Rice soup for one year old child. Rice soup

Soup with rice in chicken broth is very tasty and satisfying, children usually eat it willingly. It’s not difficult to cook such a soup, but you should be picky about the choice of products.

From the age of 5, a child can add a little improvised frying to the soup - onions heated in butter. For younger children, it is better not to fry soups or season them with anything.

For baby food, it is recommended to use only domestic chicken meat. Broiler chicken from a poultry farm, as a rule, is “stuffed” with antibiotics and growth hormones, and this, as you yourself understand, is not at all healthy. Be sure to take white meat (breast), meat from legs and thighs is too fatty for children. When cooking broth, drain the first water after boiling.


  • 1 small chicken breast with bone
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 tbsp. rice (heaped)
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1-2 pinches of salt.

For this amount of food you will need 1.5-2 liters of water.


Rinse the chicken breast in cool water, remove the skin (this is necessary so that the broth does not turn out too greasy) and boil with salt and bay leaf for 1 hour. Be sure to remove the foam.

Remove the finished chicken and place it on a plate to cool slightly. Do not remove the pan with broth from the heat. Rinse the rice thoroughly in running water, add to the broth and cook for 10 minutes.

Cut the potatoes into small cubes, grate the carrots. Place vegetables in a saucepan with rice. Cook for another 15 minutes.

Remove the chicken meat from the bone, cut into small pieces and, if desired, add it to the finished soup. Be sure to remove the bay leaf from the pan.

Cool the soup and serve it to your child in a deep plate. You can grind it with a blender or rub it through a sieve, then you get a puree soup. However, do not overuse rubbing - from the age of one and a half years (and if there are teeth, even earlier), the child must chew small pieces of food himself.

All mothers are familiar with the problem: what to feed the baby? What if this baby has one or two teeth? And I really want to feed my own, homemade, and not factory-made purees from jars.

I bring to your attention a wonderful recipe for a simple and satisfying rice soup, which is suitable even for kids who are just getting acquainted with the rich world of culinary delights.
The soup is suitable for the whole family, but what distinguishes it from the adult menu is the lack of spices and slight pureeing of the ingredients. It is also very useful, the recipe for which you will find on the website.

Rice soup for a child

Rice soup recipe

by Maxim Frolov Published: June 16, 2016

  • Exit: 4 persons
  • Preparation: 10 minutes
  • Cooking: 50 minutes
  • Total: 60 minutes

All mothers are familiar with the problem: what to feed the baby? And if this baby has...


  • 1.5 l.
  • 1 PC.
  • 1 PC.
  • 3 pcs.
  • 1/4 tbsp.
  • can be frozen


  1. Preparing the ingredients. Wash and peel medium-sized carrots.
  2. We clean the onion.
  3. You will need three small potatoes.

  4. The basis for the soup is rice.
  5. Some greens (I used frozen ones).
  6. So, we have all the ingredients for our baby’s rice soup at hand.

  7. Put the water on the fire, and in the meantime, quickly peel the potatoes and cut them into tiny cubes.
  8. The water has not yet boiled, but there is no need to wait for it to boil - pour the potatoes into the water.
  9. While the water and potatoes are boiling, we peel the onions and carrots. Cut the onion into jewel-like translucent pieces. Grate the carrots on a fine grater.
  10. Place the frying pan on the stove and pour two tablespoons of sunflower oil into the middle.
  11. As soon as the frying pan with oil is hot enough, add the carrots and onions and fry until they become golden, soft and fragrant.
  12. Cooking with love! After all, with this we will feed the smallest and dearest people to our hearts!
  13. Meanwhile, the water in the saucepan begins to gurgle impatiently. Salt and add to potatoes and rice that are bored in solitude.
  14. As soon as the water boils again, reduce the heat slightly and cook for about 15 - 20 minutes. Then we grind everything with a blender. You can puree to the desired consistency; this will not affect the taste of the soup in any way. I only slightly wrinkled it. For older children, you can leave the soup completely in its original form, for the youngest - puree the entire portion immediately before feeding.
  15. Remove the sunny side up from the heat and throw it into our soup along with the herbs.
  16. Stir, add salt if necessary and let simmer for another 3 minutes.

  17. The soup turns out thick and aromatic, despite the lack of spices. Dietary, pleasant for digestion and very simple and quick to prepare! Kids will appreciate it: proven!

Have a terrible and terrible day, my dear fellow tribesmen! All year we have been waiting for this event, and here it is, this day has come.... THE DAY when we can finally break free into the world of people and feast on fresh, innocent souls! *evil laughter sounds
In different countries and on different continents this night is called differently. For the successors of the ancient Slavs, this is the Night of Veles, for the descendants of the ancient Celts, who now live throughout Europe and even on the continent of North America, this is the eve of All Saints' Day, which modern residents nicknamed Halloween, in China, this is the Deng Jie holiday - the day of remembrance of ancestors, and in Mexico “El Dia de los Muertos”, which translates as the days of the dead. These days end with picnics at the graves of deceased relatives. So on November 2, we will finish our feast, perhaps in Mexico

Here everyone present begins to get out of their dark hiding places with interest and slowly and make approving sounds, and some even try to applaud with their decaying limbs.

Let me introduce myself! I am a Succubus. Many people consider me a woman, but I hasten to disappoint - in fact, I am a sexless creature, and I only take on the image of a sexual seductress, and since I skillfully read people's thoughts and desires, I absolutely accurately guess the preferences of my victim and appear to him in exactly that image. which he will not be able to resist. People call me a real devil in female form. My sweetest morsels are honest and respectable Christians, Catholics, Protestants and Jews. Oh, Lord of Darkness! You simply cannot imagine how much pleasure it gives me to persuade these abstainers to such a sweet sin of adultery! Thanks to the victim's confusion and fear, I am able to successfully paralyze him, distort his perception of reality and get what I need. After all, the result of our erotic act can be not only my filling with one of the most powerful sexual energies, but also fertilization, as a result of which magicians, sorcerers and witches are born.

Who else will go with us to Earth so that chaos and horror reign in the name of our brotherhood?!



There is a close relative. She gave birth late, the child is not mentally healthy. The problem is that she believes that other children, relatives, should tolerate her child’s quirks.
Together with another relative, we are celebrating our children’s joint birthday. We decided not to invite this one and her child. So she found out from another sister and now the offense is terrible. Are we wrong that we don’t want to spoil the holiday?



Kindness is evil. It's such a shame, ladies. In the summer, a friend called, she had serious health problems and needed money. She begged and cried. She said that she wrote a statement at work and was promised financial assistance, but not quickly. She has a small child. Need it right here and now. I borrowed her money, 50 thousand. And summer has passed, and autumn has almost passed too. I call back and am glad that she is feeling better. I'm waiting for money. She feeds breakfast. Yesterday I met her by chance at the metro. And she has a new fur coat. Beautiful. She was so tossed around. I ask, what about financial assistance? She bekala-mekala. In short, they gave help, but it’s winter, there’s nothing to wear blah blah blah. I bought a fur coat. And what about me? And someday I will.
It was my husband's birthday and anniversary. I had to borrow for a gift. I was terribly upset.
I myself understand that I’m a fool and I won’t see the money. (((((
Tell me, am I the only one?



Anyone who has had IVF, not cryo, please share your experience.
How did you behave after the transplant? Today is day 3. I live on the 4th floor without an elevator, can I walk up the stairs without fear? How to get rid of a phobia? It seems that I am a crystal vase and must lie down, even the toilet causes fear. It's time to go to work. Sedentary work at a computer without running around. Work for a couple of days and have 3 days off.
And yet, the number of drugs I take scares me. Proginova 5 tablets per day, Utrozhestan 3 capsules, Duphaston 3 tablets, Curantil 6 tablets, Folic acid 1 tablet 4 mg, Metypred 1 tablet, plus Clexane injections in the stomach.
There were other girls at the drop-in, they had a much smaller list of medications.
What were you prescribed and how long did you take them? So far I have been prescribed all of the above before hCG, but they said that some of them will need to be taken for several months.
And another question about hCG, how many days after the replantation did you have the test done? There were 4 of us on the transfer, three of us were assigned to 9.11, and I was assigned to 12.12. Why is that?
Well, the main question about the embryos, one turned out good and was transferred, and 2 have been under observation for the 8th day, so far there is nothing to freeze (((Is there a chance that the embryos will be good or that’s it? All the other girls have already been told everything at 5 -6th day and their straws were already frozen on Monday-Tuesday, I’m the only one in the dark...


Soup is a healthy food that many adults and children enjoy eating. Mothers try to diversify their child’s diet after he reaches 8 months of age. They introduce fermented milk products, fruits, natural desserts, vegetables, meat and, of course, broths. Soups made with vegetable, low-fat meat or fish broth are very beneficial for children's bodies. They improve the functioning of the small stomach and intestines, cleanse the kidneys and liver. Especially useful for children who suffer from constipation and colitis. They saturate with energy, essential nutrients and vitamins. Any mother can find time to prepare a simple low-fat soup for her one-year-old baby.

What broths can you cook with?

Classic soups are prepared based on vegetable broths (lean), meat (beef or pork), and fish. They usually start with light vegetable broths; they are adequately accepted by the digestive system and do not burden the liver and pancreas. Soups can be prepared both in the form of puree, creamy or liquid consistency, as well as milk and cereal, classic - cooked in a slow cooker or over a fire. Remember that soup for a baby who is 1 year old is different from the soup you prepare for a baby, for example, 5 years old.

What broth should I cook my child's first dish with? Usually they start with soups made from light vegetable broths with a puree-like consistency; they will remind the baby of the usual childhood dishes from jars, favorite purees of fruits, meat and vegetables, and porridge. To get acquainted with the first courses, they are prepared from one or two vegetables that are already familiar to the baby and have been tested for the absence of an allergic reaction:

  • Potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, and pumpkin are perfect. Later, the recipe can be diversified with carrots, tomatoes, herbs, and peas.
  • Before the baby reaches one year of age, the vegetables are ground and diluted with water. After 1 year of life, chopped vegetables are boiled or just vegetable broths are given. Such dishes are healthy for children's bodies and are rich in fiber and plant fibers.

Meat broths and fish broths are not served to children under one and a half years old, since they are difficult to digest and can have an adverse effect on the liver, pancreas and the entire digestive tract, and can cause an allergic reaction and the development of gastritis.

Mothers give meat and fish broth to children who suffer from poor appetite, weight loss and frequent illnesses, but this is the wrong decision, because a fragile gastrointestinal tract can react negatively to such an adult product. Canned food and seasonings are prohibited.

Let's decide on salt and sugar in dishes for children over 1 year old

Is it possible to give one-year-old babies salt and sugar? It is possible, but in very moderate quantities. When seasoning a dish with salt, it is easy to make a mistake, even when we are preparing the usual adult dinner, we often find that we have over-salted the food. In order not to make mistakes when preparing soup for a child, do not add salt and sugar in their pure form - make aqueous solutions.

Prepare the saline solution:

  • Pour 25 g of salt with half a glass of water;
  • boil the mixture for 10 minutes;
  • the solution must be cleared of impurities by passing through a sterile bandage;
  • pour into the saucepan again, bring water to the volume that was at the beginning of cooking, boil again;
  • Place for storage in a sterile container, add to food at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 200 g of food.

Prepare a solution of granulated sugar:

  • Pour 100 g of pure granulated sugar into half a glass of boiling water;
  • simmer for up to half an hour over low heat, stirring so that the sugar does not burn;
  • strain the resulting solution through sterile gauze;
  • pour into the same saucepan, add water to the original volume and boil again;
  • pour the solution into a sterile storage container;
  • add to food, taking into account that 1 ml of such a solution or syrup contains 1 g of sugar;
  • Store the solution in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Vegetable soup recipes for children

We offer you recipes for simple, but nutritious and varied in ingredients soups with vegetables and water. They are given until the baby reaches the age of one and a half years, in puree form, then you can slowly try real broths on dietary meat or fish. Soups with buckwheat and rice cereal are popular.

First course with cereal

Cream soup with rice and green peas:

  1. Take 1 tablespoon of cereal, 2 teaspoons of butter, a glass of water, half a tsp. saline solution. Pre-boil 2 tablespoons of green peas.
  2. Cook the rice until cooked. Rub through a sieve, do the same with green peas.
  3. Add a glass of salted water to the pureed porridge and peas.
  4. Moderately season the finished dish with high-quality butter.

Important! Prepare this dish if your child does not have a negative reaction from the gastrointestinal tract to green peas. Does your baby suffer from constipation? Rice water may make the situation worse. On the other hand, the dish normalizes the digestive activity of the toddler, who is prone to laxity.

Borsch for the little ones

Vegetarian borscht:

  1. Take 80 g of beets, half as much cabbage, the same amount of onions, half a large potato, a quarter of a carrot, one and a half cups of vegetable broth, half a teaspoon of tomato paste or twisted tomatoes.
  2. Grate the peeled and washed carrots, onions and beetroot on a coarse grater. Shred the cabbage. Cut the potatoes into small cubes or strips.
  3. Mix cooked vegetables with tomato paste in a saucepan. Pour a glass of boiling water and simmer for half an hour.
  4. Add half a glass of broth and butter to the stewed vegetables. Cook for 5-10 minutes.
  5. You can add a teaspoon of low-fat sour cream to the borscht.

Creamy soup with green peas and sauce

Cream soup with green peas:

  1. Prepare all the ingredients for the soup. Take 20 g of potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and turnips, a quarter glass of vegetable broth, half a teaspoon of canned green peas, 30 ml of cream.
  2. Prepare the ingredients for the sauce. You will need 150 ml of milk, a quarter of a teaspoon of flour and half a teaspoon of butter.
  3. Wash and cut the potatoes and carrots into cubes. Break the cauliflower into small florets and wash. Cut clean turnips into strips and run through boiling water.
  4. Mix the vegetables in a saucepan and boil in salted water, add green peas at the end of cooking.
  5. For the sauce, combine all the ingredients and mix well so that no lumps of flour form.
  6. Rub the boiled vegetables through a sieve, mix with the resulting milk sauce and vegetable broth, and boil again.
  7. Before serving the crumbs, add butter.

Recipes for soups with meat broth

By “meat” we mean broths made from turkey, chicken, rabbit, lean beef and veal. Remember that meat broth contains extractive substances, it contains antibiotics and hormones that are used to “improve” meat in agricultural production, and bone broth generally leads in the amount of harmful substances. When preparing meat broth for your baby, take parts without fat and bones, purchase the products at trusted points of sale, and drain the first broth.

Rice soup with turkey fillet broth

We offer you a light soup made from dietary turkey meat broth:

  1. Boil 50 g of turkey fillet, take a meat grinder or blender and grind the meat with it.
  2. Rinse 2-3 tablespoons of rice well. Boil it in salted water for half an hour
  3. Pour boiling water over one clean tomato and remove the skin. Let it simmer in a frying pan.
  4. Grate one carrot on a fine grater, chop one small onion. Combine the vegetables and boil them in 200 ml of water.
  5. Mix boiled vegetables, rice and fillet, pour in broth and stir again.

DIY chicken noodles

  1. For the noodles itself, prepare one egg, half a glass of flour, one tablespoon of water.
  2. For the soup, take a quarter of a carrot, one small head of onion, a quarter glass of water and 100 g of chicken fillet.
  3. Boil the chicken broth, remove the chicken meat and cut into portions.
  4. Prepare the noodle dough, cut it into thin and narrow, not too long strips as in the photo.
  5. Mix carrots and onions with noodles in the prepared broth, simmer for 10 minutes. Add meat at the end of cooking.

Buckwheat soup

Buckwheat and meat are an ideal combination in terms of both benefits and taste. We offer you a recipe for buckwheat soup with beef or chicken broth:

  1. Prepare the broth.
  2. Wash one tablespoon of buckwheat, one finely chopped potato, half a carrot and an onion.
  3. Add cereal and vegetables to the broth. Cook for 20 minutes.

Beef meatball soup

  1. Prepare a broth from 200 g of beef, half a carrot and 20 g of parsley root.
  2. Form meatballs: remove the meat from the broth, cool and pass through a meat grinder twice along with white bread soaked in cold water. Mix the mixture with 1 egg and grated onion.
  3. Finely chop the potatoes, place them in boiling broth and cook until tender - 15-20 minutes.
  4. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add meatballs to the soup.

Soups with fish broth

Ukha can be offered to children closer to two years of age. Give a very small amount the first time to check for allergies or negative gastrointestinal reactions. Everything is in order - give the baby soup in fish broth. The fish should be of high quality, not fatty - fillets of perch, pollock, pike perch, hake. Consumption of canned food is prohibited.

Fish fillet soup with rice and vegetables

Delicious fish soup with rice:

  1. Take 100 g of fish fillet, one and a half glasses of water, a teaspoon of cereal, half a potato and carrot, a small onion, a teaspoon of butter, a little salt in the form of a solution.
  2. Cook medium-cut fish and onions for half an hour. Remove the fish pieces.
  3. Add well-washed cereal and finely chopped vegetables to the broth.
  4. Cook until the vegetables are ready, 2 minutes before removing from the heat, add the fish pieces.

Fish soup with light meatballs

We offer you not meat balls, but fish fillets:

  1. Boil 100 g fillet with parsley and onion. Strain the resulting broth.
  2. Take a blender or meat grinder, grind the cooked pieces of fish with them, add white bread soaked in water. Form into meatballs.
  3. Boil the cooked meatballs in the broth. Add them to your ear.

Important! Meatballs are prepared not only from fish, but also from veal, lean beef, according to the same recipe. Children eat them with great pleasure.

Two dessert soups

Soups can serve not only as a first course for lunch, but also as an unusual healthy dessert. Many housewives make liquid kutya for the great Orthodox holiday of Christmas, which is precisely an example of a dessert soup.

We offer you a recipe for delicious dried apricot soup with rice:

  1. Boil a tablespoon of cereal, 6-8 pieces separately. dried apricots for half an hour. Grind the dried fruits through a sieve along with the broth.
  2. Mix dried apricots and rice, add 1 tsp. sugar syrup and boil for a few minutes.

Quick sweet pumpkin cream soup in a slow cooker:

  1. Mix 300 g of pumpkin pulp, 100 g of milk and a teaspoon of semolina in a bowl. Place it in the slow cooker.
  2. Turn on the “Cooking” mode and wait 15 minutes.
  3. Grind the finished pumpkin dish in a baby blender and serve warm.

At 1 year of age, children’s diet, as a rule, consists of regular adult food, although still in a form adapted for babies. The child's menu is filled with a variety of products. By the age of one and a half years, children can be switched to 4 meals a day, because the range of foods has become more satisfying, and the child’s body needs at least 3-4 hours to absorb food.

First meal

Soups for children are not just useful, but necessary. The first dishes contribute to the production of gastric juice, which is necessary for the proper absorption of the following dishes.

Prepare vegetable, meat, fish, milk, cheese, puree and even fruit soup for your children. By using a variety of vegetables, grains, and pastas, your chicken broth can become the base for a wide variety of dishes. But the variety of broths is also great. Thus, your child will not get bored with soups, and you will have the opportunity for culinary experiments and an incentive to create your own recipes.

Meat broths

Meat broth is a universal basis for preparing soup for a child. Broth recipes are very simple. To prepare you will need 1 kg of lean meat (beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken), 3 liters of water, salt. Cook the meat over low heat, carefully remove the foam. Remove the finished meat from the broth. This broth is ready to prepare any soup or puree soup: pea, rice, buckwheat, cheese, etc.

We offer recipes based on meat broths.

Pea soup

For children after one year, pea soup is cooked using broth made from lean beef or pork bones. It is better to pre-soak the peas overnight. There are different recipes for pea soup. We offer classic.

  1. Bring the meat bone to a boil, drain the water, fill the bone with new purified water and cook for 40 minutes, skimming off the foam.

  2. Add peas and cook for another 40 minutes

  3. Remove the bone and add potatoes, grated carrots, and chopped onions to the meat pea soup.

  4. At the end, add bay leaves to the pea soup and add salt.

  5. Sprinkle with herbs to taste.

Meatball soup

  1. Grind 100 g of boiled rabbit, turkey or chicken meat in a meat grinder with white bread and a quarter of an onion.

  2. Salt the minced meat and mix with ½ egg.

  3. Divide the minced meat into small portions, forming them into meatballs.

  4. Boil the broth.

  5. Add 1 potato, ½ carrot, parsley root to the broth and cook until half cooked.

  6. Add the broth with meatballs and cook for 7-10 minutes.

  7. Sprinkle the meatball soup with herbs.

Chicken soup with meatballs

  1. Prepare minced chicken as in the previous recipe.

  2. Form portions of minced meat into meatballs.

  3. Add carrots and parsley root to boiling chicken broth.

  4. Cook the meatballs in the broth for 5 minutes.

  5. Add noodles to chicken meatball soup.

  6. Cook for another 5 minutes.

  7. Season the prepared chicken soup with meatballs with herbs.

  8. The same soup can be cooked for a child from turkey meat.

Rabbit puree soup

Rabbit meat is very rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. Therefore, it is useful to cook rabbit for children. Sometimes it is useful to soak rabbit meat for 1-3 hours to get rid of the specific smell and make the meat softer.

  1. Rinse 150 g of rabbit meat and add water.

  2. Cook for 35-40 minutes.

  3. Remove the meat, chop it and add it to the broth along with the potatoes cut into strips.

  4. Add sautéed carrots and onions 7-10 minutes before removing from heat.

  5. Grind the slightly cooled soup in a blender, add sour cream to the soup puree.

  6. Rabbit meat soup can be prepared with rice or other grains as desired.

Vegetable broth

Vegetable soup - puree is one of the first to be introduced into a child's complementary feeding. Therefore, these are one of the favorite dishes for children. After 1 year, vegetables do not need to be chopped. You can gradually introduce into recipes those foods that were difficult for the digestive system before 1 year.

If the first course is vegetable soup, then it is better to prepare porridge for the second course. Such a menu will provide the child with a balance of nutrients received from food.

Vegetable soup - puree

A universal vegetable puree soup that is prepared quickly and easily. The composition of the ingredients can be changed. Recipes suggest adding 1 teaspoon of oil at the end of cooking. For a child after 1 year, this is extremely useful and important for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Classic puree soup

  1. Prepare a vegetable mix: cut vegetables into cubes (25 g each of zucchini, cauliflower (or broccoli), beans, green peas, carrots, onions), 1 potato.
  2. Prepare a vegetable mix: cut vegetables into cubes (25 g each of zucchini, cauliflower (or broccoli), beans, green peas, carrots, onions), 1 potato.
  3. Pour purified water over the vegetables and simmer.

  4. Cool the vegetable soup and puree them in a blender.

  5. Salt, add butter, herbs, sour cream to taste.

Beetroot vegetable soup

  1. Prepare vegetables: 80 g beets, 40 g cabbage, 30 g onions, 1 potato, a quarter of 1 carrot.

  2. Grate the beets and cabbage on a medium grater, finely chop the cabbage, cut the potatoes into cubes, and chop the onion.

  3. Simmer all vegetables in 1 glass of water for half an hour.

  4. Add 1 teaspoon of tomato.

  5. Pour in 1 cup of vegetable broth, add salt and oil. Cook for another quarter of an hour.

  6. Season the soup with sour cream and herbs.

Fish broth

Fish broth is cooked like meat broth. Fillet of lean fish (cod) is placed in boiling water, roots and onions are added, and cooked for up to half an hour. The fish is taken out and the broth is filtered. This fish broth is used to prepare rice, buckwheat or other fish soup.

Fish rice soup

  1. Wash 150 g cod fillet, cut into small pieces.

  2. Boil fish broth, remove fish.

  3. Strain the broth, add salt and boil.

  4. Add 1 teaspoon of rice. Cook for 20 minutes.

  5. Add chopped potatoes and carrots. Cook until done.

  6. 2 minutes before turning off the soup, add fish, oil and herbs.

Fish soup with cod meatballs

  1. Cook fish broth from 100 g cod fillet, onions and roots.

  2. Prepare minced meat from boiled fish and bread soaked in milk.

  3. Add half an egg into the minced meat. Add salt and mix.

  4. Form portions of minced meat into meatballs.

  5. Place the fish balls into the strained broth, brought to a boil.

  6. Cook the soup with fish balls for another 15 minutes.

  7. You can add butter and herbs.

Milk soups

We have known buckwheat and rice milk soup since childhood. But milk soup can be made not only with our usual cereals. There are excellent recipes for milk vegetable soups for children after one year. You can also prepare milk puree soup for your child by chopping boiled vegetables using a blender, adding milk to them and boiling the milk soup.

Milk soup for a child after one year can be made sweet and offered as a dessert.

Pumpkin milk soup

  1. Cut 15 g of pumpkin and carrots into small slices.

  2. Simmer the carrots until soft with two tablespoons of water and a teaspoon of oil.

  3. Add pumpkin, add water and simmer for 25 minutes.

  4. Salt the carrot and pumpkin mixture, add hot milk to it, and boil. Pumpkin milk soup is ready.

Cheese soup

  • Cheese soup can be prepared using meat, vegetable or fish broth. Processed cheese is added at the end of cooking. There are recipes on how to prepare cheese rice or buckwheat soup, cheese soup with turkey or rabbit meat for children after one year.

  • Cheese soup can be prepared by boiling your favorite soup and adding pieces of processed cheese 2-3 minutes before final readiness. Dissolve them in the soup, add herbs.

  • Cheese soup can be prepared with turkey or rabbit meatballs.

Whatever soup you prepare for your child, milk or vegetable, fish or meat broth, it will wonderfully saturate your baby and give the growing and developing body strength and excellent “building material”. Bon appetit!