Boiled fish cooking technology. “Technology for preparing fish dishes” lesson plan on the topic

All types of fish are used for boiled dishes, but some (silver hake, herring, crucian carp, omul, navaga, smelt) are tastier when fried. To prepare dishes from boiled fish of partial species, take whole carcasses of small fish weighing up to 200 g and portioned pieces cut from fillets with skin and bones. The fish is boiled in fish cauldrons, stewpans and deep baking sheets. To preserve their shape, portioned pieces are placed skin side up for cooking. A large fish, whole carcass, is tied with twine and placed on the grate of a fish pot, belly down.
During cooking, the fish should be completely covered with water (150 g of water per 100 g of product). Portioned pieces are poured with hot water, and whole carcasses are poured with cold water for better boiling, salt is added and for flavoring - onions, carrots, peppers or celery, spices, and for sea fish (cod, perch, flounder) with a specific smell, a spicy decoction is prepared with an increased containing spices and vegetables and put fish in it. Sometimes cucumber pickle is also added. To preserve the juiciness and shape of the product, after boiling the water or broth, the fish is cooked without boiling at a temperature of 90-95 ° C. Readiness is checked with a chef's needle. If the fish is ready, the needle enters freely and clear juice comes out. Portioned pieces are cooked for 10-15 minutes, large carcasses and links - 1 hour or more, weight loss is about 20%. Store the finished fish in broth at a temperature of 50-60 °C for 30-40 minutes. Boiled fish is served with a side dish of boiled or mashed potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin with green peas, and additionally fresh, salted, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. The sauces used are: tomato with vegetables, white with capers. They are served separately or poured over the fish (the sauce is not poured over the side dish). The top of the dish is sprinkled with parsley and dill. In Ukrainian cuisine, boiled fish is served with white sauce with sorrel and white sweet and sour sauce with raisins.
Poaching is a type of cooking with the addition of a small amount of liquid to the product - 30% of the weight of the fish. Poached fish is tastier and more nutritious, since less substances are lost during heat treatment and its tissues are more tender. This method of heat treatment is used very often. For poaching, fish of partial breeds is cut into portions with skin without bones or without skin and bones. Small specimens are poached whole carcasses. This is done in the same container that is used for cooking, but with the lid closed. Portioned pieces of fish of partial breeds are placed on the boiler grate, skin side down. Pour in hot fish broth or water at the rate of 0.3 liters per 1 kg, add onions and white roots. For marine fish, add citric acid, cucumber pickle or vinegar to the water.
In the cuisines of the Baltic countries and Ukraine there are fish dishes, mainly sea fish, stewed in milk with the addition of onions and vegetable oil.
Portioned pieces of fish can be poached in the oven, having previously covered them on top with cellophane or parchment. The duration of poaching portioned pieces is 10-15 minutes, links and carcasses are 30-45 minutes. Losses are 15-20%. Boiled vegetables, potatoes, and crayfish necks are served as a side dish for poached fish. Sauces used: steam, tomato, brine sauce. They are poured over the top of the fish to disguise the surface of the pieces.

Side dishes and sauces for dishes. Conditions, terms of storage and sale

Fish is prepared boiled, poached, stewed, fried and baked. It is not recommended to fry or bake salted fish; it is prepared boiled, poached and stewed. Trifles of the first group can be boiled, poached, fried, or stewed. It is advisable to fry the fines of the second and third groups. Fish is stewed less often, since its connective tissue consists almost exclusively of collagen and quickly softens during heat treatment.

The choice of heat treatment method for various types of fish depends on their chemical composition, specific taste characteristics, as well as the regime and duration of storage after catching.

Boiled fish dishes.

For cooking, use whole carcasses with or without heads, portioned pieces cut at an angle of 90. Sturgeon fish is cooked in links with the carcass tucked in.

When boiled in water, up to 2% of the soluble substances of the fish mass are transferred into the broth, including up to 0.5% of extractive and mineral substances. Therefore, in order for dishes to have a more pronounced taste, it is better to cook fish in broth made from fish waste.

When boiling a whole fish, it is tied with twine and placed in a special elongated fish cauldron on a wire rack, skin side up, filled with cold water (the layer should cover the product about 3 cm high - 2 liters per kg of product), spices, herbs, parsley, bay leaf are added, peppercorns, salt, cucumber pickle.

Sturgeon carcasses and links, as well as fish of other valuable species and freshwater fish species, are cooked without the use of spicy roots, since this fish has good taste and a pleasant smell, that is, it does not require additional flavoring. When cooking trout and salmon, citric acid or vinegar is added to preserve the specific blue color of the skin. It is allowed to pour boiling water or broth over portioned pieces of sturgeon fish to reduce cooking time and reduce loss of nutritional value.

The process of cooking fish is carried out in two stages: bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook at a temperature of 85-90C. Cooking time for portioned pieces is 12-15 minutes, for links - 45-90 minutes.

Large pieces (for example, beluga) - 2-3 hours.

The cooked fish is removed from the cauldron along with the grate, the twine is removed, transferred to a heated dish (plate) skin up, a side dish is placed on the side and around - boiled potatoes, peeled into barrels or whole tubers, cut into slices, or mashed potatoes. Before serving, pour melted butter over the potatoes and sprinkle with chopped herbs. You can also use additional side dishes: boiled crayfish, shrimp, canned crab, Ocean pasta, mushrooms, boiled cauliflower, pickled and fresh cucumbers and tomatoes; Be sure to use lemon, dill and parsley.

Cooked sturgeon fish links are cooled, cleaned of cartilage (losses during stripping - 3-10%), cut into portions, poured with broth and brought to a boil. If the fish is intended for preparing cold dishes and snacks, then it is pre-cooled, the twine is removed, cartilage and bones are removed, and then used for its intended purpose.

Fish, shaped like a carcass or fillet, is portioned using a fish spatula. During a mass release, the fish is topped with sauces, and when served in portions, the sauce is served in gravy boats.

Dishes of boiled sturgeon fish (boiled link) are served with white sauce with capers and white wine sauce; Boiled fish (fillet) is served with white main, tomato, sour cream or Polish sauce.

Fish zrazy with prunes in Russian style - prepared from a cutlet mass, in the middle of which prepared minced meat is placed (the pit is removed from the prunes, allowed to swell, combined with eggs and butter). The formed zrazy is steamed for 20-25 minutes. They release 2 pieces. per serving, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes are used as a garnish.

Fish dumplings are boiled in a steam or water bath in special molds filled 2/3 with dumpling mass. The finished quenelles are removed from the molds, decorated with crabs, shrimp, boiled mushrooms and poured with white wine, steam or tomato sauce.

Weight loss when cooking fish is 18-20% (for sturgeon - about 15%). Boiled fish is stored in broth for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 60-65C. Boiled fish is stored at a temperature of 4-8C for 24 hours.

It is better not to use bream, carp, carp, crucian carp, roach, navaga, smelt, herring for boiled main courses, since fried dishes from them are more tasty.

The fish is cooked in portions, links and, less often, whole. Any fish except sturgeon is cooked in portions; in links or large pieces (up to 5 kg) - only sturgeon fish; whole - large specimens of fish for preparing banquet dishes. They cook fish in fish kettles (carbines) and stewpans. After the water boils, reduce the heat and cook the fish without boiling at a temperature of 80-90°C.

Portioned pieces of fish are placed in one row, skin side up. Pour hot water over the fish (2 liters per 1 kg of fish); To improve the taste, white roots, onions and sometimes carrots are added. Bay leaves and pepper are added only in cases where the fish has a specific unpleasant odor.

Sea fish that have a specific smell (cod, haddock, catfish, flounder, halibut, etc.) are boiled in a spicy broth. To do this, add salt, allspice and hot peppers, bay leaves, carrots, onions, parsley, dill, celery to the water, boil for 5-7 minutes, then add the fish and cook until tender. The cooking time for a piece of fish weighing 150-200 g is on average 12-15 minutes.

Sometimes when cooking cod, mackerel, catfish, tench and other fish, cucumber brine or the skin and seeds of pickled cucumbers are added. This softens the taste, weakens the specific smell, and the fish acquires a more delicate consistency.

When cooking trout and sturgeon, no spices or vegetables are added, since these fish have a very pleasant taste and aroma and there is no need to beat them.

The weight loss of fish when cooking in portioned pieces (most fish) is 20%, only cod and flounder - 18, and catfish - 25%.

Sturgeon fish links prepared for cooking are placed on the grate of a fish boiler. To maintain their shape, the links are tied, but it is not necessary to tie them to the boiler grate. Very large links (beluga) are cut into pieces of 2-3 kg. Sturgeon fish is poured with cold water, brought to a boil, and then cooked until tender over low heat. Cooking time for sevruga links is 45-60 minutes, sturgeon - 1-1.5 hours, large pieces of beluga - 2-2.5 hours. Weight loss is 15%.

Fish is usually cooked in sections for cold dishes. The cooked fish is washed with hot broth and cleaned of cartilage. The readiness of fish during cooking is determined using a chef's needle (the needle fits freely into the finished part).

Whole fish (salmon, trout, white fish, pike perch, etc.) are boiled, mainly to order. When boiling freshly dried (1.5-2 hours) trout, to obtain a blue color, the fish is dipped in a warm solution of vinegar (3%) for 20-30 s, and then boiled in salted water.

Side dish for boiled fish: boiled potatoes, turned into barrels, mashed potatoes and a slice of lemon; Additionally, you can serve boiled crayfish or shrimp as a side dish. Boiled fish dishes are served with sauces: Polish, Dutch, tomato. If the fish is served without sauce, then pour melted butter over it. Parsley or dill are used to decorate the dish.

Boiled fish with Polish sauce. WITH This sauce is most often served with pike perch, tench, pike, whitefish, catfish, Far Eastern salmon, and sturgeon. Pieces of boiled fish are placed on a portioned dish, surrounded by a side dish of boiled potatoes in the shape of barrels or whole tubers; Additionally, you can add boiled crayfish. The potatoes are sprinkled with chopped parsley or dill and poured with oil. Polish sauce is served separately or poured over fish.

Boiled fish with hollandaise sauce. WITH This sauce is recommended for serving pike perch, tench, Far Eastern salmon, cod, and sea bass. The fish is cooked and served in the same way as with Polish sauce.

Boiled fish with white sauce and capers. This sauce is most often served with pike perch, tench, cod, flounder, halibut, Far Eastern salmon, whitefish, taimen, omul, and sea bass. The fish is cooked and served in the same way as with Polish sauce.


The Russian people have always been distinguished by the abundance of fish dishes served. The menu of Russian National Cuisine restaurants will not leave even the most demanding gourmet indifferent, because they revive ancient recipes and use them to prepare dishes that served as decoration for royal tables.

It’s not for nothing that in the past, every Thursday was a fish day in catering establishments. And although fish, unlike meat, has never been considered an energy food due to its low calorie content, its main value is in easily digestible protein.

In addition, fish is a real storehouse of various minerals, which, together with vitamins, ensure the normal functioning of the entire body.

The high nutritional value and taste of fish have determined its great importance in our diet. Fish dishes are widely used in the everyday diet, in children's and dietary nutrition.

Fish goes well with complex hot types of culinary dishes; it can be eaten hot, and goes well with various side dishes.

A huge range of fish dishes can satisfy the tastes of the most sophisticated gourmets.

The purpose of this course work is to analyze the technology for preparing complex hot fish dishes specializing in restaurants of Russian national cuisine.

1. Characteristics of the selected assortment of complex hot fish dishes

.1 General culinary characteristics of complex hot fish dishes

Fish is a highly nutritious food product, not inferior to the best varieties of domestic animal meat. It contains the most important nutrients necessary for humans: a large amount of proteins, easily digestible fat, a lot of vitamins A and D, a significant amount of B complex vitamins, minerals and trace elements, especially potassium, phosphorus, iodine. By eating, for example, 100 grams of cod fillet, a person covers his body’s daily need for iodine.

The tenderness, softness of fish, the sharpness of taste and aromatic sensations, the abundance of seasonings and spices, spices, aromatic herbs, sauces all contribute to the preparation of a wide range of delicious fish dishes.

According to the method of heat treatment, fish is distinguished between poached, fried, stewed and baked.

1.2 Boiled fish

The fish is cooked whole carcasses, links and portioned pieces. In general, they cook pike perch, salmon, trout, pike, and nelma. To do this, the prepared carcass is tied with twine and placed on the grill of a fish pot, belly down. The grate is placed in a fish pot, filled with cold water, salted, onions and parsley roots are added and put on fire. When cooking trout and salmon, vinegar is added to help them retain their color.

Sturgeon fish is cooked in sections. The prepared links are folded over, the links are tied with twine and placed on the grate of the fish pot, skin side down. The boiled links are cut into portions, and before leaving they must be heated in fish broth.

Boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes are mainly used as a side dish for boiled fish. Additionally, salted or pickled cucumbers, fresh tomatoes, cabbage salad or green salad are served.

Dishes are sprinkled with chopped parsley, celery or dill. The sauce is served in a gravy boat or poured over the fish. The most commonly used sauces are: Hollandaise, Polish, tomato, Hollandaise sauce with lemon juice or capers, white sauce with capers, white crayfish.

Sturgeon fish is served with horseradish sauce with vinegar and hot tomato sauce. The name of a boiled fish dish includes the name of the fish and the sauce with which it is served. For example, boiled salmon, tomato sauce, boiled cod, Polish sauce, etc.

1.3 Poached fish

The fish is poached in a small amount of liquid, so the nutrients are better preserved and the dish turns out tastier and more nutritious.

For poaching, the same types of fish are used as for boiling. It is poached in whole carcasses, links and portioned pieces. Most often, fish fillets or whole links with skin, or portioned pieces with or without skin are used. The prepared fish is placed in a bowl in one row, skin side down, salted, peppercorns are added, water or broth is added, onions, parsley, and celery are added. To improve the taste, add dry white wine and a decoction of champignons.

The fish is poached on the stove under a lid or in an oven, covered with oiled paper or cellophane.

Vegetable salads, cucumbers, and tomatoes are also used as an additional side dish.

Poached fish is served with various sauces, the choice of which depends on its type. The most common sauces served with poached fish are steam sauce, white wine, brine sauce, tomato sauce, Russian sauce, and sailor sauce.

1.4 Steam fish

Most often, pike perch, pike, catfish, beluga, sturgeon, whitefish and some other types of fish are used to prepare this dish. The fish is cut into fillets with skin without bones or fillets without skin and bones and cut into portions. Place the chopped fish in one row in a saucepan, sprinkle with salt, add onions, parsley, champignons or champignon broth, dry white wine, broth and simmer.

Sturgeon fish links are cut into portions and simmered in broth with white wine without spices. The resulting broth is used to prepare the sauce.

The cooked fish is placed in an oval ram, sliced ​​heated champignons or porcini mushrooms, crabs or crayfish necks are placed on it and poured with steam sauce. Place a side dish on the side and sprinkle with herbs.

1.5 Baked fish

The fish is baked raw, poached or fried. Cut it into portioned fillet pieces without rib bones, with or without skin. Small fish are baked whole. The fish is baked along with side dishes - fried, raw or boiled potatoes, buckwheat porridge. The frying pans are greased with oil, the sauce is added, prepared pieces of fish fillet without skin and bones are placed, a side dish is placed, poured with sauce, sprinkled with oil and baked in an oven at a temperature of 250 to 280 degrees until golden brown. Raw fish is baked with white sauce. When leaving, pour oil over the dish and sprinkle with parsley or dill.

1.6 Stewed fish

Before stewing, portioned pieces of fish are most often fried, but sometimes raw or salted fish are also stewed. Small fish are used whole.

The prepared fish is placed in a saucepan, poured with broth, various aromatic and spicy vegetables are added and everything is simmered over low heat under a closed lid until cooked.

1.7 Fried fish

All types of fish are used for frying. It is first cut into fillets with or without rib bones, with or without skin. Small fish are fried whole with the head, navaga, trout, crucian carp, herring, smelt and others, sturgeon in links and portioned pieces. To preserve the shape of the pieces of fish during frying, two or three cuts are made on its surface. The prepared fish is salted, sprinkled with pepper and breaded in flour and wheat breadcrumbs.

There are several ways to fry fish: with a small amount of fat in a frying pan, with a large amount of fat in deep fat.

Table 1 - Complex hot fish dishes

No. Name of the dish Appearance of the dish Assortment of raw materials 1 Boiled Pike perch Quality requirements. Appearance: should be well cooked, but not falling apart, retaining its shape. Consistency: soft, slight separation of fish pulp is allowed. Color: cut fish are white or light gray. Taste and smell: characteristic of approved fish. - Pike perch - carrots - parsley - onions - bay leaf - black peppercorns - salt2 Carp poached with tomato sauce Quality requirements. Appearance: Should be boneless and skinless, neatly coated with sauce. The fish is decorated with a side dish. Fish that retains its shape. Consistency: soft, juicy. Color: from white to gray. Taste: poached fish. Taste and smell: characteristic of admitted fish. Color: from white to light blue. - carp - onion - parsley - mushroom decoction - celery - bay leaves - tomato sauce - garnish3 Stuffed carp Quality requirements Appearance: stuffed fish is released whole. The side dish is placed neatly, topped with butter. Taste and smell: characteristic of fish with onion flavor. Cut color: light grey. Consistency: soft, juicy - carp - White bread - Onions - Eggs - Ground black pepper - Salt 4 Fried smelt Quality requirements. Appearance: solid piece shape, evenly fried. Taste and smell: specific, characteristic of this type of fish. Smell of fish and fat. Color: golden crust on the surface. Consistency: soft, juicy. - Smelt - vegetable oil - broccoli - ground black pepper - salt 5 Cod stewed in milk with wine Quality requirements. Appearance: stewed pieces of fish placed on a plate, in milk, with wine Consistency: soft cod, slight separation of the pulp is allowed Color: cut fish fillet is white or light gray, Taste: fish Smell: products included in the dish - cod - Vegetable oil - dried chili pepper; - garlic - milk - dry white wine - mascarpone - chopped herbs - basil - salt - ground black pepper 6 6 Pollock, baked Quality requirements. Appearance: the surface is covered with an evenly toasted crust, without cracks. Consistency: soft, juicy; crispy crust Color: surface - light brown when cut, gray Taste and smell: characteristic of the products included in the recipe. Consistency: soft, juicy. - pollock - potatoes - onions - carrots - tomatoes - steppe cheese - salt - ground pepper - mayonnaise - sunflower oil

2. Range and characteristics of raw materials

The chemical composition of fish is not constant and depends on the type of fish, age, sex, habitat, time of fishing and other factors. The content of basic substances in fish meat is in percentage: water from 52 to 83, proteins from 12 to 23, fats from 0.2 to 3.3, minerals from 0.5 to 3. The composition of fish also includes vitamins A, group B , RR, D, E.

Fish meat proteins are mostly complete. These include simple proteins globulins and albumins and complex nucleoproteins, phosphoproteins and glucoproteins). They contain all the essential amino acids, which are easily digestible and are of great importance in the functioning of the body. Connective tissue also contains the defective protein collagen. When cooked, collagen turns into glutin, forming jelly. When cooking fish, extractive nitrogenous substances are easily extracted by water and give the broth a specific taste and smell that stimulate appetite and promote better absorption of food.

Fish oil contains many unsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic and arachidonic acids, which are of great biological importance for the human body. Fish oil is easily digestible and is a source of fatty acids and vitamins A, D, E, and K that are not synthesized in the body.

Depending on the fat content, fish are divided into lean (at least 2 percent), medium fat (2 to 8 percent), fat (5 to 15 percent), and extra fat (15 percent).

Of the mineral substances in fish meat, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, and chlorine predominate. There is also iron, copper, cobalt, manganese, iodine, bromine, fluorine, etc. Marine fish contains more minerals than freshwater fish.

One of the most valuable root vegetables. They contain a lot of easily digestible sugars, provitamin A-carotene and minerals. They must be fresh, unfaded, without diseases, mechanical damage, not ugly in shape, with the length of the remaining petioles no more than 2 cm. Carrots are divided into two commercial grades: selected and ordinary.

Onion vegetables

Onion vegetables contain, in percentage, no more than: sugar up to 9, proteins up to 3, minerals up to 1.2, vitamins C, B. The presence of essential oils and glycosides gives onion vegetables a sharp taste and aroma that stimulates appetite and promotes better digestion and food absorption. They also contain phytoncides that kill microbes.

Alliums include onions, green onions, types of onions, and garlic. Store greens for no more than 2 days.

Sugar consists of pure sucrose, which is a valuable food product and raw material for the confectionery industry. Consists of individual crystals. The taste of sugar should be sweet without any foreign odors or tastes. The consistency is free-flowing without lumps, the color is white with a shine, the solution in water is transparent.

Sugar is packaged in paper or plastic bags.

Store sugar in dry, ventilated areas without sudden temperature fluctuations, at temperatures from 0 to 30 degrees, relative humidity not higher than one percent.


It is a crystalline substance containing up to 99 percent sodium chloride. Salt can be rock salt, evaporated salt, self-salt, or cage salt.

According to the processing method, the salt is finely crystalline and ground. Also iodized per 1 ton of salt is 25 g of potassium iodide. In terms of quality, table salt is produced in the following grades - extra, premium, 1st and 2nd grade.

Store salt in dry rooms at a relative humidity of no more than 75 percent; iodized salt must be stored for no more than 6 months in dark rooms. Salt is supplied to the POP packaged and weighed.


Butter contains in percentage: fat from 52 to 82.5, protein from 0.6 to 5.1, lactose from 0.6 to 1.8, ash from 0.3 to 1.3, water from 15 7 to 32 ,6, vitamins A, D E, group B. The energy value of 100 g of unsalted butter is 748 kcal, or 3130 kJ.

Butter is obtained by churning cream or converting high-fat cream. B Appendix A Table 2 Separation of raw materials

Appendix A, Table 2 of the division of raw materials, lists the main and auxiliary raw materials for the preparation of fish main courses. However, it is not possible to list all raw materials. Only the elements most often found in the recipes I have chosen are described. In addition, some raw materials marked in the table as main ones can be used in other recipes and as auxiliary ones. Therefore, we can assume that the only raw material that appears in each recipe is fish.

2.1 Characteristics of the main raw materials according to regulatory and technical documentation

The quality of finished products largely depends on the raw materials entering production. It must meet the requirements established by GOSTs and technical specifications.

The main raw material is an integral part of the raw material that significantly influences the formation of the commodity characteristics of the finished product at the production stage. The main raw materials, along with the production technology, largely determine the assortment group of finished products. Table 2 - Characteristics of the main raw materials

No. Name of raw materials No. GOST Chemical composition, % Energy value, Kcal Commodity characteristics Proteins Fats Carbohydrates 1 Fish Pike perch, smelt, carp 814-96 18.41.1-84 Fish of the perch family have two dorsal fins, the first of which is spiny, the second is soft. The greatest commercial importance are pike perch, perch, ruff, and bersh. They are used for cooking and canning. The meat of fish of this family is white, tender, without small bones, but skinny; all fish have a lateral line. Cod Family of cod. This family includes cod, pollock, blue whiting, navaga, pollock, and hake. In all cod fish, the pelvic fins are located in front of or below the pectoral fins. The fish have three dorsal and two anal fins. The burbot has two dorsal and one anal fin. The body is covered with small scales. All cod are marine; fish, except burbot, which lives in fresh water. Their meat is white, low-boned, tasty, with a specific sea smell, skinny, but the liver contains up to 70 percent fat. Cod are used for the preparation of fish fillets, canned food, smoked and dried fish products, and delicacy canned liver products. 2 Butter R 529710.582.50.8748 Cow butter is a concentrated fatty milk product with good digestibility and high taste. The composition of cow butter includes milk fat, water, a certain amount of protein and mineral substances, milk sugar, vitamins A, D, E, K, group B; table salt, fillers sugar, honey, cocoa, etc. can also be added. Cow butter contains from 50 to 98 percent fat. Its digestibility is from 95 to 98 percent, the melting point is from 28 to 35 degrees. The calorie content of 100 g of oil ranges from 500 to 775 kcal. According to physiological standards, each person should consume 15 g of cow butter per day, not counting other fats. 3 White asparagus R 546991.9-6.888 Asparagus. Young juicy underground shoots, 18 to 20 cm long, are used for food. Young asparagus shoots have a sweetish, delicate taste and smell, and are white-pink in color. Shoots that appear above the ground are unsuitable for food, as they turn green and become bitter from sunlight. Asparagus is harvested in early spring and used as a side dish and canned. Asparagus is valued for its high taste. It ripens earlier than other vegetables and is a source of vitamin C.4 Tomato puree 3343-893.6-11.881 Tomato puree is a product of heat treatment of tomatoes. During its production (manufacturing), ripe tomatoes (tomatoes) are peeled from seeds and skin and boiled. During the cooking process, the moisture contained in tomatoes evaporates and the concentration of dry matter increases. Logically, the higher the proportion of dry matter in tomato paste, the more tomatoes were used in its production and the better it is. Normally, no additional ingredients are added to the paste, because... Everything you need is already contained in tomato fruits, including some sugars and salts. Content: B-carotene - 1.8. Vitamin B1 - 0.05, vitamin PP - 0.6, vitamin C - 26.0.5 Fresh champignon mushrooms 28649-90<#"justify"> Mushrooms belong to lower spore plants; they do not contain chlorophyll, cannot absorb carbon dioxide from the air and feed on ready-made organic substances found in the soil, humus. The caps and stems of edible mushrooms are eaten. The nutritional value of the cap is higher than the legs. Edible mushrooms contain a percentage of nitrogenous substances from 1.5 to 7; fat up to 0.9; carbohydrates to I; minerals up to I; vitamins A, group B, C, D, PP. Mushrooms are valued for their high content of extractive and aromatic substances, which give them a good taste and facilitate the absorption of food. 6 Pasteurized milk 3.5% fat 13277-792.793.54.6961 Natural cow's milk is the secretion of the animal's mammary gland and is a homogeneous white liquid with a creamy tint, with a pleasant specific sweetish taste. Milk is a source of minerals (0.7% on average), especially calcium and phosphorus. Milk contains almost all trace elements - cobalt, copper, zinc, bromine, iodine, manganese, fluorine, sulfur, etc. Minerals contribute to proper metabolism, the formation of hormones, vitamins, and enzymes. There are about 30 vitamins in milk: A, B, B2, B3, B9, B|2, C, D, H, PP, etc. There is a lot of water in milk, so its calorie content is low - 600-700 kcal per 1 liter.

Table 3 - Characteristics of auxiliary raw materials

No. Name of raw materials No. GOST Chemical composition, % Energy value, kcal Commodity characteristics Proteins Fats Carbohydrates 1 Premium grade wheat flour 26574-8510.31.168.9334 Wheat flour. Wheat flour is produced for retail trade, confectionery and baking industries. Premium flour is made from soft vitreous and semi-vitreous wheat. The flour is soft to the touch, the color is white or white with a creamy tint; flour yield from 10 to 15 percent; 40 percent ash content up to 0.55 percent; wet gluten content up to 28 percent. Used for sale.2 Chicken eggs27583-8812,711,50,7157The egg consists of 12 percent shell, 56 percent white and 32 percent yolk. The shell protects the contents of the egg from external influences and moisture evaporation. The egg white consists of an outer and inner liquid and middle dense layer, as well as grains, the densest part of the protein, thanks to which the yolk is located in the center of the egg. The amount of dense protein is an indicator of the freshness of the eggs. When whipped, the protein forms a thick, fluffy foam. The yolk is enclosed in the yolk membrane and is located in the center of the egg.3 Onions, onion vegetablesOnions. Onions and green feathers are used for food. The bulb consists of a bottom, from which roots extend downward, and fleshy scales extend upward. When the onion ripens, the top two or three scales dry out, forming a shirt that protects the fleshy scales from drying out and being damaged by microorganisms. The upper narrowed part of the bulb is called the neck. According to the shape of the bulbs, the onion can be flat, round, flat-round; By color they distinguish between white, yellow, purple; According to taste, onions are divided into hot, semi-sharp and sweet varieties. 4 Cooking fat 28414-89-99.7-897 Cooking fats are an anhydrous mixture of various animal and vegetable fats. Hydrogenated vegetable oils, rendered animal fats and whale oil are used as raw materials for their production. The fat mixture is prepared according to the approved recipe. Various components are added to cooking fats depending on the melting point of the mixture, which should be between 30 and 40 degrees. The prepared fat mixture is heated, stirred to ensure uniform distribution of the introduced components and quickly cooled. Cooking fats are substitutes for rendered animal fats. The color of cooking fats should be from white to light yellow. The taste and smell must correspond to the name of the fat. The consistency is solid and homogeneous. When melted, cooking fats should be transparent. Cooking fats contain no less than 99.7 percent fat and no more than 0.3 percent moisture. Their melting point is from 18 to 36 ° C, depending on the type. 5 Dry white wine R 52523-20060.2-0.2272 Grape wines are produced by complete or partial fermentation of grape juice with or without pulp. The alcohol content of grape wines ranges from 9 to 20 percent. Grape wines have a natural chemical composition and have dietary and medicinal properties. Wines contain sugars, mainly glucose and fructose, organic acids, vitamins C, B, PP and P, minerals, tannins, coloring and aromatic substances. White wines are produced mainly from white grape varieties by fermenting grape must without skins and seeds. Dry table natural wines contain alcohol from 9 to 14 percent revolutions. and sugars up to 3 percent. Assortment: Riesling, Aligote, Razdorskoe white, Fetyaska, Rkatsiteli, etc.6 Refined vegetable oil 1129-93-99.9-899Sunflower oil is produced by pressing or extracting sunflower seeds. Depending on the organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators, it is divided into the following commercial grades and brands: unrefined oil - premium grade I and grade II; hydrated oil - premium, I and II grades; 2.2 Conditions and periods of storage of raw materials

Chilled and frozen fish

Chilled fish.

Store chilled fish at temperatures from 1 to 5 degrees and relative humidity from 95 to 98 percent. The shelf life of large fish is from 10 to 12 days, small fish from 7 to 9 days. In stores, the shelf life of chilled fish should not exceed 1 to 2 days.

Frozen fish.

Frozen fish is packaged in wooden or cardboard boxes with a capacity of up to 40 kg. Wooden boxes are lined with wrapping paper. The fish are laid in rows, and the blocks are covered with thick paper. Packing in baskets with a capacity of up to 60 kg, wicker boxes up to 30 kg and dry barrels is also allowed. Larger fish are packed in bales, which are wrapped in matting or cotton cloth and tied.

In stores, frozen fish is stored in the container in which it came from the supplier: in the absence of cold for up to 1 day, at a temperature of about 0 degrees for up to 3 days, at a temperature of up to 5 degrees for up to 14 days.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oils are packaged in boxes. They are produced packaged and bulk.

Refined deodorized oils for retail are produced only in packaged form, in glass bottles with a capacity of 500, 400, 250 g, as well as in bottles made of colored polymer materials from 400 g or more. Oil bottles must be hermetically sealed.

Bottles of oil are placed in wooden nesting boxes or in containers made of polymer materials. It is allowed to pack bottles made of polymer materials in cardboard boxes, and for local transportation in metal open boxes. The boxes are also marked accordingly.

Store bottled vegetable oil in dark rooms at a temperature not exceeding 18 degrees and a relative air humidity of 85 percent for no more than 4 months.

Onion vegetables

Onions and garlic are packaged weighing up to 5 kg or any weight in mesh, polymer bags or bags made of transparent film. Store in dry rooms at temperatures from 0 to 10 degrees and relative humidity from 75 to 80 degrees.


At a temperature no higher than minus 3 degrees and a relative air humidity of no more than 80 percent, butter is stored from the day of packaging: 10 days in parchment; 20 days in foil; 15 days in cups and boxes made of polymer materials; 90 days in metal cans.

The shelf life of Vologda oil should be no more than 30 days. After the specified time, it is sold as unsalted sweet butter of the appropriate grade. Ghee at a temperature of 0 to 3 degrees is stored for 3 months if packaged in glass jars, and 12 months in metal jars.

When storing oil, it is necessary to protect it from light and ensure air circulation.

Dry white wine

Store wines in darkened rooms in a horizontal position at a temperature of 8 to 16 degrees. Semi-sweet wines should be stored at a temperature of 2 to 8° degrees. The relative humidity of the room should be between 70 and 75 percent for bottled wine. Wines should not be frozen and stored at temperatures below minus 6 degrees.

The guaranteed shelf life of wines supplied to the domestic market, depending on the type, ranges from 3 to 5 months; sparkling up to 6 months; cognac up to 24 months from the date of release.

Products in which no turbidity or sediment has appeared after the expiration of the warranty period are suitable for further storage and sale.

Fresh mushrooms

Fresh mushrooms must be clean, unbruised, worm-free, without soil and sand. They cannot be stored fresh for a long time, and therefore, after sorting, they are immediately processed, dried, salted and pickled.

Cooking fats

Cooking fats are packaged in plywood or cardboard boxes weighing up to 30 kg, as well as in wooden barrels and plywood drums. They are produced in small packaging in bags made of greaseproof polymer films or in the form of bars wrapped in parchment, from 200 to 500 g, as well as in cans of 0.5 and 1 kg.

Cooking fats are stored at temperatures from 4 to 6 degrees for up to 12 months, from 1 to 4 degrees for up to 6 months, from 5 to 10 degrees for up to 3 months, from 11 to 18°C ​​for up to 1 month. Relative humidity should be 80 percent

Chicken eggs

Eggs are packed in corrugated cardboard or polymer boxes with a capacity of 360 pieces using tuberous gaskets. Eggs can be sold packaged in cardboard or polymer boxes from 6 to 12 pieces. Dietary and table eggs are packaged separately by category.

Eggs are stored at a temperature not lower than 0 degrees and not higher than 20 degrees with a relative humidity of 85 to 88 percent: dietary eggs can be no more than 7 days, table eggs from 8 to 25 days, washed eggs can be no more than 12 days.

Wheat flour premium

Store flour at temperatures up to 18 degrees and relative humidity 60 percent for 6 months. At low temperatures down to 0 degrees, the shelf life of flour is extended to 2 years.

Pasteurized milk

Cow's milk should be stored at a temperature of up to 8 degrees and no more than 36 hours from the end of the technological process. Sterilized milk is stored at a temperature from 0 to 10 degrees for up to 6 months; at a temperature from 0 to 20 degrees it should be no more than 4 months.

2.3 Morphological structure of raw materials

Rice. 4 - Structure of fish muscles

According to the morphological structure, striated, smooth and mixed muscle tissues are distinguished. Smooth muscle tissue is the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels and others. Mixed muscle tissue is the muscles of the heart.

Striated muscle tissue is represented by three muscle groups: muscles of the head, fins and torso. The most developed muscles of the fish are the trunk muscles, which consist of four groups - two dorsal and two abdominal, separated lengthwise by connective tissue partitions. They are divided transversely into a number of sections - myomeres, separated from each other by thin partitions - septa.

Rice. 5 - Cheese structure: 1- macrograins; 2 - micrograins; 3 - interlayers; 4 - microvoids

Rice. 6 - Structure of a plant cell: 1- cell wall; 2- cytoplasm; 3 -vacuole; 4-core; 5-chloroplasts; 6-cell membrane

<#"justify">3. Technological process for preparing COMPLEX hot fish dishes

.1 Technological processes for primary processing of raw materials

The main goal of primary processing of raw materials is to obtain semi-finished products from products, which then undergo further, mainly thermal, processing. Semi-finished products are, for example, peeled potatoes, cut fish, and so on.

As a rule, primary processing takes place in a fish procurement workshop.

Fish processing

Fish comes to restaurants live, chilled, frozen, or in the form of frozen fillets produced by industry.

The technological process of fish processing consists of the following operations: thawing frozen fish, cleaning, gutting, cutting and preparing semi-finished products. (Appendix B Fig. 2 technological scheme for processing fish)

Scaly fish are cleaned of scales manually or with mechanical scrapers. Scaleless fish with a bony skeleton, burbot, eel, and large catfish, are skinned. Then, depending on the size of the fish and the type of further use, it is gutted and cut in various ways.

The belly of a small fish is cut open, the entrails and gills are removed, but the head is left behind. For heat treatment, it comes as a whole carcass; large fish are used as a whole carcass only for preparing banquet dishes.

After gutting, medium and large fish are plastered and the fillets are cut from the vertebral bone. As a result of plating, fillets with skin and bones, fillets with skin and rib bones, fillets with skin without bones, fillets without skin and bones are obtained. When cutting into fillets without skin and bones, the fish is gutted and washed, without removing scales, a clean fillet. Then the fillet is washed, cut into portions or semi-finished products are prepared from it.

Sometimes fish weighing from 1 to 1.5 kg are used unlined. In this case, the head is separated along with the entrails attached to it, the fish is gutted without cutting the abdomen, washed and cut into portioned pieces called round pieces.

To prepare stuffed fish by eye, pike perch or pike, gut the fish in portions without cutting the belly, cut into round pieces about 5 cm thick and carefully, so as not to damage, cut out the flesh on both sides of the spine, which is then used to prepare minced meat. This stuffing is used to fill the holes of the rounds.

Pike and pike perch are also stuffed whole. In this case, the skin of the pike is removed with a stocking, the insides are removed and the flesh is separated from the bones. Minced meat is prepared from the pulp, the skin is filled with it, the head with the gills removed is attached, and the whole thing is wrapped in cellophane. In pike perch, longitudinal cuts are made on the back, the rib bones are cut on both sides of the spine and it is removed. Then the flesh is cut out, leaving it on the skin in a layer of up to 0.5 cm. The carcass is filled with minced meat prepared from the pulp, wrapped in cellophane and tied with twine.

Fish with a cartilaginous skeleton are cut as follows. After thawing, the sturgeon's dorsal bugs are cut off, the head with pectoral fins is cut off, the dorsal fin is cut off, and the vizig is removed. As a rule, all sturgeon, with the exception of sterlet, are supplied to public catering establishments gutted. Therefore, after removing the vizigi, they immediately begin layering.

Waste from primary fish processing:

fish used whole from 14 to 20 percent, with the head removed up to 15 percent,

fish used unlayered from 17 to 45 percent,

filleted fish with skin and rib bones from 27 to 50 percent,

filleted fish with skin without rib bones from 40 to 52 percent,

fish fillet without skin and rib bones, clean fillet from 50 to 58 percent.

Storage of semi-finished products

Fish and semi-finished products from it are perishable products, as they contain a lot of water. Prepared fish carcasses for cutting portioned semi-finished products, as well as sturgeon fish links, after cooling, are stored at a temperature of 0 to 4 degrees for no more than 24 hours.

Semi-finished products should be cut no earlier than 2 hours before cooking.

Mushroom processing

The most common types of mushrooms: porcini, boletus, boletus, boletus, saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms. Champignons, which many restaurants source from greenhouses, are especially widely used. Catering establishments supply mushrooms fresh, dried, salted and pickled.

Fresh mushrooms are sorted by type and size: large, medium and small. Then the lower part of the leg is cleared of soil. Some mushrooms, champignons, etc. have their skins removed from their caps. After this, the mushrooms are immersed in cold water for 30 minutes, and then washed, changing the water 3 to 4 times. To protect the champignons from darkening, after cleaning, place them in water acidified with citric acid.

The caps of large mushrooms are finely chopped for minced meat; chopped for soups; Whole medium-sized and small mushrooms are used to prepare side dishes. Dried mushrooms are sorted, washed and soaked in cold water. Salted and pickled mushrooms are removed from the brine, washed and sorted. Large mushrooms are cut into slices or slices. Waste up to 24 percent

Processing onion vegetables.

The bottom and neck of the onion are cut off and dry scales are removed. Wash the onions only before heat treatment. The main forms of cutting onions: half rings for dressing soups, except naval borscht and soups with cereals, solyanka, beef stroganoff, onion sauce, cubes for daily cabbage soup, soups with cereals, minced meat, onion sauce with gherkins, wedges for stews, rings as side dish raw, for deep-frying. The root, yellowed and rotten leaves of the leek are removed, then the greens are cut off. The remaining part is cut lengthwise and washed. Leeks are sorted and cut into strips. The white part is cut into strips or slices.

Garlic is peeled in the same way as onions, the heads are divided into cloves and the shell is removed from them.

Table 4 - Form of cutting vegetables

Slice shapeApproximate dimensions, cmMethod of heat treatmentCulinary useStrawsLength from 4.0 to 5.0 Cross section from 0.2 to 0.3; from 0.2 to 0.3 Sautéing For complex hot fish dishes Cubes With ribs from 0.2 to 0.4 Sautéing For complex hot fish dishes Slices Varying length, height up to 3.5 Sautéing For stewed complex hot fish dishes

Potato processing

Potato processing is carried out as follows: potatoes are sorted, washed and peeled in potato peelers. Young potatoes are peeled while being washed in baths or in potato peelers without abrasive lining. The prepared potatoes are cut into pieces of various sizes and shapes. The most common forms of cutting are slices, circles, sticks, cubes, and straws. Potatoes must be cut immediately before cooking, as they darken when stored in air. Waste from 20 to 40 percent depending on the season.

Processing Asparagus

The asparagus is sorted, peeled so as not to break the heads, washed in cold water and tied into bunches. The stems in each bunch should be the same thickness and length. To do this, the protruding lower ends of the stems are cut off. Waste up to 27 percent.

Storage of semi-finished vegetable products

Peeled and chopped vegetables cannot be stored for long periods of time. In order for them to retain their taste and color, they must be immediately sent for heat treatment. The maximum shelf life of peeled vegetables is from 2 to 3 hours at a temperature of 12 degrees.

Peeled carrots and parsley are stored on baking sheets or in trays covered with a damp cloth. Raw peeled potatoes are stored in water to prevent them from darkening. Potatoes treated with sulfated sodium bisulfate can be stored in air at a temperature of 15 to 16 degrees for up to 24 hours, from 5 to 6 degrees for up to 48 hours. Parsley, celery, leeks, lettuce, sorrel and spinach are stored in baskets and sieves in refrigerated areas. Prepared asparagus is stored in water acidified with citric acid.

.2 Technological processes of heat treatment of the resulting semi-finished products

Table 5 - Heat treatment of semi-finished products

Type of heat treatment List of semi-finished products Culinary purpose Basic Cooking Basic method Boiled fish Until ready, boiled fish Poaching Fish without bones Until ready, fish poached with white wine sauce Stuffed fish Until ready, stuffed pike perch Carrots and parsley cubes For sauce Frying In a frying pan Until ready Combined Stew Fish in milk with wine Fish stewed in milk and wine until readyBakingFish + eggUntil ready, baked fish with egg

Technology for preparing boiled pike perch

Fish, filleted with skin and rib bones, is cut into portions. Two or three cuts are made on the surface of the skin of each piece so that the pieces of fish do not become deformed during cooking. Then they are placed in one row in a bowl, skin side up, filled with hot water, the level of which should be from 3 to 5 cm above the surface of the fish, onions, carrots, parsley, bay leaves, black peppercorns, and salt are added. When the liquid boils, remove the foam and cook the fish until tender without boiling at a temperature of 85 to 90 degrees for 5 to 7 minutes, counting from the moment the water boils. Store boiled fish in hot broth for no more than 30 to 40 minutes. Appendix G Calculated portion of boiled fish

Technology for preparing carp poached with tomato sauce

In a small amount of broth with the addition of cucumber brine, boil carrots, parsley, champignons, turnips, onions, peeled cucumbers, and capers. Vegetables are cut into cubes. Fish fillets are placed in a saucepan, poured with broth with roots, allowed to stand for a while, then simmered under a lid over low heat until cooked with the addition of tomato puree. Serve on a platter with vegetables and the resulting sauce. Grated horseradish and boiled potatoes are served separately. Appendix 3 Estimated portion of fish poached with tomato sauce.

Cooking technology Stuffed carp

Cut the meat from the backbone and grind in a meat grinder with soaked and squeezed bread, finely chopped and fried onions. Season the prepared minced meat with pepper, salt, add eggs, mix and refrigerate for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, place the minced meat into the skin of the carp, distribute throughout the carcass and place on a greased baking sheet. Grease the prepared stuffed carp with vegetable oil, cover with onion slices and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake the stuffed fish for 30 minutes. When serving stuffed carp, cut into portions, decorate and serve. Appendix And Calculation Part Stuffed carp

Technology for preparing fried smelt

Let's remove the head of the fish, while simultaneously pulling out the insides. Some people find it more convenient to do this with their hands, but I still prefer a knife. Rinse the carcasses under cold water. Next, put flour with salt and fish in a bag, tie the bag and shake. This way the smelt is evenly coated in flour.

Then fry the fish in a frying pan heated with oil until golden brown on both sides. Appendix 3 Calculated portion of fried smelt.

Technology for preparing cod stewed in milk and wine

Heat the oil in a deep frying pan wide enough to accommodate all the fish fillets in a single layer. Rinse the cod under running water and dry, season with salt and pepper and place in a frying pan. Fry over medium heat on both sides until the fish flesh turns white and thickens, avoiding the appearance of a golden crust.

Add chopped garlic and dried peppers, fry for no more than 1 minute, just to allow the flavors of the seasonings to be extracted. Pour in the wine and milk, increase the heat and simmer for 5-8 minutes until the meat begins to fall off the bones. Remove the fish and place on a plate, remove the spices from the sauce with a slotted spoon, add mascarpone to the milk mixture, beat lightly with a whisk, add basil, pour over the cod and serve. Appendix K Calculation part Fish stewed in milk and wine.

Baked pollock preparation technology

Wash the potatoes, peel them and grate them on a coarse grater. To prevent the potatoes from darkening, place them in a cup of cold salted water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Peel the onion and cut into thin rings. Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Cut the fish fillet into pieces, place in a baking dish greased with sunflower oil, add salt and pepper. Place chopped onion on the fish. Place grated carrots on the onion and brush with a little mayonnaise. Place the grated potatoes in a colander and let them dry a little. Place the potatoes on top of the carrots, add salt and coat with a little mayonnaise. Cut the tomatoes into rings and place them on the potatoes. Lubricate the layer of tomatoes well with mayonnaise and sprinkle with finely grated cheese. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 180°C for about 45-50 minutes. If the cheese browns earlier, cover the pan with a lid or foil and continue baking until the potatoes are ready. Appendix L Calculated portion of baked pollock fish.

3.3 Physico-chemical changes in food components during culinary processing of food products

Processes occurring during heat treatment of fish

When cooking fish, regardless of the method, the following are observed: changes in the nutritional value of the product associated with processes occurring with proteins, fats, minerals, and extractives; mass change; softening the product, as well as developing taste and aroma.

Changes in muscle proteins. As pieces of fish are heated, muscle proteins denature. It begins at a fairly low temperature of 30 to 35 degrees. In the range from 60 to 65 degrees, denaturation proceeds quickly until 80 degrees denatures 90 to 95 percent of the proteins.

Denaturation of proteins causes their coagulation, the gels of muscle fibers of myofibrils become denser. At the same time, hydration decreases and a significant part of the water is squeezed out along with minerals, extractives, and vitamins dissolved in it. As a result, the diameter of the fibers decreases, the nutritional value of the product and the weight of the semi-finished product decrease. The higher the heating temperature, the more intense the compaction of the fibers and the greater the loss of mass and soluble substances. Therefore, it is recommended to cook and simmer fish at a temperature of 80 to 90 degrees. When frying, the fish warms up in the center of the product only from 80 to 85 degrees, as a result of which the muscle fibers are compacted to a lesser extent.

When boiling and poaching, some of the soluble proteins pass into the broth before they denature. The amount is small and does not exceed 1 percent of the total content. Subsequently, these proteins also denature and coagulate, forming flakes and foam on the surface of the broth.

In addition to coagulation, hydrolytic processes partially occur during the heat treatment of fish.

Changes in connective tissue proteins.

Connective tissue consists mainly of the protein collagen. It is also part of the organic part of bones, skin, scales, gill covers, bone bugs of sturgeon fish, etc. When fish is heated, just as when meat is cooked, the collagen bundles of connective tissue swell in the presence of water. Further heating leads to the breaking of intermolecular bonds and a decrease in the length of the fibers by approximately 1/3 of their original length due to welding or shrinkage. As a result of denaturation, the volume of fish pieces is reduced, but less significantly than meat.

In the skin of fish, welding of collagen causes a greater reduction in linear dimensions and shrinkage of the skin than muscle tissue. This leads to deformation of the pieces, so before heat treatment, cuts are made on the skin of semi-finished products. Fish skin after heat treatment is relatively well digestible, since collagen after denaturation is more easily destroyed by proteolytic enzymes of the digestive tract.

With further heating, collagen fibers are destroyed, disintegrating into separate polypeptide chains, and collagen disaggregation. As a result, collagen is converted into soluble glutin gelatin. The transition of collagen to glutin is the main reason for the softening of fish and a decrease in the mechanical strength of its tissues. With excessively long heat treatment, all septal collagen is converted into glutin, the muscles disintegrate into myocomas, as a result, the quality of the finished products deteriorates.

Changing fats.

When cooking and poaching, the fat is rendered. The amount of such fat depends on the fat content of the fish and the nature of its distribution in tissues.

When frying semi-finished products from lean fish (pike perch, cod, and pike), the fat is absorbed, and when frying fatty fish (flounder, halibut, and herring), the fat is rendered. However, not only the fat content of the fish matters, but also the structural features of the adipose tissue. For example, sturgeon fish, despite their high fat content, lose little fat with all methods of heat treatment. This is explained by the fact that the fat in them forms deposits along the spine and between the myocomas, while it is located in cells of connective tissue.

When frying, some of the fat is sprayed and lost due to “burning”; some is absorbed by the breading when frying breaded products. With all methods of heat treatment of fish, the content of unsaturated fatty acids decreases and the content of saturated fatty acids increases.

Change in mass and content of soluble substances.

The change in the weight of semi-finished fish products depends, on the one hand, on the loss of moisture and soluble substances, and on the other, on the absorption of moisture by collagen. In addition, the change in mass is affected by the amount of fat released or absorbed, as well as the evaporation of moisture during poaching and frying of fish. During heat treatment, the weight loss of fish averages from 18 to 20 percent, which is half the loss of cattle meat. When boiling and frying fish, the weight loss is almost the same, ranging from 1 to 2 percent. All other things being equal, the weight of natural unbreaded fish pieces decreases more during frying than breaded ones. Frying fish in the field of infrared radiation in electric grills is accompanied by less weight loss of 4 to 5 percent. This is explained by the fact that a crust forms faster and the duration of heat treatment is reduced.

Mass losses during heat treatment of fish in a microwave oven microwave oven occupy an intermediate position between losses during cooking and frying.

When fried, products from the cutting lose only up to 15 percent of their weight. This is explained by two reasons. Firstly, in these products the structure of the connective tissue is disrupted and welding of collagen has less effect on the pressing out of moisture. Secondly, the moisture released by muscle proteins is retained in the pores of the crushed bread filler.

During cooking, 1.5 to 1.6 percent of the fish’s weight of soluble substances passes into the broth. When allowing in, the losses are somewhat less and range from 1.3 to 1.4 percent. Most of the extracted substances, up to 50 percent, are proteins that partially coagulate when heated, partially remaining in the broth, the rest is gluten, extractives, mineral elements, and fat. The composition of extractive substances includes amino acids, dipeptides carnosine, anserine, amines, nitrogen-free extractives, etc.

When frying, the loss of soluble substances is significantly less.

4. Presentation, design and serving of COMPLEX hot fish dishes

The quality of finished fish dishes is assessed according to the following indicators: compliance of the type of fish with the name of the dish, compliance with the type of processing accepted in the calculation, correctness of cutting the fish, correctness of cutting portions, condition of the breading (for fried dishes), degree of readiness, consistency, smell, taste, presentation of the dish .

Assessing the design of a dish should be approached in a differentiated manner. Thus, restaurants require that the fish be served on a platter, boiled potatoes be peeled, sauce served in a gravy boat, in addition to poached and baked dishes, additional side dishes: crabs, crayfish necks, shrimp. Regardless of the type of food establishment, general rules must be followed: the sides of the dishes are not covered with garnish and sauce; the main product and side dish are placed neatly; The dishes are heated, the temperature of the dish is not lower than 65 degrees. A side dish of fresh vegetables is served separately in a salad bowl to prevent the main product from getting cold.

To serve fish dishes, use the following dishes: for boiled fish, oval cupronickel dishes, for fried fish, cupronickel frying pans placed on small plates or oval metal dishes. Boiled fish is served in a lamb, the sauce for it, for example, for pike perch in Russian, separately in a metal sauce boat. When ordering fish dishes, pike perch in Russian, mirror carp and others, the table is served with fish knives and forks. The plates must also be warmed. It is advisable to place a plate for bones next to the pie plate.

Metal utensils

If the fish is prepared as a whole carcass from a live one, then it is also served whole, and on a utility table the waiter places it on plates if he has received the visitor’s permission.

Before release, boiled and poached fish should be stored on a steam table in broth at a temperature of 60 to 70 degrees for no more than 30 minutes. Fried fish on the stove or steam table should be no more than 2 to 3 hours, after which it is cooled to 6 to 8 degrees and stored at the same temperature for up to 12 hours. Before serving, the fish is heated in the oven or on the stove in the main way, after which it is sold for up to 1 hour. Fried and baked fish dishes are prepared according to demand.

Preparing complex hot fish dishes

Hot fish dishes can be made not only tasty, but also beautiful with the help of simple decoration, created from correctly processed and beautifully laid out elements.

The decoration elements themselves are created, as a rule, from fruits, vegetables, and seafood. The only food product that does not go well with seafood is meat, so it should not be used to decorate a fish table. Appendix B Fig. 1 decoration of dishes.

5. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the technological process of preparing dishes

.1 Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the workplace, equipment and utensils

Requirements for inventory and tools.

Inventory includes devices that make the cook’s work easier: cutting boards, paddles, skimmers, screens, sieves, pastry bags, tips, special syringes, rolling pins, molds, recesses, combs, etc.

Cutting boards are made from a whole piece of hardwood: oak, beech, birch, maple with a smooth surface. It is allowed to make boards from synthetic materials approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority. All boards must be marked in accordance with the product processed on them: OS - raw vegetables, OV - boiled vegetables, PC - raw fish, RV - boiled fish, RG - fish gastronomy, "Herring", X - bread and so on. During the work, they strictly monitor the correct use of boards according to the markings. After each operation, the boards are washed with hot water with detergents and a brush, having previously cleaned them with a knife from product residues, scalded with boiling water and stored on edge on a rack in special cassettes in the appropriate workshop.

All equipment is washed with hot water and detergents.

After use, sieves and gauze for straining the broth are thoroughly washed in hot water with the addition of detergents.

After washing with hot water, all metal instruments are disinfected by boiling in water or calcined in an oven.

Requirements for kitchen utensils and containers.

Kitchen utensils: pots, stovetop boilers with a volume of no more than 60 liters, stewpans, kettles, are made of stainless steel, aluminum and duralumin with a smooth surface. To avoid the transfer of odors to dishes, all boilers are assigned to certain workshops and labeled depending on the dishes being prepared. Baking trays are made of bare iron, and frying pans are made of cast iron. New forms, baking sheets, sheets must be calcined in ovens. Do not use molds, baking trays or sheets with carbon deposits for baking.

To wash kitchen utensils, bathtubs with two compartments are used. Dry and store kitchen utensils upside down on racks at a height of 0.5 to 0.7 meters from the floor. Kitchen utensils are not disinfected, as they are constantly subjected to heat treatment.

It is prohibited to use enamel cookware in restaurants, as it is fragile, especially cookware with damaged enamel. Aluminum and duralumin kitchen utensils can only be used for cooking and short-term storage of food.

Requirements for tableware.

For mechanized washing of dishes, universal dishwashers are used.

Plates, glasses, cutlery, cups, trays are washed in machines using detergents approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Dishes in the dishwasher pass through processing zones:

Jet cleaning with cold water to remove small food residues for 10 seconds;

Washing with a detergent solution at temperatures up to 50 degrees for 70 seconds;

Rinsing with hot water at temperatures up to 60 degrees for 10 minutes;

Secondary rinse with hot water at 96 to 98 degrees for 10 seconds.

2Inventory marking

Marking - application of symbols , letters, numbers, graphic signs or inscriptions on the object for the purpose of its further identification , indicating its properties and characteristics. In order to use equipment, utensils, utensils and containers that do not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, it can lead to a decrease in the quality of food products, their microbial contamination and chemical contamination, up to the spread of intestinal infections and the occurrence of food poisoning.

Cutting equipment is assigned to each workshop and has special markings. In its pure form, it is stored in workshops in special cassettes that prevent contact between cutting equipment for raw and finished products. Cutting boards and knives must be clearly marked in accordance with the product being processed on them: CP - raw fish, CO - raw vegetables, BP - boiled fish, BO - boiled vegetables, Greens, Salad, X - bread, RG - fish gastronomy.


In this course work, I examined the preparation of complex hot fish dishes, namely: baked fish, poached fish, fried fish. In addition, I reviewed the main raw materials needed to prepare these dishes. By the time the work was completed, I was convinced that the fish was indeed not only tasty, but also very healthy. However, when preparing fish dishes, you should always remember some details:

You should not use the meat of some fish: mackerel, tuna, saury when preparing dishes for children and adolescents, since the meat of these fish contains an increased amount of histidine, which turns into histamine during long-term storage, which is very harmful in large quantities;

when using fish with dark meat, it is better to prepare cutlet mass;

Fish should not be stored after defrosting;

the nutritional value of fish can be increased with side dishes and sauces; As a side dish, they usually use boiled or fried potatoes, which contain a lot of carbohydrates, which are not found in fish;

many sauces for fish dishes, containing a significant amount of fat, are served with skinny fish;

select sauces for fish dishes that have a pronounced aroma and taste of garlic, tomato, Russian, since fish has a specific smell; For the same reason, fish should be boiled with a lot of spices.

ensure that the fish retains its shape during cooking;

All these subtleties must be taken into account when preparing complex hot fish dishes to obtain optimal quality and taste that can surprise even the most sophisticated gourmet.


fish dish culinary processing

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.GOST 26.669-85. Food and flavoring products. Sampling methods for microbiological analyses.

.GOST 87.5621-89. Processed products of fruits and vegetables. Methods for determining fat.

.GOST 15.1134-77. Food concentrates. Methods for determining the content of impurities and infestation with barn pests.

.GOST 15.1139-77. Food concentrates. Methods for determining fat.

.GOST 51.157-98. Original and grape wines.

.GOST 26.313-84. Processed products of fruits and vegetables. Acceptance rules, sampling methods.

.Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN

.Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products SanPiN

20.<#"justify">Appendix A

Separation of raw materials

raw materials necessary for preparing complex fish dishes: main auxiliary - fish - cooking oil - potatoes - dry white wine - eggs - wheat flour - onion vegetables - vegetable oil

Appendix B

Technological scheme of fish processing

Appendix B

Preparing complex hot fish dishes

Appendix D

Fish shop

Appendix D

Equipment and dishes

Appendix E

Vegetable shop

Appendix G

Hot shop

Appendix 3

Boiled pike perch

Name of raw materialsGrossNetPike perch0.1390.122Carrot0.00 40.003Onion0.00 40.003Parsley0.00 30.002Weight of boiled fish-0.100Yield230

Appendix I

Poached carp with tomato sauce

Name of raw materials Gross Netto Carp 0.2390.112 Onion 0.0050.004 Parsley 0.0050.004 Weight of poached fish - 0.100 Champignons 0.0280.021 broccoli - Garnish - 0.150 Sauce - 0.075 Yield 0.466

Tomato sauce

Name of raw materials Gross Netto Basic white sauce-0.050 Eggs 0.0030.002 Margarine 0.0100.009 Citric acid 10.001 White wine 130.013 Yield 75

Name of raw materialsGrossNetWater0.0200.020Butter0.0100.010Wheat flour0.0100.010Onion0.0100.005Aaa Parsley0.0100.003Salt0.0020.002Yield50

Appendix K

Stuffed carp

Name of raw materials Gross Netto Carp 0.1430.073 Wheat bread 0.0140.014 Water 0.0150.015 Onions 0.0360.030 Table margarine 0.0040.004 Eggs 0.0010.001 Garlic 0.0020.001 Weight of semi-finished product - 0.125 Weight of stewed fish-0.100 Output 325

Appendix L

Fried smelt

Name of raw materials Gross Netto Smelt 0.1350.119 Wheat flour 0.0060.006 Vegetable oil 0.0080.008 Output 133

Appendix M

Cod stewed in milk and wine

Name of raw materials Gross Netto Cod 0.2390.122 milk 0.0370.037 Carrots 0.0450.036 Parsley 0.0080.006 Onions 0.0190.016 White wine 0.0200.020 Vegetable oil 0.0100.010 Vinegar 0.0050.005 Sugar 0.0040.004 Cloves0.010.01 Cinnamon0.010.01 Bay leaf0 .010.01 Weight of stewed fish - 0.100 Weight of finished fish with stewed vegetables - 0.200 Yield - 350

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1. Characteristics and features of technological processing methods of raw materials, nutritional value of fish

2. Assortment, classification of fish dishes

3. Features of cooking, technology of preparation and presentation of dishes

4. Development of technical and technological maps

5. Development of technological maps





Fish is an essential food product. In terms of chemical composition, it is slightly inferior to meat from domestic animals, and in terms of the content of minerals, vitamins and degree of digestibility, it is superior to meat. Fish contains: proteins - 13-23%, fats 01-33%, minimal substances - 1-3%, water from 50-80%, vitamins A, D, E, B2, B12, PA, PP, extract substances . Based on fat content, fish are divided into three categories: lean - up to 2% fat, medium - 2-5%, fatty - 5-15%. Fish with a fat content of 15% to 33% is considered especially fatty. The amount of fat in fish varies depending on its type, age, place of production, and time of year. Fat content can affect fish palatability and culinary use. Fish fat melts easily and is absorbed by the human body in the presence of vitamins A and D, which significantly increases its value. The fattest fish: eel, sturgeon, salmon, herring. Skinny fish include cod, pike perch, perch, and pike.

Sea fish is rich in minerals, phosphorus, and iodine. Fish proteins are complete because they contain essential amino acids. When cooked, the connective tissue protein kelogen easily turns into the soluble substance glutin.

The chemical composition of fish is not constant and depends on the type of fish, age, sex, habitat, time of fishing and other factors. The content of main substances in fish meat is (in%): water - 52 - 83, proteins - 12 - 23, fats - 0.2 - 3.3, minerals - 0 5 - 3. Fish also contains vitamins A, group B, PP, D, E.

Fish meat proteins are mostly complete. These include simple proteins (globulins and albumins) and complex ones (nucleoproteins, phosphoproteins and glucoproteins). They contain all the essential amino acids, which are easily digestible and are of great importance in the functioning of the body. Connective tissue also contains the defective protein collagen. When cooked, collagen turns into glutin, forming jelly.

When cooking fish, extractive nitrogenous substances are easily extracted by water and give the broth a specific taste and smell that stimulate appetite and promote better absorption of food.

Fish oil contains many unsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic and arachidonic acids, which are of great biological importance for the human body. Fish oil is easily digestible and is a source of fatty acids and vitamins A, D, E, and K that are not synthesized in the body.

Depending on the fat content, fish are divided into lean (up to 2%), medium fat (from 2 to 8%), fatty (5 to 15%) and extra fatty (more than 15%).

Of the mineral substances in fish meat, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, and chlorine predominate. There is also iron, copper, cobalt, manganese, iodine, bromine, fluorine, etc. Marine fish contains more minerals than freshwater fish.

The nutritional value of fish depends on the ratio of edible and inedible parts, structure and chemical composition, which are not the same in different types of fish. The content of edible parts in fresh fish ranges from 46 to 80%.

Requirements for the quality of raw materials

Fresh fish is supplied to catering establishments live, chilled or frozen.

In addition, salted fish, canned and sometimes dried, are used to prepare dishes and snacks.

Live fish is the most valuable food product. It is transported in car aquariums and stored in running water in aquarium baths for no more than 5 days. Mirror carp, pike, catfish, crucian carp, and carp are supplied live.

Chilled fish has a temperature inside the muscles of 0 to 1 0C. It is stored for 3 days at a temperature from 1 to 0 0C. However, more often frozen fish is received with an internal temperature from - 6 to - 8 0C. It is stored for no more than 5 days at a temperature of - 2 to + 12 0C.

1. Characteristics and features of raw material processing techniques,nutritional value of fish

The received fish must be of good quality. The main indicators are its appearance and smell. The fish should have elastic flesh, dense shiny scales, red spread gills without mucus, with the exception of certain types of scaleless fish.

The smell of stale fish is detected by test cooking a small piece in a closed container or by inserting a heated knife into the thickness of the flesh and immediately removing it. Poor quality fish can cause serious food poisoning, so it should not be used as food.

Uncut fish are subjected to primary mechanical processing. This technological process depends on the condition and culinary purpose of the fish and consists of thawing frozen fish, soaking salted fish, cutting, and preparing semi-finished products.

Thawing frozen fish is an important technological process that significantly affects the quality of the finished culinary product; frozen fillets are thawed on the tables. Small fish are immersed in a bath, filled with cold water at the rate of 2 liters per 2 kg of fish and thawed for 1.5-- 4 hours depending on the type and size of the latter. To reduce the loss of mineral salts in the fish during thawing, add table salt. When thawing, the fish swells and increases in weight by 5-10%.

Freezing and thawing modes have a significant impact on the quality of finished fish products.

Freezing is a method of preservation in which fish is cooled to the lowest possible temperature - to the cryo-hydrate point of a solution of salts and nitrogenous substances contained in its tissues. Freezing is one of the most reliable methods of canning. As a result of freezing, tissue enzymes and microorganisms find themselves in unfavorable conditions and putrefactive processes in fish practically stop. This is explained by the fact that at the temperature to which fish is frozen (18 ° C and below), enzymes, especially proteolytic ones, do not act on nitrogenous substances or have a very weak effect. Most microorganisms cannot develop at this temperature. In addition, for their life activity and the action of enzymes, water and substances dissolved in it are necessary. When fish is frozen to -18 °C, a significant part of the water, and at lower temperatures (-30 °C and below), almost all the water in the tissues turns into ice and an environment is created that is not favorable for the action of most enzymes and the development of microorganisms. And yet, even under such unfavorable conditions, some enzymes continue to act. These are catalase and pyroxidase, which cause fat oxidation.

Complex physical and chemical processes occur in the tissues of stored fish, which leads to tissue destruction and protein denaturation. As a result, the quality of fish after storage is worse than fresh, especially in terms of consistency.

The main reasons that cause changes in the properties of fish during freezing are: destruction of the tissue structure of fish meat by ice crystals formed when water freezes; denaturation of proteins under the influence of solutions used during freezing, the concentration of which increases when water is frozen; decomposition of some chemical substances contained in fish meat (destruction of adenosine phosphate, creatine phosphate, glycogen, which determine a certain state and properties of actomyosin complex proteins).

When fresh fish is slowly frozen, water moves from the muscle fibers into the interfiber spaces. As a result, the fibers in some areas of the fish meat are compressed, which causes the destruction of loose connective tissue, and in other places they are compressed. Sometimes one large ice crystal forms inside the muscle fiber. As a result, the tissue structure changes, large ice crystals deform muscle fibers with destruction of the sarcolemma. With rapid freezing, water freezes more evenly. In this case, small and numerous ice crystals form both in the muscle fibers and in the space between them. If the fish is frozen immediately after catching, the structure of the meat is better preserved, since the sarcolemma of the muscle fibers is still quite elastic.

Defrosting is the process of converting water in fish from solid to liquid. It is carried out by supplying the required amount of heat to the fish to increase its body temperature above the cryoscopic point.

The following methods of defrosting frozen fish are known: in air, by immersion in water and irrigation; in a solution of sodium chloride and other salts; in ice; industrial and high frequency electric current; infrared rays; ultrasound.

Of the two most common methods of defrosting - in water and in air - preference is given to the first.

Air way

The air defrosting method is the simplest and cheapest, but it has such disadvantages as the duration of the process, dehydration of the product surface, inhomogeneity of defrosting and the risk of increasing contamination with microorganisms. The duration of defrosting in air can be noticeably reduced by increasing air circulation and increasing its temperature, however, intense air circulation can cause significant dehydration of the surface. To eliminate this defect, humidified air is used for defrosting. This defrosting method is currently widely used abroad. The air speed in the defroster usually does not exceed 5 m/s, the air temperature is about 20 ° C at a relative humidity of 95%. It has been established that increased air humidity not only prevents dehydration of the product during defrosting, but also creates better conditions for heat exchange, so the duration of defrosting is significantly reduced. Fillet blocks in such defrosters defrost 4-6 times faster than when kept in air.

Defrosters of this type are developed by many leading companies. In an apparatus for defrosting fish in a stream of humidified air from the Japanese company Taiyo Manuffuring, the air is cleaned of contaminants in a special section before humidification. High air humidity at a relatively low defrosting temperature ensures high quality products with low bacterial contamination. The loss of tissue juice when defrosting fish in this installation was extremely low.

Special defrosters for defrosting herring and mackerel were developed by Fropack. A mixture of air and low pressure steam circulates in the defrosting system. The temperature of fish meat after defrosting does not exceed 6 °C, and in the thickness of the product it is at 0 °C.

Fish sent for defrosting is placed in pallets, which are then placed on trolleys like whatnots. The trays are designed in such a way that they prevent condensate from draining. The speed of air movement as the product defrosts changes in such a way as to ensure a minimum difference between its temperature and the temperature of the product. This temperature regime ensures uniform defrosting of the product. Steam is introduced into the air circulation system at certain intervals and condenses on the surface of the product. As a result, the humidity in the air layer near the product is constantly maintained at 100%, which prevents dehydration of the surface layer of the fish. The quality of defrosted fish was good. Losses during defrosting did not exceed 0.5%. The duration of defrosting blocks of fish weighing 25 kg was 8 hours.

An automated system with a capacity of 44 blocks in 10 minutes has been developed to load and unload blocks from the defroster. The productivity of the installation of 2 defrosting tunnels is 76 t/day.

Microwave defrosting provides the highest quality of defrosted fish. The rate of defrosting during microwave heating is 10 times greater than when defrosting in water, and almost 50 times greater than in air. The temperature difference in the surface inner layers during defrosting in water was 17 °C, in air - 13 °C, and during microwave defrosting - 3 °C. Thus, this defrosting method ensures the most uniform heating of the entire mass of the defrosted product. Such a mild defrosting regime had a positive effect on preserving the color of the product. The color brightness of the muscle tissue of halibut, herring and mackerel thawed using microwave heating is higher than that of those thawed in air by 23-26% and in water by 16-18%. However, despite the undoubted advantages of this defrosting method, it has not yet found wide practical application.

It is of interest to use high pressure when defrosting fish. Thanks to the bactericidal ability of high pressure, it is possible to carry out pasteurization of the product simultaneously with defrosting. This method is already used in Japan to defrost small pieces of fish.

Liquid defrosting

There are different ways to defrost fish in fresh water or in solutions of table salt. Defrost by immersing the fish in a liquid medium, which can be mobile or stationary. To ensure the mobility of the medium, mechanical circulation and bubbling mixing is used. Fish is also defrosted by irrigating the product.

The optimal liquid temperature is considered to be 15-25 °C. If the temperature is below 15 °C, then the duration of the process increases, and if it is above 25 °C, then the quality of the product sharply deteriorates.

The duration of defrosting a block 60 mm thick and weighing 4.9 kg with an initial temperature of -25 ° C depends on the temperature of the water and the speed of its circulation (Table 1). The movement of water speeds up the defrosting process. An important factor in the effectiveness of defrosting is the ratio of fish and water in the defroster, which should be 1:5.

The disadvantages of this method are the extraction of nitrogenous substances from tissue juice along with proteins, extractives and B vitamins, deterioration in the quality of the surface layer due to overheating or swelling of the fish. When defrosting fish by irrigation, the water temperature is 17 °C, the duration of the defrosting process is 40 minutes.

In the production of salted and smoked fish products, the defrosting process can be combined with salting. In this case, the fish is defrosted in a solution of table salt; the concentration of the solution should ensure the salt content in the fish at the level of 1.2-1.5%. The most commonly used salt concentration in brine is about 3%.

The disadvantages of this method are also the loss of nitrogenous substances and fish weight. When using the brine thawing method, it is necessary to reduce the temperature of the solution, speed up the thawing process and interrupt it when the temperature in the thickness of the fish is -3...-4 °C or the fish reaches a semi-defrosted state.

Method for soaking salted fish

Salted fish is soaked in cold water. Pour enough water to cover the fish and leave for 30-40 minutes. After this, clean the fish from scales, cut into pieces, rinse and immerse again in clean cold water for soaking, but for a longer period - from 4 to 8 hours, depending on the strength of the salting of the fish. The water needs to be changed every hour or two.

Processing scaly fish

Scaly fish with a bony skeleton are processed in different ways depending on their size and use on a board labeled R.S. (raw fish).

Processing of fish for whole use.

The process of processing this fish consists of cleaning the scales, removing fins, gills, and entrails through an incision in the abdomen, and washing.

In general, small fish (herring, smelt, fresh herring), as well as larger ones (pike perch, salmon) are used for preparing banquet dishes. Processing begins with cleaning the scales in the direction from the tail to the head, first from the sides, then from the abdomen.

The fish is cleaned manually with a medium chef's knife, grater-shaped or mechanical scrapers RO-1 (with a capacity of about 50 kg/h).

When processing large quantities of fish, large catering establishments use special scale cleaning machines. Using a special drum, fish with large scales are cleaned. Its productivity is 1.5 tons per hour with simultaneous loading of up to 160 kg of fish, cleaning time from 2 to 5 minutes.

A scale cleaning machine with a capacity of 20-30 fish per minute cleans fish with small scales (cod, flounder, sea bass). In the first case, the scales are removed upon contact with the grating surface of the drum, and in the second, with the help of a rapidly rotating roller with tires. After cleaning, the fish's fins are removed, starting with the dorsal. To do this, the fish is placed on its side and the flesh is cut along the fin, first on one side and then on the other.

The heel of the knife presses the cut fin and, holding the fish by the tail, moves it to the side, while the fin is easily removed.

Using this method eliminates the possibility of a prick on the fin, which is especially important when processing perch fish.

The anal fin is also removed, after which the remaining fins are cut off or cut off.

Cleaning scales and removing fins should be done carefully so as not to damage the skin.

The gills are removed from the fish's head, making cuts on both sides under the gill covers, and the eyes.

To remove the entrails, the fish is placed on a board with its head facing you, holding it with your left hand, an incision is made between the pectoral fins and the knife is brought to the head, with the tip facing you, cutting through the abdomen.

Having brought the knife to the head, it is turned without removing it from the abdomen and taken in the opposite direction, cutting the abdomen to the anus. The insides are carefully removed from the cut abdomen so as not to damage the gall bladder, otherwise the fish will have a bitter taste, and the internal cavity is cleared of film. The fish is washed with cold water, dried, placed on a baking sheet, and stored in the refrigerator until cooked. When processing fish at large enterprises and specialized workshops, the fins are removed using a special fin cutter with a capacity of 30 fish per minute, and the tail fin is cut off using a disk fish cutter.

Processed whole fish with head reduces its weight by approximately 20%. If the head of such a fish is also removed, the amount of waste will be 35%.

Cutting fish into portioned pieces (round pieces).

The process of cutting fish into portioned pieces (round pieces) with skin and vertebral bones consists of cleaning the scales, removing the fins, head, and entrails through the hole formed after cutting off the head, washing, and slicing. This is how medium-sized fish weighing up to 1.5 kg are processed.

The fish is cleaned of scales as described above and the fins are removed.

Using a medium chef's knife, cut the flesh of the gill covers on both sides, cut the vertebral bone and separate the head along with part of the entrails.

Through the resulting hole, the remaining entrails are removed and the fish is cleaned of films. With this treatment, the abdomen remains intact.

The fish is washed, lightly dried and cut crosswise into round-shaped portions, which are used for cooking, frying and stuffing.

Waste from such processing will be 35 - 40%.

When processing large quantities of fish in procurement factories, fish heads are cut off using special head-cutting machines with a capacity of 30-40 fish per minute.

Cutting fish into fillets (layering).

Fish weighing more than 1.5 kg is filleted by flattening it, and then cut into portions.

To obtain fillets with skin, costal and vertebral bones, the fish is cleaned of scales, the fins and head are removed, the abdomen is cut and the entrails are removed, then washed and dried.

After this, starting from the head or tail, cut off half the fish (fillet), moving the knife parallel to the spine, but so that no flesh remains on top of it.

As a result of this layering, two fillets are obtained: a fillet with skin and rib bones (upper fillet) and a fillet with skin, rib and vertebral bones (lower fillet).

Both resulting fillets are cut into portioned pieces crosswise, but the weight of the pieces with the vertebral bone should be 10% (more pieces without bones, the amount of waste should be up to 43%.

To remove the vertebral bone, the bottom fillet is turned over and placed on a board, skin side up. Starting from the side of the head or tail, trim the flesh and cut it off the vertebral bone, leaving the spine on the board.

In this way, both fillets are obtained with skin and rib bones, which are then cut crosswise into portions. The amount of waste with this cutting method will increase by 7 - 10%.

The fillet with skin and rib bones is placed on a board, skin side down, and starting from the thicker part of the back flesh, the rib bones and internal fin bones are cut off. The resulting fillet is cut crosswise into portions. In this case, waste amounts to 48 - 49%.

To obtain a clean fillet, the skin is removed.

To do this, place the fillets on a cutting board, skin side down, and cut the flesh down to the skin from the tail side; stepping back 1 cm from its end (the incision is made carefully so as not to cut through the skin), it is more convenient to cut the fish into fillets without skin and bones; the skin is left with scales without removing it at the beginning of processing.

Skinless and boneless fillets are cut crosswise into portions or used to prepare cutlet mass, dumpling mass and minced meat.

The amount of waste when processing fish into clean fillets ranges from 50 to 68%.

2. Boiled fish dishes

Pike perch or cod with mayonnaise

Pike perch casserole

Kalalaatikko - Potatoes with herring

Sea eel

Eel with vegetables

Cod in English

Gourmet cod

Carp in Chinese

Boiled carp

Boiled pike

Hungarian style pike perch fillet

Boiled fish with vegetables

Poached fish dishes

Catfish, catfish, notothenia in brine

Flounder, halibut in tomato sauce

Flounder, halibut with onion and celery in white sauce

Carp or carp in white wine sauce

Lemonema, lichiya with green pea sauce

Mackerel poached in brine

Sword fish with garlic

Sea burbot in Russian

Sea bass in tomato sauce

Sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga in milk sauce with Madeira

Sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga in crayfish sauce

Sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga in brine

Sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga sailor style

Dishes fromfriedfish

Fish fillet with mushrooms

Cod in Asturian style

Halibut fillet with mushrooms

Flounder with mushrooms in Danish style

Fried catfish in dough

Fried catfish

Fried catfish with nut sauce

Fried catfish with tomatoes

Carp in Austrian style

Carp stuffed with rice and mushrooms

Flounder in Danish

Grilled flounder

Baked flounder

Flounder (or halibut) baked with porridge

Flounder (or halibut) baked with potatoes and onions

Baked fish dishes

Baked fish with almonds

Baked fish Surprise

Baked fish stuffed with buckwheat porridge

Baked cod (halibut) with mushroom sauce

Baked cod with cheese

Baked pike in tomato sauce

Baked goldfish

Baked flounder

Carp baked with horseradish

Baked bream with cabbage

Macrurus baked with sauerkraut

Sea bass (cod), baked with onions

Sea bass baked with pasta

Halibut with tomatoes

Baked carp, dentex

Fish in Parisian style

Fish in Sicilian style

Fish with mushroom sauce

3. Features of cooking, technology of preparation and presentation of dishes

Z baked fish with almonds


4 serving pieces of any fish fillet,

4 tbsp. l. chopped almonds,

1 bunch of rosemary,

2 cloves of garlic,

ground black pepper,

salt to taste,

vegetable oil (preferably olive) for frying.

PREPARATION: Salt and pepper the fish fillet. Line a baking sheet with parchment, put sprigs of rosemary, and fish fillets on them. Fry the garlic, passed through a press, almonds and chopped rosemary in vegetable oil, place on the fillet and bake at 200°C in the oven for 25 minutes, until cooked. Garnish with herbs and serve with boiled rice and tomato salad.

Fish in Sicilian style
1 kg of carp or pink salmon,
2 onions,
4-- 5 potatoes,
2 small zucchini,
300 g champignons,
0.15 l vegetable oil,
0.15 l of water,
1 lemon,
dry spices,
ground black pepper,
salt to taste.

PREPARATION: Clean large fish (carp, pink salmon, etc.), gut them, make symmetrical cuts at a distance of 2-3 cm on both sides of the carcass and put half a slice of lemon in them. Place the fish in a greased oval dish, arrange onions cut into rings, diced potatoes and zucchini cut into circles around, sprinkle with thin slices of fresh champignons, salt and pepper, sprinkle with vegetable oil and water and bake in a medium-heated oven. Serve in the same form in which the fish was baked.

Baked pike in tomato sauce
500 g pike fillet,
4 tbsp. l. tomato paste,
parsley and dill,
ground black pepper,
salt to taste.

PREPARATION: Cut the fish fillet into portions, salt and pepper, wrap in foil, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven until cooked. Mix tomato paste with 0.05 liters of warm water until it becomes liquid sour cream, add salt and pepper to taste and add finely chopped herbs. Place the finished fish on plates and pour over tomato sauce.

Fish rolls
800 g of any fish fillet,
1--2 onions,
2 tbsp. l. chopped parsley,
1 tbsp. l. mustard,
2 tsp. lemon juice,
3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
ground black and red pepper,
salt to taste.
PREPARATION: Cut the fish fillet into slices, sprinkle with lemon juice, grease with mustard, sprinkle with finely chopped onions and herbs, salt and pepper. Roll the fillets into rolls, pierce them with wooden skewers and, after greasing them with oil, bake in a preheated oven. Serve with steamed vegetables, garnished with herbs.
Pike perch fillet with green crust
4 portions of pike perch fillet with skin (150 g each),
4 large champignons,
2 onions,
1 tbsp. l. chopped parsley, basil and chives,
2 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs,
1 egg (yolk),
100 g butter,
100 g dry white wine,
ground black pepper,
salt to taste.

Beat the greens, crackers, hard-boiled egg yolk, finely chopped onions and champignons and butter in a blender. Salt and pepper the fish fillet. Place the prepared fish, skin side down, in a greased pan. Brush with mushroom mixture, pour in wine and bake for 12-15 minutes. in the oven at 225 °C. Place the finished fish on a dish, garnish with parsley and serve with boiled rice.

Fish in lemon sauce
For the recipe we need:
fish (perch) - 1 pc.
lemon - 1 pc.
pepper - to taste
greens - 1 bunch
garlic - 3-4 cloves
water - 1-1.5 liters

Clean the fish (it’s better to take perch, but experience has shown that any other fish turns out just as well), gut it, and remove the gills. Salt, pepper, stuff with garlic and put in the refrigerator. Finely chop the garlic, wash the greens (ideally cilantro, but parsley will also work). Lightly grease a deep frying pan with vegetable oil, place the fish, add hot water and place on low heat. As soon as the fish at the bottom sets (don't miss it, it will happen quickly), carefully turn the fish over, squeeze the juice of one lemon into the broth (for spicy lovers, it is highly recommended to add chili pepper) and cook the fish until cooked. Before removing the fish from the heat, add chopped garlic and herbs. If you have soy sauce, add that too. Place lemon slices on the fish and serve hot in the same bowl in which you cooked it. Serve in bowls for the broth.

Tuna in red sauce
For the recipe we need:
tuna (pieces) - 4 pcs.
champignons - 200g
onion - 1 pc.
tomatoes - 250g
white wine - 100 ml
flour - 4 tbsp.
basil - 1 pinch
parsley (leaves) - 2 pcs.
olive oil, pepper, salt - to taste.
Salt the fish, roll in flour, fry in heated oil on both sides. Add finely chopped onion and fry a little. When the onion is fried, add peeled and chopped tomatoes. Add salt, pepper and simmer until the liquid has partially evaporated. Then sprinkle with flour, add wine and the same amount of water.
Simmer for 15 minutes. and add basil. In a separate frying pan, fry the peeled, washed and thinly sliced ​​champignons in oil, add salt, pepper and simmer until the mushrooms become soft and the juice that they released during cooking has evaporated.

Place the prepared fish on a dish, cover it with stewed champignons, pour red sauce over it and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Serve with mashed potatoes, to which a tablespoon of grated cheese (Parmesan) has been added.

Perch with corn and sweet peppers
For the recipe we need:
perch (fillet) - 750g
juice - 2 lemons
salt, pepper - to taste
sweet pepper (red) - 2 pods
corn (canned) - 300g
onions - 6 pcs.
peanut butter - 6 tbsp.
cane sugar - 1 tsp.
fish broth - 200 ml
coriander - 1/2 bunch
sour cream - 2 tbsp.
Wash the fish, dry it, add lemon juice and rub with salt and pepper. Cut the sweet pepper into strips. Drain the corn in a colander. Cut the onion into cubes. Heat 2 tbsp. l. oil, simmer onions, peppers, corn in it and sprinkle with sugar. Pour in the broth and simmer for 7 minutes.
Heat 4 tbsp. l. oil and fry the fish on each side for 4 minutes. Wash the coriander, dry and chop.
Mix sour cream with vegetables and sprinkle with coriander. Place fish and vegetables on a large platter. Garnish with lemon if desired.
"Honey" fish
For the recipe we need:
red fish (fresh frozen) - 600g
vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.
for batter:
mineral water - 1/2 cup
egg (white) - 1 pc.
flour - 3/4 cup
pepper, salt - to taste
for the sauce:
honey (liquid) - 2 tbsp.
butter - 100g
walnuts - 1/2 cup
juice - 1 orange.
Mix mineral water, flour, pepper and salt, add egg white at the end. Wash the fish, remove the bones, cut into pieces 2 cm thick, dip in batter and fry in vegetable oil. Place on paper towels to drain excess oil.
To prepare the sauce, melt butter with honey, add orange juice, and simmer until caramel-like. Add nuts minced through a meat grinder. Pour the hot sauce over the fish and serve.
Sea bream fillet with green pepper
For the recipe we need:
dorada - 600g
cream - 100g
brandy - 30 ml
butter - 30g
carrots - 2 pcs.
onions or shallots - 2 pcs.

zucchini - 2 pcs.

green pepper (peas) - 1 tbsp.

rosemary - 1 sprig

salt - to taste.

Peel the shallots, cut in half and fry in butter. Add 100 ml of water.

Place bream fide and rosemary in a frying pan and fry the fish over high heat for 1-2 minutes. Then carefully turn the fish over, fry, add brandy and simmer over high heat. Season the fish with salt and pepper and remove from the pan.

Wash the zucchini and carrots and cut into strips. Place vegetables in a frying pan and fry for 2-3 minutes. Remove vegetables from pan, cover and keep warm.

Pour cream and 2 tbsp into the sauce remaining after frying. l. water, boil and evaporate a little.

Remove the rosemary sprig from the pan and add the green peppercorns.

Place the fish back into the pan and turn over so that the fish absorbs the sauce. Serve dorada with sauce and herbs.

4. Development of technical and technological maps

We will develop technical and technological maps for the following dishes of Japanese cuisine: “Boiled salmon with vegetables”, “Far Eastern marinated fried salmon”, “Sockeye salmon baked in sour cream”, “Pomakukha Pskovopecherskaya”

“I approve” _________________ head of the enterprise

Technical and technological map No. 1

Name of dish (product): Boiled salmon with vegetables

Scope of application: restaurant

List of raw materials: Salmon fillet, potatoes, carrots, onions, milk, vegetable oil, salt, pepper


GOSTs for products

Bookmark norm for 1 serving, g

Salmon fillet



Vegetable oil

Weight of the finished dish

Cooking technology

Cut the prepared salmon fillet into pieces. Cut peeled and washed carrots and onions into thin slices, and potatoes into large slices. Place carrots, onions, and then potatoes on the bottom of the pan, add a glass of water and salt. Salt the fish pieces and place them on top of the vegetables. Add pepper and bay leaf. Fill with cold water.

Cook covered over low heat for 1 hour, without stirring, but shaking the pan every 10 minutes to prevent the vegetables from burning. When the fish and vegetables are almost ready, pour milk into the pan, add butter and cook for another 15-20 minutes. After removing from the heat, place the pan at an angle, carefully scoop up the juice from below with a spoon, pour it over the fish and leave in a closed container until serving.

Organoleptic indicators

Appearance - Vegetables are not overcooked, retain their shape, pieces of fish are whole. Color - corresponds to the given type of fish and the included vegetables. Consistency - soft Taste and smell - characteristic of a set of products

physical and chemical indicators

Microbiological indicators of KMAFAnM, in 1 g no more than 1·101

Bacteria of the genus Proteus-0.1

"I affirm"


head of the enterprise

Technical and technological map No. 2

Name of dish (product): “Far Eastern marinated fried salmon”

Scope of application: restaurant

List of raw materials: Salmon fillet, lemon, parsley root, ground crackers, vegetable oil, mayonnaise sauce with gherkins

Requirements for the quality of raw materials: food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare this dish (product) comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates of conformity and (or) quality certificates.


GOSTs for products

Food raw materials semi-finished food products

Bookmark norm for 1 serving, g

Salmon fillets


Parsley root

Ground crackers


Vegetable oil


Mayonnaise sauce with gherkins

Weight of the finished dish

Cooking technology

Requirements for registration, submission and implementation

Place the finished cubes on a platter in the form of a well, and serve the mayonnaise sauce with gherkins separately.

Serving temperature is not lower than 70 C.

physical and chemical indicators

microbiological indicators

KMAFAnM, in 1 g no more than -1·101

Bacteria of the genus Proteus-0.1

Coagulase-positive staphylococcus-1.0

Pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella-25.0

Nutritional and energy value of a dish (product), g per 100 g

"I affirm"


head of the enterprise

Technical and technological map No. 3

Name of dish (product): “Sockeye salmon baked in sour cream”

Scope of application: restaurant

List of raw materials: Sockeye salmon fillet, potatoes, sour cream, egg, porcini mushrooms, cheese, flour, butter

Requirements for the quality of raw materials: food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare this dish (product) comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates of conformity and (or) quality certificates.


GOSTs for products

Food raw materials semi-finished food products

Bookmark norm for 1 serving, g


Sockeye salmon fillet




White mushrooms


GOST 74678-77


Cooking technology

Salt the fish pieces, sprinkle with pepper, roll in flour and fry in a frying pan with butter. Also fry porcini mushrooms, peeled, washed, chopped, and potatoes, cut into circles 1/2 cm thick. Place the fish in a frying pan, put a circle of hard-boiled egg and mushrooms on each piece. Then cover the fish with slices of fried potatoes and pour over the strained sour cream sauce. The sauce is prepared as follows: heat the sour cream and, when it boils, add a teaspoon of flour mixed with the same amount of butter, stir, boil for 1-2 minutes and add salt.

Requirements for registration, submission and implementation

When serving, sprinkle the fish with finely chopped parsley.

Supply temperature.

Organoleptic indicators

Appearance - browned crust on the surface, thickened sauce, Consistency - soft, appropriate for the fish Taste and smell - juicy Physico-chemical parameters

microbiological indicators

KMAFAnM, in 1 g no more than -1·101

Bacteria of the genus Proteus-0.1

Coagulase-positive staphylococcus-1.0

Pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella-25.0

Nutritional and energy value of a dish (product), g per 100 g

Technical and technological map No. 4

Scope of application: restaurant

List of raw materials: Fish, potatoes, parsley (greens), dill (greens), onions, wheat flour, salt

Requirements for the quality of raw materials: food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare this dish (product) comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates of conformity and (or) quality certificates.


GOSTs for products

Food raw materials semi-finished food products

Bookmark norm for 1 serving, g



Parsley (greens)


Dill (Greens)

Bulb onions

Wheat flour


Fish broth

Yield of finished dish

Cooking technology

Cut the salted pink salmon, soak it, pour in the sauce and bring to a boil. Sprinkle with herbs and serve with hot boiled potatoes.

Sauce. Fry the flour until slightly creamy. Gradually pour in the broth, stir until a homogeneous mass is formed, add finely chopped onion, salt and cook for 20-25 minutes.

Requirements for registration, submission, sale and storage

Served in earthenware.

The supply temperature must be at least 70 o C.

Organoleptic indicators

physical and chemical indicators

microbiological indicators

KMAFAnM, in 1 g no more than -1·101

Bacteria of the genus Proteus-0.1

Coagulase-positive staphylococcus-1.0

Pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella-25.0

Nutritional and energy value of a dish (product), g per 100 g

5. Development of technological maps

Technological map No. 1

Name of dish (product): Boiled salmon with vegetables Brief description of the technological process. Cut the prepared salmon fillet into pieces. Cut peeled and washed carrots and onions into thin slices, and potatoes into large slices. Place carrots, onions, and then potatoes on the bottom of the pan, add a glass of water and salt. Salt the fish pieces and place them on top of the vegetables. Add pepper and bay leaf. Fill with cold water. Cook covered over low heat for 1 hour, without stirring, but shaking the pan every 10 minutes to prevent the vegetables from burning. When the fish and vegetables are almost ready, pour milk into the pan, add butter and cook for another 15-20 minutes. After removing from the heat, place the pan at an angle, carefully scoop up the juice from below with a spoon, pour it over the fish and leave in a closed container until serving. Calculation of raw materials

Food raw materials semi-finished food products

Bookmark rate

Salmon fillet


Vegetable oil

Weight of the finished dish

Organoleptic characteristics Appearance - Vegetables are not overcooked, have retained their shape, pieces of fish are whole. Color - corresponds to the given type of fish and the included vegetables. Consistency - soft Taste and smell - characteristic of a set of products

Technological map No. 2

Name of dish (product): Far Eastern marinated fried salmon

Brief description of the technological process.

Cut the clean fillet along the carcass into cubes measuring 4? 1/2 cm and marinate in a ceramic bowl, adding lemon juice, parsley, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Then roll the cubes in ground breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan with heated fat.

Calculation of raw materials

Food raw materials semi-finished food products

Bookmark rate

Salmon fillets

Parsley root

Ground crackers

Vegetable oil

Mayonnaise sauce with gherkins

Weight of the finished dish

Organoleptic characteristics Appearance - The pieces of fish have retained their shape, there is a golden brown crust on the surface Consistency - soft, juicy Taste and smell - corresponds to the taste and smell of this fish, with a hint of lemon

Technological map No. 3

Name of dish (product): Sockeye salmon baked in sour cream

Brief description of the technological process. Salt the fish pieces, sprinkle with pepper, roll in flour and fry in a frying pan with butter. Also fry porcini mushrooms, peeled, washed, chopped, and potatoes, cut into circles 1/2 cm thick. Place the fish in a frying pan, put a circle of hard-boiled egg and mushrooms on each piece. Then cover the fish with slices of fried potatoes and pour over the strained sour cream sauce. The sauce is prepared as follows: heat the sour cream and, when it boils, add a teaspoon of flour mixed with the same amount of butter, stir, boil for 1-2 minutes and add salt.

Sprinkle the fish with the sauce on top with grated cheese, pour over the melted butter and place in the oven for 5-6 minutes until it browns. When serving, sprinkle the fish with finely chopped parsley.

Calculation of raw materials

Food raw materials semi-finished food products

Bookmark rate

Sockeye salmon fillet


White mushrooms

Organoleptic indicators

Appearance - browned crust on the surface, thickened sauce, Consistency - soft, appropriate for the fish Taste and smell - juicy

Technological map No. 4

Name of dish (product): Pskovopecherskaya Pomakukha

Brief description of the technological process. Cut the salted garbush, soak, pour in the sauce and bring to a boil. Sprinkle with herbs and serve with hot boiled potatoes. Sauce. Fry the flour until slightly creamy. Gradually pour in the broth, stir until a homogeneous mass is formed, add finely chopped onion, salt and cook for 20-25 minutes.

Calculation of raw materials

Food raw materials semi-finished food products

Bookmark rate


Parsley (greens)

Dill (Greens)

Bulb onions

Wheat flour

Fish broth

Yield of finished dish

Organoleptic indicators

Appearance - potatoes have retained their shape, pieces of fish are whole Consistency - soft Taste and smell - characteristic of a set of products


fish dish assortment cutting

In my work, I developed technical and technological maps. I found out that my Dishes meet all the standard requirements. I found out that depending on the types of fish used, dishes made from them contain different amounts of fat. The greatest amount of fat contains dishes prepared from sturgeon and salmon fish.

The distinctive properties of fish fat include its ability to easily melt and remain in liquid form at fairly low temperatures, so it is absorbed much better than beef or lamb fat. Thanks to this, fish dishes are also used cold. Valuable unsaturated fatty acids enter the human body with fish oil.


1.Zdanovich, L.I. Encyclopedia of fish cuisines; Veche, 2005.

2. Litvina, I.I. Cooking for Health: From Principles to Recipes; St. Petersburg: Set, 2004.

3. Lyakhovskaya, L.P. Young family about cooking; M.: Economics, 1999.

4. Rybakova, Svetlana Cookbook of the Kremlin: diet of Russian politicians; St. Petersburg: All, 2006

5. Hennig, R. Gourmet salads and savory spices; M.; Light and food industry, 1981. - 6. Chikhaeva, B. Vozka; Publishing house of Olga Dyakova and. Ko, 1999.


Calculation of the energy value of the dish “Boiled salmon with vegetables”

Product Name

Bookmark rate


Salmon fillet


Vegetable oil

Weight of the finished dish





Calculation of the mass fraction of dry substances in the dish “California Roll with smoked eel”

Salmon fillet



vegetable oil


Calculation of the energy value of the dish “Far Eastern marinated fried salmon”

B=250 * (250*20.8+10* 0.9+1.5*1.5+25* 11.2+50*4.8)/250 *100=57.3 *4= 229, 2




Calculation of the mass fraction of dry substances in the dish “Far Eastern marinated fried salmon”

Salmon fillets

parsley root

ground crackers

vegetable oil

Mayonnaise sauce with gherkins


Calculation of the energy value of the dish “Sockeye salmon baked in sour cream”

Product Name

Bookmark rate


Sockeye salmon fillet


White mushrooms

Yield of finished dish

B=300*(150*18.8+100*2+40*2.8+15*12.7+40*3.2+10*23.4+10*10.3+17*0.6 )/300*100=38*4=152

F=300*(150*0.6+100*0.1+40*20+15*11.5+40*0.7+10*30+10*0.9+17*82.5)/ 300*100=28.12*9=253

Y=300*(100*19.7+40*3.2+15*0.7+40*1.6+10*74.2+17*0.9)/300*100=29.2* 4=116.8


Calculation of the mass fraction of dry substances in the dish “Sockeye salmon baked in sour cream”

Sockeye salmon fillet


White mushrooms


Calculation of the energy value of the dish “Pomakukha Pskovopecherskaya”

Product Name

Bookmark rate



Parsley (greens)

Dill (Greens)

Bulb onions

Wheat flour

Fish broth

Yield of finished dish

B=300*(180*22.7+345*2+4*1.5+4*1.5+34*1.7+13*10.3)/300*100=934.6*4= 3738.4




Calculation of the mass fraction of dry substances in the dish “Pomakukha Pskovopecherskaya”


parsley (root)


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