The best and most delicious recipes for making pickled eggplants in jars for the winter. Pickled eggplants stuffed with vegetables, carrots and garlic

I used to always enjoy buying Korean pickles at the market. I especially liked the pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots, garlic and herbs. Once on TV in a cooking program, a chef explained in detail how to make pickled stuffed eggplants. I immediately took a pen and wrote down the recipe. It was summer and blue season was in full swing. The next day I decided to try making pickled eggplants according to the TV recipe. I was absolutely sure that they would not turn out like the Koreans on the market. But the pickled blue ones turned out very tasty.

See the video recipe at the bottom of the post.


  1. Eggplants – 2 kg
  2. Carrots – 3 pcs.
  3. Onion – 1 pc.
  4. Parsley – 1 bunch
  5. Parsley root – 1/2 pcs. (possible without it)
  6. Celery – 10 sprigs
  7. Garlic – 2 pcs.
  8. Vegetable oil – 200 grams


  • For the starter, I take small young eggplants. I rinse them well with water. Then I put them in a pan with salted water. I put it on the stove and cook them after the water boils for 15 minutes.

  • I drain the water from the pan and transfer the eggplants to a plate to cool. After cooking, the blue ones should not be too soft. It’s good if they turn out soft, but dense inside. I place the cooled eggplants on a cutting board in two rows and place 2 boards on top of them. I place the weight on the last board. This could be a pot of water or something heavy. I leave the blue ones under pressure for 12 hours. During this time, excess water will leave them under the influence of the load.

  • While the blue ones are being pressed, I’m preparing the filling for the eggplants. Grate the peeled carrots.

  • I peel and finely chop the onion.
  • I peel and crush the garlic, and finely chop the washed parsley.

  • Next, I fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil in a frying pan. Then I add garlic, parsley and its root, grated.

  • I cut the pressed blue ones in half, but not all the way.

  • I rub the blue one inside with salt and stuff it with carrots, garlic and herbs. I also put a piece of celery sprig inside the blue one.

  • Then I tie the stuffed blue one with a torn celery stalk (You can replace it with parsley or green onions. This time there was nothing to tie it with - everything holds up just fine). I put the stuffed eggplants prepared in this way into a bowl, arranging them with celery branches.

  • I fill them with vegetable oil and put a weight on top. I leave them to ferment at room temperature for 3 days.

  • After 3 days, the pickled eggplants are ready! Then I store the blue ones in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

In Crimea, Koreans sell such eggplants at bazaars. I don’t know what nationality this recipe belongs to, but I know that my grandmother, and she is not Korean, also cooked such eggplants. This is the recipe I use too.

Main ingredients: eggplant, carrots, onions and garlic.

Cut off the stem of the eggplants and wash them. Boil 3 liters of water in a large saucepan, place the eggplants in it and cook for 2 minutes on each side. Test for softness with a sharp knife or fork. Do not overcook to avoid porridge.

Place the boiled eggplants on a tray in one row, cover with a board and set pressure. Leave for several hours. Cut the eggplants that have cooled and become slightly flat lengthwise, without cutting all the way through.

Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater. Cut the onion into half rings. Fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Place everything in a bowl.

Peel the garlic, pass through a press and add to the carrots. Stir, add salt to taste and add a teaspoon of red hot pepper.

For brine, dilute salt in water, add bay leaf and peppers. Bring the brine to a boil. Boil for 2-3 minutes.

Use the resulting minced meat to fill the slits in the eggplants and tie them with threads. Place the stuffed eggplants in a saucepan and pour hot brine over them. Press down with a slight pressure and leave the eggplants to dry, i.e. they produce acid. Eggplants take two to five days to ferment, depending on the room temperature. If you take them out into the cold immediately, they will sour longer and be stored longer. Based on the principle of pickled cucumbers.

After a week, you can already try stuffed pickled eggplants.

My grandmother had such eggplants that lasted until the New Year. She kept them cold. Then they were simply eaten and none of us knows whether they can last longer.

Eggplant is a berry brought by the Portuguese from India. Our people loved her very much. But her season is short. Therefore, it is important to know how to prepare eggplants for the winter. They are frozen, pre-baked in the oven and the skin removed, salted, pickled, and prepared into salads. This article will teach you how to make pickled eggplants. Below you will find several recipes of a wide variety and for every taste. However, the cooking principle remains unchanged. Boil the blue ones and fill them with marinade. You can stuff the eggplants before doing this.

There is also a way to dry-salt the blue ones. We simply cut the fruits into discs, sprinkle them with salt and spices, and then seal them. And wet pickling involves pouring brine over the cut fruit.

Pickled eggplants: a universal recipe

It is best to take eggplants for winter preparations that are small, with smooth matte skin without dents or flaws. We cut off the tails of eight eggplants and cut them on the right, left and diagonally to form a “pocket”. Boil in salted water for about seven minutes. We check readiness with a match: it should easily pierce the blue ones. We strain them and put them under a press for an hour to free them from excess liquid as best as possible. We chop three carrots into pieces. We tear off the leaves from a bunch of parsley, without, however, throwing away the stems. Chop the greens, also chop one chili pepper (with seeds possible) and 2 heads of garlic. Salt this mass, mix and stuff it into the eggplant pockets.

Let's make the marinade. Boil water and put parsley stems in there - just for a few seconds so that they become elastic. After this, add the marinade ingredients. For one liter of boiling water you need to take two tablespoons of salt, ten black peas and five allspice and two bay leaves. Pickled with garlic, tied with parsley stems. Place in an enamel bowl and fill with cold marinade. Press down with a plate and place pressure on it. Keep it like this for four days at room temperature. Then place the eggplants in prepared jars and fill with boiled and cooled marinade. Carefully pour in a few tablespoons of hot vegetable oil. We seal the jars.

Pickled eggplants stuffed with vegetables in Russian style

No vinegar in preparations! This preservation method is good because fermentation occurs under the influence of bacteria present in the product. We cut ten eggplants in half lengthwise, but do not reach the end by two centimeters. Boil the blue ones for twelve minutes in salted water (30 grams per liter). Place the finished eggplants under pressure until they cool completely. Chop three carrots in Korean style. Cut two parsnip roots into strips. Chop three onions into semicircles. Simmer all these vegetables in a small amount of vegetable oil for about eight minutes until they become soft.

Peel two heads of garlic. Chop each clove into plates. Mix most of the garlic with the cooled vegetables. Stuff the eggplants with this mixture (just put the filling on one half and cover the other. You can also put in green leaves of cilantro or parsley. Put the eggplants in glass jars, sprinkle with garlic. Leave in a warm place under pressure for three days. Then pour in boiled but cooled vegetable butter These pickled eggplants stuffed with vegetables should be stored in the refrigerator.

Beautiful berries

We cut off the tails of four blue ones and boil them in lightly salted water for about ten minutes. Strain and leave to cool. During this time, we will make the filling so that our pickled eggplants look beautiful. In separate bowls, finely chop a large head of garlic, three carrots, and chop the leaves from a bunch of parsley. Cut the cooled eggplants lengthwise, but so as not to divide them into two halves. We put garlic on this “sandwich”, grated carrots on it, and add parsley on top. Season with pepper and add salt (both inside and outside the blue ones). We put our “sandwiches” in an enamel bowl and press down with a weight.

For the first two days, the little blue ones should stand in a warm place to start the souring process. Then the pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic need to be kept in a cool cellar for another couple of days. It will taste better this way.

Pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots

For this moderately spicy vegetable snack, three pieces of blue ones should first be boiled in water with salt until fully cooked (about half an hour). Then put them under a press and let the bitterness go away. Grate two carrots coarsely. Simmer it in three tablespoons of vegetable oil for ten minutes over low heat. Pass the head of garlic through a press. Let's set aside a quarter of the total. Chop half a bunch of greens. We will also save a quarter of the portion for later. Add the greens and garlic to the carrots. Stir and stuff future pickled eggplants. The recipe advises to tie the blue ones with thread so that the filling does not fall out. Place the eggplants in a saucepan and sprinkle with the remaining garlic and parsley. To 0.5 liters of boiling water add 10 g of salt, ten milliliters of 9% vinegar, three black peppercorns and two bay leaves. Cook for another two minutes. Pour this marinade over the blue ones. Place pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots under a press. Then leave in a warm place for three days.

Blue ones stuffed with vegetables

Boil a kilogram of small eggplants and place them under pressure, as in previous recipes. This same method of preparing pickled eggplants differs from others in the filling. Grate two carrots coarsely and fry them in refined sunflower oil. Peel the bell pepper from seeds and cut into small cubes, chop the parsley and dill (three spoons each), chop three cloves of garlic into thin slices. Place the vegetables with the cooled carrots. Mix and stuff the blue ones with this minced meat. We make the simplest brine. Dissolve 50 grams of salt in one and a half liters of boiling water. Place the eggplants in a dish in one layer. Fill them with cooled brine. Leave the stuffed pickled eggplants for three hours without pressure and for a day under pressure. After this, we transfer them into glass jars and fill them with brine. They should be stored in the refrigerator.

Eggplant blanks

Stuffed products are quite capricious and unpredictable during storage. Therefore, sellers of all sorts of pickled delicacies ferment only eggplants. They make a variety of fillings, as they say, for the table. So how to prepare pickled ones? Boil two liters of water with two tablespoons of salt. We make two through cuts on the sides of the eggplants. Place them in boiling water. Cook for five (small) to ten minutes. Place it under the press on an inclined surface. When the blue ones become flattened and dry, cut them lengthwise. You can stop already at this stage: pack the little blue ones in cling film and put them in the freezer. But there is an alternative: pour brine and put in a warm place for three days. Then put it in the refrigerator.

Spicy filling

Pickled eggplants, according to this recipe, are prepared in the classic way. Only the filling is different. Coarsely grate four carrots and fry until soft. Chop two onions into quarter rings and fry until golden brown. Finely chop five cloves of garlic. Mix the minced meat, add salt, and add chopped fresh herbs if desired. These blue ones should be fermented for three days at room temperature.

Another filling recipe

Grind three carrots and one hundred grams of celery root on a coarse grater, and two onions into small cubes. Stew vegetables in vegetable oil. Cool them, add a teaspoon of black pepper and sweet paprika. Rub the inside of each half-cut eggplant with garlic. We spread the filling. To prevent it from falling out, we tie the blue ones with thread. Place chopped bay leaves and dill umbrellas on the bottom of the dish. Place the blue ones on top, sprinkle with garlic and hot pepper. Fill with brine. These pickled eggplants for the winter are ready to eat within two days.

Numerous recipes for pickled eggplants for the winter indicate that this food is loved and enjoyed in our country. The optimal time for harvesting blueberries is considered to be the period from the end of August to the end of October. It is advisable to select nightshade fruits of the same size for pickling. There should be no damage or abrasions on the surface of the vegetables. The tails must be green and fresh. A dried “tail” is evidence that the vegetable has been stored away from the bush for a long time. This means that it is not worth using it for winter harvesting.

Counting calories

Eggplant is one of the five lowest calorie vegetables. 100 g of this product contains 24 kcal, so it takes an honorable fifth place on the list. In front of him are green bell peppers, spinach and ground cucumbers and tomatoes. The table provides a detailed calculation of the nutritional value of fermented blueberries under pressure, prepared according to the classic recipe.

Table - Nutritional value of “classic” pickled eggplants

It turns out that a dish with a total mass of 1 kg 333 g contains 630.6 kcal. Therefore, the nutritional value of one serving of snacks, weighing 100 g, is 47.3 kcal.

Soaked, pickled, salted: what's the difference?

“Soaked eggplants for the winter” - this phrase can be heard and read quite often. But it doesn't sound entirely correct. The fact is that there are no soaked eggplants. Housewives often confuse such methods of preparing vegetables and fruits as pickling and soaking. In essence, the meaning of these processes is the same: to preserve the fruits collected at the dacha with the help of lactic acid, which is formed due to sugar fermentation. But what is the difference? The table will tell you.

Only fruits are soaked. Only eggplants and cabbage are fermented. All other vegetables are salted. With the same preservation algorithm, the name of the method varies depending on the product.

Subtleties of the process

In order for pickled eggplants stored in jars for the winter to be a success, it is necessary that the required amount of lactic acid be formed in the container where they are placed. This substance appears during the fermentation of sugar, which is affected by lactic acid bacteria. It turns out that the most important component of any recipe for soaking, pickling or pickling is sugar. And the auxiliary one is salt.

  • Sugar. It is found in any fruit - be it a fruit or a vegetable. Its sufficient quantity is the key to success. Sometimes granulated sugar has to be added separately, but if the product already has enough sugar, the recipe can be eliminated from the harmful additive. After the sugar is converted into acid, this substance begins to create obstacles that are insurmountable for other microorganisms. The latter stop their reproduction, thereby preserving the fruits.
  • Salt. It is necessary not only to add salt to the dish, making its taste more pronounced and bright. Salt extracts cell juice from eggplants, which contains the sugar necessary for fermentation. True, you only need to add a little salt. Over-salting will lead to a deterioration in the taste of the dish and inhibit the work of lactic acid microorganisms.

Often leaves of a currant bush, oak or cherry tree are added to barrels or buckets with eggplants or other fruits. The foliage of these representatives of the flora contains a tannin substance, which has a beneficial effect on the canning process and gives the fruits a characteristic pleasant crunch.

3 conditions

In order for you to successfully preserve your favorite vegetable, follow certain rules, the main one of which is a sufficient amount of sugar in the main ingredient of the prepared dish. For example, extra sugar is always added to cucumbers. But most eggplant varieties do not need this. So don't be surprised if you don't find sugar in recipes. Compliance with the following three conditions will also be the key to successful conservation.

  1. Minimum oxygen. In order to preserve the maximum amount of vitamin C in eggplants, which they are rich in, you need to minimize the amount of oxygen. This can be done by placing the vegetables in a pan or bucket, covering with a lid or plate with a smaller diameter than the container, and placing pressure on top. It’s easy to do this trick with cabbage – the pressure will easily compact the shredded vegetable. But it is not always possible to compact whole eggplants efficiently. Especially if the fruits are large. Therefore, keep an eye on the brine. In the classic recipe, it should completely cover the blue ones. If the fluid level has dropped, add additional 3% saline solution to the container.
  2. Temperature regime. Fermentation actively takes place at temperatures from 15 to 22 ºС. You can speed up the release of enzymes by increasing the temperature in the room where the eggplants are fermented. But the finished product must be stored where the air temperature is close to 0 ºС and does not rise above 5 ºС.
  3. Sanitary requirements. The most basic of all conditions is compliance with the sanitary regime. It lies in the purity and freshness of the products used to prepare the product. And also the absolute cleanliness of the dishes involved in the process.

Pickled eggplants for the winter: traditional and oriental

Pickled blues are usually not prepared without filling, with the exception of the classic, time-tested recipe. Vegetables are usually stuffed with their neighbors in the garden - carrots, garlic and a lot of herbs. Some recipes use finely shredded cabbage instead of this set. It turns out no less tasty and unusual. When starting to study recipes, please note: each of them indicates the net weight of the main ingredient. That is, a lot of eggplants without peeling. Depending on the recipe, the cooking time may vary. For example, an Armenian appetizer can be served just a day after fermentation. But the Georgian version needs to be kept in brine for about a week.


Peculiarity. The highlight of this dish is the purity of the eggplant taste. Due to the fact that no auxiliary vegetable ingredients are used in it, the eggplants are as natural as possible - without admixtures of foreign aromas. When eating these blue ones for food, they can be pre-stuffed with fresh vegetable filling. Or you can simply cut it into rings and eat it with boiled potatoes or fried meat. The taste of garlic will be enough for variety.

Product set:

  • eggplants – 2 kg;
  • garlic - two large heads;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt.

Actions of the “conservative”

  1. Prepare the brine: take one part salt to four parts water.
  2. Boil the brine and boil the peeled vegetables in it for 5 minutes.
  3. Place the boiled blue ones in a colander to drain excess water.
  4. We make a “pocket” on each eggplant and fill it with a mixture of ground black pepper and chopped garlic.
  5. Prepare the marinade at the rate of 30 g of table salt per 1 liter of water. We also send laurel and allspice there. Boil and wait until it cools down.
  6. Pour the cooled marinade over the vegetables, placed tightly in the pan.
  7. Cold pickled eggplants should be stored in the cellar or refrigerator for a week.

The shelf life of pickled blueberries is six months. If you intend to store the product longer, preserve it: place it in sterilized jars, place in a water bath so that the water reaches the neck, and boil for half an hour. If you use a liter container rather than a half-liter container, sterilization should last an hour. Then cover the jars with tin lids and seal them hermetically.

Without brine

Peculiarity. Pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic are prepared without brine and without sterilization. They also require preliminary preparation of the main ingredient. After washing and removing the stalks, the vegetables are cut lengthwise with a knife, cutting each blue one about ¾ in depth and leaving 2 cm on the sides to create a kind of “pocket” for the filling. Afterwards, the nightshades are placed in a wide saucepan or saucepan, filled to the top with a pre-prepared saline solution and boiled for ¾ hours.

Product set:

  • blue ones - 2.3 kg;
  • carrots – 0.5 kg;
  • parsley root – 0.1 kg;
  • onions – 0.1 kg;
  • garlic - two medium heads;
  • salt – for brine solution and filling;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • vegetable oil - glass.

Actions of the “conservative”

  1. We take out the boiled blue ones and place them under pressure to remove excess moisture.
  2. Prepare the filling: sauté finely chopped onions, and chop the carrots and parsley root into thin slices. Pass the garlic through a press and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Fry the carrots and parsley root in a frying pan for ten minutes, and then add garlic to them and add finely chopped herbs. Simmer for another three to four minutes and mix with sautéed onions.
  4. Add some salt to the filling and stuff the eggplants with it.
  5. We tie each stuffed blueberry with threads so that the stuffing does not fall out, put the nightshade fruits in a wide container, put pressure on top, and use gauze instead of a lid.
  6. On the third day, we transfer the blue ones into glass jars, fill them with calcined sunflower oil, cooled to 70ºC so that it completely covers the fruits, and put the container in a cool place, after covering it with a nylon lid.

You can check the readiness of vegetables after initial cooking as follows: pierce the fruit with the back edge of a match, and if the tip enters the pulp freely, then the blue one is ready.

In Azerbaijani

Peculiarity. Azerbaijani-style eggplants can be prepared strictly according to the recipe, or they can be laid in layers without filling the little ones. Both methods are considered authentic. The amount of vitamin C increases several times due to the participation of a fair amount of greens. Greens are practically not subjected to heat treatment. This means that a snack prepared for the winter will become a real vitamin bomb. In addition, fresh seasonings can be adjusted to taste by replacing regular basil with lemon, and adding cilantro instead of dill.

Product set:

  • blue ones - ten small ones;
  • celery root - one small;
  • paprika - one;
  • chili - pod;
  • carrots - four small ones;
  • parsley - two bunches;
  • mint - half a bunch;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • basil – half a bunch;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to regulate taste;
  • carnation;
  • Bay leaf;
  • allspice peas.

Actions of the “conservative”

  1. We cut up the washed and peeled nightshade fruits so that each vegetable has a “pocket” and place it in a saucepan with boiling water for 5 minutes.
  2. We take out the eggplants, cool them and, using a knife or dessert spoon, remove the seeds from the fruits.
  3. We wash the entire set of greens well under running water, leave until completely dry, and then finely chop.
  4. Peel the carrots and chop them on the finest grater. We pass the garlic through a press, and cut the pepper with the seeds and partitions removed into small pieces.
  5. We clean the celery root, remove the hard veins from it and chop it on a fine grater.
  6. Mix all the filling ingredients in a common bowl, season with salt and pepper to taste, and stuff the eggplants.
  7. Prepare the marinade: boil water, add spices, boil them in boiling water for five minutes and turn off the stove.
  8. After the marinade has completely cooled to room temperature, pour it into the stuffed blueberries previously placed in a bucket or pan, put pressure on top and send it to a cool place for six days.
  9. After six days, we take out the vegetables, put them in jars and put them in the refrigerator. If desired, we can preserve it by first sterilizing the container filled with the snack.

In some regions of Azerbaijan, salted blueberries are poured with a marinade without spices, prepared on the basis of vinegar diluted with water.

In Georgian

Peculiarity. Eggplant pickled with carrots, herbs and garlic in Georgian style is the spiciest of the dishes offered. Of course, it can be prepared without red pepper, minimizing its presence in the appetizer or even eliminating it altogether. But Georgians are sure that the “strong point” of these salted eggplants is the spiciness. Residents of Georgia believe that their eggplants are the best cure for a hangover. Especially if you eat chacha with them the morning after a stormy holiday.

Product set:

  • blue ones - 1.8 kg;
  • carrots – 350 g;
  • garlic - five cloves;
  • ground red pepper - a quarter tablespoon;
  • cilantro - a bunch;
  • celery - a bunch;
  • dill - half a bunch;
  • water – 2 l;
  • salt - three heaped tablespoons;
  • 9% vinegar - tablespoon;
  • sugar - a tablespoon.

Actions of the “conservative”

  1. We clean, wash and make “pockets” in the eggplants. Then boil them in boiling water for five minutes.
  2. We take out the blue ones, put them in a wide colander, cover them with a plate on top and place a pan of water on them as a pressure, where they were boiled.
  3. Grate the carrots on a special grater designed for Korean salads, mix with chopped herbs and garlic passed through a press, mix and adjust the taste of the filling with salt and pepper.
  4. Stuff the eggplants and place the pot-bellied vegetables tightly in a wide saucepan.
  5. We boil water, add vinegar, salt and sugar to it, pour in hot marinade, set the pressure again and put it in the refrigerator for a week.

In Armenian

Peculiarity. Armenian eggplants are stuffed with a mixture of bell peppers. It is better to take paprika of different colors. This will make the dish more fun and bright. Another feature of the recipe is that the blue ones are used without cooking - they are pre-baked over an open fire. However, on the Internet you can find many Armenian recipes that call for pre-boiling. But then the snack will no longer have a smoky aroma. The dish is prepared a day in advance, so it belongs to the category of instant preparations.

Product set:

  • eggplants – 2.5 kg;
  • bell pepper – four large ones;
  • chili - pod;
  • parsley - two bunches;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • garlic - head;
  • apple cider vinegar and salt for marinade.

Actions of the “conservative”

  1. We peel the eggplants from the stalk, pierce each vegetable with a toothpick in several places and, putting it on a skewer, send it to the grill. We will cut out the “pockets” after baking.
  2. Finely chop all the greens, press the garlic, cut the bell peppers into as small cubes as possible.
  3. Mix the filling ingredients and stuff the baked and cooled blue ones with them.
  4. Place them in a saucepan, fill to the top with apple cider vinegar and sprinkle with two tablespoons of table salt.
  5. We put the container with the blue ones in the refrigerator, and after 24 hours we serve it on the table or roll it into jars.

Knowing how to ferment eggplants is only half the battle. It is equally important to know how to store them correctly if they are not preserved. The storage location can be a refrigerator or a cellar. The last option is most convenient if the volume of the workpiece is large. For example, a barrel or a large saucepan. The maximum temperature limit for pickled eggplants is 6°C. The dish is not picky and tolerates frost well, so you can safely keep it on a glassed-in balcony. They say that fermented and stuffed blueberries can even be frozen. But when defrosting, keep it exclusively in the refrigerator so as not to spoil the taste of the spicy snack.

Reviews: “The most important thing is not to overcook it”

At the height of the season, I boil the eggplants in salted water until tender, then press them for 6 hours, then lay them out in batches of 5-6 pieces. in plastic. containers and into the freezer. And you can indulge in pickled eggplants all winter without worrying about storing them. Thaw and stuff before cooking. The most important thing is not to overcook the eggplants. And also, after stuffing the blue ones, place them tightly in a saucepan and put something heavy on top (a saucepan with water or a brick). My house is very warm and it takes 3 days to cook.


It is necessary that the eggplants are completely covered with calcined oil, then they can be stored until spring and summer, but naturally in a cool place, for example in a refrigerator or in winter on a loggia or balcony. They will never mold in oil. I do this every year. It’s the same story with tomato paste: pour a little oil on top and it won’t mold for a very long time.


Did you know that in Moscow the fermentation process is completely different, not the same as, for example, in Odessa. First of all, it's very slow. Of course, the climate here is completely different, and the eggplants are different; they take a long time to come to us, like other vegetables and herbs. I fermented cucumbers in jars, the indicator of readiness is a film of mold on the surface. Then the brine is drained, boiled and the jars are sealed for long-term storage. For my grandmother in Odessa, mold appeared within three days; in Moscow it did not appear even after a week. On the tenth day I stopped the process by force)) Remember how Zhvanetsky did? “Repairs cannot be completed, they can only be stopped...” The reason is most likely due to differences in climate and general microbiological background. There are many examples of such features in the world, such as specific mold on cheeses, which can only form on its own somewhere in Italy, but not in Gomel, or the famous San Francisco bread, made from local specific sourdough. Sourdough in San Francisco becomes like this by itself, but in other cities it loses its specificity.


Pickled eggplants taste best on the fourth day, then they should be stored in the refrigerator, always under pressure so that the liquid completely covers them. Naturally, cover the vessel with a lid. Eggplants are stored in the refrigerator for about two weeks, maybe longer, but they become very pickled)))


My Azerbaijani grandmother always made eggplants like this. We loved it with fried, boiled potatoes... I make it, but according to the recipe from the set of postcards from the 60s “Azerbaijani pickles”. Also very tasty.

Vera Rakhimova,

After washing the eggplants, cut off their stems. We make cuts where the stalks attach, and then immerse the vegetables in boiling water.

Boil for several minutes.

Eggplants float on the surface of the water while boiling. When they are scalded on one side, turn them over in water to the other side. We make sure that the eggplants become only slightly softer; we take into account that they will be softer after fermentation and sterilization.

Therefore, as soon as you can pierce the eggplants near the stalks with a knife, they should be removed from the boiling water.

Place the eggplants boiled until half cooked on a tray or baking sheet, which should be at a slight angle. We lay out the fruits so that bitter liquid flows out of the cuts made at an angle.

Cover with a clean board and place pressure on the board. We keep him under oppression for several hours. You can leave it under pressure overnight. When the bitter liquid flows out of the eggplants, take them out from under the yoke. Having squeezed out the remaining liquid from the eggplants with your hands, we begin to stuff them.

We cut the eggplants lengthwise, but not all the way, and open them like a book, putting the parsley and garlic filling inside. Next, connect tightly and set the eggplant aside. This is how we stuff all the other fruits.

Place the stuffed eggplants tightly in a bowl or pan. Having dissolved the salt in water according to the recipe, pour this brine over the folded vegetables.

Cover the eggplants with a plate and put pressure on them. Next, we place the “structure” in a cool place for 2-3 days for fermentation. Every other day we begin to taste it. When the pickled eggplants become sour and salty enough to your liking, they can be sealed in jars for the winter.

We wash the jars with soda and sterilize them.

Place pickled eggplants vertically in jars. They should not be filled too tightly; leave room for brine.

Drain the brine from the fermented vegetables into a saucepan, boil it and pour the boiled brine over the eggplants in the jars. We cover the jars with pickled eggplants and brine and set them to sterilize. We sterilize liter containers for 20 minutes.

After sterilization, we seal the jars tightly, turn them over on their necks, and wrap them in a blanket. We store cooled pickled eggplants for the winter with garlic and herbs in a cool place.

In winter, we cut pickled eggplants with garlic into pieces, season with aromatic sunflower oil and onion rings. This makes a very tasty winter salad.