Roast beef technological map. What is roast beef - cooking features, best recipes and recommendations Cold roast beef with side dish technological map

Beef (tenderloin, thick and thin edges) is cleaned into a large piece weighing 1–2.5 kg, sprinkled with salt and pepper, and placed on a preheated baking sheet, greased. The distance between the pieces is at least 5 cm. The meat is fried over high heat until a crispy crust forms, then placed in the oven and continued to fry at a temperature of 160–170 °C. During frying, the meat is periodically turned over and poured with the released juice and fat. Roast beef can be fried to three degrees of doneness: rare (the meat is fried until a crispy crust forms), medium-rare (the meat is pinkish inside toward the center) and well done (the meat is gray inside). The degree of doneness is judged by the elasticity of the meat: rare roast beef is very springy, half-roasted beef is weaker, and fully roasted beef has almost no elasticity. The finished roast beef is cut into 2-3 pieces per serving.

When served, a complex side dish consisting of 3-4 types of vegetables, sliced ​​horseradish, sliced ​​meat, sprinkled with meat juice is placed on a portioned dish. You can use fried or fried potatoes as a side dish.

Roast pork, veal or lamb

Prepared large pieces of pork, or veal (ham, loin, shoulder), or lamb (loin, ham) are sprinkled with salt, pepper, placed on a baking sheet, poured with fat, fried on the stove and finished in the oven. During the frying process, pour over the released juice and fat. The finished meat is cut into 1-2 pieces per serving.

When leaving, put a side dish, sliced ​​meat on a portioned dish, and pour over meat juice. As a side dish for pork, stewed cabbage, fried potatoes, buckwheat porridge, boiled beans, and a complex side dish are served; for veal - fried or boiled potatoes, potatoes in milk, green peas; for lamb - buckwheat porridge, fried or boiled potatoes, beans in oil or tomato.

Roasted pig

Small piglets are fried whole, and large ones (4–6 kg) are cut along the vertebral bone along with the head, sprinkled with salt on the inside and placed on a baking sheet, skin side up (whole piglets with their backs up), the surface of the piglet is smeared with sour cream, poured with butter and fried in oven. During frying, pour over the released fat, do not turn the pig over. Readiness is determined by piercing the ham with a chef's needle. The roasted pig is cut into portions, one piece at a time.

When leaving, put buckwheat porridge seasoned with butter on a portioned dish, you can add chopped eggs, next to it - roast pig, pour over meat juice.

Natural pieces of meat are fried with a small amount of fat (5-10% by weight of the meat) on a stove or electric frying pan. The prepared portioned pieces are sprinkled with salt and pepper and placed on a baking sheet with fat heated to 170–180 °C. After a crispy crust has formed on one side, the meat is turned over and fried until cooked and a crust has formed on the other side. Losses when frying meat in natural portioned pieces are 37%. The meat is fried immediately before serving in order to better preserve its taste and smell. Natural fried dishes are served with a simple or complex side dish. The meat is poured with meat juice, butter or sauce, portioned into 50, 75, 100 or 125 g.


The history of the “truly English” dish

Unlike French or Italian cuisine, British cuisine cannot boast of sophistication and variety. In a country where the weather is damp for half the year and the piercing winds of the North Atlantic constantly blow, the population has no time for culinary subtleties - food should, first of all, be satisfying and saturate with energy for a long time. British dishes, including roast beef, meet these requirements 100%.

The original name roast beef translates as “baked beef”. The British insist that other types of meat will not give the dish the desired taste and texture. In general, in English cuisine there are many recipes with beef, while lamb, pork and poultry are considered “supporting characters”. This is not surprising if we remember that the climate of the British Isles is favorable for cattle breeding and, starting from the 17th century, many new meat breeds appeared here, becoming famous throughout Europe.

Around the same period, the table of wealthy Englishmen was decorated with roast beef - ordinary people could not afford such a treat. Beef has always been considered the food of aristocrats, but after King James I Stuart knighted... a bull carcass in 1617, its consumption became a legalized privilege of high society.

Initially, a piece of meat tied with twine was fried on a spit over coals or an open fire. The result was ideal from the British point of view - a crispy crust and pinkish (often with blood) flesh inside.

In addition to the nobility, soldiers of the British army were fed this elite meat dish, believing that it gave strength and raised morale. The famous 18th-century writer Henry Fielding sang the praises of roast beef in his ballad of the same name, which became the unofficial national anthem.

This work said that after eating beef tenderloin, the British became invincible, instantly dealing with the flimsy “frog” French. In response, the eternal enemies on the other side of the English Channel nicknamed the inhabitants of the British Isles “les rosbifs,” but this sounded more like a compliment.

The tradition of serving roast beef to the table on Sunday took hold in the 19th century, when beef became available to the middle class. Cooking a massive piece of meat required a fairly large fireplace or oven, which was only found in rich homes. Enterprising Englishmen found a way out - on the way to church, they brought raw meat to bakeries (they didn’t make bread on Sunday), and on the way back they picked up the already cooked aromatic roast.

Yorkshire pudding

In England, this dish made from liquid unleavened dough is served along with fried beef tenderloin. Initially, meat and baked goods were cooked together on two levels. The beef was placed on top, and the pudding, during the frying process, collected the juice and fat dripping from it, soaking in them and becoming incredibly tasty.

In the 19th century, both ingredients of Sunday lunch were served alternately to save money. First they ate a rich pudding and only then meat, of which there was little due to the high cost. As a result, the family was fed and the budget did not suffer.

How to choose the right meat for roast beef

Only premium beef is suitable for roast beef. It could be:

  • dorsal part (thick edge);
  • tenderloin;
  • sirloin;
  • fillet (thin edge);
  • rump.

Other things to consider:

  1. Roast beef is prepared only from the meat of adult animals, which has a pronounced taste and a large amount of fatty layers (marbling). Veal is not suitable in this case.
  2. When purchasing, pay attention to the degree of maturity. Fresh meat in the full sense of the word is hardly possible to purchase in urban areas. And within an hour after slaughter, the animal’s muscles begin to stiffen, causing the product to become hard, poorly digestible and smell unpleasant. Such meat, like frozen meat, is not suitable for the No. 1 dish of English cuisine. The best option is dry-aged beef, which can be purchased ready-made. It is fermented in special salt chambers at temperatures close to 0ºC for 10 – 28 days. This is an elite product with pronounced taste. Meat is also sold in vacuum packaging, naturally fermented in a humid environment. Its ripening period is much shorter - only a few days, but the consistency and taste are more delicate. Generally, stores offer wet-aged beef as a more affordable option for the general consumer.
  3. The weight of the cut must be at least 1.5 kg. In a large piece, the pulp will not dry out.
  4. Films and connective tissues are undesirable. They will make the dish tough.
  5. The meat of old animals has a characteristic dark red color, and the fat has a yellowish tint. It is better not to buy such a product, it has little taste and benefits, but is high in cholesterol.
  6. Experienced chefs advise choosing a cut with a bone - the roast beef will be more tender and juicy. In addition, it will be more convenient to prepare.
  7. The further the part of the carcass intended for roast beef is from the head, the tougher the meat will be.

By the way, read the useful article How to choose meat for beef steak.

Subtleties of cooking

The ideal beef cut has been selected, but it still needs to be properly “brought to condition.” The technology for preparing roast beef involves storing fresh meat in the refrigerator for complete ripening, production of enzymes and fermentation. Of course, this stage is necessary only if you bought regular beef on the market, and not special - wet or dry aged as described above.

Fresh meat is wrapped in oiled parchment or placed on a wire rack in a container with an airtight lid. In this form, it should lie for 5 to 7 days in the “freshness zone”. You can add bay leaf and allspice.

Before cooking, keep the beef at room temperature for at least 2 hours to ensure it heats evenly. Otherwise, the outer and inner layers will cook at different speeds.

Ideally, the beef is placed on a grill grate and cooked using a convection heater. It is not advisable to place roast beef directly on the bottom of a fireproof dish - it will cook in its own juices. If there is no grill, a pillow of vegetables or a stand, for example, of skewers, is built for the cut.

If the meat is on the bone, it is first baked with the ribs down. You need to turn over and lift the piece with special tongs, and not with a fork, otherwise the juice will leak out. A roll is made from boneless beef.

The easiest way to determine the degree of doneness is to use a meat thermometer. Below we provide a table showing all the options for roasting roast beef and the time during which you can achieve the desired result. Let us remember that protein coagulates at 42ºС and, in principle, such meat can already be considered harmless to the human body.

It is clear that a cut weighing 2 kg will have to be cooked approximately 2 times longer, and so on.

During baking, it is advisable to baste the dish with leaked meat juice every 10 - 15 minutes and immediately put it back in the oven so that it does not cool down.

The finished roast beef is not cut immediately. It will be most delicious on the second day, since the juice will be evenly distributed between the layers of meat.


Even famous chefs do not always pay attention to this point. They believe that it is enough to keep the roast beef in the oven at the same temperature to achieve a completely acceptable result.

However, their opponents are confident that the dish requires a special approach and recommend the following baking algorithm:

  • Preheat the oven to 250ºC, place the meat and cook for 15 minutes, turning over to form a uniform crust;
  • reduce the temperature to 160 - 180 ºС and continue processing the beef, spending an average of 15 minutes for every ½ kg of raw product.

Whether such subtleties are needed, each housewife decides for herself. You can “feel the difference” only through experimentation. But if you consider that previously roast beef was cooked on coals, which gradually cooled, the advice is not unreasonable.

Roast beef according to the classic recipe. Master class with photos

We offer you to prepare delicious and juicy roast beef using a simple, affordable recipe. If you have to choose between beef tenderloin and thick rib, which are the ones that are used most often, we would advise you to go with the second option. It is still better to cook the French equivalent of steak from the tenderloin - “châteaubriand”.

The dish is eaten both hot and cold – it is equally tasty. The British prefer cold roast beef with spicy seasonings: mustard and horseradish.

Technical and technological map No.Roast beef, semi-finished culinary product(CP recipe No. 628)

Publishing house Kyiv "A.S.K" 2005


This technical and technological map applies to the name of the object, city.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cooking roast beef (thin edge beef), must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity, quality certificate, etc.).

The preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

NameRaw material consumption per serving, g
Gross weight, g% when cold processedNet weight, g% during heat treatmentOutput, g
Beef thin edge1350,0 1310,0 1000,0
Salt10,0 0,00 10,0 100,00 0,0
Rosemary10,0 50,00 5,0 100,00 0,0
Peeled garlic, p/f10,0 0,00 10,0 100,00 0,0
Ground black pepper3,0 0,00 3,0 100,00 0,0
Vegetable oil20,0 0,00 20,0 100,00 0,0
Vegetable oil50,0 0,00 50,0 100,00 0,0
Peeled garlic, p/f10,0 0,00 10,0 100,00 0,0
Exit 1000
  1. Cooking technology

Peeled garlic is finely chopped. Rosemary sprigs are cleared of hard stems and slightly chopped with a knife. Combine salt, ground black pepper, and vegetable oil in a bowl and mix until a paste forms.

The thin edge of the prepared beef is rubbed with the resulting mixture, sprinkled with finely chopped garlic and rosemary. Meat pieces are placed in deep gastronorm containers in layers. The gastro container is covered with cling film and kept for 12 hours at a temperature of +(2+4)* C.

Heat a frying pan well with vegetable oil. The heat must be strong. Place sliced ​​garlic in a frying pan. Fry it for 30 seconds so that the oil acquires a persistent aroma of fried garlic. Then lay out the marinated roast beef and fry it until golden brown on all sides of the meat piece.

Before baking, the marinated meat is wrapped in 2 layers of foil. Place on the prepared baking sheet. A temperature probe is inserted into the largest piece.

Place in a steam convection oven preheated to 195*C for 30 minutes. The temperature indicated by the temperature probe in the thickness of the piece of meat should be 65* C. Degree of doneness – Medium Well.

The finished roast beef is removed from the oven and left in foil for 30 minutes to cool naturally at room temperature. The readiness of the meat is determined with a chef's needle. The needle enters the fried meat easily

  1. Characteristics of the finished dish, semi-finished product

Appearance- an elongated piece of beef meat. A brown crust is visible on the surface. The inside of the roast beef should be perfectly cooked, just slightly pinkish, and there should be no clear juice at all.

Consistency – elastic.

Taste and smell– characteristic of cooked beef meat, without discrediting features.

  1. Requirements for registration, sale and storage

Roast beef (thin edge beef) Prepare as needed. The permissible shelf life of the semi-finished product, according to SanPiN at a temperature of +2+4 degrees C, is no more than 36 hours from the end of the technological process.

microbiological indicators roast beef (thin edge beef), must meet the requirements SanPiN

The dish is quite accessible to prepare at home. Moreover, the classic beef roast beef recipe seems very simple at first glance, but it has its own subtleties and secrets. Properly fried meat has a bright, rich taste and aroma that will not leave gourmets indifferent.

The history of the “truly English” dish

Unlike French or Italian cuisine, British cuisine cannot boast of sophistication and variety. In a country where the weather is damp for half the year and the piercing winds of the North Atlantic constantly blow, the population has no time for culinary subtleties - food should, first of all, be satisfying and saturate with energy for a long time. British dishes, including roast beef, meet these requirements 100%.

The original name roast beef translates as “baked beef”. The British insist that other types of meat will not give the dish the desired taste and texture. In general, in English cuisine there are many recipes with beef, while lamb, pork and poultry are considered “supporting characters”. This is not surprising if we remember that the climate of the British Isles is favorable for cattle breeding and, starting from the 17th century, many new meat breeds appeared here, becoming famous throughout Europe.

Around the same period, the table of wealthy Englishmen was decorated with roast beef - ordinary people could not afford such a treat. Beef has always been considered the food of aristocrats, but after King James I Stuart knighted... a bull carcass in 1617, its consumption became a legalized privilege of high society.

Initially, a piece of meat tied with twine was fried on a spit over coals or an open fire. The result was ideal from the British point of view - a crispy crust and pinkish (often with blood) flesh inside.

In addition to the nobility, soldiers of the British army were fed this elite meat dish, believing that it gave strength and raised morale. The famous 18th-century writer Henry Fielding sang the praises of roast beef in his ballad of the same name, which became the unofficial national anthem.

This work said that after eating beef tenderloin, the British became invincible, instantly dealing with the flimsy “frog” French. In response, the eternal enemies on the other side of the English Channel nicknamed the inhabitants of the British Isles “les rosbifs,” but this sounded more like a compliment.

The tradition of serving roast beef to the table on Sunday took hold in the 19th century, when beef became available to the middle class. Cooking a massive piece of meat required a fairly large fireplace or oven, which was only found in rich homes. Enterprising Englishmen found a way out - on the way to church, they brought raw meat to bakeries (they didn’t make bread on Sunday), and on the way back they picked up the already cooked aromatic roast.

Yorkshire pudding

In England, this dish made from liquid unleavened dough is served along with fried beef tenderloin. Initially, meat and baked goods were cooked together on two levels. The beef was placed on top, and the pudding, during the frying process, collected the juice and fat dripping from it, soaking in them and becoming incredibly tasty.

In the 19th century, both ingredients of Sunday lunch were served alternately to save money. First they ate a rich pudding and only then meat, of which there was little due to the high cost. As a result, the family was fed and the budget did not suffer.

How to choose the right meat for roast beef

Only premium beef is suitable for roast beef. It could be:

  • dorsal part (thick edge);
  • tenderloin;
  • sirloin;
  • fillet (thin edge);
  • rump.

The ideal option is the “prime rib” cut - a fragment of the back with a spine and 4 ribs. This meat is incredibly tender, with a layer of fat, and the bones during the cooking process give it a slight nutty flavor.

Other things to consider:

  1. Roast beef is prepared only from the meat of adult animals, which has a pronounced taste and a large amount of fatty layers (marbling). Veal is not suitable in this case.
  2. When purchasing, pay attention to the degree of maturity. Fresh meat in the full sense of the word is hardly possible to purchase in urban areas. And within an hour after slaughter, the animal’s muscles begin to stiffen, causing the product to become hard, poorly digestible and smell unpleasant. Such meat, like frozen meat, is not suitable for the No. 1 dish of English cuisine. The best option is dry-aged beef, which can be purchased ready-made. It is fermented in special salt chambers at temperatures close to 0ºC for 10 – 28 days. This is an elite product with pronounced taste. Meat is also sold in vacuum packaging, naturally fermented in a humid environment. Its ripening period is much shorter - only a few days, but the consistency and taste are more delicate. Generally, stores offer wet-aged beef as a more affordable option for the general consumer.
  3. The weight of the cut must be at least 1.5 kg. In a large piece, the pulp will not dry out.
  4. Films and connective tissues are undesirable. They will make the dish tough.
  5. The meat of old animals has a characteristic dark red color, and the fat has a yellowish tint. It is better not to buy such a product, it has little taste and benefits, but is high in cholesterol.
  6. Experienced chefs advise choosing a cut with a bone - the roast beef will be more tender and juicy. In addition, it will be more convenient to prepare.
  7. The further the part of the carcass intended for roast beef is from the head, the tougher the meat will be.

Subtleties of cooking

The ideal beef cut has been selected, but it still needs to be properly “brought to condition.” The technology for preparing roast beef involves storing fresh meat in the refrigerator for complete ripening, production of enzymes and fermentation. Of course, this stage is necessary only if you bought regular beef on the market, and not special - wet or dry aged as described above.

Fresh meat is wrapped in oiled parchment or placed on a wire rack in a container with an airtight lid. In this form, it should lie for 5 to 7 days in the “freshness zone”. You can add bay leaf and allspice.

Before cooking, keep the beef at room temperature for at least 2 hours to ensure it heats evenly. Otherwise, the outer and inner layers will cook at different speeds.

Some housewives, in order to speed up the baking process in the oven, place the meat in foil or a culinary sleeve. Under no circumstances should this be done!

Ideally, the beef is placed on a grill grate and cooked using a convection heater. It is not advisable to place roast beef directly on the bottom of a fireproof dish - it will cook in its own juices. If there is no grill, a pillow of vegetables or a stand, for example, of skewers, is built for the cut.

If the meat is on the bone, it is first baked with the ribs down. You need to turn over and lift the piece with special tongs, and not with a fork, otherwise the juice will leak out. A roll is made from boneless beef.

The easiest way to determine the degree of doneness is to use a meat thermometer. Below we provide a table showing all the options for roasting roast beef and the time during which you can achieve the desired result. Let us remember that protein coagulates at 42ºС and, in principle, such meat can already be considered harmless to the human body.

It is clear that a cut weighing 2 kg will have to be cooked approximately 2 times longer, and so on.

The optimal roast for roast beef is medium done, when the meat inside is juicy and soft, and when cut, pinkish juice flows out of it.

During baking, it is advisable to baste the dish with leaked meat juice every 10 - 15 minutes and immediately put it back in the oven so that it does not cool down.

The finished roast beef is not cut immediately. It will be most delicious on the second day, since the juice will be evenly distributed between the layers of meat.


Even famous chefs do not always pay attention to this point. They believe that it is enough to keep the roast beef in the oven at the same temperature to achieve a completely acceptable result.

However, their opponents are confident that the dish requires a special approach and recommend the following baking algorithm:

  • Preheat the oven to 250ºC, place the meat and cook for 15 minutes, turning over to form a uniform crust;
  • reduce the temperature to 160 - 180 ºС and continue processing the beef, spending an average of 15 minutes for every ½ kg of raw product.

Whether such subtleties are needed, each housewife decides for herself. You can “feel the difference” only through experimentation. But if you consider that previously roast beef was cooked on coals, which gradually cooled, the advice is not unreasonable.

An alternative to baking at maximum temperature is to pre-fry the meat in a frying pan.

Roast beef according to the classic recipe. Master class with photos

We offer you to prepare delicious and juicy roast beef using a simple, affordable recipe. If you have to choose between beef tenderloin and thick rib, which are the ones that are used most often, we would advise you to go with the second option. It is still better to cook the French equivalent of steak from the tenderloin - “châteaubriand”.

The dish is eaten both hot and cold – it is equally tasty. The British prefer cold roast beef with spicy seasonings: mustard and horseradish.

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:International
  • Type of dish: main course
  • Cooking method: frying, baking
  • Servings:6
  • 1 hour


  • beef (tenderloin or thick cut) - 1 kg;
  • sea ​​salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper to taste;
  • olive oil - 1-2 tbsp;
  • mixture of Provencal herbs - 0.5 tsp.

How to cook

To prepare roast beef, we take the thick edge. If it was stored in the refrigerator, be sure to take it out at least an hour before cooking, it should be at room temperature. Pat dry with a paper towel; the meat should be dry. Let's clean it of tendons, films and connective tissue.

Lightly brush the cut with olive oil. This is what will give you a nice thick crust.

Tie the piece of meat in several places with kitchen twine or twine. This will give it a round shape and keep the juices inside while cooking.

Heat the frying pan. Fry the meat on all sides until golden brown. There is no need to add fat to the pan, since we have already greased the roast beef with olive oil.

Transfer the roast to a foil-lined pan. Salt and pepper the meat on all sides. Grind the mixture of Provençal herbs in a mortar and also sprinkle our future delicacy with them. An easier way to do it is this: pour salt and pepper with herbs into a baking dish and roll the meat in them.

Preheat the oven to 180ºC and cook the product on top and bottom heat for 35-40 minutes. There is no need to turn on convection here. If you have a kitchen thermometer, the temperature inside the finished roast beef should be about 55-60 ºС. But as a rule, the meat is perfectly cooked in 40 minutes.
Remove the finished roast beef from the oven, cover with a lid or large dish and let it rest for another 20 minutes. During this time, the juices will be distributed throughout the entire piece of meat, with some juice coming out. By the way, you can make a delicious sauce from it by adding a little butter and mustard.

After a while, remove the threads, cut the meat into small portions (exclusively across the grain) and serve with vegetable salad. It is also common to combine roast beef with mashed potatoes.

In addition to salt and pepper, rosemary is traditionally used as a seasoning, which harmonizes well with beef. This spice was loved by Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who prepared a patriotic meat dish according to his “signature” recipe.

Marinated beef roast recipe

The marinade gives the meat additional softness and piquant taste, and also extends its shelf life.

In classic English cuisine, they try to preserve the naturalness of beef as much as possible, without “burdening it down” with additional seasonings or complex sauces.

But large restaurants in the world today are deviating from this rule, which is why the dish takes on international features.

For those who are not very favorable to meat “as it is,” the marinating option will serve as a real lifesaver.

For the recipe we need:

  • 1.5 kg of premium young beef.

The optimal marinade for roast beef according to a recipe often used by leading chefs:

  • 4 medium onions;
  • 3 – 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 3.5 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 8 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar (you can use red wine);
  • 70 ml soy sauce;
  • 200 ml dry white wine;
  • to taste: sea salt, herbs, coriander, ground black pepper.

Unlike other meat dishes, roast beef is marinated not raw, but fried beef.

How to cook

Let's prepare the dish according to the classic recipe given above. There is no need to coat the meat in spices before baking; just salt and pepper is enough. It should spend 15 minutes in the oven when roasted rare or 30 minutes until medium.

Cut the cooled roast beef into portions, 1.5 cm thick. Place in a container with a tight-fitting lid or an airtight bag, pour over the marinade and leave in the refrigerator for a day. Attention: the most delicious dish will be on the 2nd – 3rd day. You can store it for about 2 weeks, although the delicious product is eaten much earlier.

Preparing the marinade:

It is advisable to cut the onion into rings and chop the garlic, but do not turn it into mush.

Add the spices listed in the recipe to the vegetables and pour first soy sauce and then olive oil. Mix everything well.

You can season the mixture with parsley.

Try using soy and Worcestershire sauce for the marinade in a ratio of 1/1.5, respectively, replace black pepper with a mixture of peppers, and also use lingonberries (40 g). The taste of roast beef will be close to game.

How to serve

An aristocratic dish cannot be eaten just like that, in a hurry. Traditionally, the favorite of English cuisine was served with boiled potatoes and green peas, in the company of the inevitable Yorkshire pudding.

The “vegetable set” was supplemented with stewed carrots, turnips, asparagus or Brussels sprouts with bacon. For spiciness we used mustard and a simple sauce made from a mixture of horseradish and cream. All the components of Sunday lunch were laid out on a wide dish, from which everyone took their portion.

Potatoes require special attention. Usually they took tubers with a high starch content, small in size, so that they could be boiled whole. The half-cooked potatoes were placed in a frying pan with melted butter or goose fat and browned in the oven immediately after the roast beef.

There are other serving options. For example, Aromatic “green butter” is made to accompany the meat delicacy. It is placed on the beef that is not yet completely cooled and allowed to slowly melt. The tasty decoration is a mixture of butter with lemon juice, garlic, salt and finely chopped herbs: basil, parsley, cilantro.

Lovers of proper nutrition try to eat beef with fresh salad - this is also tasty and acceptable. Just onion rings, pickled as an option, will also work.

In addition, with baked beef, cut into thin slices, you can make excellent sandwiches, which will be quite in the English spirit. The dish is complemented with gherkins and pickles.


If the beef cut was taken with bones, the backbone must first be removed before cutting. Next, using a sharp knife, the piece is cut across the grain into thin slices, 5 mm thick, along with the ribs.

Before serving portions are placed on individual plates, all bones are removed. This is done so that the juice does not leak out.


This is the best addition to a meat delicacy, emphasizing its unique taste. The hot dish is especially popular with a sauce based on juice and fat that flows out during the cooking process. Red wine is added to them.

Wine sauce

  • 2 cups meat gravy;
  • 1 glass of dry red (semi-sweet) wine;
  • 2 t.l. corn starch;
  • pepper, salt to taste.

Boil wine, pour in meat juice, keep on fire. Separately, dilute the starch and add to the mixture as a thickener.

Cold beef is ideally seasoned using the following recipe.

Horseradish-based white sauce

  • ½ cup cream, 20% fat;
  • 3 tbsp. l. grated horseradish;
  • ½ tsp. granulated garlic;
  • salt to taste.

Combine all ingredients in a saucepan, mix well and bring to a boil. Serve fresh chilled.

Instead of cream, you can use full-fat sour cream.

Berry sauce

It is made on a wine basis with the addition of cranberries, pureed through a sieve.

Mustard-mayonnaise sauce

  • 4 tbsp. l. Dijon mustard;
  • 4 – 6 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 2 tsp. white wine vinegar.

Beat the ingredients in a blender, add salt and ground black pepper.

Start your acquaintance with English cuisine with the magnificent roast beef dish, sung by writers and poets. And you will definitely want to cook it again and again.

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Beef (tenderloin, thick and thin edges) is cleaned into a large piece weighing 1–2.5 kg, sprinkled with salt and pepper, and placed on a preheated baking sheet, greased. The distance between the pieces is at least 5 cm. The meat is fried over high heat until a crispy crust forms, then placed in the oven and continued to fry at a temperature of 160–170 °C. During frying, the meat is periodically turned over and poured with the released juice and fat. Roast beef can be fried to three degrees of doneness: rare (the meat is fried until a crispy crust forms), medium-rare (the meat is pinkish inside toward the center) and well done (the meat is gray inside). The degree of doneness is judged by the elasticity of the meat: rare roast beef is very springy, half-roasted beef is weaker, and fully roasted beef has almost no elasticity. The finished roast beef is cut into 2-3 pieces per serving.

When served, a complex side dish consisting of 3-4 types of vegetables, sliced ​​horseradish, sliced ​​meat, sprinkled with meat juice is placed on a portioned dish. You can use fried or fried potatoes as a side dish.

Roast pork, veal or lamb

Prepared large pieces of pork, or veal (ham, loin, shoulder), or lamb (loin, ham) are sprinkled with salt, pepper, placed on a baking sheet, poured with fat, fried on the stove and finished in the oven. During the frying process, pour over the released juice and fat. The finished meat is cut into 1-2 pieces per serving.

When leaving, put a side dish, sliced ​​meat on a portioned dish, and pour over meat juice. As a side dish for pork, stewed cabbage, fried potatoes, buckwheat porridge, boiled beans, and a complex side dish are served; for veal - fried or boiled potatoes, potatoes in milk, green peas; for lamb - buckwheat porridge, fried or boiled potatoes, beans in oil or tomato.

Roasted pig

Small piglets are fried whole, and large ones (4–6 kg) are cut along the vertebral bone along with the head, sprinkled with salt on the inside and placed on a baking sheet, skin side up (whole piglets with their backs up), the surface of the piglet is smeared with sour cream, poured with butter and fried in oven. During frying, pour over the released fat, do not turn the pig over. Readiness is determined by piercing the ham with a chef's needle. The roasted pig is cut into portions, one piece at a time.

When leaving, put buckwheat porridge seasoned with butter on a portioned dish, you can add chopped eggs, next to it - roast pig, pour over meat juice.

Natural pieces of meat are fried with a small amount of fat (5-10% by weight of the meat) on a stove or electric frying pan. The prepared portioned pieces are sprinkled with salt and pepper and placed on a baking sheet with fat heated to 170–180 °C. After a crispy crust has formed on one side, the meat is turned over and fried until cooked and a crust has formed on the other side. Losses when frying meat in natural portioned pieces are 37%. The meat is fried immediately before serving in order to better preserve its taste and smell. Natural fried dishes are served with a simple or complex side dish. The meat is poured with meat juice, butter or sauce, portioned into 50, 75, 100 or 125 g.

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Meat occupies one of the most important places in our diet.

Meat is one of the most important food products due to its high content of complete animal protein. In addition, it contains a significant amount of fat, which affects its caloric value and contributes to rapid saturation. In addition, the meat contains so-called extractive substances, which, when cooked, pass into the broth. They stimulate appetite and stimulate the secretion of digestive juices.

Roast beef can be grilled or braised. As the name of the dish already suggests (English: “fried beef”), it is correct to cook roast beef from beef. However, pork roast beef also has many admirers. Meat for roast beef should be selected carefully. Beef roast beef is best prepared from “marbled” meat. Meat that is too lean will be a little dry after cooking, so it is desirable to have fatty streaks. In addition, it is preferable to cook roast beef from veal - such meat is more tender. There are other tricks to cooking roast beef. Cooking roast beef begins with preparing the meat: it should not be very fresh, it is advisable to first keep it in the refrigerator for several days (but not freeze) so that it softens and loses some of the moisture. There is a recipe for cooking roast beef that even recommends boiling the meat a little beforehand. But English roast beef is rare roast beef. When the cooked meat is pierced, reddish juice should flow out. Please note that if you want to cook roast beef from beef, the recipe usually contains recommendations for the temperature conditions for baking the meat. From maximum at the initial stage, with a decrease towards the end of cooking the roast beef.

The nutritional value of meat is determined, first of all, by the fact that it is a carrier of complete animal protein and fat. Meat goes well with a wide variety of foods, vegetables, cereals, and pasta.

The weight of meat during heat treatment (boiling, frying) decreases by an average of 40%, mainly due to the release of water from coagulating proteins. From 1 kg of raw meat you get about 600 g of cooked meat. Together with water, extractive substances, mineral salts, vitamins, and water-soluble proteins are released from meat. All these substances dissolve in the water in which the meat is cooked and form a broth; fat collects on the surface of the broth. The nutritional value of meat practically does not decrease during cooking, since its most valuable component - proteins - is preserved almost completely, only a small amount of proteins goes into the broth.

When roasting, meat also loses moisture, which is released mainly in the form of steam. Therefore, most of the extractives remain in the meat. Due to the preservation of a significant amount of extractive substances in fried meat and the formation of a specific crust on its surface during frying, it has a particularly pleasant taste and aroma. The meat is fried by 35-38%. This means that from 1 kg of raw meat 620-650 g of fried meat is obtained.

Meat is sold by weight, packaged and in the form of semi-finished products.

Carcasses of large and small livestock for retail sale are cut up according to the rules established by state standards.

1. History

Roast beef can be grilled or braised. As the name of the dish already suggests (English: “fried beef”), it is correct to cook roast beef from beef. However, pork roast beef also has many admirers. Meat for roast beef should be selected carefully. Beef roast beef is best prepared from “marbled” meat. Meat that is too lean will be a little dry after cooking, so it is desirable to have fatty streaks. In addition, it is preferable to cook roast beef from veal - such meat is more tender. There are other tricks to cooking roast beef. Cooking roast beef begins with preparing the meat: it should not be very fresh, it is advisable to first keep it in the refrigerator for several days (but not freeze) so that it softens and loses some of the moisture. There is a recipe for cooking roast beef that even recommends boiling the meat a little beforehand. But English roast beef is rare roast beef. When the cooked meat is pierced, reddish juice should flow out. Please note that if you want to cook roast beef from beef. The recipe usually contains recommendations for the temperature regime for baking meat: from maximum at the initial stage, with a decrease towards the end of cooking the roast beef.

Marinated roast beef, of course, turns out to be more tender and has a pleasant aroma. If you want to make marinated roast beef, the marinade recipe rarely contains wine or vinegar. Marinade for roast beef usually consists of chopped vegetables (onions, carrots, celery) and spices. Before putting it in the oven, it is advisable to spread the future roast beef with vegetable oil and tie it with a strong thread. To make delicious roast beef, recipes also often call for scoring or piercing the meat.

In England they eat both hot roast beef and cold roast beef. Roast beef is rarely served with a side dish, usually chopped vegetables or baked potatoes. The salad goes very well with roast beef. Roast beef sauce typically includes olive oil, egg yolk, lemon, mustard, spices and sometimes the fat that drips off during the roasting process. After you cook the roast beef, be sure to take a photo. Men love to devour fried meat even with their eyes.

2. Cooking features

The main feature of roast beef is that it is prepared from beef tenderloin, that is, other meat (pork, lamb) will not work - it will no longer be roast beef.

The peculiarity of the preparation is that the meat is fried on all sides. The result is juicy, tender pulp covered with a crispy crust.

A large piece is not served whole, but cut into portions. Served with a side dish to suit every taste - some like potatoes, others like green vegetables. Goes great with pickled onions, horseradish, and mustard. In the UK, the dish is served with green peas and dry red wine.

Roast beef is eaten both hot and cold (in the United Kingdom, cold roast beef is preferred).

3. Commodity characteristics of the main raw materials used

Beef. By age, cattle meat is divided into beef from adult cattle (cows, oxen, heifers over three years old, bulls), beef from first-calf cows, beef from young animals (bulls, heifers), veal (from 14 days to three months). The meat of cows and oxen is from bright red to dark red, with a large deposit of subcutaneous fat from white to yellowish. The muscles have a dense, delicate, fine-grained structure, with layers of fat (marbling). Young beef has pink-red, fine-grained muscles; the fat is white, dense, crumbly, and the marbling is weakly expressed.

Veal has muscles from light pink to grayish pink, a delicate consistency, subcutaneous fat is almost absent, internal fat is dense white or white-pink, the connective tissue is tender.

In cooking, veal and young meat are used for frying, beef is used for cooking broths and soups, and tender parts are used for frying.

Lamb (sheep meat). The meat of young animals is light red in color, the consistency is tender, the muscles are fine-grained, there is no marbling, the subcutaneous and internal fat is white, dense, crumbly.

The meat of old animals is brick-red in color, rough, with a specific smell, refractory fat, white. The best meat is from young animals under one year of age.

In cooking, lamb is used to prepare goulash, stews, pilaf, kebabs and soups.

Goat meat (goat meat). The color of the meat of young animals is light red, old ones are dark red. Fat is dense and refractory. When raw or cooked, goat meat has a specific smell. It is used for stewing and frying.

Pork. Pork is divided by age into pork, gilt meat and milk pig meat.

Pork is obtained from animals with a slaughter weight of more than 34 kg. Its color ranges from light pink to red, the muscles are tender, with marbling. Internal fat is white, subcutaneous fat is pink.

Gilt meat is obtained from young pigs with a slaughter weight of 12 to 38 kg. The meat is more tender than pork, the color is light. Meat from dairy pigs is obtained from animals with a slaughter weight of 3 to 6 kg. It has very delicate muscles, color from pale pink to almost white.

Pork is used in cooking for fried, stewed, and less often boiled hot and cold dishes.

Large-piece semi-finished beef products - tenderloin, hip, shoulder, chest. Beef trim of the 1st fatness category. Pork - loin, brisket, hip, shoulder, neck, tenderloin. From lamb, goat meat - loin, brisket, hip, shoulder parts.

Table salt is an inorganic substance containing 97-99.7% pure sodium chloride and a certain amount of other mineral salts. Table salt ranks first among seasonings in terms of volume. Its significance is not limited to its influence on the taste properties of food. Salt also affects physiological processes in the body. The intake of sodium chloride in insufficient quantities can lead to disturbances in water-salt and other metabolic processes in the human body. The daily salt intake for an adult is 10-15 g.

Half of the salt produced is spent on food needs. In many technological processes of food production, salt is used not only as a flavoring additive, but also as a means for many biochemical processes, for example, pickling cabbage.

Salt reserves are practically inexhaustible, although its extraction has been practiced for a long time.

Fruit spices. Peppers are the fruit of a tropical plant. It comes in black, fragrant and red.

Black pepper is native to South India. It is prepared from ripe fruits by drying in the sun. The color of the pepper is black-brown, the surface is wrinkled, the diameter of the grains is 3.5-5 mm. Pepper is valued for its essential oil content and the alkaloid piperine. The best pepper is considered to be hard, heavy, sinking in water and dark, without a gray coating.

Black pepper is produced in the form of peas and ground. It is used to prepare dishes from beef, veal, dumplings, and minced meat.

Allspice is the dried unripe fruit of the pepper plant. It has a pungent taste, pepper-clove aroma, and brown color. It is used for sauces for fish, poultry, game, wild animal meat, for marinades and soups.

Red pepper grows in the southern regions of Russia. It comes in pod form and ground.

4. Organization of the workplace during preparation

The technological process for the production of semi-finished meat products consists of sequentially performed operations: defrosting frozen meat, washing and drying carcasses; cutting meat into culinary parts, deboning, separating large-piece semi-finished products and cleaning them; manufacturing semi-finished products and packaging them in special containers.

On the production line for natural semi-finished products, portioned semi-finished products are cut manually on production tables.

For processing meat and preparing semi-finished products, the work front on production tables should be 1.5 m, with the tables located on both sides of the conveyor. The following equipment is used in the meat shop: a chopping knife or butcher's ax - for cutting carcasses; boning knives, chef's knives - for cutting semi-finished products.

When preparing semi-finished products, tabletop dial scales are used, and when dispensing products, small scale scales are used. Workplaces are equipped with stationary mobile racks, bathtubs; work tables must have devices for storing cutting boards, tools, spices and seasonings.

5. Technology of preparation and release of the dish

Beef (tenderloin, thick and thin edges) is cleaned into a large piece weighing 1-2 kg, rubbed with salt and pepper, and placed on a baking sheet heated with fat. The meat is placed with an interval of at least 5 cm between pieces, fried over high heat until a crispy crust forms, then placed in the oven and continued to fry at a temperature of 160-170°C. During frying, the meat is periodically turned over and poured with the released juice and fat. Roast beef can be fried to three degrees of doneness: rare (the meat is fried until a crispy crust forms), medium-rare (the meat is pinkish inside toward the center) and well done (the meat is gray inside). The degree of doneness is judged by the elasticity of the meat: semi-done roast beef is springy - weak, fully fried - has almost no elasticity. The finished roast beef is cut into portions of 2-3 pieces.

The juice remaining after frying on a baking sheet is evaporated, the fat is drained, a small amount of broth is poured, boiled and filtered. The resulting meat juice is used when releasing meat.

When leaving, a complex side dish consisting of 3-4 types of vegetables, sliced ​​horseradish is placed in bouquets on a portioned dish or plate, sliced ​​meat is placed next to it, and meat juice is poured over it. You can use fried or fried potatoes as a side dish.

6. Quality requirements and shelf life of semi-finished and finished dishes

Fried natural meat dishes in large pieces from beef and lamb can be lightly, medium and well-done, and from pork and veal - fully fried. The meat is cut across the grain into thin pieces, their edges should have a crispy crust. The color of the cut for medium-roasted meat is from pink to gray, for fully roasted meat it is from gray to brown. The consistency is soft; medium-rare meat is juicier. The taste is moderately salty, the smell is like fried meat. Lumpy semi-finished products are stored for 48 hours. The shelf life of large-piece semi-finished products vacuum-packed in film at temperatures from 0C to plus 4C is no more than 7 days, at temperatures from 0C to minus 2C - no more than 10 days.

7. Serving methods. Rules for registration and submission

8. Requirements for sanitary processing of semi-finished products, finished products and compliance with personal hygiene rules

Meat is one of the most valuable human foods. Humans need it as a material for building body tissue, synthesis and metabolism, and as a source of energy.

The need to meet the growing needs of the population for high-quality products (with good presentation, taste, culinary and technological properties, as well as high nutritional value) requires in-depth research into the properties of meat as a raw material for the production of meat products using modern laboratory (physico-chemical, microbiological, toxicological and other) methods.

To assess the quality of meat and meat products, various indicators characterizing nutritional value have been proposed and used in practice - the content of proteins, fat, vitamins (especially group B), carbohydrates, macro- and microelements;

· organoleptic - appearance, color, marbling, structure, taste, smell, consistency, juiciness;

· sanitary and hygienic standards, which determine the safety of the product - the absence of pathogenic microflora, heavy metal salts, nitrite, pesticides and other harmful substances;

· technological - water-binding ability, consistency, pH, connective tissue and fat content.

The consumer makes a primary judgment about quality based on the following characteristics: appearance, color, smell, sample weight, packaging.

The quality and consumer benefits of meat and meat products are determined, first of all, by the properties of the raw materials. Currently, the science of meat and meat products has experimental and analytical data that makes it possible to explain the essence and significance of many important and complex technological processes, as well as to foresee the direction of their further improvement in order to obtain high-quality products.

When meat processing plants receive raw materials (beef, pork, lamb, offal, poultry, etc.) from other enterprises. The veterinary doctor carefully checks the accompanying documents (veterinary certificate and quality certificate), which must indicate the sanitary well-being and quality of the delivered raw materials.

After reading the documentation, the veterinarian examines the entire batch of incoming raw materials, determines its freshness, color, consistency, the smell of muscle tissue on the cut, the presence of contaminants and pathological changes in the tissues. Measures the temperature of the raw material in the thickness of the thigh muscle at a depth of at least 6 cm from the surface. Chilled meat products should have a core temperature of 0 to 4°C. To measure temperature, use an electric thermometer (SP-17), mounted in a metal frame or other similar devices.

The results of control of received documentation and initial inspection of raw materials are recorded in a special journal.

When unloading meat from freight cars (refrigerated trucks) or refrigerated trucks, the enterprise veterinarian conducts a more detailed inspection of individual carcasses, half-carcasses, and parts of carcasses. Particular attention is paid to the condition of the meat surface (drying crust color, smell, cut appearance, consistency). In cattle carcasses, the occipital cavity, the lower surface of the neck and the scapula area, the abdominal muscles, the posterior edge of the thigh, the pleura and the peritoneum are examined.

In lamb and pork carcasses, the serous membranes of the chest and abdominal cavities, the place of the cut and the surface of the carcass between the limbs, the neck area and the cutting line of pork half-carcasses are examined.

In bird carcasses, areas in the groin and around the tail are examined, as well as areas of contamination or rupture of the skin, and removal of feathers.

By-products must be carefully processed, washed and cleaned of cut edges. The freshness of offal is determined by its appearance: the appearance and color of the product on the surface and inside, consistency, smell and color, the condition of fat, tendons and other tissues.

In addition, the veterinarian determines the presence of veterinary examination signs (stamps) on the carcasses, as well as their compliance with the species and product characteristics.

After inspection and final acceptance of meat products into the refrigerator, the doctor indicates in the acceptance documents the direction of the product, the timing and mode of its storage before processing, and compliance with the necessary sanitary and hygienic measures. During storage, products are subjected to daily sanitary inspection, and temperature (0-4°C) is selectively measured in the deep layers of refrigerated raw materials. Exceeding these temperatures promotes the development of microflora and the appearance of primary signs of meat spoilage.

In addition to raw meat, various types of auxiliary raw materials are used for semi-finished meat products. These raw materials include curing ingredients, protein stabilizers, dairy products, spices, egg products and a number of other types. These types of raw materials can be a source of contamination of finished products with microorganisms, causing the appearance of a specific unpleasant taste and smell. Therefore, each batch of auxiliary food raw materials and materials is controlled. At the same time, they check the documents of suppliers, the quality and compliance of products and materials with the requirements of GOSTs and technical specifications, and in cases of doubt about their good quality, samples are taken and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

9. Sanitary requirements for personal hygiene of personnel

Persons entering work at public catering establishments are required to undergo medical control. Until the results of medical examinations are presented and the sanitary minimum test is passed, these persons are not allowed to work. Each employee must have a personal medical record, which contains the results of medical examinations, information about past infectious diseases, and the passing of the sanitary minimum. The staff of a public catering establishment must observe the following rules of personal hygiene: - come to work in clean clothes and shoes; - leave outerwear, hats, and personal items in the dressing room; - cut your nails short. Before starting work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, put on clean sanitary clothing, tuck your hair under a cap or headscarf, or put on a special hair net; - when visiting the toilet, take off sanitary clothing in a specially designated place, and after visiting, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, preferably disinfectant; - if signs of a cold or intestinal dysfunction, as well as suppurations, cuts, burns, appear, inform the administration and contact a medical facility for treatment; - report all cases of intestinal infections in the employee’s family. At public catering establishments it is strictly prohibited: - when preparing dishes, culinary and confectionery products, wearing jewelry, varnishing your nails, or fastening clothes with pins; - eat, smoke in the workplace; Eating and smoking are permitted in a specially designated room or place. Persons with pustular skin diseases, festering cuts, burns, abrasions, as well as catarrh of the upper respiratory tract are not allowed to work in these workshops, but are transferred to another job. The results of the inspection are recorded in a journal of the established form. Every enterprise should have a first aid kit with a set of medicines for first aid.

10. Organization of work in the workshop

Hot shop.

Hot shops are organized at enterprises performing the full production cycle. The hot shop is the main workshop of a catering enterprise, in which the technological process of food preparation is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, cooking broth, preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses is carried out, as well as heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. In addition, the workshop prepares hot drinks and bakes flour confectionery products (pies, pies, kulebyaki, etc.) for clear broths. From the hot shop, ready-made meals go directly to dispensers for sale to consumers.

The hot shop occupies a central place in a catering enterprise. In the case where the hot shop serves several sales areas located on different floors, it is advisable to locate it on the same floor with the sales area that has the largest number of seats. On all other floors there should be serving rooms with a stove for frying portioned dishes and food warmers. The supply of these dispensing stations with finished products is ensured using lifts.

The hot shop should have a convenient connection with the procurement shops, with storage facilities and a convenient connection with the cold shop, distribution and sales area, washing kitchen utensils.

Dishes produced in a hot shop are distinguished according to the following main characteristics:

The type of raw materials used - from potatoes, vegetables and mushrooms; from cereals, legumes and pasta; from eggs and cottage cheese; from fish and seafood; from meat and meat products; from poultry, game, rabbit, etc.;

Method of culinary processing - boiled, poached, stewed, fried, baked;

The nature of consumption - soups, main courses, side dishes, drinks, etc.;

Purpose - for dietary, school meals, etc.;

Consistencies - liquid, semi-liquid, thick, puree, viscous, crumbly.

Hot shop dishes must comply with the requirements of state standards, industry standards, enterprise standards, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, technical specifications and be produced according to technological instructions and maps, technical and technological maps in compliance with the Sanitary Rules for public catering establishments.

The production program of the hot shop is drawn up on the basis of the assortment of dishes sold through the sales area, the assortment of culinary products sold through buffets and retail chain enterprises (cooking shops, trays).

Microclimate of a hot shop. The temperature, according to the requirements of the scientific organization of labor, should not exceed 23°C, therefore, the supply and exhaust ventilation should be more powerful (air movement speed 1-2 m/s); relative humidity 60-70%.

To reduce exposure to infrared rays emitted by heated frying surfaces, the stove area should be 45-50 times smaller than the floor area.

The operating mode of the hot shop depends on the operating mode of the enterprise (sales floor) and the forms of release of finished products. In order to successfully cope with the production program, hot shop workers must begin work no later than two hours before the opening of the sales area.

The hot shop is divided into two specialized departments - soup and sauce. In the soup department, broths and first courses are prepared, in the sauce department, second courses, side dishes, sauces, and hot drinks are prepared.

The number of cooks in each department is determined by the ratio 1:2, i.e. in the soup department there are half as many cooks. In low-power hot shops, as a rule, there is no such division.

Meat shop.

Meat shops are organized at large procurement enterprises and medium-sized enterprises that process raw materials for their production.

The technological process of meat processing does not depend on the capacity of the workshop, but the organization of the technological process itself varies.

At large procurement enterprises, meat shops are more mechanized; conveyors, overhead and production lines, etc. are used.

Semi-finished meat products are produced in the following assortment: large-piece semi-finished beef products (thick, thin edge, upper and internal pieces of the posterior pelvic part, etc.). From pork and lamb (loin, ham, shoulder, brisket, etc.). Bones; portioned semi-finished products from beef, pork, lamb (entrecote, steak, escalope, etc.). Small-sized semi-finished beef products (beef stroganoff, roast, azu, goulash); from lamb and pork (kebab, stew, etc.). From minced meat (steak, cutlets, schnitzels). Peppers, zucchini stuffed with meat and rice.

The technological process of meat processing consists of the following operations: defrosting frozen meat, cleaning the surface and cutting off veterinary marks, washing, drying, dividing into cuts, boning cuts and separating large pieces, trimming meat and preparing semi-finished natural and minced products.

Rice. 3. Model of organizing the production of semi-finished meat products

Meat shops at large procurement enterprises consist of several rooms: defrosters, carcass washing department, drying room, room for deboning, trimming, and preparation of semi-finished products.

Large enterprises use mechanized production lines. From refrigeration chambers, frozen meat (carcasses, half-carcasses) is transported via overhead track (monorails) or on carts to defrosters, where a slow thawing process occurs at a temperature of 4-6°C over three days. The surface of the thawed meat is cleaned of contaminants and the marks are cut off.

Then the meat is washed in a special room with warm water using shower brushes (Fig. 4). The meat is dried in a separate room using air supplied by fans.

Rice. 4. Washing meat with a shower brush

The carcasses are cut into pieces by a deboner at the beginning of the conveyor line. This operation is performed using a large slasher knife or butcher's ax. In order to comply with labor safety requirements, deboners use chain mail mesh. Workplaces for deboners, organized along the conveyor line, are equipped with production tables with drawers for tools (knives, grinders), cutting boards, which are attached to the tables using pins. Boning operators use boning knives (large and small) (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Deboner's workplace

The separated parts (meat, bones) are conveyed through a conveyor to the livestock handlers, who strip the meat of tendons and films, and disassemble large-piece semi-finished products by type. The bones obtained after deboning the meat are sent for sawing into pieces using a circular saw.

In large workshops, jobs for the production of portioned and small-piece semi-finished products can be organized on parallel conveyor lines. Production tables are located along the line on both sides. To cut semi-finished products, place a cutting board on the table, to the left of it is a tray with meat, to the right is a tray for semi-finished products, a medium chef’s knife, and nutmeg. A dial scale is installed behind the cutting board. A worker places a tray with ready-made semi-finished products on a moving conveyor.

For the production of chopped semi-finished products, several workplaces are organized into one production line. Workstations are equipped with a bath for soaking bread, a meat grinder with a capacity of 600-800 kg/h, and a minced meat mixer.

Several workplaces are organized for forming semi-finished products on cutlet-forming machines such as MFK-2000 or AK 2M-40.

In small meat shops, machines with lower productivity are used; the PM-1.1 universal drive with skeletal mechanisms (meat grinder, ripper, minced meat mixer) is often used. The meat is thawed and washed hanging over a ladder or in baths with running water (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Approximate arrangement of equipment in the meat shop:

1, 3, 5, 7, 10 - work tables; 2 - bath; 4 - cutting chair; 6 - universal drive type PM-1,1,8 - ladder; 9 - opal cabinet; 11 - bath; 12 - sink; 13 - refrigerator

11. Used inventory, equipment

The production of semi-finished products and culinary products requires systematic adherence to high sanitary standards in workshops. Violation of sanitary and hygienic requirements affects the quality of food products. Their shelf life is reduced, and in some cases they lead to illness in people who eat such products.

Therefore, along with daily monitoring of the general sanitary regime, it is necessary to pay attention to the implementation of sanitary and hygienic standards related to the design, construction, installation and technical equipment of production premises and equipment of semi-finished workshops and departments.

The premises must be provided with sufficient lighting, mechanical or mixed ventilation with good air exchange and an influx of clean outside air. In workshops adjacent to the refrigerator, walls, floors and ceilings must have thermal insulation.

In production premises, when manufacturing semi-finished products, it is necessary to observe the appropriate temperature conditions: in the raw materials department - 0-4 ° C, in the technological department - 12 ° C, in the expedition - no higher than 6 ° C, relative humidity is maintained within 75%.

Due to high hygienic requirements at all stages of production, workplaces where personnel’s hands and tools come into contact with unpackaged products should be equipped with faucets with sinks and a supply of hot and cold water, as well as devices for sanitizing tools. The personnel working there are responsible for the cleanliness of the workplace and their equipment. Each shift is required to keep the equipment clean and transfer workstations to the other shift in good sanitary condition under the supervision of a foreman.

In addition to daily washing and treating floors, equipment and inventory with hot water and alkaline solutions, preventive disinfection plays an important role in workshops and departments, which should be carried out at least once a week.

After cleaning and disinfection (before starting work), swabs are taken from equipment, equipment, tools, work clothes and workers’ hands to carry out bacteriological analysis for preventive purposes. These studies are carried out at least twice a month or more often at the request of sanitary supervision.

If significant microbial contamination, especially E. coli and Proteus, is detected, the operation of the department (areas) that threaten the good quality of the product is stopped until the unsanitary condition is eliminated, as well as the temperature, humidity of the premises and the entire technological process are brought back to normal.

A special place in control over the quality of finished products is occupied by the prevention of foreign objects (metal, nuts, glass, paper, tiles, plaster, etc.) getting into products. Thus, during the renovation of premises, production is stopped or the repair site is blocked off with screens.

Unpack materials, spices, melange and other products outside the production premises and immediately remove containers, bags, paper and other packaging materials.

At least once a week, the procedures for carrying out disinfection and deratization measures in the workshops are checked: windows are screened, holes are sealed, destruction of breeding sites for flies, skin beetles, moths and other pests.

All breakable glass objects: electric lamps, lamp shades, lampshades, thermometers, glassware, window and door glass, tanks, mugs, etc. in the premises must be registered with the workshop manager.

If foreign objects are detected, a suspicious batch of raw materials, semi-finished products or finished products is detained, the question of the sale of these products is resolved by a commission with the participation of sanitary supervision.

Technological equipment, inventory, utensils, containers are made from materials permitted by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in the prescribed manner.

Technological and refrigeration equipment is placed taking into account the sequence of the technological process so as to exclude counter and crossing flows of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, as well as to ensure free access to it and compliance with safety regulations in the workplace.

When operating technological equipment, the possibility of contact between raw and finished products is excluded.

Separate mechanical equipment should be used for raw and cooked products, and interchangeable mechanisms should be used in universal machines.

In order to prevent infectious diseases, cutting equipment is assigned to each workshop and has special markings.

Cutting boards and knives are marked according to the product being processed on them.

After each technological operation, cutting equipment (knives, boards, etc.) is sanitized. Store equipment in a specially designated place.

After washing with the addition of detergents and rinsing, production equipment should be scalded with boiling water.

It is recommended to use stainless steel utensils for preparing and storing prepared food.

Aluminum and duralumin utensils are used only for cooking and short-term storage of food.

It is prohibited to use enamel cookware with damaged enamel in enterprises.

Kitchen utensils are washed in two-section baths in the following order:

· mechanical cleaning from food residues;

· washing with brushes in water at a temperature not lower than 40°C with the addition of detergents;

· rinsing with running water at a temperature not lower than 65°C

· drying overturned on lattice shelves and racks.

Tableware is washed mechanically and manually.

Washing dishes by hand is done in the following order:

· mechanical removal of food debris;

· washing in water with the addition of detergents, in the first section of the bath;

· washing in the second section of the bath in water with a temperature not lower than 40°C and adding detergents in an amount two times less than in the first section of the bath;

· rinsing dishes in a metal mesh with handles in the third section of the bath with hot running water at a temperature of at least 65°C using a flexible hose with a shower head;

· drying dishes on lattice shelves and racks.

Washing of returnable containers in procurement organizations and in specialized workshops is carried out in specially designated rooms equipped with bathtubs or a dishwasher, using detergents.

The number of tableware and cutlery used at the same time must correspond to the equipment standards of enterprises, but not less than three times the number of seats.

12. Safety precautions in the workshop

To avoid accidents, kitchen workers must learn the rules for operating equipment and receive practical instruction from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, it is necessary to post the rules for its operation. The floor in workshops must be level, without protrusions, and not slippery.

When working in workshops, the following rules must be observed:

Foot grates must be installed on the floor next to the production tables;

Knives must have well-secured handles and be stored in a specific place;

Production baths and tables must have rounded corners.

During work, it is necessary to promptly remove and recycle waste, monitor the sanitary condition of the workshop and each workplace, and thoroughly rinse and wipe all machines after finishing work.

When working in a hot shop, workers must study the rules for operating mechanical and thermal equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. Operating instructions must be posted at the equipment locations.

The floor in the workshop must be level, without protrusions, and not slippery.

The temperature in the workshop should not exceed 26 degrees C.

Disassembly, cleaning, and lubrication of any equipment can only be done when the machines are completely stopped and disconnected from sources of electricity, steam and gas.

Electrical equipment must be grounded.

Aisles near workplaces should not be cluttered with dishes and containers.

The workshop must have a first aid kit with a set of medications.

In case of accidents associated with loss of ability to work, a report should be drawn up in the form.

commercial roast beef semi-finished product

Used Books

1) N.A. Anfimova. Cooking “Confectioner Chef”, Moscow: ProfObrIzdat, 2002.

2) Z.P. Matyukhina. Fundamentals of the physiology of nutrition, hygiene and sanitation, Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006.

3) L.A. Radchenko. Organization of production at public catering establishments, Rostov-on-Don, 2001.

4) A.I. Zdobnov, V.A. Tsyganenko. Collection of recipes for culinary dishes "Ariy". Moscow: Lada, 2011.

5) Z.P. Matyukhina, E.P. Korolkova. Food merchandising. Moscow: ACADEMIA, 2005.

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