The most expensive meat of domestic animals. The most expensive nut

We've collected the most expensive products in the world and found out why their prices are so sky-high. Everything turned out to be not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Royal melon

$12,000 each

In Japan, it is customary to give each other delicacies, so this country has the largest number of elite products: they can be given to superiors, business partners and loved ones as a sign of respect and gratitude.

One of the most expensive dishes is the royal yubari melon - a hybrid of two varieties of honeydew melons (Earl's Favorite and Burpee). This variety is grown in the city of the same name on the island of Hokkaido in very small batches. The melons can cost up to $24,600 per pair, which is the price two yubari sold for at a Sapporo auction last spring (paired gifts are accepted in Japan). During harvest, fruits are sold much cheaper, but it is almost impossible to get them at retail - resellers buy everything in bulk in a matter of minutes.

Why is the fruit valued like a used foreign car? The Japanese are convinced that this is an extraordinary melon: it has a unique aroma and taste, a perfectly round shape, delicate orange flesh and an elegant appearance. It is believed that its peel resembles ancient porcelain vases in its design, so the skin, like the pulp, is displayed to the guest. The presence of a couple of such “balls” on the table speaks volumes about the wealth of the owner.

2. Black watermelon

Up to $6,000 per piece

Another elite delicacy from Japan is black watermelon densuke. In fact, it has a dark green color and is completely devoid of stripes. Like the yubari melon, densuke grows only on the island of Hokkaido and is very rare. The record price for it at auction is $6,000 - although this was in 2008. In 2013, the most expensive watermelon was sold at a fair in Japan for $3,500. In the summer of 2014, black densuke was sold in one of the supermarkets in Toronto for much less - for $200. Considering that a watermelon is 90% water, this figure is in any case amazing.

3. Ruby grapes

Up to $5,400 per bunch

In addition to those mentioned, the top most expensive products in Japan also include ruby ​​novel grapes. It is distinguished by its unusual ruby ​​color, sweetness and especially large berries - each has a diameter of about 3 cm and weighs 20 g. The variety was bred in 2007 in Ishikawa Prefecture - it was the result of 14 years of work by Japanese winegrowers. In the summer of 2014, one bunch of 30 berries was sold at auction for $5,400. It was reported that the lot was bought by the owner of the wedding palace for the wedding of a certain young couple.

4. Diamond caviar

10,000 euros per kilogram

Few people have seen, much less tried, albino beluga caviar. The older the fish, the lighter its eggs - and the more valuable they are when sold. The cost of a jar of such caviar, called Almas, is about 100 euros for 10 g. At the same time, sellers warn that you will have to get on a waiting list and wait several months for delivery, which indicates an increased demand for the product. The high cost of the delicacy is due to the fact that beluga itself is very rare: it is included in the Red Book and its catch is limited. It takes up to 27 years for females to reach puberty. Finding an albino beluga, especially with caviar, is like finding a needle in a haystack.

5. Marbled beef

Up to 800 dollars per kilogram

Among all types of meat on the international market, Kobe beef is the most valued - this is the tender and fatty marbled meat of Wagyu cows, again raised in Japan, in Hyogo Prefecture. This delicacy was originally produced in the city of Kobe - hence the name. The price on the Japanese market can be 250–400 dollars per 1 kg, but in other countries a Japanese steak will cost twice as much, not to mention the dishes prepared from it. This is explained by skillful marketing, as well as the amazing conditions in which the cows are kept: they are fed selected grass and grain, given premium beer, and massaged to relieve stress and ensure proper distribution of fat.

6. White truffle

Up to $32,000 per kilogram

The most expensive mushroom in the world is the white truffle: it grows only in certain regions of France, Italy and Croatia, it is difficult to find and almost impossible to preserve. The National Center for the Study of Truffles of Italy gives average prices: in 2012 - 500 euros per 1 kg, in 2013 - 350 euros, and in 2014 - only 220 euros due to the high harvest. But if you come across a particularly large mushroom, it can be sold at auction for a fabulous sum. For example, in December 2014, the largest white truffle weighing 1.89 kg was sold at auction in New York for $61,000. In autumn, special truffle tours are held for adventurous tourists - experienced hunters with dogs help them search for mushroom spots.

Up to 600,000 rub. per kilogram

Saffron is often called the “royal seasoning” - the price corresponds to this status. In online stores, the cost of 1 g of spice varies depending on the country of production: Iranian costs 230 rubles, Spanish - 525 rubles, and Indian - 660 rubles. The high cost is explained by the difficulty of obtaining this spice: it is obtained from the stigmas of Crocus sativus flowers, and there are only three of them in each flower. Harvesting saffron is a very labor-intensive process, and very little of it is needed in a dish: 1 g is enough for several cauldrons of pilaf. Saffron gives the dish a yellow color, and is also an aphrodisiac and antiseptic, soothes, improves metabolism and smoothes the skin. According to legend, in the Middle Ages, an Arabian horse was given for one pound (450 g) of saffron. Since then, this spice has remained the most expensive spice in the world.

8. Bluefin tuna

Up to $8,100 per kilogram

One of the largest and fastest fish on the planet, bluefin tuna, is also the most expensive. The absolute record price was set in December 2012: bluefin tuna weighing 222 kg was sold at a Tokyo auction for $1.8 million ($8,108 per 1 kg). However, earlier this year, the same buyer, Japanese restaurateur Kiyoshi Kimura, was surprised to buy a slightly smaller fish weighing 180 kg for $37,500 ($208 per kg). Experts say the drop in market prices may indicate bluefin tuna numbers are recovering in the Sea of ​​Japan. However, in Moscow, 1 kg of this fish is still sky-high: it costs from 17,000 rubles.

9. French potatoes

Up to 457 euros per kilogram

The most expensive potato in the world is considered to be the French variety La bonnotte de Noirmoutier. It is grown on the island of Noirmoutier in limited quantities (up to 100 tons annually) and requires special care: it is collected by hand and practically not stored. Thanks to the island's unique microclimate and sandy soil with a high content of algae, the potatoes have an unusual sweet taste with hints of nuts. When the first harvests went on sale, they were prohibitively expensive: for example, in 1996, potatoes were auctioned in Paris for 457 euros per 1 kg. Now the passions have subsided somewhat, wholesalers at the end of May can expect a price of 9-10 euros per 1 kg, but in stores and restaurants these potatoes are still “golden”.

10. Musang coffee

Up to 108,000 rub. per kilogram

The most unusual and expensive coffee is produced in Indonesia with the direct participation of animals - musangs. These animals swallow the ripest and most delicious fruits of coffee trees, and then their excrement interspersed with beans is picked up by people, processed and made into the elite drink Kopi Luwak. According to sellers, it “has a rare caramel hue, smells like chocolate and is the drink of the gods.”

It is curious that musangs were once considered pests in Southeast Asia, until some inventor thought of finding a use for their excrement. It turned out that after treatment with enzymes contained in the stomachs of animals, coffee beans change their taste properties, losing bitterness: the drink turns out to be gentle and contains less caffeine. The high price of coffee is explained by the fact that authentic kopi luwak is made from the feces of wild, not farmed, musangs, that is, in small quantities, and the processing and production process is extremely difficult. On the Russian market, prices for this coffee vary from 2,300 to 10,800 rubles. for 100 g.

According to experts, the countries of the former Soviet Union are experiencing a real “food revolution.” First, various spices and seasonings, seafood with unpronounceable names began to appear on store shelves, then unusual vegetables and fruits brought from hot countries. Now Russians are offered to taste exotic types of meat. Are they good for the body? How much will such pleasure cost? How to prepare them? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

Fifth place – camel meat (420 rub./kg)

Humpback meat is of particular value to gourmets. It makes a great stew. The thighs are either baked with sauce or rolled into minced meat, which is used for meatballs.

In Arab countries, camel meat is used to prepare kabsa.

The main ingredient of the dish is rice, which is why it is so similar to pilaf. It is from camel meat that the Bedouins prepare a traditional wedding treat. They choose the largest carcass, stuff it with fried lamb, inside of which there are chickens stuffed with fish. And boiled eggs are usually placed in fish. This dish is considered the pinnacle of culinary art among the Bedouins.

Any housewife will tell you that you can easily save money on food without changing your diet or food intake at all. Of course, by buying meat from this top you won’t save much, but the editors of the site tried to reveal how you can not starve and at the same time not spend more money on food.

Fourth place – ostrich meat (RUB 1,100/kg)

Doctors recommend consuming ostrich meat for hypertensive patients and those suffering from coronary artery disease. After all, it contains only 1.5% fat, and there is no cholesterol. This is a great option for people losing excess weight. For comparison: 100 g of ostrich fillet contains 105 kilocalories, and a small jar of yogurt contains even more. So it's worth thinking about.

By consuming ostrich meat, your body will receive sufficient amounts of manganese, proteins, calcium and B vitamins.

In Europe there is even a special diet.

  • You can eat 350 g of ostrich meat per day with a vegetable side dish (except potatoes and corn).
  • In a week of such a diet you lose 2-3 kilograms.

Advantage of ostrich meat:

  • cooks 1.5 times faster than pork;
  • has a pleasant taste;
  • absorbs the aromas of spices and seasonings well;
  • lack of cholesterol;
  • low calorie content;
  • rich composition.

Third place – bear meat (RUB 1,400/kg)

Not every person will like bear meat. But it is very useful. It contains important microelements and vitamins of different groups. When cutting a carcass, you need to cut off all the fat, as it has an unpleasant odor. To ensure that bear meat becomes soft, juicy and has a noble taste, it is soaked in wine with the addition of herbs for 4 days.

Paw is considered a real delicacy.

It is cleaned of hair and claws and baked in the oven. Serve with a side dish - mashed potatoes, buckwheat porridge or vegetable stew. Ham is best for steaks.

In Old Russian cooking, bear meat was part of dumplings. But they did not use it in the form of minced meat, but simply chopped it with a hatchet. Today, some restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg offer dishes prepared according to ancient recipes using bear meat.

Second place – crocodile meat (RUB 2,700/kg)

Crocodiles are one of the most terrible and dangerous animals on the planet. Few people know that they can also be eaten. Crocodile meat is boiled, stewed, steamed, canned and cutlets are made from it. It is especially valued in Thailand, Argentina, Japan and South America. Calorie content of the product: 100 kcal. There are no carbohydrates.

Composition of crocodile meat:

  • monounsaturated fats (lowers cholesterol);
  • vitamins of group B12;
  • a large amount of proteins.

Doctors say that crocodile cartilage has anti-arthritic and anti-carcinogenic properties. But it is almost impossible to purchase it in stores and supermarkets. Only to order and at a very high price. The main supplier of this delicacy is the Philippines.

Carcass cutting is carried out on special farms.

The upper part of the back is cut into thin layers, and the lower part is used for preparing steaks. The most valuable part is the tail. You can make any dish out of it - be it soup or pie.

Europeans did not like such a delicacy as crocodile fillet. And all because of the bright musky taste.

First place - the most expensive meat - marbled beef (up to 30,000 rubles / kg)

We present to you the most expensive meat on the planet. Marbled beef comes only from Vagiu cows. For several centuries, animals of this breed were raised only in Japan. Their export was banned. But times have changed. Nowadays, Wagiu cows are bred in Australia, Argentina, New Zealand and even in Russia. True, the opening of a large number of farms could not reduce the price of marbled beef. This delicacy is incredibly popular among gourmets all over the world. It received this name due to the large number of thin threads of fat that create a “marbled” color. The brighter and more distinct it is, the more expensive the product.

To obtain marbled beef, it is necessary to raise animals using special technology.

From an early age, cows graze on green meadows, breathe air and drink clean water. As soon as the animal reaches a certain age, it is limited in movement and the caloric content of its diet is increased. Wagiu cows are fed beer and rice. Australian farmers use red wine aged for many years instead of beer.

After reading this article, and especially after seeing the first picture with fried meat, I involuntarily want to eat. But I want something simple - fried meat, kebab, chop. But there are delicacies in the world that not every millionaire can afford; we tried to talk about them in our

Video: Habitat - how to buy meat correctly?

There are a lot of delicacies on our planet, the existence of which many may have never even heard of. And they are obscenely expensive. Even a rich person cannot always afford such products. Unless, of course, he is a millionaire or some celebrity with a fabulous income.

However, there is a demand for everything, and some people are willing to pay, say, 500 euros for half a kilo of potatoes. Yes, the announced amount makes the hair on your head stand on end. How, for what, why? What's bad about our potatoes? There are answers to all these questions. So, I present to your attention the ten most expensive dishes in the world.

White truffle

White truffle

The most valuable species are French black (Périgord) and white Piedmontese, which grow in Italy, France and Romania. However, the most expensive was the white truffle, which has a unique taste, incomparable aroma and in cross-section resembles a piece of marble. These mushrooms grow underground, at a depth of about 9-10 cm, and only sometimes they can protrude out quite a bit. This is why they are so difficult to detect. Here specially trained dogs come to the aid of a person. They pick up the truffle scent, “take a scent,” and then dig holes in the place where they smell the mushroom. True, sometimes pigs, who also have a delicate sense of smell, also practice searching for this exquisite and not accessible product. Interestingly, truffles should never be cooked, but should only be eaten raw. Otherwise, the mushrooms will lose their famous taste and aroma. As for prices, it is difficult to give exact figures. The fact is that the price per kilogram of the delicacy is constantly changing, since almost every large mushroom is sold at an auction, which is held annually in Italy at the truffle festival. It was in the Italian San Miniato that the world's largest mushroom, weighing 2.5 kg, was found. And in 2007, a 750-gram white truffle was sold to three Hong Kong tycoons for $209,000. We can say that now the cost of one kilo of white truffle is on average about 2 thousand euros.


Moose cheese

The world's most expensive cheese was created from sheep's milk and auctioned off during an annual competition in northern Spain. for 6.3 thousand euros per half kilo. This event was truly unique, because previously the best types of cheese were sold at a price that did not even reach 100 euros (50-80 euros per kilo).

However, in addition to the above, the list of record holders can also include very expensive moose cheese, produced in only one place - at the Moose House farm in Sweden. Moose milk is used for its production. You can milk a moose cow only at certain times of the year, and this process takes about 3 hours.

Moose cheese is white in color, resembles feta in texture, but fattier, and tastes very delicate, slightly salty with a rich milky flavor. The cost of such cheese is a thousand euros per kilogram, and it is produced in very limited quantities.



And here is the most expensive spice in the world - saffron, whose homeland is considered to be India. To obtain the spice, the stamens of purple crocus flowers are used, each of which has only three of them. Therefore, a lot of effort and time is spent on obtaining saffron. Saffron is called the king. The spice has a strong aroma, bitter-spicy taste and amazing medicinal properties. When finished, it is brittle dried threads of dark red, brown and light yellow color. Moreover, the one with the least amount of light yellow stamens is considered to be of the highest quality. A very important point to consider when consuming saffron is its correct dosage. The fact is that in large quantities it is poisonous to humans. Thus, 0.5 grams of saffron taken at a time has an unpleasant narcotic effect on the body and can lead to poisoning. As for cooking, in some countries this spice is even added to tea and coffee. They tint butter and cheeses with it (saffron gives the dish a pleasant golden hue), flavor liqueurs and soft drinks, and add it to pilaf and oriental pastries. And there are also special dishes that are simply impossible to imagine without this spice - Marseille bouillabaisse soup, Valencian paella and Milanese risotto. For 1 kg of saffron you will have to pay about 6 thousand dollars.

Iranian caviar

Iranian caviar "Almas"

The most expensive caviar in the world comes from Iran. This is Almas. By the way, caviar has always been considered a symbol of prosperity and has never been known for its low prices. Be it black, white or red. But it was “Almas” that was awarded the palm. It has an incomparable nutty flavor and a pleasant shade that varies from light gray to almost white, with a dark golden sheen. An albino beluga marks her, and she is no younger than 80 years old! And the older this fish gets, the more tender, tastier and lighter its caviar is. Which means it’s more expensive. Add to everything that Almas is packaged in jars made of pure gold! It becomes clear why the price for 100 g of such caviar is about 2 thousand dollars.


Potatoes "La Bonnotte"

The presence of light on the list of the most expensive products is a little surprising. It would seem, what could be more accessible? After all, we can easily grow this vegetable even in our own garden, spending only money on buying a simple “seeder”. However, there is a variety of potato that not everyone can handle. This is the delicacy "La Bonnotte". Its difference is its place of growth, the French island of Nurmoitiers in the Atlantic Ocean. And also the growing process: potato fields are fertilized only with seaweed using technology that is passed down from generation to generation. And, of course, the labor-intensive process of planting and harvesting, carried out entirely by hand. “La Bonnotte” tubers have a surprisingly delicate taste with a salty sea flavor and a rather high price - about 500 euro kg.

Dried pork ham

Jamon Iberico

In order to taste the best and most expensive pork ham - Iberico jamon, you should go to Spain. Or rather, to its southwestern part, to the region of Extremadura. It is there that black pigs of the Iberian breed graze, fed exclusively on acorns and for which huge pastures are reserved. Ham gives any dish a rich and unique nutty flavor; it is used in cooking, main dishes, and even. One of the desserts can be tasted in Spain: creamy ice cream served with a spoonful of floral honey and Iberico jamon chips. Prices per kilo of dry-cured jamon fluctuate around 365 euros.

Argan oil

Argan oil

Argan oil is the most expensive, rare and valuable in the world. It is obtained by cold pressing the fruits of the argan tree (reminiscent of olives), which grows in the semi-deserts of Morocco. Argan oil is widely used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and in the production of cosmetics. It has a golden yellow color, has beneficial properties, a high content of beauty and youth vitamin E (74%), an unobtrusive smell with notes of nuts and spices, and tastes a little like pumpkin seed, but with a more piquant aftertaste. Using argan oil, you can add a pleasant aroma to hot dishes, a rich and rich taste to salads, and also use it for frying (it has a high combustion temperature). To produce 1 liter of oil, 30 kg of fruit is required, which is why it is so expensive: 100 ml will cost 250 euros.

Whatever you try in life, the impressions of the rarest and most exclusive will be the brightest for you. And even if you don’t like the taste, smell or appearance of something that is very expensive and exotic, it will remain another tick on the list of life’s rare pleasures. Luxury has many facets: some people buy expensive houses, others pamper themselves with luxury cars, chic clothes, etc. And some people just don’t mind having a snack worth several thousand dollars.

We present to your attention the most expensive food in the world, which is available only to the powerful.


The most expensive mushroom is the truffle. The cost of a kilogram of this delicacy can reach up to 2000 euros, and sometimes even higher. White truffles from Italy are considered the most delicious.


The most expensive dumplings can be tasted at the Golden Gates restaurant for Russian emigrants, in the Bronx area. What makes them unique is that, in addition to veal, elk and pork, they contain iron from deep-sea torch fish, as a result of which, even in moderate lighting, the dumplings emit a blue-green light and are absolutely edible and incredibly tasty. A portion of 8 dumplings will empty your wallet by $2,400, and a portion of 16 by $4,400.


The most expensive tea in the world is called Dahongpao, which translates to “Big Reddish Robe.” The “Big Reddish Robe” is obtained from the leaves of only 6 bushes growing near the Tianxin Monastery. The age of these unique bushes is 350 years. Less than 500 grams of the famous tea are harvested every year, and the price of the finished product reaches $685,000.


The most expensive meat is marbled beef. Moreover, it must be from Japanese Wagiu cows. For centuries, these cows were bred only in Japan, treated with respect and fed only the finest herbs, and given sake rubbish and beer daily. Tenderloin will cost you from $750 to $1000 per kilogram


The most expensive nut in the world is the macadamia nut. Once a staple food for the Australian Aborigines, macadamia nuts have now become a delicious and very healthy delicacy. The cost of one kilogram of macadamia, even in its historical homeland, exceeds $30.


The most expensive caviar in the world is not black at all. And not even the rare gray one. The most expensive is Almas, an albino beluga caviar, occasionally exported from Iran. 100 grams of caviar, packed, of course, in a jar of pure gold, will cost the buyer about $2,000.


The most expensive spice in the world is saffron. True saffron is the stamens of a plant in the crocus family. To obtain half a kilogram of spice you need 225,000 stamens. One kilogram of real saffron costs about $6,000.


The most expensive potatoes in the world are grown on the island of Nurmuatje in the Atlantic Ocean. The fields where potatoes are grown are fertilized exclusively with seaweed. All work on planting and harvesting is carried out only by hand. Peasants harvest only about 100 tons of this root crop per year. The harvested potatoes are sent for sale on the same day. Such a small harvest and pleasant taste give exclusivity to this potato variety, a kilogram of which can be bought... for 500 euros.


The most expensive omelet in the world can be eaten in the restaurant of the New York hotel Le Parker Meridien. It costs $1,000. In addition to the eggs themselves, the omelet contains whole lobsters. It is served on a bed of fried potatoes and garnished with ten ounces of stellate sturgeon caviar.


The most expensive oil in the world is argan oil. Argan grows in Morocco. It's easy to recognize her. The leaves of this tree are a favorite delicacy of local goats. For his sake, they are even ready to climb trees. When you see a goat on a tree, it means it is an argan. The fruits are shaped like olives. One liter of oil requires as much as 30 kg. For 100 ml of this oil you will have to pay 250 USD.


The most expensive Bread in the world is Roquefort and Almond Sourdough Bread. For just $25 you can try bread from chef Paul Hollywood. The bread is made from the best class A flour, fermented with expensive French *Roquefort* cheese and high quality almonds. You can only buy miracle bread in boutiques in London, and it costs almost twenty times more than usual.


Mouse milk is the most expensive milk in the world. Its cost exceeds $22,000 per liter. To obtain one liter of such milk, you need to milk about 4,000 mice. Mouse milk is used in medicine. Female mice synthesize human protein, lactoferrin, in milk, which is used in the production of unique pharmacological drugs. Medicines containing mouse milk improve the process of hematopoiesis after blood transfusion.


A kilogram of Pule cheese, which is made from donkey milk, was valued at $1,280. This enabled the fermented milk product to take first place in the ranking of the most expensive cheeses in the world.


The first place is rightfully occupied by the purest spring water Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani. It is named after the famous Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani. But the most interesting thing is that the smooth shape of the container in the form of a Mongoloid face is covered with pure 25-karat gold. Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani is a mixture of the purest spring water from France, from the Fiji islands, with the addition of water from the glaciers of Iceland. This water, unusual in composition and design, costs $60,000 for a 1.25 liter bottle.


The most expensive chocolate in the world is called “Chocopologie by Knipschildt”. It is produced in the USA by Knipschildt Chocolatier. Naturally, this is dark chocolate. For a pound (453 grams) of Chocopologie by Knipschildt you will have to pay $2,600.


The most expensive juice in the world, Noni, is produced from the exotic fruit of the same name with many beneficial properties. Thick burgundy juice significantly improves well-being, relieves hypertension and tension caused by stress, and also improves well-being. Noni fruit grows on Morinda limonifolia trees, which are widespread in the South Pacific region. A box of juice (four one-liter bottles) costs from $200.

The world has already turned into the rank of exclusive products

The most expensive meat is marbled beef, which is supplied to the world market by the Japanese. It was the ancient traditions of breeding Wagiu cows in the suburbs of Kobe, during which the animals were treated with such respect that they even gave them beer and rubbed their skin with sake, that made it possible to obtain such unusual meat.

For a very long period of time, the Japanese were so proud of their cows that they prohibited their export anywhere outside the country. However, now this type of cow is already bred in Australia, and to improve the taste of the meat, Australian cattle breeders have replaced beer with red wine. The average cost of marbled beef is $500, but the most tender pieces of meat reach a cost of $1,000 per kilogram.

The most expensive mushroom on Earth

The list of the most expensive mushrooms in the world includes truffles, and not the black ones, which are grown in France and which you can try in any Michelin-starred restaurant, but the white ones that grow in Tuscany. It is white truffles that currently have the highest value.

At the same time, it is almost impossible to indicate the exact amount per kilogram of such a delicacy, since each such rare mushroom is sold exclusively at auction. For example, seven years ago three Chinese paid as much as 209 thousand dollars for 750 grams.

The most expensive chocolate in the world

The luxury version of chocolate is produced in America and is called “Chocopologie by Knipschild”. The company produces this regular dark chocolate according to ancient recipes that contain absolutely no preservatives or additives. The result is a short-life product that costs up to $2,600 per pound (453 grams).

The most expensive coffee on the planet

The most expensive Kopi Luwak coffee is best enjoyed rather than knowing exactly how it was obtained. The thing is that this type of Indonesian coffee is made from beans that came out of the intestines of the local civet animal. It is this little animal that loves to enjoy aromatic coffee beans. The animal’s digestive system is designed in such a way that the grains obtained after such “processing” significantly improve the taste of coffee. The cost of such “animal coffee” reaches six hundred dollars per kilogram.

The most expensive nut in the world

The mikadamia nut has the highest value in the world. This type of nut made up most of the meager diet of the Australian Aborigines in ancient times. This species got its name because the biologist who first described the nut chose the name of his friend John McAdam as the name.

This type of nut is similar in taste to a hazelnut. Mikadamia is rich in substances that are excellent for removing cholesterol from the body. However, since no more than forty tons are produced all over the world, it is expensive. Now in their homeland, Australia, a kilogram of nuts will cost a gourmet $30. However, there are nine species of macadamia in the world and only five of them grow in Australia. They can also be found in South America and Hawaii, although they are cheaper than real Australian nuts.

The most expensive tea in the world

This type of tea is called Dahunpao and grows in Tianxin Monastery. This tea is obtained from only six bushes, which are 350 years old. In total, about half a kilogram of tea leaves was collected, and their value at auctions reached $685,000.

This tea has an intense taste and perfectly relieves stress and tones. Unfortunately, the real Dahongpao or “Big Red Robe” is no longer possible to purchase, since the last harvest of tea was given to the National Museum of China for safekeeping, and a ban was imposed on subsequent collections from the famous tea bushes.

The most expensive spice on Earth

Saffron is by far the most expensive spice in the world. Moreover, such a high cost of the spice led to the appearance of false saffron, called Imeritinsky. The difference between these two spices is that real saffron is made using the stamens of plants of the crocus family, while false saffron is made from the stamens of marigolds.

Such a high cost of the spice is due to the process of its production itself. A kilogram of spices costs $6,000, but it requires 225,000 stamens of the plant to produce it. And since one flower produces only three stamens, it is easy to calculate how many flowers workers need to manually collect to get it.

However, it is worth noting one more feature of this spice - to obtain the necessary aroma in a dish for several people, it is enough to put only six stamens of saffron in it.