Schnapps at home. Schnapps - the famous German fruit moonshine

Schnapps is often called “fruit moonshine,” but in fact, it is an independent drink that has no analogues. They say that no two schnapps are alike. Every self-respecting restaurateur in Germany considers it his duty to prepare his own schnapps in his restaurant. Germany did not appear here by accident. This non-standard drink is revered among the Germans in the same way as among us Russians, vodka or cognac among the French.

Schnapps infused with herbs - bitter, fruity - with sweetish taste. It is usually consumed with meals or as an aperitif. But since this drink is completely unpretentious, there are no strict rules for its use.

Schnapps is not vodka!

You should know this. And you need to drink it little by little, literally drop by drop, only then will you be able to enjoy the drink and even benefit from its consumption.

They drink schnapps from small glasses, in portions of 20-30 ml. The serving temperature for fruit schnapps is room temperature, that is, 18-20 degrees. First, inhale the aroma of the drink: in the case of a fruity drink, it will be especially good. We think there is no need to explain why.

Cereal schnapps, on the contrary, is better to pre-cool. Cool thoroughly.

They snack on schnapps (any of them) with Bavarian sausages, fruits, herring, and sausages.

There is such a way to drink schnapps: put a piece of fruit (any piece of fruit to your taste) in a whiskey glass, pour schnapps on top and wait a little for the fruit to soak in the drink. Before tasting, the fruit is taken out, sniffed, schnapps is drunk and thus snacked on. It's simple!

Some Germans (remember another way) boldly drink schnapps with beer. Proportions: half a liter mug for a glass of schnapps. But keep in mind that in Germany, schnapps containers are microscopic, so great harm such a seemingly nuclear mixture does not bring.

You can simply dilute schnapps with water. In this case, the bouquet will open up in a new way. True, those same Germans turn up their noses when they see something like this: they say, it spoils the drink, schnapps should only be drunk in pure form! But even the pedantic Germans have no taste and color for a comrade. Therefore, it is better to first try this method yourself, and then draw conclusions.

Schnapps is not added to cocktails. If you really want to dilute it with juice, then use freshly squeezed juice. This is, in principle, acceptable.

In fact, schnapps has a lot of advantages that make it worth trying. There’s only one drawback: you can’t drink a lot of it.

Now that you know how to drink schnapps, it’s time to try it by purchasing a bottle in our online store.

Other articles from the “Vodka Guide” section

    Laplandia Vodka. As you may have guessed, this is vodka from Finland. Even its name speaks about this. This vodka is sophisticated and refined. It is classified as “super-premium”, and Lapland is produced by a large Finnish manufacturer - Global Drinks Finland, which has been on the market since 1992.

    Bulbash. What kind of vodka can be called that? Of course, Belarusian. This is a traditional Belarusian vodka, prepared on the basis of Belarusian traditions using modern technologies. The recipe can be called original. The raw materials for the production of this vodka are taken only of high quality, and filtration is carried out using charcoal and silver particles. Classics of the genre.

    Many people believe that vodka is a drink that doesn’t differ much, no matter what you call it or what price you put on it. But, we can assume, this is the opinion of those who do not drink vodka, do not like it and are not really familiar with it. Vodka connoisseurs will argue: vodka is different from vodka. But the question about the price is actually correct. In the sense that it is not necessary good vodka must be very expensive. The main thing in it is that it is pure, without impurities and made from alcohol good quality(not necessarily higher). But find inexpensive and quality vodka not so simple, because Russian market so much choice of this drink, there are so many brands that it is very easy to get confused. Tundra is an example of a drink that is inexpensive and very good in quality.

Schnapps– a general term, it is used to refer to strong alcoholic drinks made by distillation of plant materials. The name "schnapps" comes from the Old Norse word snappen, which translates as "to drink in one gulp."

It is believed that schnapps is a German invention, but scientists have established that its production began in the 15th century, first in Austria, and then in Germany.

Basically, schnapps refers to various pure distillates obtained by distilling mash. The strength of these drinks is about 40%. The drink may have light fruity taste, it all depends on the raw materials that are used for its production. Schnapps is also commonly called some types of brandy, including the famous German Kirschwasser (see photo).

At first, this drink was used as a medicinal and rejuvenating agent. What is characteristic of this alcoholic drink is that the alcohol for it is obtained from a wide variety of fruit and berry bases, be it apples, plums, pears or apricots, sometimes even wild berries are used.

The center of schnapps production was Tyrol. This region is located in the Eastern Alps and at that time belonged to Austria. Schnapps made in Tyrol contained gentian roots. This drink was called Enzianschnaps. To prepare it, it took approximately 20 kg of root, which was extracted by hand. It was a labor-intensive and long process, as a result of which a medicinal and recreational drink was obtained.

Today, mainly German-made schnapps are presented on the world market. In Austria it is produced by small companies, so the drink is little known outside the country of origin. Austrian schnapps is used more for the needs of the local population.

Production Features

A special feature of schnapps production is that it does not contain artificial ingredients.

No sugar or yeast is added to high-quality schnapps.

It is produced using the method double distillation. Berries, herbs or fruits can be used for preparation. Some types of schnapps are aged, often the drink is kept in glass bottles, less often – in oak barrels.

Types of schnapps

There are many types of this drink. According to the most conservative estimates, there are about 3-6 dozen of them.

One of the most common is cherry schnapps; on its label the word “Kirschwasser” is indicated, which can be translated as “cherry water”. This drink is considered to be of very high quality. In the Black Forest mountains, for example, there has long been a tradition according to which a freshly baked cake must be poured with cherry schnapps before serving.

Large schnapps producers often grow the raw materials for the drink themselves or purchase them from suppliers. For example, in upper Bavaria the largest producers are able to process up to 3-4 tons of raspberries, the schnapps from which is rightfully considered the best. Also in Germany, in particular the Black Forest mountains, you can find herbal schnapps, for example, peppermint.

For apple schnapps, manufacturers use a wide variety of apple varieties, which often does not greatly affect the taste. Sometimes it is made from one type of apple, and sometimes from a mixture of different apple spirits.

Peach schnapps is also very popular; it is included in many cocktails and also has a delicate taste.

Williams pears are best suited for pear schnapps. As you know, pears from different places differ in taste, and producers sometimes mix the final distillation products.

Enjoys considerable popularity original drink called Obstler, which translates to “fruity.” But more and more Germans prefer schnapps made from wild Zwetschke plums.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of schnapps are due to its natural composition. Thus, the drink helps ease digestive processes. It also has warming properties and improves blood circulation.

Use in cooking

In cooking, schnapps is widely used in the preparation of desserts and cocktails. It produces very tasty and soft alcoholic drinks.

For example, the Drunken Watermelon cocktail is made from pieces of watermelon, which are placed in a tall glass with ice and filled with fruit schnapps.

The traditional German cocktail "Fruit Hans" is prepared from 30 ml of fruit schnapps and 30 ml of bitter schnapps, as well as 20 ml of juice and 10 ml orange liqueur. All ingredients are placed in a shaker, mixed and served with ice cubes.

Peach schnapps is used to make the Sex on the Beach cocktail. In a shaker with ice, mix 20 ml of peach schnapps, 40 ml of vodka, 40 ml of orange juice, 40 ml cranberry juice, 20 ml Creme de Cassis liqueur. The cocktail is poured onto ice and garnished with a cherry.

How to drink correctly?

Since schnapps belongs to the group of strong drinks, it is customary to drink it from small glasses of 20-30 ml. To fully enjoy the taste of schnapps, drink it slowly. So, first you just need to inhale the aroma of the drink, and only then drink the contents of the glass.

Traditionally, schnapps is served in cognac glasses.

You can also drink schnapps like this in an interesting way: Place a slice of the fruit from which the drink is made at the bottom of the glass, then pour schnapps. Before trying the drink, you need to take a slice of the “drunk” fruit and inhale its aroma. Only after this do they drink the contents of the glass, snacking on some fruit.

Supply temperature for different types schnapps will report. Traditionally, schnapps is served at a temperature of 16 degrees. The exception is cereal schnapps. Since these drinks do not have a unique aroma, they are served very chilled. It is recommended to snack on the drink with sausages, traditional dishes Austrian and German cuisine.

Schnapps can be diluted mineral water, juice In Hamburg, it is customary to drink schnapps with beer. Moreover, for each type of schnapps they use their own type of beer. Apple schnapps goes well with lager, cherry schnapps goes well with dark beer, and pear - with light. The disadvantage of this method is rapid intoxication.

Cooking at home

Fruit and bitter schnapps can be prepared at home if desired. Classic schnapps can be made from potato moonshine. This is how it was prepared back in the 15th century, although it looked more like ordinary moonshine. Since the potatoes contained a small amount of sugar, later it began to be replaced with sweeter fruits and berries.

For cooking potato schnapps, you need to wash and chop the potatoes and pour the resulting slurry hot water(300-500 ml of water per 1 kg of potatoes). The mass is boiled for an hour (it should be translucent), then cooled to 70 degrees and the enzyme amylosubtilin is added, which helps liquefy the wort. The mass is stirred for 30 minutes at a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius. The enzyme glucomarin is added to the wort; it promotes saccharification. In this case, the temperature should be about 65 degrees Celsius. Next, the liquid is infused for 30-60 minutes until the starch is completely saccharified. Then the wort is cooled to 30 degrees Celsius and yeast is added. The ripened mash is distilled, and the distillate is diluted to 12-15%, separating the “head”. Homemade schnapps is diluted with water and purified using a filter.

For cooking bitter schnapps we will need herbs and ethanol. For one serving of drink, 1 liter of alcohol and 1 tsp will be enough. wormwood, speedwell, rosemary, sage, strawberry leaves, oregano, orris, rose root, and gentian root. The herbs are ground to a powder and mixed. Next, the herbal mixture is poured with alcohol. The container is placed in a dark place for a month, after which it is filtered and bottled.

To cook fruit schnapps, you will need water and ripe fruits. For example, apricot schnapps is prepared from 10 kg ripe apricots and 10 liters of water. Using the same principle, you can make a drink from other fruits, such as apples and pears. The advantage of this drink is that even with home cooking No sugar or yeast is added to it. Ripe apricots are peeled from leaves, pits are removed, but the fruits themselves are not washed. Next, the apricots are kneaded until smooth. Wild yeast, which are on the surface of these fruits, will contribute to the start of fermentation. Transfer to a can apricot puree, add 3 liters of water, mix. The neck of the can is covered with gauze and placed in a warm place for 4 days. When foam forms on the surface, you will need to add 5-7 liters of water to the mixture. At this stage, mash is obtained. The amount of water depends on the sugar content of the apricots. Next, you need to install a water seal and place the container in a warm place. The drink will ferment for 30 to 40 days., since it does not contain artificial yeast. After fermentation is over, the mash is distilled using a moonshine still.

The first 100 ml of distillate is called the “head”; it contains harmful substances, so these 100 ml are not drunk.

The main product should have a strength of at least 38 degrees. The distillate is diluted with water 1:1, distilled again, the first 100 ml is not collected. The schnapps is left to settle for 5 days, after which it is ready for consumption.

Harm of schnapps and contraindications

The drink can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance, as well as excessive consumption. It is not recommended to consume schnapps for pregnant and lactating women and children.

The variety of alcoholic drinks today is unusually wide. This assortment includes drinks that are well-known to everyone, such as vodka, wine, cognac, and there are also little-known alcoholic drinks, for example, schnapps.

But often such little-known products are in no way inferior to their more expensive counterparts.

What drink is called schnapps in Germany, recipes for its preparation and rules for use are described below.

This is not just the name of any one alcoholic drink.

  • Today, schnapps is considered a whole group of various alcoholic drinks.
  • They are made by double distillation, and the main raw materials for production are a variety of grains, as well as herbs and fruits.
  • Most often, schnapps is made from cherries, peaches, pears, apples or potatoes.

Masters of the production of such alcoholic beverages say that the raw materials that grow in the region are best suited for their production. wild conditions. It is this that flavors the finished alcohol and has the best effect on its taste.

Reference! Schladerer is one of the most famous premium schnapps brands.

How many degrees?

These alcoholic drinks belong to the category of strong alcohol.

In classic German schnapps, the amount of alcohol can reach 40 percent of the total volume; the lowest alcohol schnapps has a strength of 38 degrees.

Important! IN modern world Recently the so-called American schnapps has appeared. The strength of such a drink is no more than 25 revolutions, but in essence it is just a cocktail made on the basis of schnapps and various different fruits s liqueurs. Such alcoholic drinks have nothing in common with classic schnapps.

How to drink correctly?

Before serving, make sure the schnapps is at the right temperature. It should be in the range from 16 to 20 revolutions.

Such drinks are served in small glasses, up to 30 ml, like any other strong alcohol.

Before drinking, you should definitely inhale the alcoholic aromas of alcohol and only then drink the contents of the glass in one gulp. This consumption allows you to fully enjoy the taste and aroma of the selected alcohol.

Important! If schnapps is made on the basis cereal crops, then serve it to the table by first cooling it to a temperature of no more than 8 degrees above zero.

The best snack options are:

  1. Fruits.
  2. Sausages and wieners.
  3. Smoked or salted herring.

You can drink this alcohol a little differently. A small slice of fruit, which is necessarily included in schnapps, is placed at the bottom of the glass. Then they sniff the drink, take out the fruit, drink the schnapps and eat the prepared slice.

Making a German drink at home

But to get to know this German alcohol better, you don’t have to go to Germany or visit expensive drinking establishments.

At home, you can easily prepare various types of schnapps with your own hands, which will be no worse than their industrial counterparts.


This drink is prepared from just two ingredients:

  1. fruits of the same name,
  2. purified drinking water.

No sugar or yeast is used here. The preparation process takes about two months, but the result obtained is worth the time investment.


  • ripe peaches – 5 kg;
  • water – 5 liters.

You should not wash fruits before use, as bacteria living on the surface of their skin will cause necessary process fermentation. All that is necessary is to thoroughly knead them with your hands until smooth and remove the seeds.

The further sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Transfer the resulting puree into a container and add half the total volume of water, cover with gauze and leave for 3 days to ferment.
  2. Then add the remaining water to the container and place the container in a warm room under a water seal for 3 to 5 weeks.
  3. After the specified time, strain the mash, drain it from the sediment and distill it twice through a moonshine still.
  4. Measure the strength of the resulting schnapps and dilute it with water to the required concentration.
  5. Pour into an airtight container and place in the refrigerator for 5 days.

If there is no moonshine still, then the prepared peaches are poured with vodka in a volume similar to the volume of water and infused in a dark, warm place for 60 days.

Then filter through cheesecloth, pour into an airtight container and leave to infuse for another 28 days. Then cool and serve.


Needs to be placed in a jar 12 clove buds, thirty mint leaves, 6 g anise seeds, 8 g dill seeds And 1 cup dried wormwood. Fill it all up 0.5 l of high-quality alcohol with a strength of 95 rpm.

Leave for one month in a dark and warm place. Every five days the contents of the container must be shaken well.

After the specified holding period, the liquid should be filtered and distilled twice, then cooled and can be served.


Such alcoholic drink It turns out very aromatic and refreshing. To prepare it, you should use sweet, ripe varieties of pears with sugar pulp.

The sweeter and more aromatic the raw material, the richer and more delicious the finished drink will be.


  1. Pears must be cleaned of dirt and finely chopped with a knife; seeds and seed chambers must be removed. Place the prepared raw materials in a container and fill with half the volume of all water. Place in a warm and dark place for 3 days.
  2. Then the remaining liquid is added to the container and the fermentation mixture is placed under the water seal.
  3. When the fermentation process is completed, the mash is distilled twice through the distillate.
  4. The first and last 10% of the liquid are thrown away because they contain too much fusel oil.
  5. The resulting pear. The distillation process is stopped when the strength of the drink at the outlet reaches 45 degrees.

Before serving pear schnapps, it should be left to steep for at least 3 days in a cool and dark place.

Watch the video recipe for making pear schnapps at home:


This type of alcoholic drink is considered one of the most famous and accessible. It can be prepared at any time of the year.

  1. Washed and peeled apples (10 kg) without seeds should either be finely chopped with a knife or crushed with a blender.
  2. Place the puree and an enamel container with a volume of at least 15 liters. And pour 5 liters of water, cover with a thin cloth on top. And send it to a dark and warm place for several days.
  3. When foam begins to actively appear on the surface of the liquid, add another 3 liters of water to the container and place the mixture under the water seal.
  4. When the fermentation process is complete, schnapps is prepared in the same way as a pear drink of this type.

Using the same analogy, you can make schnapps from any other fruits and plants.

The finished alcoholic drink is tasty, aromatic, and most importantly completely natural. It is worth understanding that the more sour the fruits used for the mash, the more sour the finished drink will be.

In addition, in fruits that are too sour, there may not be enough sugar for fermentation, so you need to choose the most ripe and fresh fruits.

When, during a feast in a friendly company, a conversation begins about German vodka, schnapps is the first thing that comes to mind even for those who are not big connoisseurs of strong alcoholic drinks.

Schnaps is associated with Germany, although it is also made in neighboring Switzerland and Alsace, a French historical region. For the Germans, it acquired almost a cult significance and began to be positioned as a type of national alcohol.

What you need to know about schnapps

The name Schnaps comes from the Old Norse snappen, which can literally be translated as “to drink in one gulp.” The main region where schnapps is made remains Tyrol, a small Austrian region. But it was thanks to Germany that German vodka became known almost everywhere: on the North American continent, in Europe, and Asia.

Schnapps is often compared to moonshine. But, unlike the latter, it has a rich and pronounced cereal or fruity taste. In terms of strength - 40-43% - Schnaps is almost as good as tequila or. Some types of drink contain less than 30% alcohol.

Interestingly, German schnapps is essentially made without artificial yeast, flavorings and sugar.

When did Schnaps appear?

The first mentions of this strong alcoholic drink date back to the 15th century. Then it was produced on the territory of modern Austria and Germany as medicine for rejuvenation and treatment of certain diseases.

“Mixtura” appealed to the male population – and not only to him. Therefore, schnapps began to spread quite quickly throughout German lands. Especially many distilleries appeared in Germany at the turn of the 16th–17th centuries. Since then, the technology for preparing an alcoholic drink has remained virtually unchanged.

What are Schnaps made from?

The recipes of some brands of vodka in Germany are kept secret. But despite this, there is a single production method, if you do not take into account individual parts. Therefore, those who are interested in how schnapps is made in Germany can easily satisfy their curiosity.

First, raw materials are collected - grain, all kinds of fruits and even potatoes. After this, mash is prepared using spontaneous fermentation, which is then subjected to a difficult procedure - double distillation in special distillation cubes.

The raw materials for alcohol are herbs (primarily mint, St. John's wort or wormwood), wheat, potatoes, as well as many different fruits and berries.

Varieties and famous brands of schnapps

Even experts will not immediately name all the varieties and brands of German vodka: there are now more than 30 varieties of schnapps in Germany. They can be divided into three types: cereals, potatoes and fruits. Do German vodka from 12 main ingredients:

  • wheat;
  • mountain ash fruits;
  • pear and apple alcohols;
  • apricots, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, gooseberries, plums, peaches or cherries.

Each of the named components (or their mixtures) characterizes a specific brand and determines its taste characteristics.

Also popular is the German herbal alcoholic drink, which is made by adding St. John's wort, mint, wormwood, cloves and other herbs and spices to the finished alcohol. Among the brands of this type in Germany, several brands are best known: Wurzelpeter, Killepitsch, Rumple Minze, Kuemmerling, Underberg, Jägermeister.

Schnapps infused with herbs has a bitter taste. Fruit varieties of German vodka are sweeter. The grain varieties resemble moonshine. Among the popular German brands in the last two categories there are Schladerer, Hardenberg, Berentzen, Kammer-Kirsch.

Known varieties of schnapps made from fruit and grain alcohols include:

  • Williamsbirne (pear);
  • Weizenkorn (wheat);
  • Apfelkorn (from apple seeds);
  • Marillenschnaps (apricot);
  • Zwetschgenwasser (plum);
  • Adilitzbeere (from the fruits of mountain ash);
  • Obstler (apple-pear);
  • Doppelkorn (cereal);
  • Himbeergeist (raspberry);
  • Kirschwasser (cherry);
  • Wildschlehe (from wild plum);
  • Goldaprikose (apricot).
In drinking establishments scattered throughout Germany, schnapps is made according to own recipes and are proud that customers can buy unique schnapps from them.

Schnaps: subtleties of use

Before trying German vodka, lovers of tradition should definitely find out how schnapps is drunk in Germany. Shot glasses or round wine glasses with a capacity of 20–30 ml are suitable for the drink. Cereal varieties are usually served very chilled. Fruit – at room temperature, but not lower than + 18° C. It is preferable to dilute schnapps infused with herbs with spring water.

The fruit from which the alcohol is made is placed in a glass of fruit vodka. You must first inhale the aroma, enjoy it and only then drink it. The fruit is first taken out of the stack with a special fork - it serves light snack to the drink.

In Germany they serve schnapps with the most different dishes: sausages, herring with onions, Bavarian sausages, meat. The Germans drink Schnaps in small sips and consume it as a digestif (an alcoholic drink that accompanies a dish) or an aperitif.

In Hamburg and Hanover, white unfiltered is sometimes added to schnapps. But this combination quickly leads to intoxication. Therefore, it is also possible to dilute Schnaps with still mineral water or fruit juice.

Where to try and buy

For those who are interested in how much schnapps costs in Germany, it is important to find out in advance about the price range for this strong drink. High-quality German vodka is available in supermarkets and specialty stores for 10.50-20.30 €. More expensive varieties will cost customers 74-115 € (prices are for a 0.7-liter bottle). From specialty stores most famous is Dr. Kochan Schnapskultur, located in Berlin.

To try German vodka, you don't have to buy it in a store. For lovers of tastings, there is another exciting opportunity - to visit one of the schnapps museums. The most famous of them are:

  • in the city of Bönningheim (approximately 37 kilometers from Stuttgart);
  • in Hauzenberg, a small Bavarian town.

In these establishments you can also learn a lot of interesting things about the history of the production of German schnapps and feel the unique atmosphere of the creation of the famous drink.

Schnapps has been produced in Germany since the beginning of the 16th century, and is very popular and widespread in its homeland, which is why Schnapps is often called the national German drink. At first it was used as a medicine for all diseases.

In the Middle Ages, it was even credited with rejuvenating properties. But soon the population began to value it as a drink for pleasure and an intoxicant.

There are more than thirty main types of schnapps, and the varieties cannot be counted: each manufacturer has a unique recipe and production conditions, so they say that no two schnapps are absolutely identical. The classic German schnapps is cherry, the label of which says Kirschwasser, literally “cherry water”.

It is commonly called schnapps strong alcohol, obtained as a result of double distillation of natural raw materials - mash. The mash used is either fruit or grain. Adding spices and herbs is also acceptable.

A special feature of schnapps is that no artificial yeast or sugar is used in its preparation. Main fruit ingredients this German drink are considered apples, peaches, pears, raspberries, plums and cherries. Moonshine is also made from wheat, herbs and even potatoes.

The best fruits for schnapps are wild fruits. According to experts, such raw materials imbue the finished product with a unique aroma that “cultivated” fruits do not have.

Schnapps is a group of drinks that includes more than three dozen various types drinks. The difference is made precisely by the base used for preparation.

History of the drink

Origin strong alcohol attributed not only to Germany, but also to Austria. Schnapps appeared in these two countries almost simultaneously, so the question of its origin still remains open.

However, lovers of strong drinks are still inclined to the German roots of the drink, since there is much more of it on the shelves of European stores today. Austrian schnapps is more difficult to find - it is rarely exported.

Production technology

Regardless of which raw material was chosen, the main ingredient of schnapps will be the alcohol distilled from this raw material.

Distinctive feature quality drink is related not only to finished product, but also to raw materials. Responsible producers prefer choose your own fruits for your product. It is also practiced to wash fruits by hand.

Depending on the recipe, the seeds can be removed from the fruit, or they can remain for the fermentation period. Fermentation occurs over several months. After this, the resulting product - mash - distilled twice. The drink is aged either in glass bottles or in classic oak barrels.

The second option, as in the case of fruit selection, is an indicator highest quality. In any case, the main characteristic of German schnapps is absence from its composition dyes and sugar syrup.

Schnaps varieties

The schnapps drink includes great amount species. Almost all fruits growing in the drink’s homeland are used for preparation.

The most popular varieties:

It is noteworthy that in every region of the country - your favorite varieties. This depends on the fruits grown in a particular area and on local traditions.

For example, cherry schnapps has been the most popular for many years in a row. The mountainous regions of the Black Forest are even famous for their own tradition regarding this type of moonshine. Before serving, it is customary to generously drizzle any cake with cherry drink.

Upper Bavaria, on the contrary, is famous for its raspberry moonshine . To produce this variety, 3 to 4 tons of berries are grown annually.

Apple schnapps is made either from one type of apple or in combination with other varieties. In most cases, products grown specifically for the preparation of alcohol are used.

Peach schnapps is no less popular than cherry or apple schnapps. Light moonshine from peaches is often added as alcoholic component of cocktails. Thanks to delicate taste, it perfectly complements juices and other types of drinks.

Interesting fact related to pear schnapps. In Germany there is a tradition of serving the drink With whole pear in a bottle. Such a “trick” seems impossible. Is it simple in practice? although it requires some effort. In May, pear trees are tied to the branches empty bottles, into the neck of which the ovary of the fetus is lowered. Over time, the fruit ripens, right inside the container. After ripening, the branch is cut off, and the pear inside is washed and filled with vodka from the same fruit.

How to drink schnapps

At first glance, schnapps may seem like the most a regular drink. However, even this type of drink has its own rules of consumption. Algorithm for how to drink properly in German:

Homemade schnapps recipe

You don't have to buy schnapps to taste German alcoholic traditions. You can prepare it at home just as well.

There are many recipes on the Internet, for example, every German knows how to make apricot vodka.

To prepare apricot schnapps, follow the instructions:

  • For German vodka you will need 10 kilograms of ripe apricots and 8 liters of water.
  • Apricots are not washed to preserve the natural yeast found on the skin.
  • The fruits must be kneaded with your hands until mushy and pour three liters of water.
  • Transfer the puree into a can and cover the neck with gauze.
  • After 3-4 days at room temperature, the first signs of fermentation will begin to appear: smell and foam on the surface.
  • Next, add 6 liters of water and install a water seal.
  • The container is left at room temperature and left for 20 to 50 days.
  • When sediment appears at the bottom and the mash loses its sweetness and becomes simply bitter, the liquid is distilled through the cube to moonshine still. When the strength drops below 30%, the process is completed.
  • After measuring the strength, dilute the liquid to 20% and re-distill it.
  • The first 10% of the amount of alcohol in the drink is collected separately - this part is unsuitable for consumption.
  • The distillate begins to be collected when the strength in the stream drops to 45%.
  • Received. As a result, German vodka is diluted to a strength of 38 to 45%. Store in glass bottles. To ensure optimal strength and taste, it is recommended to keep the bottles in a dark room for several days.

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