Pink salt from Crimea - beneficial properties. About Crimean salt Pink Crimean bath salt

Today many people have already heard about pink Crimean salt. However, as practice shows, not all people know about the areas of its correct use, and what positive and negative qualities this substance has. Let's consider all this further in more detail.

Historical facts

The existence of pink salt was known to the Turks during the Ottoman Empire, who actively used this product in everyday life and valued it worth its weight in gold. In those days it was called rose spice. Pink salt has long been one of the most sought after items of trade - this resource was paid for in silver and gold.

We learned how to extract this product quite a long time ago. The process was a fairly simple technology, but its implementation required a lot of time, patience and effort. The procedure began in the spring season. To carry it out, miners filled a hand-created niche with sea water and rare algae, and then left it under the scorching rays of the sun. Over a certain period of time, all the moisture evaporated, and pink salt remained at the bottom of the niche, which acquired its unique color due to the influence of the same algae that saturated the product with beta-carotene.

Where is Crimean pink salt mined?

Crimean salt, which has a characteristic pink color, is mined in a non-standard way and only in one place. It should be noted that this undoubtedly affects the value of the product.

So, where is Crimean pink salt mined? The largest deposit of this product is Lake Sasyk-Sivash, which is located on the way from Simferopol to Evpatoria. This unique natural object took quite a long time to form. In the place where Crimean pink salt is mined, as a result of long storms, a sandbank formed, which separated the sea from the area of ​​the bay itself. This is how this magical and complex lake appeared, melting medicinal mud and salt at its bottom.

Similar deposits of pink salt are found in the Red Sea region, as well as in Patagonia and San Francisco. In these regions of the world there are also lakes at the bottom of which there are deposits of this useful substance.

Despite the fact that there is only one deposit in the world where Crimean pink salt is mined, as well as three other sources of such a resource, the volumes of product obtained from them are quite enough to supply the whole of Europe and some Asian countries.

Product Features

Speaking about such a unique natural product, one cannot fail to note its features, which make up the entire uniqueness of pink salt. One of them is the method of its formation: by evaporation of moisture. The absence of thermal intervention allows the salt to retain a huge amount of useful elements that can have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Another feature of this product is that it is widely used both in cosmetology and in cooking. Salt has a unique and very beautiful color, as well as a genuine and easily recognizable smell, thanks to which this natural component is very easy to distinguish from the rest.

What's included

Speaking about the benefits and harms of pink Crimean salt, it should be noted that this product has a unique composition. It includes such useful microelements as iodine, chromium, boron, fluorine, manganese, selenium, calcium, iron, molybdenum, as well as zinc and potassium. It should be noted here that some of these components cannot be found in food.

Medical experts assure that all the beneficial substances contained in the product can be fully absorbed by the body. When consuming familiar foods, this effect is achieved quite rarely.

Benefits for immunity

The main feature of Crimean pink sea salt is that this product contains a huge amount of useful microelements. Thanks to their effects, there is a significant strengthening of the immune system, and the resulting effect has a fairly long-lasting effect, and does not disappear immediately after use. In order to replenish the supply of nutrients in the body while following any diet, many nutritionists recommend adding this particular type of salt to foods.

Benefits for the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system

Today, the world knows another useful quality of the product in question - it acts as an excellent blood substitute, since its composition resembles plasma. During the Great Patriotic War, wounds were covered with it in order to replenish the blood supply.

The use of Crimean pink salt for the treatment of certain cardiovascular diseases is also quite widespread. Currently, it is used to treat arthritis and varicose veins, as well as problems associated with the musculoskeletal system.

About other properties of salt

Having considered the main features, we can note some other beneficial properties of Crimean pink salt. Many cosmetologists recommend using this product for baths. It is excellent for treating skin diseases and also improves its condition. Reviews of this product say that in modern practice it is actively used to give the skin a radiant appearance. As practice shows, taking baths for two weeks allows you to give your skin a healthier and more well-groomed appearance.

The product is also actively used to maintain healthy oral hygiene. A small amount of this product is dissolved in warm water and the resulting product is used to rinse the mouth after each meal. Practice shows that in this way you can avoid the formation of bad breath, as well as inflammatory processes of the gums and mucous membranes. In some cases, knowledgeable people eliminate toothache in this way.

Difference from white salt

Special attention should be paid to some differences between pink salt and white salt. One of them is in the place where pink salt is mined. In Crimea, the product is extracted naturally, without additional intervention. As for white salt, its deposits are found in many regions of the world.

The second difference between the products is their composition. Thus, pink salt contains a lot of useful microelements, including those that are quite difficult to find in other products. As for white salt, its composition is rather poor - it consists of sodium and chlorine.

And of course, the main difference between the products is their color. As for ordinary salt, it has a white, sometimes grayish tint. If we consider the Crimean one, then it is characterized by a pink color, which is achieved due to the unique effect of Dunaliella algae.


Knowing about the mass of useful properties of the product in question, many people have a desire to purchase it. Where can this be done and how much does such pleasure cost? As practice shows, the easiest way to do this is to find a supplier who does this.

As for the cost, it directly depends on how popular the supplier offers the product. However, in any case, the product is considered relatively inexpensive - about 70-100 rubles for an 800 g package.

A fantastic picture of the harvesting of the “crystalline harvest” can be observed from August to December in the salt fields between the cities of Evpatoria and Saki.

text and photo: Victoria Serebryanskaya

Everyone who works there looks like miners or wind-salted fishermen. Strong men in overalls, and sometimes only shorts and boots, are identified by barely noticeable fatigue and an unusually dark complexion. Tanned and with calloused hands, they mine salt in all weather conditions. When it rains, they put on rubber boots and raincoats and work until dark. During one production, three sets of overalls are worn out - the salt environment is so aggressive. But for Crimeans these are not difficulties at all - this is work.

Patience and again...

Salt workers monitor the system all year round: after each extraction, salt remains in the pools, it must be washed away, leveled and dried, but the surface of the pool ready for salting should not be completely dry. That is, before the start of the season, the first thing to do is “smooth out” the used pool, and then control the accumulation of new brine. At the same time, the order must be observed: salt is not grown in one area for two years in a row; after harvesting, it takes a year to restore the pool.

Aging is also needed so that the collected salt settles in a heap, this is an industrial-sized mound into which the extracted product is poured - the microelements in fresh salt are too active. Their activity is so high that experts advise dampening it before consuming salt - waiting for time.

As for the conditions for the growth of the salt layer, salt with beta-carotene is “cooked” for several months in sea water under the influence of sunlight and absorbs the aroma of steppe herbs - the product is the most natural: no chemicals or synthetic flavoring additives.

Natural wealth

Salt extraction occurs once a year. A whole ceremony is associated with its beginning. After dumping the mother brines, a clean towel is placed on the surface of the pool, where the salt workers step, remove the first layer with a spatula, measure the height with a ruler, and then place crystals of pink salt on the loaf of bread - it contains a complex of carotenoids, natural wax, glycerin, organic iodine - just more 77 inorganic elements. And beta-carotene, which gives the pink color, is generally a unique product; it is impossible to reproduce it artificially, in a laboratory, - this is the conclusion of the Zelensky Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and the Laboratory of Organic Chemistry of Moscow State University.

After taking the sample, they begin to work. One team monitors how a salt harvester uses a huge flat knife to remove a layer of salt and pour it into trailers, each motor locomotive has 4-5 of them. When the latter is filled, the motor locomotives move along hand-laid rails to the pile. At another site, salt is packaged.

When the mining is completed, “horns” are put on the last motorized locomotive: a mound with the Crimean flag is driven in, and the whole team signs on it - the job is done. These flags are kept in the office of the Galit cooperative, which owns the fisheries.

Pickles for health

“It has no price, our pink salt, it contains the entire periodic table!” - the salt workers admire. None of them know what asthma and bronchitis are; all the ailments go away. That’s why people come here from everywhere, where they learn about the healing properties of Crimean salt salt, and they also pick up brine by the bottle. “One old man comes to us for several years in a row, the joints in his knees are twisted, so he will gain brine and be treated, the procedures help, it’s enough for the whole year,” the salt workers smile. “To celebrate, grandfather calls us all sons.”

Pink salt contains a complex of carotenoids, natural wax, glycerin, organic iodine - in total more than 77 inorganic elements. And beta-carotene, which gives it a pink color, is generally a unique product that cannot be created in a laboratory

The workers themselves take 15-minute healing baths in a separate pool, standing ankle-deep in “brine.” “And doctors come to visit us,” note the salt workers. “We can tell them and advise them a lot, we are like fish in water here.” “Only very salty ones,” I joke. They agree. And then they remember: the record for salt production was recorded in 1975 - 53 thousand tons. Now about 15 thousand are mined, less than under the Union, back then the fraternal republics took Crimean salt by the wagonload...

Heat in Crimean style

The salt workers remembered a funny incident with guests from Germany, even before the Maidan and, therefore, before the introduction of sanctions against Crimea. “The Germans were removing the spoils, and before their eyes the clapboard fell, together we rushed to pick it up,” the salt workers recall, laughing. “Our men got hot, they stripped to the waist, took off their shoes, and walked barefoot through the salt. And the Germans turned on the video cameras and hurried each other, saying, let’s film them faster! They haven’t seen such a rarity anywhere, except in the movies, they have a different technique.”
“The mechanisms and fixed assets, of course, need to be updated, the environment is aggressive, salt in such quantities corrodes everything,” explains Galit commercial director Alexey Turchenko. But the main thing is that here, even with the old technology, production secrets are preserved. Although the profession of a salt maker is not taught in any university, all the subtleties are learned only in practice.

Loyalty to the profession

Technologist Yuri Litvinov has been at Solprom for half a century. He, a 22-year-old naval radio operator, was brought back to land by good earnings - 600 Soviet rubles with a sea salary of 200. He came here temporarily, labor was needed for the period of production - in those days, the Evpatoria Solprom provided the country with a solid “harvest”. But it turned out that he chose fate, not seasonal work. The entire territory, which is 260 hectares, was traveled on foot. He mastered specialties from technologist to salt-packing machine adjuster. The nuances were taught by the old people. Invaluable knowledge is passed on here and now in the old-fashioned way: from mouth to mouth - that’s it, folk art. And the choice of real men. Practice gives the necessary skills - the experience of elders plus your own.

Salt is counted in autumn

Of course, salt workers are not happy about downpours: after rains, the layer has to be especially controlled - part of the salt is eaten and its specific gravity changes. We need to monitor the sedimentation, control the growth of the formation, and open the sluices so that the water can drain out. The process is labor intensive. When the weather changes, the situation in the pools changes every 20 minutes.

Last season, they started extracting salt in mid-August and harvested four basins until December. This year the start had to be postponed for a month. However, the shift in timing, according to the salt workers, will not affect the result - the harvest is expected to be good.

“The rains only ended on July 20, and we opened production in the basin, where the reservoir managed to grow not by a hundred, but by 55 millimeters,” explained Valery Starodubtsev, production director of the Galit cooperative. – In sunny weather, the salt in other pools will grow by another 20 millimeters.

Brother or not brother?

A separate pile was prepared for shipment to China, where they became seriously interested in pink salt. A delegation from the Celestial Empire arrived in Crimea after salt producers approached them about purchasing a salt processing plant - in order to completely close the technological cycle at the local enterprise: from careful washing of salt to tableting of the product. Enterprising Chinese assessed the intentions of the Crimeans in their own way. Having asked about everything, they rushed over to make sure that Evpatoria really has such natural wealth. We were surprised that so much salt grows in the open air that it requires a whole plant to process it.

The record for salt production was recorded in 1975: 53,000 tons
Under the USSR, orders from Crimea went to the all-Union republics. Today, about 15,000 tons are mined.

“We arrived at Solprom, saw huge layers of pink salt and began to bargain - reducing the price to a minimum, although the cost of salt is already low,” says Starodubtsev. “We didn’t want to sell it too cheap; so much work goes into growing salt!” Well, how can you give away a valuable food product, collected by hand, for pennies? In addition, delivery is troublesome: we were asked to pack the salt in rubber barrels for transportation by sea. As a result, we decided not to rush with this foreign order until we saturate the domestic market with healthy salt. We have established contacts with the south of Russia and large cities in other regions. Thus, sea salt is readily taken in the Krasnodar Territory, Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Rostov-on-Don. In general, they value their own people.

The product is beyond competition

At the same time, Starodubtsev expressed regret that Crimeans with salt are not yet allowed to attend international exhibitions in France and Spain - in Europe they explain, they say, “your Crimea” is “occupied territory.”

“They pretend that they don’t understand what occupation is,” says Valery Alekseevich. - During the Great Patriotic War, the Nazis occupied Crimea - they shot thousands of civilians and there was so much destruction! They stole our salt and exported it to Germany by wagons... After the liberation of the peninsula, the Evpatorians quickly resumed the process of growing salt. Incomprehensibly, the salt harvester made in 1934 is still in operation.

“I think the foreign nonsense with sanctions will not last long, or maybe they also understand: anyway, at the international exhibition they will have to award the Grand Prix to Crimean salt,” Starodubtsev smiles. – There are salt mines in France and Spain, but ours is unique, there is nothing like it anywhere else in the world. We produce a competitive product, we are proud of its quality and usefulness. We hope the truth will prevail - any blockade will be broken. Europe actually understands everything, but is in no hurry to remove conventional barriers. Well, we'll wait.

Work until you sweat

The salt industry received industrial development in 1863, although Crimean salt has been around for as many years as Evpatoria – 2.5 thousand. The lands near Solprom were once bought by one of the courtiers of the Russian sovereign, Count Balashov, he hired an engineer who built checks here, from that moment the extraction was carried out using a special technology, and the salt began to be called “royal” - it was served at the royal table. The salt mine was equipped with 10 wharves, from where salt was sent to different countries of the world. Even then she was pink.

“In our pools, seaweed grows, which begins to bloom when it gets on the brine,” continues Valery Alekseevich, “beta-carotene is released into the water, turning the pools pink, and the entire salt industry is filled with the smell of violets - such an aroma during the flowering of brine.” It is these lakes that ionize the air in Evpatoria and its surroundings, making it healing.
Salt workers think it would be nice to build a mud bath here. The place is unique - there is fresh water, a hot spring and untouched healing mud.

“We have saved the salt industry,” concluded the production director, “now we just need to develop it!”

Many people believe that Crimean pink salt and Himalayan pink salt are very exotic products. In fact, both of these salts make excellent affordable alternatives to table salt. They are suitable for those who plan to improve their diet and avoid the usual spices. Let's talk about how Crimean pink food salt differs from regular salt and what its beneficial properties are.

Product Features

Proper nutrition almost always involves a complete abstinence from salt when preparing meals yourself. This is due to the fact that salt has a negative effect on the body. It is the result of processing a natural product and all beneficial minerals have been removed from it.

What to do if you don’t want to completely switch to a bland, salt-free diet? Pink salt will come to the rescue. It is a real storehouse of essential substances and has a very pleasant taste. It is not processed and that is why it retains its natural pink color.

Pink Crimean food salt has an impressive composition. In addition to sodium chloride, it contains 84 other minerals. The most useful of them are:


It has much less sodium chloride than regular white salt. This is caused by both the high content of other minerals (about 14%) and the special structure of its crystals.

Initially, pink salt was mined only in the Himalayas. Today its production is established in many parts of the world, including Crimea. This makes it more accessible and affordable. Today, Crimean sea salt can be ordered online or found on the counter in a large store.

Crimean pink salt - benefits and harm

Harm of white salt

The differences between pink and table salt do not end there. The first does not contain chemical additives that are added to seasonings to prevent them from caking. Once they enter the body, they cannot exit naturally. They are deposited in tissues, disrupting natural metabolic processes. In the long term, this cannot but affect the functioning of internal organs.

Popular iodized salt cannot be considered a healthy food product. Artificial iodine is poorly absorbed by the body, so its properties do not differ from ordinary salt.

This also applies to sea salt. Of course, it is rich in various microelements, but it is not pure. Due to the fact that it is often mined in areas contaminated with petroleum products and other industrial waste, it contains many harmful impurities.

It is known that salt and spices that contain it cause fluid retention in the body. This can lead to the development of arthritis and rheumatism, as well as the formation of stones in organs. Many women have also noticed that a diet excluding white salt quickly eliminates all signs of cellulite. For these reasons, it's worth considering eliminating regular salt from your everyday recipes.

Beneficial features

Pink salt is easily absorbed and does not cause swelling. Minerals in its composition:

Maintains the natural pH of the body;
remove toxins;
maintain blood sugar levels and normal blood pressure;
wash away excess water, eliminating swelling;
prevent negative age-related changes in bone tissue;
strengthen the immune system.

In addition, it normalizes hormonal levels due to natural iodine. Therefore, one of the indications for its regular use is chronic and acute diseases of the thyroid gland.

To whom is Crimean pink salt dangerous? What harm is possible from it?

Pink salt is hypoallergenic and has no contraindications for oral administration. The main thing is to observe moderation. You should not use more than 1 tsp. no slide per day.

The cosmetic use of salt is limited to certain diseases. It is not recommended to take salt baths if:

acute blood diseases;
venous insufficiency;
skin diseases in the acute stage;
renal failure;
inflammatory processes.

If you have very sensitive skin, test the salt first by making a bath for your hands or feet.


How to use pink salt?

1. As a food additive. Just replace it with regular white one. It has the same culinary properties and is suitable for adding flavor to salads and first courses, as well as for baking and pickling. Its delicate aroma and pleasant taste will make it an indispensable ingredient in your favorite dishes.
2. As a cure for colds. Steam inhalations will quickly relieve you of ARVI symptoms. Add 1 tsp to 1 liter of boiled water. Crimean salt. Bring the solution to a boil, completely dissolve the salt and remove from heat. Breathe over the steam for 5-10 minutes.
3. For oral hygiene. If you are concerned about sensitive enamel, unpleasant odor or bleeding gums, regularly rinse your mouth with a saline solution. For a lasting effect, it is better to do this after every meal.
4. For the beauty of face and body. The possibilities of pink salt in cosmetology are truly endless. It is included in finished cosmetic products and can be successfully used at home. You can add it to your bath, use it to make a scrub, or make a steam bath for problematic facial skin.

Crimean pink salt is a unique natural product that helps you lead a healthy lifestyle. The results from its use will become noticeable within a few months and will last for a long time.

Dear Clients! Counterfeits of real Crimean salt have appeared on the Internet




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A real health resort and the secret of longevity is pink Crimean salt! An amazing natural product that contains all the microelements of the periodic table. This is a rare and unsurpassed combination that only a few places on the planet can offer. Among them is the Crimean nature, rich in deposits of a valuable and very useful resource.

A little history

The special significance of pink salt was appreciated by the Turks of the Ottoman Empire. After the Crimean War, the Turkish Sultan most of all regretted not the luxurious lands, but the Crimean pink sea salt. When signing a decree on peace with the Russian Empire, the first point the Sultan mentioned was establishing trade in pink seasoning with Turkey. Even then, more than two centuries ago, this natural resource was valued at the same level as gold and silver.

The method of extracting pink salt was discovered ten centuries ago. It consisted of filling the salt pools with sea water in the spring. The warm rays of the sun contributed to the evaporation of moisture, and salt crystals settled at the bottom of the natural pool. The pink color of the product is due to a rare algae that lives in salt pools. It saturates the salt with a large amount of beta-carotene.

For many years it remained a product of the elite class and was exclusively a royal privilege. But after the revolution at the beginning of the last century, the situation changed. In the 30s, a technology for extracting a valuable resource was developed and it was put into wide circulation. The product began to be sold in stores and exported.

Main features of pink salt

Many consider this product to be the most useful substance on the planet, and there is a great deal of truth in this. It helps strengthen the immune system, and the effective effect remains for a long time. Respiratory diseases bypass everyone who includes this product in their diet. Nutritionists strongly recommend using it as a dietary supplement. Crimean pink salt for food is the optimal way to saturate the body with essential microelements.

During the Great Patriotic War, many wounded were rescued using brine from salt lakes. It is similar in composition to plasma, so it was used as a blood substitute.

Pink salt is interesting for its unique features:

  • its formation occurs naturally, as a result of moisture evaporation, so thermal incorporation is not used;
  • has a unique composition, which contains all existing minerals and trace elements;
  • has a beautiful and natural pink color;
  • it can be successfully used both in cooking and in cosmetology;
  • The collection technology, proven over the years, allows us to obtain salt crystals of their original appearance.

Another characteristic feature of this salt is its special smell, which will never confuse it with a colored fake.

What microelements are included?

Pink salt has a composition that is difficult to find a competitor in terms of usefulness. Here are zinc and magnesium, iodine and phosphorus, manganese, selenium and potassium. It contains a lot of iron, fluorine, chromium, boron, molybdenum and other useful elements.

By paying a fixed price for edible Crimean pink salt, you can be sure that all microelements are absorbed 100%.

What is the difference between pink Crimean seasoning and regular one?

The main difference lies in the method of extraction of these substances. The familiar rock or sea salt, which is also called mountain salt, is also rich in a wide range of useful micro- and macroelements. Their number is more than eighty species, but many of them die during industrial cleaning. After this, only two useful elements reach us, and the product itself becomes sodium chloride.

Such a food product benefits greatly in terms of production. Its mining technologies have not undergone any technical intervention. Therefore, we receive a unique product in its original form. Because of this, the benefits and richness of the composition are not compromised.

Crimean pink salt has enormous medicinal properties. It is able to cleanse the body and maintain normal water-salt metabolism.

This is a storehouse of microelements necessary for humans, which promotes cell restoration, rejuvenation of the body, and normalizes blood circulation. Regular use of pink salt has a positive effect on the nervous and muscular systems. The therapeutic effect can be achieved by taking baths or taking it as a dietary supplement.

When to use pink salt?

At first it established itself as an excellent anti-cold remedy. It has been proven that workers who collect salt crystals suffer virtually no respiratory diseases. The product began to be actively used as therapy against flu and colds. It became clear that the components of pink salt kill germs and bacteria that cause disease.

If you add a little pink salt to steam inhalations, you can get an excellent remedy for coughing. For such manipulations it is not necessary to own an inhaler. You can dissolve it in a container of boiling water, and then breathe in the beneficial vapors.

It is also worth buying pink Crimean salt to control oral hygiene. It is enough to dissolve a few crystals in water and rinse your mouth with the solution after eating or brushing your teeth. Such actions will help improve bad breath, eliminate inflammatory processes in the gums, and also reduce toothache.

It has established itself as an excellent cosmetic product. The main direction of application is the fight against acne. To achieve a natural, healthy color and tone of the skin, two weeks of using this product will be enough.

Crimean edible pink salt is also used to treat:

Crimean pink salt has an affordable price for all consumers. On our website you can buy it at an affordable price and receive your goods as soon as possible. Our products are of certified quality and have been tested by many customers. Buy the best for yourself!

Lake Sasyk-Sivash is the largest lake and salt lake in Crimea. The lake itself is very shallow, its average depth is 0.5 meters, and its maximum is 1.2 meters. The extraction of pink sea salt, which is highly valued in the West, is established here. Let's look at how this salt is extracted below.

Once upon a time, this place was a shallow sea bay. But years later, under the influence of wind and frequent winter storms, a sandbank formed, dividing the sea with the bay, which led to the formation of the salt lake Sasyk-Sivash. The unique characteristics of the lake are hidden at its bottom, which is medicinal mud and contains many useful microelements that give the salt “grown” here such valuable properties. One of the most noticeable and useful substances that make up local salt is BETA-carotene, it is this that gives it such an unusual pink hue and ensures a high level of vital activity of the human body.

The Chumaks began to extract salt here, who were then supplanted by the dynasty of the Geray khans. During the Soviet era, they decided to raise production to a new level and built an entire production complex here, called Solprom. During perestroika, part of the former power, of course, was lost and of the 8 working salt pools, only 4 remained in operation. But they are more than enough to provide a quality product not only to neighboring countries, but also to European consumers.
Salt production begins in winter by filling special preparation pools with seawater. In them, it undergoes a series of purifications, gains its density and turns into a saline solution or brine.

Then, the already prepared brine is pumped into the main production pool, where in the summer, under the influence of the scorching sun and strong wind, the water evaporates, and the same reddish layer of salt, 4 to 12 centimeters thick, forms at the bottom.

After the salt has “ripened”, which happens at the end of August, the salt harvester goes to work. The age of this outlandish equipment is almost 50 years, and its weight is about 25 tons. As local salt workers say, this machine has no analogues, so it is closely monitored and treasured like the apple of one’s eye.

Using special knives, the combine cuts off a layer of salt, which is immediately crushed and delivered to the trolleys along a conveyor belt.

Having filled the trolleys to the brim with heaps of salt, they transport it to the shore along a narrow-gauge railway.

The trolleys are pulled by these interesting motor locomotives, somewhat reminiscent of the trains of the children's railway.

The mined salt is stored in the form of huge trapezoidal pyramids called piles. This is done so that the salt dries a little and becomes covered with a crust, which will protect it from external influences.

After the trolleys are unloaded, the process is repeated again. And so, layer by layer, salt is extracted throughout the fall. Over the course of a year, if the weather does not interfere, salt makers produce about 20 thousand tons of mineral.

The work of a salt worker is not an easy one. You have to work in harsh conditions of hot summer, under the scorching rays of the sun. A miniature narrow-gauge railway for trolleys is installed manually, without the help of machinery. During the working day, it has to be shifted several times in order to keep up with the moving combine.

Life is not easy for technology either: the aggressive salt environment literally eats metal to dust within a few years.

In total, about 20 team members work at the fishery. Basically, these are old-timers who have remained since the founding of Solprom. And once upon a time there was a village of more than 200 people. The Saki chemical plant also worked next to Solprom, producing finished products from salt. Now in its place only walls remain.

Europe is now actively buying pink sea salt, since the Dead Sea has practically become “dead”, and table salt cannot be compared with this. In the West, table salt is used only for technical needs, and sea salt is used for food. With us, it’s the other way around: sea salts are packaged in expensive packaging and sold as exclusive bath salts, but we often eat table salts.

Therefore, the next time you go for salt, I recommend looking for our live pink salt from Lake Sasyk-Sivash. It is much healthier, more pleasant and tastier, although for some reason it costs more.