Shish kebab what meat to buy. Pork kebab - how to choose the best meat parts

Shish kebab is not just a tasty and aromatic dish. Every meat-eater appreciates not so much the dish itself as the process of its preparation, which is accompanied by pleasant communication with friends or relatives, inhaling a wonderful aroma mixed with the smell of a forest, meadow or pond. Let's find out which meat is best for pork kebab.

When thinking about what kind of pork to choose for barbecue, get used to the idea that you will need to boldly touch and smell the meat - this is the only way to determine its freshness. Choosing pork, and a good one at that, will not be difficult for many, but for barbecue it must still meet the following criteria:

  • The light pink color of pork cannot be confused with any other. This is the color of young pigs, gilts and piglets.
  • An old pig's meat is dark and covered with a film.
  • young pork is distinguished by thin white fatty streaks that resemble stains on marble. Juicy pork kebab will come from young meat.
  • In your arsenal of knowledge on choosing meat for barbecue, you should definitely have - how to choose meat for barbecue without knura. It is a little difficult, but still possible, to identify a boar by smell. The presence of the sex hormone androsterone in knur meat gives a specific unpleasant odor during heat treatment. So, without hesitation, we ask the seller to cut off a small piece, hold it over the flame of a match or under a lighter and smell it. If the smell is associated with the pungent smell of urine, then this is boar meat. Well, if the seller refuses to carry out this experiment, then either focus on the density of the meat (it is high in knur) or buy it elsewhere.
  • Pork is easier to digest than cow meat and combines both fat content and soft tenderness.
  • proteins, phosphorus, magnesium and B vitamins are all found in pork meat. And lard also contains a natural antidepressant, such as selenium and arachidonic acid.

Which part of pork is best to make shish kebab from?

The choice of meat for preparing the most delicious and juicy kebab is important, because the most important dish of the picnic depends on the chosen piece. Below is a list of which part of pork is best to use for barbecue and which not to take:

  • tenderloin is the best part of pork for barbecue, tender, juicy and soft
  • neck - tender and very juicy meat with thin fatty streaks, similar to “marble”
  • shoulder - contains a small amount of fat and connective tissue, and requires long marinating
  • ham - the meatiest part of pork, best suited for lean, low-fat barbecue
  • the back part is tougher meat; this part of the pork is not suitable for barbecue, as it has many veins.

Any kebab specialist will definitely answer that the best pork meat for making kebab is pork neck. It is from this that you can get the most tender, juicy and soft kebab cooked over a fire. The meat from this part of the pork carcass has many layers of fat, which contributes to obtaining an ideal result. In addition, the meat fibers of the neck are always more tender and softer than, say, in the shoulder or back.

You should not take pork without fat, since completely lean meat is not suitable for barbecue.

We have decided on the meat and now you know which part of the pork is best to use for the barbecue. All that remains is to marinate it a few hours before frying.

What is the best way to marinate pork kebab?

There are a variety of marinades for barbecue. Previously, meat was simply preserved in fermented grape juice to preserve it longer. Now, no matter how sophisticated they are! Marinate in wine, pomegranate and lemon juice, kefir, kvass, mineral water, mayonnaise and sour cream. The main thing in any marinade is to combine the meat with onions, pepper and salt, adding a sour component.

Pork shish kebab on kefir

For 1-1.5 kilograms of pork you will need kefir, mineral water with gas (in a one-to-one ratio), salt, black pepper, spices, and onion chopped into large rings. To marinate pork kebab in this marinade, a few hours are enough (ideally, at least 3). After this, you need to shake off the remaining marinade from the meat and you can grill the kebab over the fire!

How to marinate pork kebab in vinegar

You will need:

  • table vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. spoons (for 1.2−1.5 kg of meat);
  • sugar - teaspoon;
  • onion - 2-3 large heads;
  • water - 8 tbsp. spoon;
  • pepper and salt.


Remove films from the pork and divide into medium-sized pieces (about the size of a child’s fist). Rub the pieces with pepper and salt and mix well. Peel the onion, chop into thick rings, and add to the meat. Dilute the vinegar with chilled water, add sugar, stir, and pour into the bowl with the kebab. Stir the contents, cover with a lid and pressure, put in the refrigerator.

Quick pork kebab recipe


  • 600 g pork (neck)
  • 4 onions
  • 3 tbsp. l. vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 0.5 tsp. salt
  • 0.5 tsp. pepper
  • Chili pepper (optional)


The meat is cut into portions. The onion is peeled and cut into rings. Meat, onion, salt, sugar, pepper and vinegar are mixed in a container and sent to the refrigerator for some time to marinate. The meat will marinate in 2 hours, but it is better to leave it for a longer time.
The shish kebab is fried over hot coals on the grill. The meat can be sprinkled with chili pepper for spiciness.

Pork shish kebab with pineapple


  • 450 g pork tenderloin
  • 2 bell peppers of different colors
  • 1 can of canned pineapple
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey
  • 1 lime
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • green onion feathers
  • grated ginger
  • parsley
  • ground black pepper
  • salt to taste


Mix honey and 2 tbsp. l. pineapple juice, season with salt and pepper. Place pork and bell pepper slices on skewers, season with salt and pepper. Grill, brushing with honey mixture. Add pineapple chunks, lime slices, green onions, ginger to the meat and drizzle with oil. Garnish with chopped parsley.

How to properly grill shish kebab?

In the question of how to properly fry shish kebab, there are a number of unshakable rules, as well as a dozen moments in which an amateur cook can show his creativity. Here are the secrets and secrets:

  • The coals should heat evenly. To do this, it is necessary to maintain air circulation in the grill. If the coals become weak or, conversely, too strong, they must be blown up accordingly or poured with water, wine or beer. Before this, be sure to remove the kebab from the grill, because when blowing and pouring, burnt ash rises, which settles on the meat and can ruin the taste of the dish.
  • Before threading the marinated pieces onto a skewer, the skewers should be preheated. And keep it over the fire for no less than five minutes. On hot skewers, the skewered meat immediately seems to “seal” the punctures, and the juice will not flow out of them during frying. This will make the meat both juicier and more tasty.
  • Meat should always be cut across the grain and placed on skewers along the grain.
  • Large pieces should be located at some distance from each other, since they will remain raw in places where they may come into contact.
  • Also keep in mind the following: the heat from the coals is stronger in the center of the grill. Therefore, larger pieces should be placed in the center of the skewer, and smaller pieces closer to the edge.
  • A distance of at least one, and preferably three, centimeters should be maintained between the skewers on the grill. We consider it an excellent tradition to alternate pieces of meat with onion rings, halves of tomatoes, large pieces of sweet pepper or zucchini strung on skewers. If you decide to try eggplant as a companion vegetable, remember to pre-soak it so that the taste changes from bitter to the familiar and familiar eggplant.
  • It is absolutely not necessary to sprinkle the meat with water, marinade or wine during frying, since the moisture that gets on the pieces begins to evaporate rapidly, which leads to burning of the pieces and uneven frying. You will only need water when the coals suddenly burst into flames to put it out.

When is the kebab ready?

When the kebab is covered with a golden crust on both sides, you should pierce it with a knife: if blood comes out, then you need to fry further. If the juice is white and there is not too much of it, then it’s time to serve the food (if in doubt, it is recommended to remove one large piece of meat from the skewer and cut it in the middle - this way you will certainly be sure of its readiness). Typically frying lasts about 20-25 minutes.

The most piquant question for many - when exactly should you turn the skewer over the fire - has a very simple answer: at the moment when meat juice begins to stand out on the side of the meat turned towards the fire, and the coals begin to hiss loudly, you should turn the skewer. And this should be done until the hissing disappears completely. After this, the skewers should be rotated often enough to ensure that your kebab browns as evenly as possible.

Wherever the kebab is prepared and no matter what it is called, the main secret is that it is prepared according to all the rules and with love, then you will be able to enjoy an unusual, juicy and most delicious dish on earth!

Nadezhda K.
What cut of pork is best for making shish kebab?

Any picnic or vacation at the dacha is always associated with the smell of smoky kebab - juicy, aromatic, soft. But sometimes this grilled dish turns out tough or dry. Why is this so, since everything was done as usual? The basis of a good kebab is fresh meat from the “right” parts of pork. Which ones? How not to make a mistake when choosing? The answers are in the article.

Which part of pork is best for barbecue?

Experienced barbecue makers are unanimous in their opinion that pork neck is the best option. A simple secret lies in a large number of thin layers of fat, they help maintain the juiciness and tenderness of the pulp.

Advice. Sometimes the neck pieces are too fatty. In this case, it is recommended to remove excess fat

Of course, this is not the only part of the pork carcass that is suitable for barbecue. The barbecue and the blade part are “worthy”. Fat is also contained there. Only, unlike the neck, it will take longer to marinate. In addition, the shoulder pieces contain many veins that cannot be chewed. Therefore, if there is little time left before the picnic, it is advisable not to buy a spatula.

The resulting hard kebab can pretty much ruin the mood of the guests. There are also fans of shashlik made from other parts of pork. Lean tenderloin or carbonade - for those who strictly monitor a slim figure. There are practically no layers of fat there; this is a good alternative to fattier pieces.

Advice. Before dividing the tenderloin into pieces, you should remove the film - it is located on one of the sides. Otherwise the kebab will turn out tough.

How to choose fresh meat

  1. Freshness. If pressing the meat pulp with your finger leaves a dent, the piece is not fresh.
  2. Smell. It should not be strong, barely perceptible. An obvious rotten or sour smell indicates that the product is beginning to deteriorate.
  3. Meat color. The young one has a pale pink color.
  4. Fat color. It should not be yellow or gray, only white.

If you have to buy parts of pork for barbecue in a supermarket, you should take into account some of the store’s marketing “tricks”. Dates on packages sometimes change, so don’t rely on them. It is advisable to ask to open the package and smell the pulp. The color of the flesh, which appears soft pink in the display case, can also deceive. The fact is that the shop windows are illuminated with red lamps, which creates this effect.

Preparing to cook barbecue

The pieces of meat have been purchased, it’s time to start preparing for frying them on the fire or on the grill. What should be done:

  1. Rinse the meat, carefully removing small bones and cartilage, and dirt.
  2. If there is a film on the surface, remove it.
  3. Remove cores if present.
  4. Cut into pieces, mix with marinade.

There are many recipes for marinade for barbecue. You can use the classic one: vinegar, onion and pepper.

Attention! The marinade does not need to be salted, otherwise the meat pieces will lose their juiciness.

Increasingly, barbecue gurus are abandoning vinegar marinade in favor of natural ingredients, such as soy sauce, lemon or kiwi. It all depends on taste preferences. Even without being an experienced cook, you can invent your own recipe for barbecue marinade.

It is only important to understand that the main thing in it is the acid contained in the main ingredient. This can be citric acid, lactic acid in kefir, fruit acid in kiwi, etc. This is what makes the meat tender. But “overexposure” of it in the marinade can spoil the taste, “pulling out” all the juice. After frying, it, on the contrary, will become tough. So, it is important to maintain the “golden” mean. On average, kebab is marinated for 3-4 hours.

Choosing pieces of meat for barbecue is a responsible, but feasible task. If you know which cuts of pork are best for barbecue, and understand the criteria for choosing them when purchasing, the task will be completed brilliantly.

How to cook shish kebab: video

Name of dish:

What meat to choose for barbecue

With the onset of warm days, we all strive to spend our weekends in nature: in the forest, at the dacha, lake or river. Well, what kind of outdoor recreation could there be without a picnic and barbecue? And for the kebab to be delicious, you need to choose the right meat for it.

Despite the fact that I grew up in Central Asia, it has always been a problem for me how to choose meat for barbecue. And only thanks to friends from Central Asia, I learned to understand meat. The choice of meat is a very important point in preparing barbecue. If the meat is tough, veiny or not fresh, then no marinade will help make it tasty: be it with vinegar, wine or kefir, with the best herbs and spices.

What kind of meat is suitable for barbecue?

There is an opinion that the right kebab must be made from lamb and preferably young. But personally, I completely disagree with this opinion. I quote the authority on oriental cuisine, Stalik Khankishiev:

What is kebab?

In the narrowest sense, this is meat, cut into relatively small pieces, strung on skewers and fried over coals.

But speaking more broadly, it can be not only meat, but also poultry, fish, seafood, vegetables and even fruits, but definitely these are products baked on coals. Products can be pickled, seasoned, ground, they can be processed in almost any possible way before cooking, but one condition remains unchanged: the products must be cooked over charcoal.

"Classic lamb shish kebab"

Lamb has a pronounced taste and smell, and has a sufficient supply of fat layers to ensure the production of juicy baked kebab. As a rule, lamb is not marinated. It is enough to sprinkle it with salt, spices and chopped onions. Then stir, crush with force and wait 5-10 minutes. This time is enough for the meat to salt and absorb the aroma of spices.

As a rule, for barbecue, they take the shoulder part (indicated in the figure by index I), the ham (index III), as the softest and juiciest meat. For lovers of meat on the bone, you should pay attention to the rack (index II). It is from this part that tender and juicy entrecotes are obtained.

Here's what we found on the Internet about cutting lamb and eating its parts.

Pork shish kebab

Pig meat is very soft, has both layers of fat and large reserves of lard. For shish kebab, you need to select pork that is not fatty, without large growths of fat, otherwise the kebab will not be meaty, but will have a “greasy” taste. The most suitable for grilling and grilling in small pieces is the neck. In the neck part the meat is tender, permeated with small layers of fat.

Also suitable choices for shish kebab would be the shoulder part (index II), sirloin part (thick part, number in Figure III) and ham (number in Figure IV).

There is no need to marinate pork, just like lamb - just salt and pepper it, add onions and herbs, and let it rest for 15-30 minutes.

Beef kebab meat

Beef is not the best meat for barbecue. Beef turns out great over the fire. But when frying beef in small pieces, there is a high probability of drying out the meat. In addition, beef is quite tough meat. Therefore, if you want to cook beef kebab, then you need to marinate it. You can marinate for 4-5 hours and up to a day in the refrigerator.

To prepare a delicious beef kebab, you need to choose first-class cuts of a cow carcass: in front, these are the front shoulder and shoulder blades (index I); rear dorsal part: thick loin and rump (II), rump and rump (III).

Which part of pork is best for barbecue?

Traditionally, barbecue is popular in spring and summer. Noisy gatherings around the fire, relaxing in nature will leave wonderful memories. And to make these impressions stronger, you need to prepare a very tasty kebab. There are a lot of recipes for this dish. There is fire-fried fish, lamb, chicken, beef, but pork is the most suitable product.

First you need to choose the meat. Not everyone knows which part of pork is best to use for barbecue. In the food industry, there is a special mesh with parts into which the animal carcass is chopped. There are 40 of them. Each part of the pork is used for specific dishes. It depends on the fat content, the number of veins, and the structure of the meat.

The neck(s) are more suitable for barbecue. It has small layers of fat, which, during simmering over coals, saturate the dryish pulp.

It is better to purchase meat for barbecue in advance, since it still needs to be marinated. When purchasing, we focus on color, structure and smell. Frozen pieces, often found in supermarkets, are not suitable, as the flesh will lose elasticity and will definitely be dry. The neck should have a light pink color, without blood or blue spots. You can check the freshness of the product with your finger: after pressing, the dimple should quickly straighten. Regarding the smell, everything is clear: a delicate, barely noticeable smell of meat.

Having brought home the neck, it is better to keep it at room temperature for a while while you prepare the ingredients for the marinade. This will take about 20 minutes. Let us remind you that the neck must first be washed and dried, using a towel or napkins.

Then, having slightly crushed the meat in your hands, you can start slicing. The shape and size of the pieces are completely individual. We can only give advice: their parameters should not go beyond 4 x 4 - 8 x 8 (cm). They are borderline. Otherwise, the meat will either burn or be raw.

After the chopping procedure, the shish kebab neck is marinated. There are a lot of ingredients for soaking pork. These can be herbs, vegetables, acids, juices and sparkling water. More often they try to soften the meat with tomatoes or pomegranate juice. To saturate with juice, use sour cream, mayonnaise, lemon juice. Spices are also chosen at will, but traditionally mixtures of peppers, suneli hops, and tarragon are added to pork. And where would we be without onions, cut into large rings? Several varieties of onions look great: white, purple, red. Culinary experts note that it is better to salt the shish kebab before skewering it, and you should not marinade it, as this will cause the meat fibers to coarse.

The tips listed above will help you prepare the dish flawlessly.



Each meat has its own charms




Important ADVICE!


Meat taste and color

The skin of a young bird is soft white in color, and the fat is light. And the older the bird, the yellower its skin will be and the darker its fat.

Important ADVICE!

Important ADVICE!

Important ADVICE!

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8 years 11 months back by Alexi

Shashlik– this is not just a dish that owes its origin to hunters. This is a whole ritual, this is a holiday with the aroma of freedom, sounds of nature and good weather. This is a friendly company or a family circle, this is bustle around the fire and intimate conversations while quietly chewing delicious meat. Precisely tasty, properly marinated and well-cooked meat, and not according to the principle “warm meat cannot be raw.” So if you want the holiday to be a success, take care of the main ingredient of the kebab in advance. Which meat is better to choose, how to determine its freshness and quality, and how to marinate it? Look for answers to these and many other questions further.

Each meat has its own charms

Tastes could not be discussed. Some people prefer poultry kebab, while others love picking hot pieces of venison from skewers. For example, I would probably love kebab made from crocodile or kangaroo meat if I tried them. But let's talk about kebabs made from less exotic types of meat.

Pork. Barbecue masters say that the best kebab comes from pork. Juicy, soft, fatty: chewing is a pleasure, and the meat juices flow appetizingly down your beard. Someone will object: “What about the figure?” - If you don’t overeat, then barbecue gatherings will not affect your figure in any way, but a good mood is guaranteed.

Pork meat has excellent nutritional qualities, is easily digestible and contains minerals beneficial to humans. In addition, this meat does not require long soaking; pork can be marinated two hours before the picnic and then cooked according to any culinary recipes.

Shashlik It is best to cook from shoulder, brisket, loin, ham, tenderloin, shank and neck. In principle, studying the anatomy of pigs is not necessary to choose excellent meat. It is enough to know one fact: the muscles of the pig’s upper body do less work during life than the lower part, as a result, the kebab from such meat turns out to be more tender.

Beef. This meat is significantly inferior in tenderness to pork. The kebab turns out to be a bit tough, and no matter what the recipe is, it will take longer to marinate. But this does not make him lose the right to exist.

Beef is considered a low-calorie meat. There is too little fat in its fibers, so the kebab after frying turns out to be dry and slightly bland. However, there are recipes with which you can return the meat to its former juiciness: either stuff the meat with small pieces of unsalted lard and artificially create “marbled meat” or bread the meat pieces in breadcrumbs and egg.

For beef kebabs, the most suitable are tenderloin and sirloin.

Important ADVICE!
Beef should be marinated in sparkling water. Firstly, cut the soaking time in half, and secondly, such a marinade will not interrupt the true taste of the meat.

Mutton. Young lamb shish kebab is a heavenly delight. Lamb occupies a significant place in the cookbooks of the Caucasus. And although lamb kebab is a little tough, it has an unsurpassed taste and aroma, and also goes well with vegetables.

For barbecue, a leg of lamb, rib meat or shoulder is ideal. And one more nuance: lamb kebab tends to harden quickly. So the main thing is not to miss that very moment of readiness and taste the gorgeous kebab.

Meat taste and color

Near the meat counter, keep your eyes peeled. Sellers of meat products know many tricks on how to turn not quite fresh meat into a product that caresses the eye and lulls your vigilance. So before you put the meat in the basket, look not only at the price tag, but first of all at the product itself.

The color of the meat should be uniform, without any inclusions or spots, and natural. Subtle meat connoisseurs even highlight such a characteristic of high-quality, fresh meat as glossy color, that is, bright, rich and without a matte coating.

Normal beef is red in color and has white or creamy fat streaks. If the color of the meat is closer to brown, it means that it has been languishing in the display case for more than a week. The characteristic color of pork is pinkish-red. Experts say: the darker the meat, the older the pig was, which means the meat will be tougher and more muscular.

By the color of the lamb you can immediately determine whether the animal was young or old. The color varies too much: the meat of a young lamb is light red, while that of an older lamb is dark, red-brown.

The skin of a young bird is soft white in color, and the fat is light. And the older the bird, the yellower its skin will be and the darker its fat.

The skin of a young bird is soft white in color, and the fat is light. And the older the bird, the yellower its skin will be and the darker its fat.

Important ADVICE!
Even a cunning seller with his tricks can be brought to light. If the meat has gone bad, some sellers, in order to restore it to its original appearance, soak it in a solution of potassium permanganate (“potassium permanganate” in popular parlance). Potassium permanganate leaves no odor and does not overpower the smell of meat, so you can’t tell right away. But fat layers can tell about the seller’s trick. Since in nature they are white or cream, after solution they acquire a pink color.

Important ADVICE!
If you buy frozen meat, be doubly careful. Nothing can be more harmful to the body than re-frozen meat. And this is not difficult to determine: pay attention to the ice crystals. If they are pink, this is a sure indicator that the product has been re-frozen.

The smell of fresh meat should not cause any negative emotions. Natural scent, without any impurities or additional shades - ideal for the product. Even if your sensitive (or not so sensitive) nose catches even a hint of an unpleasant aroma, avoid such meat.

The consistency of the meat should also not raise any doubts. High-quality and fresh meat is elastic. And no excess moisture. A piece of meat should not ooze blood. At least for aesthetic reasons, I don’t want to buy it.

And the freezer is a friend after that?

Meat, meat, meat... Chilled, steamed, frozen, and even re-frozen - this is all meat. The question is, which one is the healthiest and most suitable for barbecue? The answer is unconditional: chilled. Why? Let's deal with each meat in turn.

Fresh meat is that which was received immediately after the slaughter of the animal. Many inexperienced cooks consider it ideal in taste, tenderness and aroma for barbecue and are mistaken. If you cook steamed beef over a fire (and in the oven too), you can use it to hammer nails instead of a hammer. After all, the muscles of a freshly killed animal will not yet have time to relax and the meat will be unseasoned and tough. But don’t write off fresh meat. In some industries its value is high. For example, fresh meat is used in the production of boiled sausages, as it has an increased ability to absorb moisture.

Frozen meat is also not the best option for a good barbecue. By definition, it does not contain even two-thirds of those beneficial and flavorful substances that fresh meat contains. In addition, after defrosting, valuable juice flows out of the meat. So kebab made from frozen meat does not have such a rich “meaty” aroma and taste as kebab made from fresh meat.

Re-frozen meat is not only unsuitable for barbecue, but generally dangerous to eat. Frozen meat itself, when thawed, contains a lot of moisture, it is raw and loose. There is no need to talk about elastic consistency. And if you freeze such meat again, then the water crystals will simply tear the meat fibers. So the second time you take out of the freezer not meat, but a rag, a product that, having slightly thawed, will begin to decompose.

You can distinguish frozen meat from re-frozen meat with just one touch. Poke your finger into once-frozen, thawed meat - and a dark mark will remain on it; re-frozen meat will not change color, even if you actively knead it with your hand.

Important ADVICE!
If you buy meat in plastic packaging, unpack the meat and let it “catch its breath” for half an hour.

If you choose refrigerated packaged meat, then look to see if there are any drips inside the package (if there are any, it means the meat has thawed and released meat juices). Gray edges of meat mean the following: myoglobin, a special substance found in meat, has been destroyed by heat. And sticky mucus on the surface of the product is a sure sign of bacterial development. Gray and burgundy-red spots, blood clots, pigmentation - all this indicates poor ventilation, improper cooling of the product, stale meat and improper storage.

So be careful with meat. And take care of your stomach.

Enjoy your picnics and delicious kebabs!

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8 years 11 months back by doris


I just marinated 2 kg of fresh pork for barbecue for tomorrow's picnic. In beer and mayonnaise. With onion and spices. Hurry up for some fresh air!!))

She was always a bit of a cat, she loved sleep and milk, and under her glove, each palm hid five graceful claws...

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Put it all on a skewer and fry it over hot coals, periodically turning it over and pouring brine over it. Kebab should always be served hot.

Preparation of brine.
Crushed garlic needs to be diluted with ayran.

Lamb fat – 600 grams.

Lamb liver – 400 grams.

Garlic – 80 grams.

Ayran – 360 grams.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Caucasian liver shashlik: The recipe for this liver shashlik is very tender and requires quick preparation. You can use lamb, pork or veal liver for barbecue. The liver is cut into cubes no more than 15 - 20 mm thick, the chopped cubes are strung on a skewer along with slices of lamb fat or pork lard, cut in the same way as the liver, but only about twice as thick, and fried over hot coals.

5 minutes before the kebab is ready, be sure to pour a salt solution on it. Salt solution (10 grams of salt per 100 grams of water) and add pepper. It is best to serve shish kebab with fluffy rice and fried onions, or with green and onions, tomatoes and cucumbers. Ketchup sauce or any other hot sauce is served separately.

Liver – 500 grams.

Fat tail fat or bacon – 300 grams.

Onions – 200 grams.

Rendered lard (for frying onions) – 50 grams.

Rice porridge – 250 grams.

Kuban sauce - 150 grams.

Salt and ground black pepper - to taste.
Hunting shashlik:Hunting shashlik can be prepared from the following meat: elk, fallow deer, wild goat or deer. Cut the meat into small pieces of 40 - 50 grams, and marinate in a cold place for 10 - 12 hours. To prepare the marinade, you need to dilute the vinegar in cold or hot water one to one. Pass the onion through a meat grinder and add it to the marinade, also add garlic with crushed salt, sugar to taste, crushed coarse black pepper, and bay leaf.

Thread the cooked meat onto a skewer and fry over hot coals in the fire. You need to grease the hunting kebab with olive oil or melted pork lard. Serve hunting kebab with green onions, cucumbers, tomatoes or pickled cherries, grapes, plums. Tkemali or ketchup sauce is served separately.

A portion:
Meat 2 kg. (moose, fallow deer, wild goat or deer), 50 grams of olive oil, 200 grams of onion oil and 200 grams of green oil, 200 grams of cucumbers, tomatoes and pickles.

For the marinade:
100 g wine vinegar, 2-3 pieces of black peppercorns, 100 g onion, 1 head of garlic, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, bay leaf, salt.

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