Salad “Male whim” with chicken. Male whim salad

1. Take an empty pan, place chicken fillet in it, add water and salt, cook until done.

2. While the fillet is cooking, we will boil the eggs. To do this, put the eggs in another empty pan, pour in a little water so that it can cover the eggs entirely, and wait until it boils.
As soon as the water boils, cook the eggs for another 5 minutes, then take them out and place them in cold water. For convenience, you can immediately place a pan of cold running water.

3. Let’s start preparing the next important ingredient, the so-called second meat filling for salad. Cut the ham into strips, how it should look is clearly shown in the photo. Because of this component, this salad has a second name, it sounds like the first only at the end, instead of chicken it is written with ham.

4. I advise you to first cut the onion into half rings, which then cut in half. As a result, we should get onion straws.

Filling from fresh onions, is almost the most important ingredient, it is because of the onion that 99% of men eat this salad. The female half simply cannot stand the smell of fresh onions or their taste.

5. When the chicken fillet is completely boiled, chop it into small pieces. Many people don't like boiled chicken and sometimes they replace it with smoked or fried. For this salad, these actions are not appropriate, but as rules there may be.

If you conduct your own experiments, be sure to tell us what you get. Your opinion and the results of the experiment can help me.

6. Boiled eggs clean, then cut into small pieces. When chopping all the ingredients, try to give them the same shape. The salad must not only be tasty, but also properly formed. Symmetry in this matter will not hurt.

7. The moment of truth has arrived, in which all our ingredients will have to meet. Take a deeper cup and organize it. At the same time, add pickled honey mushrooms along with prepared and finely chopped eggs, chicken fillet, ham and onions.

The mushrooms themselves are small, so we won’t chop them. Next add salt, pepper and to taste. No other seasonings should be added. The only thing you can add is chopped herbs, but classic recipe she doesn't come in.

8. Before serving, take a salad bowl, cover its bottom with lettuce leaves, on top of which the main dish is laid out. You can decorate it if you wish. That's all for me, subscribe to blog updates, several more new recipes will be released soon, which you will be the first to know about. Bye everyone.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Several times already I have prepared for festive table Salad " Male whim"from chicken, and my husband told me to cook this dish more often. Whatever one may say, the male sex also cannot refuse delicious salads, that’s why we, women, prepare the “Men’s Whim” salad for our beloved men. Today I propose to cook it with chicken. The recipe is not only simple, but also won't take much time if you're busy with work. For dinner, you will have time to prepare such a delicious masterpiece, and your loved one will appreciate it. It would seem that one of these available products you can cook something that men will like. This is just nonsense, but it is a fact. Even when my husband celebrated his birthday at work and set the table for his colleagues, he asked me to prepare several servings of this salad, and that means a lot.

- 1 PC. chicken fillet,
- 1 onion,
- 2 tables. l. lemon juice,
- 2 pcs. chicken eggs,
- 150-170 grams of hard cheese,
- 150 grams of mayonnaise (better),
- salt to taste.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Boil the chicken fillet immediately and add salt to the cooking water. Cool the chicken and cut into arbitrary medium pieces.

Hard cheese remove from the refrigerator and while it is chilled, grate it immediately. Chilled cheese grates perfectly.

Pickle onions. Chop it into half rings and sprinkle with lemon juice. Leave to marinate for 10 minutes. The onion will have a pleasant sour taste.

Boil chicken eggs, peel them, then cut them into cubes.

Fold the salad in layers: first chicken fillet, smeared with mayonnaise, then pickled onions, without marinade. Drain the marinade into the sink.

Next, spread a layer of crushed eggs, coat with mayonnaise, and finally lay out the cheese. Egg layer I advise you to add a little salt. Spread the top of the salad with mayonnaise and smooth it out. Let the salad soak and serve after 20 minutes.

Bon Appetite!
Try another very tasty and beautiful

If you don’t know what to cook for your beloved spouse, father, brother or son so that they eat to their fill, then be sure to prepare the “Men’s Whim” salad with chicken and pickled onions. This snack option is real proof that such mixes can be as simple as possible and 100% satisfying. This dish can be prepared very simply. At the same time, it is recommended to serve it both on weekdays and on holidays. It is always equally relevant and in demand. By the way, not only representatives of the stronger half will want to try it. Ladies are unlikely to refuse this delicious culinary combination.

Cooking time – 30 minutes.

Number of servings – 6.


To make it delicious and maximum nutritious salad“Male whim” recipe with chicken, you need to prepare a simple and affordable set of the following products:

  • boiled chicken fillet – 400 g;
  • onions – 2 heads;
  • granulated sugar– 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lettuce – 1 bunch;
  • “Russian” cheese – 200 g;
  • boiled chicken egg – 3 pcs.;
  • Apple vinegar– 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh greens - 3-4 sprigs;
  • mayonnaise and salt - to taste.

How to make “Men's whim” salad with chicken

Despite the fact that in the traditional version this snack is made with beef meat, the non-trivial salad “Men’s whim” with chicken breast also has a right to exist. In this design, the mix turns out to be more delicate, light, and refined. By the way, they often make the “Men’s Caprice” salad with chicken and mushrooms. Among other auxiliary ingredients that may be present here, it is worth noting pickled or pickles, canned corn or green peas.

  1. The essence of preparing Caprice salad with chicken for men is delightfully simple. But you should start by preparing the onions. Clear it. Cut into thin and neat half rings. Send vegetable slicing in a small bowl.

    Cover the onion slices with granulated sugar. Pour in apple cider vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly and pour boiling water. Leave for 8-10 minutes. Drain the brine, and it is best to discard the vegetables in a sieve or colander to drain excess liquid.

    Rinse the lettuce thoroughly and place on a towel. It is very important that there is no excess moisture left on the greens. Now you can create a tasty, satisfying, but simple salad “Men’s whim” with chicken according to step by step recipe with photo. To do this, take a flat dish. Cover it with lettuce leaves. Place pickled onions on top. Coat it generously with mayonnaise.

    Cool boiled chicken meat until room temperature. Cut it into small pieces.

    Place the chicken in the next layer. You can add a little salt to the meat and sprinkle it suitable seasonings. However, this requirement is not mandatory. Act according to your own desire and understanding. Coat the chicken boiled breast mayonnaise.

    Peel boiled chicken eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grate the first ones on a coarse grater.

    Form a layer of “Male whim” salad from grated eggs as in the photo. You don't need a lot of refueling here. It is enough to apply a thin mesh.

    Grate on a medium grater egg yolks. Place them on top. This ingredient should not be covered with sauce.

    Grate hard cheese “Russian” or another similar variety on a fine or medium grater. Sprinkle the snack on top. All that remains is to decorate the “Male Caprice” salad with chicken, based on the recipe with the photo. None culinary delights There is no need here - just use fresh herbs.

The classic recipe for the “Male whim” salad necessarily includes one or more types of meat, eggs, cheese and others nutritional components. Spicy taste The dish is flavored with cucumbers, pickled onions and spices. The salad is most often placed in layers in a special cylindrical shape.

Classic recipe with beef

Combination boiled meat with pickled onions in this salad gives the dish a piquant sweet and sour taste.


  • 0.3 kg boiled beef;
  • 1 purple onion;
  • 3 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 120 g Parmesan;
  • 200 g mayonnaise;
  • 100 ml table vinegar;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.


  1. Vinegar is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and the onion, cut into half rings, is soaked in it for 20 minutes.
  2. The beef is cut into strips.
  3. Eggs and Parmesan are grated on a grater with medium-sized cells.
  4. The salad is formed from layers of products placed in the following order: pickled onions, beef, eggs, cheese. Each row of ingredients is salted, peppered and coated with mayonnaise.
  5. Before putting the “Men's Whim” salad with beef on the table, place it in the refrigerator for an hour so that the ingredients in it “make friends” and ready-made snack acquired a rich taste.

Tip: to reduce the calorie content of the snack, it is better to use homemade mayonnaise for dressing.

With chicken fillet

It's lighter, but no less hearty option"Men's whim."


  • 0.3 kg boiled chicken breast;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 radish;
  • 3 boiled eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • salt;
  • 200 g mayonnaise.

Progress of preparation.

  1. The radish is washed, peeled and grated. Then salt and leave on the table until juice forms.
  2. Finely chop the onion with a knife.
  3. The chicken is randomly chopped with a knife.
  4. Garlic cloves are passed through a press.
  5. Grind carrots, cheese and eggs on a medium grater.
  6. The grated radish is squeezed out and placed on the bottom of the salad bowl.
  7. Onions, meat, carrots and garlic are placed on top in layers. Each layer is soaked in mayonnaise.

The finished “Men's whim” with chicken is sprinkled with cheese and put in a cool place to steep for 1 hour.

With pork and cheese

This is one of the most delicious and nutritious snack options “Male whim.”


  • 400 g boiled lean pork;
  • 3 boiled potatoes;
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 100 g Parmesan;
  • 2 purple onions;
  • 100 ml vinegar;
  • 5 g granulated sugar;
  • 200 g lean mayonnaise;
  • 20 ml vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • red caviar and parsley sprigs for decoration.

Recipe step by step.

  1. Onions, cut into rings, are soaked in vinegar diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio with the addition of sugar.
  2. The pork is cut into pieces and fried in oil until a crust appears (about 3 minutes on each side).
  3. The potatoes are grated and mixed with half of the prepared mayonnaise.
  4. Place part of the potato mixture on a flat plate.
  5. Next, place the fried pieces of pork and pickled onions. Soak the ingredients in the remaining mayonnaise.
  6. The next layer is grated eggs. Next add the remaining potato mixture. Cheese is grated on top.
  7. “Male whim” with pork and cheese is decorated with fresh herbs and red caviar.

Before serving, leave the dish in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

Salad “Male whim” with ham

The process of preparing the salad can be speeded up if the boiled meat is replaced with ham.

Required ingredients:

  • 0.3 kg ham;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 boiled eggs;
  • 100 g cheese durum varieties;
  • 150 g mayonnaise;
  • salt as desired.

Cooking steps.

  1. Cut the onion into half rings and pour boiling water over them to remove the bitterness.
  2. Ham and cheese are cut into cubes.
  3. Grind the yolks and whites separately on a grater.
  4. Lay out in layers: onions, ham, proteins and cheese, sandwiching each row with mayonnaise. Top the salad with grated yolks.
  5. To make the appetizer juicier and richer, keep it in the refrigerator for about an hour before serving.

Cooking with smoked chicken

This version of the “Male whim” salad will appeal to lovers of spicy and piquant dishes.


  • 0.35 kg smoked chicken breast;
  • 220 g green radish;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 onion;
  • 100 g mayonnaise;
  • 5 g salt.


  1. The radish is washed, peeled and grated. Squeeze the mixture by hand to remove excess juice.
  2. Mayonnaise is mixed with crushed garlic and salt.
  3. Chicken meat is separated from bones and skin, and then disassembled into fibers.
  4. The peeled onion is finely chopped.
  5. The carrots are chopped on a grater.
  6. All products are combined, salted and seasoned with mayonnaise.

Appetizer with mushrooms

In this version of “Male Caprice” you can use both pickled and fresh fried mushrooms. Interesting taste An apple will add sweet and sour flavor to the dish.

Grocery list:

  • 300 g boiled beef;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 250 g pickled champignons;
  • 1 small green apple;
  • 5 pitted olives;
  • 180 g mayonnaise.

Progress of preparation.

  1. Beef and eggs are cut into small cubes.
  2. Mushrooms are divided into 4 parts, liquid is not used. Small champignons can be left whole or cut in half.
  3. The apple is peeled and cored and then grated.
  4. All ingredients are combined and seasoned with mayonnaise.
  5. The salad is decorated with halves of olives.

With beans and corn

This appetizer is not only satisfying, but also very impressive, so it can also be prepared for romantic evening, and for a festive feast.

Required components:

  • 300 g boiled beef;
  • 250 g canned corn (without liquid);
  • 250 g canned red beans;
  • 150 g Korean carrots;
  • 1 orange bell pepper;
  • 20 g green onions;
  • 100 ml corn oil;
  • salt and seasoning mixture.

Recipe step by step.

  1. Meat and Bell pepper cut into strips green onions- rings.
  2. Korean carrots are chopped into smaller pieces with a knife.
  3. All ingredients are mixed in a deep bowl.
  4. The dish is salted, seasoned and topped with corn oil.

You can prepare the “Men’s whim” salad using several in original ways. Each version of this dish turns out very tasty and nutritious. Choose the one you like and make your loved ones happy.

The stronger half of humanity is not usually classified as salad lovers. However, you can diversify a man’s diet with such a dish, but it must be satisfying. This is what the “Men’s Whim” salad is. Its composition can be changed by adjusting the main components to suit taste preferences. The basis of the salad is meat. Although there is a lot of room for imagination - you can use beef, pork, chicken or ham.

Men's whim salad classic recipe


  • Boiled beef - 200 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Mayonnaise - 220 ml
  • Lemon juice 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Place the meat in a saucepan and add water until the liquid covers it completely. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, skimming off any foam that forms occasionally as you go.
  2. Then reduce the heat to low so that the water boils just a little, add salt: a third of a tablespoon of salt per liter of water will be enough, although this is, of course, a matter of taste. Add a couple of black peppercorns and a couple of bay leaves to the water.
  3. Then cover the pan with a lid, leaving a crack - a loophole for steam - wait.
  4. Cook the beef for about two hours. However, it all depends on the size of the piece and the quality of the meat itself, so check it periodically for softness. Once the meat is ready, remove it and leave to cool.
  5. Cut the onion into thin half rings, pour into a deep cup and pour boiling water over it, leaving for a few minutes. This will help get rid of onion bitterness.
  6. Then, drain the boiling water and make a marinade for the onions. To do this, squeeze lemon juice into a glass of water and add sugar. Pour the resulting mixture over the onion, cover it with a lid, and leave to marinate for 20 minutes. After this time, drain the marinade, dry the onion and place it in an even first layer on a salad plate. Make a mayonnaise mesh on top.
  7. Cut the cooled boiled meat into small strips and place in a layer on top of the onion. Next is the mayonnaise mesh again. But don't make it too thick if you don't want to end up with an overly greasy salad.
  8. The next layer is eggs. Peel them from the shell and grate them. This layer can be salted if you like salty dishes. On top, you guessed it, is a thin mesh of mayonnaise.
  9. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and place in the fourth layer. But here is a surprise! - Can do without mayonnaise. But it is very advisable to decorate the salad with edible decorative elements. For this, parsley leaves, dill sprigs, egg slices, small tomatoes or olives are most often used.

"Men's whim" with ham


  • Ham 100 g
  • Canned corn 0.5 can
  • Mayonnaise 3 tbsp. l.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Ground black pepper 1 g
  • Salt 1 g
  • Smoked sausage cheese 150 g
  • Garlic 3 cloves

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare the salad we need sausage cheese, ham, fresh carrots, garlic, black pepper, canned corn, salt and mayonnaise. You can also use ham instead boiled smoked sausage or beef.
  2. Grate the sausage cheese.
  3. Cut the ham into small strips.
  4. Grate the carrots, combine with sausage cheese and ham, add corn.
  5. Prepare the dressing: squeeze the garlic into the mayonnaise through a press, add pepper and salt.
  6. Mix salad ingredients with dressing. Serve immediately.

Male whim with mushrooms


  • Boiled beef pulp - 350 gr.;
  • Fresh champignons - 550 gr.;
  • Odorless vegetable oil - for frying;
  • White onion - 1 pc.;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • Classic mayonnaise- taste;
  • Ground pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the beef. Then cut into strips.
  2. Wash the mushrooms and cut into slices. Fry in vegetable oil, add salt and pepper.
  3. Chop the cucumbers into strips.
  4. Cut the onion into half rings.
  5. Mix all the products, season with mayonnaise, add salt to taste. When serving, decorate with fresh herbs and grated cheese.

Salad “Male whim” with chicken and mushrooms


  • chicken breast— 0.5 kg;
  • pickled champignons or honey mushrooms - 0.3 kg;
  • onions or lettuce - 1 pc.;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  • hard cheese - 150 g.
  • For dressing, use 6-8 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the chicken fillet, place it in a saucepan and fill with water so that it covers the meat.
  2. Put it on fire. After boiling, skim off the foam, add salt and Bay leaf.
  3. Cook chicken fillet over medium heat for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Wash the eggs, add water and cook for 5-7 minutes. When finished, drain hot water and fill with cold.
  5. Cut the meat into strips. Peel the eggs and chop them.
  6. Onion Peel, wash, cut into half rings and marinate for 20 minutes in lemon juice and sugar.
  7. Cut the champignons or honey mushrooms into small pieces.
  8. Grate the cheese. In a deep container, mix all the ingredients (squeeze the onion first), season with mayonnaise. Transfer the salad to a salad bowl and sprinkle grated cheese on top. Garnish with herbs or olives.

Salad Male whim with tongue


  • Beef tongue - 500 grams
  • Cheese - 300 grams
  • Walnut – 50 grams
  • Marinated honey mushrooms – 200 grams
  • Onions - 2 heads
  • Mayonnaise

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse your tongue well under running water. Soak your tongue for half an hour to make it more tender and soft.
  2. Boil the meat in water without salt, cook the tongue for 2-4 hours, it all depends on the size. Don't forget to remove the foam with a slotted spoon. Cool it down. Then Slice boiled tongue cubes, sticks or straws. Don't be shallow.
  3. Peel the onion and fry until golden brown (sauté). Add to meat.
  4. Roast the walnuts. Grind. You can put the nuts in a plastic bag and roll them with a rolling pin. Add to onions and meat.
  5. Add pickled honey mushrooms to a cup with the salad.
  6. All that remains is to add grated cheese, season the salad with mayonnaise and pepper.

Men's whim with pork


  • Boiled pork (not fatty) 300 g
  • Chicken eggs 2 pcs
  • Onions 1−2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese 150 gr
  • Sugar 1 tsp.
  • Vinegar 9% 50 ml
  • Mayonnaise To taste

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the onion into rings as thin as possible. Pour marinade into a bowl. Leave the onion in the marinade for 20 minutes.
  2. Boil the eggs hard, peel and cut into cubes.
  3. We also cut the boiled pork into cubes.
  4. We pass the cheese through the middle cells of a grater.
  5. For mixing prepared ingredients use a deep container. Add eggs, marinated onions, meat, salt and season with mayonnaise.
  6. Now put the mixed ingredients in a salad bowl, arrange cheese and parsley on top for decoration.

Caprice salad with nuts


  • veal - raw 700−800 g
  • hard cheese - 150−200 g
  • onion -1/3
  • mayonnaise
  • walnuts
  • eggs - 6 pcs

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the veal. Leave to cool. Cut into small cubes.
  2. Boil the eggs, cool, grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Cut the onion in your favorite way (rings, half rings or small cubes), marinate - bring a glass of water to a boil with big amount bite, sugar and salt, pour boiling water over the onion and wait for the marinade to cool. The onion is ready. Store it in the refrigerator later.
  4. Chop the nuts into small pieces.
  5. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  6. When all the ingredients are ready, we begin to assemble the salad.
  7. Place the veal in the first layer and grease it with a little mayonnaise. Place onions and eggs on top. Don't forget about the layer of mayonnaise. Make a layer of cheese and nuts. We repeat the layers several times in this way. Depends on the amount of ingredients.
  8. Sprinkle cheese on top of the salad and decorate with nuts.

Salad “Male whim” with beef and apples


  • Beef – 350 g
  • Apples – 5
  • bell pepper(red and yellow) - 2
  • Cheese - 400 g
  • Tangerines – 4
  • Mustard - 2 tbsp.
  • Lemon – 1
  • Honey - 5 tbsp.
  • Sour cream
  1. Cooking method:
    We cook the beef.
  2. Core the apples and peppers and chop both products.
  3. Cheese for three coarse grater.
  4. Peeling tangerines.
  5. Add mustard, honey, lemon (juice and zest) to the dressing, add salt and stir everything with sour cream.
  6. Although the salad is layered, we will put it in one common deep salad bowl.
  7. Layers: beef - apples - peppers - tangerines - cheese.
  8. When folding, coat the layers with the prepared dressing, except for the last layer.
  9. Ready salad decorate with greenery.

Caprice with chicken


  • chicken fillet - 100 g;
  • bulb;
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • greens - parsley or dill.

Cooking method:

  1. You need to pour 0.5 liters of water into the pan and boil. Dip the chicken fillet purchased in advance into the water and reduce the gas. Wait until the water starts to boil. Cook for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Peel the onion and cut it into rings - thin or half rings.
  3. Mix lemon juice with onions and refrigerate for 10 minutes.
  4. Hard boil the eggs and grate them on a coarse grater. Do the same with cheese.
  5. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces.
  6. Remove the onion mixed with lemon from the refrigerator and place it on large dish. Don't forget to pour out the juice before doing this.
  7. Place the fillet on the onion and brush thoroughly with mayonnaise.
  8. Place grated eggs on top and brush with mayonnaise.
  9. We finish cooking with cheese. They need to cover the dish not only on top, but also on the sides so that the salad does not look naked.

Caprice with pineapple


  • Chicken fillet 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese 200 g
  • Canned pineapple 1 PC.
  • Garlic -2−3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise 70−100 g

Cooking method:

  1. Chicken fillet You need to wash it, wipe it with salt, put it in boiling water and cook until tender. Afterwards, cool and cut into small cubes.
  2. Hard cheese must be grated on a coarse grater.
  3. Cut the pineapples into cubes.
  4. Peel and wash the garlic, chop finely.
  5. Mix all ingredients, season with mayonnaise.

Warm salad “Male whim”


  • Potatoes - 4 pcs;
  • turnip onion - 1 piece;
  • bacon - 200 gr;
  • pickled mushrooms - 150 gr;
  • pickled cucumbers - 150 g;
  • greens (dill-parsley) - one bunch
  • sweet French mustard beans - three tablespoons
  • olive or sunflower oil for salad dressing;
  • pepper;
  1. Cooking method:
    First you need to wash the mushrooms so that no marinade remains on them and components. It is better to rinse with warm water, it will be faster and more reliable. Then drain the mushrooms in a colander and let the water drain. Dry the mushrooms with a paper towel.
  2. Boil the potatoes, peel and chop coarsely. If the potatoes get cold during cooking, you can reheat them in the microwave. Don't forget that our salad is warm, and the main heat comes from the potatoes.
  3. Cut the cucumbers into potato size. If gherkins are used for the salad, then cut the cucumbers into slices.
  4. Chop bacon as desired. Fry in a frying pan, but as soon as it is browned, remove it, do not wait for it to turn brown.
  5. The oil formed during frying can be added to the salad as a dressing.
  6. It is better to cut the onion into thin slices. You can divide them into halves.
  7. Place all the ingredients in a salad bowl, season with pepper and, if desired, salt. The thing is that the components of the salad are already quite salty, so we add salt with caution.
  8. Take freshly fried bacon, and while it’s still hot, add it to the salad. Then season with mustard and vegetable oil.
  9. Thoroughly mix the Male Caprice salad with pickled cucumbers and serve.

  • To make a salad for your beloved man that would satisfy all his needs and preferences, experienced chefs advise you to follow these tips:
  • In addition to boiling meat, frying or steaming is suitable;
  • good to add to a dish boiled vegetables;
  • lean meat should be taken - pork, beef, poultry, lamb;
  • prepared without using fish, but if you want, you can try it;
  • good to serve salad with thin pancakes omelette, cut into strips;
  • to give rich taste use pickled cucumbers, mushrooms, tomatoes, red onions;
  • It’s good to serve a snack with a lot of greens;
  • instead of mayonnaise, it’s good to season the dish with your own sour cream-based sauce, natural yogurt or olive oil;
  • marinate onions well in white wine vinegar or apple - the taste will be softer, more delicate;
  • the variety of recipes is amazing: beef with onions, beef and mushrooms, ham with cheese and mushrooms, meat and apples, ham and mushrooms, 2 types of meat with pomegranate, beef with olives and nuts, veal with mushrooms;