Salad with Chinese cabbage and peas. Salad with Chinese cabbage and green peas

Just the perfect dish for spring - Chinese cabbage salad with green peas. Even if some of the vegetables are canned, this will not reduce the benefits of the salad much.

In addition to vitamins, Chinese cabbage also contains a large amount of fiber. This allows a person to get enough without overeating. Peas in this dish act as a source of vegetable protein, and olive oil holds together the healthy duo of vegetables.


Recipe for Chinese cabbage salad with green peas

Dish: Salads

Cooking time: 20 minutes.


  • 300 g Chinese cabbage(Beijing)
  • 150 g green peas canned
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil olive
  • 1 half onion

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Wash young Chinese cabbage. Depending on the quality, the top leaves may need to be removed. We cut the vegetable into strips. Pour into a very deep bowl. Only in this will it be convenient to mix bulky cabbage.

Before adding canned peas to the salad, excess juice must be drained from the jar. You can, however, leave a little. But this is only if the Chinese cabbage seems too dry.

Onion sliced ​​into a quarter of a ring will add piquancy to the dish. And it contains no less vitamin than Chinese cabbage. If the bitterness or aroma bothers you after eating it, you should marinate the onion in vinegar. And only as a last resort - exclude it.

Salt. Mix with oil.

Place the Chinese cabbage salad in a salad bowl. You can sprinkle a little remaining peas on top.

Advice . Small heads of Chinese cabbage compare favorably with large ones. They are younger and their leaves are juicier and more tender.

There are several recipes for a light and tasty salad with cabbage and peas. It is very easy to prepare. No special ingredients are required, these products are usually found in every housewife’s refrigerator, and preparation does not take much time, 20 minutes maximum.

You will need:

  • White cabbage - 250g;
  • Canned peas - 150g;
  • Green onion;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 150g;
  • Boiled eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Dill greens;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Salt to taste.

In general, you can prepare the salad in several ways, slightly changing the ingredients. For example, instead of mayonnaise, season the salad with vegetable oil, or prepare a salad of cabbage, sausage and peas. This will not deteriorate the taste of the dish, because the main ingredient is cabbage.

This is not only a tasty vegetable, but also surprisingly healthy. Only it contains vitamin C unchanged throughout the entire storage period, and there is a lot of it there. Cabbage is rich in fiber and water, and there is virtually no starch and sucrose. It also contains rare vitamins U and K. All this makes cabbage an indispensable product on our table.

Peas, which are found in almost all coleslaws, are incredibly rich in protein and amino acids. Depending on the ingredients, cabbage and green pea salads can be low in calories or very nutritious.

Cooking process

So, let's start cooking:

  1. Finely chop the fresh cabbage: the finer it is, the juicier our salad with green peas will be. Use a special knife for these purposes. If this is not the case, cut with a regular knife. If your shredded cabbage is large enough, crush it. This will make it softer and produce juice.
  2. Boil 4 eggs. Once they are ready, leave them in a saucepan under running cold water. This way they will cool faster and will be easier to clean. Afterwards, finely chop them with a knife.
  3. Pickled cucumbers, it is best to use gherkins, take them out of the jar and let them drain. Just like the eggs, finely chop the cucumbers into cubes.
  4. Place cabbage, peas, eggs in a salad bowl, mix, add the rest of the ingredients. Salt and season with mayonnaise. Decorate the salad with greens.

Ready! You can serve it with meat dishes, such as chops or steaks. The dish turned out to be quite high in calories, but very tasty.

Low-calorie salad with Chinese cabbage and peas

If you are a cabbage lover and watch your figure, here is a simple recipe for a low-calorie salad. This is a salad of Chinese cabbage, cucumber and peas. To prepare it we use:

  • Beijing cabbage 200g,
  • Peas 150 g.,
  • Fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Parsley and dill,
  • Olive oil for dressing.

Beijing cabbage is a cross between lettuce and white cabbage. The content of ascorbic acid in it is several times higher than in ordinary cabbage. But the content of vitamins C, A, B is many times higher in quantity than other vegetables. Chinese cabbage is rich in carotene, protein, and citric acid. It contains a unique amino acid - lysine.

Lysine helps cleanse the blood, removes toxins from the body, and dissolves unnecessary proteins. It is essential for tissue growth, that is, if your hair grows poorly, this may mean that there is not enough lysine in the body. In addition, a lack of this amino acid leads to fatigue, irritability and bad mood. In short, Chinese cabbage is a storehouse of vitamins for beauty and health.

Prepare Chinese cabbage salad with green pot:

  1. Finely chop the cabbage. Place in a large bowl.
  2. Add peas.
  3. Cut the cucumber into thin slices
  4. Finely chop the parsley and dill, chop the onion.
  5. Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix.
  6. Add salt to taste and season with olive oil.

Why olive? Because it is completely free of such harmful cholesterol, it is rich in amino acids and has invaluable health benefits. It has a good effect on the cardiovascular system and is a preventative against diabetes and obesity.

This dish is very low in calories. It is recommended for people who are on diets for medical reasons or to lose excess weight. You can serve this salad with boiled chicken breast. It itself also contains a small amount of calories and fat.

You can also make a salad of carrots, cabbage and peas. It is also light and tasty. Or, for example, a salad of cabbage, cucumber and peas dressed with olive oil, fresh and pleasant in the summer.

Chinese cabbage is widely used in cooking, particularly in salads. Unlike white cabbage, its leaves do not become coarse and do not lose their juiciness for a long time after harvest. There are countless salads based on it. The recipe for Chinese cabbage salad that I want to offer you today is very similar to everyone’s favorite salad of white cabbage with smoked sausage and peas, popularly called “Dniester” or Dniester.

Chinese cabbage salad with sausage and peas, like its close relative, it is good in that it can be cooked at any time of the year, be it summer or winter. Quick to prepare, juicy, fresh and full of vitamins, the salad is suitable for the everyday table. Before you start cooking, I want to remind you of a small nuance.

For salads, give preference to green coloring, as it is more juicy and rich in vitamins. Often on store shelves you can find almost white heads of Chinese cabbage. This color indicates that it has been lying there for quite a long time and not only the chlorophyll, which colors its leaves green, has already disintegrated, but also many useful substances and vitamins.


  • Beijing cabbage – about 300 gr.,
  • Boiled sausage – 100-150 gr.,
  • Onions - half an onion,
  • Eggs – 1 pc.,
  • Canned green peas – 50-70 g.,
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Salt to taste
  • Parsley or basil - for decoration

Chinese cabbage salad with sausage - recipe

Wash and cut Chinese cabbage into thin strips. If you are preparing a small portion of salad, then avoid cutting the entire head of cabbage. Separate the top leaves. Place the shredded cabbage in a deep bowl. Cut the boiled sausage into small cubes, as for.

Peel and finely chop the onion.

Add it to a bowl with chopped sausage and Chinese cabbage.

Cut the hard-boiled egg into small pieces.

Place it on the salad.

Add canned green peas to your salad.

So. All salad ingredients are already in the bowl. Stir the salad.

Add mayonnaise to it. A small pinch of salt for taste.

All that remains is to mix it thoroughly.

Chinese cabbage salad with sausage. Photo