Mayonnaise and ketchup sauce - make the dish aromatic and tasty! Appetizing sauces that you can prepare at home Ketchup and garlic sauce.

Tomato sauces are a universal addition and an integral part of various dishes. Tomato sauces go well with numerous foods and add new flavors to them. Buying ready-made sauce is not difficult, but only homemade tomato sauce can delight you with its excellent taste.

Homemade tomato sauces are, without any doubt, much tastier and healthier. Another advantage of making your own tomato sauces is that you can adjust their taste and aroma to suit your taste preferences. For example, some people like to make sauce with a lot of hot peppers, others prefer to use more sugar, and some people cannot imagine tomato sauce without adding garlic, which gives the sauce a unique flavor. Whatever you choose, making the sauce at home will allow you to create a unique product with individual taste.

Tomato sauce is low in calories (42 calories per 100 grams) and contains a ton of vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium, sodium and fiber. In addition, it stimulates appetite and improves digestion. Tomato sauce is also very rich in the antioxidant lycopene, which protects body cells from free radicals and helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Making tomato sauces at home is very easy if you follow certain rules and tips. In the end, you will end up with an excellent addition to various dishes, which, if necessary, can be frozen or preserved for future use for a long time. Tomato sauce is ideal as an ingredient for preparing pasta, pizza, stews, lasagna, meatballs, meatballs, baked eggplants, kebabs and fish dishes.

Tomato sauces usually come in several variations - classic tomato sauce, tomato sauce for pasta, tomato sauce for kebab, tomato barbecue sauce, tomato sauce for meat, etc. If we talk about specific types, then, first of all, it is worth highlighting the most popular Italian tomato sauces Marinara and Arrabiata, Mexican Salsa sauce and Georgian tomato sauce Satsebeli. One of the most popular tomato sauces is ketchup. The main difference between tomato sauces and ketchup is that ketchup is a condiment, while tomato sauces are typically an essential ingredient in cooking recipes.

There are several ways to make delicious tomato sauce. The easiest way is to use tomato paste and dilute it with water. Tomato paste-based sauce is an excellent addition to food, especially for pizza, meat and fish dishes. The ingredients needed to prepare it are usually readily available in the refrigerator, and the preparation process is very simple. The most common way to make tomato sauce is to simmer peeled, chopped tomatoes until they reach the desired consistency. The volume of the original mass of tomatoes should be reduced by almost half. Generally, cooks prefer to choose meaty, flavorful tomatoes when making sauces, as juicy tomatoes tend to make the sauce watery. Although tomatoes are the key ingredient in tomato sauces, other vegetables such as onions, carrots or zucchini can be added. An excellent addition to tomato sauce can be spicy herbs, such as parsley, dill or basil.

So, if you are properly inspired, and you have no doubt that tomato sauces can be easily and quickly prepared yourself, we invite you to familiarize yourself with our selection of recipes.

Classic tomato sauce

6 kg ripe tomatoes,
1/4-1/2 cup lemon juice or red wine vinegar,
2 teaspoons salt.

Boil a pot of water and prepare a large container of ice water. Make a cross-shaped cut with a knife at the bottom of each tomato. Place a few tomatoes in boiling water. Wait 45 to 60 minutes until the skin begins to crack, remove the tomatoes with a slotted spoon and plunge into ice water to cool. Repeat with remaining tomatoes. Using your hands or using a knife, peel the tomatoes. Grind the tomatoes in a food processor or chop by hand. Grinding in a food processor will result in a smoother sauce.
Bring the tomato mixture to a boil in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook for 30 to 90 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce has a taste and consistency to your liking. Once cooking is complete, add lemon juice (or vinegar) and salt. A quarter cup of lemon juice or vinegar is enough to provide a safe level of acidity for canning. You can freeze tomato sauce and store it for 3 months, or put it in sterilized jars and store it for about a year.

Marinara sauce

800-900 g tomatoes,
60 ml vegetable or olive oil,
3 cloves of garlic,
1/2 large onion
1 medium carrot
3 bay leaves,
20 fresh basil leaves,
salt and ground black pepper.

Remove the skins from the tomatoes by scalding them with boiling water. Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add finely chopped onion and chopped garlic. Cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, 8 to 10 minutes. Add grated carrots and a pinch of salt. Cook for another 3 to 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until softened.
Add chopped tomatoes and bay leaf. Stir and bring to a boil. Reduce temperature and cook, stirring, for 20-30 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. If the sauce is too sour, try adding a little sugar to balance the flavor.
Remove the bay leaf from the sauce and mix with finely chopped basil. The sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week, and up to 6 months when frozen.

Tomato sauce with chili, ginger and garlic

800 g tomatoes,
2 onions,
1 red chili pepper,
fresh ginger root (about the size of half a finger)
3 cloves of garlic,
100 g sugar,
vegetable oil,
salt and ground black pepper.

Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, after making a cross-shaped cut on them with a knife, remove the skin, and then cut into cubes. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add chopped onion and chopped garlic. Fry for 2-3 minutes. Add chopped tomatoes, crushed chilli, finely chopped or grated ginger and sugar, as well as salt and black pepper to taste. Cook over low heat, partially covered, for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Adjust the cooking time - if the sauce thickens too quickly, the cooking time should be reduced. Cool the finished sauce and puree using a blender or food processor. If the sauce is very thick, add a little boiled water to it.

200 g tomato paste,
200 ml warm water,
1 clove of garlic,
2 tablespoons honey,
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon dried marjoram,
1/4 teaspoon dried basil,
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper,
1/8 teaspoon chili pepper,
salt to taste.

In a small bowl, mix tomato paste, water, pressed garlic, honey, oregano, marjoram, basil, ground black pepper, chili pepper and salt. Let the sauce sit for 30 minutes to allow all the flavors to meld.

1 pack of tomato ketchup (about 250 g),
1 small onion
2 cloves of garlic,
1 tablespoon dried basil,
parsley, dill and cilantro.

In a bowl, mix ketchup, finely chopped onion, chopped or pressed garlic, chopped herbs and spices. Let sit for at least 15 minutes before serving.

Tomato sauces can make almost any dish appetizing and attractive, and their bright red color perfectly lifts your mood. Make sure of this by including homemade tomato sauce in your diet.

Bon appetit!

Useful tips

Sauces add aroma and unique taste to any dish. Of course, the most popular sauces are mayonnaise and ketchup. But do not forget that by buying these sauces, you harm not only your figure, but also your health.

Today we will tell you about 7 wonderful sauces that anyone can prepare, which are definitely better than ketchup and mayonnaise and which will give any of your dishes a great taste.

Delicious sauces

So, let's begin.

Dill sauce

This sauce is suitable for salads, vegetable or meat dishes.


20 g dill

100 ml olive oil

6 cloves garlic

0.5 teaspoon lemon zest

Salt to taste


Chop the dill very finely and remove the zest from the lemon. Mix all ingredients in a blender and store the sauce in an airtight jar.

Greek tzatziki sauce

This sauce occupies a leading position among cold sauces in Greek cuisine. It is incredibly juicy, tender and aromatic.


1 cucumber

125 ml plain yoghurt

2 cloves garlic

20 g parsley

1 tbsp. lemon juice

1 tbsp. olive oil


Chop the parsley very finely and chop the garlic. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater and get rid of the juice. Mix all ingredients well.

Delicious sauce recipes

Spanish salsa

This sauce is perfect for pasta and pasta. You can add various kinds of spices to it, which will make the taste even more noble. For example, one option is salsa with cumin and paprika.


20 g dill

20 g green onions

1-2 cloves of garlic

15 cherry tomatoes

1 tbsp. tomato paste

1 tsp balsamic vinegar

1 tbsp. olive oil

Salt and pepper


Wash the tomatoes, dill and onions well. Grind the vegetables and herbs in a blender with the addition of garlic. Add vinegar, tomato paste and olive oil to the resulting mass one by one. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Garlic dressing

This sauce is perfect for dressing your favorite vegetable salad.


1-2 cloves of garlic

2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar

3 tbsp. olive oil

Salt and pepper


Chop the garlic, add balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Mix very well, add salt and pepper to taste.

How to make a delicious sauce

Asian sweet and sour sauce

This sauce is a true find of Asian cuisine and will add incredible flavor to your meat dish.


2 tbsp. vinegar

4 tbsp. soda

1 tbsp. tomato paste

3 tbsp orange juice

1 tsp corn flour

2 tbsp. Sahara

1 tbsp. soy sauce


Mix corn flour with boiled water. In a separate saucepan, combine orange juice, sugar, soy sauce and orange juice. Place on the fire and add cornmeal diluted in water, bring to a boil. Serve the sauce hot.

Italian pesto sauce

Traditionally, Italian pesto is made with basil, but it can also be made with dill or parsley.


50 g parmesan

60 g basil

2 cloves garlic

100 ml olive oil

3 heaping tablespoons pine nuts

The king of French cuisine, Auguste Escoffier, wrote in his “Culinary Guide” that sauces are the basis of cooking, a kind of foundation, the most important and necessary element, without which further work is impossible. And it’s impossible to disagree with his opinion, because we certainly serve almost every dish with one sauce or another.

The chefs of the most famous establishments in the world prefer to prepare sauces by hand, achieving a unique taste and using only the highest quality ingredients. See how many new dips, marinades and dressings can be made based on traditional Hellmann's ketchup!

  • "Thousand Islands" - an American classic with a taste of adventure

One of the most popular sauces in the world can be safely called the American-Canadian “Thousand Islands”; it got its name in honor of the area of ​​the same name on the border of America and Canada. According to legend, the sauce, a mixture of ketchup, mayonnaise and pickled cucumbers, was invented by travelers in the early 20th century, when they went to look at the scattering of 1,864 islands at the source of the St. Lawrence River. It was only in 1912 that the sauce appeared on the menu of the New York Waldorf-Astoria Hotel and became known throughout the world. The classic Thousand Island dressing recipe contains mayonnaise and ketchup (you can also use). Also an integral part are red bell peppers, hot pepper sauce, finely chopped pickles, onions, olives and a hard-boiled egg. Home-style potatoes, vegetable salads, and hamburgers are served with this sauce.

  • Bolognese was not invented in Bologna

Another popular tomato sauce, Bolognese, was first prepared not in Bologna, as many believe, but in the small Italian town of Imola in the west of the province of Bologna. The meat stew, consisting of ground pork, smoked brisket and tomatoes with the addition of Parmigiano-Reggiano, was considered a haute cuisine dish and was included in the cookbook The Science of Cookery and the Art of Haute Cuisine, published in 1891. It was served with lasagne and fresh tagliatelle. In a modern Bolognese recipe, tomato paste can be successfully replaced; it will make the taste richer and brighter. It is recommended to simmer the mixture for at least two hours, adding a little milk and red wine to the saucepan to obtain a thick, creamy, aromatic sauce.

  • Mexican salsa - the treasure of the ancient Aztecs

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first plant producing a completely new tomato sauce appeared in New Orleans. The owner of the company, Charles Erat, borrowed the recipe from the Mexican Indians who treated the Spanish conquistadors with salsa. The sauce contained tomato paste, chili, coriander, onion, garlic and black pepper and within a couple of years the sauce became as popular in America as traditional ketchup. Today, there are countless different variations of salsa, and Mexicans consider it their national treasure and serve it with torilla chips. To improve the taste, in addition to natural tomatoes, classic tomatoes are added to the sauce.

  • Tomato sauce according to the recipe of Alexandre Dumas

In his “Great Culinary Dictionary,” published in 1873, the famous writer and great culinary connoisseur Alexandre Dumas provides a recipe for basic tomato sauce, which he borrowed from his teacher Denis-Joseph Vuimott and prepared for many years. The sauce included tomatoes, slices of lard, meat broth, white wine, cognac, garlic and herbs. The sauce turned out to be fatty and satisfying; it was served with fish and meat. In the modern recipe, natural tomatoes are successfully replaced, which greatly simplifies the process of preparing the sauce.

  • Chinese sweet and sour sauce - to improve your mood

Chinese history began about 1,500 years ago, when public restaurants opened in the Middle Kingdom and the first cookbook appeared. Even then, the Chinese believed that a cook was not only a person who prepared food, but also a real healer. Spices included in many dishes were antiseptics, improved digestion and mood, and treated colds. One of these beneficial ingredients was ginger. The sweet and sour sauce in which it is included is prepared in all Chinese culinary schools, but it is especially loved in the South, in Guangdong province. It is used to season chicken, pork and even snake dishes. Sweet and sour sauce may also contain orange juice, vinegar, soy sauce, cornstarch, etc.

  • Chinese hot and sweet sauce

In the mid-17th century, Spanish merchants brought a sweet and spicy sauce containing chili to China. The locals liked the sauce so much that they began to produce it on an industrial scale and today it is considered truly Chinese. The spicy-sweet sauce harmoniously combined brown sugar, black pepper, chili and tomato paste (today they use it instead). Mao Zedong himself once argued that anyone who does not like spicy foods cannot be a real revolutionary. The spicy-sweet sauce is often used as a glaze on meatloaves, schnitzels and chops, and as a stand-alone sauce for pork and meatballs.

  • Honey-tomato marinade for grilled chicken

Since the time of Christopher Columbus, people have liked to grill meat over coals, after soaking it in a special marinade. Europeans adopted this tradition from the Taino Indians, who roasted captives on the grill. With the advent of civilization, the torture design was improved and turned into the barbecue we are familiar with. A similar method of preparing cape was first described in 1553 in the book “Chronicle of Peru” by Cies de Leon. Try making one of the classic chicken marinades by mixing olive oil, onion, garlic, ground paprika, honey and a couple tablespoons.

  • Imperial sausage sauce

The first sauces appeared in Russia during the time of Peter I, who began inviting chefs from France and Holland. With his light hand, the boyars became addicted to pike heads in garlic sauce, rabbit “under the snow” and pig in sour cream. Peter himself loved simple food with exquisite sauces consisting of overseas spices; there were usually at least eight varieties of sauces on his table. Nicholas II was also partial to sauces, having a special weakness for sausages in tomato sauce. The imperial sauce was prepared with the addition of sautéed onions, rice vinegar, sugar, mustard and tomato sauce (nowadays they use ketchup; we recommend trying it from our range).

  • Seafood cocktail sauce

In the mid-70s, British chef and TV cooking show host Fanny Cradock introduced a fashion for haute cuisine and introduced viewers to a recipe for a new sauce consisting of horseradish, cayenne pepper, lemon juice, mayonnaise and ketchup, which could be served with seafood. The sauce was named Marie Rose and today is widely used by chefs all over the world.

  • Cheese and tomato dip Chili con coso

The sauce, in which chips and pieces of vegetables are dipped, is especially popular in Mexico and America; it also goes well with potatoes, chicken, meat and fish. Raw tomato dip began to be prepared in fast food restaurants in the mid-20th century, when processed cheese became very cheap and accessible thanks to a special technology for processing Emmental cheese with the addition of sodium citrate. Try making Chili Con Queso with melted cheese, chili peppers, spices and to give your customers even more fun.

Our usual diet includes a fairly wide variety of sauces, which we prefer to purchase ready-made in the store. The most popular of them is tomato ketchup. On supermarket shelves you can find several types of this dressing - with vegetable additives and spices, with varying degrees of spiciness. However, to diversify the taste of your everyday dressing, you can make a simple and very tasty sauce from ketchup with the addition of garlic and mayonnaise. Many housewives know a simple recipe that does not require any complex steps or heat treatment, so it can be prepared even on weekdays.

Nutritious, very tasty and bright gravy will appeal to all household members and will be a great addition to a family dinner. You can serve almost any dish or snack with it, spending very little time.

You will need:

  • Tomato ketchup – 250 ml
  • Mayonnaise – 200 ml
  • Garlic – 3 cloves
  • Parsley, fresh – 1 medium bunch
  • Dill, fresh – 1 medium bunch
  • Lemon juice – 1 tablespoon
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Number of servings – 5

Cooking time – 15 minutes

Easy refilling

The choice of ketchup depends on individual preferences, but the best option is considered to be classic tomato dressing. Its difference lies in the absence of additional additives from vegetables or spices, so the taste of the sauce will be richer and deeper. You shouldn’t skimp on ketchup by choosing the cheapest brand: although all manufacturers add preservatives to their products, you can expect a less rich “bouquet” from high-quality ketchup, and its taste is much more pleasant. Mayonnaise for dressing can be purchased at the store, or you can prepare it yourself from eggs, mustard and vegetable oil. The second cooking option turns out to be more complex and, naturally, takes much longer.

As for greens, you can add as much as you want. Aromatic herbs combined with classic dressings create a wonderful composition. In addition to parsley and dill, you can use fresh cilantro, basil, celery or rosemary. Salt is added to the finished sauce solely to taste, since for many people the saltiness provided by mayonnaise and ketchup is enough.

  1. Fresh herbs should be rinsed in cold water and dried with a towel. After this, the stems of parsley and dill are removed, and the leaves are chopped very finely. If necessary, you can use a food processor - this will grind the herbs much better. The garlic is peeled and passed through a garlic press. Place all the ingredients together in a deep bowl and pour in lemon juice.
  2. Pour tomato ketchup into another bowl, followed by mayonnaise. Both sauces need to be mixed well using a whisk or even a mixer. When the mixture acquires a uniform, pleasant shade, it can be seasoned with ground black pepper and salt to taste.
  3. The preparation is completed by mixing the two parts. Place the mixture with ketchup and mayonnaise in a bowl with garlic and herbs soaked in lemon juice. Now the gravy is thoroughly stirred until completely homogeneous and all ingredients are evenly distributed. The dressing is covered with a lid or film and placed in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.


The finished sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, so there is no need to prepare large quantities. After all, it’s so easy to prepare that, if necessary, to get a refill, you can take a few minutes off your meal and make a new batch of sauce. It can be served with a variety of dishes, so it opens up many possibilities for the hostess:

  1. A very good dish for this sauce are dumplings or manti. These aromatic and satisfying products made from minced meat and dough, flavored with a delicious dressing, will delight everyone who tries them.
  2. A variety of fish dishes served with tomato dressing also turn out well. The combination of fish fillet in batter or small fish fried in flour with ketchup sauce will be especially tasty. The gravy can also be used for baking fish in the oven - it will turn out very tasty.
  3. Appetizers and snacks - chips, nuggets, French fries, nachos or cheese sticks - will delight guests and household members even more if they are seasoned with this sauce.

In fact, there is more than one option for serving the sauce, but its advantage is that it is truly universal, which means that the hostess herself can happily come up with new combinations of dishes and snacks. An easy, simple recipe will always come in handy for a quick dinner, an unexpected visit from guests, or just a light snack.

Bon appetit!

In contact with

Today there are thousands of recipes for various sauces; they can be prepared by a housewife in an ordinary home kitchen. There are simple recipes and multi-component, complex ones. A very simple and easy to prepare sauce made from mayonnaise and ketchup. To prepare a delicious product you will need a minimum number of ingredients and literally a few minutes of your time. You will like the taste of this sauce, and you can use the product for various dishes. Also using different types of main ingredients, the housewife varies the taste of the sauce.

Any sauce for dishes will give them a unique aroma and taste. And today the most popular are ketchup with mayonnaise. After all, products can be bought in any store or supermarket, and the variety of manufacturers and types will satisfy the taste of every consumer. Therefore, preparing sauce with ketchup and mayonnaise is easy.

What is the name of the sauce made from ketchup and mayonnaise?

Ketchup and mayonnaise sauce

Mayonnaise is a popular product, loved and used in almost every family. You can prepare other equally tasty sauces, and the basis for such a product is mayonnaise and ketchup. An interesting and easy-to-prepare dish is called garlic sauce made from ketchup and mayonnaise.

How to make sauce from ketchup and mayonnaise?

Ketchup sauces turn out really tasty, and the time required is minimal. Just a few minutes, and the hostess receives an excellent addition to her dishes. And the ingredients used for the sauce can almost always be found in the kitchen. The main thing here is to monitor the amount of garlic for the sauce so as not to overdo it. Add garlic based on your taste, because some people like it not too spicy, while others need more ground pepper and garlic. This sauce can be used for almost any dish - vegetable or meat. Yes, you can also use sauce for barbecue.

Ingredients and how to cook?

Ketchup and mayonnaise sauce

Making the sauce is very easy. For a delicious dish, you don’t need to look for expensive ingredients - they are available at hand. So, to prepare a delicious garlic sauce, you need to take:

  • mayonnaise – 30 g;
  • ketchup – 30 g;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves (less or more can be used, take it to your taste);
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Step-by-step preparation

A very simple recipe for making sauce that does not require heat treatment of the food. So even a child who has successfully completed the task can try his hand at cooking. Now let's start cooking.

  • You need to prepare the components. Take any mayonnaise and ketchup. You can use tomato paste.
  • In a bowl, mix mayonnaise with ketchup and garlic passed through a press. Taste, if there is not enough salt or spiciness for your taste, add these ingredients.
  • The sauce is ready – very tasty and interesting. Remember, if the dish is left for a long time, it may lose its taste and become crusty.

What is served with ketchup and mayonnaise sauce?

A sauce made from mayonnaise and ketchup is suitable for almost any product - pasta and vegetables, meat and poultry, as well as kebabs.

Ketchup and mayonnaise pasta sauce

Pasta sauce

Many people cannot imagine dinner without pasta; ketchup sauce is an excellent addition to the dish. The product is simple, but very tasty if prepared correctly. But a sauce specially made for pasta with the addition of ketchup and mayonnaise will really make the dish more aromatic and tasty. For pasta, you can use the recipe written above.

But also, if you have extra time to bother, you can make a more complex sauce based on ketchup and mayonnaise.

Take the components in the following proportions:

  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • dill - a small bunch;
  • flour (preferably soybean, but regular flour is also possible) – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • ketchup – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • mayonnaise – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • spices and salt - to taste.

Prepare vegetables, peel and wash. Chop the onion, dill, grate the carrots. Pour a little vegetable oil into a preheated frying pan; when it gets hot, add the onion and fry for 5 minutes over high heat.

Next, turn the heat to medium and add the carrots, fry for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly so that the vegetables do not burn. When the vegetables are ready, add ketchup and stir thoroughly. Add mayonnaise, add flour - stir so that there are no lumps. And immediately pour in a few tablespoons of hot boiled water (about 4 tablespoons). If you see that the sauce is too thick, you can add a little more water.

Now add spices and salt to taste - make the sauce with mayonnaise and ketchup interesting in taste. If you want the sauce to be spicy, you can add dried garlic and ground black pepper to taste when preparing the sauce. Stir the dish again, and as soon as it starts to boil, remove the finished sauce from the heat.

This gravy will make the ketchup sauce very tasty and will suit not only regular pasta, but also pasta.

Kebab sauce made from ketchup and mayonnaise

Barbecue sauce

What is your favorite dish? A shish kebab that no trip to nature would be complete without. For barbecue, you can use the basic recipe, where mayonnaise is mixed with ketchup with the addition of lemon or pomegranate juice; the preparation of the sauce is the same as in the main recipe. Juice should be taken in the amount of 2 tbsp. l.

Chicken version made from mayonnaise and ketchup

Chicken sauce

Do you want to make an interesting sauce that gives the chicken a special taste? To prepare the sauce, take the following ingredients:

  • garlic – 1 large or 2 small heads;
  • basil – can be fresh or dried;
  • ketchup – 100 g;
  • mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • spices and salt - to taste.

Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices, wash the dill and chop for the sauce. Place garlic, dill and basil in a deep heat-resistant bowl, sprinkle salt and seasonings on top (ground black and red pepper, oregano, etc.). Mix the ingredients into the “dry” mixture. Add ketchup and mayonnaise, mix thoroughly. You can add 20 g of olive or sunflower oil and mix again. Let the dish sit for about 20 minutes and place it in a saucer or gravy boat. Our delicious and aromatic sauce is ready.


As you can see, there are many recipes for ketchup and mayonnaise sauces that will decorate your dish, even if it is very simple and does not require much time. And although products such as ketchup with mayonnaise are not healthy, they are very tasty. Therefore, it’s worth experimenting, perhaps you’ll end up with something completely unique and interesting. Use the recipes given in the article and you will see how your dishes will sparkle with new and interesting flavors and aromas!