Carrot and celery salad with garlic. Celery root salad with carrots and apple

Fresh vegetable and fruit salads are an excellent appetizer that stimulates the appetite. One of the most successful combinations is sweet and sour apples and spicy celery. Add fresh carrots to this duet - the salad will become even more healthy and satisfying.

Apple, carrot and celery salad

Salad with celery, apple and homemade mayonnaise

This simple salad gets an extra kick with a touch of homemade mayonnaise. Serve it as a light snack accompanied by fresh white bread or toast.

You will need: - 200 g of celery root; - 1 large apple; - 1 carrot; - 1 tablespoon of lemon juice; - several sprigs of celery.

For mayonnaise: - 1 yolk; - 80 ml olive oil; - 0.5 teaspoon mustard; - 1 tablespoon lemon juice; - salt; - ground black pepper.

Wash the carrots and celery, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Peel the apple, remove the seeds, cut the pulp into very thin strips and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Choose flavorful apples from the fall harvest, such as ranet or antonovka

Make homemade mayonnaise. Empty the yolk into a slightly warmed bowl, add mustard and whisk. Add olive oil in a thin stream, whisking continuously. Gradually the mass will begin to thicken and lighten. Pour in lemon juice, salt and pepper the mayonnaise to taste.

Place grated carrots and celery in a salad bowl, place apples on top and pour mayonnaise over everything. The salad can also be served in portions - for example, in transparent bowls or glasses. Garnish each serving with celery greens.

Salad with celery, carrots and nuts

This delicate, sweetish salad is ideal for a light snack. It is low in calories, but quite nutritious and contains many useful microelements, vitamins and fiber. Serve it chilled, accompanied by freshly squeezed orange or tangerine juice.

Salad with celery, carrots and nuts You will need: - 2 stalks of celery; - 2 large carrots; - 2 apples; - 0.5 cups of peeled walnuts; - 1 tablespoon lemon juice.

For the sauce: - 150 g natural yogurt; - 2 tablespoons of cream; - 1 tablespoon of grated ginger root. - 2 tablespoons of honey.

Peel and grate the apples and carrots on a coarse grater and sprinkle with lemon juice. Free the celery stalks from hard fibers and cut into small cubes. Fry the walnut kernels in a dry frying pan and chop coarsely.

Instead of walnuts, you can use toasted sunflower seeds or pine nuts

And first, as usual, let’s get into the benefits of the products it contains.

Celery is an amazing root vegetable. Unprepossessing in appearance, but endlessly useful in all respects:

  • helps with anemia, anemia and exhaustion, as it contains a large amount of iron salts
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system due to the presence of magnesium salts; relieves irritability, eliminates stress; stimulates attention and memory;
  • improves metabolism, useful for weight loss; significantly improves well-being, tone and physical fitness;
  • promotes mobility and healthy joints
  • helps with diseases of the heart and blood vessels; lowers blood pressure;
  • prevents the formation of cancer;
  • increases immunity; fights colds, is a preventative against viral respiratory infections

Carrots are known to everyone as a source of beta-carotene and vitamin A.

This is the reason for its beneficial properties:

  • helps with anemia
  • improves lung function due to beta-carotene
  • rejuvenates the body with vitamin A
  • has a beneficial effect on vision, strengthens the retina, is indicated for myopia, conjunctivitis, night blindness and fatigue
  • strengthens gums
  • maintains skin and mucous membranes in good condition
  • helps with hypo- and avitaminosis A, diseases of the liver, cardiovascular system, kidneys, stomach, anemia, polyarthritis, mineral metabolism disorders, colitis (carrot puree is useful)
  • helps heal malignant tumors, intestinal dysbiosis, nephritis (boiled carrots)
  • has antimicrobial properties
  • included in the diets of patients with diabetes mellitus
  • inhibits the formation of fats in the body
  • has diuretic and moderate choleretic properties (due to the fact that there are 10 times more potassium compounds in carrots than sodium compounds)
  • improves pancreatic function

Celery root and carrot salad with Korean dressing

Now, with an understanding of all the invaluable qualities of carrots and celery root, let's start preparing the salad.

We will need:

  • 2-3 pieces of carrots
  • 1/4 head of celery root
  • green onions
  • dill
  • handful of walnuts

Peel the carrots and celery and grate them.

Wash green onions and dill and chop finely.

Grind the nuts with your hands so that there are pieces (I like it better this way.

But you can chop it with a knife, that’s good too)

Mix grated carrots and celery in a salad bowl. And mash them a little with your hands.

Add green onions, dill, walnuts.

For Korean dressing:

  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1-2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar or juice of 1 lemon
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground red pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cilantro (coriander)
  • 1 tablespoon honey

Mix all ingredients. From this amount you will get a filling, of course, more than once. The remainder can be stored in the refrigerator for the next salad.

Carrot and celery salad. Ingredients

This one includes two main ingredients: carrots and celery, everything else can be used according to your preferences, can be replaced or omitted. Even if you don’t like celery, you don’t have to use it, then the salad will be just carrots.

To prepare this vitamin salad for two servings you will need the following ingredients:

- carrots - 2 medium-sized pieces;
- celery root - 2 small pieces or 1 - large root vegetable;
– raisins – 100 g;
- dried apricots - 5-7 pieces;
- tangerine - 2 pieces;
- yogurt - 4 tablespoons;
- any nuts, I have walnuts - 5-6 pieces;
- peeled pumpkin seeds - 1 tablespoon;
- sesame seeds - 1 teaspoon;
- any liquid honey - 2-3 teaspoons.

Carrot and celery salad. Cooking process

1. Carrots and celery must be thoroughly washed and peeled.
2. Grate carrots and celery using a Korean grater. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
3. Peel tangerines and remove white films so that only the juicy pulp remains.
4. Steam raisins and dried apricots. Cut dried apricots into small pieces.
5. Peel pumpkin seeds and nuts and chop as desired.
6. If the honey has crystallized, then you need to warm it up a little in a water bath. Just don’t heat honey too much, it loses its healing properties.
7. Mix the grated carrots and celery; you can lay them out in layers without mixing. We lay out peeled tangerine slices, raisins, chopped dried apricots, sprinkle with nuts, pumpkin seeds, pour over honey and yogurt. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Everything is very simple, quite fast and very useful. The taste is very pleasant, moderately sweet and juicy, and nuts and seeds complement it perfectly. For children who don’t like carrots and celery, or fresh vegetables in general, this is a real find. It actually tastes very fruity. This is very popular among us, especially in the autumn-winter-spring period, when there are few fresh, high-quality vegetables.

The benefits of celery and carrots

I’ll still write a few words about the benefits of celery and carrots.

Benefits of carrots

Carrots are a very valuable and healthy vegetable, known as an excellent source of carotene, which turns into vitamin A. Vitamin A is a growth vitamin, it is simply necessary for children! In addition, carrots contain a lot of B vitamins, vitamins C, D, E, microelements (iron, potassium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, and so on). In order for carotene to become active vitamin A, dishes that include carrots must be seasoned with butter, sour cream, yogurt, or anything that contains fat. Therefore, we seasoned our salad with yogurt, preferably NOT low-fat, you can add sour cream or any vegetable oil. Carrots have excellent tonic and antioxidant properties. The beneficial substances contained in carrots promote the growth of healthy cells and prevent the formation of cancer cells. We already talked in detail about the benefits of carrots when we prepared.

Benefits of celery

Celery is present in the diet of people who lead a correct, healthy lifestyle. It began to be eaten quite recently, only in the 18th century; before that time it was considered a weed. Now they eat both its above-ground and underground parts. Celery is used not only for cooking, but also in pharmaceuticals, perfumery, and cosmetology. This valuable plant contains a large amount of vitamins C, K, A, B, PP, E, fiber, minerals: potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus. The most valuable is raw celery. It has very few calories, only 16 kcal per 100 g, but a lot of vitamins and minerals. For people who want to lose weight, this is especially true, as well as during periods of vitamin deficiency. The high content of vitamin C makes celery a powerful antioxidant, and also perfectly helps the body fight infections and viruses.

Celery is indispensable for hypertensive patients. It stabilizes blood pressure. Due to its low calorie content, celery is included in the diet of people who want to get rid of extra pounds.

We talked about the benefits of pumpkin seeds in. And so much has already been said about the usefulness of nuts, dried apricots, raisins, tangerines, honey that no one doubts this question!

Prepare delicious and healthy food for your children, family and friends! And may this add health to your entire family!

Bon appetit!

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I bring to your attention a fragrant and vitamin-rich salad with celery and carrots. It is very easy to prepare, quick and goes well with almost any dish. Some time ago, I didn’t like stalk celery at all precisely because of its bright and rich aroma and taste, and now I regret it. It turns out that it is very useful for our body and should definitely be included in our diet. The ideal dressing for this salad is a mixture of lemon juice or vinegar with vegetable or olive oil. If you wish, you can use ready-made Korean carrots in the preparation; it will only add some piquancy to the salad.


  • 2 - 3 medium carrots
  • 2 - 3 stalks of celery
  • 40 ml lemon juice or 9% vinegar
  • 35 ml vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • 2 tbsp sesame seeds

Cooking method

First of all, grate the peeled carrots for the salad on a Korean grater or finely chop them with a sharp knife, add salt, pepper and add lemon juice. Stir and let stand for 15-20 minutes for light marinating. Add to it celery, cut into thin strips, sesame seeds (you can lightly fry them in a dry frying pan) and season everything with oil. Mix the salad again and serve immediately. Remember that such dishes made from fresh vegetables do not like to be stored for a long time and must be prepared immediately before serving. Bon appetit.

I suggest making a salad with celery and carrots, which is perfect for breakfast or dinner. The salad is light and low in calories. It can be included in the daily diet for people who watch their figure and lead a healthy lifestyle. Celery promotes weight loss, because the body spends more energy on its digestion than it receives. 100 grams contain only 13 kcal!

Celery is a very healthy plant and it is quite difficult to find an alternative to it. Moreover, the benefits are contained in the leaves, stems, and roots. All of them are rich in vitamins C, B, A, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, folic acid. And if you often eat celery, you can greatly strengthen the immune system, nervous and vascular systems, get rid of toxins, and reduce the likelihood of kidney and gastrointestinal diseases. Eating celery will have a beneficial effect on the whole family: this miracle plant will give men strength and improve potency, celery will help women stay slim and beautiful, and children will improve their concentration. Therefore, every wise housewife and simply caring mother and wife tries to often use celery in preparing recipes for tasty and healthy dishes. Celery produces delicious salads, cream soups, stewed vegetable dishes, vitamin-rich juices and smoothies.

I suggest making a salad of stalk celery with carrots and apple. This salad is simply a storehouse of vitamins and a godsend for the whole family.

Required ingredients:

  • Carrots 130 g
  • Apple 150 g
  • Celery stalks 120 g
  • Raisins 50 g
  • Greens to taste
  • Lemon juice to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil to taste.

Recipe for carrot and celery salad.

1. For the salad we need raisins, which need to be steamed in boiling water to make them softer. Pour in the raisins and leave for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, drain in a colander and let the water drain.

2. To make the salad tasty, take high-quality carrots, not limp and with a sweet taste. The sweetest and juiciest variety is “Karotelka” - a bright orange carrot with a blunt, rounded nose. Wash the vegetable thoroughly to remove dirt and dust using a brush. Remove the peel. Grate on a coarse grater and place in a deep bowl.

3. Wash the crispy celery stalks and dry with a napkin. Cut into thin slices. Add to salad bowl.

4. To balance the taste of the salad, you will need a sour apple. Rinse and dry with a towel. Peel off the skin. Cut in half and remove the core. Grate on a coarse grater and add to the rest of the ingredients. Immediately, to prevent the apple from darkening, sprinkle with lemon juice.

5. Add steamed raisins. Stir. Season lightly with freshly ground pepper and drizzle with sunflower or olive oil. The salad will be even healthier if you season it with sesame, flaxseed or nut oil, which can be found in pharmacies or supermarkets in the nutrition departments. At this stage, you can add a little honey to the salad. Just keep in mind that honey is high in calories (330 kcal per 100 g).

6. Carrot salad with celery is ready. We eat immediately after preparation.
Bon appetit!