Spinach for children: puree and other children's dishes. Spinach for children: age, benefits, recipes Can a one-year-old child eat spinach?

There is a reason for this: it contains vitamins and minerals in cosmic quantities. But because of the bland taste, children often refuse to eat it. We have collected ones that are suitable for children's menus, and the taste of which kids will definitely appreciate.


Ingredients: eggs - 3 pcs, milk - 0.5 cups, spinach - 100 g, butter - 1 tsp, water - 2 tbsp, salt to taste.

Preparation. Wash the spinach, dry, chop and sauté in butter, adding water. Beat the eggs with milk, add salt and pour into the pan with the spinach. Cook over low heat with the lid closed.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with spinach and cheese

Ingredients: spinach - 200 g, grated cheese - 100 g, white cabbage - 3 whole leaves, salt, pepper and spices to taste.

Preparation. Boil spinach until soft, cool, chop and mix with grated cheese. Salt and add spices.
Pour boiling water over cabbage leaves and cut off the thick part. Wrap the cheese and spinach filling in them, put them in a thick-walled pan, pour a little milk on the bottom and simmer under a closed lid for 20 minutes.


Ingredients: potatoes - 600 g, eggs - 3 pcs, spinach - 150 g, chicken fillet - 200 g, carrots - 100 g, butter - 50 g, salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Preparation. Boil potatoes and carrots and mash them into a puree. Add salt, add 2 eggs and mix until smooth.
Grind the chicken into mince and mix with finely chopped spinach. Add salt and pepper, beat in the egg and mix well.
Grease the mold, sprinkle it with breadcrumbs and lay out half of the potato mixture. Place the minced spinach on top and cover with the remaining mashed potatoes. Level the surface, put a few pieces of butter on top and bake for 40 minutes at 190 degrees.
Photo: depositphotos

Spinach is a one- and two-year-old herbaceous plant up to 50 cm high, resembling sorrel, growing on all continents. It was first cultivated in Persia. “The general among the greenery,” that’s what it was called in the Arab world, where the plant was very popular and treatises were dedicated to it. The vegetable was brought to Europe in the 13th century, it was served at the table at the royal court in France, and from the 18th century. Russian monarchs began to use it. Spinach with croutons was a dish of aristocrats, and only at the end of the 19th century. it became accessible to the middle class.

This attitude towards spinach is quite justified - it is one of the ten most healthy vegetables. In terms of the amount of vegetable protein, for example, spinach is in second place after green peas.

Spinach is very popular in American and European cuisine, where it is included not only in salads, but also in soups, vegetable and meat dishes, and even smoothies (thick fruit drinks with milk). In Russia, not everyone knows about the beneficial properties of the plant, the possibility of including it in a child’s diet, or the dishes that can be prepared from spinach for children.

The following nutrients were found in 100 g of fresh spinach:

  • 2.9 g protein;
  • 3.6 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.4 g fat;
  • 1.3 g dietary fiber;
  • 0.4 g ash;
  • 91.4 g water.

The nutritional value of 100 g of vegetable is 23 kcal. The bulk of carbohydrates are simple sugars; dextrins and starch only 0.1 g/100 g of greens. Proteins contain 10 essential and 8 nonessential amino acids.

Spinach includes a generous supply of vitamins: , PP, K, niacin, biotin, most of the vitamins (B2, B4, B1, B3, B6, B9, B5), beta-carotene.

The range of minerals in the green leaves of the plant is quite wide.

  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium.

Microelements found in the vegetable:

  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • manganese.

The vegetable is rich in calcium and iron, but their absorption is hindered by oxalates and phytic acid, which are contained in spinach. And, by the way, it contains more oxalates than other vegetables. Therefore, the body absorbs no more than 5% of the calcium contained in greens. The bioavailability of calcium in spinach is the lowest among all vegetables.


Spinach has many beneficial properties. That is why it is used in many cuisines around the world.

This modest plant combines maximum beneficial properties, which is why spinach takes its rightful place in many cuisines around the world. Already at the beginning of the growing season, bright green leaves appear, ready for consumption.

The most important beneficial properties of spinach:

  1. Phytonutrients with antioxidant properties (ascorbic acid, lutein, vitamin E) help remove toxic substances and waste from the body. This improves the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, helps in treatment, promotes wound healing, and prevents the development of malignant diseases. Spinach is included in the diet.
  2. An almost complete set of B vitamins plays an important role in ensuring the functions of the nervous system, activation of metabolic processes, and proper development of vital organs. The vegetable is useful in stressful situations and increased mental stress among schoolchildren.
  3. Spinach can be considered one of the main sources of vitamin B9 (folic acid), which, together with minerals, is important for the synthesis of blood cells and prevention in children.
  4. In 100 g of vegetable leaves, the iron content (important for the prevention and treatment of anemia) is equal to ¼ of the daily requirement for it.
  5. Spinach is second only to the amount of carotene it contains. This vitamin is important for normal vision in children. The carotenoid zeaxanthin, which is rarely found in other foods, also has a positive effect on vision.
  6. The unique composition of the vegetable helps strengthen the skeleton, teeth, prevent rickets in children, osteoporosis (increased bone fragility due to poor mineralization).
  7. Manganese and phosphorus are involved in metabolic processes in the brain and help increase the child’s intellectual abilities.
  8. The vitamins and minerals in spinach increase the activity of the immune system in children and help them recover faster from infections.
  9. Having a positive effect on digestion and a mild laxative effect, spinach helps get rid of inflammation and creates favorable conditions for the development of a healthy intestine. Thanks to the stimulation of the secretion of the salivary glands and pancreas, spinach is easily digestible.
  10. Due to its low calorie content, this healthy vegetable can be consumed by children with.
  11. Vitamin PP and ascorbic acid strengthen the vascular wall and prevent increased bleeding.

Possible harm and contraindications

For the safety of spinach consumption, the quality and freshness of the product are important, since when it is stored for more than 2 days, toxic substances accumulate in the leaves.

A freshly prepared dish is most beneficial; it is not recommended to consume it after heating.

Spinach contains oxalic acid, which when combined with calcium creates oxalates, compounds that can form kidney stones that obstruct the flow of urine. Therefore, spinach is contraindicated for children with diseases of the urinary system.

Eating spinach is also contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • violation of water-salt balance in the body;
  • rheumatism;
  • liver diseases.

Due to its high protein content, spinach can cause an allergic reaction. Among its manifestations, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, loose stools come to the fore; There may also be skin rashes.

Therefore, without consulting an allergist, you should not introduce spinach into the diet of a child whose close relatives are affected by this vegetable.

How to select and store

It is very important to choose a quality plant. Spinach leaves should be bright green, fresh, not limp, without damage or signs of rotting. You should not buy yellowed, faded or stained leaves.

The best choice would be young leaves up to 5 cm long, since they contain less oxalic acid.

If spinach grows in its own bed, the leaves should be collected in the afternoon. This is due to the fact that the content of vitamin C in the leaves changes during the day: if in the morning it is 85 mg, then at noon it is 110 mg/100 g.

It is recommended to store spinach in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator, placing it in a plastic bag or damp cloth. Spinach should not be placed near apples or bananas, as this will speed up the onset of rotting of the greens. The shelf life of spinach in the refrigerator should not exceed 2 days.

For long-term storage, the leaves can be frozen. To do this you should:

  • rinse the greens thoroughly with running water;
  • dry on a paper towel;
  • divide into portions (for one use);
  • place them in plastic bags in the freezer.

You can store spinach this way for up to 3 months, but without re-freezing.

When and how to introduce it into a baby's diet

At 8 months, the baby can be offered pureed heat-treated spinach.

The opinions of foreign and Russian experts on the age for introducing spinach into infant nutrition differ:

  • Foreign manufacturers produce various versions of dishes for children containing spinach, recommending their use from 4-6 months. The German company Humana produces “Potatoes and Spinach”, the HiPP company produces “Spinach with Potatoes in Cream”, offering them for babies after 4 months.
  • Russian experts believe that it is better to give these greens to children after 8 months, when the child has already consumed other leafy vegetables. Moreover, the introduction should begin with heat-treated spinach, that is, as part of vegetable purees or soup.

You can use ready-made food for children from the American company Gerber “Rabbit Stew with Spinach” or the company from Slovenia Organicstar, which produces “Spinach, Rice”. These ready-made meals are recommended for babies after 8 months.

For the first test, 1 tsp is enough. finished product. After this, the mother should monitor the baby’s reaction to the new vegetable. In the absence of undesirable effects or manifestations of allergies, the dose is gradually increased to 50 g. It is recommended to give a dish with spinach twice a week, not more often.

But the mother can prepare healthy meals for the baby at home on her own. Both fresh and frozen herbs are suitable for this:

  • Fresh greens, without yellowed or faded leaves, should be washed (not soaked) under running water, thick stems removed and dried on a paper towel.
  • Spinach is added at the very end of cooking to reduce the loss of nutrients due to temperature.
  • If frozen greens are used, then they are immediately (without thawing) added to the prepared dish (soup or stew) at the very end of its preparation. In this case, the loss of vitamins will be only 5%. During preliminary defrosting, the loss of nutrients will be 35%.
  • When using fresh herbs, 2-3 rosettes of leaves (3-5 g) are enough for the 1st time.

Children can only be given freshly prepared food, since during storage, nitrate salts are formed in the product, which can have harmful effects on health.

Spinach without heat treatment can be given to children after 2 years of age. It is recommended to add greens to salad in a ratio of 50 g of leaves per 200 g of salad.

Children's food recipes

Spinach can be combined with meat and vegetables. It is added to the finished dish by simmering separately in a small amount of water for 5 minutes. Add it to the finished dish, pureed through a strainer.

For kids, mom can prepare pureed meat or vegetables, soufflé, or pureed soup with spinach. Children over 2-3 years old may like colored (green) omelettes and pie. Mothers can offer children spinach leaves with different fillings - with pate, with cheese or vegetables.

Omelette with spinach


  • wash and dry 50 g of leaves on a paper towel;
  • heat a frying pan with 1 tsp. butter and add finely chopped spinach;
  • add water 2 tbsp. l. and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, no more;
  • beat 2 eggs well with 250 ml of milk and a pinch of salt;
  • pour the resulting mixture into a frying pan and cook over low heat for 10 minutes, covered.

Curd and cheese casserole with spinach


  • add 2 tbsp flour to 250 g. l., 2 eggs and mix everything well to obtain a homogeneous mass;
  • finely chop 200 g of washed and dried spinach leaves;
  • cut 50 g of hard cheese into cubes;
  • mix all ingredients, add salt;
  • grease the baking dish with vegetable oil and place the resulting mixture into it;
  • Bake over medium heat for 45 minutes.

Steamed soufflé

The dish may be suitable for babies who do not yet know how to chew food well. Preparation:

  • steam 1 rosette of fresh herbs in a covered frying pan over low heat, adding a little water (or 1 tablespoon of frozen leaves without adding water);
  • Grind 100-120 g of boiled chicken fillet with a blender and add to it the yolk of 2 eggs, a pinch of salt and milk (30 ml);
  • Beat the resulting mixture well;
  • Beat the remaining egg white until foamy, add to the meat, mix carefully;
  • grease the baking dish with butter;
  • pour the resulting mixture into the mold, filling it 2/3 of the volume;
  • cover the mold with oiled paper and place in a double boiler, close it with a lid and leave for half an hour;
  • if you don’t have a double boiler, you can take a container of water, place the soufflé mold in it and put it in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 °C;
  • After cooling, the soufflé is carefully removed from the mold.

Instead of chicken, you can use fish and cottage cheese for this dish.

Spinach soup


  • rinse 100 g of chicken fillet with running water;
  • put the meat in a saucepan, add 300 ml of water and cook the broth;
  • wash and dry 100 g of spinach leaves, boil them for 5 minutes in a saucepan, drain;
  • rub the spinach through a strainer;
  • add milk (200 ml), butter (2 tbsp) to the prepared broth;
  • dilute 2 tbsp in a small amount of water. l. flour and pour the mixture into the broth;
  • Bring the soup back to a boil and thicken;
  • add pureed spinach, add salt, and after boiling, remove from heat;
  • When serving, you can add grated hard cheese, parsley and dill, and croutons made from bread.

Summary for parents

The unique composition of spinach determines the versatile positive effects of the vegetable on the body. It is no coincidence that this vegetable was mandatory on the table of monarchs and aristocrats.

Spinach should be introduced into baby food already in the first year of life. The minerals and vitamins contained in these greens will help the organs and systems of the child’s body form and function correctly.

On the other hand, spinach cannot be treated as a harmless plant. There are contraindications for its use, which must be taken into account. Only if properly introduced into the diet and following the cooking rules, spinach will benefit the child’s health.

Light, tasty and very healthy spinach soup for children will diversify your child's menu. Take note of the recipe. The soup is prepared quite quickly and simply. The finished soup has a bright, attractive color that will attract the child's attention.

Spinach is very healthy for children. It contains iron, iodine, calcium, potassium and magnesium. And also a large amount of vitamins, especially A, C, folic acid and vitamin D3. Eating spinach is good for the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as the gastrointestinal tract.

In order for a dish with spinach to benefit a child, the following rules must be followed:

  • When preparing food for children, choose young spinach leaves; they contain a minimal amount of oxalic acid.
  • Remember that spinach dishes can only be given to children fresh, since long-term storage in spinach produces salts that are harmful to the body.
  • You can store spinach dishes only for a day, in the refrigerator.

Ingredients for 2 servings:
spinach – 70 gr.
carrots – 0.5 pcs.
onions -0.5 pcs.
potatoes – 1 pc.
water or meat broth - 400 ml.
salt – 0.25 tsp.
chicken egg - 1 pc.
sour cream – 2 tbsp.

Spinach soup for children, recipe:

Rinse the spinach leaves thoroughly with running water and dry. Finely chop the spinach.

Wash the carrots, peel them and grate them on a fine grater.

Remove the skins from the onions and chop finely.

Wash the potatoes, peel them with a vegetable peeler and cut them coarsely, for example into quarters.

Bring water or meat broth to a boil and add salt.

Place potato quarters, grated carrots and finely chopped onions into the salted broth. Cook the soup until the potatoes are ready, covered, over medium heat for 12-15 minutes.


While the soup is cooking, prepare an egg for seasoning the dish. Wash the egg and place in a saucepan with cold salted water. After boiling, cook the egg over low heat for 8-10 minutes. Immediately pour cold water over the boiled egg so that it can be easily peeled. After the egg has cooled, remove the shell. Grate the peeled egg on a fine grater.

When the potatoes are cooked in the soup, remove them to a bowl and mash with a fork. Place the mashed potatoes back into the soup.

Then add chopped spinach to the soup. Stir and cook covered for 5 minutes.