Culinary tricks. Useful culinary tricks from experienced housewives Useful culinary tips

These useful cooking tips will come in handy for young housewives who are just learning culinary tricks. Although it is possible that experienced housewives will take some notes from them.

To make over-salted soup edible, place raw potatoes in it and simmer for a few minutes. It will absorb excess salt.

Rice will not boil and stick together if you add a couple of tablespoons of cold milk to the water in which it is boiled.

Add 2-3 pcs to the yeast dough. finely grated boiled potatoes. This will give it softness and airiness.

To prevent the rice soup from being cloudy, boil the rice for a couple of minutes in boiling water, drain it in a sieve, and only then add it to the broth. The same goes for homemade noodle soup.

You don’t have to soak beans and peas if you add a tablespoon of cold water to the pan every 5-7 minutes during cooking. In addition, they will boil better and faster in unsalted water.

To ensure that deep-fried potatoes have a dry, crispy skin, dry them with a napkin or towel before frying.

If you need to cook the potatoes faster, add a little butter to the boiling water.

Boiled meat will turn out juicy if you put it in boiling water in a large piece and then cook over very low heat. To make tough meat softer, soak it for 2-3 hours in water with vinegar or lemon juice added.

Elderly beef will become softer and cook faster if you rub it with mustard several hours before cooking and rinse it with cold water immediately before cooking.

When stewing meat, add only hot water or broth. Cold water will make the meat tough.

To make the sour cream whip better, add raw egg white to it.

If you want your baked bird or rabbit to have a crispy crust, brush them with sour cream or mayonnaise before putting them in the oven.

Do not add fresh bread to the minced cutlets - this will make the cutlets sticky. Soak stale white bread in cold water or milk and combine with minced meat without squeezing.

The cutlets will be soft and juicy if, after frying, you put them in the oven for a few minutes.

If boiled eggs need to be cut into thin, neat slices so that the yolk does not crumble, you should moisten the knife in cold water.

The baking tray on which the pastry is baked does not need to be greased with oil; it is better to lightly moisten it with water.

P.S. And in conclusion of the article, I suggest you look at dish recipes on bestreceptik, choose the recipe you like and start practicing!


If a housewife asks her household what an ideal dish should be, she will most likely receive the answer: “tasty and aromatic,” “cooked with soul,” “unusual.” And the hostess will add on her own behalf that such a dish should be prepared quickly, so that there is time left for other things.

Achieving the ideal is not difficult: use culinary tips and tricks that will help improve the taste, intensify the aroma, save time and successfully experiment.

Improved taste

Oh, what a scent!

Not a minute wasted

After a working day, there is so little time left before bed, but you want to thoroughly enjoy your vacation, have time to spend time with your family, take up a hobby, or just watch a movie. At the same time, I don’t want to spend even an hour on constant cooking. Save valuable time with helpful cooking tips.

Shall we conduct an experiment?

At your leisure, browse culinary blogs, study cuisines of the world, mark what you would like to cook. Look for new flavor combinations. For example, who would have thought that meat and coffee would make a great roast?

By secret

The housewife in the kitchen will be helped not only by culinary tips, but also by small technical tricks that make work more comfortable.

Cooking skills come with experience. Discovering new recipes, you try and make mistakes, consult with friends and mothers. If you remember these simple cooking tips and tricks, you can quickly increase your skill level in preparing the perfect dishes.


If there is a musty smell in the refrigerator, put pieces of activated carbon in it and the smell will disappear after a few hours. The musty smell in the cupboard will disappear if you wipe its walls with a vinegar solution.

The dishes that contained the dough, raw eggs, herring, and jam are washed first with cold water and then with hot water.

Do not pour cold water into a hot enamel pan. The service life of enamel cookware is significantly extended if, before the first use, you pour water into it to the brim, bring it to a boil, remove the pan from the heat and let the water cool - this will strengthen the enamel coating. Nickel-plated dishes in which very fatty foods were cooked should be washed with water and ammonia, doused with boiling water and rubbed with chalk or tooth powder. It is good to clean these dishes with a solution consisting of a tablespoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of table salt.

If food is burnt in an enamel bowl, do not scrape it out. Pour water into a bowl, add soda (a teaspoon per 1 liter) and boil. Burnt food will easily separate from the walls and bottom.

Before using a new frying pan or other cast iron cookware, add a layer of salt to the bottom, place the pan on the fire and heat it up. Then wipe with the same salt, grease and heat again.

To destroy scale that forms on the inner walls, you need to pour a solution of baking soda (tea soda per glass of water) into the dishes and boil until the scale softens. After this, it is removed with a stiff brush or wooden stick, and the dishes are thoroughly washed with clean water.

To quickly wash a teapot or coffee pot, you need to fill it with water, add a tablespoon of baking soda, boil it, and then rinse the dishes with warm water.

It is not recommended to leave knives on a hot stove, as this will cause them to become dull and lose their firmness and elasticity. Knives should be kept separate from other objects, since when they come into contact with forks and spoons, their blades quickly become dull.

To eliminate the smell of onions in dishes, pour 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar into the bottom, put on fire and boil for 2-3 minutes.

After peeling vegetables and fruits, immerse your hands in hot water acidified with a tablespoon of vinegar for 5 minutes - they will become soft and white. After the onion or garlic has been peeled and chopped, rub your hands with damp salt and then wash with soap and water.

The best fat for deep-frying potatoes is rendered beef or lard. You can use refined vegetable oil, as well as a mixture of vegetable and animal products (50% melted lard and 50% vegetable oil or 70% melted lard and 30% vegetable oil). Butter and cream margarine are not recommended for frying, as they contain a large amount of moisture and protein substances, which burn at high temperatures, contaminating the fat and the product.

When deep-frying, the ratio between the amount of fat and the product immersed in it must be at least 4:1, otherwise the temperature of the fat decreases, which significantly worsens the frying conditions. Fat should be added as it is consumed, maintaining the specified ratio.

Fill the dishes with fat no more than half the capacity, since when food is placed in hot fat, it foams strongly.

Before immersing potatoes in fat, they should be thoroughly dried, since a wet surface slows down the formation of a crust, which also turns out uneven.

To fry or boil any food, you must first over high heat, and then reduce the heat in order to finish frying, finish cooking slowly, over low heat.


Primary processing is intended to disinfect raw materials, remove inedible parts from it and give it a certain shape corresponding to the prepared dish. Typically, primary processing ends with the preparation of semi-finished products.

After primary processing, semi-finished products are used to prepare dishes in their natural form without heat treatment or are subjected to one or more methods: boiling, frying, stewing, baking. The sequence of these processing methods depends on the type of product, primary processing operations preceding thermal processing. So, with a large amount of collagen connective tissue, before frying, it is marinated, crushed or boiled, and then fried. Sometimes during primary processing, auxiliary heat treatment operations are used - scalding, singeing. They are designed to soften the product, remove unnecessary flavors and inedible parts of the product.

Fish, meat, poultry, vegetables, fruits, berries must be washed thoroughly. The washing process removes up to 92% of microorganisms from these products. It is especially important to wash foods that are not cooked before consumption.

In order to accelerate softening during heat treatment, better digestion of food, and give a certain shape to the dish, the products are crushed. This process is used for raw and cooked foods. At home, the main methods of chopping are cutting food by hand or using food processor attachments (meat grinders, vegetable slicers).

Solid dry products are mainly used in crushed, pureed form (crackers). To grind them, use mortars, graters, and food processor attachments for crushing crackers.

For better connection and distribution of the mass of various products after grinding them stir, using deep-shaped dishes and appropriate equipment: saucepans, stewpans, bowls, tablespoons, wooden spatulas, etc. Intensive mixing of the product in order to enrich it with air oxygen, giving it a fluffy, delicate consistency is called whipping. Usually eggs, dishes in which they are contained, or gelling agents are beaten. Whipping provides a porous, airy consistency to the finished product after heat treatment.

Pickling used to soften the connective tissues of products of animal origin, giving them better taste, removing and masking specific odors. Marinades are prepared from various herbs and spices. They can be mixed in dry form or heated in water. Liquid marinade is poured over the food completely or partially. The dry marinade is mixed with products containing a high percentage of moisture. It is released from the product and combines with the dry marinade, but the product has the same effects as the liquid marinade. Since acetic, citric acids or products containing organic acids are often used in pickling, it is better to select dishes made from non-oxidizing materials (stainless steel, enamel, porcelain, glass) for pickling. Primary processing aimed at dispensing a product of a certain shape, mass, is called since thentioning And molding. To speed up the portioning process, you can use various devices: molds, recesses, small containers. Before cooking, many products are given a round, oval, spherical or other shape. In some cases they ladyrut in flour, breadcrumbs and lison a mixture of eggs and milk or water.

Culinary tips on how to cook vegetables correctly!

For fruits: To make kiwis ripen faster, you need to put them in a row with apples and bananas.
So that when you prepare a fruit salad, bananas, pears and apples do not darken, you need to sprinkle them with lemon juice in a separate bowl.
Other tips for cooks: Spices should be stored in glass or ceramic individual containers with a lid.
The whites whip better when chilled, but the yolks, on the contrary, can even be slightly warmed up.

It is best to fry chicken eggs without a lid, then the taste of the yolk will be fully preserved, and the white will remain tender.

Do not keep boiled vegetables in water, but drain it immediately so that the vegetables do not absorb excess water. This rule does not apply to cauliflower.

In order for the potatoes to be beautifully fried, you do not need to rinse them after cutting or, especially, store them in water!

When cooking pea soup, I recommend crushing the peas after they are ready. This will make the consistency of the soup more beautiful, correct and tasty!

Any marinating must take place under a lid and certainly in a cool place! A good place is in the refrigerator. The marinating time depends on the product itself. From 30 minutes for fish and up to 4-5 hours minimum, for example, pork.

When kneading the dough, so that it does not stick to your hands, grease them with a little olive oil!

Sometimes, when you urgently need boiled potatoes, use the microwave for this. Prick the potatoes in several places with a fork and place under the lid for 8-10 minutes. Not like in the water, of course, but fast!

In principle, bake all vegetables that require heat treatment for vinaigrette (beets, potatoes, carrots) in the microwave for 15 minutes!

Before cooking, hare meat must be marinated in a mixture of water, vinegar, spices and berries. This will get rid of the characteristic smell of game and make the meat softer!

Buy as much fruit as you can eat in 1-2 sittings. They spoil quite quickly even in the refrigerator, especially exotic ones, and no one and nothing is stopping you from buying more the day after tomorrow!

When buying smoked sausage or meat, remove all cellophane wrappers from your home and wrap it in thick paper. In the refrigerator in this form the product will be stored much longer!

Never store vegetables in tied bags. The looser they lie, the longer they last!

You can add a little washed lemon or orange zest to the dried fruit compote. The taste will be a little more interesting!

To ensure that the breading (for example: breadcrumbs) acquires a golden color and holds well, do not forget to first roll the frying object in a raw egg!

Be sure to buy baking paper - this will keep the baking sheet always clean so that you don’t bake and will prevent the product from sticking to it!

You can easily freeze the pizza dough into portioned balls and take it out when you need it and as much as you need!

Want to make your parsley even more flavorful? Rinse it with very warm water!

There is no need to cook fish (for example: fish broth or fish soup) over high heat. This will make it hard and “dry”!

Buy only live, i.e. moving crayfish! The dead can even release toxic substances. Well, of course, cook them only in very boiling salted water!

It is better to store rye and wheat bread separately, firstly, they have completely different flavors that are undesirable to mix, and secondly: they simply will not get stale and spoil longer!

Don’t forget to completely drain the boiled potatoes right away, otherwise they will become watery and not tasty!

Rabbit meat must first be fried until golden brown, and then stewed with vegetables, for example, in white wine or sour cream. And the hare (after marinating!) can be stuffed with frozen lard - then it will be more juicy!

When choosing barrel salted herring, make sure that its eyes are reddish, the carcass is dense and thick, and the color is bright, steel-blue!

Don’t forget to scald it with boiling water before adding raw onions to the salad! This will help avoid a strong smell both in the salad itself and afterwards!

To make it easier to remove the skin from a hot boiled tongue, you can immerse it in cold water for 3 - 4 minutes!

Do not under any circumstances put bay leaves in borscht. You'll take away all the aroma!

To get minced meat (for example, for making manti, samsa, etc.) - place it in small pieces in the freezer until the top layers harden. Cutting such meat finely is much more convenient and faster!

Brew tea so that you can drink it immediately, and not receive the so-called “infusion”, much less store it!

Unused coconut milk or coconut cream cannot be stored for long, but can be frozen!

Try to rinse all kinds of fresh salads, cabbage and greens with ice water - then they will not lose their texture, and therefore their freshness and appearance!

You can preserve strawberries for a long time by drying them. True, overripe berries are of little use for drying. The stalks of the collected berries are removed, then lightly washed and laid out on a dry baking sheet in a thin layer (you can put paper on them). Strawberries are dried at a temperature of 45-50 degrees, and dried at 50-60 degrees!

When buying canned fish (for example, for salad), try to take it primarily in its own juice. This means that there should be nothing in the composition except the fish itself and salt!

When preparing pies, try lightly marinating chicken, fish or meat in advance in whatever you like best. The final result will please you!

If you are unlucky and you bought squid that are not young for cooking, keep them in cold water for an hour! This will avoid possible ammonia smell!

Salt the meat broth 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking the meat; fish broth - at the beginning of cooking; mushroom at the very end!

Do you want your vegetables and fruits to stay fresh longer? Do not store them in plastic bags!

Never refreeze anything! In addition to the taste of the product, its structure also changes dramatically!

Be sure to have at least one cast iron frying pan or wok. We can talk endlessly about the benefits of cast iron in the kitchen - you just will immediately feel the difference! And you will use ordinary frying pans much less often!

Many sauces, gravies and dressings from Italian cuisine have begun to be sold in stores. But! Try to make them yourself. It is hundreds of times tastier, cheaper and healthier!

When baking vegetables (whether on the grill or in the oven), be sure to grease them with vegetable oil (preferably non-extra olive oil). This will preserve their integrity and significantly improve the taste!

When marinating (or rubbing with anything) large pieces of meat or poultry, try to wipe the semi-finished product dry. This will allow the marinade to be better absorbed into the product!

There is no need to throw out the remaining chicken, meat, fish or vegetable broth. It can be frozen in any suitable container and used when needed!

When beating meat (any kind), use cling film and a special hammer. Cover the piece being beaten with cling film - then you won’t have to remove particles of meat from the floor and walls!

In order for dry spices (not ground!) to truly reveal their aroma, you can heat them a little in a dry frying pan for a few minutes, stirring!

When cooking pasta (pasta), be sure to add a tablespoon of olive oil to the pan and stir. Then they will definitely not stick together!

To prepare “Risotto”, rice should not be washed under any circumstances! Moreover, I recommend taking special rice for this dish – “Arborio”. It is round, translucent and more sticky. Perfectly absorbs the whole palette of other components of risotto!

But the rice for preparing pilaf must be thoroughly washed. As long as possible until the water in the container in which you wash it becomes almost transparent. Then the rice will not stick together during cooking!
To keep fresh fish longer, be sure to remove its gills. In principle, you should also do the same when preparing it!

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Sometimes cooking in the kitchen turns into a living hell: oil boils and splashes, milk runs out, a burnt frying pan cannot be washed off, and over all this you have tears in your eyes from the onions.

We are in website We decided to collect tips for you on cooking, cleaning and organizing your kitchen space that you may not have thought of.

1. How to quickly peel seeds from vegetables

To easily remove the seeds from pumpkin and squash, use an ice cream scoop. Its pointed edge will easily remove seeds from vegetables. This spoon can also be used to beautifully decorate finely chopped salads.

2. How to remove excess fat from a cooked dish

If the finished dish turns out to be unexpectedly rich, you can easily remove excess fat with a couple of pieces of ice and a paper towel. Wrap the ice in a napkin and run it over the surface of the dish. Ice attracts floating fat like a magnet, and it freezes on the napkin.

3. Handle cling film like a chef

Does cling film stretch and tear? Store it in the refrigerator, as all chefs in the world do. Cold film is easy to handle, sticks less and does not cause the usual irritation.

4. Easy to peel citrus fruits

A tip especially for those who don’t like to peel oranges, lemons or tangerines: place the fruit in the microwave for 20 seconds, then easily peel the fruit.

5. Make peeling boiled eggs easier

Add baking soda or vinegar to the water when boiling eggs. Both substances penetrate the shell and facilitate separation from the protein.

6. How to squeeze more juice out of citrus fruits

To get the most juice out of a lemon, first cool the fruit and then microwave it for 15-20 seconds.

7. How to easily grate soft cheese

Place the cheese in the freezer for 30 minutes before grating. Hardened cheese will not stick to the grater and will become more crumbly.

8. What to do to avoid crying when chopping onions

Before chopping onions, place them in the freezer for 30 minutes. True, this method is only suitable if you are going to fry the onion in the future or send it to boil; you should not put it in salads in this form.

9. How to cook pasta

To avoid waiting for the pasta water to boil, or to avoid overlooking it, place a wooden spatula or spoon on top of the pan. The tree will not allow the rising foam to overflow.

10. How to cook a whole bird

When roasting a whole chicken (or other bird), place it on the breast. The fact is that the breast contains the most meat: the closer it is to the heat source, the sooner it will cook.

11. Parchment paper for cupcakes

If you don't have special muffin tins, use parchment paper instead. In addition, using this method you will get non-standard cupcakes that will look much more interesting.

12. Reheat baked goods correctly

To reheat pizza or any other baked goods in the microwave, place a glass of water next to it. This way, the evaporated moisture will prevent the baked crust from drying out too much.

13. Making the perfect fried egg

Pour a tablespoon of water into the edge of the pan. Cover the pan with a lid that fits exactly. The water will turn into steam and cook the top of the scrambled egg. Thanks to this, a film will form on the yolks, but they will remain liquid inside.

1. Save greens for cooking

2. Properly store shelled nuts

Freeze shelled nuts, so they will retain all their beneficial properties, taste and aroma. Place the shelled nuts in an airtight container, seal tightly and place in the freezer. You should not pre-fry the kernels, otherwise there will be no benefit from them. Nuts must be placed raw in the container. Another advantage of this storage method: nuts will not develop the rancid taste that develops over time if they are stored at room temperature.

1. Clean cast iron cookware correctly

To prevent rust from forming on cast iron cookware over time, you should not clean it with conventional means. For cleaning it is better to use ordinary salt. This method, among other things, will rid the dishes of the obsessive smell of spices that you used when cooking.

2. How to rid your hands of unpleasant odor