Sherbet is a delicious drink originally from Turkey. Delicious sorbet at home according to a recipe with photos

What is sherbet?

If so far you have only enjoyed the taste of hard sherbet, reminiscent of fudge or boiled sugar, then we invite you to familiarize yourself with its liquid embodiment. After all, sherbet (sherbet, sorbet) is not only a sweetness, but also a traditional oriental drink, in classic version prepared from dogwood, rose hips, roses and spices. IN modern version called sherbet soft drink from juice with ice cream, fruit or spices.
Try to cook it yourself - you will see how your guests, and especially children, will like it! The sherbet is served with a spoon and, unless otherwise stated in the recipe, the ice cream and juice are not stirred.

Recipes for making sherbet drink

Apple sorbet:
- 50 g of fruit ice cream;
- 1/2 tbsp. apple juice;
- 1/4 tbsp. cherry juice.
Mix the juices using a blender or mixer. Place the ice cream in a glass and pour over the juice mixture.

Raspberry sherbet:
- 1 tbsp. raspberry syrup;

- 1/2 tbsp. chilled milk.
Mix milk with syrup and pour the resulting mixture over ice cream.
Strawberry sorbet:
- 50 g strawberry ice cream;
- 1/2 tbsp. blueberry juice;
- 2 tbsp. strawberry syrup.
Mix the syrup with fruit drink and pour this mixture over the ice cream in a glass.

Coffee-caramel sherbet:
- 100 ml coffee;

- 30 ml caramel syrup;
- 1 tsp. cream.
Brew strong coffee, and cool it down. Place the ice cream in a glass, pour syrup over it and pour in coffee.
Tea sherbet:
- 125 ml of strong chilled tea;
- 50 g ice cream;
- 30 ml vanilla syrup.
Brew and cool strong tea. Then combine the tea with vanilla syrup and stir. Pour the resulting drink over the ice cream.

Pineapple sorbet:
- 100 ml lemon juice;
- 50 g vanilla ice cream;
- 50 ml pineapple juice.
Using a blender or mixer, mix the juice with fruit drink and pour the resulting mixture into the ice cream in a glass.
Orange sherbet:
- 100 ml apple juice;
- 50 g ice cream;
- 20 ml orange syrup.
Mix the syrup with fruit drink and pour the resulting liquid over the ice cream.

Nut sorbet:
- 100 ml orange juice;

- 30 g nut syrup.
Place the ice cream in a glass, pour over the nut syrup and add sorbet juice.
Carrot sherbet:
- 100 ml carrot juice;
- 50 g of fruit ice cream;
- 15 ml apricot syrup.
Place ice cream in a glass, pour syrup and juice over it. Gently stir the drink.

Mint-tangerine sherbet:
- 100 ml tangerine juice;
- 60 g of creamy ice cream;
- 15 ml mint syrup;
- a sprig of mint for decoration.
Mix the juice and syrup in a mixer and pour the resulting mixture over the ice cream in a glass. Garnish the finished drink with mint.
Fruit and berry sorbet:
- 120 ml apple juice;
- 60 ml cherry juice;
- 50 g ice cream.
Mix the juices and pour them over the ice cream.

Sherbet with cocoa:
- 50 g of creamy ice cream;
- 30 ml cocoa syrup;
- 2 strawberries;
- 1 tbsp. whipped cream.
Place the ice cream in a glass, pour syrup over it, and top with cream and strawberries.
Sherbet with berries:
- 90 ml grape juice;
- 50 g of creamy ice cream;
- 40 g cherry jam;
- fresh berries cherries and grapes;
- 2 tsp. coffee syrup.
Mix juice, jam and syrup in a mixer. Place ice cream in a glass or glass, add berries and top with the mixture obtained in the mixer.
Pomegranate sherbet:
- 100 ml pomegranate juice;
- 50 g of fruit ice cream;
- 15 ml sugar syrup.
Pour syrup and juice over ice cream. Gently stir the sherbet.

Sherbet with canned fruit:
- 50 ml cranberry juice;
- 50 g of fruit ice cream;
- 50 g of canned fruit;
- 15 ml strawberry syrup.
Place ice cream and fruit in a glass. Mix cranberry juice With strawberry syrup and pour the resulting mixture over the sundaes.
Fruit sorbet:
- 60 ml grape juice;
- 60 ml plum juice;
- 30 g canned apricots, peaches or plums (or both);
- 25 ml vanilla syrup.
Place the fruits in a glass (if necessary, you can cut them smaller first). Mix juices with syrup and pour over fruit.

Thick chocolate sherbet:
- 125 g of liquid chocolate;
- 50 g chocolate or coffee ice cream;
- 1 egg yolk;
- 20 g vanilla syrup;
- 1 tbsp. whipped cream;
- 1 cherry for decoration.
Cook and cool liquid chocolate. Beat the yolk and then mix it with the ice cream, syrup and chocolate. Place the sorbet in a glass, garnish with cream and a cherry.

Sherbet (or sherbet) is traditional drink Eastern countries, which is a sweet soft drink based on fruit puree, caramel and spices. Sherbet can be thick or thin: the former is often frozen and served as a fruit sorbet, while the latter is simply chilled or served over ice.

The Turkish drink sherbet is extremely easy to prepare, and the arsenal of available flavors numbers thousands and thousands, here you can find traditional fruit and berry sorbets, and options made from violet flowers, roses, rose hips, sorrel or even chopped nuts. You will learn how to prepare sherbet in this article. If the presented recipes seem sweet to you and do not quench your thirst, try drinking them - they do not contain anything extra!

Strawberry sorbet drink - recipe


  • strawberry syrup – 50 g;
  • berry juice– 100 ml;
  • strawberries – 3 -4 pcs.;
  • mint – 2 leaves;


Whisk strawberries with berry juice and pour into a glass with crushed ice. Pour strawberry syrup over the drink and garnish with mint leaves.

The ice in the drink can be replaced with vanilla or strawberry ice cream, since classic sorbet recipes allow the addition of milk or cream. If you think that there is no better way, then do not add this delicacy, but simply eat it separately.

Can't find strawberry syrup? Then you just need to brew your own from sugar and water in a 1:2 ratio or pour berry jam syrup over the drink.

Ginger sherbet

Ginger sherbet is not a drink for everyone, because its harsh and spicy taste it can easily scare off a “Western” person.


  • ginger root – 1 pc.;
  • orange – 2 pcs.;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • sugar – ½ tbsp.


A piece of ginger as thick as your thumb and 3-5 cm long, peel and soak in 200 ml of water overnight. The next day ginger water pour into a saucepan and mix with sugar, cook from the resulting solution thick syrup.

Squeeze the juice from two oranges and add it to the syrup. Cool the resulting drink and pour it into glasses with ice before serving. Garnish the sorbet with orange zest and grated soaked ginger.

Pomegranate sherbet

Pomegranate sherbet is a real oriental drink, as it is served in combination with rose syrup or water.


  • pomegranate juice – 250 ml;
  • sugar – ½ tbsp;
  • rose petals - 1 tbsp.


Place rose petals in layers in a small jar or enamel bowl. Sprinkle each layer of flower petals with sugar or powdered sugar, and pour the syrup released as it steeps into a separate container, after straining. As the syrup releases, the remaining rose petals can be additionally covered with sugar.

Mix pomegranate juice with ½ teaspoon of the resulting syrup and set to cool. Serve the finished drink with ice, garnished with pomegranate seeds.

Instead of rose syrup, rose oil is often used to make pomegranate sorbet, but not more than 1 drop per liter of juice.

Fruit sherbet with tea

An excellent refreshing drink for the coming hot summer, which, in addition to freshness, gives a boost of energy and perfectly invigorates you in the morning.



Cut the citrus zest randomly and pour boiling water over it, leave to steep for 3-4 hours. Squeeze the juice out of the remaining fruits.

Strain the aromatic infusion on the peels and mix with ½ cup of orange juice and 3 tablespoons of lemon juice. Add additional sugar to the resulting mixture and add strong brewed tea, mix the future sherbet thoroughly and set to cool.

Pour the finished drink into glasses and garnish with a mint leaf or grated citrus zest.

Sherbet is the correct name for the popular oriental sweets. In Russia, people are used to seeing this dessert in the form of thick fudge with nuts, candied fruits or fruits. In the east, it is represented by several types: from drink to ice cream. The popularity of these sweets is that they can be prepared in a few minutes, and the ingredients can be bought in the store for little money.

What is sherbet

Original recipe sweets have long been lost, and there is culinary debate about the place of invention. According to some sources, the dessert came from the Ottoman Empire (present-day Turkey); according to others, Marco Polo brought it to Europe from China. Sherbet, sherbet, sorbet are variations of one word, but modern cooking defines them different variants sweet dish. They differ in the set of ingredients, method of preparation and consistency:

  • sherbet (liquid sherbet) is a spicy drink made from fruit juice, spices, rose petals (in Europe they came up with an effervescent version with chemical flavorings, which has lost its useful qualities);
  • sorbet - fruit ice cream, similar in taste to sherbet, and in consistency - like a thick smoothie or ice cocktails With natural flavors;
  • Sherbet is usually called a hard candy, similar to sweet bars, made from nuts, dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes), candied fruits, condensed milk, and spices.

The Arabic word sharba, from which sherbet and its derivatives originate, means “drink.” It has been popular in the East for thousands of years. Traditional composition sherbet: rose hips, dogwood, grapes, rose petals with a set of different spices (cloves, cinnamon, ginger, etc.). It is often served chilled with ice, but also hot. How a type of tea preserves dessert taste qualities And vitamin benefits.

Sorbet or sorbet is a frozen sherbet: a viscous, soft, sweet mass. This dessert is made from fruit puree, spices and pieces of fruit. One of the sorbet options is to dilute the not completely frozen mass with alcohol in small quantities and drink. It is believed that such a drink stimulates the digestion of food and is a source of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

The most popular delicacy in former USSR and now, the dessert sherbet is considered a type of sweet. If you master cooking, you can safely experiment with recipes at home. The sherbet base requires molasses, condensed milk, milk, sugar and fillers (nuts, fruits). The main thing is not to overuse such sweets, because of the many varieties of dessert, this one is extremely high in calories.

Benefits and harms

In ancient times, all varieties of dessert were considered healthy, sherbet was credited with the properties of a love drink, and sorbet was eaten as a digestive stimulant. Modern medicine notes that any kind of sweetness, if it is made from natural products without violating technology, in moderate quantities it has undoubted benefits. Sherbet is useful because:

  • normalizes functioning of cardio-vascular system;
  • improves vision;
  • stabilizes the functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • improves proper absorption of sugar and calcium;
  • improves sexual function in men (this is facilitated by the dessert sherbet with big amount nuts).

As often happens with delicious products or dishes, in addition to its benefits and gastronomic pleasure, sherbet is a danger for a certain category of consumers. The harm of sweets directly follows from its composition. Per 100 grams of product there are approximately 400 kcal. Overeating provokes obesity, possible development diabetes mellitus, hypertension. Sherbet dessert is contraindicated for people with impaired functions of the thyroid gland, liver, kidneys, pregnant women, and allergy sufferers. We must remember that a lot of sugar is also harmful to teeth and gums.

Sherbet recipe

The number of dessert recipes tends to infinity: every housewife or cook brings classic composition something of its own. Explore popular basic recipes sherbets to pamper your loved ones with a new dessert. Most of the ingredients are already in the kitchen, and the rest are inexpensive. It will take a little time to prepare the dessert (if you really want it, sherbet candies can be eaten even not frozen).

Drink recipe

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content: 123 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: oriental.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Liquid sorbet is also called “Turkish sherbet”. This drink can be changed as desired by varying the composition of the ingredients. Classic recipe known since ancient times, such sherbet perfectly cools the hot weather. Vitamins from fresh berries and fruits restore the balance of nutrients in the body. The only peculiarity is that the dessert turns out very sweet.


  • strawberry syrup – 50 g;
  • berry juice – 100 ml;
  • strawberries or wild strawberries - 3-5 pieces;
  • lemon balm or mint – 2 leaves;

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the berries with fruit juice.
  2. Pour the mixture into a glass with crushed ice.
  3. Drizzle with strawberry syrup and garnish with mint or lemon balm leaves.

Classic recipe with peanuts

  • Cooking time: 120 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content: 450 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: oriental.
  • Difficulty: medium difficulty.

This classic dessert - white sherbet (or cream) - is familiar from childhood. Modern sweet shops are filled with its varieties, but your favorite will remain home option dishes. This way you can be sure of the quality of the ingredients, the balance of sweetness, and decide for yourself how many nuts will be in the dessert. This sherbet is much healthier than store-bought analogues, which contain artificial stabilizers and dyes.


  • small fresh peanuts – 1 cup;
  • milk or cream - 1 glass;
  • sugar – 3-4 glasses;
  • butter– 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk into a non-stick pan and add half a glass of sugar.
  2. Cook the mixture over low heat for about half an hour, stirring constantly so that the sugar does not burn.
  3. Fry the peanuts in a frying pan for a few minutes to remove the husks.
  4. Return the peeled nuts to the pan and sprinkle with the rest of the sugar.
  5. Turn off the stove immediately, as the sugar will quickly turn into caramel.
  6. Add the resulting peanuts with sugar to the milk and continue cooking for about 1 hour.
  7. Add butter to the mixture.
  8. After cooking, pour the resulting mass into a mold (it is advisable to use parchment paper as a substrate).
  9. Place the mold in the cold. You can put the dessert in the refrigerator, but let it cool a little before doing so.
  10. Serve dessert cut into small pieces.

  • Cooking time: 30-60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: oriental.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The presence of nuts in this dessert enriches it with linoleic acid, biotin, vitamins A, E and PP, vegetable fats. Raisins are good for gums and teeth, improve the condition of the lungs, nervous system, and improve mood. The presence of honey in the recipe will bring additional benefits (if the product is natural). If you value your figure, be careful because high calorie content dessert can trigger the appearance extra pounds.


  • condensed milk – 1 can (300 grams);
  • sugar – 2 cups;
  • butter – 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - optional;
  • mixture of nuts (peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, etc.) – 100 grams;
  • raisins - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix condensed milk, butter and sugar in a saucepan.
  2. Place on the stove and simmer for about 30 minutes over low heat until the mixture thickens. If you want to use honey, add it to the thick mixture and cook for another 10 minutes, without stopping stirring.
  3. Pour nuts and raisins into ready mixture and pour everything into the mold or put these ingredients in a prepared container and pour the mixture on top.
  4. Allow the mixture to harden in the cold. After this you can serve.


  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content: 500 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: difficult.

Chocolate sorbet dessert will require some culinary skills. It is important to remove the mass from the heat in time to obtain the desired consistency. It is recommended to use a food thermometer. If you don’t have it at hand, you will have to constantly monitor the elasticity of the mass; it should become moderately viscous, but not harden. Ready dish will worthy competitor desserts from the restaurant.


  • milk – 1 glass;
  • sugar – 2 cups;
  • butter – 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla sugar – 15 g;
  • cocoa powder – 75 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix sugar, milk, cocoa in a saucepan.
  2. Over medium heat, bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly.
  3. Reduce heat to low.
  4. Boil to a temperature of 115 degrees (cooks call this condition “soft ball”). It is important not to stir the mixture at this time.
  5. Remove the pan with future sherbet from the stove.
  6. Add butter to it, vanilla sugar.
  7. Let cool slightly.
  8. Whisk the mixture vigorously for about 5-7 minutes.
  9. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and cool completely.
  10. Cut the dessert into portions and serve

  • Preparation time: 6-8 hours freezing.
  • Number of servings: 3-4 persons.
  • Calorie content: 125 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Ice cream-sherbet (sorbet) is the exact opposite classic dessert with the same name. Not included huge amount calories, the dish can be eaten even not frozen, it does not require much time to prepare (but freezing takes several hours). If you use fresh berries or fruits, the sorbet will become not only tasty, but also healthy.


  • fresh or defrosted berries – 500 g;
  • orange – 1 pc. (average);
  • powdered sugar– 2 tbsp. l.;
  • toppings, additives ( coconut flakes, syrups, candied fruits) - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a saucepan until smooth.
  2. Beat the mixture using a mixer or blender.
  3. Place the resulting mass in the freezer for 6-8 hours.
  4. Remember to stir the sorbet regularly to get the right consistency.
  5. Serve ice cream in portioned bowls with any toppings to decorate as a dessert.


Sherbet is a favorite sweet from childhood, along with kozinaki and halva. Every time, passing by a department where oriental sweets are sold, many people wonder what sherbet is made from?

The oriental sweet with nuts is often confused with the European dessert, the name of which sounds like “sorbetto”, “sharbet”. Whether this is a northern version of the sorbet familiar from childhood or a completely different dish is difficult to figure out centuries later, so there are 3 types of dessert to choose from, one of which is European:

Hard oriental sherbet Soft oriental sherbet European fruit sherbet.

Let's look at how to prepare each of them.

Solid oriental sherbet

It is very sweet and high in calories. To prepare it you will need: 200 g of nuts of any kind, 700 g of sugar, 500 g of milk powder, 1.5 glasses of water, 50 g of butter. Before cooking, the nuts must be thoroughly dried in the oven and then chopped into medium pieces. This can be done using a rolling pin or blender. Pour 100 g of sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add water, and put on fire. When the syrup boils, add the rest of the sugar. After 5 minutes add oil, powdered milk and nuts, remove from heat.

Place on a prepared baking sheet lined with parchment and greased with oil. sweet mass over the entire area, since nut dessert hardens quickly. That's all! Enjoy your tea!

Soft oriental sherbet

This dessert turns out very soft and tender. For it, you need to prepare the following products: for 100 g of sugar, take 50 ml of water, 100 ml of condensed milk, 100 g of nuts of any kind and 100 g of butter, lemon.

Sugar and water must be turned into a thick syrup, add lemon juice(about 2 tablespoons). Add condensed milk, butter, nuts there. Cook for 20 minutes. Ready sweet mixture Place in molds and place in the refrigerator to harden. Sherbet is ready!

Fruit sorbet

This dessert will please everyone on hot summer days. It is quite capable of replacing store-bought ice cream. This dessert is very easy to prepare. You need to take 0.5 kg of seasonal berries and fruits, remove seeds, stems and peels, beat until pureed, add sugar and lemon juice to taste (the proportions depend on the chosen berry-fruit base). Pour the fruit puree into a bowl or other container and place in the freezer until completely frozen. 2 hours before serving, it is better to beat the frozen mass with a blender to add airiness, pour into portioned molds and put back in the freezer.

Recipe homemade sherbet shown in the video:

Using these recipes as an example, we can highlight several main products that are included in sherbet. This:

Sugar Nuts Milk different types Butter Fruits and berries (for the European version).

The list of ingredients is small and quite accessible. And the dish is very easy to prepare. Therefore, you should not put off preparing such sweets until tomorrow, because today you can plunge into the atmosphere of the spicy East or strict Europe!

Beauty and Health Health Nutrition

Sweet compressed briquettes in the form of peculiar loaves, somewhat reminiscent of halva, with different fillers- nuts, fruits, berries, etc., in Russia they call sherbet; You can also see “milk sherbet” or “chocolate sherbet” in stores. These “sherbets” are distantly related to the popular oriental sweet: professionals believe that this is simply an incorrect use of the name of the product, and even with a grammatical error that arose due to ease of pronunciation.

The correct pronunciation and spelling is “sherbet”, not “sherbet”: the name of the sweet, more than once sung by oriental poets and storytellers, comes from the Persian word “Sharbat”. However, it is more convenient for a Russian person to say it using “sch,” so they began to write it the same way, and now the following interpretation is found everywhere: “sherbet” or “sherbet” are two variants of the name of one product.

However, we are not talking about the rules of pronunciation, but about real sherbet, liquid - in the form of a drink, and solid. “Hard” sherbet is a fruit-creamy (milk) fudge with crushed nuts, which is actually quite soft, much softer than those briquettes that we call “sherbets.”

Oriental poems and fairy tales often talked about a refreshing drink - sherbet, prepared from dogwood and rose hips, rose petals and licorice root, with spices and other additives. Nowadays, sherbet refers to sweet drinks with fruit juices, ice cream and spices, as well as fruit ice cream or frozen desserts (sorbet, sorbets) made from fruit juice (puree) with sugar. Sorbet – interpretation of “Sharbat” in French, and often these desserts are not frozen, but simply cooled very much and consumed in liquid form.

Sherbet can also be called a very thick syrup boiled with sugar - this is prepared, for example, in Tajikistan - and a semi-finished product for instant cooking drink: the powder is poured into water, it dissolves, and a “fizzy sorbet” is obtained.

What are the benefits of sherbet?

Let's talk briefly about known species sherbet, about their features and benefits.

The sherbet drink has been popular in the East not for hundreds, but for thousands of years. In the old days, it was considered a love drink, and was prepared accordingly, adding special spices, berries and other fruits to the juices. Sherbet was drunk at feasts and used in rituals; For wealthy people, it was an ordinary refreshing drink, and the poor were happy when they could buy or prepare sherbet for their family.

Healers considered sherbet a health-improving and healing drink, quenching thirst and giving strength, strengthening the body and improving mood. The vitamin and other properties of sherbet depend on the ingredients chosen, so we will not discuss the chemical composition in detail here.

Thus, traditional sherbet with rose hips and rose petals is rich in carotenoids, vitamins A, C, E and group B; essential oils, organic acids and minerals. Of course, such a drink helps cleanse the body and supports the immune system, helps get rid of excess weight, dysbiosis and many chronic diseases.

Calorie content also depends on the composition. In a drink made from the same rosehip with pink petals, dogwood, licorice, ginger, cloves and other spices are usually about 100 kcal per 100 g. But there is more high-calorie recipes, with sweet fruits and berries - grapes, plums, etc.

In European countries, sherbet is often prepared from boiled fruit and berry puree, adding juices and sugar - of course, such a drink is less healthy and higher in calories.

But effervescent sherbet made from powder is definitely of little use, and modern additives (besides sugar, these are flavorings, dyes, acidity regulators, etc.) make its use completely undesirable; at least it should not be given to children.

Sherbet ice cream (sorbet, sorbet) too tasty treat, popular not only in the East. A mixture of fruit puree and juice various additives frozen so that it becomes viscous and soft - the result is a delicious and refreshing dessert. Useful material they are also preserved in it: after all, freezing is not heat treatment. Sorbet, not completely frozen, with the addition of liqueur (cognac, rum, etc.), turns into exquisite drink. In Europe, it is often served after meals, or drunk during lunch, when changing dishes: it is believed that food is digested better this way - fruit mixture rich dietary fiber. In fact, any sherbet, like fruits and juices, is best consumed before meals, about 30-40 minutes, or even separately.

For example, sherbet fudge can be served with tea or coffee instead of sweets or cakes.

Sherbet fudge. How to cook at home

This type of sherbet has been known to us since the times of the USSR (it is called “sherbet”). Semi-solid, often crumbling; very high in calories - more than 400 kcal per 100 grams - and sweet - sweeter than many candies: it contains a lot of sugar, or molasses, with condensed milk or cream. The additives are also very high in calories: these are not only nuts, but also chocolate, candied fruits, and honey - in general, this delicacy is in no way a dietary treat. It is not recommended to eat it if you are prone to obesity, obesity, diabetes, allergies and other chronic diseases. In addition, such sherbet may contain unnecessary and even harmful “E-shki”, as well as cheap oils, like palm.

At home, a similar sherbet is usually prepared, calling it “classic”. Liter full fat milk bring to a boil, simmer for several minutes over low heat; add thin sour cream (200 g), mix, slowly add sugar - enough so that the mass can thicken. When it starts to look like syrup, there is enough sugar. Make the heat as low as possible, cover the pan with a lid, and cook for about 3 hours - almost like jam. And the test is similar: a drop of the mixture on a saucer is placed in the refrigerator for a few minutes - the finished sorbet will harden quickly. If the mixture is ready, you can add ground nuts, chopped dried fruits, sesame seeds and other ingredients to taste, but the additives should be no more than 1/3 of the total mass of the product. The taste also depends on the additives: for example, walnuts give sherbet a slight bitterness. Butter is also added to the warm mixture - about 100 g, and everything is put in a mold, also greased: when it hardens, the sorbet is ready.

The sorbet drink is prepared faster, and its taste also depends on the ingredients. There are many of them used: each country has its own traditions - for example, the people of Egypt like violet sherbet with sugar.

Here is a Turkish recipe.

For an hour, grapes and plums (dark, 1 kg each), figs and red apples (0.5 kg each), with cloves (6-8 pcs.), cinnamon (1 stick), ginger are boiled in 3-4 liters of water. (root 10 g). The juice of 1/2 lemon is mixed with sugar to taste (1-2 cups), added to the fruit mixture, and cooked for another 10 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered and served, preferably with ice.

For Russia excellent option can become cranberry sorbet, but the cranberries are not boiled, but ground in a blender and mixed with a decoction of spices and sugar: it turns out to be an excellent medicinal drink, especially useful for women's health.

Tags: sherbet, composition of sherbet, sherbet at home

The word sherbet has several different meanings. In ancient centuries, sherbet was a vitamin-rich oriental drink made from pink flowers, rose hips, spices and licorice. Nowadays sherbet is called a soft drink consisting of juices of berries and fruits, with the addition of honey, sugar, spices and herbs. Turks and Arabs drink this drink before and after meals. Pink dessert Brides in the villages of India, Afghanistan and Turkey drink, accepting marriage proposals. U oriental sherbets many flavors - lemon, apple, orange, pomegranate, quince, dogwood and others. The Egyptians add selected violets, mulberries and sorrel leaves to sherbet.

Those with a sweet tooth know this dessert in the form of fruit ice cream or a fragrant oriental sweet delicacy.

Composition and calorie content of sherbet

In terms of taste and consumer properties, this sweet product classified as candy. The composition of sherbet depends only on the national recipe of this dish. But this sweetness will always have the appearance fudge from various ingredients. Modern manufacturers use condensed milk as the main component of sweets. Vanillin, nuts or raisins, prunes, and dried apricots are often added to sherbet. In the East, sherbet with groundnuts and peanuts, filled with condensed cream, is very popular.

The calorie content of sherbet depends on the original components of the product. Average The calorie content of sherbet is 417 kcal per hundred grams of the product.

The benefits of sherbet

The benefits of sherbet are due to its composition. Useful properties has milk-based sorbet. The main components of milk ensure the coordinated functioning of the kidneys, liver and heart.

The benefits of sherbet are also added by the presence of various delicacies such as dried fruits and nuts. The most useful additive is considered to be peanuts, rich in vegetable fats, linoleic acid, vitamins A, PP, E and group B. This type of nut is perfectly absorbed by the body, having a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.

Dried apricots saturate the human body with vitamin A; it is useful for anemia and hypertension. Prunes are indispensable for constipation, vitamin deficiency and obesity. Raisins are good for healthy teeth and gums, have a calming effect, and also strengthen nervous system and lungs.

The harm of sherbet

The harm also lies in chemical composition sherbet. In terms of sugar content, this product ranks high among high-calorie confectionery products.

This dessert is contraindicated for diseases of the pancreas and liver.

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In 5% of patients, the antidepressant Clomipramine causes orgasm.

The human brain weighs about 2% of the total body weight, but it consumes about 20% of the oxygen entering the blood. This fact makes the human brain extremely susceptible to damage caused by a lack of oxygen.

Even if a person's heart does not beat, he can still live for a long period of time, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal demonstrated to us. His “engine” stopped for 4 hours after a fisherman got lost and fell asleep in the snow.

Besides people, only one living creature on planet Earth suffers from prostatitis - dogs. These are truly our most faithful friends.

An educated person is less susceptible to brain diseases. Intellectual activity promotes the formation of additional tissue that compensates for the disease.

The well-known drug Viagra was originally developed for the treatment of arterial hypertension.

Four pieces of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you don’t want to gain weight, it’s better not to eat more than two slices a day.

Psoriasis is a chronic non-infectious disease that affects the skin. Another name for the disease is lichen planus. Psoriatic plaques can be located where...