Puff pastry strudel. Strudel made from ready-made puff pastry


Apple strudel - This layered cake stuffed with fresh apples, which we propose to prepare according to the classic Austrian recipe, but from ready dough. Feeling its aroma and incredible taste, you might think that the pie was prepared in one of the pastry shops in Europe. Strudel made from ready-made puff pastry will appeal to everyone, from young to old. The appearance of this pie on dining table will create a feeling of comfort and a warm, friendly atmosphere.

In addition, this type of baking is not only very tasty, but also healthy. Thanks to pectin, which is part of apples, a person’s blood cholesterol levels can decrease, and the walls of blood vessels can also be strengthened, which will prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Beneficial features apples are large enough, especially for digestion and improved functioning gastrointestinal tract. Apples bring you back to normal salt balance the human body and slow down the aging process. The benefits of apples have been proven by scientists. The pulp of these fruits promotes the birth of new cells and thereby rejuvenates the body.

On this moment exists great amount recipes for making this pie. The classic filling for it is considered to be not only apples, but also cherries, cottage cheese, nuts and poppy seeds. Back in 1814, no one in Austria knew this type of baking. However, at the Congress of Vienna, during the celebration of the victory over France, instead of multi-tiered cakes with rich cream, it was Viennese pastries from light puff pastry test. Then it was invented to serve apple strudel with a scoop of ice cream, a piece fresh fruit and coffee.

If you have a desire to feel real Viennese pastry chef, we offer you a step-by-step recipe with photos of preparing apple strudel from ready-made puff pastry.


  • (2 sheets)

  • (0.5 tsp)

  • (2-3 larger pieces)

  • (2 tbsp.)

  • (2 tbsp.)

  • (2 tbsp.)

  • (0.5 tbsp. chopped)

  • (2 tbsp.)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (1 PC.)

Cooking steps

    First, take washed apples and cut them into small pieces.

    Mix the chopped fruits with cinnamon, two types of sugar and flour. Leave the apples for a while so that the juice comes out of them.

    In a separate container, mix crackers with nuts and two types of sugar.

    We twist the dough so that the filling is completely covered. We do the same with the second sheet of dough and the remaining fillings.

    Fold the sides of the rolls down and place them on a greased baking sheet. Cover the surface with a mixture of water and yolk.

    We make cross cuts on both rolls.

    Bake the strudels in the oven at 200 degrees for about 45 minutes.

    Serve the pie with cream or ice cream.

    Bon appetit!


Prepare amazingly aromatic apple strudel from puff pastry according to our family recipe with detailed video recommendations and step by step photos.

45 min

400 kcal

5/5 (3)

Much water has passed under the bridge since I started my culinary career, but I still won’t forget my first experience for the rest of my life. Then my grandmother and I realized signature recipe strudel with apples made from puff pastry, which surprisingly turned out very good, and I received even more positive emotions. Mom and Dad praised me and predicted a successful culinary career.

Years passed, and I myself taught my girls to bake a quick and easy strudel with apples and fragrant cinnamon same old step by step recipe, which was copied long ago from a French cookbook containing all the secrets proper baking with a photo of the finished dish.

Ingredients and preparation

Preparation time: 120 minutes.

Kitchen appliances

Select the utensils, tools and utensils that are required for kneading dough and baking strudel:

  • a wide baking tray with a diagonal of 25 cm with a non-stick coating or a spacious and big shape for cake with a diameter of 30 cm;
  • volumetric bowls (several pieces) with a capacity from 250 to 850 ml;
  • tablespoons and teaspoons;
  • fork;
  • steel whisk;
  • linen towel;
  • pastry brush;
  • cutting board (wooden only);
  • medium grater;
  • measuring cup or kitchen scale;
  • fine sieve;
  • rolling pin;
  • wooden spatula.

Among other things, try to prepare a blender or mixer to be able to make your work easier and reduce the time for preparing the strudel dough.

You will need



Did you know? If you decide to cook apple strudel using this recipe using ready-made (store-bought) puff pastry or without yeast dough, remove it from the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking so that it can completely melt. As a last resort, place the packet of dough on a towel and place it on a hot radiator or use the microwave to defrost.


  • 1 chicken egg.

Important! You can also add a little (a pinch) of ground cloves and ginger, and I sometimes crush a few cardamom seeds by hand in a mortar and add the resulting crumbs to the filling - the flavor is simply delicious!

Cooking sequence



  1. Combine the sifted flour with water in three to four additions.

  2. Knead a soft, elastic dough that does not stick to your hands.

  3. Roll it into a ball and put it in the refrigerator for fifteen minutes.

  4. Then remove from the refrigerator and place on the table. Roll out quite thinly with a rolling pin, rub or cut butter or margarine on top.

  5. We distribute it with a spatula over the entire surface of the formation.
  6. Then fold the dough in three or four times, wrapping the edges towards the center.

  7. And put the dough in the cold again for 10 or 15 minutes.
  8. After this, carefully, so as not to squeeze out the oil too much, roll out the dough into a layer.

  9. Wrap it again in several layers and put it in the refrigerator.
  10. We do the same thing one or two more times and the dough is ready.

Did you know? To obtain the perfect apple strudel, you need to roll out the workpiece in the manner described above at least four times so that the structure of the product becomes even more tender and delicate. However, if you don’t have time, you can roll out the dough only twice - the product will turn out less fluffy, but still tasty.

Assembly and baking

  1. Set the oven to heat up to 180 degrees.
  2. Mix the melted butter with a spoon into a solid mass.
  3. Roll out the risen dough with a rolling pin on a kitchen table sprinkled with flour.

  4. Let the resulting layer sit for approximately ten minutes.

  5. Then grease one half of the layer with butter using a brush or cotton wool.

  6. Sprinkle on top breadcrumbs or potato starch.

  7. Place the prepared apples and carefully spread them over the surface of the dough.

  8. Let our preparation stand for a little longer (approximately five minutes).
  9. Meanwhile, grease a baking sheet or mold with creamy margarine.

  10. With a few quick and confident movements, roll the dough into a roll.

  11. Carefully transfer it to a baking sheet and cover with beaten egg on top.

  12. We keep our pie in the oven for about fifteen minutes.
  13. Then carefully check the dough for readiness with a skewer or toothpick.
  14. If the dough is still raw, extend baking for another ten minutes.
  15. Remove the finished pie from oven and let it cool.

  16. Transfer the product to a spacious serving dish.

Important! At the final stage, many lovers also add to the filling for apple strudel with cinnamon ground nuts or even candied fruits. However I don't think this is good idea, since apples do not go well with them and can overload the filling with strong flavors.

Made! Your amazing and very aromatic apple strudel is completely ready! You will be convinced that the game was worth the candle as soon as you cut off a piece and put it in your mouth (the hostess tries it first).

Sprinkle your product powdered sugar or your favorite confectionery powder, it is only desirable that it has fruity notes. Serve sliced ​​into delicious portioned pieces so that the attractive aroma will attract even the most persistent characters in your family to the table.

Apple strudel video recipe

Watch the attached video to see how to bake a delicious apple and cinnamon strudel correctly and without any hassle. Please note that to prepare such aromatic and delicious baked goods You can also use ready-made puff pastry- it will be much faster this way.

Finally, I would like to recommend to you a few more excellent products with apples, which my family appreciates so much, because it would be unwise to cook the same thing over and over again. Try it, which is more rich and original taste than the one just presented. In addition, I highly recommend the classic one - my family has been baking it relatively recently, but I’m already absolutely delighted.

In addition, you will definitely like the famous one, as well as the delicate and low-calorie one. For those who are always in a hurry and young mothers, I wholeheartedly advise you to try baking

Delicious strudel with apples is a bright representative homemade baked goods, which appeals to both adults and children. The whole charm of such sweetness lies not only in its taste qualities, but in the accessibility and ease of the recipe. Even novice housewives can safely take on the preparation of this dish, since the whole process is quite simple. In addition, it will be greatly facilitated not only by detailed advice for each cooking step, but also by step-by-step photographs.

To prepare strudel we need following products: flour, water, eggs, vegetable oil, apples, sugar, butter and vanilla sugar. All these ingredients are needed to prepare a classic strudel. If you opt for a “lighter” version of the recipe, then this list can be significantly trimmed. For example, to prepare strudel, you can use store-bought puff pastry. In this case, you will be spared the need to cook it yourself, which will save yourself not only effort and time, but also some products.

Also, despite the fact that strudel is most often prepared with apples, any other filling can be used instead. These fruits can be replaced with pears, plums, peaches, and apricots. Instead of fruits, you can also use berries, dried fruits(raisins, dried apricots, prunes) or nuts. For more flavor, don't forget to add cinnamon, vanilla and powdered sugar.

Once your apple strudel is ready, you can serve it immediately. Such pastries can become a decoration for anyone festive table, although there is nothing easier than baking such a sweet for an ordinary tea party with your family.


For the test:
  • 250 g flour
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 125 g water
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil
For filling:
  • 600 g peeled and chopped apples
  • 100 g raisins
  • 100 g roasted almonds
  • 90 g sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 p. vanilla sugar(20 g)
  • 100 g butter

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

  1. First, let's prepare the dough. To do this, first of all you need to sift the wheat flour through a sieve. Add a pinch of salt and one egg yolk to it.
  2. Pour water into the main mixture in small portions and mix elastic dough. You need to knead it well until it starts to stick to your hands.
  3. Grease a ball of prepared puff pastry vegetable oil, cover with a towel and leave it for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Now let's prepare the filling for the strudel. Cut the roasted almonds lengthwise to create long slices.
  5. We wash the apples, peel them and cut them into pieces.
  6. Mix apples, almonds and washed raisins.
  7. Sprinkle the linen towel thoroughly with flour, as shown in the photo.
  8. Place the dough on the towel and begin to roll it out.
  9. The result will be a long rectangle. The dough should be thin enough. (However, it should not be transparent - when you wrap the strudel with filling, it may tear). Therefore, we roll out the dough so that it becomes thin, but be careful not to overdo it.
  10. Sprinkle the rolled out dough with cinnamon and vanilla sugar. Sprinkle with ½ part of sugar.
  11. Place the filling on the dough and sprinkle with sugar. Level the layer of apples.
  12. Carefully wrap the strudel, helping yourself with a towel so as not to tear the dough.
  13. Carefully pinch the edges of the strudel.
  14. Carefully place the strudel (seam side down!) on a baking sheet, having previously covered it with baking paper.
  15. Brush the strudel with melted butter. Place the strudel in the oven for 40-50 minutes, but grease the strudel with oil approximately every 10-15 minutes. Cooking temperature 180 degrees.
  16. Remove the finished strudel from the oven and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  17. Serve the strudel with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or custard. When cut, the baked goods look very appetizing.

Bon appetit!

Universal dough for strudel with apples and other fillings

If you decide to take up baking, the whole process always begins with preparing the dough. There are a great many options for strudel dough, but I bring to your attention a classic and universal recipe.


  • 450 g flour
  • 1 egg
  • 100 ml water
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 pinch of salt

Cooking method:

  1. Sift wheat flour onto the countertop.
  2. In the resulting mound of flour, make a small depression and crack the egg into it.
  3. Then carefully pour in water.
  4. After this, add sugar and salt, after which we begin to knead the dough.
  5. Form the finished dough into a ball, transfer it to a deep bowl and cover with cling film.
  6. Place the bowl of dough in the refrigerator for 60-90 minutes.
  7. Spread a clean towel on the countertop and sprinkle it with flour. After the specified time, take the dough out of the refrigerator and roll it into a thin layer on a towel.
  8. The strudel dough is ready and can be used for its intended purpose.

Delicate strudel with apples from ready-made puff pastry

If you don’t have time to prepare puff pastry yourself, and the burning desire to bake strudel with apples for tea has not gone away for three days, then this recipe is for you fits better Total.


  • 500 g prepared puff pastry
  • 600 g apples
  • 100 g raisins
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 3 tbsp. l. Roma
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tsp breadcrumbs
  • 40 g butter

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to take the puff pastry out of the freezer and give it time to completely defrost.
  2. While the dough is defrosting, rinse the raisins and soak them in warm water.
  3. We wash the apples, peel them and cut them into cubes.
  4. Butter Divide into two equal halves and heat one of them in a clean frying pan.
  5. Fry peeled apples in butter until golden brown.
  6. Add sugar to apples and pour in rum. Cook the apples for about 2 more minutes.
  7. Place the fried apples in a deep bowl and add raisins, ground nuts and cinnamon.
  8. Set the finished filling aside and roll out the defrosted dough into a layer.
  9. Sprinkle the dough layer with breadcrumbs and place the filling on top.
  10. Roll the dough into a roll and seal the edges tightly.
  11. Line a baking tray with baking paper and place the strudel on it with the seal seam down.
  12. Melt the remaining butter and pour it over the strudel.
  13. Place the strudel in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour.
  14. Before serving ready-made baked goods You can sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

Strudel with apples made from yeast dough

Any housewife knows that if you want to end up with a lush and airy baked goods, then it must be cooked with yeast. With yeast dough, not only the pies will be fluffy, but also strudel, the recipe for which I am sharing with you right now.


For the test:

  • 1 tbsp. milk
  • 30 g dry yeast
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 3 tbsp. flour
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • 6 tbsp. vegetable oil
For filling:
  • 1 kg apples
  • 100 g raisins
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon

Cooking method:

  1. As always when preparing yeast dough, you first need to prepare the dough. To do this, pour into a deep bowl warm milk and add yeast and sugar to it.
  2. Place the container in a warm place for 10 minutes and give the yeast time to completely dissolve. After this, add 4 tbsp to the dough. flour and mix all ingredients thoroughly. Leave the resulting mass alone for half an hour in a warm place.
  3. After 30 minutes, the dough will be completely ready and should be poured into a deep container. After this, add eggs, salt, vegetable oil to the dough and add in small portions, the remaining wheat flour.
  4. Lubricate your hands with a small amount of vegetable oil and knead the yeast strudel dough directly with your hands.
  5. Place the finished dough on the bottom of a clean pan and cover it with a towel. Place the dough in the oven preheated to 30 degrees for 60 minutes. This time is enough for the dough to double in volume.
  6. We wash the apples, peel them and cut them into pieces.
  7. Soak the raisins in boiling water for a quarter of an hour, after which we rinse them thoroughly in clean water.
  8. Roll out the dough into a thin layer and sprinkle sugar on top.
  9. Place apples and raisins on top of the sugar and sprinkle them with cinnamon.
  10. We wrap the dough into a roll and carefully seal all the edges.
  11. Transfer the strudel to a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and place it in the oven for 30 minutes. Cooking temperature 17-180 degrees.

Appetizing strudel with lavash apples

Armenian lavash can be used not only for making sandwiches and snacks, but also as a basis for baking strudel, both with apples and any other filling.


  • 400 g Armenian lavash
  • 3 apples
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon zest
  • 2 tbsp. butter
  • 100 g sugar
  • 100 g cinnamon

Cooking method:

  1. IN metal pan or put butter, sugar and lemon zest in a saucepan. Place the container on the fire and melt all the ingredients until it becomes syrup.
  2. We pour out a small part of the syrup, and bring the rest to a boil, after which we throw in the previously peeled and cut into pieces apples.
  3. Stew apples in syrup until soft.
  4. To prevent the pita bread from breaking, hold it over steam, away from boiling water, then spread it on the countertop and grease it with the remaining syrup.
  5. Place the apple filling on top of the pita bread and wrap the pita bread into a roll.
  6. Transfer the lavash strudel onto a baking sheet lined with parchment and pour the remaining syrup on top.
  7. Place it in the oven and bake at 180 degrees until golden brown crust.

Now you know how to prepare apple strudel. Bon appetit!

Strudel with apples is a sweetness that you can pamper yourself and your family with all year round. All the products necessary for its preparation can be easily purchased in any supermarket, and what is especially noteworthy is that they will not cost much at all. Despite the abundance of cooking stages, the entire process of preparing strudel is quite simple, and even a novice housewife can handle this task. Finally, as always, I want to give a few tips so that your apple strudel turns out delicious the first time:
  • To prepare strudel, you can use both store-bought and homemade dough, choose the option that is most acceptable to you;
  • Strudel can be made not only from puff pastry, but also from yeast dough. If you have the opportunity, I recommend trying both options;
  • As a filling, use not only apples, but also other fruits, berries, nuts, etc.;
  • Before serving ready-made strudel It wouldn’t hurt to sprinkle with powdered sugar, syrup or chocolate icing.

Strudel - truly genius baking.

Fragrant, juicy, with appetizing crust.

What great fellows the Austrians are!

We can thank them for the invention of strudel. And we just have to learn how to do it correctly.

What are the features of preparing and baking apple strudel from puff pastry?

Strudel with apples made from puff pastry - general principles of preparation

Strudel - roll with juicy and aromatic filling. It's actually very easy to prepare if you use ready dough. If you knead and layer it yourself, it will take much more time. Mainly used for filling stewed apples. The filling must be prepared in advance to allow it to cool.

What else is added to apples:

Other fruits;

The puff pastry is rolled out into a layer, the filling is laid out and rolled up. You can simply bend the edges inward one at a time. But more often they roll the roll. This is not so easy to do; the filling tends to spill out. Therefore, rolling is done using a piece of parchment or a kitchen towel.

Ready product lubricate. To do this, use butter or an egg. And be sure to make holes on top through which steam will escape. The strudel is baked in the oven. Landing temperature 190-200 degrees. Typically, 30-40 minutes is enough for a puff pastry product. But let's focus on the view.

Recipe 1: Regular strudel with puff pastry apples

To prepare a simple and quick strudel with apples, you will need yeast-free puff pastry. The quantities indicated are approximate. If there is more in the pack, separate by eye.


4 spoons of sugar;

3 tablespoons butter;

0.25 kg of dough;

3 tablespoons flour;

0.5 spoons of cinnamon;


1. Take the dough out of the freezer in advance and let it thaw on the table. If you don’t have time, you can defrost it in microwave oven.

2. Wash and wipe the apples. Cut in half, remove core and chop thin slices. We leave the skin.

3. Heat two tablespoons of oil in a frying pan, add apples and add half the sugar. Lightly fry, evaporate the liquid. This will take about 12 minutes. Cool the filling and add cinnamon to it.

4. Roll out the dough into rectangular layer 30 by 35 centimeters.

5. Sprinkle wheat flour. It will prevent the base from becoming soggy from apple juice.

6. Lay out the cooled filling and roll up the strudel. You just need to wrap one edge inward first, and then the other.

7. Turn over. The seam should be on the bottom. Transfer to a baking sheet.

8. Melt the remaining spoon of butter and grease our package. Sprinkle with remaining sugar. We make sure to make several cuts on top so that steam can escape.

9. Bake until done.

Recipe 2: Strudel with apples from puff pastry “Nut”

To prepare this aromatic puff pastry apple strudel you will need walnuts. Of course, you can use peanuts and hazelnuts, but with them it turns out completely different. Walnuts impart their special taste to baked goods.


0.3 kg dough;

0.13 kg of nuts;

30 g butter;

2-3 tablespoons of starch;

60 g sugar;

500 g apples.


1. Immediately heat the oil in a frying pan.

2. Cut the apples into small slices and throw them into the frying pan. Add granulated sugar and cook for five minutes.

3. We sort out the walnuts, remove any debris, and chop them into pieces. But not small. There is no need to turn the kernels into dust or flour.

4. Transfer the nuts to the apples and cook for a couple more minutes. If you want to get more bright aroma, then you can fry them in another frying pan, and then combine them in the filling.

5. Roll out the layer and place it on a towel. You can use a sheet of parchment.

6. Sprinkle the dough with starch.

7. Lay out in an even layer apple filling with nuts.

8. Roll up the roll, helping yourself with a towel.

9. Place on a baking sheet and pinch the edges of the product to keep all the filling and juices in it.

10. Make several cuts on top, then grease with oil and put in the oven. Cook until golden brown. Remove and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe 3: Strudel with raw apples from puff pastry

It turns out that to make apple strudel from puff pastry, it is not necessary to heat the filling. You can do it much simpler and the process will go faster. It is better to use soft and ripe apples. To bake such a product you will need a piece of foil.


0.3 kg puff pastry;

0.5 kg apples;

Sugar and cinnamon to taste;

4 tablespoons breadcrumbs;

2 tablespoons butter.


1. For this recipe, apples need to be peeled and then cut into thin slices. The pieces may be large in size, but not thick. That's it for preparing the filling!

2. Roll out the puff pastry into a layer, grease with one spoon of butter.

3. Sprinkle with a layer of breadcrumbs. They will absorb the juice released from the apples.

4. Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top of the filling.

5. Roll the strudel into a roll.

6. Place a sheet of foil on a baking sheet and grease it with oil. We shift our roll. We place the seam at the bottom; the edges of the log can be pinched. We make 3 transverse cuts on top, like a loaf.

7. Raise the edges of the foil on both sides and pinch the top together.

8. Let the strudel bake. Cook for 15 minutes at 190 degrees.

9. Grind the butter with a pinch of sugar.

10. Take it out, open the foil and grease it with creamy mixture on all sides. Now turn up the temperature to 220 degrees and fry the strudel until cooked. About 15 more minutes.

Recipe 4: Strudel with apples and raisins made from puff pastry

Another recipe for strudel with apples made from puff pastry. This time the taste is diluted by raisins. The technology for preparing the filling and forming the product is also different.


250 grams of dough;

4 spoons of sugar;

4 tablespoons of crushed crackers;

100 grams of raisins;

1 yolk;

150 ml water;

1 spoon of flour.


1. Roll out the layer of puff pastry lengthwise and let it lie on the table until it thaws well. In the meantime, let's prepare the filling.

2. Fill the raisins with warm water and leave to swell. Then express the liquid well.

3. Slice the peeled apples small pieces, combine with swollen raisins, add cinnamon and sugar.

4. Beat the yolk with a fork.

5. Transfer the dough to a kitchen towel lightly dusted with flour.

6. Grease with beaten yolk and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

7. Spread the apple and raisin filling on one half of the dough. Cover with the free part and pinch the edges tightly around the entire perimeter. You will get a rectangle. Now we roll it up into a roll.

8. Transfer to a baking sheet, make cuts, grease with remaining yolk and bake until done.

Recipe 5: Strudel with apples and puff pastry zest

The recipe for a very aromatic strudel, for which citrus zest is added to the filling. It could be lemon, orange, tangerine, or even a mixture of different peels. But the most fragrant is the product with lemon.


0.3 kg dough;

0.4 kg apples;

0.1 kg of nuts;

1 spoon of zest;

3 tablespoons sugar;

2 tablespoons of oil;


1. Crush the nuts into pieces, place them in hot oil and fry for a minute.

2. Add diced apples, zest and sugar, cook the filling for 10 minutes. Make the heat high so that the moisture evaporates. Let cool.

3. Roll out the layer and place the filling on it.

4. We form the product in the form of a roll or envelope. Place on a baking sheet.

5. Make several cuts on top.

6. Separate the white from the yolk. Beat the yolk and grease the product. We don't need protein.

7. Bake until done. Cool and cut into cross pieces.

Recipe 6: Strudel with apples and cherries made from puff pastry

You can use both fresh and frozen cherries for the filling. But they need to be thawed first and all the liquid drained; you can even squeeze the berries by hand.


0.26 kg dough;

3 apples;

1 glass of cherries;

4 spoons of sugar;

0.5 tsp. cinnamon;

2 tablespoons of oil;

0.5 cups crushed sweet crackers.


1. Take the seeds out of the cherries, put them in a colander, let the excess juice drain.

2. Heat the oil, add the chopped apples and sugar, cook for two minutes.

3. Add cherries, cinnamon and simmer for about fifteen minutes. We look at the thickness of the filling. If the moisture evaporates earlier, then turn it off. Let cool.

4. Roll out the layer, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, lay out fruit filling.

5. Roll up the product and transfer it to a baking sheet.

6. Grease with oil, make three holes on top and bake.

Recipe 7: Strudel with apples and honey from puff pastry

For this strudel it is better to use yeast dough. It makes it more tender and tastier.


0.5 kg of dough;

10 apples;

150 grams of raisins;

3 spoons of honey;

40 grams of sugar;

1 tsp. cinnamon;

1 yolk;

2 spoons of cognac;

1 pinch of vanilla;

3 spoons of powder.


1. Cut the apples into slices, but not small. Transfer to the pan and begin to simmer.

2. After 5 minutes, add sugar. It is better to use reed.

3. Add washed raisins, cinnamon and cognac. Simmer together until the fruit is soft. Instead of cognac, you can use any liqueur.

4. Cool the filling until warm and add honey. It will melt, stir.

5. Roll out the dough into a layer of about 5 millimeters. Spread the filling in an even layer.

6. Roll up the roll. Straighten with your hands and place on the prepared baking sheet.

7. Grease with yolk and send to bake.

8. Cool, sprinkle with powder. You can use a mixture of powder and cinnamon.

Puff pastry apple strudel - useful tips and tricks

If the strudel is prepared with raw apples, then you shouldn’t sprinkle them granulated sugar in advance. Otherwise there will be a lot of juice and the dough will simply become soggy. Also, when forming a roll, you can sprinkle the dough layer itself, and not the filling.

No apples or just a few? The strudel filling can be diluted with any fruit: plums, pears, quince, and even added exotic bananas. Delicious and bright pastries made with the addition of pumpkin.

Ground cloves, like cinnamon, go well with apples and highlight their flavor. But for some reason she undeservedly remains on the sidelines. Maybe this needs to be fixed?

Instead of breadcrumbs and flour, you can sprinkle the dough layer with crushed dry cookies or unsalted crackers. They will also absorb well Apple juice and will not allow the dough to become soggy.

If the strudel contains nuts, then you can decorate it with them. To do this, before baking, the product is simply greased and covered with crushed kernels. It is only important that they are not fried, but raw. Otherwise they may burn.

What to serve with strudel? Of course, it could be coffee, tea. But classic baking usually accompanied by a scoop of ice cream.