How long to boil cow's milk. How to boil milk correctly: useful tips

Not only kills germs, but also destroys many beneficial nutrients. Is there a way out? If you buy pasteurized milk in a store, then this question most likely does not confront you. Well, what if you buy milk at the market, from a farmer living next door, or from a grandmother who still has the strength to keep a cow or a goat? Every morning, when you open a bottle of milk, you probably wonder: why do you boil milk, and should you boil it at all? Some do it out of habit, some know that boiling kills germs, and some do it so it can be stored longer. Boiling is an effective way to combat pathogens. Although it does not remove impurities, it does kill most dangerous bacteria and other organisms. But, at the same time, it destroys some nutrients. Milk is a real storehouse of nutrients. This is a rich source, and... Minerals, especially calcium, vitamins such as A, D, B1, B2, B12 and K are found in milk in large quantities. Temperature affects many of these vital nutrients in milk, robbing you of the benefits they provide. B vitamins are especially vulnerable when boiled. Is there a way to preserve nutrients? Yes, I have. Here are some basic restrictions that must be observed when boiling milk:

  • Do not boil milk at very high temperatures for long periods of time.
  • Do not leave milk in an open container after boiling.
  • After boiling, cool it immediately.
  • Do not heat milk several times.
  • Don't forget to stir the milk while boiling.
  • Do not use a microwave oven to heat milk.
By following these simple rules, you will retain many of the valuable nutrients in your milk. If you want to boil milk, make sure you do it correctly. So, it comes down to walking a tightrope between safety and nutritional value. Unfortunately, to protect yourself from infection with pathogenic bacteria, a more effective method than boiling has not yet been invented. Whether to boil milk or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. If you want to make some kind of compromise, that will be your choice.


  • Milk

Do you need to boil milk?

We have heard about the benefits of milk since childhood. It contains calcium, which is beneficial for the growth of teeth and bones. Milk has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Giving raw milk to a child is dangerous, as it can be the source of many diseases. In addition, there are many culinary recipes that use boiled milk.

To prevent milk from burning when boiling, rinse the pan with cold water and add a little sugar to the milk while boiling. It is better to have dishes in your arsenal that you will only use for boiling milk.

If you are not sure about the freshness of the milk, then first boil a small portion of milk to test. A pinch of soda added to the milk when it boils will help save slightly stale milk from curdling during boiling. And most importantly, keep an eye on the milk during the process so that it does not run away. After all, it’s easier to watch for a few minutes than to wash the stove and dishes later.

How to boil milk step by step instructions with photos:

Step 1

In order to boil milk, we need milk, a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom and stainless steel), water, sugar, soda (as needed).

Step 2

Rinse the pan well with cold water, or better yet, pour a thin layer of water onto the bottom of the pan.

Step 4

Add sugar, and if you are not sure that the milk will not curdle, then instead of sugar, add a pinch of soda. It should neutralize the small amount of lactic acid that begins to form when the milk sits for a while.

Step 5

Bring the milk to a boil over low heat. Watch the foam that will form so that the milk does not “run away”. After boiling, remove the foam.

Many of us are accustomed to modern food products - pasteurized, sterilized, artificially produced, and dairy products are no exception. But nevertheless, naturalness remains a priority, especially when it comes to feeding your own child. And like meat and fish, such a product requires special processing before consumption. Therefore, despite the variety of products in bottles, plastic and thermal bags, the topic of how to boil milk remains relevant. In this article you will get the answer to this and many other questions related to the preparation and storage of such a valuable product.

Why boil milk?

Of course, if you personally raise a cow, carefully look after it and create extremely hygienic living conditions for it, this procedure can be omitted. But in a situation where you purchase a valuable source of nutrients for your child from an unfamiliar grandmother or from a wholesale supplier, this stage cannot be ignored.

Why boil milk? — The answer to this question is very simple. There are several reasons:

  1. A cow that has been milked may be sick, and harmful bacteria will be passed on to your baby in the milk.
  2. The milkmaid herself may not be a clean young lady or may not fully comply with the rules of procedure.
  3. The care and nutrition of the cow was not properly controlled, and harmful microorganisms entered her body, and therefore the milk.
  4. The storage and delivery of the product was carried out without observing hygiene rules.

What is the difficulty of boiling milk?

If you don’t know how and how long to boil milk, you can ruin the product. During the heating process it has the property:

  • burn to the surface of the pan;
  • “escape” from the dishes.

As a result, the taste is no longer pleasant, and there will be much less benefit in it, since most of the valuable substances will be gone.

Important! During boiling, all harmful bacteria die due to the high temperature, but if the technology and duration of heat treatment are followed, valuable substances are preserved.

How to boil milk correctly?

  • take suitable utensils;
  • comply with the rules of procedure;
  • strictly adhere to the heat treatment time.

Important! To check the naturalness of milk, do a small test:

  • Take a glass of water.
  • Drop some milk in there.
  • Evaluate the result.

If the drop immediately spreads, then the milk was diluted before sale. An indicator of a quality product is a drop dropped to the bottom of the glass, which will dissolve there.

Choosing dishes

To boil milk without burning, it is better to give preference to pans made from:

  • glass;
  • aluminum;
  • of stainless steel.

Important! Enameled utensils are absolutely not suitable for this purpose. When looking through containers of suitable volume, give preference to those that have a thick or double bottom.

Getting ready to boil milk

In addition to the basic rules of technology, there are several secrets that will help prevent unpleasant consequences. To prevent milk from burning and running away, do the following:

  1. Rinse the pan thoroughly with cold water.
  2. Place the saucer upside down on the bottom.

Important! When the product reaches boiling point, it will not bubble much and form foam. That means he won’t run away.

Boil the milk

There are no particular difficulties in this procedure. For everything to go smoothly, all you need is:

  1. Be near the pan and watch the heat treatment process.
  2. Stir the milk constantly as it warms.
  3. Remove foam formed during boiling.

This is all the wisdom of how to boil milk.

Important! The film that appears as the product cools should not be removed. This is where most of the nutrients are concentrated.

How long does it take to boil milk?

There are several opinions regarding how long to boil milk for a baby:

  1. Some experts say that 2-3 minutes after the boiling point has been reached is enough.
  2. Other nutritionists advise making this process longer - from 10 minutes.

Important! Based on the basics of biology, most harmful microorganisms die at a temperature of 100 C, and the value of achieving this state for milk corresponds to 100.2-100.5 C. This means that the decision regarding the duration of 2-3 minutes will be justified and rational.

Useful properties of milk

Milk is one of the most valuable products, which includes:

  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • fats;
  • minerals - magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium.

Important! To obtain a therapeutic effect from consuming this product, the daily norm for an adult is 500 g.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce products with a very long shelf life. For example, pasteurized milk can sit in the refrigerator for weeks and remain fresh. Because it was processed in a way that killed both harmful and beneficial bacteria. That is why more and more housewives are striving to buy natural milk for their families on the market. But for it to be safe, it must be heat treated. How to boil milk correctly to preserve nutrients?

Why is cow's milk dangerous?

It would seem that milk from a cow is a natural product, it is full of benefits. What harm could there be? But there are many hidden dangers here. The first is harmful microorganisms. They can get into milk in any way:

  • if the animal had a dirty udder before milking;
  • milked with dirty hands;
  • milked in dirty dishes;
  • transported in unsealed containers;
  • transported for a long time at high temperatures.

At the same time, there will not necessarily be pieces of dirt or manure hanging on the milker’s hands or on the cow’s udder. They just didn't wash it.

But that's not all the dangers. Even if the cow is her own and the owner is confident in her cleanliness, there is no guarantee of safety. Many diseases are transmitted from sick cows through milk to humans. Although outwardly the infected animal looks absolutely healthy. Well, if the milk is purchased, we cannot be even more confident in the health of the animal. Unscrupulous sellers sometimes sell products from obviously unhealthy cows! Therefore, it is necessary to boil the product. Boiling milk makes it as safe as possible for our health. Especially for children.

Boil milk as soon as you return from the market. The faster you do this, the longer the product can be stored without turning sour. But do not leave it in the light for a long time: vitamins A and E are destroyed from sunlight.

Boil according to the rules

Cow's milk does not need long heat treatment, otherwise there will be nothing living and healthy left in it. Usually it is enough to simply boil the milk (it will foam and begin to rise quickly) and immediately remove from the heat, then cool as quickly as possible to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins. If the product is intended for a child, it must be boiled for 2–3 minutes. This time is enough for all harmful microorganisms to die.

How to do this correctly in order to leave a valuable drink as useful as possible?

  • The pan should not be enameled - it is in such dishes that the product burns (aluminum, steel or glass are suitable, preferably with a thick bottom).
  • Before boiling, the dishes are rinsed with cold water, and the inside walls are greased with butter - this way the milk will not escape.
  • Cold milk is poured into a maximum of 2/3 of the volume of the pan, so that it has room to rise (if the pan is filled more, it makes sense to put an inverted saucer on the bottom, they will reduce the bubbling).
  • Before boiling, it is important to stir the product periodically to ensure even heating.
  • There is no need to cover the pan with a lid, otherwise the process will speed up and it will be difficult to keep track of it.
  • If the milk continues to boil, the heat must be reduced.
  • It is important to cool boiled milk quickly so that less of the beneficial substances have time to be destroyed. You can take the dishes out to the balcony (if it’s cold outside) or put them in a large container filled with cold water.

  • Before boiling the entire portion, check to see if souring has begun. To do this, bring some water to a boil (200 grams) and pour a couple of tablespoons of milk into it. If the milk proteins have not curdled, you can safely boil the entire remaining volume.
  • If they are curdled, such products cannot be used either fresh or boiled. Wait until the product completely sours - you will get yogurt, which can be added to baked goods (for example, to pancake dough).
  • If the freshness has not been checked and the milk proteins have curdled during boiling, let this semi-finished product boil anyway. It will make cottage cheese and whey.
  • Burnt milk can be saved by immediately pouring it into another container and adding a little sugar - it will eliminate the burnt smell. It is better not to use a heavily burnt product.
  • Do not use a boiler. The device cannot deteriorate, but it will take a long time to wash the spiral.
  • Store the product in an airtight container: it absorbs all foreign odors very quickly.
  • Do not boil it again: this kills the beneficial properties of the natural product.

Natural cow's milk is a valuable product on our table. But to make it safe and not cause health problems, it must be properly boiled before use. There is nothing complicated about this, and the benefits of such a procedure are obvious.

Boiling milk is not a simple procedure. How to boil milk without burning it and how to get rid of the unpleasant taste if it does burn?

Selection of cookware

For boiling milk, it is advisable to use it, which is not used for preparing other dishes. The reason for this is simple - when boiled, milk absorbs odors very intensely and it is unlikely that anyone will enjoy drinking milk with an extraneous aroma.

If possible, use a thick-bottomed pan; such dishes will heat evenly, preventing the milk from burning.

How to avoid burning

Another way to avoid milk burning when boiling is to rinse the pan with ice water, pour milk into it and only then put it on the fire.

Since water is heavier than milk, a small amount will remain at the bottom of the pan, forming a thin film of water that prevents the milk from coming into direct contact with the sides and bottom of the pan.

You can avoid milk curdling and burning if you add a little to it (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of milk).

Boiling milk

Bring the milk to a boil over low heat, stirring the contents of the pan occasionally. Do not cover the pan with a lid!

Watch the milk carefully. The fact that the milk is about to boil will be unmistakably indicated by the process of abundant foaming on its surface.

To prevent milk from escaping as it boils, place a long wooden spoon or spatula on top of the pan.

At this point, remove the pan from the heat and cool the milk quickly. How to do it? Pour the milk from the saucepan into a glass jar, and then place the jar in a large saucepan of cold water. Such milk will be stored much better than milk that has cooled gradually.

If, despite all efforts, the milk is burnt, you can get rid of the unpleasant bitter taste by adding a small amount of kitchen salt to it during rapid cooling.

Store boiled milk in a cool and dark place.