Hands covered in hot pepper, what to do. What to do if your hands are burned by hot pepper? The most effective recipes for getting rid of the burning sensation from red pepper

The cause of the intense burning sensation is capsaicin. This is an oily substance found in all types of hot peppers. In moderation, it adds piquancy to the dish and pleasantly burns the taste buds. But upon contact with skin, capsaicin can cause a burn.

How to get rid of burning sensation

1. Bleach + water

Some families still use bleach to disinfect everything. If you also have a bag or two lying around your house, know that bleach turns capsaicin into a water-soluble salt.

Dilute one part bleach to five parts water. Soak your hands in this solution, and then simply wash with soap.

2. Baking soda + water or liquid soap

Hot oils can be neutralized with sodium bicarbonate. Make a paste of baking soda and water, apply to the affected areas of the skin, let dry and rinse thoroughly.

Another option is to mix baking soda with liquid soap. Rub your hands with the resulting paste, then wash it off with vinegar and rinse with water.

3. Alcohol

Capsaicin is also soluble in alcohol. Therefore, any alcohol-containing cosmetic product (lotion, tonic) or simple vodka can reduce the burning sensation.

Rub your hands with alcohol and then run them under running water. If hot pepper juice gets on other areas of the skin, soak a cotton pad in alcohol and treat them.

4. Vegetable oil

Oils from hot peppers are perfectly neutralized by other, more pleasant ones. For example, olive or sunflower.

To get rid of the burning sensation, rub olive oil on your skin for a minute, and then wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.

If vegetable oil alone does not do the job, add a pinch of sugar to it. The result will be something like a scrub.

It will be even better if you grease your hands with olive oil before working with the pepper. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the knife will slip out of your fingers.

5. Milk and dairy products

Immerse your hands in cold milk, kefir or other dairy products for a few minutes. Add ice cubes to the bowl: this will relieve itching even faster and soothe the skin.

By adding flour to milk, you can make a medicinal mask and apply it to your hands and other affected areas. When the burning goes away, wash off the mask with warm water.

If pepper gets into your eyes, wash them with milk and then apply cotton swabs soaked in it. If you accidentally over-peppered a dish and now suffer from a burning sensation in your throat, use the tips from.

After any of the described procedures, your hands should be lubricated with a rich, nourishing cream.

How to protect yourself in the future

Use thin latex gloves when handling hot peppers. As a last resort, put transparent plastic bags on your hands and secure them with rubber bands. It will be uncomfortable, but it’s better than jumping around the apartment in terrible pain.

You can try an analogue if you want to avoid such difficulties and do not plan to exactly recreate the dish from the recipe.

Hot chili pepper burn: first aid.

Hot pepper seasoning adds real heat and piquancy to any prepared dish. For this reason it has gained enormous popularity among chefs of different national cultures. The presence of unusual taste qualities and many useful substances of the vegetable crop is overshadowed by one drawback - the high content of capsaicin, which has the ability to cause real biological burns to unprotected skin of the hands. In case of careless use of the product during preparation, it is necessary to take immediate measures to prevent burns. We will discuss how to do this correctly in this article.

Hot, bitter, red peppers and chili cause your hands to burn and burn very badly: what should you do, what should you use to wash your hands with?

First aid
  • Due to its casein content, milk is considered the best way to neutralize capsaicin. Wash your hands with milk or curdled milk - this will help avoid burns and relieve severe burning.
  • If there are no dairy products, place the affected area under a stream of cold water. Repeat the procedure several times until the burning sensation disappears.

Hand burn from hot pepper: what to do?

Next stage of treatment

After washing your hands using one of the above methods, do the following:

  1. Take a tablet of any antihistamine
  2. Lubricate with available medicinal or folk remedy

What to anoint your hands after hot pepper: list of remedies, recipes

Medical supplies

After the rinsing procedure, pharmaceutical preparations will help reduce the burning sensation:

  1. Gel "Solcoseryl"
  2. Spray "Panthenol"
  3. Cream "Pantoderm"
  • Apply any of the following products several times a day, as needed

Several effective folk methods will help alleviate the condition:

1 option

  • Pour 0.5 liters of water into a basin
  • Dissolve 1 tbsp in it. l. soda
  • Add a glass of ice cubes
  • Make a compress for your hands for 10 minutes
  • After half an hour, repeat the procedure

Option 2

  • Mix a handful of table salt with a small amount of water until it becomes a thick porridge.
  • Wipe the damaged areas with the resulting mixture.
  • Wash off the slurry with milk
  • Then rinse your hands with cold water
  • Lubricate with rich cream
  • The procedure requires repeated use

Option 3

  • Combine some olive oil and sugar
  • Massage the damaged areas with the healing mixture for 2-3 minutes
  • Rinse off with warm water. Rub in sea buckthorn oil

Option 4

Make an alcohol compress. For this:

  • Place your hands in a deep bowl with any alcoholic drink for a few minutes
  • Rinse off the solution with cool water

Option 5

  • Rub the damaged areas with a slice of lemon
  • Do not wash off as long as possible
  • Natural acids are good for neutralizing burns

Option 6

  • Apply a compress of raw potatoes to the affected areas
  • After 5 minutes, walk the pieces of ice over the entire surface of your hands.
  • Dry without wiping

Option 7

  • Apply a small amount of toothpaste to your hands
  • Hold until you feel relief
  • Rinse first with any dairy product, then with water.

Option 8

  • Cover the affected area with slices of fresh cucumber
  • Keep it on for at least 15 minutes
  • Then rinse with water and apply baby cream

Despite the many ways to get rid of a hot pepper burn, it is better to avoid this trouble. To do this, use thin rubber gloves before you start preparing it.

Video: Lifehacks: How to extinguish the burning sensation in your mouth after chili pepper?

Every cook uses red hot pepper as a seasoning to add flavor and aroma. In addition to the main advantages, pepper also has disadvantages - when it is used, toxic esters are released. When they come into contact with the skin, it can cause a burn. Quite often, many people burn the oral mucosa, in which case it is necessary to immediately take measures to avoid the inflammatory process. What to do in this situation? How to quickly restore skin?

Why is red pepper dangerous for the mucous membranes of the mouth and hands?

Professionals know that when cutting pepper, its particles should not get on the mucous membranes, face, lips, mouth, eyes. These are the places that are vulnerable and sensitive. Pepper contains an alkaloid – capsaicin, which leads to chemical damage to the mucous membrane. In addition, everything can be aggravated by serious allergies.

Different types of peppers differ in the amount of capsaicin. The varieties growing in the countries of South America and Southeast Asia are especially dangerous. Safer ones are grown in Europe, including pepperoni.

Do you want to cook a dish with peppers and pick them from the bush? Be sure to wear gloves and use a gauze bandage for your face. Even after the procedure is completely completed, you should immediately get rid of protective equipment and wash your hands with soap.

Unable to avoid contact with chili peppers? You will have to wait, because the alkaloid is eliminated from the body within several days. Only timely assistance and high-quality treatment alleviate the condition and completely restore the mucous membrane.

Traditional methods of treating burns

  • Eat a cucumber. In Indonesia and Thailand, this is the method that helps get rid of burning sensation in the mouth.
  • Include bananas in your menu. A large amount of sugar can neutralize the burning sensation of pepper.
  • Eat chocolate. The bars contain a lot of fat, which quickly dissolves capsaicin molecules in the oral cavity. Please note that milk chocolate contains more fat, which is why it is great for helping with burns, rather than dark chocolate.
  • Apply a soft corn tortilla to the affected area - to your mouth, to your lips. Take a bite and you will immediately feel a slight burning sensation.
  • Chew toothpaste - it relieves redness and inflammation.

So, be careful with red peppers. To avoid serious burns, you must follow basic recommendations. Do not overeat spicy food; also use protective equipment when preparing dishes. In case of a burn, take action immediately, otherwise everything can end with serious consequences - the formation of ulcers, erosions and even necrosis. Be careful with chili peppers, keep them away from children!

One of the most common seasonings that gives a culinary masterpiece a special taste and aroma is paprika. A burn from red pepper can be caused by improper processing, careless cutting of hot spices or tasting the dish. Therefore, most often in professional kitchens, working with this vegetable is done only with gloves.

This development of events is not uncommon; it is important to know in case of a red pepper burn what to do in the first minutes and how to treat this injury in the future.

Mechanism of formation of chemical damage to the epithelium

You can get a skin burn from hot peppers with both red and green types of vegetables. The composition includes the element capsaicin, which is a stable chemical compound that makes it quite easy to get burned.

The peculiarity of this component is that it is tolerant to alkaline water-based masses. But at the same time, it can be easily dissolved in organic compounds in ethyl alcohol or fats. These subtleties are very important when choosing a treatment regimen and first aid measures if there is a burn to the hands, mucous membranes of the eyes or throat.

Paprika is used not only in cooking; this element is popular in the pharmaceutical and cosmetology industries. It has many useful properties and only one disadvantage - the possibility of chemical injury on the face, neck, and hands. In addition, upon contact or consumption, an allergic reaction may occur to the main element.

You can get injured not only when consuming the seasoning, but also after using a special shepherd or essential oils. For particularly sensitive skin, improper use and non-compliance with instructions can cause the formation of small blisters.

Red pepper burn, what to do in the first minutes?

If a pepper burn appears, redness, rashes, pain, and swelling develop, emergency measures must be taken immediately:

  1. Rinse the burned area of ​​your hands with pepper and cold running water until the pain subsides. Do not use gel or soap!
  2. If there is, then use a spray based on lidocaine or another anesthetic that will help relieve pain, eliminate redness and burning.
  3. If the oral mucosa is affected, you need to eat 1 tsp. food starch, which helps relieve symptoms.
  4. To eliminate hot pepper burns and a burning sensation in the mouth, you need to mix 1 tbsp. sugar and 1 glass of water, rinse your mouth with the resulting solution.
  5. Cold dairy or fermented milk products (milk, cream or yogurt, sour cream) help relieve painful symptoms. In addition to the rapid elimination of burning and swelling, it adds a psychological cooling effect.

The above recipes help in therapy when there are no special drugs at hand. Timely assistance will help reduce the symptoms of pepper burns and prevent complications.

Drug treatment of chemical injury

After emergency care, in the future, if you are burned by red pepper, you must do everything recommended by doctors for qualified treatment.

  1. To prevent infection of the affected area and relieve pepper burns, apply Fastin antibacterial ointment to the burned area. Also very effective in treatment are drugs such as Levomekol and Spasatel.
  2. If you are burned, you need to use means to activate regeneration. In this case, it is prescribed to apply Panthenol cream or ointment 3-4 times a day.
  3. Pantoderm spray has a good healing effect.
  4. When the red pepper burn begins to fade and the wounds heal, smear the affected area with rich baby cream every day at night.

Any medication must be used after carefully studying the instructions, taking into account the characteristics of the injury and contraindications. Very rarely, a burn from red pepper can lead to symptoms such as nausea and dizziness.

If you cannot resolve the problem on your own, you should under no circumstances endure the pain and should immediately consult a doctor.

Folk recipes

In order to avoid hot pepper burns, it is important to include not only the use of medications, but also alternative medicine recipes:

  1. To remove vegetable particles from the skin, you need to sprinkle a small amount of table salt on the injury. After 5 minutes, rinse it off with water and then rinse with milk.
  2. With such an injury, you can rinse your mouth with dairy products or make rich compresses (moisten cotton pads generously) and apply them to the damaged area for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Mix olive oil and sugar in equal parts, gently rub the affected area and apply sea buckthorn oil on top. If you burn with red pepper, keep the recipe for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
  4. Simple creamy ice cream will help not only relieve pain, but eliminate redness and swelling.
  5. To remove swelling and pain, it is recommended to lubricate the area affected by the bitter vegetable with kefir or a weak solution of vinegar.
  6. To quickly neutralize a burning sensation in the mouth, 1 fresh cucumber helps, which must be chewed thoroughly or a compress applied to the affected area of ​​the skin.
  7. A paste of water and soda (1 glass and 1 tsp) helps effectively; lubricate the affected area with this mixture, let it dry and rinse off after 15-20 minutes.
  8. Due to the large amount of sugar, bananas will help relieve the burning sensation when your hands are burned by hot pepper.
  9. Milk (not dark!) chocolate perfectly relieves painful and unpleasant symptoms.
  10. A mixture of flour and milk (1 cup per 2 tablespoons) helps effectively to make “gloves” out of the mixture, leave for 5-10 minutes, rinse with cold running water.

Alternative medicine methods are especially relevant if the injury occurred during pregnancy, because at this time it is not recommended to use any drugs.

Before wounds on the upper extremities heal, you must try to reduce manual work, limit all household chores, and provide complete rest to the affected area.

To avoid injuries from a spicy vegetable, it is necessary to approach its consumption with special responsibility and work with latex gloves. When eating overly spicy foods, wash them down with plenty of water or alcohol.

Knowledge of what to do if a burn from hot pepper occurs, and timely provision of the necessary therapy will help prevent severe pain and complications.

Hot peppers can cause a strong and unpleasant burning sensation, tears, and sometimes difficulty breathing. Often, this product affects the mouth and hands, the surface of which is completely different, therefore the methods of neutralizing the effect of pepper are also different.

Briefly about pepper

Try to handle hot pepper as carefully as possible, because preventing a burn is much easier than dealing with its consequences. Capsaicin is a substance that is part of this spicy vegetable and gives it a burning taste when it comes into contact with the skin in case of contact with the pulp of fresh pepper or in the mouth along with peppered food.

The degree of heat of different types of pepper depends on the amount of capsaicin contained in each of them. The hottest species grow in South America, Southeast Asia and the Caribbean; the mildest hot peppers, such as Italian peperoncini, in Europe. When preparing any food with or harvesting peppers, be extremely careful not to get capsaicin on your skin or eyes. If you suddenly pick up a vegetable with unprotected hands, be sure to wash them with soap.

Neutralizing the effects of pepper in the mouth

To counteract the burning sensation in your mouth, drink something rich in fat. Capsaicin is a fat-soluble substance, but not water-soluble. Cream, yoghurt or milk are excellent for this purpose. In addition, a cold drink can very well relieve the burning sensation, for example, drink 1-2 glasses of cold milk, since the psychological effect of cooling will be added to the objective effect (dissolution of the burning substance in fat milk).

The following products can help relieve the burning sensation:

  • cucumbers

When you use them, you will quickly feel relief.

Neutralizing the effects of pepper on your hands

If hot pepper gets on the skin of your hands, rub the affected area with table salt as quickly as possible. At the same time, you can add a few drops of water to the salt to evenly apply the mixture over the entire skin. Leave the mixture on for about 10 minutes, then wash off first with milk and then with soap and water, completing the procedure by applying a moisturizer. If this does not help, soak your hands in a strong alcoholic drink for 5-7 minutes. Salt can cleanse the skin of ingrained pepper, and milk, soap and alcohol can dissolve the remaining particles. You can also temporarily reduce the sensitivity of irritated skin by applying ice to the skin. To neutralize the effect of pepper on your hands, use a folk remedy by applying a small piece of fresh cucumber to the affected area of ​​skin.

You will read about the recipe for making cedar tincture in the next article.