Rolls at home. A simple and delicious sponge roll - very easy to roll and does not crack

Sweet rolls with filling can be served both for an ordinary tea party and for a festive feast. Baking a roll is a completely simple procedure, and, moreover, it promises boundless delight from tasting a culinary masterpiece. Therefore, every housewife should take note of a few simple but very effective recipes - if not for the present, then for future confectionery exploits!

Recipes for sweet rolls with filling

Chocolate cherry roll


  • Granulated sugar (160 g);
  • Chicken eggs (2 whole + 2 whites);
  • High fat cream (125 g);
  • Cocoa powder (1.5 tbsp);
  • Port wine (half a glass);
  • Butter (20 g);
  • Wheat flour (1.5 tbsp);
  • Frozen pitted cherries (2 cups);
  • Mascarpone (350 g);
  • Almond flour (half a cup);
  • Powdered sugar (60 g).

How to make cherry roll with chocolate

1. Mix almond and wheat flour. Add cocoa to them.

2. In a separate bowl, mash a couple of eggs with one hundred grams of sugar. There should be an air mass.

3. Beat the whites with another 10 grams of granulated sugar - work until soft peaks form.

4. Transfer the protein mixture to the egg-sugar mixture. Add the flour mixture and begin to smoothly knead the dough with a spatula, from bottom to top.

5. Pour in the melted butter (it needs to be cooled by this point). Stir again.

6. Cover the baking sheet with a layer of parchment. Pour the base for the roll and carefully level it over the entire surface.

7. Place the pan in a hot oven. The sponge cake will be baked in about a quarter of an hour (ideal setting is 180 degrees), then it should be placed on a linen towel and freed from paper.

8. Roll the roll together with the towel. Wait until it cools down completely.

9. Place frozen cherries in a saucepan. Sprinkle with sugar and add port, then put on the stove to warm up.

10. After ten minutes, the mass will thicken slightly. Drain the berries in a colander.

11. Mash the mascarpone until smooth, adding sweet powder in parts. Add the heavy cream (it needs to be cooled before whipping).

12. Unroll the cooled roll. Cover evenly with cream and cherries.

13. Now the treat needs to be twisted again. Wrap the item in a sheet of foil and place it in the refrigerator for at least three hours.

Before serving, the baked goods should be sprinkled with sweet powder and cut into portions.

Banana roll

Unsalted pistachios (1 cup)
Mascarpone (150 g)
Granulated sugar (1 cup)
Egg whites (5 pcs.)
Vanilla sugar (add to taste)
Salt (1 pinch)
Whipping cream (3/4 cup)
Bananas (200 g)

How to make banana roll with mascarpone and pistachios

1. Start preheating the oven: the temperature should reach 170 degrees. Meanwhile, crush the nuts in a mortar.

2. Beat the protein mass with a pinch of salt and granulated sugar. When a thick foam forms, add crushed pistachios and stir everything carefully.

3. Place the meringue on a baking sheet lined with parchment. The approximate layer thickness is 1 – 1.5 centimeters.

4. Place the pan in the oven. After fifteen to twenty minutes, the cake will become noticeably golden; to check its readiness, touch it with your finger: the meringue will no longer be sticky.

5. Remove the baking sheet and cool the roll base.

6. Whip the heavy cream until stiff. Mix with mascarpone and continue to actively work with the mixer.

7. Cover the cooled cake with a sheet of clean parchment. Turn over and carefully remove the old baking paper.

8. Distribute the cream. Place slices of chopped bananas on top of it (if desired, you can replace them with any berries of your choice).

9. Roll into a tight roll. Hide the treat in the refrigerator for forty minutes, then dust with sweet powder. Pieces of fresh fruit and chopped nuts will help decorate the dessert.

Butter roll with prunes

Cottage cheese (150 g)
Chicken eggs (2 pcs.)
Sifted flour (400 g)
Salt (half a teaspoon)
Pitted prunes (half a kilogram)
Butter (200 g)
Slaked baking soda (1 tsp)
Granulated sugar (300 g)
Cinnamon and vanilla (to taste)

How to make sweet roll with prunes

1. Mix flour, granulated sugar, salt and ghee.

2. Beat the eggs and cottage cheese thoroughly. Combine with previous mixture, then add vanilla and ground cinnamon.

3. Knead the dough, adding more flour if necessary. Place the roll base in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

4. Pour boiling water over the prunes. When it has steamed, dry it on a paper towel and chop finely with a knife.

5. Divide the dough into two parts. Roll each of them into a layer and sprinkle thickly with slices of prunes.

6. Form a couple of rolls. Place on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for about forty minutes until golden brown.
7. After cooling slightly, the rolls can be safely cut into portions.

Green tea roll

Sifted flour (3/4 cup)
White chocolate (2 bars)
Chicken eggs (5 pcs.)
Whipping cream (half cup)
Matcha green tea (10 g)
Granulated sugar (3/4 cup)
Lime juice (from 1 fruit)

How to make green tea and white chocolate roll

1. Separate the whites of the eggs from the yolks. Mash the yolks with sugar using a mixer.

2. Mix flour with dry green tea. Sift thoroughly and carefully mix into the beaten yolks.

3. Separately, beat the whites to soft peaks. Add to the main mass in several stages.

4. Pour the dough into a baking sheet lined with parchment. It will take ten to fifteen minutes to bake the biscuit.

5. Turn the hot cake over first onto a board and then onto a damp linen towel. Roll into a roll together with the fabric; after five minutes the roll can be unrolled again.

6. Now make the cream. Break the chocolate bars into small pieces, pour in hot cream and stir well. Pour in the lime juice and place the filling in the refrigerator until thickened.

7. Before distributing the cream, it must be thoroughly beaten. The finished roll should be kept in the cold for at least one hour; whipped cream is suitable for decoration.

Orange roll

Granulated sugar (320 g)
Oranges with thin skin (2 fruits)
Water (2 glasses)
Chicken eggs (5 pcs.)
Milk (half a glass)
Vanilla sugar (1 pack)
Butter (200 g)
Salt (1 pinch)
Flour (125 g)
Sour cream (150 g)

How to make a roll with orange filling

1. Wash the oranges. Cut the citruses into as thin circles as possible - about two millimeters.

2. Boil water in a small saucepan. Add 50 grams of sugar and add oranges. Boil the slices in the syrup for ten minutes, then carefully remove and dry on a paper towel.

3. For now, you can do the dough. Separate the whites from the yolks (save 1 egg for making the cream) and beat until fluffy along with a pinch of salt.

4. Add sugar (3/4 cup) in small portions. Beat the mass until stable peaks form.

5. Separately, combine the yolks with soft butter (only 50 grams will go into the dough). Pour in the milk and also work with the mixer.

6. Add flour to the yolk mixture. Throw in a little vanilla and stir the dough until smooth.

7. Carefully, in small parts, lay out the whites. Mix with a spatula from bottom to top.

8. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. The baking tray for baking the cake should be covered with a sheet of baking paper and greased with vegetable oil.

9. Place the dried orange slices over the entire surface of the mold. Pour directly onto them and smooth out the dough.

10. The cake will be ready in 15-20 minutes. While it is baking, take another sheet of parchment and thoroughly treat it with the same vegetable oil.

11. Remove the baking sheet with the finished biscuit from the oven. Cover with oiled paper and carefully turn over.

12. Remove the paper from the orange side. Attach it to the cake and turn the product over again. Roll the roll without removing the parchment.

13. For the cream, mix sour cream with 120 grams of sugar. Beat in the egg, add 1.5 tablespoons of flour and 1-2 pinches of vanilla. Place the mixture in a water bath and heat until thick. After cooling, add 150 grams of soft butter and beat the mixture with a mixer.

14. An alternative cream option is orange. For it you will need a couple of eggs, half a glass of sugar, a teaspoon of orange zest, the juice of 1-2 citrus fruits, 100 grams of soft butter, and a quarter glass of sweet powder.

  • Mix the juice, granulated sugar and finely grated zest in a saucepan, place on the stove and bring to a boil, stirring.
  • Then pour the hot syrup into the beaten eggs and also place the container on the fire.
  • After boiling, the orange mixture should boil for another two to three minutes with continuous stirring.
  • Separately, grind the butter with sweet powder. Combine both parts of the cream when the fruit mixture has cooled to room temperature (mix the orange curd in small portions, literally a tablespoon at a time).

You can spread the cream only when the biscuit has cooled completely. Step back 4 centimeters from the edges, being careful not to overdo the thickness of the filling.

15. Dress the roll with powdered sugar and leave to soak for a couple of hours.

Enjoy your meal!

Step 1: prepare the flour.

Pour the flour into a sieve and sift it into a medium bowl. This must be done to ensure that the baked goods are tender, airy and soft. Also, thanks to this process, we will clear the flour from all kinds of lumps, and it will be saturated with oxygen from the air. Attention: To prepare the dough, be sure to use premium flour, finely ground and a trusted brand.

Step 2: prepare the milk.

Pour the milk into a small saucepan and place the container over medium heat. Already literally in 1 minute You can turn off the burner and put the container aside. Pour the milk into a deep bowl and check its temperature. It is very important that it is barely warm, but in no case hot, as this can cause the yeast to curdle and the dough for rolls simply will not work out.

Step 3: prepare the yeast.

Place the yeast in pieces in the milk and use a tablespoon to dilute it completely. Due to this, the milk should change color from white to soft beige.

Step 4: prepare margarine.

Place the margarine on a cutting board and, using a knife, cut into small pieces. After this, we set it aside to warm up at room temperature, since this is one of the important conditions for preparing dough for rolls.

Step 5: prepare the dough for the rolls.

So, add pieces of margarine, two types of sugar, a pinch of salt to a deep bowl with yeast diluted in milk, and also break an egg. Using a hand whisk, mix everything thoroughly until smooth. After this, we begin to pour in the flour in small portions and immediately beat everything with available equipment so that no lumps form in the dough. Attention: When the mass begins to thicken, continue to add flour a little at a time, but knead the dough with clean, dry hands. Knead the dough until it becomes dense, homogeneous and no longer sticks to your hands. Then give it a round shape and cover the bowl with a cloth towel. Place the dough in a warm place to infuse for 1 hour.

Step 6: Serve the roll dough.

After the allotted time for proofing the dough, place it on the kitchen table, crushed with a small amount of flour. Knead the dough with your hands a few more times so that carbon dioxide comes out of it due to fermentation of the yeast. And now, using a rolling pin, roll out the dough thick no more than 1 centimeter and use a tablespoon to spread the filling on it.

The filling of rolls can be quite varied. You can prepare baked goods with poppy seeds and pieces of walnuts, with jam or condensed boiled milk.

You can also add salty fillings to the roll: potatoes with mushrooms, boiled ground meat to your taste, stewed cabbage, and cottage cheese with dill. After we have laid out the filling, we wrap the dough into a roll, starting from either edge. Now we are not in a hurry to put the roll in the oven to bake, but put it on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil or covered with baking paper, and set it aside to brew in a warm place another 30-40 minutes. These rolls are usually baked for 45-55 minutes depending on the filling and thickness of the dough layer, until the baking surface is covered with a golden crust and begins to attract everyone with its unforgettable aroma. These rolls are served with hot tea, coffee, all kinds of compotes, jelly, as well as milk and kefir.

Enjoy your meal!

You can check the readiness of the roll dough in the oven using a toothpick. If it fits easily into the roll, and there are no lumps of dough or moisture left on its surface, then the baked goods are ready and you can turn off the oven.

From this dough you can form not only rolls, but also make buns, braids and pies.

To prepare dough for rolls, you can use butter instead of margarine.

One of the prerequisites for preparing such a dough is that all ingredients must be at room temperature.

Sponge roll is a very simple and beautiful version of a homemade dessert, which is simply irreplaceable for friendly tea parties. It is very easy to prepare for the arrival of guests, spending literally half an hour of baking time.

The basis of the roll is a sponge cake, which is prepared in a matter of minutes. The dough recipe is always almost the same. It includes flour, eggs and sugar. If desired, you can add a little milk and various flavorings. It is also easy to give the dough a chocolate or coffee flavor. To do this, just use cocoa or ground coffee.

The cake roll is formed immediately after cooking so that the dough does not have time to cool. Then he needs to be allowed to fix the shape. To do this, just cover the roll with a towel and leave for 10-15 minutes. After such preparation, you can safely unwrap it and add the filling inside.

The filling can be simple, for example, jam, marmalade or condensed milk. For a more complex dessert, you can prepare custard, curd, butter and any other cream at the discretion of the cook. Fresh or canned fruits are also placed inside the roll.

The sponge roll itself looks very presentable, but you can further decorate it with powdered sugar, whipped cream, melted chocolate or poppy seeds. Before serving, the dessert must be refrigerated for at least 1 hour.

Secrets to making the perfect sponge roll

Sponge roll is a delicious and delicate dessert for tea that looks great on the table. The simplest recipe takes no more than 20 minutes and requires a small amount of available products. How to make sponge roll at home, the following secrets of experienced confectioners will tell you:

Secret No. 1. Jam or marmalade for the roll should not be too liquid. It is best to choose a medium-thick filling.

Secret No. 2. To make the roll fluffy, the eggs must be beaten for at least 5 minutes.

Secret No. 3. The crust for the roll should not be thick or very thin. The optimal thickness is 2 cm.

Secret No. 4. It is better to regulate the cooking time of the cake yourself. It is important that it is only slightly browned.

Secret No. 5. You need to roll the cake while it is still hot, otherwise it will dry out and break.

Secret No. 6. To prevent the cake from being overdried and to roll well, before making the roll, you can soak it in liqueur, butter or plain boiled water.

Secret No. 7. You cannot use too much impregnation - the dough may become soggy.

A very quick, simple and at the same time unusual dessert. You can safely treat your guests or your household to this roll. Any jam will do, but not too thin or thick. Sour cream, on the contrary, is better to take thicker and thicker.


  • Eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • Sour cream – 1 glass;
  • Flour – 1 glass;
  • Jam – ½ cup;
  • Sugar – ½ cup;
  • Powdered sugar – 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the eggs with sugar and beat well until a fluffy and thick foam forms.
  2. Add flour sifted with baking powder to the egg mixture.
  3. Mix the dough well and pour it into a rectangular baking dish greased with butter.
  4. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees until the crust is browned.
  5. Cover the finished cake with baking paper, remove the edges from the baking sheet and roll into a roll.
  6. Cover the roll with a towel and leave for 10 minutes.
  7. Unroll the roll, remove the paper and spread sour cream over the entire surface.
  8. Spread an even layer of jam on top of the sour cream and roll the roll again.
  9. Place the dish in the refrigerator for 1 hour, then sprinkle with powder.

Interesting from the network

You simply cannot find a simpler homemade roll recipe. From a minimum of ingredients you get a delicious and aromatic dessert that is many times better than store-bought. If the cake turns out to be a little dry, you can soak it in water and a small amount of jam.


  • Eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 200 g;
  • Flour – 200 g;
  • Jam.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer, add flour and knead the dough.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment and grease with oil.
  3. Pour the dough onto a baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.
  4. Grease a piece of parchment the size of the cake with vegetable oil.
  5. Carefully invert the cake onto the prepared sheet.
  6. Remove the top layer of paper and brush the cake with jam.
  7. Roll up the roll, while separating the cake from the paper.

To prepare such a roll, you will have to tinker a little, but this lush, tender and very tasty dessert will definitely justify the time spent. Bananas need to be ripe and, preferably, even. It is not necessary to use cocoa.


  • Milk – 1 ¼ cups;
  • Sugar – 1 ¼ cups;
  • Butter – 100 g;
  • Bananas – 2 pcs.;
  • Starch – 40 g;
  • Soda – 1 tsp;
  • Flour – 100 g;
  • Eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Cocoa – 1 ½ tbsp. l.;
  • Salt – ¼ tsp;
  • Vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the following ingredients in a saucepan: 1 egg, a glass of milk, one tablespoon each of flour and cocoa, half a glass of sugar and a little vanilla.
  2. Mix the contents of the saucepan well and put on fire.
  3. Bring the cream to a thick consistency, stirring vigorously.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat and cool.
  5. Add 50 g of butter at room temperature to the cream, beat.
  6. Place the remaining milk and butter in a saucepan and heat well.
  7. Beat 3 eggs and the rest of the sugar with a mixer for 10 minutes.
  8. Sift flour along with starch, soda, salt and cocoa.
  9. Add the resulting mixture to the bowl with the eggs and mix thoroughly.
  10. Pour hot milk and butter into a common bowl and mix again.
  11. Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with oiled parchment.
  12. Cook the cake at 190 degrees for 15 minutes.
  13. Roll the cake into a roll along with the paper and then cool.
  14. Unroll the roll, remove the paper, grease the cake with cream.
  15. Place the bananas on top of the cream so that they are in the middle of the roll.
  16. Roll the cake again and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

A delicate dessert that just melts in your mouth. In this case, you can use different fruits each time, thereby getting a new tasty dish. Brandy can be replaced with liqueur or rum, and juice from those same canned fruits can be used as syrup.


  • Eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 2/3 cup;
  • Flour – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Brandy – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Cottage cheese – 200 g;
  • Starch – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Fruit syrup – ½ cup;
  • Canned fruits – 1 can;
  • Whipped cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the eggs and half the specified amount of sugar into a fluffy white foam.
  2. Add flour to the eggs, stir until smooth.
  3. Place baking paper on a baking sheet and grease with oil.
  4. Pour the dough over the paper, bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees.
  5. Roll up the cake without removing the paper.
  6. Pour the syrup into a saucepan, add the remaining sugar and heat.
  7. Mix starch and brandy, pour into the same saucepan, and bring to a boil.
  8. Grind half the fruit and mix with the resulting sugar-liqueur mixture.
  9. Add cottage cheese and beat thoroughly.
  10. Unroll the roll, remove the paper and lay out the filling, leaving a little space at the edges.
  11. Place the roll in the refrigerator for 1 hour, then decorate with the remaining fruit and cream.

Now you know how to prepare a sponge roll according to a recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

It’s not difficult to prepare such a miracle with your own hands. The main thing is that all recipes for sponge rolls do not allow for accidents - you must follow the instructions to the smallest nuances. If you violate the technology, or do not follow the proportions, the dough will be difficult to wrap: it may break or crumble. But having mastered this simple science, you can then delight your family with wonderful baked goods. By changing the fillings, it is easy to provide variety: every tea party can become original.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Masterpieces with jam, chocolate, condensed milk, cottage cheese, fruit or poppy seeds - such an abundance of options can be a real temptation for those with a sweet tooth. You can pamper yourself with a delicate, lush delicacy even while on a diet. To do this, you need to use dietary variations of recipes. Unlike pastries and cakes, rolls will not require excessive effort from housewives. The thin sponge cake bakes very quickly and rolls immediately after cooking. The dessert does not require additional decoration, but if desired, you can pour glaze over it and decorate it with cream flowers or candied fruits. You can simply lightly sprinkle the dish with powdered sugar.

A sponge roll is a wonderful addition to tea and an excellent reason to treat yourself to a light and tasty dessert. The delicate soft dough in the roll goes wonderfully with the juicy filling, and preparing such a “sweet tooth’s dream” will not be difficult. Want to try? Then read on!

If everything is very clear with the dough for the roll (it is a sponge cake in Africa), then the filling can be very diverse and limited only by your imagination. The filling can be cream based on cream, condensed milk, cottage cheese, chocolate or caramel, fruits or berries, as well as jam, marmalade, jam, nuts, poppy seeds, raisins and much, much more. Such a large selection of fillings makes it possible to prepare a new version of the roll each time, changing only its filling. To make the sponge roll juicy and slightly moist, you can soak it in syrup. Plus, it will add extra sweetness to the dessert. To obtain a more spicy taste and aroma, the surface of the finished dough can be lightly sprinkled with rum or cognac.

It is prepared very simply and quickly from a simple set of ingredients, so even a novice housewife who is just mastering the art of making sweet pastries can handle it. The dough is evenly distributed on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, baked for about 15 minutes (remember that to get a fluffy sponge cake you do not need to open the oven door during baking), roll it up while hot using parchment paper or a towel, cool slightly, and then When warm, it is unwrapped, filled, rolled again and decorated - voila, a delicate and tasty dessert is ready with a minimum of effort and expense!

Decorating the roll is a separate topic. A beautifully decorated sponge roll can become the highlight of a festive feast and can successfully replace a traditional cake. Here, berries, fruits, chocolate, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, whipped cream, coconut and various icing options are used. Well, isn't it time to put the kettle on?

Sponge roll with curd cream and canned peaches

For the biscuit:
120 g flour,
120 g sugar,
4 eggs.
For cream:
300 g cottage cheese,
150 ml heavy cream (33%),
150 g canned peaches,
vanilla to taste.
4 tablespoons jam,
20-30 g dark chocolate.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. In a bowl, beat the eggs and sugar with a mixer until foamy until the mixture doubles in volume. Add sifted flour and mix gently. Place the resulting dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and smooth it out. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes. Turn the finished layer of dough over onto a towel, remove the paper and carefully roll the dough into a roll. While the roll is cooling, prepare the cream by whipping the cream with a mixer and mixing it with the cottage cheese whipped with a blender. Add vanilla to taste and finely chopped canned peaches, stir.
Unroll the dough, spread with jam and spread with curd cream. Using a towel, wrap the roll. Decorate the roll with melted chocolate and place in the refrigerator to soak.

1 cup flour,
1 cup of sugar,
4 eggs,
200 g boiled condensed milk,
70 g butter,
2 bananas
syrup for impregnation.

Beat the eggs until fluffy and, gradually adding sugar, continue beating. Gradually add flour and stir. Spread the dough evenly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Separate the finished dough from the parchment and carefully roll it together with the parchment while the dough is still hot.
To prepare the cream, beat boiled condensed milk with softened butter. Cut bananas into slices. Unwrap the cooled cake and soak it in syrup. Grease with cream, lay out bananas and roll up. Place the roll in the refrigerator for several hours, then cut into pieces and serve.

Chocolate roll with butter cream

5 eggs
5 tablespoons of sugar,
3 tablespoons vegetable oil,
2 tablespoons flour,
2 tablespoons cocoa,
2 tablespoons milk,
1 tablespoon cornstarch,
1 teaspoon baking powder,
1 g vanillin,
2 pinches of salt.
200 ml 33% cream,
2 tablespoons sugar,
30 g chocolate.
4 tablespoons syrup or liqueur.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with half the sugar using a whisk. Add vegetable oil and stir. Add sifted flour, baking powder, vanillin and a pinch of salt. Add cocoa and stir until smooth. If the dough turns out to be very dense, it can be diluted with milk.
Beat the whites with a mixer with a pinch of salt into a fluffy foam, then add the remaining sugar, continuing to beat. Add the whites to the dough, being careful not to stir for too long so that the dough does not lose its fluffiness. Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for about 12-15 minutes at 180 degrees. Place the finished cake on the table, separate it from the paper using a spatula, roll it up together with the paper and let it cool completely.
Meanwhile, whip cream with sugar and mix with chopped chocolate. Unroll the dough and soak it in syrup or liqueur. Spread with cream and roll up. Decorate as desired, let the roll soak slightly and serve.

Biscuit roll according to GOST

90 g flour,
90 g sugar,
3 eggs,
5-6 tablespoons of jam,
100 g butter,
1/2 can of boiled condensed milk,
a pinch of salt,
berries and dark chocolate for decoration.

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Beat eggs with a pinch of salt with a mixer. Gradually add sugar and beat until completely dissolved, at least 5 minutes. As a result, you should get a light, fluffy mass. Gradually add sifted flour and mix. The consistency of the dough should resemble low-fat sour cream or cream. Place the dough on a parchment-lined baking sheet and spread evenly. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes, being careful not to overbake the crust or it will become dry and brittle. While the biscuit is still hot, you need to roll it up along with the paper.
When the cake has cooled, unwrap it, remove the parchment paper and spread with jam. Then grease the cake with cream prepared by whipping softened butter with condensed milk. Leave a little cream to decorate the roll. Roll the biscuit into a roll and put it in the refrigerator for an hour. After this, decorate the roll with the remaining cream, melted chocolate and berries. Trim the edges of the roll so that the baked goods have an aesthetic appearance, and put the roll in the refrigerator for another hour.

Chocolate roll with cherries and butter cream

150 g flour,
100 g sugar,
3 eggs,
1 tablespoon honey,
2 tablespoons cocoa powder,
1/2 teaspoon of soda.
100 g butter,
100 g sugar,
100 ml water,
1 tablespoon flour.
1 cup pitted cherries.
5 tablespoons of cherry juice.
50 g dark chocolate,
5 tablespoons of milk,

Using a mixer, beat eggs, sugar and honey. Add cocoa powder and sifted flour mixed with soda. Mix with a spoon. Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 10-12 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare the cream by mixing sugar and 50 ml of water in a small saucepan. Cook over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Stir the flour into the remaining water, add to the sugar mixture and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens. Remove the pan from the stove and let cool completely. Then add softened butter and beat until smooth.
Soak the finished cake in cherry juice and let cool to room temperature. Apply cream and place cherries over the entire surface. Roll up the roll, carefully peeling the crust away from the parchment paper. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, add milk, stir and pour the mixture over the roll. Decorate the roll with cherries.

Sponge roll with nuts and custard

90 g flour,
90 g sugar,
3 eggs,
20 g potato starch.
200 g butter,
100 ml milk or medium fat cream,
150 g sugar,
1 egg,
1/2 teaspoon vanilla sugar.
1 tablespoon condensed milk,
1/3 cup boiling water.
100 g nuts.

To prepare the cream, combine the milk, half the sugar and vanilla sugar in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, then cool slightly. Beat the egg with the remaining sugar and gradually add to the milk mixture. Place the pan in a water bath and cook the cream for 4-5 minutes, whisking constantly, until the mixture thickens. Remove the pan from the water bath and beat for another 2-3 minutes, then cool to room temperature. Beat the softened butter with a mixer and add the milk mixture to it. Beat until smooth and place the cream in the refrigerator.
To prepare the sponge cake, beat the eggs and sugar into a fluffy foam using a mixer. Add sifted flour and starch, continuing to beat at low speed. Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake for about 15 minutes at 180 degrees. When the biscuit is ready, you should immediately roll it up in paper, wrap it in a towel and cool slightly. After this, the sponge cake should be unwrapped, the paper removed, placed on a clean sheet of parchment paper, soaked in condensed milk diluted in boiling water and greased with 2/3 of the cream. Roll the cake into a roll and brush the surface with the remaining cream. Place the chopped nuts on parchment paper and roll the roll over it so that the nuts stick to the surface. Carefully cover the roll and refrigerate for several hours before serving.

Every housewife should definitely try baking sponge roll, because this easy-to-prepare delicacy will gather the whole family around the table and give unforgettable moments of joy and pleasure! Bon appetit!