How many calories are in a slice of pizza with mushrooms? How many calories are in pizza with sausage?

Pizza is a fairly popular dish originally from Italy, which has taken root in our country. There is a huge variety of pizza recipes. Of course, many people are interested in how many calories are in pizza.

There are many different options for the dish. However, pizza is a fairly high-calorie delicacy, no matter what recipe it is prepared according to.

How many calories are in pizza by type

As you know, the calorie content of pizza depends on its type. First of all, when counting calories, you need to take into account what kind of dough the base is made from. The most low-calorie base is considered to be based on kefir or water. In turn, the yeast base will contain 244 kcal per 100 grams, the puff base - 450 kcal.

The filling has a big impact on the overall calorie content. And there are a lot of pizza toppings. Real Italian pizza contains 236 kcal. It consists of a thin crust and a filling of tomatoes, cheese, vegetables, mushrooms, and seafood.

A popular type of pizza is cheese pizza. Calorie content per 100 grams of product is 250-350 kcal. It should be borne in mind that cheese becomes more nutritious when heated. In addition, cheese pizzas are often based on several types of cheese.

One of the low-calorie pizza options is pizza with mushrooms. Champignons, which have a low calorie content, are used as filling. Pizza with mushrooms contains approximately 170 kcal per 100 grams of product. This pizza is not only tasty, but also very healthy, as it contains a lot of protein.

In turn, it should be noted that one of the highest calorie types is pizza with sausage. Its calorie content is 400 kcal per 100 grams of product. Those who want to lose weight need to be careful with such pizza.

Seafood pizza is also considered quite high in calories. It accounts for 449 kcal (100g).

Calorie content of pizza by type per 100 grams:

Pizza 4 cheeses – 272 kcal.
“Hawaiian” pizza – 112 kcal.
Pizza with chicken – 225 kcal.
Pepperoni - 263 kcal.
Margarita – 207 kcal.

Calorie content of homemade pizza

Many housewives do not like the pizza served in cafes or pizzerias and prepare homemade pizza. The question immediately arises: how many calories are in homemade pizza?

It should be noted that the calorie content of homemade pizza is usually higher. The fact is that when we prepare pizza at home, we are ready to put a lot of everything as a topping. Many people like to combine toppings and add rich sauce.

However, you can also make low-calorie pizza at home. To prepare such a pizza, it is better to choose water-based dough, and mushrooms, chicken, vegetables and herbs as fillings.

Delicious and steaming pizza! Well, isn't it a joy to the stomach after a hard day at work? By purchasing it, you immediately get rid of such worries as wasting time in the kitchen preparing dinner. Moreover, this dish has many different fillings and components. The presence of such additives makes it not only satisfying, but also quite energetically valuable. But the question arises: “How many calories are in pizza?” It can be easily answered if you carefully study the products that it consists of.

Let's start with the test. Flaky and yeasty. The latter consists of components that differ slightly in calorie content, the study of which provides an answer to the question of how many calories are in pizza. This dish is commonly called Italian pizza, and its base is usually made of thin dough. However, some pizzerias also use lush. From this we can conclude that the thickness depends on the dough, and by studying its percentage in the product, you can easily determine how many calories are in a piece of pizza. For example, one hundred grams of puff pastry contains about 454 calories, and yeast dough has about 244 kilocalories. On average, this dish contains quite a lot of fat, protein and carbohydrates. Next, you should find out what products are included in the pizza.

Consider the option of puff pastry, which includes mayonnaise (200 g), ketchup (100 g), (200 g), boiled sausage (150 g), cheese (300 g), four eggs, cabbage (200 g) and onions (70 g). Knowing the calorie content of all components, we can find out how many calories are in pizza, more precisely, in one slice (100 g) - 323 kilocalories.

A product with kefir dough with the addition of champignons, bell peppers and sausages per hundred grams will have 192 kilocalories; meat and greens - 354 kilocalories. If onions and champignons are added - 298 kilocalories. Pizza made from onions and cheese turns out to be quite dietary - 199 kilocalories, and even more so from seafood - 449 kilocalories. With proper calculation and accounting of all components of the product, you will find out how many calories are in pizza.

When purchasing a frozen product, pay attention to the packaging, which should say “pizza”; the calories are listed just below. Basically, good and high-quality ones contain about 300 kilocalories. It often happens that sometimes a person does not want to wait for a long time, he strives to eat a fast food dish in a street fast food. In this case, you should always pay attention to and the 300 mark is considered the norm.

Eating pizza is a joyful experience for the stomach and that's what its reputation tells us. But when dieting, you need to carefully monitor the amount of product consumed. Thin crust pizza contains fewer calories than puff pastry pizza. Clearly tracking how many calories are in pizza allows you to determine whether you need to increase your energy expenditure if you are on a diet. Knowing the calorie content of this tasty product, you can achieve the optimal result, be sure that your figure is in order, and satisfying the feeling of hunger has not harmed it. Remember, no nutritionist will recommend you to eat pizza frequently, as it is harmful to your health, but once a week in good company you can treat yourself to this yummy food.

Pizza is an extremely popular dish of Italian cuisine, along with pasta, which is a round flatbread covered with filling, sprinkled with cheese and baked. It appeared in the 16th century, when tomatoes were imported into the country. This simple and tasty dish was loved by both peasants and kings. Such qualities led to its spread throughout the world and the emergence of an unimaginable variety of completely different recipes. Unfortunately, the calorie content of pizza, like many other delicious dishes, is quite high. If you are in the process of losing weight, it is better to give up your favorite treat. If there are no problems with your figure, eat to your health, the main thing is to follow certain rules.

Pizza dough

There are quite a few types of dough suitable for this dish, and some have several preparation options, and their composition may also differ markedly. Most of them contain a lot of carbohydrates and sometimes fat, like any flour product, which will negatively affect weight. But since the dough is the base of the pizza, there's no escape. You will have to either deny yourself the pleasure of tasting the dish, or choose the one that least spoils your figure.

Energy value of pizza dough

After studying the calorie content of popular dough recipes, you can choose the most suitable one for preparing the dish at home.

Calorie content of fillings

There are many filling options. It all depends on which recipe is chosen. There may be nothing but tomato sauce and cheese, or there may be a mixture of a wide variety of products on the tortilla. It can be both sweet and spicy. Some filling options will please your stomach and will not spoil your figure.

Energy value of ingredients in kilocalories per 100 grams

Product Variety Kcal
Meat Turkey 195
Turkey ham 84-120
Pork 275-285
Prosciutto 279
Beef 158
Chicken 150
Sausage Salami 568
Pepperoni 601
Milk sausages 261
Vegetables Tomatoes 19
bell pepper 25,3
Olives 115
Eggplant 24
Zucchini 16
Red onion 41,7
Yellow onion 38
Seafood Shrimps 91,3
Squid 101,4
Anchovies 182,6
Fruits Pineapples 48
Pears 42
Bananas 91
Kiwi 49
Lemons 31
Mushrooms Champignon 41
Oyster mushrooms 38
White 34
Sauces Ketchup 60
Mayonnaise from 350 to 650
Spices Oregano 306
Basil 27
Blend "Provencal herbs" 204

Salt has zero calorie content, but the energy value of ground pepper or peppercorns is about 250 kcal per 100 grams.

Calorie content of cheeses

It is difficult to imagine pizza without cheese, which has become a traditional part of almost all recipes for the Italian dish, its unique calling card. Typically, types are used that do not have their own strong taste, but the topping of the Four Cheese Pizza is an exception. It consists of mozzarella, brie, emmenthal and parmesan. However, they can be replaced with others - the main thing is that there are hard, soft, aromatic and blue varieties.

Many types of cheese may well lead to the accumulation of extra pounds, since they contain a huge amount of fat. Below are the most common ones that are commonly used on pizza:

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
Pay attention to the latest weight loss method. Suitable for those for whom sports activities are contraindicated.
  • Mozzarella - 240 kcal per 100 grams of product;
  • Brie - 291;
  • Emmental - 380;
  • Parmesan - 392;
  • Camembert - 291;
  • Mascarpone - 412;
  • Feta - 290;
  • Cheddar - 392;
  • Ricotta - 174;
  • Dor blue - 354 (dor blue a la crème - 265);
  • Gouda - 356;
  • Russian - 363;
  • Brynza - 260.

Mozzarella is not without reason one of the most popular types of cheese for pizza. Its calorie content is quite low, and its taste is in no way inferior to many other varieties.

Energy value of 1 slice of pizza

Restaurants offer many different dish options, but the menu does not always indicate their full composition, much less their calorie content. The information below will help you find out how many calories are in one slice of pizza you ordered. Values ​​are given in kcal per 100 g.

  • "Margarita" - 208;
  • "Pepperoni" - 254;
  • “Four cheeses” - about 290;
  • "Hawaiian" - 216;
  • with ham and mushrooms - 244;
  • with chicken breast, giblets and vegetables - 160;
  • with sausage - about 250;
  • vegetarian vegetable - 179;
  • with three types of smoked meats - about 300;
  • with mushrooms, vegetables and onions - up to 218;
  • with salmon - more than 400.

Although the dish may not be very high in calories, you should not eat a lot of pizza - it will be harmful to your health. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, yeast dough is not recommended. Tomato paste, which is often used to prepare this dish, contains preservatives. The dish is also rich in fat, and the dough itself may contain sugar, which contains many, many carbohydrates.

How to eat without gaining weight

Restaurant pizzas are prepared according to precise recipes, most of them contain a lot of fats and carbohydrates, which is bad for a slim figure. You will have to carefully select the desired option from the menu. For example, restaurant vegetarian or Hawaiian pizzas are quite suitable for those who want to eat deliciously and not gain weight.

Another obvious way is to cook it yourself, because then you will know exactly what is included and how many calories are in the pizza created for you. You may not even go beyond your diet. An oven is suitable for cooking. Standard yeast dough can be replaced with kefir dough, and the filling is easy to choose, tasty and low-fat. For example, turkey or chicken ham is rich in protein, but contains very little fat and carbohydrates, which means it is low in calories. Of all the sauces for greasing dough, the best choice is homemade.

How many calories are in pizza depends on its size and the ingredients that were used to prepare the traditional Italian dish.

Manufacturers prepare large, medium and small open-faced flatbreads with various fillings. Before use, it is cut into portions. Manufacturers claim that a small pizza with a diameter of 25 cm weighs 400 g and is cut into 4 pieces. An average open flatbread with a diameter of 30cm weighs 600g and is cut into 6 pieces. A large 35 cm flatbread weighs 800 g and is divided into 8 pieces.

Advice! It is easy for pizza lovers to find out how many calories are in 1 piece of pizza, because on the box the manufacturer often indicates the calorie content of the finished product, the energy value of which ranges from 160 to 270 Kcal.

This number of energy units allows you to have a tasty bite in the company of friends and not worry about your figure. The main condition for this is the ability to refuse the second piece.

What affects energy value

Open flatbread is prepared according to traditional recipes. The manufacturer uses preparation technologies that have been proven over the years and has documented single doses of products that must be present in the finished product. This makes it possible to prepare standard portions and place the same amount of ingredients on them. This approach allows you to accurately declare how many calories are in the ordered pizza.

Calorie content may change if the manufacturer replaces traditional pizza ingredients with similar products, but very different in energy value. Thus, replacing mozzarella cheese, which has 280 kcal in 100 g, with cheddar with 402 kcal, can greatly change the nutritional value of a piece of delicacy. How many calories will be in a slice of pizza in which the products have been replaced must be clarified by the manufacturer. It is his responsibility to indicate on the packaging the nutritional value of the food product he produces. You should carefully study the attached small piece of paper with product data, which is pasted on each box by bona fide manufacturers.

Important! When calculating how many calories are in pizza, you need to take into account that the crust, which is made from yeast dough, has the most calories.

It contains up to 250 kcal for every 100 g. All other ingredients may have different energy values, but it cannot be high due to the minimum weight of the products laid out on top of the flatbread.

Features of the energy value of different items

Manufacturers prepare about 12 types of pizzas to order, and the calorie content is different for everyone. If the flatbread of all custom-made pizzas has the same energy value, then the toppings will be different. How many calories are in pizza with sausage depends on the fat content of the finished product and the type and type of meat used in the sausage. Chicken meat, lamb, pork and beef have different energy values, and all indicators of the nutritional value of the finished product depend on this.

Poultry meat has low indicators, and this circumstance must be taken into account when calculating how many calories are in pizza with chicken. Usually the figure for such pizzas does not exceed 210 Kcal.

Sausages contain several types of meat, various spices are added to them, and this makes the energy value of sausages differ from the natural product to a greater extent.

Sausage in the filling adds up to 600 calories to the finished product. Manufacturers calculate and indicate on the leaflet how many calories there will be in a piece of pizza, but on average this figure is 255 kcal.

When calculating how many calories are in margherita pizza, you need to take into account that it uses low-calorie ingredients. In addition to the test, it includes:

  • mozzarella cheese;
  • olive oil;
  • tomatoes;
  • tomato paste;
  • green basil leaves for added flavor.

The energy value of one piece of such an open flatbread will be 208 Kcal.

When calculating how many calories are in pepperoni pizza, you should take into account that this dish contains fatty meats flavored with spicy seasoning of garlic and pepper. Manufacturers can replace fatty pork with a lean mixture of beef and poultry. It is believed that a slice of pepperoni pizza has about 270 kcal.

All figures are approximate, because any freedom of the cook can significantly change the figures down or up.

Features of home cooking

Changes in the traditional composition of ingredients are often observed when preparing open-faced flatbreads with filling. To calculate how many calories there will be in homemade pizza, you will need to determine the weight and calorie content of each product used separately. Most often used for cooking at home:

  • wheat flour;
  • kefir;
  • vegetable oil;
  • tomatoes;
  • fried mushrooms;
  • egg;
  • greenery;
  • sausages;
  • pieces of poultry meat.

Vegetarian pizza contains only vegetables and mushrooms and has the lowest energy value

Vegetarian pizza, containing only vegetables and mushrooms, has the lowest energy value. When calculating how many calories there are in pizza with mushrooms, you need to take into account that plant foods have low energy value, and a slice of pizza will be about 165 Kcal.

An open patty containing sausage can have up to 350 energy units in one piece. Everything will depend on the thickness of the tortilla, the amount of cheese and sausage and their individual nutritional values. The calorie content of products used to prepare homemade baked goods can be determined from the packaging in which they are sold. After this, it remains to calculate how many grams of product were used to prepare the open cake. To do this you will need simple mathematical operations. Applying the knowledge gained in elementary school will help you figure out how many calories are in a homemade pizza.

Why is this dish harmful?

Studying the question of how many calories are in pizza leads to the conclusion that this dish of Italian cuisine does not harm the figure if it is not abused. Many people then wonder why pizza is not recommended for daily consumption. Italians eat this national dish regularly, and this does not affect their figures. It's all about modern food additives and preservatives, which are considered undesirable components of a person's daily menu.

The sauces and sausages used to prepare this favorite dish contain a large number of dyes and chemicals that are harmful to the human body and inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi. Many food additives are pathogenic agents that cause severe allergic reactions. Accumulating in the body, they can cause cancer. Therefore, made-to-order pizza cannot be considered as part of a healthy diet, despite its calorie content.

Advice! Pizza, prepared from start to finish at home, containing simple natural products, may well be included in the diet of a person seeking to diversify his menu.

  • chicken meat;
  • egg;
  • paprika;
  • spices;
  • tomatoes.

Then the calorie content of this dish will not exceed 200 Kcal, and such pizza will not be harmful to health. To reduce the calorie content of the flatbread, you can make the dough with kefir, adding soda to it for fluffiness. This will reduce the energy value of the pizza base to 200 Kcal. Vegetarian fillings will have a low energy coefficient, and this will allow you to create an individual recipe for a tasty and healthy dietary dish that will diversify a dull diet.

Pizza is one of those dishes that is almost impossible to pass by. The aroma of fresh pizza is attractive, and you want to try at least a small piece. And the question is spinning in my head: “How many calories are in pizza? Will this piece become dangerous for my waist?” The calorie content of pizza scares many, but few people know that traditional Italian pizza is classified as a low-calorie product. It all starts with the dough, for which only durum flour is used. Unlike carefully processed premium flour, such flour retains a maximum of useful substances, and in addition, products made from it are not absorbed by the body as quickly as is the case with baked goods.

Initially, the filling of Italian pizza was very different from what we are used to seeing today. It was a tomato sauce. The sauce was spread over the crust and baked in the oven. As a result, the calorie content of the pizza was low, and the dish turned out to be very nutritious and tasty. It must be said that Italians generally love tomato paste and actively add it to many dishes. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the inhabitants of this country remain slim into old age.

In our country, pizza has become popular relatively recently. First of all, this is due to the fact that it is easy to prepare, and in addition, coming up with your own pizza recipe is not difficult. When generously adding another piece of fatty sausage or cheese to their pizza, few people think about how many calories the pizza ends up with. The main thing is that it is tasty, and the calorie content of pizza is not so important for connoisseurs of this dish.

How to make pizza

Making pizza is quite simple. You need to knead the dough, roll it into a flat cake and put the filling on it. The composition of the filling often depends on the preferences of the housewife. It’s unlikely that anyone is looking for special Italian recipes at home. For many, pizza is a version of an open pie that cannot be spoiled by anything. However, if you are still concerned about the question of how many calories are in pizza, then it makes sense to study at least a few traditional pizza recipes. And start changing this dish with the most important thing - the dough.

Pizza dough should not be yeast-based, like that used for traditional Russian pies. It is most often based on flour and water. The dough should also not be thick. This seems strange to many; they believe that only thick, fluffy dough gives pizza its taste. But, in fact, it only increases the calorie content of the pizza. The first pizza was not invented because there was nowhere to put the food. Rather, it appeared in one of the poor areas where food was scarce, so the dough was rolled out thinly and the filling was not particularly rich. Over time, the pizza filling began to be replenished with new products, but the thickness of the crust remained almost unchanged. The dough should be thin - this is one of the main rules of real pizza.

As for the filling itself, it should also include traditional Italian products. This could be Italian ham, cheese, olives, etc. - everything that the Italian land is rich in. How many calories are in pizza largely depends on the ingredients. The most interesting thing is that real Italian pizza does not imply a huge variety of ingredients. This, as already mentioned, can be just tomato sauce, or several types of cheese. Italians do not try to put everything they have on pizza, but limit themselves to only a few ingredients. As a result, the pizza acquires an amazing taste. Perhaps our desire to put as many ingredients on pizza as possible is due to the desire to prevent them from spoiling, but what we end up with cannot be called Italian pizza. Rather, these are variations on the theme of pizza, but certainly not pizza itself. But, still, I wonder how many calories are in pizza with the ingredients we are used to? Let's try to figure it out.

How many calories are in pizza

One of the most commonly consumed pizza ingredients is sausage. Usually, dry sausages are used in it. You can come up with a great many recipes for such pizza. In addition to sausage, pizza may also contain other meats, but the calorie content of pizza with sausage largely depends on the calorie content of the selected sausage. You can try, for example, making pizza with hunting sausages and doctor’s sausage. For its filling, hunting sausages, pickles, doctor's sausage, olives, tomatoes, feta cheese and cheese are used. The calorie content of pizza with sausage will be approximately 280 kcal per 100 g. As you can see, the dish is quite high in calories, but this is not surprising, given the abundance of ingredients included in it. The calorie content of pizza with sausage can be reduced by using only one type of sausage, tomato sauce and cheese. It all depends on the preferences of the cook.

It should be borne in mind that the calorie content of pizza with cheese will be higher, however, with it the pizza turns out especially tasty. Cheese is present in almost any pizza. The main requirement for it is that it melts well during heat treatment and becomes viscous. The Italians even have a pizza recipe that contains nothing else except cheese. This is a very tasty dish, but the calorie content of pizza with cheese will, of course, be higher than if you use only one type of cheese, since this product is quite high in calories.

Mushrooms are also a common ingredient used to make pizza. Considering that mushrooms are not high-calorie foods, they do not greatly increase the calorie content of mushroom pizza. For example, raw champignons, which are added to pizza, contain only 20 kcal per 100 g. You don’t need much of them to make pizza. If the pizza toppings included only mushrooms and tomato sauce, then the calorie content of mushroom pizza would be relatively low. It would definitely be lower than the calorie content of pizza with cheese. However, the calorie content of pizza with mushrooms will also be affected by other products included in the pizza.