Zucchini salad is tender for the winter. Zucchini appetizer for the winter

I’ve never made a canned zucchini salad for the winter, but in vain, as it turned out to be very tasty. At first I thought it would be similar to the blueberry salad that I preserve every year, but it turned out to have a completely different taste, no worse.

Remember me recently? So, after canning, there was still about 4 kg left, I didn’t even know what to cook with them, how else to preserve them, they age quickly, and there’s no room to store them in the refrigerator. A recipe from the forum came to the rescue. After reading many positive reviews, I also decided to make this canned zucchini salad for the winter, but added a little garlic and adjusted the amount of sugar.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 kg young zucchini
  • 1kg onion
  • 1kg carrots

For the marinade:

  • 200g sugar
  • 2 table spoons of salt
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 200ml regular vinegar 9%
  • 300ml vegetable oil

The finished zucchini salad yields about 5 liters, I rolled up 2 x 1 liter jars + 4 x 0.72 liter jars, and also left a small salad bowl to eat.

Preserving zucchini salad for the winter

I weighed all the products and set aside the required amount. I washed the vegetables, peeled the carrots and onions.

Peeled onions cut into half rings.

I grated the peeled carrots on a coarse grater (my husband helped me here, thanks for the help).

I cut the zucchini into large cubes.

In a separate bowl I prepared the marinade from all the ingredients according to the recipe, flattened the garlic with a knife onto the board and chopped it as finely as possible. I will say that in the finished canned zucchini salad you can hardly feel the garlic.

I put all the vegetables in a large saucepan and poured the prepared brine from the ingredients according to the recipe over the zucchini, carrot and onion salad.

Mixed it up.

So they stood with me for more than two hours, but I regularly went and stirred them. This is how the vegetables have released their juice, now you can proceed to the last stage of preservation.

During this time, I washed the dishes with soda in which I will preserve.

Let me remind you that in total this makes about 5 liters of canned zucchini salad for the winter.

And I sterilized the jars over steam. When I was canning zucchini, I told you how I sterilize the jars. At the same time, I boil the lids in a separate bowl.

I put all the vegetables on the stove, covered with a lid and, stirring regularly, waited until the zucchini in the sweet and sour marinade sauce boiled. You need to boil for 15 minutes, that's enough.

I put it in sterile jars and rolled it up.
She turned the blanks upside down and wrapped them in a warm blanket. They cooled under the blanket for more than a day, then I moved the twist into the pantry, where they are now perfectly waiting for us to eat canned zucchini salad for the winter.

Dear readers and blog visitors, please share in the comments what is your signature recipe for delicious preserves. And also my recipes for zucchini salads (opens in a new tab).

I also have a request: share your proven recipe for squash caviar, write to me by e-mail: admin@site. According to the recipe that I have (with vinegar), the squash caviar turned out sour, I had to throw everything out. Help with advice.

Consider the versatility of the seaming. The vegetables turn out quite crispy, a little spicy and very juicy. Lots of elastic pickled pulp- the most accurate description. These zucchini don't look exactly like cucumbers, but they're great for winter salads and a low-calorie respite from the pangs of dieting.

Statistics say that the Slavs most often twist squash caviar. But we are keeping today's recipe on the must-try list. Just as steadily from year to year we...

Cut into slices and place in jars along with the spicy ingredients, fill with hot solution and sterilize. This is how you can describe the recipe briefly. And yet, it is better to do basic steps according to the description with a photo in order to take into account all the nuances.

Attention! For all recipes we need sterilized jars and lids.

Each preparation will take about 1 hour, including sterilization of the jars.

Let's start cooking!

Quick navigation through the article:

Pickled zucchini for the winter without sterilization

We need:

  • Zucchini -1.8-2 kg
  • Young dill - 1-2 bunches
  • Garlic - 9 medium cloves
  • Black peppercorns - 15-18 pcs.
  • Cloves - 6-9 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.

For the marinade:

  • Water - 1.5 l
  • Sugar - 190 g (almost 10 level tablespoons)
  • Salt (rock, without impurities) - 70 g (almost 3 level tablespoons)
  • Vinegar (table, 9%) - 190 ml

Important details:

  • This amount of ingredients is enough for 3 liter jars.

Preparation and storage in jars.

Wash the zucchini thoroughly and cut off the nose and butt. We cut into circles with a thickness of 1.5-2 or even 2.5 cm. Follow your taste.

It is better to take young medium-sized zucchini. If you still take very large ones, you will have to cut each circle in half. In mature zucchini, it is better to remove the seeds, sacrificing the cutting shape: make large cubes.

Wash the dill. Peel the garlic and cut each clove in half lengthwise.

We fill the jars. For one liter jar:

  1. Place 4-6 sprigs of dill on the bottom.
  2. Top with 1-2 cloves of garlic, 2 pcs. cloves, 6 peppercorns, 1 bay leaf.
  3. Place the zucchini circles flat on top of each other, tightly, to the top. You can cut 2-3 circles in half and compact the installation by pushing these halves through the sides.
  4. We complete the composition with 1 more clove of garlic, which we squeeze along the side wall.

This is how we form 3 banks. Amounts are approximate, adjust garlic and herbs to your taste.

Preparing vegetables with boiling water before seaming.

Fill the filled jars with boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes.

Drain the water. Fill the jars with boiling water again - cover - wait 10 minutes.

Let's prepare the marinade, pour in and roll up the dough.

During this time we prepare the marinade. Heat the water, add sugar, salt, stir until completely dissolved, pour in the vinegar, bring to a full boil and hold for 2-3 minutes - let it boil.

Here you can take a sample of the solution and adjust it to taste by adding sugar or salt.

We drain the second water from the jars and immediately fill the zucchini with hot brine - to the top.

Close the lid tightly (twist-off or seaming key).

Turn it upside down and wrap it up to cool slowly.

Zucchini slices in liter sterilized jars

Like in a store - a suitable description for this classic roll-up.

We need:

  • Zucchini (preferably young) - about 2 kg
  • Garlic - up to 9 cloves
  • Black pepper (peas) -18 pcs.

For the marinade:

  • Water - 1.2 l
  • Salt (coarse, without additives) - 2 tbsp. heaped spoons
  • Sugar - 3-4 tbsp. spoons (taste the marinade before pouring!)
  • Table vinegar, 9% - 80-100 ml

Important details:

  • From this quantity it will be 3 liters of preparation.
  • To the recipe you can add carrots in large slices (slices or cubes) - 2-3 pcs., weighing no more than 400 grams. Then put accordingly less zucchini.

If the harvest was a great success, and you urgently and very simply need to select a lot of vegetables for storage, you can also pickle old fruits, peeling them and removing the seeds. But you won't get circles. It seems to us that this is too much of a compromise for a classic. It is better to put mature vegetables into mushrooms, squash lecho or assorted vegetables.

How to cook.

Wash the zucchini well. If the soil has just come from the garden and is clinging to it, baking soda won’t hurt. Cut off the ends on both sides and cut the vegetables into slices. Thickness from 1.5 to 2.5 cm, to taste.

Peel the garlic and cut into slices.

Place the mugs in sterilized jars, tightly. To fit more vegetables, cut large circles in half. At the beginning, middle and end of laying, add 1 clove of garlic and a couple of peppercorns. Total for a 1 liter jar it will take 2-3 garlic cloves and 5-6 peas.

Prepare the marinade: mix all the ingredients with water, heat, stirring until completely dissolved, and let the finished liquid simmer for 3 minutes.

Pour the hot marinade over the zucchini - a little into each jar. We filled a third of one container and moved on to the next. The previous ones are still warming up to receive the next portion of boiling water. This way we are insured against the fact that a jar suddenly filled with boiling water will burst.

We need to fill the jars to the very top.

We simply cover full jars with lids and place them in a large container to sterilize. Everything is as usual: there is a cotton towel at the bottom of the pan, and pour water into it up to the hangers of the cans.

  • Sterilization time for pickled zucchini in a liter jar - 10 minutes from the moment of boiling water.

Remove from heat, roll up with a key or screw on the twist-off lid tightly. Turn it over, shake it a little, check for leaks and leave it to cool slowly - upside down, under a blanket.

For the note!

The proportions and steps from both seams are suitable for coarsely cut squash (bars, large cubes).

Winter zucchini marinated in Bulgarian style

For 2 jars (0.85-1 l) we need:

  • Zucchini - 700-750 g (= how much will fit when packed tightly)
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Dill (umbrellas) - 1 pc.
  • Hot (bitter) pepper - cut from pod up to 2 cm
  • Bell pepper - 1 pc. medium size (preferably red or yellow)

For the marinade (with reserve):

  • Water - 1 l
  • Salt (coarse, clean) - 1.5 tbsp. spoon
  • Sugar - 100 g (4 heaped tablespoons)
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns - 6 pcs.
  • Vinegar (table, 9%) - 100-120 ml

The preparation is simple.

Wash vegetables and dill. Cut the zucchini into slices. We peel the garlic. Cut the hot pepper into rings.

We clean the sweet pepper from seeds and white membranes inside and cut it randomly into large pieces. For example, in half lengthwise, in half again and every quarter across in the middle.

Add all the ingredients of the marinade, except vinegar, to boiling water and let it simmer for 3-4 minutes. At the end, pour in vinegar, turn up the heat, but don’t turn it off.

At the bottom of sterilized jars we place an umbrella of dill, garlic, hot pepper, having previously bathed them in a hot marinade.

Place zucchini mugs and pieces of bell pepper in the marinade. Let it boil and cook over low heat under the lid (!) for up to 10 minutes.

Place the vegetables, along with the marinade in which they were cooked, into jars. First, the solid part, dividing equally into 2 jars. Then add the marinade right up to the neck.

We roll up the workpiece, turn it over, and place it under insulation to cool slowly.

Zucchini for the winter in marinade with mustard - video

If you are ready to give your pristine delight only to distinctly spicy snacks, then the video below is the best guide to action. The housewife uses dry mustard to piquantly prepare a large batch of vegetables - 4-4.5 kg.

You will need:

  • Zucchini - 4.5 kg (prepared)
  • Garlic and dill umbrellas
  • Leaves: bay, currant and cherry
  • Black peppercorns and cloves
  • Mustard (dry powder)

For the marinade:

  • Water - 2.5 l
  • Sugar - 250 g
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Vinegar (table, 9%) - 400 ml

Nadezhda suggests cutting the zucchini into large cubes.

Both young and old vegetables are suitable for this recipe.

We hope you liked at least one recipe. For the first experiment, we would focus on two samples - with or without sterilization, but in classic composition.

Zucchini season is quickly ending, but these delicious, vitamin-packed vegetables can easily be preserved until spring. The main thing is to choose the right method of preserving the product. You can make zucchini preparations for the winter with a variety of additives. Golden snack recipes are published below.

Zucchini, like milk mushrooms for the winter

It’s not for nothing that zucchini is called “chameleon vegetables”, because they are able to try on a variety of tastes. To prepare spicy ala mushrooms, you need to take: 3.5 kg of vegetables, 1 tbsp. unflavored sunflower oil and the same amount of table vinegar, 2 tbsp. coarse salt, 2 heads of garlic, a small bunch of parsley and fresh dill, 6 tbsp. Sahara.

  1. Zucchini is cut into small squares (no thicker than 2 cm).
  2. Finely chopped greens are added to the vegetables.
  3. The garlic is passed through a press and, together with sugar, oil, vinegar and salt, is sent to the zucchini cubes.
  4. Together, the products are marinated for at least 3 hours at room temperature.
  5. First, a little liquid formed during infusion is poured into sterilized jars, and then the zucchini is loosely placed.
  6. Containers with contents are sterilized in boiling water for 12-14 minutes.

After the procedure in boiling water, the jars are rolled up with a key and left to cool upside down. without wrapping (otherwise the vegetables will soften too much).

Golden recipe for Mother-in-law's tongue salad

For treats, it is important to take high-quality tomato sauce - without starch and flavorings. One glass is enough. And, besides this, we use: 1.5 kg of zucchini, 4 cloves, 1.5 tbsp. table vinegar 9%, 7-9 black peppercorns and 6 cloves, 80 g granulated sugar, 1 pc. bitter pepper, 3 sweet bell peppers, a head of garlic, 120 ml of drinking water and vegetable oil, half a large spoon of salt.

  1. The zucchini is peeled, cut into cubes, mixed with chopped garlic cloves and hot pepper. The sweet vegetable is also finely chopped.
  2. Cloves, peppercorns, tomato sauce, vegetable oil, drinking water, granulated sugar and salt are sent to the container with the products listed above.
  3. The appetizer is brought to a boil over medium heat, and then cooked over low heat for 25 minutes with frequent stirring.
  4. 7-8 minutes before readiness, vinegar is poured into the pan.

All that's left is to roll it up.

Recipe for making zucchini jam

You can even prepare sweet zucchini dishes for the winter. So, to make jam you need to take: 800 g of granulated sugar and vegetables, 1 large lemon, 120 ml of drinking water.

  1. Syrup is boiled from water and sugar for 5-6 minutes.
  2. Zucchini cubes and a lemon minced through a meat grinder are placed in the liquid. Cook the ingredients together for 45 minutes over medium heat.

The dish is rolled into sterilized containers hot.

Squash caviar: recipes for preparing for the winter

Zucchini caviar goes well with toast, croutons or just soft bread. And it is very easy to prepare. Today several successful recipes are known.

  1. The onion is sautéed and then stewed with grated tomatoes until the volume of the mass is reduced by about 2 times.
  2. Zucchini is cut into pieces, mixed with a few tablespoons of water and steamed in a saucepan under a lid until softened.
  3. All vegetables are mixed and pureed in a blender.
  4. All that remains is to salt and sweeten the ingredients, cook the mixture for half an hour, pour vinegar into it, stir and roll into jars.

It is also possible to store the preparations on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Zucchini-eggplant caviar

Products you will need: 2 pcs. young zucchini, eggplant, yellow or red sweet pepper, tomato, onion and garlic cloves, 2 tbsp. salt, 70 ml vegetable oil, ground red pepper to taste.

  1. The onion is fried in oil until golden, then small pieces of sweet pepper, tomatoes, eggplant, and zucchini are added to it one by one. Each new layer must be cooked before adding the next one. They need to be lightly salted.
  2. At the end of cooking, chopped garlic is added and the mixture is tested for salt.

Squash caviar can be either rolled up or served immediately.

With tomatoes for the winter

Products you will need: 3 kg of zucchini, 1.2 kg of carrots and white lettuce onions, 2 kg of ripe tomatoes, olive oil, coarse salt, granulated sugar, ground pepper.

  1. All vegetables are individually fried in olive oil until golden, after which they are passed through a meat grinder together.
  2. The resulting mass is salted and peppered, and sprinkled with sugar to taste.
  3. Next, the mixture needs to be transferred to a saucepan or saucepan, brought to a boil, then evaporate the excess liquid over low heat.
  4. The finished product is placed in jars and pasteurized.

Before you send the rolled pieces into the cold for the winter, they need to be cooled upside down.

Squash caviar with vinegar

Products you will need: 800 g of young zucchini without skin, half a kilogram of overripe tomatoes, white onions and carrots, 1 tbsp. non-aromatic oil, 1-1.5 tbsp. salt, 2.5 tbsp. white sugar, 3-4 garlic cloves, 1 tbsp. table vinegar, a pinch of hops-suneli.

  1. All vegetables, except onions, are grated and fried one by one in a small amount of any fat until soft. The onion is cut into small cubes and also sautéed.
  2. Together, the ingredients are simmered in a frying pan until soft and the juices have evaporated. Then vinegar, salt, sugar, garlic cloves and suneli hops passed through a press are sent into the container.
  3. Next, the mass is stewed for another 15 minutes.
  4. All that remains is to roll the caviar into sterilized containers.

This winter snack is so delicious that if you make it in small quantities, it may not last until winter.

Zucchini lecho


  • zucchini (1 kg);
  • bell pepper (0.5 kg);
  • sugar (2 tbsp);
  • salt (0.5 tbsp);
  • vegetable oil (50 ml);
  • tomato paste (200 ml);
  • vinegar 9% (50 ml);
  • bay leaf (3 pcs.);
  • water (300 ml);
  • black pepper and allspice peas (4-6 pcs.).
  1. Wash the zucchini, remove the peel and seeds, cut into small cubes. Wash the pepper, remove seeds and membranes, then chop. Mix zucchini, bell peppers, sugar, salt, tomato paste, vegetable oil and water in an enamel pan.
  2. Place the pan on the stove and simmer for half an hour, two minutes before readiness, place chopped garlic, bay leaf, and two types of peppercorns into the pan. At the very end, pour in the vinegar, put the lecho into sterile jars, roll up and wrap. Once the jars have cooled, place them in a cool, dark place.

Zucchini "under milk mushrooms"

Canned zucchini


  • zucchini (2 kg);
  • dill (35 g);
  • parsley (25 g);
  • garlic (3-4 cloves);
  • ground pepper mixture (5 g);
  • nutmeg (8 g);
  • coarse salt (30 g);
  • sugar (75 g);
  • unrefined sunflower oil (180 ml);
  • citric acid (10 g).
  1. Wash the zucchini, cut into circles, remove the pulp and seeds, cut into small cubes, and place in an enamel pan.
  2. Wash the dill and parsley, chop them together with the stems, and add to the zucchini.
  3. Finely chop the garlic and add it to the pan, add salt, sugar, a mixture of peppers, nutmeg, citric acid, add sunflower oil and stir.
  4. Cover with a plate and marinate for 4 hours at room temperature. During this time, the zucchini will release juice, which, together with the spices, will give a fragrant marinade.
  5. Sterilize the jars, place the zucchini in them, and fill them to the top with marinade. Place a cloth napkin on the bottom of the pan, pour warm water, place jars of zucchini in the pan, sterilize for 10 minutes from the moment the marinade boils.
  6. Take out the jars, roll them up and put them on the lids until they cool completely. After two weeks, the taste of zucchini will become similar to pickled mushrooms.

Zucchini snack bars



  • zucchini (5 kg);
  • carrots (300 g);
  • onion (300 g);
  • vegetable oil (2 cups);
  • vinegar 9% (2 cups);
  • sugar (1 cup);
  • salt (2 tbsp);
  • garlic (200 g);
  • parsley and dill (100 g).
  1. Grate the zucchini and carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onions and herbs finely, peel the garlic and pass through a press.
  2. Combine zucchini and carrots in a large saucepan, add oil, sugar, salt and vinegar. Cook for 20 minutes, stir occasionally. Then add garlic and herbs to the appetizer and cook for another 10 minutes.
  3. Wash the jars with soda and sterilize using any known method. Place the salad in jars and place them in a saucepan for sterilization. 10 minutes after the water boils, remove the jars and roll up the lids.
  4. It turned out to be a very good appetizer for the winter table.

Zucchini "with a glass"

Zucchini appetizer

Another wonderful and simple recipe for a snack that, in the winter cold, will remind those gathered at the table of warm summer days. The recipe is similar to the previous one, but the taste of these preparations is different.


  • zucchini (6 kg);
  • vinegar 9% (0.5 l);
  • vegetable oil (0.5 l);
  • sugar (1 cup);
  • salt (3 tbsp);
  • ground black pepper (1 tsp);
  • garlic (100 g).
  1. Wash, peel, cut the zucchini into small cubes, chop the garlic with a knife, place the zucchini and garlic in a saucepan.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix all the ingredients of the marinade and pour it over the zucchini. Place on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Place the hot mixture in sterilized jars, roll up, and the appetizer is ready for the winter feast.

Zucchini "Mother-in-law's tongue"

From the name of the snack it is clear that it is prepared for spicy lovers.


  • zucchini (3 kg);
  • tomatoes (3 kg);
  • sweet pepper (5 pcs);
  • garlic (4 cloves);
  • fresh hot pepper (1-2 pieces per person);
  • vegetable oil (100 ml);
  • vinegar 9% (100 ml);
  • sugar (6-8 tsp);
  • salt (5-6 tsp).
  1. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into several pieces, remove the seeds from the peppers, and also chop them coarsely. Pass the tomatoes and peppers through a meat grinder and pour into a saucepan.
  2. Peel the zucchini and cut into tongue-shaped slices.
  3. Separate the seeds from the hot pepper, chop it and garlic.
  4. Bring the tomatoes and bell peppers to a boil, then place the zucchini in a saucepan, add butter, salt, sugar and cook for half an hour. Then add vinegar, garlic, hot pepper to the mixture and cook for another 5 minutes.
  5. Wash the jars thoroughly with baking soda and sterilize them, place the hot, spicy snack into the jars and seal them with sterilized lids.

Adjika from zucchini for the winter with apples

Adjika from zucchini

Another spicy snack that you can safely take to a picnic in winter - as a barbecue sauce, it will perfectly replace any store-bought product.


  • zucchini (5 kg);
  • sweet red pepper (1 kg);
  • hot pepper (15-20 small pods);
  • garlic (200 g);
  • apples (1 kg);
  • carrots (1 kg);
  • vegetable oil (500 ml);
  • vinegar 9% (200 ml);
  • sugar (200 g);
  • salt (5 tbsp).
  1. Therefore, all vegetables and fruits must be prepared in size so that it is convenient to pass them through a meat grinder.
  2. Cut the carrots and bell peppers into strips, core the apples and divide them into slices, cut the zucchini into pieces. Peel the garlic and prepare the hot pepper.
  3. Zucchini, carrots, sweet and hot peppers, garlic, apples, mince. Place the mixture in a cooking pan, add salt, sugar, and vegetable oil. Stir, cover with a lid, put on the stove, bring the contents of the pan to a boil, reduce the heat to low and leave to simmer for 30 minutes.
  4. Then add vinegar, stir and cook for another 5 minutes.
  5. When hot, place into sterile jars, roll up with sterilized lids, turn the jars over and wrap until completely cool. Adjika can be stored at room temperature, but in a place inaccessible to daylight.

Korean zucchini


  • zucchini (2 kg);
  • carrots (1 kg);
  • onions (0.5 kg);
  • sugar (1 cup);
  • vegetable oil (1 cup);
  • vinegar 9% (1 glass);
  • salt (2 tbsp);
  • coriander (1 tbsp);
  • black pepper (1 tsp;)
  • cloves (1 tsp);
  • cardamom (1 tsp).
  1. Grate the carrots using a Korean carrot grater. Peel the zucchini, remove the soft part with seeds and grate as well. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Combine carrots, zucchini and onion in a large bowl.
  2. Prepare the marinade. To do this, mix salt, sugar, spices and vinegar in a separate bowl. Then add vegetable oil and marinade to the bowl with vegetables, mix thoroughly, cover the bowl with a lid or cling film and place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
  3. During this time, sterilize jars and lids using any available method. When the aroma of Korean-style zucchini spreads throughout the house, place the salad in sterile jars, lay a cotton napkin on the bottom of a wide pan, place the jars in it, pour water over their hangers, cover with lids and put on fire.
  4. Sterilize half-liter jars for 15-20 minutes from the moment the water boils, and 25-30 minutes for liter jars. At the end of the operation, roll up the jars, put them on the lids, wrap them in a blanket and, after completely cooling, store them in a cellar or pantry.
  5. To prepare this salad, you can use a ready-made mixture for Korean carrots and keep in mind that it already contains salt and sugar. But it’s better to mix the ingredients yourself, as this allows you to experiment with the composition of spices.

Spicy zucchini with garlic and carrots

Spicy zucchini

This snack is very easy to make and at the same time gives an amazing taste effect. Fragrant, crispy zucchini will certainly not leave anyone indifferent.


  • zucchini per 1 kg;
  • medium-sized carrots (2-3 pieces);
  • garlic (10-12 large cloves);
  • salt (1 tbsp);
  • sugar (2 tablespoons with a large slide);
  • vegetable oil (0.5 tbsp);
  • vinegar 9% (2 tbsp);
  • water (270 ml).
  1. Wash the zucchini, peel, remove the core and seeds, cut into large cubes 1.5-2 centimeters in size.
  2. Pour water into the pan where the preserves will be cooked, add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar. Place the pan on the fire, bring the marinade to a boil, then place the zucchini in it. Stir and after boiling again, cover the pan with a lid, reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. During this time, wash and peel the carrots, cut them into strips or grate them on a coarse grater, and pass the garlic through a garlic press.
  4. Place the garlic and carrots in the pan, cook for another 5 minutes, then place the snack in sterilized jars.
  5. Place the jars with the snack in a wide saucepan on a cotton napkin, cover with sterile lids, pour water up to the hangers of the jars, bring the water to a boil, and sterilize for 10 minutes.
  6. Take out the jars, roll them up, turn them upside down and wrap them until they cool completely. The snack, which can be stored in any dark place, is ready.

Squash caviar just like in the store

Squash Cavier

Not a single decent list of zucchini-based recipes can be imagined without a recipe for zucchini caviar. There are quite a lot of them, they differ both in the composition of the components and in the manufacturing technology. Here is a recipe that closely resembles the taste of store-bought squash caviar.


  • zucchini (1 kg);
  • carrots (150 g);
  • onions (200 g);
  • garlic (2 cloves);
  • tomato paste (2 tbsp);
  • refined vegetable oil (for frying);
  • bay leaf (1 pc.);
  • salt (to taste);
  • pepper (to taste);
  • dried herbs (dill, parsley, basil, oregano to taste).
  1. Peel the zucchini, cut into small cubes, fry in hot oil until golden brown. To prevent the zucchini from burning, you need to stir it constantly.
  2. After the zucchini is fried, they must be placed in a cauldron. Then separately fry finely chopped onion and grated carrots and add them to the cauldron.
  3. Put tomato paste, garlic, salt, spices there, pour in about 150 grams. boiled water and start simmering over low heat, remembering to stir constantly.
  4. Simmer for at least an hour and watch the liquid. If it boils away, then it is necessary to add water but so that the caviar is not too liquid
  5. Then beat the caviar in a food processor, leave some for eating in freshly prepared form, and place the intended amount for preparations for the winter back in the cauldron. Boil over low heat for another 20-25 minutes, place in sterile jars, which, together with the contents, must be sterilized for an hour. Then roll up the jars.
  6. This technology allows squash caviar to be stored without adding vinegar, which significantly improves its taste.

Zucchini salad for the winter has already entered our culinary menu, like many other zucchini dishes. Well, for example, an article about which I recently published.

It’s also very famous, which I now eat with pleasure, although after my student days I didn’t really respect it. For the young people, I will explain that as students, this was our main food, since we spent the scholarship in the first three days. And caviar cost a penny.

Another one of the most famous dishes is. My friend also didn’t eat zucchini back in the day, just like me. He started eating them as soon as he tried zucchini pancakes at a party and asked what it was made from?

To put it simply, zucchini is delicious. Let's make salads for the winter. Oh, how useful they will be.

Recipes for zucchini preparations for the winter, simple and tasty zucchini salads

I know that many men prefer meat. Well, do it cleverly and serve it with the zucchini salad that you prepared for the winter. How delicious it will be!

  1. Zucchini salad for the winter is finger-licking in a simple marinade


  • Zucchini - 1 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg.
  • Large bell pepper - 4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
For the marinade:
  • Sugar - 100 g.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.


1. Wash all the vegetables, peel the garlic.

2. Cut the zucchini into small cubes, about 1.5 cm. Cut the tomatoes and bell peppers into strips. Chop the garlic finely.

3. Place the tomatoes in a saucepan, add salt and sugar. Gently mix everything and let it cook, stirring occasionally. The tomatoes will release juice. After the juice has boiled, cook the tomatoes for another 10 minutes, continuing to stir occasionally.

4. After 10 minutes, add chopped zucchini. Following them we send chopped pepper. Add vegetable oil and mix. The zucchini will release its juice. After it boils, cook for another 30 minutes.

5. About 15 minutes before readiness, add chopped garlic. Don't forget to stir periodically. Do this carefully. We want a salad, not porridge.

6. 2-3 minutes before readiness, add vinegar. Close the lid immediately to prevent the vinegar from evaporating. Cook for a couple of minutes, bring to a boil and remove the pan from the heat.

7. Place the hot salad into sterilized jars and close with lids. You can roll them up with metal ones or screw them in with screws, which are now fashionable. The lids also need to be sterilized.

8. Immediately turn the jars upside down and place them in a certain place.

I would like to remind you, do not place hot cans directly on the table, much less on metal. Or use a towel or wooden cutting board.

9. Wrap the jars in something warm, a towel, an old blanket, old clothes and leave to cool completely. Then we move it to a storage place.

We got 4 cans. The total volume of the cans is approximately 2.5 liters.

We store it in a cool place, on the loggia, and in severe frosts or heat we bring it home. So I think they will stand up well at room temperature.

Our zucchini salad for the winter is finger-licking-ready.

We store it, take it out when we want and enjoy it.

Bon appetit!

  1. Recipe for a simple and very tasty zucchini salad for the winter


  • Zucchini - 2 kg.
  • Onions - 3-4 pcs.
  • Sweet bell pepper - 4-5 pcs.
  • Water - 100 g.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. with a slide
  • Sugar - 200 g.
  • Tomato paste - 150 g.
  • Vinegar 9% - 100 g.
  • Parsley - 1 bunch


1. Clean and chop the washed vegetables if necessary.

2. Peel the zucchini and cut it into small cubes.

3. Also cut the onion and bell pepper into cubes and also into small ones. If you have the opportunity, use different colored peppers. It will look beautiful in a salad. Unfortunately we didn't have any red pepper.

4. Finely chop the parsley.

5. Place the chopped zucchini in a prepared large saucepan, followed by the chopped bell pepper. Add onions and sprinkle chopped parsley.

6. Pour water into a separate cup, add vegetable oil, salt, sugar, vinegar and tomato paste. Mix everything well.

7. Pour our marinade over the vegetables. Mix everything well and put our salad on the fire.

8. As soon as the salad releases its juice and boils, reduce the heat and cook, stirring occasionally for another 35-40 minutes.

9. Well, that’s all, our salad is well cooked and ready to put in jars.

10. Place the salad in jars and roll up the lids.

11. After rolling the jars, put the lids down and roll them away. Thus, they must cool down before they can be moved to the storage cabinet.

And then you can take it out and eat it.

Bon appetit!

  1. Zucchini salad for the winter - mother-in-law's tongue - recipe with photos step by step


  • Zucchini - 3 kg.
  • Carrots - 3 pcs. (large)
  • Chili pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1 cup,
  • Vinegar 9% - 80-100 ml.
  • Sunflower oil - 200 ml.
  • Tomato juice - 500 - 600 ml.
  • Sugar - 1 glass,
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.


1. Grate the washed carrots on a coarse grater. Pour vegetable oil into a basin, or into a saucepan, or into a frying pan, heat it well and put the grated carrots in it. Fry the carrots for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

2. Our zucchini is young and small. We cut them lengthwise into plates approximately 5 mm thick.

3. If the zucchini is large, peel the skin and cut them crosswise into circles, and cut the circles in half.

4. Cut off the tip with the stem of the hot pepper and remove the seeds. If you like spicy dishes, you can leave some of the seeds or not remove them at all.

5. Grind the garlic and hot pepper in a meat grinder, each into a separate bowl.

6. While we were working on the zucchini and peppers and garlic, the carrots were already fried. Pour tomato juice into the carrots, stir, you can pour 600 g at once, add salt and sugar. Mix everything well again.

7. When the sugar and salt dissolve, add the twisted pepper. Next add all the chopped zucchini. Mix everything.

8. Now it seems that there is very little fluid. But the zucchini will heat up and release its own juices. Everything will be OK. After the salad boils, simmer the vegetables for another 45 minutes.

9. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add minced garlic and vinegar. Mix everything well.

10. In 10 minutes our salad is ready.

11. Reduce the heat to very low so that the salad does not cool down. Place the salad in sterilized jars and seal with sterilized lids.

12. Turn the jars upside down and leave to cool. We send it to a storage location.

We got 7 cans of 0.5 liters each. The rest was spent on sampling by the thirsty.

Well, now the zucchini salad for the winter, the mother-in-law’s tongue is completely ready.

Bon appetit!

  1. Zucchini salad for the winter with carrots, tomatoes and sweet peppers


  • Zucchini - 2 pcs. little ones
  • Carrots - 2 pieces,
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Onions - 2 heads
  • Greens - dill or parsley.
For the marinade:
  • 750 ml water
  • Salt - 1 s. l. with a slide
  • Vegetable oil - 80 ml.
  • Vinegar 9% - 80 ml.
  • Sugar - 80 g.


1. Wash all vegetables, dry and cut into rings.

2. We begin to fill the sterilized jars. At the bottom, in each one, we put a clove of garlic, a sprig of dill and parsley. You can put one or the other, or dill, or parsley, to taste. Next we put 2-4 slices of carrots. We put a couple of zucchini circles there.

3. Next, add 2-3 slices of onion, and then sweet pepper, also, as you remember, cut into circles. The next layer is 1-2 circles of tomatoes. And again, 2-4 circles of zucchini. Then again carrots, onions, peppers, zucchini and tomatoes. It turns out to be such a multi-layered salad.

4. Covering the jars with your hand, shake them a little to compact them, and then add more that will fit.

5. Prepare the marinade. Pour 750 ml into the pan. water. Place on the stove and bring to a boil. Add salt and sugar. Add vegetable oil and vinegar. Bring to a boil again.

6. The marinade has boiled, we immediately begin to pour our vegetables into the jars. We pre-installed the jars on a special wooden stand. Can be placed on a towel.

Be careful and careful! Don't get burned!

7. Now we will sterilize them. Line the bottom of the pan with a towel or cloth. Cover the jars with lids until they are rolled up and place them in a pan on a cloth. Fill the jars with warm water up to the shoulders.

Make no mistake. If you pour cold water, the jars may burst, as the hot marinade is poured into them.

8. Bring the water to a boil and continue to sterilize (boil) for 25 minutes.

9. After 25 minutes, carefully remove the jars and roll them up. Turn the jars over with their lids down, wrap them in something warm and let them sit until they cool completely. We usually leave it like this overnight or even a day. We remove the jars to a place of permanent storage.

Zucchini salad is ready for the winter.

It turned out to be a beautiful, very tasty salad.

Bon appetit!