Homemade amateur sausage at home recipes. Homemade boiled sausages

Amateur sausage should contain beef, pork, selected bacon, spices, table salt and sugar, ascorbic acid, sodium nitrite. According to state regulations, the sausage must contain at least seventy-five percent meat. Of these, thirty percent premium beef and forty-five percent lean pork, twenty-five percent bacon. There is a product that consists entirely of pork. Seventy-five percent lean pork and twenty-five percent bacon. The label will say pork. If a kilogram of sausage costs half as much as a kilogram of meat, you have a low-quality product. Sausage should cost approximately the same as a kilogram of meat.

Bright and beautiful color, good taste and smell are not an indicator of quality. Very often, food additives shape the taste and appearance of a product. We are so accustomed to food additives that we cannot distinguish a natural product from a fake.

The label must contain all the information about the expiration date and composition of the amateur sausage. The components are arranged according to the order of weight reduction in the manufacturing recipe. Manufacturers are sometimes silent about the presence of additional additives. From the same manufacturer, one type of sausage can be of excellent quality, while another variety is much inferior in taste. Therefore, only through trial and error can you find a good amateur sausage.

Amateur sausage must be prepared according to GOST. A prefix has been added to the name of the amateur one (extra, original, luxury, super, gourmet, classic, etc.), the product is made not according to GOST, but according to TU. In such a sausage, meat can be replaced with anything. They use soy protein, thickener (carrageenan), sodium alginate, antioxidant, bone meal, starch, semolina. Animal and vegetable protein, fiber, starch are unnecessary ingredients for sausage.

A loaf of amateur sausage should be free of voids, dense and elastic (springs when pressed). The surface is dry. The shell is without damage or stains. Not porous, not watery or wrinkled. There should be no overflow of minced meat on the sausage. The more meat it contains, the heavier it is.

The color of a good sausage ranges from beige to pale pink, but not deep pink. Greenish-gray tones indicate spoilage of the product. But pallor is a good indicator. Pork has a lighter color.

The smell of good sausage is pleasant, meaty, but not pronounced. You can determine the freshness of a product by smell.

When choosing, try the sausage. If the product is dry, leaves an unpleasant greasy film on the palate, or resembles minced meat or liver, it is better to refrain from purchasing it. A slight burning of the tongue is caused by sodium gluconate.

The selected amateur sausage can be in either an artificial or natural casing. In a natural casing, the shelf life is up to fifteen days. In an artificial casing, the shelf life is longer, up to two months. If the shelf life is higher, it means the product contains a large amount of preservatives. An artificial shell can be similar to a natural one; it can be distinguished by a straight seam. According to technology, amateur sausage is treated with smoke. The natural casing allows smoke to pass through better during smoking and the taste of this sausage is tastier. It is better to give preference to the natural casing and grayish tint of the sausage.

The lard should be no more than six millimeters, square in shape, white (slightly pinkish), not fall out, not flake off, and be evenly distributed. If the lard has a yellowish tint, it means the manufacturer used old lard.

Ascorbic acid in sausage prevents oxidation and the formation of carcinogenic substances. If sodium nitrite is present, it is better if ascorbic acid is added. The presence of phosphates indicates that the raw materials used were not of the best quality. The protein stabilizer in sausage is ground chicken skin, pork skins, tendons, veins, and cartilage.

The sausage should not break and the bacon should not fall out if a thin slice of the product is rolled into a tube. To reduce the cost of the product, instead of meat, animal protein is added (ground offal, cartilage, bones, lips, skins). The composition is held together with starch, this sausage breaks down, soft, fluffy like pate. Sausage made from chilled meat is tastier than from frozen raw materials.

You can check the quality of the sausage at home. The sausage has greatly decreased in size during frying, which means it contains too much moisture and fat. A good lard will fry and become transparent. If you put a piece of sausage in boiling water, and after a couple of minutes pink streaks appear or the water turns slightly pink, it means there is an artificial coloring. If it contains starch, a drop of iodine on the sausage will turn blue.

When frying any sausage, carcinogens arise. Avoid giving children fried sausages. Sausage is a meat product and is stored at temperatures from zero to plus six degrees. Amateur sausage should not be taken for long trips, especially in warm weather.

Doctor's and Amateur's homemade sausage

Doctor's and Amateur sausage at home.

Doctor's and Amateur's homemade sausage, option Bolognese sausage Mortadella.

If you look into the history of our famous boiled sausages Doctorskaya and Lyubitelskaya, then you might think that they trace their history back to the beginning of Soviet power.

Back in 1936, Minister Mikoyan ordered the production of a special dietary sausage for comrades who had lost their health in the fight against tsarism.

And of course, the royal request of Peter 1 was forgotten, for sausage makers from Europe.

Situationally, by the beginning of the 19th century, there were only 30-40 more or less large sausage production facilities throughout the entire Russian Empire.

Handicraft making homemade sausage doesn't count.

In general, the production of homemade sausages was traditionally used in the western parts of the empire, for example in Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states.

To do this, you only need to have a pig and cut the meat into small pieces and stuff it into the cleaned intestines.

Homemade sausage recipe has not changed over the centuries, just like Mortadella.

She's the one Bolognese sausage Mortadella, gave rise to domestic boiled sausages,
slight difference in recipe, consistency, inclusions of lard, etc. doesn't count.

Homemade boiled sausage and, for example Doctor's type sausage, two big differences.

Preparation homemade sausages It is possible, but difficult to obtain a meaty, finely ground pulp, actually a meat puree or even an emulsion.

With the advent of powerful electric meat grinders and blenders on sale, this task has become easier.

There remains the question of removing air from the minced meat and dense packing of the sausage casing, no air voids.

In principle, this issue can also be solved, at least by repeatedly beating minced meat cakes on the bottom of a container, a board or a large basin.

The minced meat becomes dense and without air voids.

The contradiction is that finely ground minced meat is very fluid, but you can wrap it in a bag.

Pork or beef small intestines not suitable for Doktorskaya type sausages.

Artificial casing for sausage may be suitable, but it is better to fill the cleaned pork stomach or large-diameter intestines with minced meat, the so-called blues.

Unlike intestines of small and medium caliber, called casings.

As a last resort, you can fold food-grade cellophane or film into a sleeve shape, stitch it, for example, or make a bag of the required diameter.

You need to fill it with minced meat as tightly as possible.

Let's take a look at how sausage is prepared at home using the example of Lyubitelskaya and Doctorskaya. Homemade sausage recipes and GOST can be found here, but the technology for making sausage at home is approximately the same.

1. Making sausage at home We start by cutting beef and pork into random pieces of about 3 by 5 cm, so as not to load the meat grinder.

2. Grind pork and beef separately in a meat grinder with 3 mm grid holes.

3. Salt and add sugar according to the recipe, knead and place in separate containers in the refrigerator for 6-12 hours to ripen the minced meat.

4. Mix both types of minced meat and pass through a meat grinder with 3 mm holes in the grid. At least 4-5 times with the addition of finely crushed ice and cold dry white wine (to taste and desire). If you have a blender, you can further grind it to a puree.

5. Many recipes recommend adding ground black pepper. Not advisable. I recommend replacing with ground white pepper. This is the same black pepper, but with a polished black outer shell. We don't need nasty black dots on the cut of the sausage! It is better to add a little finely ground nutmeg.

6. If in plans home-cooked doctor's type sausage, you can skip this point. For Amateur sausage, cut the pre-lightly frozen salted pork lard into cubes of 5-7 mm, or whatever size and aesthetics suits you, 10-12 mm is also possible. Thoroughly mix the cooled lard cubes into the minced meat to ensure even distribution in volume. Doctor's sausage according to the recipe, naturally we do not add lard.

7. Fill if available factory sausage casing, the resulting minced meat, patting it lightly during the process of forming the sausage loaf and tamping with a stick or mallet to displace air voids and compact the consistency. Still preferable natural sausage casing type pork stomach or large-diameter intestine. You can buy sausage casings from us.

8. Round the edges of the sausage loaf and tie tightly with at least a double knot. We prick with a small pin or a special needle-shaped hedgehog, called a perforator, for holes for escaping steam during heat treatment. The standard diameter of a doctor's loaf is 10-15 cm. But there are also Mortadella giants with a diameter of half a meter and a weight of several hundred kilograms.

9. Ready sausage loaf cook in a saucepan or vessel over low heat without boiling. The water temperature is no more than 80-85 degrees. Do not bring it to a boil under any circumstances. We remember that the Doctor's and Amateur sausage is nothing more than a big sausage and can also burst!

Cook slowly for 2-3 hours. The temperature inside the sausage, in the center, should reach at least 70 degrees C. It is better to steam it, as there is less loss of juice and nutrients. For lovers of large-sized sausages, the question of cooking capacity arises. Some people use a baby enamel bathtub with a plug at the bottom for this purpose.

10. Ready sausage cool with running cold water. A cold shower of at least 10 C is recommended. But where can you get it in the summer, for example? Just ice in the container! After cooling, allow it to settle for a while, about 2-3 hours, and you can smoke it with cold smoke if desired.

12. Invite your family and friends, open a bottle of wine, maybe some vodka if you like.

And beer with sausage is amazing!

Eat for your health!

Do you remember the Lyubitelskaya sausage from Soviet times? This sausage is very easy to make at home. Homemade boiled sausage “Lyubitelskaya” turns out wonderful, and most importantly, it tastes very similar to the Soviet sausage, which was made from meat. Be sure to try it, this sausage is perfect for breakfast! The only condition: to get the sausage flavor and color, you must purchase nitrite salt and have a kitchen scale!

To prepare homemade cooked sausage “Lyubitelskaya” you will need:

lean pork - 300 g;

beef - 250 g;

lard) - 200 g;

nitrite salt - 14 g;

sugar - 1/4 tsp;

pepper mixture - 1/4 tsp;

ground nutmeg - 1/4 tsp;

ice water - 150 ml.

Meat and lard should be well-chilled and frozen) - this is a must!

Grind the pork and beef in a meat grinder with a grid, the hole diameter of which is 2 mm. It is better to twist the meat 3 times. Each time the meat should be cooled in the freezer. Cut the frozen lard into pieces, approximately 5-6 mm in size (I use larger pieces, since my husband likes large lard in this sausage). Add some of the lard to the meat.

Dissolve sugar in water. Add spices to the meat and knead, gradually adding ice water with sugar and the remaining lard. You need to knead the minced meat for quite a long time (about 10-15 minutes), until all the liquid is absorbed and the minced meat becomes viscous. If the minced meat becomes warm, it needs to be cooled in the freezer again.

Next, you should stuff the sausage casings with a diameter of 120 mm very tightly; I didn’t have a casing of the required diameter, so I placed the minced meat in a baking sleeve, formed a ball and carefully fixed the ends. Hang the sausage for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 0 to +4 degrees, preferably in the refrigerator.

Then you need to place the sausage in 2-3 more plastic bags, each one carefully tied. Under no circumstances should water get into the sausage! Place the sausage in the multicooker bowl and cover with cold water.

Set the “Multi-cook” mode to 80 degrees, the time is 2.5-3 hours depending on the thickness of the sausage). If you don’t have a multicooker or Multicook mode, you can boil the sausage in a saucepan. Also add water, place on low heat, cook for the same time at a temperature of 80-85 degrees (you need a thermometer). If you don’t have a thermometer, cook as usual, but the water should not boil! Cool the finished sausage quickly under cold water in a shower).

Then hang the sausage in a cool place and leave for 8-10 hours. Now the incredibly tasty home-cooked sausage “Lyubitelskaya” is ready to eat! Free it from the bags and sleeves, cut it and serve. This sausage should be stored in the refrigerator in parchment paper for 3 to 5 days.

Enjoy your meal!

Of all the types of sausages, the most common at home are boiled ones, which are varied in their composition, taste, aroma and nutritional value.

Sausage mince for boiled sausage can be made from a mixture of beef and pork, from only one type of meat: beef, lamb, pork, etc. If desired, the ratio of individual types of meat and spices can be varied by increasing or decreasing the proportions of individual components of minced meat, and also use corned beef for these purposes, but not more than 25% by weight of other fresh meat. Here are some of the recipes used in the production of boiled sausages.

We can recommend minced meat for boiled sausage, which is made from lamb (beef) meat and fat tail fat (lard): salted lamb (beef) meat - 4.5 kg; tail fat (beef fat, lard) - 0.5 kg; starch - 2 cups; garlic - 3 cloves; sugar - 1 teaspoon; ground pepper - 0.5 teaspoon; water - up to 1.5 l. The minced meat is formed in a certain sequence. Chopped garlic is added to the minced meat when passing the meat through a meat grinder; spices and starch - when preparing minced meat. First, thoroughly knead the meat, gradually introducing about 3 glasses of water into it. Water is added to the minced meat to make it tender and juicy. If not enough water is added, the sausage yield will decrease and the consistency will be tough. Excess water increases the yield of sausages, but they become flabby. When making some types of sausages, instead of water, you can use blood plasma and skim milk, which improves the quality and yield of the product. After kneading the meat until a homogeneous mass has completely absorbed the water, add crushed spices and starch, which is best mixed in the remaining water beforehand, and mix everything well again. Next add crushed tail fat (beef fat, lard), knead again and finally add small cubes (crumbs) of lard. After adding the bacon, do not knead the minced meat too much to avoid greasing, which can deteriorate the quality of the sausage. Stir the minced meat with the bacon just enough to distribute the pieces of bacon more or less evenly in the minced meat.

Minced meat, which contains all the ingredients necessary for this type of sausage, is filled into the sausage casings (intestines) using the appropriate devices, which were mentioned above. When making boiled sausages, you must remember that stuffing the minced meat into the intestines should not be tight, since during cooking the volume of the minced meat increases, which can lead to rupture of the loaves.

It is advisable to lightly smoke the prepared sausage loaves (for about an hour) in hot smoke (at a temperature of 90-100°C). In home production, this stage of preparing boiled sausages is called frying, since they acquire a reddish color, similar to the color of fried sausage. After frying, the sausage has a specific taste and aroma and is appetizing in appearance. Its storage stability also increases.

Sausage loaves ready for further processing should have a well-dried casing with a beautiful pinkish-reddish (or red for pure beef and lamb sausages) color. If salting was not carried out, then before cooking the prepared loaves should be dried for about an hour in a dry, warm place - near the oven, above it, or inside a still warm oven. You need to know that if the frying regime is suddenly violated, a number of defects in sausage products occur: darkening of the casing, weight loss, etc. are observed.

After frying, the sausage is cooked in hot water (80-85°C), monitoring it with a thermometer or by eye: the surface of the water in the container only quivers slightly from time to time during cooking. The quality of the sausage is largely determined by maintaining a given temperature during cooking: at a lower temperature, the product sours; at a higher temperature, the casing ruptures, sagging forms, and the minced meat becomes dry and dense.

The duration of cooking depends on the thickness of the loaf: the larger the diameter of the loaf, the longer the cooking. Thin loaves are cooked for no more than 40-50 minutes, thick ones - up to 1.5 hours, very thick ones - up to 3 hours. Undercooked sausages have viscous minced meat and spoil quickly. After cooking, the sausage is cooled by hanging for a while in a cool place (10-12°C). When cooling, the shell is cleared of fat and broth. Then the sausages are dried, which increases their shelf life. The best way to check the readiness and quality of the sausage is to taste a piece.

Below are some recipes for making boiled sausages at home.

Amateur sausage

Amateur sausage is a very common type.

To make this sausage, you need to prepare minced meat of the following composition: beef meat - 2 kg, lean pork - 2 kg, lard - 1 kg, starch - half a glass, sugar - 1 teaspoon, pepper and nutmeg - 0.5 teaspoon each, water - 3 glasses, salt to taste.

Doctor's sausage.

It is very popular among the population. It is called so because it can also be eaten for certain stomach diseases, when easily digestible food is needed. The recipe for this sausage consists mainly of lean pork (60 g per 100 g of minced meat), fatty pork (25 g) and premium beef (15 g) with the addition of sugar and salt and a very small amount of cardamom. There is no pepper, other hot spices, seasonings or seasonings in this sausage. In addition, a distinctive feature of its production is that the minced meat in it is very carefully pureed and is a homogeneous mass, very delicate in consistency, pleasant to the taste.

This section outlines in a brief and accessible form the technologies for manufacturing a wide variety of types of sausages that are not prepared at meat industry enterprises. In this regard, we consider it necessary to bring individual recipes for industrially produced boiled sausages.

These are mainly sausages of the “Lyubitelskaya”, “Otdelnaya” and “Chaynaya” varieties, the most common in the assortment of this type of sausage products. Thus, the composition of minced sausage “Lyubitelskaya” includes: beef - 35%, pork - 40, lard - 25, sugar - 0.2, spices - 0.26%.

When producing “Otdelnaya” sausage, the proportion of beef in minced meat reaches 60%, pork and bacon - 23 and 15%, respectively. About 2% flour is additionally added to the minced meat.

The composition of the minced meat is approximately the same in the “Chaynaya” sausage.

A distinctive feature of all varieties of boiled sausages is a high percentage of water content in them (from 57% in the “Lyubitelskaya” variety to 66% in the “Chaynaya” variety). Due to this All types of boiled sausages are not stored for a long time, but are used immediately after production or purchase in a store.

Among meat products, Lyubitelskaya is one of the most popular. Fragrant and tasty, it is perfect for sandwiches and sandwiches for a quick snack, will help you out on a hike or a long trip, and is suitable for preparing many salads and dishes.

Ingredients and equipment

  • Beef – 1 kg;
  • Pork (lean) – 1.2 kg;
  • Lard - 0.8 kg;
  • Sugar – 3 g;
  • Nitrite salt – 60 g;
  • Nutmeg – 20 g;
  • White pepper – 3 g;
  • Ice water – 60 ml;
  • Twine for sausages;
  • Meat thermometer;
  • Collagen casing 40 mm or 50 mm (you can also use lamb blue).


1. Pass the meat through a meat grinder 3 times (grid 2 mm).

2. Do not allow the minced meat to heat up during processing; after each time, you need to make intervals and put the minced meat in the refrigerator.

3. Freeze the bacon and cut into 3-5 mm cubes.

4. Dissolve sugar in water.

5. Mix pepper, nutmeg and salt together.

6. Add all the spices to the minced meat and mix, then add a little water and lard, knead the minced meat.

7. Stir the minced meat until the bacon is evenly distributed and the minced meat begins to stick to your hands.

8. Stuff the casing tightly (if you have chosen wide calibers for amateur sausage, you can stuff it by hand, periodically tapping the loaf on the table to compact the minced meat in the casing).

9. After stuffing, the loaves must be hung in a cool place to settle (from 2 to 12 hours). Can be hung on the refrigerator door.

10. Then hang the sausage loaves at room temperature (from 2 to 12 hours).

11. After this, you need to bandage the loaf (since the minced meat has settled). You need to bandage below the existing bandage.

12. After that, you need to place the loaves in the oven (insert a thermometer into one of the loaves) and dry them at a temperature of 40-45 degrees until the inside of the loaf reaches 40 degrees, then gradually increase the temperature over 2-3 hours until the temperature inside the loaf reaches 70 degrees . Use the “fan” mode in the oven, if available. You can also prepare amateur sausage by boiling it in water (similar to processing in the oven), gradually raising the temperature of the water.

13. After cooking, cool the loaves in the shower, wipe dry and hang in a cool place for 12 hours.