the pan. Place corn leaves in the bottom and place corn on top. Then make another leaf layer, cover it with cobs. Continue until the container is 2/3 full. The leaves should also be placed on the sides to seal the fruit. The sorting is ready, the cobs can be poured. Under no circumstances should fruits be salted. The bulk composition will wash out the liquid from the grains, and the finished dish will be dry.
  4. Filling a bowl with corn with water. The cobs can be poured with boiling water or cold water, proceed according to personal preference. Add liquid so that it completely covers the product. Heat treatment lasts 45 minutes on average, but depending on the variety, the procedure can last from 30 minutes to 4 hours. Throughout the process, you need to monitor readiness, add hot water as it evaporates. Do not increase the power; cooking takes place at medium intensity.
  5. Definition of readiness. Throughout the heat treatment, evaluate the corn for doneness. Pinch off one grain at a time and taste. The grains should become soft. When the product is easy to chew, you can remove the composition from the heat. It is at this moment that you serve the cobs, rubbing them with salt and spices (the latter are added as desired). It is easiest to consume the dish when it is cut into pieces. In this case, each section is pricked with a culinary sword to avoid burns. You can rub butter or vegetable oil over the surface of the cobs.
  6. Storing the finished dish. If you are not going to use the corn now, leave it in a pan of hot water that has not evaporated after cooking. If you remove the product earlier, it will become weathered, the grains will wrinkle and lose their appetizing appearance. The product can be kept in water for at least 3 hours, maintaining a temperature of 60 degrees. If we talk about aging in the refrigerator, the shelf life is 2 days.

How to cook corn in milk

  1. Wash the cobs, remove the fibers, cut off the leaves. Rinse the corn, chop each cob into 2-3 equal sections.
  2. Pour enough full-fat milk into the pan to completely cover the contents. Bring to a boil, send the cobs inside.
  3. Cook the treat for at least 40 minutes, constantly assessing readiness with a fork. The grains must disintegrate.
  4. When you reach the desired texture, add a slice of butter to the milk. Turn off the heat and keep the cobs in the liquid for another 30 minutes.
  5. After this time, melt the butter and mix it with salt. Rub the mixture onto each piece of corn. Place the cobs on skewers and consume.

  1. The good thing about a multicooker is that, thanks to its use, all the useful elements are completely preserved in corn cobs. This means that using such a product will bring maximum benefits.
  2. Before sending the product for cooking, remove all leaves and remove hairs. Do not salt the cobs; place them in the bowl of the device, adhering to several layers.
  3. You can fill the contents with clean water or milk, it all depends on personal preference. However, you need to add a couple of slices of butter to the liquid to enhance the flavor.
  4. When all preparations have been completed, close the lid. Set the “Steam” or “Cooking” function for 35-40 minutes.
  5. After turning off the timer, do not rush to open the multicooker. Let the corn sit for another half hour. After this period, remove the cobs and rub them with salt and butter.

How to cook corn in a pressure cooker

  1. A pressure cooker is a thick-bottomed, wide pan with a lid that is secured with clamps. The container has a hole for steam to escape, which speeds up the process.
  2. To prepare corn, give preference to young ears with the most juicy kernels and green leaves. If the latter are partially dry, discard this product.
  3. Boil the water needed to fill the dishes 2/3 in advance. Fill the pan with linted corn on the cob, reserving the leaves.
  4. Add water, close the lid. Bring the liquid to a boil, then cook for another third of an hour. Next, remove the finished product, rub with salt and butter.

How to cook corn in a double boiler

  1. Cooking cobs in a double boiler is somewhat reminiscent of a slow cooker; the beneficial properties are fully preserved. Clean the cobs in advance, get rid of fibers and leaves.
  2. Place the ingredients in the mesh compartment of the steamer, pour 600-800 ml into a common bowl. water depending on the amount of corn. Set the timer for a quarter of an hour, after this period start tasting.

How to cook corn in the oven

  1. Prepare all the necessary products in advance. You will need salt, butter, corn, olive oil. Do not remove leaves or hairs.
  2. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil and place the corn cobs on it. Pour in water until it reaches the middle of the fruit. Cover the contents with foil, leaving a small hole.
  3. Preheat the oven to 210 degrees, after 10 minutes place the baking sheet with the cobs inside. Cook the corn for 25 minutes, then reduce the oven power to 180 degrees. Cook for another 1 hour.

  1. In order for the grains to retain all the beneficial properties in their structure, pour boiling water or milk over the cobs.
  2. Never add salt to water during heat treatment. Otherwise, the bulk mixture will draw out liquid and sugar, and the corn will turn out hard.
  3. If you do not like to rub the cobs with salt during consumption, add the bulk component 3-5 minutes before the end of cooking.
  4. To give the grains a delicate taste, add granulated sugar and butter to water or milk.
  5. If you boiled corn and did not use it immediately, do not repeat the heat treatment again. Otherwise the grains will become hard.

Traditionally, corn is boiled in a saucepan, but you can use a slow cooker, pressure cooker, or oven. Pour warm milk or water over the cobs, do not add salt. Rub the cobs with butter or vegetable oil immediately before use.

Video: how to cook delicious corn

Late summer is heaven for corn lovers. If desired, it can be baked in foil in the oven, dried on the grill or boiled. The last method of cooking corn is the easiest. Agree, there is nothing difficult about peeling the cobs, putting them in a pan, adding water and letting them cook. However, after one of my friends asked how to cook corn on the cob in a pan, how long to cook it, I wondered: has everyone mastered this simple culinary science.

It is important to buy sweet corn because it will be sweet and tasty, but feed corn intended for animal feed, no matter how you cook it, will still not be tasty.

How to distinguish feed corn from sweet corn? The sizes of both can be the same, the feed one can be either large or small in size, just like the sugar one. When choosing at the bazaar, you can easily distinguish them by hair color. Feed corn has brown to dark brown hair, no matter whether it is young or old. Young sweet corn has light green, almost white, perhaps even transparent hair color. In old sweet corn, the hair color darkens only at the ends, that is, only at the ends can the color be brown.

So, you bought the right corn, now you can boil it. Do not store it for a long time without refrigeration. But if you bought it in excess, you can freeze it in the freezer. To defrost, simply take it out and leave it at room temperature; it also defrosts well in cold water. After defrosting, its taste will not change. By the way, they sell it frozen in stores.

So, for boiled corn you will need:

  • freshly picked corn cobs - as much as the pan will hold.

How to Cook Delicious Kettle Corn on the Cob in a Instant Pot

We take out a large capacious container. We clean the cobs from the leaves and put them in a wide saucepan.

It is desirable, of course, that they fit entirely into it. If you don’t have such a vessel, break the cobs in half. We do not add salt to the pan; for 10 pumps you can put 1 tbsp. Sahara. You can add nothing at all and cook in plain water.

By the way, in Mexico they cook corn in sweet syrups and milk.

Place the pan on the stove over high heat. Make sure that the water covers all the cobs; this is one of the nuances of properly cooking corn in a pan. By the way, in the countryside or in the village you can boil corn in large cauldrons, it will turn out even tastier, especially if the cobs have just been picked.

How many minutes does it take to cook corn?

After boiling, cook, slightly reducing the heat, for 15-20 minutes. Turn it off after the water begins to foam and become cloudy, at which point sugar comes out of the cobs and the corn without it will become less tasty.

You've probably heard that corn is boiled for at least 40 minutes, we cooked it like that before, but then we tried cooking it for less and it turned out that the corn tasted better and it was completely cooked.

How to check the doneness of corn?

It’s easy to check, take out a bowl, hold the corn on a plate with a fork, cut off a few grains and try it. But rest assured, it will be ready in 15-20 minutes.

And finally, salt. If desired, you can sprinkle the finished corn with a little salt. I do this almost always. Salt combined with sweet young grains gives simply amazing taste.

Some people grease the boiled cobs with butter, this is a matter of taste.

We even saw Americans who spread mayonnaise on a boiled cob of boiled corn, what a surprise.

And the Mexicans peppered it or, on the contrary, served it with sweet sauce.

Boiled corn is stored in the refrigerator for 1 day; after two days, the corn grains will become floury and tasteless. If desired, chilled corn can be heated in the microwave; it is also good simply cold.

Corn has a lot of beneficial properties and contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and acids important for health. Many of us remember the taste of boiled yellowish grains from childhood. And, as soon as it appears on the shelves, we are happy to buy fresh cobs.

But to make our summer dish tasty and the grains soft, you need to know some cooking secrets, in particular, how and how long to cook corn?

We’ll talk about this today on the Popular About Health website. We will also learn how to cook “milk” and very mature cobs.

How long to cook corn in a saucepan

Cooking time depends on the degree of maturity of the cereal. The older it is, the longer it takes to cook, for example:

Young cobs with soft, light-colored grains are cooked for approximately 20-30 minutes.

Well ripened, with yellow grains - 30-40 minutes.

If corn has been stored for a long time, its grains are a rich yellow color and very hard. Therefore, you need to cook it for a long time, up to 2-3 hours.

However, it is equally important not to overcook it. If the cooking time is exceeded, the grains will begin to harden.

Some cooking tips

The degree of ripeness of the cobs affects not only the duration of cooking, but also the taste of the final product. If they are stored for a long time, the grains dry out, and the sugar included in their composition is converted into starch. Therefore, the older the corn, the less sweetness and characteristic aroma it retains.

However, a lot depends on the method of preparation, in this case, cooking:

To get tasty, aromatic boiled corn, it is recommended to boil young cobs in slightly salted water (1 tsp per 1 liter of water). Although many people prefer to sugar the water instead of adding salt. Salt is applied to the finished cobs. Here, it's up to you.

Old ones must be cooked in fresh water, then the grains will not be too hard.

It is better to cook corn in a saucepan with thick walls, with a tightly closed lid. This way it will steam better and fully retain its aroma.

Cooking young corn on the cob

You can cook it in a double boiler, slow cooker or microwave. We'll talk about how to cook corn in a pan:

Remove leaves and runners from the corn and wash under cold running water. Wash the leaves too and place them in a layer on the bottom of the pan. Mark the cobs on top. Break the ones that are too big in half.

Add water to cover them completely and still have about 3-4 cm left on top. Cover with a lid and turn on the heat. When it boils, reduce the temperature and cook the corn for 20-30 minutes. When the grains become soft, you're done.

Remove it with a slotted spoon or fork. If you haven't salted the water, salt the cobs. For juiciness, you can lightly grease it with butter.

Cooking milk corn

The very first, so-called milk corn, should be cooked for a very short time. Its grains are already very soft, delicate, milky in color, with a slight yellowish tint. When you press on them, juice is released.

It is prepared like this:

Remove leaves and tendrils and wash. Boil water in a saucepan and add the cobs. When it boils again, reduce the heat to medium and continue cooking for no more than 10 minutes.

Remove the finished corn with a slotted spoon, add salt, brush with butter and serve immediately.

Try not to overcook the milk cobs. Otherwise, the grains will become hard and not as tasty.

Cooking mature cobs

It is believed that young corn is much tastier and healthier than mature corn, whose grains are very dense and yellow. However, this is not for everyone. Fully ripened corn is no less healthy, and many consider its taste and aroma more intense.

Prepare like this:

Peel the cobs (do not throw away the leaves), cover with cold water for 1 hour. Now wash it. Place a layer of leaves on the bottom of the pan, with the cobs on top. Break large ones in half. Separately, boil water and pour in the corn until it remains a few centimeters above the surface. At this stage, you can add more leaves on top if there are any left.

Cover with a lid, bring to a boil, then reduce heat to just a gentle simmer. Leave in the pan for about 40-60 minutes. Check readiness with a fork - pierce the grains. If soft, you're done. Remove the cobs with a slotted spoon, rub with salt, and serve immediately.

Healing properties of corn decoction

It is known that this cereal is rich in nutrients and has healing properties. However, not everyone knows that the decoction that remains after cooking corn has pronounced medicinal properties. Especially if the cobs were boiled together with leaves and tendrils (stigmas).

In particular, it is used to treat diseases of the pancreas and is taken to normalize metabolic processes. It is useful to drink it for nervous disorders. It is recommended for older people as a means of stopping the aging process.

If we talk about corn silk, then a decoction of them has a wide range of medicinal properties. It is recommended to be taken as a diuretic and choleretic agent. Included in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts. It helps cope with kidney stones and relieves swelling.

So boil the corn, eat the aromatic grains and drink its healing infusion. The season for these cereals is not that long, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity. Be healthy!

Corn is a special plant, common, but at the same time mysterious and not fully understood. This is a tall-stemmed plant with long leaves that does not require special care and produces a stable harvest in the form of cobs. For consumption, cobs that have reached milky-wax ripeness are boiled, baked, dried, and then ground into cereal and flour. Other cooking methods are also used. The most common and simplest of them is boiled corn.

How to cook corn in a saucepan?

First, the cobs are cleared of leaves and fibers called corn silk. The bottom of the pan is covered with leaves. Ears of equal size and ripeness are placed on them. The top is also covered with leaves and filled with water. After which the pan is placed on the stove. So much water should be poured so that the corn is completely covered and more on top - depending on ripeness. If the cobs are highly mature, then additional cooking and more water are required.

When cooking, you should take into account not only the degree of maturity of the grains, but also the variety. Corn can be sugary, dense, fodder, milky, glassy, ​​white or different shades, brown. How long does it take to cook corn in a saucepan? Typically, for young, juicy cobs, 10 to 30 minutes of boiling is sufficient. Young fodder corn should be cooked longer - 1.5 hours. It will take 3 to 5 hours to boil old cobs.

Queen of the Fields

Corn occupies one of the important places among grain crops. It grows on the fertile soils of vast fields in central Russia, in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, in the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories. All parts of this plant are used for consumption: leaves, stems, cobs, stigmas. In a young, immature state, it is used to feed livestock and to make silage. The finished grain is processed into flour, cereals, starch, and medicines: glucose, corn oil. Stigmas are used to treat kidney and genitourinary tract diseases. In everyday life it is used as a dietary product. Many people know how to cook corn in a pan, because they don’t mind eating a boiled, salted cob.

The dry stem along with leaves is a good feed for cattle in winter. The stalks, freed from grains, are ground and used as animal feed. The grain is used to produce alcohol. Waste from production is used for fertilizers.

Composition and healing properties of the plant

Corn is rich in vitamins B, C, E, PP, as well as microelements necessary for the body, such as iodine, fluorine, molybdenum, iron. Moreover, it is the only plant that contains gold.

The healing properties of the plant have not yet been fully studied. Those that are already known are widely used in traditional and folk medicine. It is used as a choleretic agent in the treatment of kidneys, to enhance the body's resistance to various diseases. The presence of plant proteins and fiber has a beneficial effect on the body. Corn oil helps eliminate bad cholesterol.

Beneficial features

The benefits of eating maize are invaluable. “Corn: boiling is a time to give thanks” is a timely saying because it will truly be time well spent! During cooking, the cobs do not lose their healing properties. Unlike other plants, corn does not absorb pesticides. This is environmentally friendly food without harmful impurities.

How to cook corn in a saucepan should be clear to everyone. It is simple, safe and healthy: it lowers blood sugar levels and promotes cell regeneration. It can be eaten by nursing mothers - breast milk is saturated with useful substances. Corn will help relieve constipation.

Cooking methods

Corn can be prepared as desired to suit any taste: boiled, fried, baked on the cob or grains, cooked porridge, baked pancakes, bread. In the republics of Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus, corn flour is widely used to prepare national dishes - dumplings, churek. The latter is baked over coals and eaten with sour milk and cheese. Dumplings - with melted butter. Corn dishes are nutritious and easily digestible.

From starch you can prepare various jelly with the addition of berries to your taste. To do this, first boil the berries in free water. For 1.5 liters of water, take a handful of currants and one hundred grams of sugar. Separately, 20 g of starch is stirred in cold water and poured into boiling water with constant stirring. You should not boil for a long time - two minutes is enough. Pouring jelly into glasses or cups to cool, you get not only a beautiful, but also a delicious dessert.

In addition, corn is often baked in the oven or microwave.


Along with its positive qualities, corn also has contraindications. It can reduce appetite and lead to weight loss. Therefore, it is contraindicated for thin people, especially those suffering from stomach ulcers. You should not get carried away with it in case of thrombosis - corn promotes blood clotting. However, depriving yourself of a delicious, aromatic cob forever is wrong. It just shouldn't be overused. Occasionally you can allow yourself to eat an ear or two. To do this, it is useful to know how to cook corn correctly.

There are several ways: in a pressure cooker, in a double boiler. But the more common method described above is to cook the corn in a saucepan over low heat. But it’s even better to cook young fresh cobs. In 15 minutes of boiling they will be ready and suitable for consumption. To determine readiness, just press the grain with a fork. If it pierces easily, it's ready.

Cooking young corn

It does not require much time or labor to prepare it. The recipe for boiling corn in a pan, described above, is also applicable for young cobs. The only difference is the cooking time. Young corn cooks much faster than “old” corn. Ripe and dried grains can be prepared as an independent dish. They can be fried in a frying pan. A certain variety produces soft and airy popcorn.

Young corn should be boiled only on the cob. Its fresh juicy grains cannot be prepared any other way. How long does it take to cook young corn? Just 10-15 minutes.

If the leaves on the cob are dry and yellowed and the corn silk is dark brown, the kernels will be overripe, dry and hard. It will take at least four hours to cook them. When the grains are softened and taste like porridge, they are ready. How long to cook corn on the cob in a pan depends on its degree of maturity.

Ripe cobs

You can make soup from old dry grains. To do this, they should be soaked for 3 hours in cold water. Cook with beans and smoked pork ribs. Salt should be added at the end of cooking. Coriander is added as a seasoning. This soup takes a long time to cook - about 2 hours, but it turns out rich and very tasty.

How long to cook corn on the cob in a pan depends on its degree of ripeness. It is very useful for the body, but you should not abuse it. We must remember that it may contain substances that cause individual intolerance. There is no need to risk your health; you should consult a doctor.