Cold sorrel for the winter in jars. Step-by-step recipe for canned sorrel for the winter without salt

Sorrel is a useful herb in all respects. Sorrel contains a large amount of vitamins A, E, K, some B vitamins, ascorbic and oxalic acid, many tannins as well as micro- and macroelements - potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium... Medicinal properties sorrel have been known for thousands of years. Europe has been using sorrel for food for a long time, but in our country the sour leaves were tasted some 200 years ago. Therefore, we most often associate sorrel with green spring cabbage soup, but in European cuisine sorrel is added to warm salads And meat stew, used in the preparation of sauces and side dishes, added to bread to impart a subtle sour aroma.

This is a great opportunity to stock up on vitamins for the entire winter. Sorrel can be frozen, salted, preserved without salt, in in kind, or prepare semi-finished products for cabbage soup. Some housewives do not grow sorrel on their property, preferring to collect wild sorrel - it is more aromatic and sour. But not everyone has the opportunity to go to protected areas on a quiet hunt for sorrel. Therefore, the sorrel bed delights us with fresh sour leaves all summer long. There are more than 50 cultivated varieties of sorrel - there is plenty to choose from!

Salted sorrel for the winter

To prepare sorrel for the winter using this method, you will need wooden tub. Wash the sorrel, sort it and dry it on a towel. Place in a tub, sprinkle with salt (at the rate of 30 g per 1 kg of sorrel), cover with a circle and put pressure on it. When the sorrel falls off, add fresh sorrel. Store the tub in the cellar. Before use, the sorrel should be washed, chopped and placed in a dish shortly before it is ready.

Canned sorrel for the winter

For 900 g of sorrel, take 100 g of salt. Wash and sort the sorrel, then blanch it in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Rub through a sieve. Heat the resulting puree to a boil and pour into jars. Sterilize filled jars in boiling water for 60 minutes.

Sorrel with salt

For 1 kg of sorrel - 100 g of salt. Wash, sort the sorrel, and dry on a towel. Finely chop the sorrel and place it in jars, sprinkling with salt and compacting. Close the jars with lids and store in a cool place.

Natural sorrel

Blanch the prepared sorrel leaves for 4-5 minutes. Place in jars and sterilize for 30-40 minutes. Roll up.

Sorrel puree with salt

For 1 kg of sorrel, take 30 g of salt. Wash the sorrel, sort it and dry it on a towel. Pass the sorrel through a meat grinder and mix thoroughly with salt. Using a funnel, fill the sterilized glass bottles and pour melted fat over it. Cork the bottles and store them horizontally in the cellar. This puree serves as a dressing for first courses or as a base for making sauces.

Canned sorrel with greens

Ingredients for a 1 liter jar:

750 g sorrel,
150 g green onions,
10 g dill,
10 g parsley,
10 g salt,
300 ml water.

Wash the sorrel and greens, sort and chop finely. Fold into enamel pan, salt and pour boiling water. Cook for 10 minutes and serve while hot. Cover with lids and sterilize for 20 minutes. Roll up and leave to cool in the same water.

Ready-made semi-finished products for cabbage soup are good because to use them in winter you just need to add the contents of the jar to a pan of boiling broth in which the potatoes have already been boiled. The potatoes must be cooked completely, otherwise the acid contained in sorrel preparations will prevent them from boiling and they will be hard.

Ingredients for a 1 liter jar:
150 g sorrel,
150 g spinach,
10 g parsley root,
10 g celery root,
20 g onion,
15 g salt,
3-4 black peppercorns,
1 bay leaf.

Wash the greens, sort and chop finely. Peel the roots of parsley and celery, boil in boiling water for 15 minutes, cool in cold water and cut into strips. Cut the onion into half rings. Place everything in a saucepan, add water at the rate of ½ cup. per 1 liter, add salt and cook for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling. Place in hot jars and sterilize for 20 minutes in low boiling water. Roll up. To prepare cabbage soup, add the contents of the jar to boiling water. meat broth, boil for 10 minutes and serve. You can add to cabbage soup boiled eggs and sour cream.

Cabbage soup with garlic

800 g sorrel,
100 g green garlic,
50 g parsley,
200 ml water,
salt - to taste.

Wash the greens, sort and chop. Place in a saucepan, add water, add salt, put on fire and simmer for 5 minutes from the moment it boils. Pour hot into sterilized jars and seal.

800 g sorrel,
30 g carrot tops,
50 g parsley,
200 ml water,
5 g salt.

Wash the greens and chop finely. Place in a saucepan, add water and salt and put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Pour hot into sterilized jars and seal.

800 g sorrel,
200 g green onions,
20 g carrot tops,
200 ml water,
5 g salt.

Chop the washed and sorted greens, put them in a saucepan, add salt, and pour in water. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Pour hot into sterilized jars. Roll up.

Sorrel dressing with garlic arrows

800 g sorrel,
100 g garlic arrows,
50 parsley,
1 stack water,
5 g salt.

Rinse the greens, shake off the water and chop finely. Place the greens in a saucepan, add water and salt. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Place hot in sterilized jars, roll up and turn over.

Drying and freezing is the most gentle preparation of sorrel for the winter. In this case, the sorrel retains maximum amount vitamins Freezing is suitable for those who have a freezer. Dried sorrel must be stored in a cool, dry place, making sure that the sorrel does not become damp.

Green frozen mixture “Vitaminnaya”

Take sorrel and nettle greens in a 2:1 ratio, rinse and chop. Stir the greens, place in plastic bags and freeze.

Dried sorrel

Leaflets young sorrel rinse thoroughly, sort and place on the tablecloth. Dry in a dark place and store in airtight jars. Dried sorrel is used as follows: pour about ½ cup of dry sorrel over ½ cup. boiling water, add ½ tbsp. oil and simmer over medium heat until soft. Then add 1 tbsp. flour, stir until smooth, rub through a sieve and dilute with broth. The resulting mass can be used as a dressing for cabbage soup and borscht or in sauce.

From fresh and canned sorrel you can prepare many of the most different dishes. Sorrel preparations for the winter are excellent vitamin dressing for winter soups, cabbage soup and borscht. Try to add canned sorrel at the very end of cooking, this way you will retain more vitamins. Not too much salted preparations sorrel can be used to prepare casseroles, soufflés, sauces and fillings for pies.

300 g sorrel,
2 tbsp. butter,
1 onion,
1 tbsp. flour,
200 g broth,
salt, pepper, sour cream - to taste.

Simmer the chopped sorrel in oil along with the chopped onion. Add flour, pour in broth and cook, stirring, until thickened. Add sour cream and spices. Fresh sorrel can be replaced with canned sorrel, but you will need to take 2-3 times less of it.


1 processed cheese,
5 tbsp. mayonnaise,
2 tbsp. chopped sorrel,
4 tbsp. water.

Rub on fine grater processed cheese and mix with all ingredients, rubbing thoroughly.

500 g sorrel,
1 cucumber
1 boiled egg,
100 g sour cream,
2 tsp Sahara,
1 bunch of green onions,
salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Boil the sorrel in salted water or broth and cool. Add chopped green onions, cucumber, chopped white and pureed yolk. Season the soup with salt, sugar, pepper and refrigerate. When serving, season with sour cream and sprinkle with herbs.

1 kg fresh sorrel(or 500 g canned),
40 g butter,
100 g sour cream,
40 g cheese,
5 tsp flour,
3 eggs,
salt - to taste.

Heat the oil, fry the flour and put the sorrel in it. Simmer for 3-4 minutes, pour in sour cream, stirring constantly, add grated cheese and salt (if needed). Cool the mixture slightly, stir in the yolks and whipped whites. Mix carefully and place in a greased pan. Drizzle oil on top, sprinkle with cheese and place in hot oven for 40-60 minutes.

Sorrel casserole

1.5 kg of fresh sorrel (or 500-700 g canned),
60 g cheese,
50 g butter,
20 g flour,
100 g white bread,
40 g ghee,
30 g crackers,

Wash and boil the sorted sorrel. Drain the water and pass the sorrel through a meat grinder. Rinse the canned sorrel and pass through a meat grinder. Add grated cheese, fried on butter flour, stir and add salt. Place slices of toasted white bread on the bottom of the pan, add sorrel, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and grated cheese and place in a hot oven. Keep it there until the casserole is browned.

For all its usefulness, sorrel has some contraindications. Sorrel contains a large amount of oxalic acid, so people suffering from kidney disease are advised to eat dishes with sorrel no more than once a week. If your joints hurt, then you shouldn’t get carried away with sorrel either.

Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Human ancestors stopped being herbivores a long time ago, but we still have a love for spicy or sour leaves. But how long do the leaves stay green in northern climates? That is why in Russian culinary tradition A significant place is devoted to preparations for the winter. Seal young sorrel in small jars and enjoy green cabbage soup when there is a snowstorm outside - what could be more entertaining for a gourmet? Preserving sorrel at home is not difficult, try our recipe and you won’t notice how familiar this product will become in your kitchen.

Sorrel - the emerald wizard in the city

And without the magic glasses of the gatekeeper Faramant, the young sorrel amazes with its bright emerald green. Its name is translated from Latin as “spear,” and indeed, its leaves, with their arrow-shaped base, resemble a formidable tip.

Young sorrel leaves are needed for harvesting

According to the botanical classification, sorrel is a relative of buckwheat, but it is not the seeds that are edible, but the leaves and tops of young shoots, just like tea.

Old leaves accumulate a lot of oxalic acid, which can provoke or aggravate kidney stones, gout, and arthritis.

Attention! Sorrel is absolutely contraindicated for people with impaired water-salt metabolism and kidney disease.

Sorrel did not immediately appear in the culinary section. For a long time he was among medicines from dysentery, indigestion, bleeding and even the plague. Perhaps the placebo effect worked, but what sorrel definitely helps with is scurvy: vitamin C content per 100 g fresh leaves approaches the daily norm.

There is a popular expression: “vitamin of joy.” So, sorrel fully corresponds to it. At the end of spring, when our bodies are exhausted from the fight against winter depression, and there are still practically no vitamin-rich plants, young sorrel leaves magically color the picture of the world. Delicate green cabbage soup with a big-eyed oval hard-boiled egg or a fresh salad of sorrel with radishes will restore both efficiency and vitality like nothing else.

Advice. To avoid eating porridge and getting kidney stones, accompany him big amount product containing calcium. Not very useful oxalic acid forms insoluble compounds with calcium in the intestines and leaves the body without being absorbed into the blood.

Preparing sorrel for preservation

Like other vitamin crops, sorrel can and should be harvested for the winter. The plants will be ready in May, and that’s good: processing sorrel can be considered as a kind of warm-up before a larger campaign to preserve cucumbers and other garden produce. When working with this plant, you should remember some rules.

  1. In order not to harm your health with excess amounts of oxalic acid, pluck only young leaves.
  2. If heat treatment is not planned, the leaves should be washed with special care to remove soil and possible nests of insect eggs. To do this, the leaves are immersed in a bowl of water for an hour, then washed and dried on napkins or a towel.
  3. Before you lift the knife over the leaves, it is good to imagine how the canned product will be used. If, in family traditions, you add it to salads or filling for pies, then it is better to chop it. To prepare first courses, you can make a puree from the leaves.
  4. It is more rational to take half-liter jars, since they contain enough product for one pan of cabbage soup or a couple of salads, and it will not be stored longer if opened.

Sorrel for the winter: vitamin recipe

To create delicious and healthy snack from sour leaves you should prepare:

  • sterilized jars;
  • scalded metal lids;
  • chopped greens;
  • masher.

The recipe for making sorrel is very simple.

We put the greens in a jar and crush it with a masher so that more can fit. Add cold little by little boiled water. Salt to taste or do without salt at all. We roll it up and store it in the cellar. Oxalic acid itself acts as a preservative in such preparations.

If there is no cold storage room, it is better to use a different recipe. IN large saucepan Pour about two fingers' worth of boiling water, add chopped leaves, and bring to a boil. The resulting boiling grounds are poured into hot jars one by one: filled, rolled up, then the next one. The magical vitamin sourness is ready for the winter.

Attention! Do not use aluminum cookware. When heated, the acid will destroy the protective oxide film on the surface of the cookware and react directly with the metal. As a result, aluminum oxalate, which is harmful to health, will form in the product.

Sorrel does not have to be canned alone. It can be accompanied by spinach, dill, parsley and onion feathers. It can be prepared like sauerkraut: cut, salt, pack tightly into a jar, wait for the juice under pressure, close, store in the refrigerator. IN freezer You can provide a place for flat bags of frozen sorrel.

In winter, when we quickly switch from crispy vegetables to pasta and potatoes, it’s so nice to spice up dinner with something summer-y bright: sauerkraut, pickled squash and, of course, sour leaves of timely prepared sorrel.

Harvesting sorrel for the winter: video

Sorrel preparations: photo

Sometimes in winter you also really want to try green borscht. But how can you preserve sorrel until winter? I don’t like frozen, it loses all its juiciness and individuality. Canned sorrel for the winter without salt is best recipe sorrel preparations for the winter.


For a 0.5 liter jar:

  • A large bunch of sorrel;
  • cold water.

Step-by-step recipe forcanned sorrel for the winter without salt

  1. Rinse the sorrel and let the water drain. Sort it, removing thick stems. Cut the sorrel, place it tightly in a jar and pour cold water. Roll up. And that's it.
  2. Sorrel stores well at room temperature.

Canned sorrel for the winter without salt, turns out like fresh, retains all its properties and acidity.

I wish you the most delicious preparations, and Bon appetit!

I enjoy life with my son Nikitka, he is 5 years old. He is my inspiration, helper and friend. I cook every day (I started cooking and cooking for the whole family when I was 9 years old). I love you more than anything in the world family dinners Houses. I always bake sweets on the weekends, I love it when the house smells of baking! It's so cozy! I love traveling and bringing recipes from all over the world! The culinary project “I Love to Cook” has long been a part of my family. This is not only my work, but the place where I share the most secret things, what my family adore - our family’s recipes.

As you know, winter does not please us with a variety of products, but the body, despite this, still requires a colorful menu. What to do? Homemade preparations come to the rescue. In this article we will tell you how you can prepare sorrel for the winter. Agree, fragrant green soup is still able to bring fresh notes to a boring winter diet. In addition, the harvesting process itself will not require you to spend much time, effort, and even more so money.

In winter, you can make a favorite soup from harvested sorrel, add it to a salad, and even use it as a filling for pies.

  1. It is best to seal sorrel for the winter in small jars - the optimal capacity is 0.5 liters. One jar like this is enough for a pot of aromatic soup.
  2. To make the preparation more aromatic when preserving, you should add a small amount of dill.
  3. How to make the most tasty soup? To do this, canned sorrel must be added at the end of cooking so that it comes to a boil in the broth.

If you prepare sorrel for the winter according to all the rules, then the difference in taste between fresh and canned product you won't feel it. So follow the recommendations and enjoy the taste of summer throughout the year.

Cooking rules

Harvesting sorrel for the winter at home can be done in different ways.

  • First, the leafy vegetable can be frozen. What does that require? Just some free space in the freezer.
  • Secondly, sorrel can be preserved for the winter. This method solves the problem of the lack of space needed to store a frozen product.

Before we get to the recipes, here are some tips.

  1. Some housewives can sterilize sorrel when canning. But since it contains oxalic acid, you can do without this procedure.
  2. Before preparing sorrel for the winter, you should Special attention pay attention to the purity of the main product - it is thoroughly washed and sorted so that not a single bacteria from the soil gets into the jar.
  3. Containers for preservation must be sterile. This applies not only to cans, but also to lids.
  4. For convenience, the leaves are not placed in jars whole, but cut into small pieces.


So, we bring to your attention several recipes that you can use to prepare sorrel for the winter.

With vinegar

Prepare ingredients:

  • fresh sorrel;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 100 ml table vinegar.

Cooking process.

  1. Finely chop the leafy vegetable with a knife, place in jars and crush.
  2. In a separate container, combine vinegar, water and salt, mix.
  3. Pour the marinade over the sorrel and roll up the jars.

This is one of the most delicious ways, which helps prepare sorrel for the winter for soup.

Salted sorrel

Prepare ingredients:

  • fresh sorrel;
  • salt;
  • water.

Cooking process.

  1. Finely chop the vegetable.
  2. Place the prepared greens in jars, sprinkling each layer with salt.
  3. Bring water to a boil, cool, fill jars with it, and roll up.

This preparation method is suitable for lovers of salted sorrel.

Without salt

Prepare ingredients:

  • fresh sorrel;
  • water.

Cooking process.

  1. Soak the vegetable in cold water and chop finely.
  2. Place the vegetable in sterilized half-liter jars.
  3. Bring water to a boil, pour it over the sorrel and quickly roll up.

Freezing sorrel

To freeze sorrel for the winter there is no need to apply any special effort. The technology is quite simple:

  • fresh leaves are sorted, discarding flower arrows and blades of grass;
  • vegetables are washed in large quantities cold water;
  • large leaves are cut crosswise, small leaves are kept whole;
  • then the greens are immersed in boiling water for about a minute - during this time the color of the leaves will change to dark olive, but this will not affect the quality of the product;
  • remove the sorrel from boiling water with a slotted spoon and leave for a few minutes to drain off excess liquid;
  • The leaves can be blotted a little with a paper towel and then placed in plastic bags.

Advice! It’s convenient when the portion in the bag corresponds to the volume of one pan of soup!

Sorrel can be frozen in another way. Green leaves, as usual, are sorted, washed and dried on a towel. After this, the product is blended in a blender and the resulting puree is placed in small containers.

And the third method - the vegetable is finely chopped, packed in containers and filled with chilled boiled water.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Recommend to your friends:

Canning sorrel for the winter - one of the very first preparations. In May-June, while it is not yet hot, sorrel is juicy, green and beautiful. So I try to closesorrel for winterexactly these days.

Canned sorrel. Recipe. Preparations - Sorrel for the winter

I have several very simple and proven recipes on how to closecanned sorrel for the winter . The most labor-intensive part of the canning process is processing the sorrel.I once came across a recipe on the Internet that suggested sterilizing sorrel. Honestly, I have never sterilized sorrel. After all, sorrel contains enough acid, which perfectly preserves it without any additional heat treatment.Fresh greens retain a lot of viruses and bacteria, which, if the food is not properly processed, can get into the food along with the soil contained on the greens. This is why it is important to wash your greens very thoroughly before eating them.Let's start canning sorrel : First of all, fill the sorrel with cold water and leave for half an hour. This is necessary so that all the dirt is washed off from the leaves and stems.

We sterilize the jars in advance and leave them on a clean towel with the neck down.Filling lids for canning boiling water for 5 minutes.

We carefully sort through the sorrel to remove all the weeds.

Then randomly chop the sorrel as you like. I cut the leaves and grab half the length of the stems, since it seems to me that they contain greatest number acids.

My friend actually does it even simpler: she covers the sorrel entirely.Place the chopped sorrel in jars and compact as desired.All that remains is to fill the greens with water and roll up the lids on the jars. That’s the whole principle of canning sorrel.

And now a few recipes:

Preparing sorrel for the winter - how to preserve sorrel. Recipes with photos:

1. Canning sorrel hot water: Place chopped sorrel in a jar and pour boiling water over it. To prevent the jar from cracking, place a regular tablespoon in it. We wait for some time, let the air bubbles come out. Next, add water to the neck of the jar and roll up the iron lid.

Note: you can add 0.5-1 teaspoon of salt to each jar. With this canning, sorrel changes color immediately.

2. Canning sorrel salt: This recipe is one of the simplest. Place the chopped sorrel in layers in jars and sprinkle with salt. Let's pour cold water. Or mix warm water with salt, let it cool, and then pour sorrel in jars. Roll up the lids on the jars.I don’t really like this method of canning because the sorrel turns out salty.3. Canning sorrel chilled boiled water: my favorite recipe.Boil water, cool it until warm. Place the chopped sorrel in prepared jars. Pour salt - better a couple teaspoons, such an amount per jar will not be felt at all. Fill with water and roll up the lids of the jar.