Red cabbage salad recipes with corn. Red cabbage salad with corn and egg

For the salad recipe with photos, see below.

A very juicy, tasty and healthy salad is made from red cabbage with corn and boiled eggs. Few people know that red cabbage contains much more vitamins and minerals than white cabbage. Red cabbage is best used when preparing salads. This is how we get the maximum taste and benefits of this unique vegetable.

This salad is not only very tasty and healthy, but also colorful, bright, and pleasing to the eye. When boiled eggs are added to shredded cabbage, they take on a blue tint. Sprinkles of bright yellow corn and pieces of cooked carrots add richness and color to the salad.

Red cabbage salad recipe

To prepare 3-4 servings of salad you will need:

  • 400 g red cabbage;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 can of canned corn;
  • 1 boiled carrot;
  • 2-3 eggs;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • greens optional;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream for dressing.

In principle, you can dress this salad with absolutely any sauce - natural yogurt, mayonnaise, a mixture of olive oil with lemon juice and mustard, low-fat sour cream, etc. Choose dressing according to your taste.

To turn the salad into a lean one, remove the eggs from the composition and season with vegetable oil.

Finely chop the red cabbage and lightly mash with salt to release the juice. Sprinkle onions in half rings or cubes with vinegar to remove the bitterness. Cut the carrots into small slices or cups. Chop the eggs in the same way.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, add corn, dressing, herbs. Mix the salad and you're done! Try making this cabbage salad with white cabbage, but I like it better with red cabbage. Bon appetit!

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A very juicy, tasty and healthy salad is made from red cabbage with corn and boiled eggs. Few people know that red cabbage contains much more vitamins and minerals than…

Red cabbage salad with corn

Cooking time: Not specified

Cheerful crispy fresh cabbage salad. Due to the fact that cabbage is red, the salad is also very bright and attractive in appearance. If you want to make a juicier red cabbage and corn salad, you need to mash the cabbage thoroughly. If you want to get a structured dish, squeeze the cabbage lightly in your palms, this will be enough.

– 350 grams of red cabbage,

– 250 grams of ham,

– 170 grams of sweet canned corn,

– 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise,

– 2 branches of fresh parsley,

– salt and pepper to taste.

Wash the eggs with cold water and set to boil. After boiling, keep them on the stove for about 10 minutes so that the eggs are hard-boiled, then drain the boiling water from the saucepan and fill it with cold water. While the eggs are cooling, we will crumble the remaining ingredients.

Sprinkle the cabbage with salt and grind it. To prevent your fingers from turning red, you can moisten your palms with vegetable oil in advance or use a wooden masher to grind the cabbage. The cabbage should release its juice and soften, but not turn into a puree, so don't try too hard.

Cut the ham (preferably lean) into small pieces. The shape is whatever you like best, it does not affect the taste of the salad in any way. Pour it into the bowl.

Open a jar of canned sweet corn. Drain the brine completely and pour the grains into the bowl with the cabbage.

Fresh herbs can be chopped and mixed with all the ingredients, or you can leave the parsley for decoration.

There is no need to infuse the red cabbage salad with corn; transfer it to a salad bowl and serve it on the table.

Enjoy your meal! Eat vitamins for your health!

Recipe for a light red cabbage salad with corn and ham. Prepared from simple familiar products, very tasty and fresh.

Red cabbage salad with corn

Red cabbage is considered very healthy; it contains a substance that has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. A fresh and very tasty salad of red cabbage with corn will keep your figure and saturate your body with the necessary vitamins.

  • red cabbage – 200 gr.;
  • canned corn – 70 gr.;
  • red onion – 1/4 pcs.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp;
  • honey – 0.5 tsp;
  • parsley - 2-3 sprigs.

Red cabbage salad with corn - preparation

Step 1: Prepare the cabbage, peel the onion, and rinse the parsley.

Step 2: Chop the cabbage and mash it a little with your hands so that the cabbage releases its juice.

Step 3: Finely chop the onion and greens.

Step 4: Mix all vegetables with corn, add salt to taste.

Step 5: Whisk olive oil, lemon juice, and honey with a fork. Pour the dressing over the salad, toss and serve.

Red cabbage salad with corn is ready! Bon appetit!

A fresh and very tasty salad of red cabbage with corn will keep your figure and saturate your body with the necessary vitamins.

Red cabbage is a source of healthy minerals, vitamins and fiber. It is absolutely not suitable for heat treatment, but is excellent in salads and canning. Winter preparations from this healthy vegetable will delight you in the winter. Red cabbage and corn salad is delicious, crunchy, bright and healthy. In addition, it looks very appetizing and will decorate the dining table. Its refreshing taste is ideal with grilled meat or fish.

TIME: 10 min.


Servings: 4


  • Red cabbage – 250 g;
  • Canned sweet corn – 100 g;
  • Sweet blue onion – 50 g (half a large onion);
  • Unrefined olive or flaxseed oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • White or brown granulated sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  • Iodized salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • Parsley or dill – 0.5 bunch.


Remove the top dry and damaged leaves. After washing the cabbage, chop it finely. The finer the vegetable is chopped, the tastier the salad will be; the fact is that its leaves are coarser than those of other varieties. You can add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to soften it and mash it a little with a masher.

Place the chopped cabbage in a fairly large bowl.

Add salt and sugar to the bowl. With clean hands, rub everything together. This will make the dish juicier and the cabbage in it will be softer. Shredded leaves turn your hands blue. Therefore, they need to be washed frequently and thoroughly so that the coloring pigment does not have time to be absorbed into the skin of the hands, or wear kitchen gloves.

Sweet onions need to be peeled and thinly sliced. If the vegetable is large enough, then it is better to chop it into quarters, and a small one - into semicircles.

Separate the chopped onion with your hands so that it is in separate strips. Then it will be easier to mix it in the salad. Add onion to chopped red cabbage.

Add canned corn. Instead of canned grains, you can take fresh frozen fruits. They should first be boiled in salted water for 5-8 minutes, then drained and cooled.

The greens should be thoroughly washed in running water and dried well. After which it should be finely chopped. Dill can be replaced with parsley, cilantro or fennel.

Squeeze the required amount of juice from a fresh lemon. Make sure that no pulp or seeds get into it, otherwise it will be very bitter. Mix lemon juice with chopped dill. We also pour olive oil into the greens and stir.

Add mixed greens and dressing to vegetables and stir. If possible, let the salad sit for a while in a cool place, such as the refrigerator. Then the cabbage and onions will marinate well and become even tastier.

Before serving, the dish can be decorated with red currants. The berries will add attractiveness and pleasant sourness.
This vitamin salad will be good both during Lent and for the first barbecue.

I admit, I am not a fan of this type of cabbage. But even if I buy forks, I try to get the maximum benefit. After all, in addition to its benefits, this vegetable also has an interesting taste. What to cook with red cabbage? Salad, of course.

And, I must say, red cabbage salad is not only juicy and tasty. It is useful because... This type of cabbage contains more vitamins than regular cabbage. This is also a hearty salad, to the point that it can become an independent second or side dish for meat, fish, and seafood. And also - it will look more beautiful.

How to make red cabbage salad tastier, more satisfying and prettier? Simple - adding something brighter each time. Well, let's say, corn, boiled eggs. They will change the color of the salad for the better, the taste, and its consistency.

Cooking time: 10 minutes (if boiling eggs, add cooking and cooling time here)

Complexity: everything is very simple


    salt - to taste


If there are no eggs ready, boil them. Then, after keeping them in several cold waters, keep them in the refrigerator.

In the meantime, let's take care of the cabbage. It needs to be washed, the top leaves removed - they are not so juicy. Chop finely or with a sharp knife, or in any other way available to you.

To make the cabbage juicy and not tough, I rub it with my fingers, adding just a little salt.

Then we'll cook the corn. Let's uncork the jar. Add the liquid and prepare the required amount of corn. By the way, you don’t have to regret it and add more brightly colored grains.

What to do with garlic? To your taste. I just cut it thinly, into strips.

Wash the greens, dry them and chop them too. There is no need to cut it particularly finely - it will all be lost against the background of the dark-colored cabbage.

Well, and eggs. If they are cool, peel them. Finely chop or grate.

We will assemble the salad before serving, because... our dark beauty will instantly change the color of each salad neighbor. Let's mix. Season with sour cream (or mayonnaise, sauce, etc.).

A very juicy, tasty and healthy salad is made from red cabbage with corn and boiled eggs. Few people know that red cabbage contains much more vitamins and minerals than white cabbage. Red cabbage is best used when preparing salads. This is how we get the maximum taste and benefits of this unique vegetable.

This salad is not only very tasty and healthy, but also colorful, bright, and pleasing to the eye. When boiled eggs are added to shredded cabbage, they take on a blue tint. Sprinkles of bright yellow corn and pieces of cooked carrots add richness and color to the salad.

Red cabbage salad recipe

To prepare 3-4 servings of salad you will need:

  • 400 g red cabbage;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 can of canned corn;
  • 1 boiled carrot;
  • 2-3 eggs;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • greens optional;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream for dressing.

In principle, you can dress this salad with absolutely any sauce - natural yogurt, mayonnaise, a mixture of olive oil with lemon juice and mustard, low-fat sour cream, etc. Choose dressing according to your taste.

To turn the salad into a lean one, remove the eggs from the composition and season with vegetable oil.

Finely chop the red cabbage and lightly mash with salt to release the juice. Sprinkle onions in half rings or cubes with vinegar to remove the bitterness. Cut the carrots into small slices or cups. Chop the eggs in the same way.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, add corn, dressing, herbs. Mix the salad and you're done! Try making this one, but I like it better with red. Bon appetit!

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Salad with croutons and crab sticks